What's the dumbest thing you got in trouble for in school?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar etic by planet reddit what's the dumbest thing you got in trouble for in school one time back in elementary school I asked to use a bathroom and the teacher said no so I just left class to use the bathroom respect I wouldn't have done that but when you gotta go you gotta go so dumb how you can go when they say you can my primary school only let kids go a certain times but then there was the slight problem of five-year-olds wetting themselves so they introduced a ban on drinking water to stop them needing to go I'm not even kidding they banned kids from drinking water dehydrating us throughout the day I used to get dry skin and headaches all the time because I couldn't drink for seven hours leading to a tendency of forgetting to drink at home since I was so used to going hours without water but my secondary school made it worse they allowed water but they lock the toilets anyone who was taking too long because of medical conditions oral nurses was either told to hurry up or not it this also meant we couldn't wash our hands since the sinks were in the locked bathrooms Lord help you if you had dirty hands or needed to throw up and God have mercy if you were a girl on your period even worse if you started one during the day and couldn't put a pad on or use a tampon because there was no wear privates to do it it became unbelievable once the pandemic started the best defense was washing your hands even if the kids were at low risk what about their older family members so it stood to reason that the toilets should be unlocked to let the kids wash their hands to keep themselves and their families safe bearing this in mind the school unlock the toilets pretty sure both of these schools were technically on the wrong side of the law since they were denying kids their fundamental human rights to hydration and sanitation saluté madness I sneezed my bch of an art teacher says that's an infraction infractions were these things given out for poor behavior there was this tell list of punishments based on the number of them you had at the end of the week I begin to defend myself when she cuts me off and goes down to talk back to me or I'll give you another [ __ ] hate teachers like that Harry Potter and the audacity of this BCH edit guys I stole the meme and got rewarded wth i think that's book 5 laughing not done because i was laughing but it was done because of what i was laughing about i was in sixth grade and the radiator slash heated just started making these juicy behind fart noises like i really could not contain it it sounded like big ol a human wet farts i was red in the face trying to breathe and contain it she sent me out to the hall and almost with a referral my god it was hilarious now i still laugh remembering the noise and i'm graduated i laughed reading your vivid description and imagining it i can see why you couldn't contain it sam will hear a kid stole my holographic Shahrazad pokemon card and told the teacher he saw me try to steal it from his backpack so that i couldn't claim he stole it the teacher believed him because he said that my family was too poor to buy me toys which was basically the truth but what that sucks so much what rate were you in in second grade miss Warner if you're reading this you deserve to get a paper cut while grading each book agreement some kid stealing my lunch wait what how did you get in trouble well a para empty lie yelling hey get back here with my arcing cinnamon butt isn't acceptable in a lunchroom setting that hey I was fat as hell and it was the last one in the box we had at home so I had my right to be mad almost our whole year got a lunchtime detention cause we weren't wearing school approved Footwear for sports had to be completely white so stupid wth sexually harassed by another student I told him to back off I got suspended he didn't are yes the age-old way of handling sexual harassment in school victims should just shut up and take it that's the only part I'm proud about my middle school a guy was caught harassing a female student our vice-principal tore him a new one it was to the point where we could him scream throughout the school it made it very clear that sexual harassment would not be tolerated and that's how it should be yeah I got harassed in school tailed my teacher about it and he got suspended for two days another dude had taped the harassment not as evidence he thought it was funny and he got suspended for one day bTW what those guys did was not too bad to deserve anything more the principal then told me that it is happening often and they will take action if both of them try to pull [ __ ] like that ever again the world has become a better place cutting the bus seats open and putting yoghurt and odd things inside of them wasn't me though it was the dude sitting next to me they just were him dimmed it was you or the guy said it with you they had a camera that was at the front of the bus they ended up pulling the camera and try charging both of our parents to replace the bus seat but the camera only proved who sat in the seats not who did it so we didn't end up paying for it reading a book I started to read a reading Olympics book annual reading competition my school participated in while I waited for the rest of my class to complete the individual class walk teacher yelled at me so I put it away and started playing games on my calculator teacher had no problem with that oh goodness I feel for you I had just bought the second book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy it was expensive back then because it was an overseas publication and not yet released in the u.s. at the end of class when I was done with everything I pulled it out to read the teacher took it up and said I could have it back at the end of year I didn't realize how much that teacher hated me until then she left the book sitting on her desk near the corner while she went out in the hall fortunately I have older siblings and knew that was a setup I made her life hell after that every day when I finished I asked loudly what I should do next if she said read a book I would state okay but why couldn't I do that on date she took my book I always finished early too good news is I didn't get my book back at the end of the year she also loosened up a bit after another student got stuck to the table and couldn't leave for a while after the bell rang in grade six we were playing dodgeball in gym I had terrible aim but a decent arm I hit a kid in the nuts he started crying boom principal's office [ __ ] BCH oversupply teacher and to think that a kid knocked me out on purpose with a football to the back of my head and didn't get in trouble somehow the teachers managed to screw up both ways someone gave me a bloody nose and cracked my new glasses but I'm the one who got in trouble for refusing to keep playing I was tapping my pencil on the table my teacher thought I was doing the in between the fingers gang knife game I told her multiple times I wasn't but she still didn't believe me now that's whack I feel the times we got in trouble for dumb reason is because they are having a bad day or projecting their personal problems I did something similar in mental group basically homeroom I was sitting pretty close to the teacher and I tapped my pen on the desk like 20 times this other kid who was sitting further away taps his pen once and got sent outside immediately while I received no punishment i beckoned him she did not hear me and he got unlucky but still she was a B CH and still kind office hurting a paper plane under someone's seat behind them the kid was a drama queen who said I was trying to hurt him and the teacher bought it nearly got sent to the principal because apperently what I did was equivalent to placing a drawing pin under one seat the teacher actually used that analogy think that takes the cake for dumbest way of getting in in trouble the teacher would also act differently according to who was involved some kid punched another in the face with a substantial amount of force when the student reported the puncher to the teacher she just told both of them off for wasting the teachers time gave a kid spicy Asian candies and like third grade BC he said he could handle spicy kid had to go to the nurse's and I had to go to the principal's office lol should have given him lightly sorted lays whoa buddy we don't want to murder carrying a keychain in the shape of an anime sword they said it was a knife I had a shirt with a green Super Mario mushroom on it that said 1up apparently it was drug paraphernalia damn Mario taking those immortality shrooms again getting a C in an exam never was a straight-a student anyway so that wasn't even anything special but my parents had to come to a meeting and the teacher told me that it's okay to cry now edit also my whole class got locked in once because the teacher lost his pen and accused us of stealing it the annie edison would like to know your location literally got ran into the halls turns out it was my fault for not seeing the kid he ran into me from behind and came around the corner the teacher says I got in his way apparently just the direction that we were walking told her nothing for context this was in Florida a girl hid herself in the face with a seat belt and got a black eye she told her mom who got mad at the bus driver my friend and I got in trouble because we were sitting behind her her friend who was also sitting next to me didn't get in trouble now her friend had bullied me and they were both a-holes that got me in trouble on purpose my friend was why she went to the office and was like it was reading and they were like okay checks out go ahead I am NOT I got stuck in the office for most of the day had to write an apology letter my mom was called and I got vas suspension they can't suspend you from the bus also what buses seed bulbs they did my mom had to drive me to school for a week and idk almost all the school buses I've been on a Catholic High School end of year before seniors put on a skit giving nicknames to each Christian brother guy with dandruff equals sugar bear guy with narrow face and swoopy no Z equals possum and so on well start of the next year I guess I did not did not get the memo that the brothers had laid down the law that using those names would not be tolerated after football practice in the locker room we are all getting the rated filled not enough hassle or something traditional and it got to a point where I said oh come on bossy possum was also coach he grabbed me by the hair and caved in the door to one of those little 12x12 lockers by banging the back of my head against it several times decades ago things happened every week in Catholic school that would be national news today what the actual luck would compel a ground behind adults to beat a child and slam him into a locker good God some people have no place working in schools some people have no business being alive using a very dark navy blue sweater we could only wear navy I fought with the director telling her is blue but she said it was black ugh stupid school rules we are there to learn WTF I would have taken off my damn shirt and shoved it in her face under a land light or something always have a tank top or undershirts I ate half a bar over him soap in front of a class get [ __ ] but how did it taste like cilantro seriously picking mulberries and throwing them at squirrels did they say it was dangerous for the squirrel or what I quote you could have hit a student dot I was on the far side log the yard in the nearest person was 50 feet away pretty sure you can chuck a mulberry that far unless you had a wrist rocket we had soda can plus plastic bottle collection drive in our school I was in charge of it and on the last day I went with my friend to look at the results of my work the pile was huge and I said holy [ __ ] that's a lot my friend ran to the principal's office and complained against me for swearing the principal proceeded to call my parents now that's so dumb will you still friends with the guy afterwards yay we were still friends we anyways weren't that close anyways more like good classmates defending someone who was being bullied my age group was among the first of the no tolerance policies I ended up with one day of in-school suspension that my dad convinced them to be out of school suspension because he was going to teach me a lesson my lesson that day was a round of golf with a nice lunch and a day off for school good for you your dad also sounds awesome oh it was just a knee jerk hey get off him scuffle nothing heroic I was actually pretty scared waiting for my parents and principal to come out of his office my parents were pretty strict in general on the car ride home it was one of those we aren't punishing you it was the right thing to do but you have to be aware of these rules at school talks and a fun day with dad after that join our community discord link in description shouting our aw are in the bathroom in second grade I got a referral are a WR r r XD wearing a sweatshirt that said guess on it apparently it meant I wanted the boys to guess my bra size did you explain it to the teachers I tried but they had already made up their minds my mum gave them a good yelling after she found out though pushing the deans finger out of my face sir f ck an invasion of privacy disrespectful F Catholic school priest drank the rest of the wine and the chalice around the end of Mass and I told my classmates he was going to get drunk friend told on me because he thought God would punish him if he didn't had to go to confession and my hippie mum had to have a meeting with the priest and the teachers went surprisingly well priest who was cool teachers were butthurt I was like 13 surprisingly I was left on but hurt edit a Catholic school that she tucked me up for us had another teacher tell me to read about the Divine Comedy Inferno at like age 12 years after I left a review of my Catholic school it said if you love your kids don't send them here the only suicidal time in my life was while I was in this school iicking hated Catholic school it's the kid behind I got bullied a logis from not having enough money to buy what those rich stereotypes eat in the cafeteria got expelled for ditching on senior ditch day excuse me what yay whole graduating class ditched I was one of many drivers to Disneyland I was the only one expelled standing up throw away a tissue I blew my nose in then I got sent outside in front of everyone Akuma's capital a farting in class for working on an AP governor projects in my engineering teacher's classroom during lunch break even though I had his permission to do so before he left for a meeting he wanted a ridiculous bit topical one my friend has just gone back to work as a teacher in North London and she's just been told by her senior management she has to give out yellow warnings to any of the very few students remaining who are wearing a face mask that's not in school colours as if face masks aren't compulsory but if you wanna wear one it has to match the uniform not me but my mother she was six went to Sunday class and the teacher asked her what her religion was my omen always told my mom that she could decide to be whatever religion she wanted to be so my mom said sir the teacher grabbed her and threw her on the desk in front of the whole class she pointed her finger at my mom and Rafa Lee said class this is what Ana theast looks like in the class proceeded to chant a theist atheist for what seemed like an eternity myoma was pissed when she found out she went back to the school and told that teacher a new one there was this racist kid at school and he called me a [ __ ] in the locker room naturally I picked up his shoes and threw them in the shower I got detention for throwing another student shoes and shower area he didn't get anything in first grade we were playing a game with randomly blended partners and I got this rule-following girl as my partner we were rolling dice in the game and I ended up throwing my dice high in the air and letting it fall for my role the girl decides to tell on me because we were supposed to roll the dice on the floor only I thought my teacher would understand that it wasn't a big deal but my teacher ended up signing my planner for that day my buddy and I were playing catch with an apple core throwing it over the top of the school jungle-gym sent to the principal's office we were in my high school government class we were watching a movie and in the movie the guy playing the president Sid Ark so I said fairly loudly so that the teacher and entire class would hear the president just said Ark he'd got the last I was looking for but it also got me sent out into the hallway while I was out there my English teacher came walking by and asked what I had said to get kicked out of class so I told him and he laughed and kept walking he had kicked me out of class a few times by then so he knew how I was I was in a boarding school and I got into trouble because I was late for breakfast for two days my parents where phone call that your child is not punctual looking up alcoholic beverage recipes on a school issued computer tbh that sounds like it would be for a project more than breaking the rules I went to a Catholic grade school and one day while doing a project in class I accidentally said orgasm when I meant to say organism the two nun teachers looked incredibly disgusted and shocked then banned me from the computer lab for the rest of the week it was literally an innocent mistake still pisses me off and this was 25 years ago I was in second grade it was the very first day of learning how to do addition problems in which both numbers had two digits the teacher explained the steps of solving the problems to the class and passed out a worksheet she then instructed us to only do the first two problems on the worksheet and then wait for her to come around and check our work because she wanted to be very sure that everyone understood what they were supposed to be doing before we continued but to make sure everyone followed we've directions she said that anyone who did more than the first two problems would get their card turned to red and be sent to the responsibility center where you sat on the floor in the special math help teachers room and did nothing instead of going out to recess she told us to start on the problems so I did I quickly got the hang of them and forgot all about stopping after the second problem I finished the whole first row and was caught when the teacher came around to check our work I doubt she wanted to follow through with her threat or even expected that she would have to but my card was turned to red and when it was time for recess I was sent down to the responsibility center it was a very big deal to me at the time because I was known to be smart and usually very well behaved in school and it was the first and only time I did something to earn a punishment that severe but looking back I actually had massive anxiety about messing up in elementary school because I knew that my parents and all of my teachers knew I was smart and pretty mature and as a result I felt the constant need for adult approval and constant pressure to not be one of the bad kids luckily I'm a bit better about stuff like that now responsibilities centre is such an Orwellian name for a punishment room WTF having a drawing of a gun legit almost got me suspended for studying for my science exam during a class I did not give an up about tell the teacher this was more important right now and she went apeshit I guess that was pretty cheap you though this is a story I haven't told for a while in 10th grade private school I have a laptop that costed four thousand three hundred and thirty dollars there was some kid who thought it would be cool to try to take it from my bag while it was next to me I don't know WTF was going through his head because back then I was six feet three and did damn near every sport I quickly grabbed him and said quietly the yuck you think you're doing he has the nerve to swing at me he missed so I just grabbed his leg and pick him up by it like he's a fish the teacher who claimed to have seen it all proceeds to run of me like he's a cop he actually tried to tackle any I took two steps back just before he got to me and he flew straight past me I laugh and say on what as I slowly put the kid down the teacher turns around and I [ __ ] you not says you are going to be arrested for better thoughts on a classmate and a teacher I calmly just ignored him and reached from my bag and left the room he the proceeds to follow me down the hall till I got to the principal's office where I explained to him what all happened and in short he said do not bring something that expensive to school again you will be suspended for only a few days because you have not done things like this before and I will make sure to fire that teacher I have now graduated and still use the laptop to this day sorry I made this so long I'm not the best at telling stories so I will try to answer any questions you'll have I got in trouble because I refused to go to the school dance that my mom told the teacher I wasn't going to I don't have overly sensitive hearing but I get easily startled anxious around loud noises I could feel the music in my rib cage all the way in the principal's office while I tried to explain why I was awkwardly wandering the halls this was around kindergarten and I was barely speaking English I come from a hill Vanek family that also barely spoke any English basically I had trouble making friends at school that I got to a point where I was starting to get a little more comfortable with my classmates all because of a little Club I had to join because of my English it would be in the middle of the day where a different teacher would take me and a couple of student to a different room to practice English and social skills I got to a point where I didn't need to go to that club anymore because I got so good at my English it wasn't necessary now the first couple of days I got to talk to kids in my class but I saw this specific group of kids that I never got to actually talk to but this was my chance these group of kids in a small table were laughing their butts off to their hands to some reason all I hear is this doesn't count followed by cops sirens and giggles I realize they are sticking the middle finger but my team pass is like that's not how you do it this is how and I proudly stick out the hardest the most straightest middle finger of all time all the kids started looking at me and became snitches and all made the same cop siren noises as loud as they can making sure the teacher could hear the teacher followed up by grabbing my arm and screaming w-h-o taught you that that is not nice and that's why I find it weird when someone sticks the middle finger out and why I was an introvert for half of my middle school years thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
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Id: vwon4VoUdm8
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Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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