Why the Chaos/Traitor Legions are Incredibly Weak | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal there are a lot of bad guys in warhammer 40k and not many good guys yet despite this the good guys control 95 percent of the galaxy and routinely wipe the floor with evil bastards on the daily the evil bastards been an appropriate synonym for the legions of chaos when the heresy ended there was about the same amount of traitorous studies as there was loyalists but now it appears that the loyalists however like 10 times the amount in the current setting why is this why the trade allegiance so outnumbered outgunned out supplied why are they so weak before we get started i want to say that i'm pretty proud of you guys when i took a stab at promoting male skincare to a bunch of warhammer nerds there was a good chance it was going to flop pretty hard but the opposite occurred so many of you signed up to geology that not only did they give me a pay rise but they actually signed me on as a long-term partner of the brand talk about changing the warhammer stereotype if you're out of the loop your face just like your hair and teeth needs to be washed and taken care of if you want to look good pimply oily puffy or discolored skin are all easily treatable with some face wash and moisturizer if you do not have a skincare routine as soon as you hit 30 you're on the decline my friend hence geology has come in hot to not only make an award-winning skincare routine but they've also done it at a fraction of the cost of other skin care brands whilst making it incredibly easy to follow and understand what happens is that you fill out a survey about your skin then geology will send a customized routine based on that the routine comes with an instruction card that tells you exactly what to do so to get on board the nice skin train and save up the 50 of your trial package which comes with five items then use my link below and if you're really into it then feel free to join the geology discord where they host giveaways and give further skincare tips cheers to geology for sponsoring this video today we'll go over why the trader legions are so weak discussing how weak they actually are what events happen that cause them to be so far behind their loyalist cousins and why they're unable to catch up we'll then look at the potential solutions for chaos for them to actually become the real antagonists of the setting because at the moment i'm way more scared of the space bugs of death than i am of mr topnut over here let's get into it let's get the obvious out the way chaos by its very nature is not organized it doesn't think very far ahead and it never totally prepares for whatever it's about to do the more chaotic something is the less organized and prepared it will be this can be pretty fun if you're off your chops at a music festival but decidedly less fun if you decide it would be a good idea to invade ukraine after mixing too many opioids with vodka warfare on a galactic scale requires a bit of organization no [ __ ] sherlock hence who do you think is going to have the edge here the extremely zealous highly educated general who believes that if his army is not in complete order the emperor will kick him in the balls or gal gadot the snorter chaos lord of getting [ __ ] up and cheese grating his own balls gal gadot might be a considerably more fun drinking buddy but he is going to get shot on by the imperial general in most scenarios in saying that there are numerous traitor warbands who reject chaos and barely use it hell nearly the entire night lord's legion keep it at arm's length yet they are still little more than a mosquito to the imperium even the highly organized red core says struggle to make a significant impact why are they so weak as well well it isn't just the nature of chaos that's holding the trade allegiance back the trade allegiance were actually looking pretty great at the start of the horus heresy with half the galaxy's legions at their command after guardsmen half the navy over half the mechanicus not to mention the fact that horus was using his position as warmaster to funnel all the best new gear and weapons to the trade allegiance before the galactic shipfest started however they had suffered massive losses by the end of the heresy the death of horus alfaris and conrad also knocked them around a bit as did the loyalist mechanicus retaking mars and purging the majority of chaos within their cult it's also important to note that most trader legions had to purge roughly one-third of their numbers due to those marines being considered too loyalist so even though the loyalists lost to salamanders iron hands and raven guard at the beginning of the heresy the traders lost over one-third of their legions each i say over one third because those loyalist elements put up a hell of a fight before they went down the trade allegiance also grew to despise one another perturbo thought all these brothers were a bunch of [ __ ] and didn't deserve his talents so he abandoned the siege of terror early mortarians smelled like [ __ ] and got banished by the khan fulgrim and his sons got bored and decided raping an entire planet was more fun than attacking an impenetrable fortress magnus's soul was shattered by lehman whilst the majority of his sons were killed lorga got his [ __ ] kicked in by horus and wasn't even present during the siege of terror angran was too cooked in the brain to understand what was actually going on and how fares had been killed by this point so when horus died all the traders told each other to get [ __ ] and all went off in their own directions their alliance completely shattered the loyalists on the other hand were more unified than ever with the dark angels space wolves and ultramarines being close to full strength as such the scouring occurred a genocidal campaign where the loyalists tore through the galaxy and purged all traces of chaotic tank within the imperium the pockets of traders were isolated hunted down and overwhelmed the ultramarine sieged the nightlord planet of saguelsa and killed most of them resulting in the survivors splintering into tiny warbands whilst perturbo would score a victory over the overzealous rogue old dawn at the iron cage he too was forced to retreat further and further back eventually the only safe haven for the severely depleted traders was the eye of terror hence that's where they went so the loyalist campaign of revenge against the traders that followed the trader's defeat at the siege of terror knocked them on their ass big time but the imperium was just as battered why were the traders not able to recover well the eye isn't the biggest place in the galaxy with not a whole lot of high quality planets within it as such the trait has begun to compete for the best planets and by compete i mean [ __ ] kill each other the sons of horus got their asses whooped left right and center by the vengeful traitors who blame them for dragging them into this mess it got so bad that the sons of horus ceased to exist and were only salvaged into the black legion because of avadon khan the betrayer earned his namesake when he started solo slaughtering his own legion causing them to shatter into smaller warbands lorga got his ass kicked by a non-chaos demon corvus and he has been hiding ever since magnus only cares about [ __ ] over the space wolves whilst aruman the other thousand sun leader only cares about getting into the black library hence neither sorcerer contributed to the traitors legion's cause the alpha legion probably aren't even real traders so i don't really consider them here hence the only legions that remained somewhat unified under the command of their primark were perturbo and mortarion chaos had taken itself to the brink infighting was rampant and most of the primarks are out of action not ideal but it gets even worse the eye of terror is a corrosive corrupting thing astartes gene seed within the eye is rapidly mutated meaning it's really hard to create space rings from the safety of the eye of terror on top of that humans within the eye also suffer mutations a pregnant woman is almost guaranteed to have a sickly mutant child which is not the kind of candidate the traitorous studies are after hence if the trade allegiance want to rebuild their forces and find new slaves they have to leave the eye and raid imperial space bringing them into conflicts with imperial forces that often result in a net loss for the traders the nightlord's omnibus demonstrates this in great detail because the dark mechanicum is small and focuses mainly on how to shove demons into toasters rather than the mass production and maintenance of astari's armor and weapons the majority of trader marines rely on outdated heavily repaired patchwork power armor it's pretty common for traitorous studies to wear loyalist armor that they scavenge from the enemy they also struggle to build new ships hence most traitor vessels roaming the galaxy were created over 10 000 years earlier destroying a traitor warship genuinely removes that power from the playing field indefinitely the process of creating new recruits is grueling the night lords had to basically kidnap pregnant uncorrupted women and then implant their child as you can imagine this is a [ __ ] to do on a large scale they have to kidnap them instead of breeding them as even on barely corrupted trader ships nearly all women become infertile all these challenges that keep the trade allegiance down are actually solved by the red corsairs which is why they have found so much success and could eventually take over the black legion as the number one chaos warband they live in the maelstrom which is similar to the eye except it's way less chaosy you can be born live and die within the maelstrom without any mutation the red corsairs are also unified and have very little infighting but even if they grew to the size of a legion they would still be wildly outnumbered by the loyalists for context there is about 1 000 space marine chapters with 1 000 space marines each so there is about 1 million loyalist societies in the galaxy at one time probably more now due to primaris in comparison whilst we don't have the figures for the chaos warbands and the figures we do have are extremely inconsistent with some black library authors apparently not doing their homework it's safe to say that it's a lot less than that i say inconsistent as judging by what i've read in the law the black legion could number between ten thousand to one million marines the issue here being that cast marines aren't exactly reliable narrators so as a result of the horus heresy the scouring the chaotic infighting the lack of ideal recruits the severely diminished dark mechanicum and just the overall chaotic vibe the trader legions are incredibly weak and only recently have begun to have a measurable impact on the galaxy like the siege of rocks is considered to be one of kaos's biggest moments and it occurred within a single city on a random planet i mean it was pretty common for a single loyalist chapter to fight off an entire traitor legion prior to the 13th black crusade so what is cows doing to fix this what should they do well with cows being cut in two and the overall level of warped spaghetti increasing the chaos legions have the advantage of supplementing their numbers with demons they also have a much wider range of targets to raid hence gathering the materials and slaves to grow their forces is now significantly easier they also have a few highly regarded members that have developed ways of rapidly creating gene seed fabulous bile for example no one likes fabius everyone would love to kill fabius but as fabius is a genius when it comes to creating new chaos marines nobody [ __ ] with fabius fabius is pretty much the only reason why the emperor's children are still alive in the current setting some other traitor warbands are reforming back into a legion like the night lords hence recruitment programs and raids will become significantly more successful something the traders could do to rebuild their forces would be to lay low for a bit before talos decided to jihad the warp and caused the death of pretty much his entire war band he had set up the infrastructure to begin creating new nightlords and he had a healthy number of recruits in the process the only thing he needed was time if he had laid super low for a century or two then he easily could have created hundreds of new nightlords and brought his warband up to a strength that it hadn't been in over 10 000 years unfortunately they seem to be incapable of this it's like they have a tourettes induced tick but instead of yelling piss on my ass they instead are forced to attack something this is why the alpha legion is so big and powerful all they do is lay low i honestly can't recall a single moment in the law where the alpha legions suffered devastating casualties and have been forced to the sidelines they just stay on the sidelines constantly building up their forces so that when they do do something it's always impactful if it wasn't for a megon or maybe alpharius actually being loyalist and loki manipulating his legion to further the emperor's goals then the alpha legion could have easily brought the imperium to its knees by now i wouldn't be surprised if they had over 1 million space marines in their legion alone it's clear that the gw riders had kind of backed themselves into a corner with chaos they couldn't just suddenly have cows steamrolling all the loyalists and taking over planet by planet it would just make zero sense with how depleted chaos is supposed to be however by having the might of cows thrown at a single planet a planet which they actually weren't able to conquer despite giving it their all and then blowing up said planet by throwing a blackstone fortress at it which in turn created a whiplash effect that split the galaxy in two chaos could suddenly get way more threatening without breaking the law to be honest i think gw actually handed it in a pretty solid way i like how the traitor legions are weak due to their own chaotic nature and i like how the solution to their weakness was just increasing the amount of demons trying to numb on everyone's balls they've managed to make chaos a significant threat once again without just randomly buffing the trade allegiance so well done in that regard at the end of the day a lot more people are buying and playing loyalist marines so if there is anything i know about gw it's that whatever bits of plastic cracks sell the best get to have the most amount of victories in their lore unless it's the custodies they just get to win whenever they want if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we're only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of uh nicely drawn cartoon tits hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more week content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 382,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: yR5HIDmHPxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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