Top 5 Most EPIC Last Stands | Warhammer 40k Lore

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dear day guys and gal everyone loves a good Last Stand Tom Cruise's Last Samurai the 300 Spartans Saving Private Ryan nothing gets my juices flowing than some badass dudes giving their final effort and lives to create some awesome cinematic content so it's pretty sweet that Warhammer 40K is absolutely chockers with the last stands and extremely awesome ones at that what really sets warhammer's last stands Above the Rest is that it involves super soldiers parasitic space bugs of death angry sentient Mushroom Men and a plethora of other spicy combatants I didn't see anyone get cut in half by a chain ax in Saving Private Ryan before we get started I'm going to keep this short and simple because that's all it needs visible ABS a thin face stable hormones and just being happy is mostly dependent on what you eat but unless you're a chef with a bunch of spare time you are either ordering greasy food spending bulk cash at restaurants or cooking pretty mid meals but it doesn't have to be like 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last stands in Warhammer 40K yep that's all there really is to it now let's get into it it was actually really [ __ ] hard to narrow this list down to five but I did it however I won't be putting them in a particular order as last stands are very subjective things first off is the Epic last stands slash sacrifice of the entire Astron Knight Space Marine chapter in order to destroy a necron world engine necrons have some pretty [ __ ] hack weapons nothing encapsulates this more than the fact that they had a literal Death Star the Imperium sent Fleet off to Fleet over a dozen Space Marine chapters to engage the engine to no avail its shields were too strong and its weapons were carving up the Imperials like Sashimi so the astral Knights decided that their massive balls could be of good use they rammed their battle barge into the world Engine with the entire chapter on board battle barges are sturdy beasts so it was able to break through the shield and more or less act as one gigantic drop pod over 700 astarti survived the ramming and charged fourth their sole goal was to destroy each and every necra node Forge and bit of technology that they could find they fought for hours being cut down one by one until eventually only a handful including the chapter Mass remained in his final act the chapter Master detonated a melter bomb charge on a central part of the world engine disabling its Shields and Primary Weapons what this isn't [ __ ] Star Wars you can't just blob one thing and the entire death star explodes necrons aren't dog [ __ ] Engineers however losing their Shields was enough to allow the rest of the Imperial Fleet to bomb the ever-living tits out of the world engine destroying it every single astral Knight that assaulted the engine died but they saved the Imperium from an extremely large ball egg the death of an entire chapter is extremely rare in 40K as a it's a permanent change to the setting even if a small one and B it [ __ ] over people who paint their chapters in that scheme so GW is usually such a huge [ __ ] about it often allowing 100 or so space rents to survive to rebuild the chapter however this time only about 30 astronauts remained the ones who had stayed behind on their Homeworld however instead of letting them rebuild a new chapter arrived at their Fortress Monastery and kicked them out telling them to go sacrifice their lives in the emperor's name a bit of a dog Earth but the astronauts do go out and do die for the emperor making them officially extinct overall it's the sheer sacrifice of an entire chapter the odds they were up against and the acts of heroism that puts the astronaut's Last Stand on this list the devastation of Baal was basically one big ass Last Stand every single blood Angel and all their successors minus the lamentas versus the largest tyranid Fleet in existence and Corn's greatest champion kabunda but I don't want to look at the entire conflict today instead I want to look at the Last Stand of the Knights of blood that took place during the war the Knights of blood were a very controversial chapter they were officially deemed Renegade traitors by the Imperium due to them going even more berserk in battle than the flesh Terrors and killing just as many allies as enemies they still consider themselves loyal to the emperor hence did not join chaos but they are overall still enemies of most of mankind despite this they still answered the Summons of the blood angels to defend their Homeworld they were so insane in combat that the only chapter that was happy to fight alongside them during the war in battle where the flesh Terrors together they held line on one of bowel's moons against the nids however when kabunda arrived it was clear that the Defenders were going to be overwhelmed and needed to withdraw however a full route would mean all of their deaths so the Knights of blood led by their chapter Master Centaur Jewel decided to give up his entire chapter's lives to allow the flesh Terrors and other chapters to escape they charge the enemy with Central even charging kabunda and confronting him kabunda mocks the chapter Master calling him a weakling and attempting to corrupt him to Corn Centaur resists and laughs in cabunda's face telling him that kabunda is the weak one allowing himself to get baited into a pointless Jewel with a Space Marine thus allowing thousands of other blood angels to escape cabunder rages Centaur charges and Embraces an honorable death redemption is a big Fame within the blood angels so the Knights of blood embracing a horrific death against demons and tyranids to save their brothers is a pretty solid way to bury the sins of their past especially since they were the most corn and berserk-like chapter in all of the blood Angel successes overall a Last Stand in every every essence of the phrase I have a bit of a soft spot nay a bit of a hard dick for the custodies so I always try and mention them when I can fortunately they have a really badass and emotionally charged Last Stand even if it did end quite badly for them and was unremembered by all when logo has been a bit of a [ __ ] simp the emperor sent a squad of custodies to watch over him and ensure he wasn't doing anything naughty spoiler he was however the custodian aquilon and argotal created a pretty unexpected but powerful friendship becoming brothers in arms and very close Argo was the only word Bearer that the custodies liked and trusted so it was a brutal betrayal when the custodius discovered that the wordbearers were traitorous Heretics and had played them for a fool while the word bearers were on is Fun massacring the Loyalists at colon and his small Squad rampaged through agultal's ship massacring servants soldiers and even assassinating the Blessed lady someone Argo cared for deeply the custodies then crash landed on the surface of isfan with argul tal and his gal vorbach close behind they catch up to them three custodians verse 11 galvaubach not the greatest odds for the Golden Boys it was a pretty intense exchange with the last time argul and aquan seeing each other they had been close Brothers now our goal was a drooling demon and aqualon wasn't having a bar of it despite the number disadvantage the custodians having already killed hundreds of troops a super battle robot and crash landed on isfun they still made a good account of themselves they killed four of the galvo back before the first custodian went down then another Galva back went down before argul killed aqualon himself this left six gal for bakvis one custodian this last custodian had taken a vow of science for decades he removes his Helm and throws his spear in paling and killing another of the galvor back he begins to laugh breaking his vow as he says I always hated you zaifen referencing the Marine he killed with his final act a marine that also happened to be argotal's best friend it was a very emotionally charged scene Argyle had been the main character for the entire book and this scene perfectly showed off that he really just was an evil piece of [ __ ] like there rest of them he tried to tell aqualon about chaos and the truth of the universe but aqualon just said shut the [ __ ] up you [ __ ] you have no valid arguments you are a drooling half demon traitor everything you say is worth less than splashback of come on a horse mini skirt that isn't exactly word for word for how the Convoy went but you get the idea isvan is a bit of a trigger word for loyalist forces not just because of the dropside massacre which saw the deaths of almost three loyalist Legions but also because of the isvan atrocity where the loyalist elements of the trade Allegiance were expunged but whilst the original plan was basically just a virus bomb them all instead due to the heroics of a few it resulted in the Loyalists engaging one of the most epic last stands in the entire setting see Soul tarvitz had discovered the Trader's intent and flew down to the planet to warn his brothers as a result of that around 60 of the loyalists were able to find cover in bunkers and the like that equated to tens of thousands of Warriors when the Traders learned of their survival they were just going to bomb them again but angron had a bit of a stiffy for some battle and charge them directly hence begun a multiple month-long wall where an outnumbered out-supplied and Primark list collection of Space Marines from The Emperor's Children sons of Horus worldators and death guard were able to repel and kill thousands of enemy traitors even as they were whittled down to their last few numbers they still LED counter-attacks and counter charges to frustrate the enemy they were killed to a man but each of them died a legend a hero spitting in the face of Horus and his Traders and defying to the last the last scene is literally salt Harvard's and a few hundred or so battle brothers surrounded by thousands of traitors refusing to surrender it was the first conflict of the heresy and it really laid down the vibe and theme of what was to come overall just a lot of Awesomeness and finally there is no Last Stand quite like the siege of Hell's rage that in itself is an entire video that I have already made but I really wanted to focus on the very final battle of it the most Last Stand of Last Stand possible for context hell's reach was an important city on Armageddon that had come into Siege by a massive orc Army reclusia grimaldis of the black Templars as well as a hundred of Sylvie's brothers and a large Guardsman Force as well as some Titans were tasked with defending the city sounds pretty generic until you actually read the law and see the amount of absolutely off its nuts acts of heroism and Giga balls that took place to keep the city out of all Cairns long story short the black Templars are killed one by one the Titans are brought down and most of the Guardsmen are killed in return hundreds of thousands of Orcs were also massacred their gargans and mega gargans brought low and all that remained were a few thousand grimaldus his handful of remaining Warriors a few sisters of battle and the last few Guardsmen set up a Last Stand in the City Central Church they hold the line as the enemy they had been fighting a bleeding and being bled by charged in guns raw body parts fly one by one the final black Templars die the sisters are killed each one taking down a score of Hawks with them grimaldus is surrounded butchering Orcs as the very Chapel around them collapses burying everyone in rubble and officially ending the siege of Hell's reach not many Orcs were alive and the season of fire had begun a horrific weather event that basically meant you weren't allowed to Siege anymore grimalda survived the cave-in being one of the few survivors alongside a couple extremely lucky Guardsmen I'm sure as you can see from the animation that was playing this Last Stand was badass as [ __ ] it's not often Space Marines especially the weaponized autism ones like the black Templars have emotional moments but this chokes me up every time even though the scale of this Last Stand wasn't massive the build up to it was the months of campaigning victories defeats kills and wounds had all led up to this brutal Last Stand and each and every Imperial Defender Space Marine or not took it without flinching I honestly believe it was hell's reach that brought a lot of people over to the black Templars making them these badass lovable and kind of relatable Warriors either way in my opinion the best Last Stand in the entirety of Warhammer 40K Armageddon if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we've just uploaded the best ever nude cosplay photo shoot with a stunning model for only one dollar so I'd definitely check that out if I were you hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more very epic content join the Discord four memes and I'll see you on the next one peace 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Channel: Majorkill
Views: 236,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: QNEuIn0qTv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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