All 20 Primarchs Explained in Under 9 Minutes

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the primarks are primarily magic beings given bodies capable of handling their god-like power by their technical father the emperor of mankind one of the 40k universe's oldest superpowered humans these primarks were sent out into the universe by either their mother who was a scientist or a tube depending on headcanon or the dark gods out of spite for the emperor or their own plans again depending on headcanon each one landed on a different planet with a different cool literary theme lionel johnson is like steampunk king arthur if he had the strategic mind lack of social skills and tendency for secret keeping of batman landing on the english and celtic inspired world of caliban johnson is the lord of the first legion of space marines known as the equally secretive dark angels the second and 11th primarks are meant to be left blank and were stricken from history as well as the memories of the primarks but not the space marines made from them before the betrayal of the primarch horus in what would later be known as the horus heresy your fan fiction goes here build your own primark pilgrim is one of two primarks with a roman theme to him but purple and gold rather than red landing on an industrial world he soon rose to prominence and developed an obsession with improving culture and art as well as standard of living when he finally met his father he would develop his main trait of perfection obsession he would eventually become possessed by a chaos demon and betray the emperor killing his brother the primark ferris the third legion is called the emperor's children they play very good music perturbo landing on the greek themed planet of olympia every time he looked up at the sky he sees something far off in space with his superhuman vision that only he can see which is most likely magic or chaos related he is characterized by his mastery of siege warfare never having wanted to go to war and his richard nixon-like paranoia that everyone is out to undermine or get him he also betrayed the emperor the fourth legion is called the iron warriors jagatai khan is basically genghis khan he has a need for speed and philosophy of the happy warrior he likes freedom and his legion is called the white scars after the white scars they all drew on themselves to symbolize their new lives under the con they also have motorcycles demon russ is a norse viking archetype but with fangs on the ice-cold scandinavian-themed world of fenris as legion the space wolves was founded his jean seed flaw the canis helix sometimes turns his men into literal werewolves called wolfen he also likes freedom and is known as the emperor's executioner rogueldorn is like the archenemy of perturbo known as the praetorian of earth he is the master of defensive structures growing up on the inuit inspired culture of the planet inwit he soon took over the planet through being a great aid in military conquering and embracing the culture's love of hard work his legion is known as the imperial fists conrad kurz landed on space gotham city called nostromo and became a version of the punisher that was also the joker when he touches people he can see their assumed fate or how they are most likely to die he allowed this power to define him and like the joker is constantly trying to prove that everyone is just as crazy as him his legion the nightlords are known for their horrible acts of mutilation and being literal terrorists using fear as their main weapon through public executions for often very minor crimes sanguinius is jesus if his kids were vampires known as a culture appreciator and being one of the two most heroic primarks sanguinius was born with mutant wings that made him look like an angel by the time he was an adult he was worshiped like a god he sacrificed his life to protect his father from horus and still lives on today possibly through the sanguinor a ghost version of himself then helps his legion the blood angels whenever they are in dire need the blood angels drink blood because of their gene seed flaw space vamps ferrous manus is known as one of the two biggest primarks next to his brother vulcan and once fought a metal space dragon plunging it into a volcano giving him cool colossus wolverine metal arms he is called the gorgon for his ugly appearance his feats of strength and blacksmithing due to his magic hands are unmatched by any of his brothers his brother fulgrim would decapitate him while juiced upon demon power his legion the iron hands went completely insane from this and started amputating their body parts making them often times just full on cyborgs kingron is the most tragic boy while he initially had powers like being a living painkiller for other people he instead landed on a gladiator world that would put a device in his head called the butcher's nails that would cause him immense pain if he was not killing something he would terrorize his own legion the world eaters until eventually ascending to demon hood like other traitor primarks he is abuse incarnate think a demonic hulk mixed with an evil spartacus boute gileman is space caesar captain america and has his own mini empire called ultramar the 500 worlds of ultramar are obviously a direct parallel to the 50 united states of america he is defined by his love of taxes and filing forms as well as writing the codex astartes which is like the art of war for space marines and being very down to earth he wanted his legion the ultramarines to integrate back into society once their work was no longer needed and become civil leaders mortarion grew up on a planet of necromancers and disease called barbarus he was pseudo-adopted by a nietzsche necromancer that assumedly genuinely wanted morty to eventually kill him and take his place before morty could do this and lead his forces against the necromancer his real dad showed up and killed him first he did not take this well and would go on to hate his brothers and father while instilling his grudge having nature into his legion the death guard he would eventually turn traitor as well magnus the red was a sorcerer who landed on a middle eastern themed planet of sorcerers who liked experimenting and learning about sorcery magnus the red has a lot of references to king solomon built into him but unfortunately these demons were not a metaphor for living a healthier life like in the lesser key of solomon but instead real demons in over time tricked him into becoming yet another demon primark likes egypt hates werewolves his legion is called the thousand sons horus loop recall is basically a dark reflection of the emperor's original dream of a secular empire originally believing that his father had a conspiracy to be worshiped like a god due to a vision from chaos he thought of chaos like a scientific force to be controlled when again like magnus not understanding they were real demons he had the most time with the emperor during his childhood and while his legion has gone through many changes it is now known after his death at the hands of his father as the black legion lorgaard landed on a planet called cultus which was effectively a world of imams priests and rabbis if they all worship the dark gods of chaos and a single day lasted for a week this deeply religious culture mixed with his visions and job of being a literal preacher made him view the emperor as a god which he was punished for and due to his already fragile emotional state pushed him towards the powers of chaos if you want your chaos space marines to be more religious and less nichian then his legion the word bears is for you balkan landed on the planet of nocturne defined by volcanic activity black people and blacksmithing his foster father like giliman was a very nice man and acted as his jonathan kent he hates space elves due to them raping and torturing many of his people to death and his legion the salamanders are known for both their excessive use of fire and their more humanitarian streak often focusing more on protection of civilian life than their own corvus corax landed on a slave mining world where he very quickly rose to power and led a rebellion to protect and provide for the people of that world his natural power to turn invisible and brooding demeanor is manifested in his legion the raven guard who themselves also have a propensity for stealth also being defined by their gene seed flaw of extreme albinism he is like batman captain america with a little bit of the crow in there as well lastly firstly and also me it's the master of disguise known as alfarias he and omagan were twin primarks landing on different worlds while each one specialized in a different form of social deception alfaria seemingly was the spy hiding in plain sight and omegon liked taking very public roles though that could have been the other way around however this is very unclear as he is kept purposely vague his legion is known for all taking the name of alvarius and it is heavily debated as whether or not he betrayed the emperor because no one knows his or their true motives for anything i am alfarious which primark sounds like your favorite tell me why in the comments below grim dark half off
Channel: Grim Dark (Half Off)
Views: 254,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Primarchs, Warhammer 40K, Explained
Id: xD4cxWCA3MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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