Joining the TRAITOR LEGIONS - CHAOS 40k Lore

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[Music] i was a slave my life dedicated to labor work to provide aid to the imperium wrecking my body churning my soul into machine repetition i was born an orphan a product of the imperium i lived to serve the rich of the fortified city as they lived in their lavish palaces i was buried below the city in the slave sixteen hours a day i worked serving the high lord's youth of the city i was an insect at them beaten without mercy for no reason except for the pleasure of my masters that was my life's talent that was how i survived in the imperium my life was not my own i was only a boy the imperium i was proof of its false promises since birth trained to obey and pray to my emperor my prayers were never answered no one was watching over me in the darkness endless servitude as my masters berated and whipped me as they went inspiring me with the ever flowing message of how great our god was how our service to him would be repaid all while the whip ripped open my skin as my masters bellowed in delight the children of my masters were the worst of them daily they would crack the whip against my skin their grins from ear to ear as they laughed at my pain there was no god watching over me there was i had no intention of loving him i'm not sure why i kept going death was the silence i wish for that is when the vision started to appear the faceless voices pierced directly into my brain showing me a new world beyond our own it was like a new color being seen for the first time i never felt so alive the voices spoke speaking the words i could never utter the god emperor was a lie i was a slave to that divinity a servant who would spend his life raising a beam that did not exist i rejected the false god i wish to be set free from this cursed existence how could i be sure the god emperor even existed the other slaves bought into the myth who could truly say history was written by my masters my depth of life did not travel beyond these steel walls soon after i noticed a change my master's confidence was declining no longer did they hold the grin of satisfaction on their faces they seemed distant fear written into their eyes [Music] i remember the day the message bled throughout the city we were under attack continue the our duties they said if the enemy breaches fight and die for your emperor oh i loathed those words fighting for a rotting carcass of a man i saw the other slaves and my masters argue in their groups speaking of defense and suicide if the city were breached for hours they bickered the power started to shake the sound of war grew closer all were frightened except for me i grew tired of i was ready to move on from this world my only hopes were my masters joining me on that voyage to hell there was no decision in my actions fates had intervened showed me my path of glory my masters were occupied with their prideful yells each want ego stated above the rest [Music] all of them yelling their ideas for safety as they argued i made my way to the security room while locking the door behind me i used the council and opened the city gates such an ignorant mistake that trusts me with that code the light brought in and within a few moments time i heard the screams they were upon us raiders poured into the streets behind them were giants of red steel spikes did he edit from their armor skulls placed as trophies upon their steel the speed and strength was like anything i had ever seen a few of the slaves tried to fight the giants one of the steel warriors grabbed one of my fellow slaves by his head crushing his skull as he screamed all surrendered to the giants more of the raiders came into the palace hurting me and the master's children into a group as they surrounded us one of them spoke the largest of them his voice cracked the air with such ferocity he gave us an offer we were to be pitted against one another if we were to win we would keep our lives the master's children pleaded offering money and riches to the warriors i did not wait i was ready for death but i was not going alone a lifetime of rage boiled over i became a berserker one by one i ripped through the use i cut their faces off as they screamed they were my slaves now the raiders looked on as i continued my vengeance they used so big for their mercy as i tore off their parts the meanest of them i left the lust the sounds of his agony as i cut his face from his head fills my dreams of such joy i had never felt such bliss i held my trophy over my head it was the greatest moment of my life the steel warriors seemed impressed by the fight i was the only one who did not cower from their entrance the largest warrior picked me up by the throat smiling with pride the warrior stared for a minute and said nothing and he spoke we will take this one kill the others i remember him saying i was changed and walked behind the large warrior as i heard the sounds of the chain blade and screaming echoed behind me i was set free of that place for i had won over my masters my memory fades during the passing time when i was to join the legion only vivid glimpses remain the surgery the pain the anguish turning my frail mortal youth into an elite soldier of death i joined my brothers on the battlefield i became a red corsair the truth that was hidden from us all was revealed the truth of the immaterium and the power sacred how the emperor locked these secrets away or fear of him losing his grip on humanity we were all slaves to the emperor imperium was built on a lie my hatred for them is infinite the lives of those miserable riches ring to a soulless lump of meat i will make them pay for those falsehoods i join the armies of chaos and swore allegiance to the dark gods releasing the galaxy from the tyrant's grip i will fight with my brothers until every one of them is dead i serve here on black hearts i fight for corn and men blessed by his gifts i grow stronger i will feast upon the imperium i will bathe in their blood i serve the dark gods i will become the demon prince i have a red corsair and we will ravage the imperium you
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 205,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j16EUgnU4iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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