How Did Each Traitor Primarch "Ascend" to Become a Daemon Prince? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl the primarks are an interesting Bunch Immortal demigods made to violently Usher mankind into a golden age but instead ended up ruining everything due to their own egos insecurity daddy issues but most importantly male pattern boldness [ __ ] went so bad that nearly half of them ended up selling their souls and ascending to become demon princes not idealio but becoming a demon Prince isn't a walk in the park even for a Primark each of the ascended Trader primarks had to undergo a shitload of Trials and challenges to eventually earn the favor of their chosen chaos God and be gifted like nine tits or horns or something the law behind each Ascension is actually really interesting and worth the next 10 minutes or so of your life before we get started we are a little flick of a dick away from half a million subscribers 3 000 of you [ __ ] that are watching lurking and not subscribing I get it what's the motive well firstly I'm getting a Warhammer tattoo for 500k which I'll post a video of me getting while I answer some stupid ass questions from subscribers secondly I'm currently working with one of the hottest Eastern European cosplay models on a not suitable for work photo shoot that I'll post to you guys and gals after we hit 500k thirdly I've got some insane merch ready to go I'm talking comfy bathrooms awesome singlet designs slides and more and fourthly please it's an incredible Milestone that I owe to you absolute Legends and I'm Keen to see how far we can take this today we'll be going over each of the trader primark's Ascension to demonhood detailing how they did it why they did it and what powers they gained and lost in the process let's get into it we will start off with full grown because I'm in a silly [ __ ] mood fullgram's faulted cows was a bit um AIDS his first step was when he was influenced by a phallic-shaped demon sword without realizing then he regretted everything then he was possessed and then upon Breaking Free of his possession he decided that sex drugs and rock and roll was a Vibe and all of his interesting inner conflicts and character arcs became irrelevant the gloves had come off and all he now wanted was to go as balls deep into slanesh as physically possible to do this he discovered that he would need to ascend to become a demon Prince of slanesh but slanesh doesn't just hand out ascensions willy-nilly you've got to do something pretty cooked hence fulgrim made up this story about how the Eldar God Kane sodomized the [ __ ] out of Isha and as a result of that she gave birth to the angel exterminatus an Eldar demigod superweapon he then brought this story to Puerto rabo and basically said that the super weapon was in the eye of Terror and together they could take it and secure victory for Horus hurt the rubber was skeptical and thinks fulgrim is a [ __ ] weirdo but he agrees to go on his quest however there was no super weapon the angel exterminatus was the name for fulgrim's Ascension and he basically required Peter ribo's Life Force to act as fuel for the transformation hence fulgrim gave petarabo a mortgage to Stone as a gift a stone that would suck perthy's life dry Purdy obviously didn't realize what it was at the time then at the heart of a crone world within the eye fullgram sprung his trap and begun absorbing purty however Perth the rybo was able to fight back and with the help of the shattered Legions survived the ordeal he then smashed fulgrim apart with his Warhammer however slanesh had quite enjoyed the spectacle so she allowed fulgrim to instead absorb like a million Eldar Spirit Stones as the fuel for his Ascension rather than pertharabo's Primark Soul purty killing fulgum's physical body was the final trigger turning fullgram into the moist rape snake we know and hate today his strength durability speed and martial prowess exploded with him easily beating giliman in a jewel in his demon form however he wasn't able to beat Roble Dawn he got hit point blank with a virus bomb and still managed to regenerate from and is more or less unkillable however he is so engrossed in slanesh's anal beads that he very rarely leaves his hidden pleasure Planet thus more or less knocking him out for the setting post heresy his absence is why the empress children are one of the weakest and most divided trade Allegiance put the rubbers Ascension to become a demon Prince is quite controversial with a lot of people saying it goes against his character makes him a hypocrite and was unnecessary since Lago was already a demon Prince of chaos undivided current law strongly points towards pretorabo being a demon Prince but there is a theory that he is just faking it I'll go over the current law and how he ascended then I'll briefly talk about the theory after the events of Angel exterminatus where fulgrim got the award for Galaxy's shittiest brother per tarabu and his iron Warriors crack the shits previously they had fought in the Horus heresy as if it was a continuation of the great Crusade resisting the taint of chaos and maintaining their codes of Honor however after fullgram's [ __ ] many of them suffered from chaotic corruption and petarabo began allowing it in his ranks after the siege of Terror where the trade has begun falling back to the eye per tarabo set up a trap for Dawn a horrifically fortified strong point to prove who was the greatest Siege Master the extremely angry Dawn accepts The Challenge and throws his Legion at Puerto rabo's iron cage resulting in massive casualties for the Imperial fists if it wasn't for the arrival of gillymen it's likely Dawn and his entire Legion would have been destroyed perturabo flees with 400 Imperial Fish Gene seeds he then offers them up to the cows godza's tribute and in return it gets elevated to become a demon Prince of chaos undivided it wasn't so much the gene seed that impressed them that was more just symbolic it was The Humbling of rogal dawn the Primark that defied all four chaos gods that granted him their favor once again though this doesn't really check out with his personality so why did he do it well it was revealed that the events of angelic's terminatus more or less gave per tarabo terminal cancer having his life force removed then put back in does that so the choice may have been either dire slow death or become a demon Prince kind of like what happened with angron however in the brief times we see pertharabo he is described as having pale necrotizing flesh and being armored in a massive dreadnought-like Street of heavy plate this doesn't really check out with the demon Prince more so a dying Primark putting himself into a huge armored life support system to keep him going so the theory is that he pretended to ascend but instead has just been working on a cure for himself I think that would be a good idea as not every Trader needs to become a demon and logger is already a demon Prince of undivided but either way currently it does appear that Petrova is a demon Prince and has been referred to as much numerous times angoran's Ascension to become a demon Prince wasn't very consensual The Butchers now stole a lot from him a good night's sleep wholesomeness his connection to the warp and the ability to be somewhat likable it also more or less gave him terminal degenerative brain cancer as the nails were incompatible with his Primark brain hence we're basically just blending it into soup as logar and angron were tearing across Ultramar in their Shadow Crusade angron was nearing the end of his life logo wished to save angron hence on the final battle of the Shadow Crusade against the ultramarines of new Syria logo begun channeling the death screams and suffering of the countless billions of Innocents in Ultra mother they had massacred during their Crusade he then channeled all that energy into angron as Ingram was having his final seizure transforming angron from an angry violent man to a big Angry violent demon the butcher's Nails remained within angron's head because corn is an [ __ ] and his rage increased dramatically however the pain did subside a little bit at least according to logar angron is pretty unhappy with his new demon form the rage and pain making him completely insane all the time just as likely to attack his allies than the enemy he has gained increased strength durability and the ability to fly at the cost of cognitive function next up is the very stinky and extremely hypocritical mortarian how does the anti-sika anti-warp super resilient and willful Primark end up becoming a psychic warp entity who failed to resist the disease good question what tyrion's Ascension was not a pleasant one nor did he sick take it out he was tricked by typhus his first Captain into killing his own Navigators and leading his Fleet and Legion directly into Noble's realm on their way to Terror to begin The Siege here nogo was able to come blast the death guard with extreme AIDS Ragu infecting them with Knuckles rot and the Destroyer plague these super diseases tore through the infected Marines basically causing them to die extremely agonizing deaths then coming back to life while still remaining in extreme Agony even mortarion wasn't immune his pain was legendary but that was nothing compared to him watching his Legends Decay around him nurgle then offered him a choice dying excruciatingly slow and painful death alongside his Legion or accept nurgle into their hearts and be reborn whattarian chose to end the suffering and be reborn his death guard was transformed into plague Marines while he himself ascended to become the demon Prince of nergal showing that the cows Gods can just kind of demon Prince anyone whenever and any rituals or missions someone has to do to ascend is more so for the gods entertainment and not a genuine prerequisite rotarian gained the ability to fly create and spread plagues extreme durability and has an energy draining Aura on the negative side he now smells like absolute [ __ ] and doesn't get invited to parties now we have Magnus whose Ascension was a bit chaotic and fragmented pardon the puns so bear with me on this one tits Niche had been grooming Magnus like he was a 15 year old Kardashian as such tit Stitch didn't really want to or need Magnus to do anything particularly special for him to allow him to ascend after all Magnus literally got [ __ ] dumpstered by Lehman Russ before begging tit snitch to save him not exactly the most dignified Ascension however it wasn't clear-cut tit snitch had ascended Magnus but there wasn't much to ascend Magnus doing hectic Voodoo and getting shot on by Lehman had shattered his Verity being into multiple shards he was dying Ironman was able to recover four out of the five main shards which restored the newly ascended Magnus to his powerful status however the good and Noble shot of Magnus was on terror left there when he violently burst through the emperor's wards that Shard was used to create the first Grand Master of the granite it hence it was forever lost to Magnus however with the blessing of tit snitch and the recovery of most of these shards Magnus was now a fully fledged demon prince in terms of power he didn't really get much of a boost as a non-demon he was an extremely powerful psycho as a demon he has a pretty powerful psycho with a lot of weaknesses he has been repelled by the space Souls multiple times struggling to beat their chapter master in a jewel and also getting smacked around by Bjorn the fel-handed this is most likely due to all the shards he had lost sure he recovered four of the key ones but he lost many of the less important ones as well as one of the key ones so that has kind of Kirby's power a bit overall definitely a side grade the wings are cute though the last of the trader primarks to ascend was logar out of all of them the only Ascension that made sense is logarz he was the [ __ ] for chaos and wanted to get his balls deep in it as possible Magnus became a demon Prince out of desperation angron and Morty weren't consensual and fullgram is a [ __ ] per tarabos was also a bit questionable but logger wanted that [ __ ] badly his Ascension was probably also the least interesting and has the least amount of law regarding it what we know is that due to his own and all of his son's culty [ __ ] eventually the coast guards got tired of [ __ ] teasing logger and they allowed him to ascend to become a demon Prince of chaos undivided then he began meditating he briefly broke his meditation to get his ass absolutely whooped by the Demonic corvus corax before then running like a [ __ ] he claims to continue his meditation but we all know he is hiding from his vengeful brother in terms of power boost one million times zero is still zero logo was a weak [ __ ] they got clapped by corvus pre-demon post-demon he was a weak [ __ ] that got clapped by corvus so in terms of ability there isn't much to talk about we just haven't seen much of logo in recent times to know what is happening definitely overdue for the word bearers to become the big bads of the setting overall Ascension probably isn't the right word being a demon Prince kind of sucks balls if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then hit the Subscribe button flick of a dick from 500k lady and gentlemen let's get this bread during the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 396,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 48AFZxo8wnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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