How Did Each Primarch Spend Their Childhood? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl it's hard to think of the primarks as children they are big ass demigods wielding otherworldly power with the will to reshape the Galaxy forged by the greatest mind to ever live but they didn't just pop out as fully grown War gods they started as babies had extremely brief childhoods due to their accelerated growth and then the rest is history but despite the briefness of their childhoods they were still quite interesting because it was the only time a Primark was truly vulnerable and that is worth talking about also if you like this video's thumbnail that being the lion fighting a lion I had it custom commissioned just for this video so make sure you like the video to justify the impracticality of commissioning dopas artwork to use as a thumbnail before you get started the best part of what I do is the fact that even though I talk about warhammad law I'm still able to have a positive impact on some people's lives my favorite DMS are from people who send me before and afters of them losing weight and putting on muscle because they were inspired by me it's a nice feeling so I'm going to extend that Vibe out again today with the help of today's sponsor hellofresh years before hello fresh reached out to me I was already a customer in my health video I literally mentioned that I wish they sponsored me as this pile of paper is how many hello fresh meals I've cooked and ate each piece of paper is two meals worth of food I'm a [ __ ] for them the reason why they're so great is because they send you the recipes and ingredients for a week's worth of food with the food having great macro and micronutrients for fitness and health whilst also been incredibly Gourmet and delicious I'm not a chef but with hellofresh I can cook better food than I get in restaurants within only half an hour so you're saving time getting better food saving money reducing food waste learning how to cook and getting more jacked abs are made in the kitchen baby with all that in mind there's literally no reason to not at least try it especially since using my Lincoln code POG major dual 50 you'll get 50 off your first box and free shipping to add even more spice to the pot I actually get a very juicy commission off each box that you guys order so it's literally wins all round for me you and hellofresh cheers to hellofresh for sponsoring this video today we'll go over how each Primark spent their brief but important childhoods to understand why they ended up like they did let's get into it foreign 's childhood was more difficult than most primarks his Landing capsules smashed into the middle of bum [ __ ] nowhere deep in the forest of caliban where many cows corrupted monsters lurked Lil Tarzan didn't let this stop him though as his Hunter's Instinct kicked in although he spent the first little while hiding it wasn't long until he began hunting the beasts killing them with his bare hands thus the thumbnail the lion managed to survive like this for some time before being discovered by Luther during one of his legendary nightly quests into the forest they saw that despite the dirt grit and savagery there was a noble intelligent child before them hence they took him in within a short span the lion had mastered the local language and was able to shake off most of the worst habits he had gained he never lost the Beast Within him though a beast he is used to great effect on multiple occasions but his nightly training allows him to tame it and keep it caged it's a huge Testament to the Lion's will but despite spending his childhood surrounded by Carol's beasts he not only survived but was also not corrupted himself there is a strong correlation between primarks with bad childhoods and primarks that go traitor but the lion breaks this mold the second primark's childhood is about as interesting as shoving a pencil down your dick hole I just don't really know fulgrim's childhood was like a little arcade game for him he crashed landed on a Dying World where everyone worked everything was scarce and there was no time for the finer themes initially the people that found him thought about killing him due to lack of resources however his Beauty and Primark Aura prevented them hence they adopted him instead he was shown love but with the world on the brink of ecological collapse he put his Fierce intelligence even as a child to improving the world's system's machinery and techniques allowing the world to go from a wasteland to a paradise with how efficient everything became it allowed time for fulgrim to bring the Arts back to the world and enjoy them with his people but by that point he was no longer a child overall his childhood was spent on the grind preventing his world from collapsing per tarabo's childhood was [ __ ] whack he came into Consciousness halfway up a mountain he didn't know how he got there but he knew that he must climb to the top he finished the climb where he was then taken to see one of the Lords of the planet who would go want to adopt per tarabo but wait a [ __ ] minute major kill how did perty come into Consciousness halfway up a mountain well it seems that before that he landed in the wilderness wandered around for a year killed some bears and [ __ ] before then deciding to climb a mountain and it was halfway up this mountain when his brain aged enough to become self-aware think of it like your first memory the Lord was very impressed with petarabo with perty spending the rest of his childhood excelling in science engineering combat politicking and more the Khan's initial childhood was quite wholesome as he was found and adopted by a wise Khan who wished for there to be peace amongst the warring tribes jagada was shown a lot of love and was taught a lot but soon after his father was killed in a raid by a rival Khan in a rage a young jagadai gathered his tribe with Warriors and obliterated the Rival tribe killing every man woman and child full Anakin style he vowed to end the Tribal wars and unite his world either through diplomacy or violence so overall a good childhood that rapidly ate [ __ ] after his adoptive father was killed Fenris is to put it gently a massive [ __ ] it's one of the most Grim death worlds in the entire Imperium so a great spot for Lehman rust to land he was founded and adopted by a wolf and a pack which goes a long way to explaining his obsession with Wolves alongside the pack he would raid fenrazine Villages which caused the large Hunting Party of humans to track down an attack his pack his wolf mama was killed however Lehman was able to protect two of his Wolf brothers before the fighting stopped and he was taken to see the local King The King was impressed with Lehman seeing him in a similar way that Luther saw the lion within a short span of time Lehman mastered the language the weapons of war and the culture of Fenris leading his tribe to Victory after Victory as they conquered the entire planet when his King adopted father died Lehman took control of Fenris but by this point he was no longer really a child overall he spent his youth as an adoptive wolf and then learning how to not be a wolf rogal Dawn had less of a spicy survival youth compared to some of these brothers he was quickly found and adopted by the leader of house Dawn which meant he received a structured educated youth where he was taught everything that people of inwit knew as in which was a pretty brutal place I'm sure Rogue will spend some time on the ice testing himself and taking on its Predators but this would have been more so for sport and education than actual survival he enjoyed his childhood so much that when his adoptive grandfather passed away Dawn kept his cloak and slept with it every night for Comfort no wonder why rogal was such a loyalist with that kind of wholesome upbringing on the flip side of wholesomeness we have Conrad curse's extremely shitty childhood straight up his capsule plunged deep within the nostromo's crust meaning he had to crawl his way through Jagged Rock and magma as a literal toddler as his first conscious act from there things got worse as the world he crawled into was full of murderers and rapists Conrad learned to hide and stick to the Shadows stealing and Scavenging to survive with no one to trust and no one to take care of him asuni zoo was grown enough to reliably kill anyone on Nostromo he changed role from prey to the Predator beginning his reign of terror as the night Haunter but his entire childhood was spent in the [ __ ] which goes a long way to explain him being such a massive [ __ ] surprisingly considering how great sanguinis is he didn't really have the best childhood he's just [ __ ] great because he's sanguineous he landed in the irradiated wastelands of Bal where his first notable act as a toddler was to kill a fire scorpion a deadly bowel Predator from there he was found and adopted by one of the only non-mutated human tribes on Baal as a youth he was able to lead his people against the larger mutant hordes cleansing it and reclaiming the world for mankind or at least the mankind that wasn't a bunch of psychotic cancer-ridden mutants not the most spicy childhood but considering he was seen as a literal God Messiah by his adoptive people he is very humble Ferris Manus lacked a good childhood and he isn't mad about it what he was mad about was the fact that his landing on Medusa freed a mechanical Beast that he was unable to kill most likely a necron construct so he vowed to keep himself isolated from the planet's population until he fulfilled his vow and destroyed the Beast people knew of him as a legend that would take on the greatest challenges on the planet be it monsters or physical tests until he was finally able to destroy enjoy the Beast absorbing a fair bit of its material into himself in the process thus his silver eyes and living metal Arms by this point though he had grown to a man with his childhood spent by himself fighting monsters probably explains why he's such a hot head he literally never had a mentor or teacher until the emperor arrived the 11th Primark didn't have a childhood as he was aborted the only Primark that could contest Conrad for shittiest childhood of the Year award is angron upon landing on new Syria he was ambushed by an elder kill Squad the toddler angron was able to kill the Elder which yeah that's pretty [ __ ] nuts but he suffered a lot of wounds in return he was so wounded in fact that he was easy pickings for the local humans to capture him and bring him to the high Riders unfortunately the high Riders didn't see a talented youth who they could adopt and raise up instead they saw a vicious child covered in wounds and blood who had just taken out an alien kill team they saw a warrior a new Legend for their Arenas if it wasn't for the Elder attack angron probably would have been able to beat the slavers or at the very least get a by the high Riders angron would spend the rest of his childhood in the arena fighting other slaves until he was forcibly violated with the butcher's Nails [ __ ] Grim at the literal polar opposite end of the spectrum giliman's childhood was extremely good he was found and adopted by one of the ruling families of the mccrag who showed him love attention and taught him how to be a good man and a good ruler it was probably the most functional and fulfilling childhood out of all the primarks but maybe Magnus or rogal at age 10 he was given command of his own Army which he used to effectively Wipe Out the Savages and Raiders in the forests funnily enough konor giliman's father received a vision of the emperor showing him where to find giliman so there's a good chance the emperor directly intervened to ensure G-Man had a good childhood as opposed to him being found by the forest Raiders who would have in turn him into a weapon against civilization this was one of the few instances of The Emperor's direct intervention of his primark's childhoods if only he did that for Conrad back to shitty childhoods we have mortarion who was found by a tyrannical psychic Necromancer although Morty was adopted and trained by this man it was not a good childhood the lessons were Grim with Morty being forced to use dark War Powers as well as being forced to live in and endure the poisonous gases of his Homeworld sick of his necro daddy [ __ ] more Tyrion Broke Free and went into the valley killing necro daddy zombies as well as some of the other psychic tyrants on the world it was here the young mortarian became a hero to the untainted humans spending the rest of his childhood protecting them before he was grown enough to start hunting down the vicious tyrants of the world honestly seems like quite the hero's origin story shame he became a smelly moth Magnus had a great childhood Landing in the middle of the main plaza and prospero's capital he was found and raised by wise psychers who treated him in the Arcane arts and took care of him in turn Magnus was able to learn extremely quickly outstripping the greatest cycles of Prospero within a very short span of time Magnus was unique in that he remembered his entire childhood from literal creation onwards and he was able to psychically commune with the emperor while he was still in his gestation capsule so bangus was very aware of his nature and his father was overall his vast knowledge ended up making him incredibly Arrogant with his use of the warp something that would [ __ ] him pretty hard in the ass later on horace's childhood is a bit confusing we know he landed on cathonia and then he was adopted by a gang and did gain [ __ ] but it wasn't long until he became aware of his primarkness and traveled back to Terror meaning he was actually with the Emperor as he went from child to adult thus explaining a lot about their close relationship since cathonia and Tara are close together this isn't that difficult to imagine with horror spending very little time on cathonia he actually had to force himself to speak with the cathonian gang accent to relate to his cathonian-born Space Marines better some of them could even tell the accent was fake laga's childhood was pretty Grim he was found by core Fair honor a hyper-religious cruel man who then proceeded to abuse the [ __ ] out of logar beating him regularly and constantly insulting and demeaning him it's actually a huge Testament to logout that he was a good bloke until cows got involved considering how [ __ ] up his childhood was gw's greatest crime is that core firon is still alive in the setting at least Erebus is a good villain you love to hate Erebus with kofaron you just want him to [ __ ] die brutally come on GW just do it Vulcan had a nice childhood which makes sense the dude is a saint it was also one of the most humble as he was not adopted by a king or warlord but by a simple blacksmith sure he quickly became a legend in the small town for his skill with blacksmithing and his growth but it was nothing crazy after a short while Vulcan had mastered blacksmithing and then begun inventing new techniques that he taught to his town however it would be during a dark Elder raid that Vulcan would go from boy to man Vulcan stood firm against the raid inspiring his people to do the same as they crushed the dark Elder Raiders and cemented vulcan's Legacy As A Savior by this point though he had grown out of his childhood overall a pretty humble beginning which goes a long way to explain how he turned out corbus was a bit of a beast from day one the first thing he did when he landed on his world was kill a guard that was beating a little girl he was adopted by the world slaves who decided that they needed to keep this special child hidden from their overlords until the time where he was strong enough to lead them to Freedom Corva spent his childhood practicing his stealth learning the basics of humanity and wandering around the prison complex it was during this time he discovered his invisibility power which allowed him to explore even more by the end of his childhood he had mapped the entire Prison Complex and devised a huge strategy to escape so overall a childhood well spent alvirus was the only Primark not to get scattered so he was quite literally raised by the emperor and malcolor but mostly malkador malcolor taught how far is to be a master of subterfuge and infiltration the extremely secretive nature of the alpha Legion is mostly due to the teachings of malkador Alvarez was trained to be the empress contingency plan a hidden Primark to use as an ace up their sleeve a Megan on the other hand was scattered his childhood is mostly a mystery but it was very brutal with a Megan fighting to survive against a pretty vicious zenos this is why amigan had the impressive Scaled Armor and Xeno spear he was a warrior whereas alfarious preferred unmarked basic power armor as he was the subtle infiltrator this shows that the alpha Legion was likely originally a warrior Legion with infiltration elements malcolor's influence making it more about infiltration in saying that Alpha legionnaires are great warriors with them having squads purely dedicated towards straight-up combat with zero stealth so they haven't completely abandoned this original purpose if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel on patreon is the place to be where you've just uploaded the final lore friendly Commerce arcade not suitable for work artwork for only one dollar hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more primarky content join the Discord for memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] down to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 214,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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