The Entire Warhammer 40k Timeline/Story/Lore EXPLAINED By An Australian

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g'day guys and gal you'd think I would have made one of these videos by now especially since I'm one of the only guys that understands that ADHD friendly video links are a big Vibe and the fact that everyone who seems to make an entire 40K Lord timeline video seems to get an absolute shitload of views but alas I just haven't I suppose until now today is the day we explain over 300 novels and over 30 years of law in one pretty short video I'm obviously going to be pretty brutal with what Contender actually provide since this video could literally go for 24 hours and still be considered brief but if there's anything I do well it's milk my country of origin for views and compress this [ __ ] out of stuff we will be covering from 60 million BC all the way to the 42nd Millennium highlighting the key events key characters and whatnot to make even the most non-war Hammer persons such as you know anyone above a 7.5 know what is actually going on the point of this video is for you to be able to learn about 40K law or send it to a mate and be like oi [ __ ] and get them on board our degeneracy train that is plummeting straight towards hell and yeah on the off chance this does end up blowing up and getting a million views I have a store with custom 3D party Minis that slap pretty hard a patreon with live action nude Warhammer cosplays and some merch which I think is pretty cute what man's got to make a living ah let's get into it the thing about Warhammer 40K is that it's considered to be an alternate future of our current reality with a few alterations sure but as far as Warhammer is concerned you currently watching this video is Canon to the 40K Universe our tale begins 60 million years ago where life first started giving it a genuine crack after the bang went big many races evolved and for whatever reason most of these races were op as hell like the Crave however Chief amongst these were the old ones toad looking [ __ ] who traveled the Galaxy and seeded life onto countless worlds they were all powerful as they were able to tap into the power of an alternate Dimension called The Warp a dimension of pure energy and emotion Unbound by the laws of physics and with Limitless potential the warp at this time was calm friendly and bountiful most entities that died would have their souls travel here to either be reincarnated or just kind of chill and Float around like a spectral jellyfish not a care in the world however there was another race that evolved the necron tier and boy they had it rough their world was getting things spanked by solar radiation on The Daily and I guess they forgot to evolve to deal with it as their lives were basically one big skin cancer they died young and their entire culture was pretty depressing despite this they were quite successful as a species creating Dark Matter spaceships and carving out their own Galactic Empire however despite escaping their cancer-ridden Homeworld their lives remained pitifully short as they only evolved to live for a short time they eventually encountered the old ones and were like [ __ ] yes please teach us how to make sunscreen and become immortal and [ __ ] but the old ones refused the necron tear were not their creation and if they didn't create something they didn't really give a [ __ ] about it the necro and tear tried to wage war against the old ones but that would be like a dry spittle of [ __ ] trying to take down the cocaine bear the necro and tear got clapped and driven into the corner of the Galaxy while they had a Sook they discovered a large entity draining a nearby Sun The Entity was not sentient yet it was clearly powerful as hell it was a Katan a god of the material Universe which was created by the Big Bang however in its current form it was basically just a big Galactic jellyfish that ate Stars the necrooteer were like [ __ ] it and they built large Mecca bodies for the kitten to inhabit thus giving them sentience well it turns out like a 10 were [ __ ] [ __ ] hence the Katan tricked the necronate into sacrificing their body and souls in machines that the kitten then fed on the necrooteer were promised immortality and a release from their depressing lives which was partially true however now the entire necron tea race were soulless robotic slaves to the will of the Catan they were now the necrons as the old ones rivaled the kitten's power and would eventually control the entire galaxy the Catan LED their necron armies against the old ones the old ones had not prepared for hectic Galactic War hence their army struggled against the Catan however through a bit of hectic [ __ ] such as the creation of the mighty Croc Warriors the Elder an old one creation figuring out how to summon their gods onto the battlefield and the old ones bending the warp to its will and using it as a weapon the old ones were able to fight back a shitload of people died many worlds were ruined and pretty much all the old ones were eventually killed however in return numerous Katan was shattered and weakened to a point where the necrons were able to rise up against the Catan overlords shooting them with a bunch of death stars and [ __ ] and turning them into Pokemon super efficient batteries see they wanted to destroy the Katan but as the Katan were gods of reality destroying them would destroy reality the necrons themselves were pretty wrecked though back-to-back Galaxy shattering Wars does that hence their leader the silent King ordered them all to hibernate for 60 million years with the idea being that the Galaxy would be primed for them to reconquer so the Elder were rising to become the dominant force and the silent King wasn't sure if their necrons could beat them so better to let the Elder Empire fizzle out than risk it all the Final Act of the silent King was to break his Command Module giving the necrons Free Will upon their Awakening to punish himself for leading his race into damnation the silent King refused to join them in Slumber choosing to travel the universe for 60 million years instead the warp had been seriously damaged during the war in heaven as the conflict was called all the Death suffering and tampering from the old ones had turned it from a calm sea of souls into a dangerous Maelstrom it wasn't totally [ __ ] however the sense of corruption were sown with the Realms of chaos forming in the dark corners of the warp the Realms were weak and small they could not challenge the Dominion of the Eldar Gods however they could steadily grow an influence waiting for their time to strike for those 60 million years the Elder reigned Supreme they had a fuckload of awesome technology given to them by the now extinct old ones the necrons and the Catan were gone and the crooks were kept in check by Cullen campaigns these Cullen campaigns reduced the Crocs from legendary 12 meter tall killing machines to a bunch of lovable and semi-retided Orcs the species was literally genocided into de-evolution during this time Kane the elder god of war got all pissy and [ __ ] and started attacking the Elder cause you know he's a highly emotional god of war and he saw a prophecy that said the Elder would destroy him so yeah he cracked it to prevent the death of the Elder the other Elder Gods permanently sealed the barrier between their realm and the warp and real space meaning the Elder could no longer summon the Elder Gods to their aid this was actually the beginning of the end of the Elder Empire see after 60 million years the Elder got bored they were masters of the Galaxy lived for thousands of years and when they died they were able to just reincarnate with their memories intact with their gods now at arm's length the Elder begun to fall into depravity to keep themselves entertained it started small pleasure Cults on Elder worlds partaking in Narcotics and orgies which sounds like a [ __ ] Vibe however it got worse and worse whilst becoming more widespread with the Elder moving into violent blood orgies sacrifice and other less vibey staff the issue was that because the Elder were a psychic race their emotions echoed loudly in the warp with so many Elder railing Coke then railing each other these emotions begun to coalesce into a new warped God the chaos God slinashe before [ __ ] really hit the fan was though Humanity had begun its rise we had slowly but surely Advanced Through The Years much in the same way as real life there was the ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures the Mona Lisa and then in the 21st century I'm sure there was like Fortnight and a dumb piece of [ __ ] YouTuber called major kill but then things kept going we mastered space travel figured out how to travel faster than light by inventing the warp drive a device that could open a portal to the warp fly through it and pop out somewhere else in the Galaxy at a micro fraction of the time it would take to do it normally with this technology Humanity colonized thousands of Worlds we were wildly Advanced with machines and Fabricators that could make us anything as well as highly intelligent AIS to help us yes the Elder Empire was very Mighty and controlled a lot of the Galaxy but not as much as you would think they didn't breed very quickly and they were content to control their own territory without much ambition for expansion so whilst I'm sure the humans and Elder did fight here and there it wasn't either racist goal or hobby but just as the Elder and the human Empires were both at their Zenith [ __ ] hit their a fan Humanity's robotic servants rose up and started attacking their creators [ __ ] was [ __ ] roombas were crashing into people's ankles sex robots started blue balling people you know real Twisted [ __ ] however through great effort as well as the help of a few alien races Humanity was mates with the robots the men of iron as they were called were destroyed however [ __ ] then got even worse see the elders Empire spanning blood orgies had destabilized the warp making Interstellar travels super hard hence cutting Mankind's Empire off from itself then to make matters even worse worse the psychic mutation emerged with a number of humans on every World developing psychic powers these Powers seemed cool at first with many human worlds celebrating these psychic superheroes but then it got bad as demons from the Realms of chaos within the warp used these Cycles who drew their power from the warp as living portals to invade real space destroying thousands of human worlds in a demonic blood rush many other human worlds simply died from lack of trade especially ones like mining worlds that rely on on off-road Imports of food this period of Darkness was the age of strife and lasted five thousand years five thousand years of human worlds been cut off and preyed upon by other alien races five thousand years of lost technology it's because of these five thousand years that humanity went from a let's be friends with aliens to the hyper racist [ __ ] genocide the tits of anything that is inhuman even Earth wasn't spared cut off from its Empire Earth or Terror as it's called in Warhammer devolved into nuclear Civil War rendering much of the word inhabitable during Mankind's rise and fall a special human had been born thousands of years before the birth of Christ the culmination of a thousand psychic shamans performing ritualistic suicide all at once to combine their soul into a super Bean the Emperor of man was born now he wasn't born with the title of the emperor that would be a bit hectic but he was already wise as [ __ ] as a child and he traveled the world he acted as a Shepherd to humanity but not always as a ruler sometimes he would step in and lead a nation but once he was satisfied they weren't going to [ __ ] themselves he would go back Shadows see his unique birth made him a Perpetual an immortal Ben with immense physical and psychic power he had shepherded mankind into a golden age of technological Enlightenment that lasted thousands of years before the age of strife and the emperor was content happy to stay on the sidelines expanding his knowledge however when the age of strife did hit and things went sour he foresaw that Humanity would be doomed if he didn't step in so he said [ __ ] this [ __ ] and decided that he would become the master of mankind and Lord of the Galaxy he detected that the Elder Empire was approaching its climax of depravity which would birth slanesh the psychic Shockwave of that birth would blow away the warp storms that prevented Interstellar travel allowing Humanity to be once again United at this point it was around the 31st Millennium to prepare for this the emperor used his dozens of thousands of years of knowledge to create his custodies and thunder Warriors two superhuman breeds of soldiers the custodies were handcrafted masterpieces the emperor's personal Army and bodyguards the Thunder warriors were crude short-lived Broods but were very powerful in their own rise with these superhumans the emperor conquered Earth however he knew that the Thunder Warriors would not be able to conquer the Galaxy for him they died young and were kind of [ __ ] hence he got his custodies to Culver Thunder Warriors in order to replace them with the much more marketable and long-lived Space Marines see the emperor foresaw many calamities to calm the rise of chaos which was the Demonic forces that had been biting their time since the war in heaven the rise of the Beast which was a giga orc capable of Conquering the Galaxy and other nasty [ __ ] such as the necron's Awakening and the arrival of the tyrionids so he created 20 demigod Generals in secret using his own genius The Souls of minor warp gods and his own DNA they were his sons his primarks and from their DNA he created the Space Marines as the sons of the primarks however due to some warp spaghetti and the intervention of the chaos Gods the four Lords of Hell the primarks were stolen from the emperor's Laboratories and Scattered throughout the Galaxy the emperor was like [ __ ] and he launched his legendary great Crusade with the aid of Mars Tara's neighbor who had wildly Advanced technological and Manufacturing capabilities two things required when you need a conqueror Galaxy how did the emperor get master be his personal Factory I hear you ask well during the Medieval ages he beat up a Catan that was on Earth put it in a coma and locked it under Mars its Essence and influence then Advanced the Martian's people's technological intellect the emperor then exploited their religious beliefs into tricking them that he was their God and Messiah because of course he did the great Crusade was epic hundreds of thousands of Space Marines and countless billions of Army and Navy personnel conquering colonizing liberating or integrating various worlds rapidly expanding the Imperium of man as each world was brought into the fold either through force or diplomacy the Imperium swelled One By One The primarks were found and given command of their own Legions the same Legions that were created using their own DNA sengunius the angel was given his blood angels rogaldorn the stubborn [ __ ] was given his Imperial fists Horus the first Primark to be found and the emperor's favorite son was given his lunar wolves as the primarks were found the pace of the Crusade accelerated as now mankind had these demigod superhuman commanders leading the charge but what about the Elder why didn't they stop Humanity's Conquest well when slonesh was finally born her birth instantly killed 99 of the Elder and destroyed most of their worlds most elder were too insane and depraved by that point to understand the danger of their indulgent actions the only survivors were the dark Elder who were living in the web way an artificial network of psychic tunnels that cut through the warp and was shielded from the warp the extradite Elder who foresaw the Calamity and left beforehand and then the craft worlds living continent-sized ships that were able to avoid the decline of their race due to their nomadic nature hence we're able to fly away from the epicenter of slanesh's birth but yet the Elder were in no position to challenge Humanity's rise despite Mankind and the emperor's Dominion the biggie knew Humanity would never be safe until chaos was beaten see not many people knew about chaos and the emperor didn't want people to know as knowing about it gave it strength hence the emperor had created a secular Godless Imperium the idea being to drain the cow's gods of strength as everyone became an atheist and didn't believe in anything the power of belief is a big theme in Warhammer but to beat chaos the emperor had to remove Humanity's Reliance on the warp most notably he had to remove warp travel see mankind was slowly evolving to become a psychic race like the Elder and the emperor didn't want the birth of slaanesh II Electric Boogaloo so he'd begun creating his secret web Way project the goal being to break into the Eldar webway and then convert sections of it for human use then Humanity could have massive cities full of psyches that were kept away from the warp and Chaos as well as use the human web wave for risk-free travel if it wasn't obvious warp travel I.E cutting through hell to travel possesses a lot of risks to someone's lifespan cows did not want Humanity to free itself of its influence if the Weber project was completed then cast would suffer greatly as its main fruit Source would be denied to it hence it read its ugly head and decided it was time to act the time for waiting was over chaos exploited the weakness insecurities and ego of the primark's Horus and lawgar in order to turn them to their cause filling their heads with half truths and twisted visions of the future from here Horus was able to convince half of his Primark Brothers to join him in Rebellion against the emperor thus the Horus heresy began it started horribly for the empress forces three of these Space Marine Legions and their primarks were lured into a trap and massacred whilst the rest of his forces were scattered see Horrors had been named warmaster before his betrayal so he was able to command the imperium's armies whilst the emperor worked on the web Way project as such Horus was able to direct most weapons and ammo to his trade Allegiance whilst he then sent the more powerful loyalist Legions to the far edges of the Galaxy keeping them out of the way the heresy was a time of Titanic battles heroic last stands and acts of defiance brother against brother father against son it culminated with the Horus and his army aging Terror itself the sage ended with Horus killing sanguinius and then the emperor killing Horace in turn but not before suffering mortal wounds with horace's death the trailer forces were broken and driven back eventually regrouping in the eye of Terror which was the epicenter of slanesh's birth a hellish realm that the loyalists were unable to penetrate the emperor was placed on the Golden Throne an extremely Advanced device that both kept him alive and killed him in equal measure his soul lived on but his body withered see the heresy had done obscene damage to the Imperium the web wave project had been destroyed multiple primarks had been killed with most of the trader primarks ascending to become demon Lords The Golden Throne allowed the emperor to guide the astronomicon a beacon of light that allowed the Imperium to navigate the warp whilst also keeping the web away gate under Terrace shut as since it was destroyed it had become flooded with demons hence the emperor sat on the throne for over 10 000 years literally holding his Imperium together as his body Withers and he endures unimaginable Agony the Imperial survived the Horus heresy but without the emperor's guidance it begun a slow and steady decline over the next 10 Millennium the emperor's secular atheist policies were abandoned in favor of the Imperial cult a mandatory religion that declared the Emperor as a god alien races that had been pushed to the brink of Extinction like the Orcs returned a great number and began threatening the Imperium Eldar Raiders also joined in on the fun whilst the newly established Chaos Faction was an ever-present threat other new threats emerge like the rapidly advancing Tau Empire or the arrival of the tyranids a parasitic hive mind species from another galaxy on top of that the necrons began Awakening as it had been 60 million years with the silent King himself returning to the Galaxy after traveling the cosmos to make matters even more worse chaos had finally marshaled enough strength to deal a crippling blow to the Imperium at the end of the 41st Millennium destroying their Fortress world of Cadia which allowed the eye of Terror to expand and cut the Galaxy in half with one half of the Imperium now no longer being able to war travel as well as there being no more astronomicon on that side demons invaded a thousand worlds as the death scream of the Imperium begun to sound all was lost until it [ __ ] wasn't through a serious effort of both the Imperium and the Elder rebute giliman the avenging son the Lord of Ultramar and one of the greatest primarks to ever live was revived from his near-death stasis with his resurrection came the unveiling of the primarus Marines and the start of the indomitus Crusade Mankind's revenge against all its foes Gilliam and smashed cows aside reclaiming many Imperial worlds and pulling the Imperium back from the brink he defeated his demon Brothers Magnus and mortarion in the process thus bringing us into the modern day setting giliman is trying to unfuck the Galaxy chaos led by abadon that a spoiler is trying to [ __ ] the Galaxy the silent King is attempting to cut off the walk from the Galaxy which would [ __ ] everyone who wasn't a necron that tyrionids are trying to eat everyone's ass the Elder is trying to awaken their god of death to take on slanesh the Orcs are just having a great time with all the war and [ __ ] it going on the tower just trying to exist in a galaxy that [ __ ] hates them in the Grim darkness of the 42nd Millennium there is only war and that is more or less a rundown of the entire lore of Warhammer 40K obviously there is a shitload of important side quests and side law that I haven't included because you know like 24 hour video if I did but this should bring even the most functional non-virgin members of society up to speed if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini wide range of high quality professionally printed Minis that ship worldwide hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more [ __ ] entire lore and [ __ ] content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] stand to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 287,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 0lhqtu1YkKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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