What if Magnus Surrendered to Leman Russ on Prospero? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal Magnus had arguably the largest impact on the entire Horus heresy other than Erebus and Horus himself it was magnus's poor decisions which absolutely knee kept the hell out of the emperor and his forces giving Horace a massive Advantage which he then used to turn the emperor into a big-ass fleshy battery while streaming the Galaxy to a slow destruction via copious amounts of dopas War but what if Magnus did the right thing what if he didn't break the Edict of nicaea or if he did what if he then surrendered to Lehman instead of sulking and allowing his world to get bombed and his son slaughtered this change would be massive with the setting looking a lot more noble bright rather than the Grim Darkness we currently have before we get started the most important thing in life isn't money or relationships or even Warhammer it's your health that might seem like common knowledge yet many of you watching this video probably have some seriously bad habits that are slowly 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this video today we'll answer the question what if Magnus did something right what if he surrendered to Lehman and went back with him to Terror that is the main and most interesting what-if scenario however I will also answer the what if Magnus didn't violate the Council of Nike Air to begin with thus didn't break the web way as well as what if Magnus accepted the emperor's offer of redemption towards the later stage of the Horus heresy basically we will look at every opportunity Magnus had to do the right thing but you know didn't oh let's get into it before we get into the what-ifs we do have to set the record straight Magnus was the target of tits Niche since the beginning the cow Scott have been a sneaky manipulative [ __ ] had set up a grand scheme to eventually orchestrate magnus's fall this scheme was so elaborate that nobody other than teach knits himself thought Magnus could be corrupted so whilst Magnus is a [ __ ] that made his bed and now has to sleep in it there is some consideration to be made since he had the nearly undivided attention of the second most manipulative intelligent and scheming entity in the Galaxy the first being the Emperor of course so for these examples let's just say Magnus completely goes off tit snitch's path and does the right thing taking the god of Change by surprise each time we will start with the most straightforward one what if when Magnus force or Horus turning traitor and instead of projecting into horace's dream and then projecting into the Imperial Palace hence shuddering the wards and [ __ ] over everything he instead obeys the Council of Nakia and attempts to travel to Terror in person to warn his father in this circumstance Horus probably still still Falls to chaos as he did even when Magnus attempted to save him at this point although warp travel was still getting shaky the ruined storm did not yet exist hence while cows could definitely try batter Magnus and the roughly half of his Legion that he would bring with him with warp storms that's all they can really do if chaos had total control of the warp they would simply just delete each of the loyalist Legions as they entered the walk for travel tits Stitch would probably get pretty mad and would accelerate the flesh change in the Thousand Suns and while sure the rate of thousand suns turning into tentacle hentai monsters would increase the fact that none of them had been using psychic power since the Council of nicaea would greatly diminish their connection to tits Niche hence the flesh change would happen slower and would not cause much damage before they reached Terror and the emperor's power put a stop to it the warp jump itself would actually be pretty short since prospro is quite close to Terra as far as the Galaxy goes with Magnus most likely reaching his father well before the isfan atrocity where the trade Allegiance made their first move and purged their loyal elements which in turn resulted in Nathaniel Arrow reaching rogal Dawn and alerting him to the start of the heresy because of that this would end the heresy pretty bloody quickly the emperor would be a lot more trusting of Magnus since the Crimson King didn't disobey the edict with the emperor then rallying the legions to him and demanding Horace come before him astropathic messages would arrive at the trade of fleets telling them to stand down and return to the emperor for judgment if this happens before isfan which it probably would the loyalist elements of the trader fleets would become confused and wary not likely to fall into any trap of their primark's design Horus might balk seeing that he was doomed and begged for forgiveness however I don't think his ego would allow him to do that instead he would go ahead with his Rebellion violently attempting to perch the Lawless elements of the Legion manually which would be a bloody Affair leaving his Legion weakened some Traders would still join him like angron who is begging for death anyway logar who was a fanatic as well as Conrad who was [ __ ] insane however perturago would steer clear or Tyran would also likely back down with how far is staying loyalist as well as Magnus fulger was corrupted by this point so he would also probably stay traitor the combined might of the sons of Horus Empress children night Lords World eaters and wordbearers would get massacred in an epic but one-sided battle against the forces of the emperor and the rest of the legions a handful of Trader Marines and a couple Trader primarks would Escape but all in all nothing compared to the actual heresy now for the more interesting what if that being what if Magnus [ __ ] up breaks the Council of nicaea and blows a hole in the web way ruining the emperor's greatest dream and dooming Mankind but instead of being a [ __ ] and turning Prospero into the most unnecessary Battleground ever what if he instead met Lehman's Fleet in space broadcasting surrender signals and allowing he and his Legion to be taken into custody after all Lehman's original orders were to retrieve Magnus not kill him and Lehman even attempted communication with Magnus to try and get him to stand down with Constantine valdo also not being Keen to fight Magnus remember the custodies and sisters of Silence on only got involved when the Thousand Sons started using [ __ ] up warp sorcery on the Space Wolves so the surrender would be taken well the Thousand Sons Legion would also be taken into custody at least all the psychers with the non-cykers most likely been allowed to remain as a Garrison on Prospero tits Niche would be [ __ ] himself and would begin employing a number of contingency plans to try to stop them from reaching Terror in one piece there would be a warp storm thrown at them nothing big enough to kill them but definitely enough to slow them down the changeling or that other weird shape-shifting demon thing that was manipulating the Space Wolves which to be honest was probably the changeling would also come on board the ship taking Magnus back to Terror with the goal of sowing chaos and trying to get the spatials and thousand Sons to do battle at this point the flesh change would also accelerate in the Thousand Suns Legion further causing tensions and issues as valdo and Russ would be culling the flesh change Marines whilst Magnus would be trying to save them it would honestly be a fantastic book in its own right similar to the Flight of the eisenstein tensions would boil over and there would be some serious conflict between the primarks with valdo trying to hold everything together especially when Magnus would try to tell Lehman that Horus was a traitor sending Lehman into a rage and calling Magnus Alaya the alpha Legion would also still get involved like they did in Canon when they attacked the spaceful fleet adding even more complexity to it however with the Wolves at full strength thousands of thousands on psychers a loyalist Magnus and valdo with his custodies the alpha Legion Ambush would be crushed all in all despite it being one hell of a struggle I do believe that the primarks would overcome their personal issues as well as the machinations of the changeling Alpha Legion and tits Niche to emerge from the walk back to Terror in one piece there's a good chance that during it the truth of horus's betrayal would become obvious to Lehman and valdor as tits Niche plays its hand in a desperate attempt to stop them as well as the alpha Legions Ambush so with our merry band of Heroes returning to Terror they would be able to convince the emperor of the heresy with Lehman Magnus and valdor all agreeing on horace's betrayal the emperor would see the truth in this but with the time it took for Lima to get to Prospero and then bring Magnus back the East fun atrocity would have already occurred with Nathaniel garro already on his way to tell Lord Dawn about it it's hard to say if the East Front drop site Massacre would have played out the same it really depends on how long it would take for Our Heroes to get back from Prospero if the dropside massacre hasn't happened then magnus's foresight as well as the fact that the space rules were on terror in full force could have gotten the Loyalists to slow down and be wary of the Trap allowing the space force to join them before engaging however all of this is just carrots and peas compared to the biggest change with Magnus and his Legion on terror the burden of The Golden Throne would be lifted from the emperor he would be free to travel into the web way at the head of his Golden Army of custodies and sisters of Silence with him at the lead the demons would be pushed back with the emperor potentially even being able to seal the breaches in the web way the issue in Canon was that due to the wards of the palace and the web way being breached the emperor had to bust these balls holding it together while he desperately hoped that his custodians could push back the demons without him when he was able to briefly join them after sacrificing a thousand psyches he anniated of the Demonic hosts but had to withdraw as it was too little too late however with Magnus sitting on the throne something that the law states Magnus is capable of without dying the emperor would be free to retake the web way this would still mean the emperor is unable to physically join the heresy just like in Canon which would result in a lot of the same stuff happening the shadow Crusade and Ultramar the famous Crusade between the line and curse overall though it would probably be more in favor of the Loyalists since Lehman's Legion is intact and if the Thousand Sons were able to stabilize their Gene seed maybe with the help of the gray Knight project potentially having their Gene seed modified with the emperor's own DNA then that also would be a very powerful force to be reckoned with the Traders would probably still reach Terror however it would take longer there would be less of them sieging Terror they would be relying on chaos a lot more and there would be more Defenders with the emperor able to take the field of battle whilst Magnus would keep The Golden Throne running overall resulting in horace's defeat a lot sooner in The Siege with sanguinous and the emperor surviving basically what I'm saying is that even after Magnus took a steaming [ __ ] on the web Way project it was still salvageable through the combined effort of the emperor malcolor and Magnus with the Thousand Sons potentially lending a hand it was the total loss of Magnus which truly doomed it but what if Magnus was redeemed late into the heresy in Canon Magnus travels to Terra to try find his Noble Shard and he ends up speaking with the emperor the law regarding this meeting is a bit confusing as Magnus believes that the emperor offered him Redemption but he would have to give up the Thousand sons and take on a new Legion however Vulcan says what really happened was that Magnus begged for forgiveness but the emperor told him to get [ __ ] let's just say that the first scenario is correct where Redemption is offered but Magnus rejects it but in this version Magnus accepts it's too little too late to save the web wave project or have any real impact on the overall heresy however it does mean that the emperor can leave The Golden Throne and put Magnus on it instead this would at the very least keep malcolor alive and potentially even sanguinis and the emperor so whilst we would get a better ending than Canon it would still be an absolute slog over several if at any point Magnus had done the right thing the entire setting would look very different ranging from Noble bright to considerably less Grim dark so when people say Magnus did nothing wrong punch them in the face and force them to watch this video If you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel on the patreon is the place to be well there's not only a boatload of battlemates 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more what if content join underscore for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 166,258
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: H_sqQICuBDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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