How Did Each Traitor Primarch Fall to Chaos? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal we all have bad days sometimes your wife leaves you on your birthday sometimes you stub your toes so hard that it breaks the bone and sometimes you [ __ ] blood these are just things that tend to happen to us and it definitely puts us in a bit of a subpar mood the primarks are supposed to be supremely intelligent with outstanding willpower so it really shows the power of having a terrible day when one or two really bad ones can make demi-gods willing to give away their souls to the forces of hell to be fair if a demon god told me to join them and i never [ __ ] blood again i'd probably think about it as well keeping your trend with some primark videos i've done lately because primark videos get a ton of views we'll be looking at the reason or reasons why each trader primark gave the big e the middle finger and then they went off to party with chaos some falls were really stupid some falls were kind of justified but still kind of stupid and some arguably never fell at all let's get into it pretty much all of the trader primarks had petty or just straight up ridiculous motivations to do what they did but in saying that it is important to note that it was a long process to go from hey the big ear's a bit of a dick i think horus might be better than the emperor to becoming a smelly mothman there were a number of other factors such as the creation of the highlords of terror as well as space marines seemingly being pushed aside they gave a lot of the primarks a sense of unease like they were soon to be made redundant on top of this horus's primark power is his insane levels of charisma and making people do what he wants just thought i'd quickly mention that so people like mortarion only seem semi-retarded instead of going full [ __ ] going in chronological order of legion number we have fulgrim the phoenix person the guy that had the second dumbest fallout of all of them fulgrim was mega loyal like the man pissed his pants and cried when he met the emperor and his sons were literally called the emperor's children he was an easy going proud dude that didn't take life too seriously however this all changed when fulgrim picked up a suspiciously phallic shaped sword that had a demon of slinesh chilling in it over time the sword changed his mood personality and perception his pride went into overdrive and he lost his banter and fun nature there was a part of him that knew the sword is bad and that he should stop using it but he didn't because he just loves [ __ ] too much [ __ ] loves it by the time horus was a boldy hence the traitor it didn't take much to turn fulgrim to his side since the demon was able to manipulate pretty much all of fulgrim's decisions without the demon fulgrim would have never even considered going trader like the small part of him that wasn't corrupted yet nearly ordered his fleet to blow up horus and that small part of him stopped himself from killing ferris when he knocked ferris out as he was trying to turn ferris to the trader's side the last draw for fulgrim's turn to chaos was the moment he killed ferrous he didn't want to but his willpower and mental fortitude had been drained so much that the demon was able to control his arms and make him deliver the killing blow at that moment fulgrim's despair was so great and his regret was so overwhelming that the demon took full control of his body now that would have been an interesting character a possessed fulgrim in charge with the loyalist regretful foreground inside him trying to retake control while subtly manipulating the demon like the demon did to him instead we got a fulgrim who was quickly able and easily retake control of his body and then be like you know what while i was possessed i was able to reflect on my life and my decisions i know i regretted everything when i killed ferris but i'm a changed man drugs and rape are hectic i think whoever was in charge of fulgrim's character development arc is missing a few chromosomes the creation of the perfect loyalist fulgrim clone was really exciting especially since the clone had the same memories as the original fulgrim but without the penis sword hence he was uncorrupted meaning that the sword was the main thing that brought fulgrum to his knees the next traitor on this list is perturbo who is the solar opposite to fulgrim there's even a funny scene where the iron warriors form up to greet the emperor's children only to be disgusted by the children's new [ __ ] weird armor and complete lack of formation and discipline perti even bashes fulgrim's face in for being such a prissy douchebag unlike the other traitor primarks purdy's fall and character arc was kinda justified purdy was mistreated he and his legion were sent to the most grueling and vicious war zones siege warfare attrition and ruthless violence became purdey's bread and butter the reality is that purdy wanted to create not destroy he was jealous of rogueldorn and the emperor's love for him as a result of this jealousy purdy was super hard on himself and his legion he would cull his own sons and when olympia his home planet rose up against the imperium perthe was so embarrassed that he destroyed his own home planet purdy realizing that wasn't a good idea freaked the [ __ ] out he thought that the emperor would never forgive him even though the emperor's blown up like a thousand planets and probably wouldn't give a [ __ ] it just goes to show how out of touch purdy was with the big e horus came to purdy and was like bro [ __ ] rogel dawn you're a way better builder than him also [ __ ] olympia who cares i'll forgive you for destroying it and puddy was like really you think i'm better than rogal dorne and horus says softly i know you are better than rogol hence purdy joined the traders as the heresy would go on purdy would come to regret this decision all the other trader prime marks got more cooked and demonic and it was just purdy holding them together by the end the dude even said [ __ ] this i'm out and abandoned the siege of terror because he realized all of his allies were [ __ ] useless and not worth his help next on this list is space batman but only the bat and the justice part absolutely no similarities beyond that conrad curse curse was already renegade by the time the heresy started his lack of sanity combined with his extremely violent and disturbing methods had resulted in him being confronted by rogueldorn rogel told curse to stop being an angsty emo [ __ ] which caused curse to have an angsty emo [ __ ] episode and nearly kill rogel curse was in prison but then he escaped his first order of business once he escaped was to blow up his own home planet as he was disgusted that without his influence they had resorted back to a life of crime wow who knew that squashing crime not through eliminating poverty increasing education or funding law enforcement but through having a terrifying murderous sadist as a king was not a sustainable way to stop people breaking the law especially when said murderer sadis king left the planet now despite all this conrad was not explicitly a traitor yet he was just uh on holiday and people should just leave him alone for a bit well they probably should have expected him to go traitor as it only took a brief phone call from horus being like yo you're already [ __ ] and dad wants to kill ya may as well join me to tip him over as a note conrad hated chaos and the night lords remain relatively free of its influence they're still super evil but their situation was less about joining hell and more about having no real other options next up we have the angry angron who is in a pretty similar boat to curse angron had nails in his [ __ ] brain which made him quite impulsive in his decisions any world that angron and his world eaters attacked would be left an empty husk littered with corpses it got so bad that the emperor sent lehman and the space wolves to bring anger onto terror to chill him out for a bit this resulted in a violent battle between the space fools and the world eaters in which quite a few astartes died so yeah anger on was deep in the [ __ ] books when horus came to anger on with his little offer to join his boy band angran was like [ __ ] it why not after all horus was one of the few people anger and liked and with the promise of epic battle and slaughter it was an offer that angrin wasn't going to refuse now for morty the pettiest [ __ ] around the seeds of morty's heresy were sown on the very first day he met the emperor see morty's dad was a necromancer and he was kinda overpowered morty was working on killing his dad but he wasn't ready to face him yet in comes the emperor who's like morty bet you can't kill your dad you worthless piece of [ __ ] and morty was like oh geez oh you know what [ __ ] [ __ ] it i can kill him hence morty climbed up to where his necro daddy was and lo and behold he could not kill him as morty's necro daddy gloated and prepared to finish off morty the big gig comes in and he one shots morty's necro daddy and saves morty now morty considers this a kill steal i don't know what kind of games morty been playing but you actually have to be about to comfortably kill someone for it to be considered a kill steal morty saw himself as the hero of his own story with his necro daddy being the final boss fight and he blew it he couldn't finish the final quest and he was salty when the big e who was a way higher level than him did this shouldn't have been enough to turn him trader though his 4 was actually very unexpected even by malcolador and the big e after all morty hated psyches with her passion and the biggie outlawed psyches whilst horus employed the use of warp and demons the reality is that morty was bitter and horus was able to charm him to his side horus also lied to him like a lot about his vision of the galaxy and the role cycus had to play by the time morty figured out that joining horus was a really shitty idea he was too far in he even tried to team up with the khan to form a new faction but the khan told him to eat a dick morty then went full hypocrite mode and embraced his sucker powers then typhus tricked morty and the death guard into nurgle's realm where they got turbo [ __ ] by disease morty had to embrace nurgul and selly's soul in order to save himself and his sons which he did and voila smelly mothman although it's not a huge shocker that the ugly grim reaper looking [ __ ] would join chaos his motivations were [ __ ] terrible and it makes him really unlikable next up is big red how did magnus fall well magnus was probably the least willing out of all the traders but tit stitch had a huge hard on for magnus very early on when magnus through warped spaghetti discovered horus had gone traitor he desperately tried to warn the emperor and he accidentally broke the empress psychic wards and ruined everything the empress sent lehman to go get magnus so that magnus could help the emperor fixies [ __ ] up but also so the emperor could smack his red ass horus was able to convince lehman to attack magnus instead of collecting him and magnus got suicidal and he let the spacers attack him and his sons instead of trying to reason with them in the battle lehman snapped magnus's big old spine over his knee bane style magnus was like wow that [ __ ] hurt i changed my mind i don't want to die hence embraced hit snitch and was teleported to safety now getting your spine snapped at the same time as being violently teleported to hell can have a pretty adverse effect on your health magnus was shattered into multiple shards each representing a different part of him he was able to collect most of his shards but the ones that were destroyed or kept from him were like his uh nice shards the biggest among them been his noble shard which would later be used to create janus master of the grey knights hence the maintenance that was left over was a massive [ __ ] who was happy to join the traders now we have the ho of the russ the arch trader himself horace horus was having some issues leading up to his fall he felt the biggie had abandoned the great crusade without being honest with his sons and he felt as if the control of the imperium was being given to mortals instead of space screens and primarks most of all he was losing his hair at a rapid pace and there was no derrick around to help stop it despite this he was still loyal and was being a good lad until he got [ __ ] shanked by a chaos knife yeah not good the chaos knife was able to severely wound horus and it fed on his doubt and wavering loyalty he soon entered into a comatose state and [ __ ] looked bad his sons panicked and they allowed a snake cult of witches to take care of horus which was you know probably a bad call especially when that cult turned out to be a chaos cult in this coma erebus entered horus mind and he showed him visions and he lied about the vision's context he convinced horus that the emperor's project was ascending himself to godhood and that horus should be the one in charge horus accepted this and he found his body healed but his soul now belonged to the gods of chaos from here horus just became progressively more of a douchebag till his [ __ ] was literally dripping with warp jizz by the time the emperor finally put him down no list of traders would be complete without the chief kitty filler himself lorger lorger was the first to fall and actually had the most interesting fallout of all of them due to how lorga was he had to believe in a higher power atheism just wasn't an option for him hence he chose to believe in the biggie as his god the biggie wasn't a fan of this because he was an atheist but he let it slide as long as lorga took over planets at a decent pace unfortunately because lorger spent so long converting planets to religious worship of the big e as well as the fact that no choir boy could go untouched his rate of bringing planets into the imperium was really slow so the emperor lost his [ __ ] and he ordered gilimint to blow up lorga's favorite city the biggie then mine raped lorga and all of his sons into kneeling the emperor wanted to make a point the gods are cruel and if the biggie was god this is what he'd actually do well the point kind of got lost there and instead lorga had a massive sook and he went off to try find gods that were worthy of his worship hence he travelled through time and space the warp and hell in a mighty pilgrimage and by the end of it he had made up his mind humanity was better off serving chaos now whilst lorger had the best understanding of chaos out of his brothers he was still very naive about it he saw a golden age of men and demon merging to create super beans and he actually managed to do it for a number of his sons but demons don't really care about that and they're just happy to wear humans as meat suits all in all though lore gas 4 was the most justified and interesting unlike someone's fall which was dumb as dog [ __ ] smelly [ __ ] mothman and finally the fall of maybe falls the wrong word the arfarius of alphareus the alpha legion never really felt a chaos it's complicated and i've got a few videos to explain but basically alfarous was approached by a bunch of [ __ ] xenos called the cabal the cabal were like teom futures one the traders win big he dies imperium tears itself apart in a few years humanity dies and so does chaos future 2 imperium wins slowly dies over 10 000 years while chaos becomes more powerful chaos wins in the end now faris believed that the emperor sought the destruction of chaos above all else so he chose to join the traders even though he did it with loyalist intentions yeah the alpha legion and a bunch are cooked units if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where only one dollar per month gives you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button more traitorous content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 295,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, Superanchors, mad, angry, why, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primarch, Heresy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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