The Legendary Commander Farsight EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl in a Galaxy full of super soldiers wielding chainsaws demons with 12 boobies Galaxy consuming space bugs and War loving sentient mushrooms the Tau generally aren't at the top of the pecking order when it comes to what's cool sure they are sensible interesting and fun but they are not the Cool Kids on the Block at least they weren't until Commander Far Side appeared a rebellious Gundam piloting Warrior who wields a life force-consuming sword gets stuck into melee combat with Glee and is such a badass that corn the demon god of war is desperate to claim farsight for himself he is also the only Tower to ever defy the ethereals and create his own successful Kingdom free of their overbearing influence all in all definitely a character worth talking about especially since we've recently gotten a new model for him speaking of models I'm so excited to announce that the kagi Taurus cyber Dynasty is now live for one week only this is the largest major mini launch ever partnering up with Dungeons and dreadnoughts to bring you 31 new original models these models are broken up into different unit types first up we have the Cyber Samurai coming in their assault form which is all about melee including swords and Claws and the like as well as a marksman Squad with railguns pulse rifles the whole shebang both squads come with an original unique Sergeant the best part is that each model is modular meaning you can swap their heads arms power packs and shoulder plates around creating hundreds or even thousands of unique potential combinations if you wanted to buy more than one of each Squad to leave the Cyber Samurai we have the Sai overseer a psychic cyber Samurai that comes with two weapon options in one purchase continuing on we have the warmek a fully posable and modular model that comes with both melee and ranged weapon variants in one package to complement him we also have a 10-man squad of cyber ashigaru with multiple helmets weapons shoulders and post variants same versatility as the Cyber Samurai now for a more Niche unit we have the Drone Warriors a three-man squad of incredibly detailed and interesting robots to add some extra spice to your Army on top of that we have five different drones in the one pack ranging from war drones to support drones last but not least we have even fit in the Cyber skimmer a full-on vehicle with two cyber ashigara to Pilot it I will only be selling the physical models not stls the stls are not available anywhere so this is it as this is quite a lot of models I've grouped them into various value packs as well as an option to buy the entire Army for a large discount when compared to the individual products as I've said the models will only be available for major minis for one week I don't own the STL files for these but I do currently have the exclusive manufacturer rights for this for a limited time window so if you missed out on this drop now I can't guarantee these models will ever be available again link is below today I'll go over the life rise and exports of the legendary Commander Fireside and how he brought the rule of cool to the tower let's get into it farsight or oshava been his uncool Town name was a talented Fire Warrior from the start he accelerated through training a lot faster than his fellow students and was known for his Fierce determination and Independence the town knew they had a once in a generation Warrior here and they intended to use him his greatest strength was his naturally eidetic memory as well as his extreme adaptability he would remember all of his engagements Jewels tactics and never make the same mistake twice all of this attracted the attention of Commander pure tide another once in a generation Tau who met farsight imma just call him farsight because it's cooler and was really impressed with him but they wouldn't just bend the rules and give him his own battle suit yet hence he was sent to the front lines of some grueling Wars against some big ass spider aliens imagine Starship Troopers it was literally Starship Troopers with all the propaganda included he distinguished himself as a certified bug squasher and was returned to the Tau Empire to undergo the trial by fire an incredibly challenging trial that if he passed he would be allowed to Pilot his own battle suit and then the fun would really begin the trial was really horrific far side and his team were put into a live fire battle dome where Eldritch Horrors emerged from dark holes to attack them there wasn't really much a towel could do here even one like farsight one faced with a bunch of small cthulhu's so in a moment of self-sacrifice farsight was torn apart and killed but he survived the whole thing was just a cheeky simulation with only the Warriors who died during it I.E the brave ones passed the trial he quickly mastered his first battle suit and was redeployed against the spider aliens battle after battle he continued to excel impressing his superiors and even being granted a more advanced battle suit eventually they defeated the vicious aliens and begun their Journey Back farsight having gained a lot of renown and Prestige however during their Transit home [ __ ] hit the fan as smaller Alien Spider swarms burst out of the ship's events and attacked the unprepared firewire commanders including farsight in their briefing room there was no chance to fight back so far side usheri's command is out and then used his body as a barrier to hold back the spiders through a narrow door as they infested and killed him but he survived lives the whole shipping counter was another simulation to see if Fireside was just some battle suit [ __ ] or if he's bravery and selflessness extended beyond that he passed this test and as such once again came to the attention of Commander pure tide who agreed to personally true to far side Far Side traveled to Pure Tide's temple in the mountains and met the other two best and brightest living Tao students shoshera or her cool name Shadow Sun as well as Kai's who doesn't have a cool name cringe these three learned all they could from Pure tide and developed their own methods of War Fireside was always the best of the three but not by March after a hectic training montage the three students left all of the Masters of their art and far greater than any other Tower had been in the Art of War fireside's first true battle as a commander would be against the Orcs the green boys had randomly invaded a Tau Frontier world and begun dominating the town military who had not yet developed a Doctrine for enemies that just [ __ ] charges at you with no concept of self-preservation and who could also survive obscene damage farsight took his Fleet to the world and studied the orc forces realizing that they had simple exploitable command structure the biggest orc was the boss you assassinate the big one the rest freak out and attack each other hence fireside's Warriors committed to a series of Hit and Run Skirmish tactics killing orc War bosses and then leaving their worries very frustrated hence they attacked each other but this still wasn't enough the Orcs were too many and were able to reproduce faster than the hit-and-run tactics could kill them worse still they've gone adapting to the planet and overwhelming it so farsight said [ __ ] this [ __ ] kawabunga it is and decided the time for skim Shing was over the time to [ __ ] had begun he'd begun baiting all forces into kill zones then his Tower Warriors would hold the line and cumblass the Orcs from near point-blank range if needed the tower Water cast members would film these engagements and send it to the other Tower forces on the planet teaching them strategy and racing morale for the first time ever the tower were cool and were fighting Warhammer 40K Wars how they were always meant to be forced up close and personal however even this wasn't enough it was at this time that an ethereal unshi arrived and basically told farsight to pack it up and leave the play on it was to be evacuated although farsight obeyed the order this was the first time he felt frustrated with an ethereal but to be fed to the Ethereal once the tower left killing a shitload of auction in the process as the Orcs kept Zerg rushing the super defendant extraction point the Orcs stopped reproducing as fast as there was no more fighting to be had hence when the Tower came back a year later with a big army the Orcs were slaughtered and the world recolonized overall an impressive first campaign for Commander Far Side his next big campaign would be against the Imperium Tau and Imperial space finally crossed over with the tower attempting to peacefully absorb Imperial worlds through diplomacy and trade the tower didn't realize that it was poking a very large Galaxy spanning bear but they did and the bear awoke a large Imperial Armada which included Space Marines invaded massacring the tower who entered the Imperial space but then kept going invading Tower worlds and wiping them clean eventually farsight caught up and made his stand intent on holding the Imperium back on one of the tower worlds surprisingly he did a great job leading his battle suit forces against the Space Marines and scoring numerous kill he adapted to their tactics quickly ensuring he and his forces were equipped with armor-piercing plasma guns he was also wildly impressed with the courage and hecticness of Space Marines their up close heroic style of battle was a lot more up his alley than the Classic Tower engagements it was a brutal war and a shitload of town died but so too did a shitload of Imperials die at the end of it the combined Brilliance of Shadow sun and farsight overcame the Imperial forces girth and forced them to withdraw from the planet however it was here that farsight would also commit his first active Rebellion against the ethereals see one of his close friends and warriors chavastos as well as numerous out of their Tau had received an experimental chip in their brain to help them command in the war however the chip was deemed in overall failure hence its recipients were due to have them removed lobotomizing them in the process to protect his friend from his horrific fate Fireside lied to the ethereals and claimed that chavastos had fallen in combat regardless farsight's efforts over the Orcs And in the Imperium had made him more than a hero they had made him a figure of Legend statues of him went up everywhere there were toys of him made every Tower wanted to suck his dick he lived up to this reputation as well retaking lost worlds from the Imperium engaging a [ __ ] off massive orc Empire and winning through pure ruthlessness and genius his tactics even begun to unnerve the ethereals but by this point he was the Empire's greatest hero so they let it slide it was also around this time after clapping some orc cheeks that farsight made his way to the planet of Arthur's Mallock pursuing Orcs to kill however it was actually a corrupted world and the conflict honored summoned forth the legions of corn or to the Tau a weird race of new Zeno that was able to teleport out of glowing portals thus begun a hectic three-way war between the tower Orcs and demons due to the nature of the Orcs demons and farsight it was a close and bloody affair during the fighting against the bloodthirster farsight found the legendary sword Dawn blade and used it in desperation to fight off the greater demon however through all the Carnage farsight saw that all the ethereals accompanying his army had been violently killed however despite their loss his legendary command skills resulted in destroying the source of the Demonic incursion and then wiping out the Orcs victory was his with no ethereals farsight's Fleet as well as dozens of Worlds he had captured in this far-off region of space at least far by Tau standard it came to farsight to make a decision on what to do normal procedure would be to immediately return to Tao space to receive new ethereals see the tower told that without the ethereals they were [ __ ] however fast I'd begun to realize that the ethereals kind of sucked they were controlling secretive and unnatural but he also couldn't cope with the idea of betraying the Tower Empire and leading these Renegade worlds so he took a middle ground not returning to the Tower Empire but also going into hiding the worlds he had taken for the tower became the Fireside enclaves and was so far away from Tao space that the Tau Empire struggled to probe and communicate with them however something surprising happened even without farsight or the ethereals the enclaves flourished Unbound by the strict dogma of the Tau Empire they invented new technologies whilst changing their logo and colors when the original Tau Empire eventually discovered the enclaves were thriving being an independent they crack the shits Farsi was now a disgrace a traitor his statues and memory were torn down and his supporters hunted down now the tower don't usually live super long however farsight's new sword had a special ability it would drain the life force of whoever it killed restoring the Wilder hence farsight had become functionally immortal as long as he killed [ __ ] and kill he would as he left his Exile in order to lead his people against the new tyranid Menace despite trying everything though killing their synapse creatures burning their biomass asking them nicely to [ __ ] off their tyranids for winning however due to the genius of far side's Earth cast scientists they were able to develop a bioweapon that upon absorption rapidly duplicated and annihilated the tyranid fleet as the tyrionids had never encountered such a weapon before they had not yet adapted to deal with it The Far Side enclaves were saved at Great cost enraged by the loss but also determined Foss had officially returned from his exile to be the protector his people needed we last Saw farsight during the arcs of omen event where he wants again battle the forces of chaos and the Orcs on Arthur's mallark in a bit of deja vu the legions of corn once again returned initiating a four-way battle as the legions of corn were happy to Massacre the cow's forces as well farsight was content to die in this battle the influence of corn overwhelming him but then he snatched out of it and withdraws his forces surprisingly the Orcs ended up killing the cow's forces and the cornite legions so a bit of a random dub for the Orcs on that one as the arks of omen was the most recent law event in the setting that is where farsight is now still protecting the enclaves and still Public Enemy Number One for the Tower Empire after all farsight proving the tower don't actually need the ethereals is a huge No-No but there are some fun facts about Far Side I want to discuss before we wrap up Commander Shadow sun has taken his place as the Tau Empire's Savior and officially she and here enemies however they actually share a close bond with Shadow Sun defying the ethereals in secret to occasionally help farsight in the Tau Empire the interbreeding and even intermingling of different cusps is a No-No however in the enclaves there is no such restriction some earthcast members even operate their own modified Battle Suits speaking of Battle Suits Fireside will always enter battle alongside the eight his top eight Elite Warriors and Generals one of whom is an earthcast member and one of farsight's oldest friends kept Alive by nanotech that was banned within the Tao Empire as only of the ethereals may be long-lived overall a total [ __ ] badass that actually makes me like the Tao if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up some cyber Dynasty models amazing quality Great Value and only available for one week hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more cool content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 200,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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