How did the Tau React to the HORRORS of Warhammer 40k?

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g'day guys and gal over time i've developed a bit of a soft spot for the towel the naivety to the horrors of 40k is always really cute to read about as is their reaction when they discover the truth about something horrifying like how demons aren't just weird xenos or that titans aren't just propaganda this is going to cop me some flack but the tao empire is by far the closest thing to a realistic sci-fi future for us as real-life humans they use drones efficient and advanced machinery and they want to work with other alien races i'll take that a step further the current tao empire is what humanity went through before we achieved our god-tier status during the dark age of technology it was only after five thousand years of a complete living hell did we become these jaded fascist [ __ ] the point i'm trying to make is that the way that the tower reacts to this horrifying stuff is similar to how we would react if we were in their shoes before we get started i'm not really one to promote mobile games but while i was traveling around europe and obviously didn't have a pc i got back into them that combined with the fact that i'm a bit of a [ __ ] for warhammer if you didn't notice makes me more than comfortable to partner up with warhammer chaos and conquest for today's video set in the dead but still alive setting of warhammer fantasy chaos and conquest will see you take control of a cow's warband in a strategy mmo format you'll need to grow your forces recruit demons and spicy mortal champions whilst you grow your fortress and wreck other peoples you'll also be able to direct your armies to kill dwarves orcs humans and even your annoying neighbor that keeps complaining about how you don't collect your amazon packages from the lobby within 10 minutes she's so annoying it's rare to play a warhammer game where we get to exclusively play as chaos so that's a pretty fresh experience right there so if you're looking for a new game to play on your way to work like being a filthy heretic and want a warband to help kill your annoying neighbor then download warhammer chaos and conquest for free here's the qr code or you know just use my link in the description below cheers the warhammer chaos and conquest for sponsoring this video today we'll go over how the tower reacted to the various horrors of 40k stuff like the warp demons super weapons evil xenos as the tower like to see the best in everyone most of these first encounters ended in complete tragedy for the tower who weren't prepared for how much everyone actually sucked let's get into it [Music] first up why the tao so cutesy and naive or at least were until they learned the hard way about 40k well their growth from stick banging cavemen to hyper advanced sci-fi boys was extremely rapid and pretty clean they were so united as a race that they hadn't experienced civil war the horrors of nuclear holocaust or environmental collapse they had more or less been living in a utopia for thousands of years with very little going wrong the first alien races they encountered were friendly and more than happy to cooperate the ones that weren't were quickly and easily beaten into submission even the croot a race of hardcore carnivores that devoured the corpses of their enemies to further their own evolution were happy to join the tao empire so they've risen to the top of their own bubble everything is gone well aliens seem to be pretty chill you know other than the orcs then they encountered the imperium of man to their credit they didn't [ __ ] the bed and roll over actually putting up a great fight during the damocles crusade which was the first conflict between the imperium and the tau but there were some gold moments as they learnt pretty quick that the galaxy was just not their oyster when they first encountered the imperium they thought they would easily be able to induct them into their philosophy of the greater good which basically means work towards collective success even if it means personal sacrifice then if that failed they thought they'd be easily able to conquer the imperium through military might if needed they quickly learnt the error of their ways as a reasonably small yet strong imperial fleet cracked their outer defenses and gave them the greatest struggle they had ever experienced during this damocles crusade they were shocked to discover that a space marine dreadnought they felt was older than their entire civilization they also discovered that titans weren't just propaganda they knew of the concept of titans but thought that no modern civilization would be stupid enough to invest into the resources for one well they were pretty [ __ ] wrong as the titan went boo and told them a new sphincter another cute moment was when the tao killed a space marine chapter master they believed they had killed the king of the imperium the emperor himself as such they celebrated total victory over the imperium thinking that the power vacuum would consume mankind from within taking them years to recover from yeah that feeling of victory didn't last long as the imperium took the death of a chapter master in their stride and redoubled their efforts setting the tower world's atmosphere on fire killing the leader of the tao empire before crushing the third sphere of expansion needless to say many a blue boy's balls were crushed not all tower reactions to the imperium took place on the battlefield there has been a lot of cooperation between the two factions giving us some comical moments commissar kyphus kane hero of the imperium is kinda friends with the tao and he shares a lot of moments with them a funny one for me was when he and a tower watercast member were walking past a servitor and the diplomats started breathing really funny for a bit kane doesn't really know why as he is so used to how [ __ ] up the imperium is but for the tao seeing a cyborg lobotomized zombie slave was absolutely traumatizing he would have been thinking guella what the [ __ ] in a similar story a tao scientist started trying to contain his own mental breakdown when some imperial magos were nonchalantly telling him about how they infect prisoners with genestealer dna and then forced them to have sex with each other to study gene stealers so many things the imperium brushes off as a part of life horrifies the ever living [ __ ] out of the towel and for good reason i would be [ __ ] mortified as well if i saw that kind of stuff happening in front of me the tau are very very open to diplomacy too open after all their watercast a pillar of their civilization is dedicated purely to engaging in diplomacy however they have two xenos which they have blacklisted as total [ __ ] [ __ ] that they can never engage with the orcs and the tyranids the tower have been fighting the orcs for thousands of years it's why their military and armies were so advanced when they finally first engaged the imperium however they did try to make friends with the orcs at the start there's a funny scene where a tower watercast member approaches some orcs and he starts speaking orcish to them he had been training his whole life for this moment and he genuinely believed that he would be the one to achieve diplomacy with them the orcs look at the tower diplomat start laughing their asses off before massacring the diplomats bodyguards yeah look points for trying for other zenos their attempts at diplomacy were met with the mixed results the dark eldar and the tower once teamed up against the tyranids and in return the dark elder requested a large number of tau from each cast to go with them the tao believed it was some kind of cultural exchange so they agreed when the two races fought against the tyrionists together the tower noticed that the large blue hulking abominations that the dark eldar uses weapons look suspiciously like a whole bunch of tortured tower blended together the tower were like bra [ __ ] serious and they tried to attack the dark eldar the dark eldar simply avoided their fleet and appeared in one of their undefended worlds murdering raping and kidnapping its entire population in a similar vein the tower in the necron's first meeting didn't go much better the necrons save a tower world from a tyranid invasion when the necrons arrive on the world the tower welcomed them as saviors and prepare to hold a celebration in their name the necrons are like huh cool and then they genocide the entire planet for a laugh yeah not really getting too many diplomatic wins here eh they did have more success with the craft world and exodite elder with both races having next to nothing to fight the tower over whilst having a lot of common causes what about the warp how did the tower react to demons hell and psyches well they didn't really want to believe all the superstition the warp was just a weird part of space that struggled with physics demons are just weird aliens that have advanced teleportation technology which is why they could phase in and out of reality psyches were just really good at mine science fortunately the town naivety here could work in their favor as their souls are so small demons barely notice them and struggle to possess them psyches can throw cars at them with their minds but in terms of trying to fry their brains from overload it's just not that easy chaos doesn't really see the tower as a tasty target so hasn't really given them too much of a crack however the tower did [ __ ] up once they wanted to improve their faster than light travels so they captured a warp drive and some tech adepts they asked the tech adapts how it worked and were frustrated when the adepts were like we don't [ __ ] know we just rub oil on it and repeat the incantations hence after a bit of work the tower entered the warp using the modified warp drive oh yeah and they didn't have a geller field as such the human crew instantly went insane and died but the tower survived as the warp entities didn't see them as food they then are saved by the manifestation of the greater good which was created by the humans within the tao empire believing the greater good to be an entity not a philosophy it's important to note that the tower of the current setting are wildly different to the tower we first met thousands of years ago sure their naivety cost them a ton of lives and has nearly destroyed their empire on numerous occasions but they always learnt their lesson they know humans can't be trusted however they know that in times of need they can make a legendary ally they know that the dark elder [ __ ] pricks but that the exodite and craft voters can be relied on they know not to waste time trying to engage in diplomacy with orcs and tyranids and that their necrons are massive pricks their understanding of the warp has greatly improved as has their weapons of war and tactics they consistently beat tyranids and orcs whilst the imperium actively avoids all-out war with the tower as they know they would need to commit a ton of resources to win i'm almost sad that the tower learnt so much about the galaxy of 40k because now there just isn't much left for them to freak out about and if there's one thing that gets me stiffer than a lizard left out in the aussie sun it's a tower losing their [ __ ] remember guys warhammer chaos and conquest a good mobile game to play on the way to work or if you just want to inject some more chaos kool-aid into your bones if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we only want the lupine might give you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more naive content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 631,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: KgGqFi6yOL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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