How did the Galaxy React to the Arrival of the Tyranids? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the arrival of the tyranids was probably the shittiest thing that's happened in the setting of warhammer 40k like full stop life was hard enough as it was big ass orc armies literal demons of hell space elf rapists and a legion of soulless robots who use their shattered gods as pokemon a lot of bad stuff going on so almost everyone was universally pissed when the space bugs of death arrived seemingly endless fleets of ravenous rapidly evolving killing machines hell-bent on cracking you open and devouring your biomass needless to say the arrival of the tyranids sparked some pretty strong reactions but surprisingly not all of them were as negative as the imperium or the elder just a quick reminder the 300k subscriber magickill space buttons only have a couple more days until they're gone forever this is a physical mini sent to your door the stl isn't available because that's how limited it is comes with three head variants and three weapon variants all in the one purchase it's thirty dollars australian which is like twenty dollars american right now and it ships worldwide no matter where you are so grab a while is around this is genuinely one purchase you will not regret link in description below today we're going to go over each of the main race and factions reaction to the arrival of the tyranids looking at their first encounter with the space bugs and how they view them let's get into it we look at the reactions what actually caused the tyranids to arrive in the already incredibly shitty competitive and crowded milky way well there's a few theories such as the tyrions running from an even greater threat or the surviving old ones creating the tyrionides to wipe the galaxy clean so they can start again but what we know for sure is that the tyrions have consumed multiple galaxies always seeking their next meal whenever someone leaves the milky way they either get eaten by tyranids or they see a bunch of tyranids and say [ __ ] that before heading back to the milky way the thing that caught their eye was during the horus heresy a mini astronomicon called the pharos device got overloaded and destroyed causing a huge shiny blimp to appear in the warp this blimp was detected by the tyranids telling them that the milky way had sentient life in it hence a large source of food for their gobs can't really blame them the galaxy is literally called the milky way after all sounds pretty delicious so they begun the slow but steady jog over taking them roughly 10 thousand years for their vanguard war fleets to arrive however some scout fleets had arrived thousands of years earlier but went into hibernation the first documented people to encounter the tyrions were actually inquisitor ravenour and his retinue due to some time travel shenanigans allowing them to move forward a few hundred years when the tyranids had arrived they only fought against some low-level rippers and gaunts yet they described them as the single most horrifying enemy they had fought against and when they returned to their time they were genuinely like [ __ ] the galaxies screwed the first genuine encounter with the tyrionids that the imperium had was when the planet of tyrann was the first world to be consumed hence the name tyranids tyran and the following planets they got numbed on reacted with complete horror before they were consumed the tyrions were nothing like they had ever thought before there was no raiding capturing or subjugating it was complete and tonal genocide every man woman child baby dog and cat were torn to shreds without hesitation the tunids also had an ability called the shadow and the warp which was like a blanket that dampens the warp making warp travel and astropath messaging very difficult as such all the doomed worlds could do before they died was send out distorted and desperate last messages that would reach the imperium way after the sender had been digested by the high fleet eventually the tyrion has attacked ultramar itself coming into direct combat with the ultramarines whilst the galaxy still had a lot to learn about the tyranids the tunis had a lot to learn about the galaxy rule number one don't attack ultramar it never ends well hence despite a solid effort the first tyranded high fleet was destroyed by the ultramarines the ultramarine's reaction was shock their codex astartes tactics proved to be relatively ineffective against the ever-adapting tyranids although they did not fear this new alien menace they were very concerned about what had happened the tyranids learnt from their mistake throwing their entire fleet at one super defended target wasn't a great idea when instead they could splinter their fleets consume minor worlds then gain enough power to attack greater worlds down the track this strategy caused them to encounter the eldar the elder are well suited for fighting tyranids they are fast unpredictable with powerful weaponry as such the elder especially crawford liandin scored numerous victories against the tyranids this caused the elder to view the tyrionides as an apex predator but still a lowly unintelligent animal they called them the great devourer and they recognized their threat to the galaxy but they always just assumed they could beat them in any conflict years later when crawford liandon was nearly destroyed by the tyrionides whilst crawford malentai was completely consumed by them the elder would fear and appreciate the danger of the tyrionides for what it was always choosing to avoid and flee from the tyranids unless they had to stop them such as when they were attacking a maiden world or if their farseers were like yo either we attacked this high fleet or 500 years from now they would chow down on our eldar ass the tyrians were able to infect a craft world causing them all to become gene stealers however this is because the crawford saw this as an opportunity to avoid slaanesh claiming their souls hence they allowed it to happen naturally infecting an elder craftworld is next to impossible due to their low populations low reproductive rate and their keen senses being able to detect an elder that has four arms and three tits in their journeys the tyranids ended up attacking the orc empire of octarius kicking off a [ __ ] huge war between the two zeno races at first the imperium was happy about this because the two sides would kill each other off however it turned out to be the opposite the orcs are getting very powerful and huge from the constant fighting whilst the tunids are consuming shitloads of potent biomass also making themselves more powerful so whoever wins that wall will come out [ __ ] strong and it does appear that the tyrions are winning so how did the orcs react to this new play thing quite well actually the tyranids are pretty fun to fight they mostly rely on charging into melee with overwhelming numbers a strategy the orcs also like to employ hence the battle between tyrionids and the orcs are vicious and bloody enough to make even corn blush in law whenever tyranids start raining their drop pod spores onto an orc planet the orcs cheer because they're going to get the mother of all battles in they much prefer fighting tyranids as opposed to the necrons elder and tao all of whom are known for their hit and run tactics tactics which the orcs [ __ ] despise it's not always fun for the orcs though they would rather charge in and fight until one side is victorious the tyranids however will withdraw and re-evaluate their strategy if victory looks unlikely hence wars against tyranids can become painful if the tunis begin to use ambushes hit and run assassinations and faints to overcome the awk forces overall though another player in the game of warhammer 40k is another thing the orcs get excited about the dark eldar and tyrionians don't fight often mostly because the dark elder choose their battles at their own leisure and there is often very little to gain from fighting the tyranids in saying that though they do find them interesting they once found a dormant high fleet drifting through space on the way to a target so they boarded the hive ships intending to steal various different tyranids to experiment on or use in their arenas unfortunately for the [ __ ] [ __ ] dark elder who boarded the hive ships the ships woke up and they ate the dark eldar so i guess they learnt their lesson but i feel like they didn't really need to be a lesson to learn despite this the dark eldar quite like the tyranids using them as boss battles for their arena fights as the tyrionists currently have no way to enter the web way hence nowhere to get to komara the dark eldar are completely unthreatened by them they've actually created a little game for the tyranids whoever can inflict genuine pain toward tyranid gets a lollipop and they also figured out how to cut a tyranid off from the hive mind this is important as without the hive mind the tyranids are just like any other animal except way deadly are with the hive mind they can come up with complex strategies strategies that could result in the tyrionides finding their way into komara and that's a huge no-no but yeah overall the dark eldar just see them as dangerous playthings the most interesting relationship in 40k is that of the necrons and the tyrionians necrons are a hard counter to the needs they don't have morality shoes and they don't use the warp hence the tyrion into terror combined with their shadow and the warp passive ability do absolutely [ __ ] nothing to the necrons on top of that necron weaponry destroys organic matter on an atomic level meaning tyranids can't eat their own dead warriors to replenish their numbers going even further the necrons are made of metal and have no biomass hence the tyrions literally gain nothing from fighting necrons even if they were to win as such the tunians actively avoid fighting the necrons deliberately flying past tomb worlds to reach way more attractive prey a number of necrons see the tyranids as little more than a minor menace a non-threat to their empire with trusin even capturing an entire high fleet for his museum however the silent king the true king of the necron empire sees them for what they truly are the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen see the silent king spent a lot of time sulking about how he low-key soldie's entire race's soul to the catan a part of his sulking was adventures out of the milky way on those adventures he encountered many bad things but none were as bad as the tyranids whom he saw many of he fought and won entire wars against the tyrionides outside the milky way years before their first scout ships would arrive even the tyrionians would leave the necrons mostly alone they could strip the galaxy clean of life this is a no-no for the necrons as they need living sentient biomass to remain in the galaxy if they ever want to return to their flesh blood and soul forms which a lot of them do hence the necron and tyranid war isn't so much about killing the other faction but more so the necrons wanting to keep the biomass to themselves so yeah the necrons [ __ ] hate the tyranids because they are a competing apex predator what about chaos how did they react to the tyranids well the thing about chaos is that kaus doesn't really agree with itself very often corn likes the fact that there are now more skulls in the galaxy for him to claim while slanes and tits niche are kind of [ __ ] annoyed because tyranids won't fall for their schemes and you can't [ __ ] them nurgle is like whatever bro the tyranids can still carry his plagues the average cow space marine warband and cult are not fans numerous chaos worlds have been consumed by a new tyranid high fleet that was specifically created to defeat chaos so that does kind of suck on top of that the shadow and the warp ability is super effective against demons hence any demon that fights against the tyrionides has to do so with a splitting headache the entire time whilst the tune is likely won't enter the eye of terror or the great rift if they consume the rest of the biomass in the galaxy the chaos gods would lose most of their fuel for their strength after all if there are no humans around to suffer then the cast gods will starve to death so overall horny boys no likely spiky death aliens the tower [ __ ] loathed the tyranids whilst the tower aren't happy with the imperium and other sentient races the tyranids cannot even be remotely reasoned with or shown the greater good they are nothing but a parasite that seeks to consume tower worlds hence the tao hate them despite the tower being a smaller empire they have been wildly effective when it comes to fighting the tyranids their use of long-range weaponry battle adaptability xeno-auxiliary units and drone soldiers have created a very powerful anti-tyranid fighting force when the tower and the imperium teamed up against the tyrionists that one time the tyrions got smashed as they couldn't adapt to both tao and human weaponry and tactics it's gotten to a point where the tyrionians don't even like heading into tao territory anymore due to how much biomass they keep losing over there like the tau far side enclaves managed to make a [ __ ] virus which caused an entire tyranid high fleet to break apart and die that is not the kind of food i'd be looking for so to no one's surprise the overall reaction to the tyranids can be summed up by saying [ __ ] off your dumb dog nobody other than the orcs and maybe the duck elder are stoked about the newest player to join the game and that's pretty valid after all who the [ __ ] wants to go up against aliens who use bullets that are actually living worms that burrow within you and eat you from inside out if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of cheeky not suitable for work [ __ ] hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more react full content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 544,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 1xyTu4mIW3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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