What was the most horrifying "how do you not know how to do this?"

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar etic by planet reddit what's the most horrifying how do you not know how to do this moment you've experienced with another person whilst adulting every few weeks I catch my roommate trying to put his metal tea strainer in the microwave this is in spite of the fact that our first week living in this apartment he destroyed the microwave and had to pay for a new one because he put a metal tea strainer in the microwave you could have left it at him making tea in the microwave PS this blew up I am proud that my first silver is on a comment about respecting British culture as an English person this hell as an American this I have many great stories about my former college roommate two of my favorites are she wanted to make pasta she put a pot on the student poured the noodles in no water in the pot turned on the stove after a while she asked me how come he's not getting soft like when my mom makes them she made brownies from a box the box instructions say grease the bottom of an 8x8 pan before pouring in the brownie batter you bet you're behind this B CH picked up the 8 X 8 pan flipped it over grease the bottom of it and then flipped it back over and poured in the brownie batter loved those books dress the turkey and draw the drapes edit oMG my first award ever thank you anonymous gift er red heart red heart red heart the draw the drapes is one that has stuck with me for years she did her best my wife's entire family not grasping that you need to put water in a steam iron that is amazing the fact that it is an inherited trait makes it even more glorious came up with a game idea inherited stupidity the game where you attempt to survive through multiple generations whilst piling more and more misinformation stat cards on each subsequent generation of your players family the player to have their family tree yellow on the longest before being evolutionarily cut from existence wins head thank you all for the support and input on this idea it went from a throwaway comment to now I really want to make some version of this game because of all the positivity here you all really picked me up today isn't this just planet Earth the game my best friend was sleeping with a new guy she said she wasn't sure of his sexual history but she was on the pill to prevent STDs I was like um edit okay my inbox is blowing up she's a smart girl from a very traditional Chinese family they never discussed sex or anything and if I recall she actually didn't attend health class with us due to her parents opting out I taught her everything she knows I even had to teach her about lube and [ __ ] so hey she's happily married now and no she doesn't have crazy STDs meanwhile when my daughter took sex ed in Texas they told her that if she had sex with some guy and then he went and had sex with two other girls later and those girls went and had sex with two other guys later that it was as if my daughter had had sex with all of them so she was certain to get an STD obviously that's just basic time travel are you saying this is news to you someone wasn't paying attention and interdimensional time-traveling sex ed my friend in college once lamented ugh I have to pee and I just put a tampon in like five minutes ago I hate having to pull them out dry also it's such a waste her mother taught her that there is only one hole down there and being with a tampon in is not possible it will atop your bladder took a lot of me showing articles and diagrams and answering questions to convince her there are indeed two holes she peed while the tampon was still in and cold for her mother in utter shock to share the good news no dear God I what to be fair if I have to go number two I sometimes just take out the temper I usually just shove the string up my vajayjay and out off the way but and sometimes still worried the string will get dirty to each their own but I am appalled she didn't know there is a separate pee hole new tampon every time you pee would be so unnecessary I had a roommate at university whose cooking method was put baked beans in a Tupperware seal the lid turn on microwave when lid pops and explodes beans everywhere they're cooked edit well this kinda blew up way more than I expected so in light of that I'll share another story of his cooking methods one time I came home to find the oven on and smoking a bit opened the door to find what was an entire lasagna bubbling on the bottom of the oven he bought himself a frozen lasagna step one remove out a packaging step two place on middle tray of preheated oven he literally thought that out of packaging was anything outside of the lasagna so he tore away that shell that the lasagna cooks in and placed it straight on the rack so as it defrosted it just fell through the rack and all over the oven and you can guarantee he'd refused to clean the microwave - you're kidding how else would he eat them I also enjoy the top of the microwave beans 19 you dude how do you cook a fried egg gave him instructions and left in two it came back a while later to ask how it went fine in the end but it took a few attempts because of the you kept breaking what do you mean kept breaking well I kept throwing them away because I thought breaking the uke mated poisonous once again he was 19 years old it reminds me of when I was dating a 19 yo toad I explained that eating raw nuts is healthy so he bought a bag of peanuts he complained two days later that he was going to stop eating them because they upset his stomach so I got a free bag of peanuts yay he was stunned when he saw me shelling them and eating the nut because he was eating them shell and all for two days surprisingly did not end well but I got a lot of terrible sex and Dumba's stories out of it surprisingly did not end well but I got a lot of terrible sex and thumbless stories out of it well don't hold out on us it's like he's never even eating a fried egg roommate in college was 22 had lived in an apartment for three years prior to moving in together legitimately did not know how to remove a trash bag from a trash can we had the simplest trash can possible had never turned on an oven before and my favorite complained one day that their bathroom was always sopping wet every time they showered finally realized that they never put up a shower curtain they learned quickly and became a pretty good cook by the time I moved out but man their parents really never prepared them for living alone like I know it's technically the parents fault in these instances but at a certain age surely the ability to Google literally anything places that blame squarely on the individuals shoulders for sure age 22 is a little too old not to have googled it themselves but since they never did anything themselves and having anxiety they lacked so much confidence in their competence that it was crippling them they googled some things while they lived with them did everything correctly but would ask me to four times if I thought they did it right even with the evidence right in front of their face anxiety plus complete an experience really hurt them even with all the resources they needed at their disposal like these people I sympathize with massively if you're at least trying that's fine like I wasn't mad at this guy I was just so bad news that his brain looked at this bathroom afterwards and thought yeah a job well done worked at an on-campus store that sold a lot of essentials for students living at dorms I had one girl asked me what laundry detergent was because she never did laundry she asked if I could help her do her laundry but I declined as I couldn't leave the register which of course she was mad about sorry I have to actually do my job lady in a weird way I am jealous of those people I've done crap like that since I was physically able to and I can honestly say they haven't missed much I appreciate how hopefully it shaped me into a better person but come on it's boring us I can understand I was definitely envious of them because it was obvious they came from money whereas I was working two part-time jobs while going to college but sadly they were also the type of girls who only went to college because everyone else did and more than likely would just try and find someone who'd marry them only to be further pampered I recall having a lab partner who was in a sorority who didn't know how to do laundry or cook they paid people to do that for them I asked her if she was interested in at least learning how to do it for the future she replied back saying that's silly I'm going to marry someone with money where I'd just hire someone to do it for me I had no response to that since I clearly could not relate I worked my butt off at my crappy grocery store jobs but I still didn't really know how to do laundry my mom always wanted it all done a certain way so she did it herself I just kind of trial-and-error picked up how to do laundry when I was finally on my own I never cook much either because my parents did it and whenever I tried tease me about it so I trial-and-error read that too I learned about better cooking from my bf only about seven years ago but I still don't have cooking and tuition and need to follow directions just saying that you can be clueless about something and still be the working type more of a how do you not know to not do this first year at uni a girl in my halls is microwaving some food and left it in the metal foil container it took three fire-engines to put out the fire and we had to have a new kitchen installed not to mention this was at like 3:00 a.m. and I had an exam the next day I was not impressed edit okay apparently not knowing microwave safety is pretty common so do people not study basic physics anymore my faith in humanity wanes daily I was not impressed is the thing that identified this to me as a fellow British person boast I can literally him saying it in flexions and everything well [ __ ] my secret identity has been uncovered I mean I love hand egg and hate that Osaka coffee is the best and tea is the worst they'll never suspect me now spokescat maniacally edit yes hand egg is American football my ex and I were cooking together and one of the pans got too hot and we had a minor grease fire she grabbed a bag of flour as tempted as I was to slap it out on her hands I didn't want to aerate a bunch of flour next to a grease fire so I grabbed it with both hands and forced it and her because she wouldn't let go over to the countertop and then dropped the lid on the pan I asked her what her logic was and she said well you're supposed to put baking soda on a grease fire and not water right yes why did you try to use flour what's the difference they're both white powder edit scribble comlink also Wow this blew up : Jesus that's even worse than water she almost made a bomb yup those are the two most flammable things you'll find in a typical kitchen damn that will basically have turned into a sort of homemade fuel air bomb hey I had no idea thanks for that I knew about the water but not the flour who knows you might have saved me from a disaster in the future join our community discord link in description I had a friend who I noticed took mucinex a lot I've used it occasionally when I've been congested but it seemed abnormal how often I saw him taking it I finally asked him why he was taking at one time because he didn't seem sick at all and he looked puzzled and said well I think I'm getting sick I pressed further and he said because it's an expectorant it turns out he thought you take an expectorant when you were expecting to get sick that's actually pronounced analgesic not analgesic sir the pills go in your mouth this is going to sound weird but manage a budget or just in general being money smart one of my old room mates was really bright academically but he was terrible with money each semester he would start off with a pile of cash from his parents and roughly blow through it after about two months I first noticed it with his Dining Dollars on campus every day it seemed like he would buy the most expensive sushi option on campus everything we're talking maybe $18 which isn't terrible if it's once in a while but this was everyday it's also college dining hall sushi so that quality was also just okay without even considering the money spent of course around midterms when his Dining Dollars would run out and he'd sort off panic and whined that he couldn't afford anything but what was so strange is that when he will start to low he's sort of laugh about not knowing any way we could avoid going broke while continuing to buy the most expensive option but he'd also get really defensive when people wanted to talk to him about this eventually when he moved off campus it was the same thing for the first two months he'd feast he'd get delivery constantly ordering just way too much food and of course he'd never share it but then once he'd nearly run out of cash he divided like an emergency fifty pack of hot dogs and only a third for the rest of the semester while telling everyone else that they were lucky they had money to spend and how not everyone had it so easy when it comes to money he'd never directly saved but there were always a lot of implied insults do you know if he had ever had a job he had never had a job at that point though after graduating he eventually got one sounds unbearable I have friends who sell weed and think they're rich it's exhausting to deal with my girlfriend now wife put a pan of oil on too high of heat and it hit the flashpoint and caught fire she freaked out and went to get a large thing that water and I stopped her and tossed the pan lid on top until the flames went out then she asked me why I stopped her I was very thankful that I was there the first time she had a grease fire not only could she have hurt herself but it was in a college dorm and the whole friggin place could have gone up I had a grease fire not long ago I was cooking away and the pan went a light I was holding the pan handle I didn't know where the lid was I casually called in my wife no response called a gang she replied she was just finishing something I was still holding a pan of fire before casually walking past her through the front door and placed it on the drive in my head it felt like minutes had passed but it was probably only a few seconds and my wife mocks me for help karma I was carrying a pan on fire casually through the house I imagined frozen's voice Hurley III where's the lid to this part why I III do you need to know in the late 90s had a co-worker who complained about her PC being slow took a look in the hard drive was full largest folder was her recycle bin she had never ever emptied it in years of use I emptied recycle cleared temp folder and PC started working fine she was happy until her big Excel tracking sheet was gone oh no she did not know where it was on file explorer so I asked her to show me how she opened it she goes to the little storage container on her desktop named recycle bin and it was normally at the top but now it's gone no back up oops she cried to management that I destroyed her computer manager laughed when I told her the truth edit if you've never seen what Windows 95 looks like net.com link that's row how was she using Excel but didn't know what the recycle bin was Excel isn't exactly basic knowledge you'd be amazed a lot of older people at least where I live took a dedicated spreadsheet word processing courses when the program's first started to hit the scene in schools etc great for doing their books but they're still absolutely clueless on anything outside of the program the first thing we learned way back in middle school was how to convert ranges to tables in Excel didn't think much about it until I started working in an office surrounded by engineers and not a single person knew about it people who have used Excel every day for 30 years and I become the office excel guru in two weeks not sure if this counts but when I took a food-safe course someone asked if they could wash a turkey with dish soap he failed the course but you can wash a turkey with dish soap just be careful not to get it in their eyes because it really stings one of roommates in college would go though plastic spatulas like crazy she'd melt them and wouldn't say anything about it she'd only tell me when I go to use it and wonder why was messed up she'd always say it was due to the spatula being made of cheap plastic no I finally caught her one day she'd be cooking something and would walk away leaving the plastic spatula in the pan while I T was study I learned a bomb head--it fix some spelling also I really did not expect this to blow up funny that so many people can relate for those asking yes I know there are heat-resistant wooden and metal spatulas remember this was in college though so I went to Walmart and just bought the cheapest non-stick pan and utensil sets I could find honestly I liked them well enough and they fit my purposes I never melted a spatula because I don't leave my utensils sitting in a hot pan I also wouldn't allow my roommate to buy a metal spatula since that would mess up the Teflon I have stopped my so from doing that many a time because their parents used to leave metal spatulas in the pattern and it never occurred to them that maybe just maybe plastic is a little easier to melt than metal friends from college tribe making burrito bowls for dinner and complained that some of the onions were weirdly chewy she didn't know onions need to be peeled she asked me if not greasing the pan when making banana bread was okay because she didn't have anything to grease it with she had canola oil olive oil and butter she thought you could only use pan which I informed her was just spray herbal oil she won't cook raw meat because it's gross and she doesn't know how to tell if it's cooked well enough to not get sick I taught her how to make tea how to mop how to do laundry how to make scrambled eggs she has the type of mom that does all the cooking and cleaning but I don't understand why she wouldn't have tried to pass that to her daughter she has the type of mom that does all the cooking and cleaning but I don't understand why she wouldn't have tried to pass that to her daughter that's exactly why mum always did everything and never realized her little baby would need life skills someday infantilizing that old mom never wanted to relinquish control of any household tasks because kids tend to be bad at stuff while they're learning this explains everything oh my god I think the bathroom cleaning thing would be a deal breaker for me ruining mashed potatoes is just a crime but he would have been gone before that when my friend bought a house a month into homeownership she asked me very pissed off when the city was coming to cut a lawn because it's starting to look like weeds it was awkward when I had to explain that she needs to cut her own lawn or hire someone if she waited the long enough the city may have come and cut it for her also a citation and a bill my exbest friend had told me that she had needed to buy another new vacuum cleaner the third that month I asked her what was wrong with it and she said it's not picking things up anymore so I asked if she had dumped out the container she didn't know that was a thing you don't have the new Dyson wormhole model I guess we were still in high school but we were 80 me and my buddy Ferris were just getting into going to the gym we went with Faris's friend Tom after working out in the changing room during some small talk I saw Tom putting on a shirt Tom put the shut over his head but didn't put his arms through the sleeves he managed to pull the shirt over his torso so that it was adequately on before wiggling all about and bending his arms and odd ways to get them into the sleeves I didn't take much notice to it the first few times but after a few months it was apparent he did this every single time Tom didn't know how to put on a shirt at least efficiently eventually we asked Tom why he put his shirt on like that and he said something along the lines of whitewash don't I do it the same way you guys do I guess he had never really thought about it before then edit Grammer I know a lot of guys of doofus I think it's more of a societal split than you realize there is also a gender split in taking off a shirt two guys pull ups from the shoulder girls inverted from the way I never noticed it until I started letting people try on my chainmail shirt it weighs 15 pounds and girls like myself don't have any trouble getting it off by themselves I've had to help every guy out of it though sounds to me like you have never had to deal with a small gasoline engine before which is okay since they seem to be on the way out nowadays the little button you press to make starting easier is called a priming bulb and it basically pumps gas into the system so it's ready to go you are lucky you didn't have to mess with the choke though who knows you might have which would explain why it kept dying thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 102,315
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Keywords: ask reddit, What was the most horrifying how do you not know how to do this?, planet reddit, how do you not know how to do this, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question
Id: fFuFCjT14ls
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Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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