9 Tips For Buying Into Warhammer - How to NOT regret your early buys.

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foreign [Music] ER podcast episode 66 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going we have a important episode this week with 10th edition around the corner we've been talking about things that are probably correct to be making content for and in addition to the Oodles of intro to X faction videos that us and everyone else will want to pump out with a huge influx of new players we'll probably want to be able to give basic advice and point to things to help people out when they're starting yeah it should be helpful so today we are going to do some YouTube click bait we have nine tips for when you're buying into 40K or AOS doesn't matter but we're theming this on 40K for 10th edition I do enjoy that we fail so bad at clickbait that we couldn't even come up with the 10th just to make it yeah it's extra spicy because it's nine it makes you think about like is there a secret bonus one and then you won't be disappointed until the end of the episode when there isn't yeah there's that hidden one you just have to find it in the code but while this is aimed at new people it is very important for you to your audience to add on to this list so when we're done with it I want you all to go to the YouTube comments section and give more advice preferably good advice but it's a YouTube comment section that's asking a whole lot and hopefully we can help people when they try to join the game but without any further Ado let's jump into the click bait proper with our top nine pieces of advice sounds good all right so let's start with the first one being primarily with ninth Edition a giant [ __ ] rip-off and uh it'll probably move into 10th if not being worse but maybe not there is some hope but what are we at right now with core rules okay so if you're starting off 10th edition with like the intro set you get a rule book congratulations you're done you can skip this one if you're starting off 10th edition fresh after the fact one of the first things you'll think to pick up is a core rule book because of course you need the core rules to play that's a valid assumption that one would think starting a new hobby currently the core rule book is 70 US Dollars nice for a gigantic Tome with like 40 pages that matter there's some nice pictures in it though yeah but it's 368 pages in a hardcover yeah not particularly easily referenced no mid game this would be a nightmare while you're learning far better is ironically something that's targeting competitive players the current mission pack for chapter approved all of them except for like one where they cheaped out in the middle of the Edition and got called out for it have come with the entire rules of the game in the back these Mission packs are 30 bucks there's a new one every change of season yeah but for thirty dollars you get all of the stuff for competitive play which you may or may not want and in addition as a bonus in this tiny little soft cover book that is much easier to flip through you have what is listed as the Warhammer 40 000 basic rules which is just the entire core rule book right I mean it's the rule book that matters without all the pictures and fluff and that stuff which is what you want when you're trying to reference oh what does this rule mean so quite useful we'll see what happens with 10th edition and how they're changing stuff because of the whole one-page rules and free indexes and all that stuff so this one getting it out of the way because it's probably gonna change I hope it's outdated and not just a worse scenario than currently yeah yeah but Food For Thought keep it in mind kind of thing for 10th edition but let's move in to uh terrain we've got some stuff let's set up the board so our second one here would be like your traps when you get into buying terrain when you're new because you're like probably a little bit overwhelmed when you're looking at buying into your army buying Rule books trying to buy paint and hobby supplies and then you want to buy terrain to play your game on yeah and the first thing you'll be pressured to internally is while I'm buying Games Workshop models I may as well buy a Games Workshop terrain I mean yeah obviously right because like they make plastic models so they should be able to make terrain basically nobody uses GW terrain unless they're very rich in showing off on YouTube or are supported and were sent it by somebody basically GW train is expensive prohibitively expensive so like what what is considered their best terrain packs to buy is the ruins which are ruined walls sometimes it depends they change the packaging every three minutes and pipes those two come with a decent amount of terrain in them for like 50 MSRP the pipes are pretty reasonable honestly you can do better but the pipes are solid the ruins I'm not a huge fan of the adesthetic I feel like it can be done better by others out there but it's solid value if you enjoy that aesthetic the problem comes when you go to buy an actual ruined building anything else the main terrain you'll be playing the game on and you start seeing disturbing prices like a hundred US Dollars MSRP for a single piece of terrain which boards usually have like eight plus of these right and I don't expect that to change drastically with 10th edition like we're still going to have line of sight blocking things and maybe even more with some of the rules that we've seen they do look nice I like some of the terrain that they put out it's just so expensive for what you're getting and how much you need to have of it it really is a trap yeah so instead of that there's two solutions the first one is alternative terrain pieces that are sold which are places like archon Studios who makes the rampart terrain which is what we have a lot of because we did a Kickstarter for that and it actually was very good quality I've seen some stuff from deep cut studio yeah like pre-painted train like them War World gaming I think is another one and I do like the aspect of you can buy pre-painted stuff so that it's not quite as overwhelming of like build your models paying them kind of stuff and then also hey guess what you have to build and paint train yeah when they're already paying it is like okay it's just that one extra step that you don't have to worry about so that is nice and the value is reasonable for it there's a bunch of options out there yeah there's Pegasus who makes some other terrain that we've turned into well some other model kits that we've turned into terrain they like make model buildings that you just don't build at all right and I think that that is one of the key points there is you can look for the deals that like maybe it's not perfectly exactly what you want it to be but you can perhaps not fully finish one wall or you know you don't have to use the whole thing that type of stuff this is pretty easy to do it's not really like an in-depth kit bash it's just like get to a point and stop building and there are very good deals out there all of them are good deals compared to GW there is an alternative to even that though yeah which is uh look at the title of our podcast you could poor hammer it truly go with the poor Hammer theme and uh yeah use whatever you got our first game involved upside down bread pans and Solo cups yeah I mean we had those baking tins for many games yeah and the the first game I played against Eric the middle of the table we had a giant ruin that was an Amazon shipping box yeah so uh yeah you can go super poor temporarily if you want like a more permanent version of that solution I recommend going to like black magic craft the YouTube channel fantastic Channel great for hobbying stuff in general if you really want to like get into making your own terrain that's where I'd point you and then you can Branch out from there and I think that there are a decent number of people who will actually really enjoy that aspect of just like making the terrain custom making it to whatever you want it to be kind of thing so it doesn't just have to be a monetary reason you can also be like oh this is really cool I want to do it yeah and you may find that's like your Zen hobby that you have on the side like I enjoy doing stuff like that yeah so let's move on to our third one here wasting money on bad paints Paints in general you can spend infinite dollars buying paint one because you buy expensive paint that you don't really need to have the most highest quality kind of thing or it's just not a good value and two you can buy all of the different colors when you only need five for your orc skin you need five for your orc skin hey man the blend you're building up I didn't want to say two that's just embarrassing for Orcs so gotta make it sound good so yeah there's a couple of the like uh famous culprits for bad pains they're almost all GW shocking the ones I would point out are like a bad and black corax white several of the Reds that aren't mephistan red most of the yellows are all considered pretty awful yeah their contrast lining is very good I don't want to pretend I just hate GW as a brand they've got good paints but they have problematic ones and all of their pains no matter how good or bad they are are expensive for what they are yes I would recommend looking for other brands you can mix paints of different brands together on a palette they don't explode you can and they won't explode you might just end up with garbage but you'll learn it's not the paints problem that you mixed your red and your green and got Brown hey man everybody's got to learn the color pie somewhere just because I made a lot of Browns doesn't mean I didn't learn okay the color pie your magic podcast is leaking into your 40K podcast Eric hey we just got done with another podcast recording this is fair this time my go-to Brands if you're looking for like a good recommendation that you shouldn't be able to go to wrong with Vallejo model color line Vallejo model color black is actual magic it is the best black paint I've used for its price point their metal line is amazing can't go wrong Pro acryl is my other favorite brand also incredibly cheap both of these are cheaper than GW and I consider them way safer bets pro krill white is the best white there is I have never found a paint I like better for painting a model white yeah it really does a good job not only in like it looks like the color you want it to do it also covers really well it's the only white that covers wall that I use to the point that like if you're trying to get better coverage from another color use it as a mix yeah that's good too honestly and it's better than like painting even like I don't like their Ivory bright Ivory their white is just better coverage than their bright Ivory which is counterintuitive when you look at other brands but whatever yeah so both of those huge fans of like the vast majority of those lines you can't really go wrong there are other brands totally acceptable you'll find plenty of advice elsewhere about those but I just wanted you to have an idea for not just blindly grabbing Citadel off the shelf thing complaining that you wasted money and if you're looking at going like really cheap at like the local like whatever store Bargain Bin stuff be careful and at the very least use very thin layers of paint yeah the thinning airplanes will save even most bad paints at worse than all you have is bad coverage exactly so if you have the cheaper and like you know you got Bargain Bin type paint stuff then it down make sure that you don't glob it on which is a common problem of the cheaper paints you'll have to do a bit more work because the coverage may be a bit worse but whatever it's better to have more steps to get to the end result than oh I've already filled in all of the gaps with paint and there's nothing I can do about it other than take it apart my fourth one here is basically the same thing but with primer when you're starting out people will avoid airbrushes which is wrong but we're going to ignore that fact for right now and they will spend a ton of money on rattle cans or spray paint whatever we want to call it the British have infected my mind so now I say rattle can why do you not think it like I mean obviously when you shake it goes right or what I read that's true so GW brand primer is outrageously expensive there's a couple other brands one it's like a miniature paint primer [ __ ] all those it's all [ __ ] it's not real it really is like I can get behind some of the GW paints they're expensive okay whatever they do something kind of unique sure the primer is primer it'll do the job but so will something that's a third the price it'll do just as good and honestly sometimes better having used multiple of these Brands including GW yeah primer is ubiquitous essentially you just need to make sure like it's a real primer and go to your local hardware store yeah GW is like 20 plus dollars over thirty dollars for certain colors for a single can of spray paint is honestly insane go to Home Depot or whatever your equivalent is pick up like some Rust-Oleum 2x primer if I haven't airbrushed a mini I used this on it yeah it works perfect yeah it does a fantastic job just grab like a black or a gray and be done with it yeah they don't have all of the colors but it's okay if you do black or gray you'll be able to build into the other colors with good paints like and I actually paint your model don't waste your money on the expensive model primer owners number five here one last kick to GW sorry I keep picking on you right here GW but uh this one is don't buy overpriced specialized tools when you're trying to buy stuff for your first models you can build a model with a pair of hobby Cutters tin snips whatever you want to call them the basic things to cut off whatever you want to call your little snippers that you use to cut them off the sprue they're not really scissors but the scissors would probably do the job I might aim away from the model yeah just be very careful a pair of ten dollar hobby Cutters maybe an X-Acto Knife to clean some stuff up some Tamiya plastic cement or another brand if you can't get a hold of Tommy or whatever it's just the brand I like basic ability to read the instruction manual that's all it takes to put your models together yeah and by that like the toughest part is the ability to read and you know we all have our shortcomings but I believe in you we can do it and then for painting you just need paint a brush and something to act as a palette which can literally be like a paper plate and you can move up to fancier stuff but that's the bare minimum all you need I do really like the ceramic ones but paper plates work perfectly so we've done ceramic ones like the Little Flower those are fantastic that you can buy them for like 10 bucks on Amazon or if you want to be real cheap about it you could just get a piece of tile that's what we used to use is we would go to Home Depot you buy like a square white tile from the tile section they're like two bucks a tile go buy one tile from Home Depot it works honestly it does they're great you just use hot water and the paint will come right off it yeah or you use a knife where you don't learn about using hot water and you use a knife to scrape it off while it's dry like a psychopath I love our play group it worked you know it works but uh yeah paper plates also work like we don't need all these specialty tools yes some of them make the job easier some of them are a total scam but until you've gotten into the hobby you don't need to fall prey to those scams you don't need a special holder for your model while you paint it you just hold it by its base if you don't want to hold it by the base put some blue tack onto a cup or something and put it on top of that yeah one of the ones is like if you've got an old ibuprofen bottle or something like that that it fits your hand you just smack some tape or something or blue tack would work or the top of that GW paint pot you hate yeah that too so there are uses out of some of these specialty tools but until you know that you want it and you have a reason to wanting it stay away and then you'll realize if you want it or not all right number six is situational but less than you would think when buying models check that you're not buying a model that would be cheaper in a combo set yeah so like right now in the current edition it's all about to change its 10th edition but I'm betting tyrannies is going to have the exact same example next Edition that would make sense yes necron Warriors are 50 MSRP the recruit Edition intro to 40K set is 50 MSRP it comes with the entire Warrior set yeah an HQ an HQ for Space Marines in an entire Space Marine thing a nice little thematic little cardboard board some random garbage dice a bunch of other stuff the point is you literally get free stuff by not ever buying the necron Warriors and this is like you said situational but it's happened multiple times in the past of like take a look at what the boxed sets have and what the kind of value of them are if you're trying to buy Singleton unit this is about to become dated but in serifon if you want to get the carnosaur the exact same price to get all the free models with the carnosaur in the intro set yeah and I get if you're just new to the Hobby you probably won't know that until it's too late kind of thing but luckily if you're new to the Hobby you probably started with something that was like a combo set anyway yeah but also if you have friends or know somebody that's getting into the hobby give them this advice don't let them fail at good value buys speaking of a good value buy this one is exceptionally common this exists in almost every Army oh I hate this one so much bad kits this isn't saying the data sheet is bad no this has nothing to do with balance or rules this is a kit that is a scam [Laughter] let's go with the classic example the impulsor it's in every value box to make all the Space Marine value boxes look like great deals because the impulsor is eighty dollars the Gladiator Reaper is ninety dollars and you may say what does that have to do with the impulsor the Gladiator builds every Gladiator variant and the impulsor for 10 more dollars yup you don't even need magnets the top will pop on and off yeah it's the same model it is the same base model with extra and all of the other options almost every Space Marine vehicle has a thing like this where there's like a base form and then for five more dollars you get one that builds three different Vehicles yeah the same thing exists for drukari with the Raider and the ravager IT exists all over the place where you can find out like oh there's the the like 50 version of this kit or for 55 for this other kit and that contains both so buying impulsors not a wise investment no and like you said there are other others that follow the similar Trend number eight this one is one that we harp on constantly in our intro focused episodes never buy things at MSRP and obviously when we say never we're saying as a last resort yeah availability and all that stuff matters and but at the very least when Amazon's gonna give you a discount you should be basing it off of that discount yeah so on Amazon Games Workshop sells everything for 15 less than on their own Store Games Workshop sells it for that price you can find 15 off basically anywhere fifteen percent is a lot of money when you start getting into a hobby like Warhammer or any other tabletop hobby that's of the scale you can go lower even with certain local game stores near you hopefully there's a local game store finder on gw's website it will because they're a distributor it shows where they distribute their goods to so figure out where near you sells models and see if they've got good deals if they don't go check the next door and so on another option is many any swap on Reddit which is a subreddit I have used a lot yeah it's dangerous if you've had a little to drink yeah you've ran into some weird ones but I mean it's also why I'm into gray nights yeah but that got you a lot of gray nights but on Mini swap you can find a bunch of deals for bulk buying like into an army if someone's trying to sell out of one of their armies they don't play much lots of stuff like that people splitting box sets up where they only wanted one half and didn't have someone to split it with yeah I think that that's one of the big ones is like if there's a box set coming out which hey guess what there's one coming out for 10th there's going to be people that are like I only want this box for this half and it's a good value for that half but if anybody else is looking at the other half hey I'll give it to you for pretty cheap yeah I wholly recommend using mini swap eBay is fine for picking stuff up for cheaper prices you can get used stuff on eBay I think flg's second-hand stores are great place yeah but [ __ ] eBay well flg's second hand store you can use either on eBay or on their website yeah that's personal opinion opinion here I'm with you I've used eBay to buy stuff for 40K but also I hate eBay I get burned on trying eBay every time I try like something goes wrong with it so it's like I have a visceral reaction against eBay but if you haven't had those negative experiences you can find good deals and you can find some that are just like hey I had this old stuff I found it it's a bin of bits yeah those are great too that could be a great value and speaking of bits Eric our final One Number Nine is do a little research as you're getting into an army don't try to buy everything in a day type thing spend some time looking at the community for your army there's usually advice when you're getting in of like hey never buy this kit buy this other kit and you can kit bash the other kit right like some sprues will have extra bits on it that you won't need and you'll have those extra to Kit bash and alter another kit into something with more options or something like that oryx is famously interchangeable there's a bunch of stuff if you talk to org players they'll be like you can do this there's this and this to build these things you don't ever have to buy the official model for it or you can get a ton of extra legs out of you know buying a value box and one extra box of knobs or something and you can make like six extra units of things Works have a lot and there's a lot of good tricks that you can get the most value out of all the models there's a very good video by the red ones go faster there will be a link in the show notes but it goes over how to optimize just a few boxes into a kitted out Army and also it looks legit like it's not just hacked together and it really kind of showcases what you can do with kit bashing to take advantage of good value from boxes that might not be the most value oriented originally as an equivalent to the Orcs thing in drakari we've got the famous example of basically nobody puts the model onto their transports we tend to just use them as extra bits to make more dudes so when you look at like the drukkari combat Patrol you can get like an extra 10 cab light Warriors out of the people who are hanging off of the boats there's examples like this in a ton of different armies though and learning those can be a big help when you're getting into an army and avoiding just bad kids in general like again back to drukkari there's the famous grotesques are still fine cast I hope that gets fixed at some point but that's the case right now so most people will say you can do a whole bunch of Kit bashes like you can base them off like the wolfen or the varguys from AOS and use those as The Core Body and mix them with the Tallow slash Kronos kit because that comes with a ton of spare bits tons of stuff you can do to avoid buying the grotesque that's fine cast that also happens in Space Marines where like they only give you so many of a type of weapon if you want to do a full Loadout then you have to worry about getting multiple of those boxes or having things like a combat Patrol and then some other stuff and put it together and so it's just one of those that there are good guides out there for how to maximize your value by kit bashing a few boxes together into you know exactly what you want but one of the tough Parts about this type of thing is it requires a decent amount of research and previous knowledge so it's tough for somebody that's new to get into this kind of thing but luckily there are YouTube videos that help quite a bit alright so that's all we've got but I am sure there is more advice if you are new and looking for this advice please head down to the comment section on the YouTube video there is more advice from friendly people there hopefully some of it is even good or correcting our terrible advice yeah if you didn't need this info but enjoyed it anyway try to add on to it to help other people out yeah I mean we've only really been doing this for ninth Edition basically a little bit eighth at the end there but there are and many other people that have been playing Warhammer for substantially longer and I'm sure that there are General Trends throughout the Edition so that you might have some knowledgeable feedback on and there's more advanced tips you can get into later but these will cover your early regrets I think and part of it is because a lot of these early regrets that we've had absolutely a lot of this list is uh from personal experience these are the things we fell to hopefully others don't as well I have a bunch of unused GW paints I bought when we were new yeah that happens all right that's enough of us this week though let's get out of here sounds good [Music] foreign
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 234,712
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Id: hpArYvefK5Y
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Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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