Who Were the Space Marine ELITE From Each Legion? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal not all humans are physically or intellectually equal some humans can deadlift over a thousand pounds whilst other humans need to have a sit down and rest after getting up too quickly there's a lot of diversity from our absolute units to our absolute plebs whilst the pleb isn't the word I'd use to describe any Space Marine at least when talking about their physical attributes the same concept applies Some Space Marines are just in leagues above bigger stronger meaner and all-round just much better at killing many of these Elite talented studies are elevated above their brothers to join their Legions Elite fighting force this Force might be the spear tip of an invasion just like they're just staring for the sons of Horus or maybe they're just Elite bodyguards like the death shout for the death guard regardless of their role one thing is consistent across all the legions for their Elite Warriors they will wreck your tits and dab on your grave but before we self-harm from mentioning dabbing I'm happy to announce that we have moved on to the 2023 version of the the A4 calendars so all calendars are now 2023 so if you're one of those nerds who actually keeps the date traditionally instead of just you know self molesting to professionally nude cosplays then now's your time as an extra incentive the next 284 calendars and A3 calendars to be bought will be hand signed so if you want to be one of those lucky few then be sure to click the link below there's just under two weeks before the calendars have gone forever and you don't want to die without knowing what these flicks look like without the yellow symbol of death covering them today we'll go over the Elita starter unit from each Legion detailing their loadouts how our studies are chosen and what special role they perform let's get into it we'll go by Legion number because it's easy and it also puts the Dark Angels first exactly where they belong the elite of the Dark Angels of the Deathwing making up the first company of the Legion or chapter depending what millennium we're talking about they are a Terminator only company designed as the Dark Angels trump card whenever something serious needs to get purged during the Crusade they were equipped with cataphract d Terminator armor which was a bit more gladiatorial than the more iconic Terminator armor of the current setting and they weren't just an honor guard they could be when required but their use was very practical in the current setting their role has changed a bit whilst they are still the first company of elite [ __ ] slappers that are called in when things get hairy they are also privy to the Dark Angels true history learning things such as the existence of the Fallen Luther's betrayal of the lion and why the Dark Angels seem to abandon their allies to chase them hooded dude with a bigger sword on his back they are currently led by Belial who is an absolute demon in combat like this is the kind of a starters you'd throw at Abaddon if you wanted to teach that uppity hypocrite a lesson on humility the second legion's Elites are non-existent because none of them were Elite they are however delete the empress children Elita lacking originality in their naming conventions they are the Phoenix guard which not only already existed in warmer fantasy but is also just pretty standard insane that though what they like in originality they make up for in style God damn so aesthetic the Phoenix guard had more of a cultural honor roll as compared to the death Wing they would protect fullgram at all times and travel with him everywhere despite how flashy and shiny they were they were still Beast Warriors 200 of the legion's best they would have to be good enough to keep up with fullgram in battle considering fulgrim was a bit of a show-off this was pretty difficult however the entirety of the Phoenix God were killed during fullgram's battle with eldrad after fulgrim had a hissy fit because his chaos sword had a vice grip on his balls a new Phoenix guard was quickly formed kinda showing off how replaceable they were which continued to serve fullgram however it's unknown if they exist in any capacity in the current setting it seems that the Phoenix guards sought to emulate the custodies from the winged iconography even down to the power Spears they wielded continuing a trend of average naming conventions we now have the iron Warriors iron Circle Elite the funny thing about these Elites is they aren't even a studies they are hectic of battle robots see Perth nearly got assassinated by the Imperial Fierce during the Horus heresy this combined with these already paranoid mood led him to have a mini breakdown and declare his sons as unworthy and unable to protect him hence he modified Colossus class robots with his own genius duck age of technology stuff and a few forbidden Secrets taken from the mechanicum to create these unresting and tireless bodyguard Elite eventually more of the iron Circle were created and used in The Wider Legion as Elite Warriors but yeah they're not even a studies the white scars finally had a cool name for their Elita studies the kashig the kashiquana in between the Deathwing and the Phoenix guard for how they were used they were the honor guard for their Primark as well as the khans of each division but that didn't mean they were forced to always be by their side they are often used as a shotgun or Frontline to break down the enemy forces like many Elites they mostly wore Terminator armor to help with the whole Leroy Jenkins Vibe they had going the kashig were created before the white scars even discovered the Khan they had been the Khan's closest Warriors and to help his Legion integrate with his own unique culture he assigned these kashig Warriors to the tarenborn studies to introduce them to the ways of chigurus final fun fact the honor guard of the Mongol empire were called the kashig with a h so that's where that comes from now we have the Space Wolves and they're God damn it their wolfgard the wolf guard's role isn't particularly unique they protect their God damn it wolf Lords by charging into battle with them often in the Vanguard what is unique however is the fact that the only criteria required to join the wolf guard is to do something [ __ ] hectic in battle meaning a newly initiated space Wolf could do like a no scope 360 straight to a hive tyrant's Dome and Bam they are now a wolf guard a role that every space Wolf dreams of hence wolfgard squads are made up of Space Wolves of all ages and prior ranks the wolf Lord they protect then gives them cool gear like Relic weapons or Terminator armor as he sees fit resulting in wolfgards being a group of mismatched war heroes that absolutely wrecked tits individual wolfgard can be detached from bodyguard duties to lead a spaceful squad or even an entire force so there is a bit of practical flexibility there the Imperial fist Elites were the Huskies who were the praetorians of rogal Dawn and never left his side over the course of the heresy one by one the Huskers died in defense of their Primark by the end of the heresy it seems like they had all died out as the they would never induct new fists into their unit for cultural reasons in the current setting their title has been revived on the order of gillymen however instead of being Elite bodyguards the new huskal are the greatest Siege defense experts in the fists tasked with fortifying key worlds I'm a huge fan of this next one the night Lords Elite the atre mentor these night Lords were hand-picked from the legion By Conrad himself being given Terminator armor before then being put under the command of the legendary savitar they didn't do a whole lot during the heresy just kind of being there it also didn't help that all except a dozen of them were killed by the Dark Angels when the lion cracked their shits and decided the nightlords needed to fist up their ass the few surviving atromenta were heavily shaken when savitar was killed he was such a [ __ ] legend that they didn't know what to do even when a new Commander was assigned they only followed his lead because of their Primark when Conrad was killed most of the atromenta split up and acted as bodyguards for various different nightlord warband leaders here's why I like them they had so much individuality and personalities they chose who was worthy of their service and protection as soon as they were no longer worthy they would abandon them and find a new night Lord to serve having a tremenda protecting you was like a badge of offers a sign that you were worthy of respect some achamental were massive Pricks others Noble Warriors some were chaotic [ __ ] the only thing keeping all these huge conflicting personalities together was savitar a testament to the kind of a studies that autistic Legend was the blood angels Elite is the famous sanguinary Guard the sanghi guard as I'll call them are probably the most dedicated out of all the honor guards when sanguinis was still around they sought to emulate his majesty in power foregoing their identities putting on winged jet packs taking up Mastercraft power swords and even getting San quinnius's face as their helmets after all how do you protect a flying demigod you also have to become a flying demigod because of how difficult it was to be a singing guard and survive more than five minutes when trying to keep up with sanguinius the order was is always small and has faced Annihilation on multiple occasions usually only one sangigard remaining to rebuild the order the sanghi guard are considered to be essential for the blood angels culture reminding them about the nobility of their lineage and to prevent them from reverting back to their pre-sanguine's Fairways also how could you not get a morale boost seeing a Golden Warrior flying in the sky the iron hands Elite the morlocks suffered the same fate as the rest of their Legion a relevancy they were the Terminator Elite on a guard of Ferris Madness and that he died with their Primark to add salt to the wound when fulgrim tried and failed to sway Ferris to join chaos wilgram's Phoenix guard surprise attack and decapitated the 10 best warlocks in one quick hit so off the bat their 10 best were gone and all the survivors were surrounded and killed during the drop site Massacre as far as I know the warlocks were never rebuilt as they had nothing to guard the world eater Elite's name make me chuckle as they are called the devourers like it's badass but it just makes me smile what doesn't make me smile however is their very tragic story The devourers were the honor guard of their Primark and despite anger under testing the idea of bodyguards he understood their cultural importance and accepted them to become a Devourer was a massive honor so whenever one of the twelve fell in battle a legion wide gladiatorial contest was held to see who would take their place however as angron lost more and more of his sanity and became an even bigger [ __ ] [ __ ] he forgot why he initially allowed the devourers to exist and he begun to resent them they could also never keep up with him in battle as he would charge for like a [ __ ] Maniac yet they couldn't keep up with him due to their Terminator armor slowing them down so they were always left in his dust and he always ignored them by the time heresy came about nobody wanted to be a Devourer whenever a Devourer fell in battle the greatest world leader Warriors would ignore the gladiatorial matches to take their place Khan thought they were a sad joke when an elite World eater beat a Devourer in a gladiatorial match he would refuse to kill him as it would mean he would have to take their place when the heresy ended did the remaining devourers disbanded forming their own War bands or joining others feeling nothing but shame and embarrassment for the entire time despite the usual vanilliness of the ultramarines their Elite Warriors the invictarius suzeran were dope as hell and probably one of the most interesting of all the legions Elites firstly their arm was [ __ ] baller like holy [ __ ] look at that and secondary they didn't have to wear Terminator armor like like every other Legion seemed to insist their leads too the invictorius weren't chosen just for their battle skills but also for their leadership governance and ability to speedrun their 12 times table they weren't even necessarily gilliman's Honor Guard instead acting as shining beacons of ultramarine example sadly in the modern setting the invictares have devolved into basic Honor Guard maintaining a few cool design elements however their role has been greatly diminished the death guards Death Shroud are dope as hell and one of the only Trader Legion elite units to have survived into the current setting in short they are mortarians on a guard studies in Terminator armor wielding power sides which is ballroom has however they are also Morty's confidence and keeper of his secrets to recruit a Death Shroud Morty will approach a death guard and invite him to join when these studies accepts his death will be faked on the battlefield as his identity is scrubbed from history he can then never share his identity with anyone not even other destroyed members and he can never show his face there must always be two death trout near mortarion at all times whilst the others are allowed to act as Battlefield juggernauts taking down enemy Champions or breaking through enemy strong points in the current setting they act as representatives of mortarion assigned to protect observe or punish his subordinates for example if a death guard Lord engages in battle Morty may send a Death Shroud if the Lord is successful then the Shroud departs and reports it if he fails the Shroud will execute him on the spot either way the Shroud will fight for the Lord so if they fail they probably deserve it the Thousand Sons had their Mega Elite Scarab occult with the most elite of those being the sick met the SEC met were extremely powerful warriors as they were also wildly potent Sorcerers combine the two and slap it in a set of Terminator armor and now you have arguably the most Elite Force of the studies in the Galaxy other primarks even shared opinions on them because they were so powerful the Khan and Ferris referred to them as robots due to how single-minded and destructive they were however for Ferris this was a compliment Lehman hated them as they would just use their op abilities to dispassionately easily win battles rather than getting stuck in like his honorable wolf guard when Ironman [ __ ] up his rubric and turned most of his leech into dust the sekhmet the sorcerer Warriors survived and became even more powerful however most of the Scarab o cult would turn into Rubik Marines little better than the robots they had once been called the lunar walls and then when they became the sons of Horus had the elite jesteren abaddon's first company of black Terminator cladostanis they were not honor guards at all purely taking the role of shock assault units designed to break Empires with a single attack abadon loved his jesteran their armor is what partially inspired the black Legion Rebrand however during a bit of a [ __ ] up by abadon during the siege of Terror pretty much the entirety of the just staring were killed was the black Legion brand a tribute to them I can't say for certain but I could definitely see that considering how much respect abadon put onto true Warriors the word bearers had a very unique Elite Force the gulf or back werebearers who had successfully formed a symbiotic relationship with the demons that were possessing them allowing them to maintain their Free Will whilst also calling forth the power of the entity within them in battle they would mutate into full demon forms before returning to their human astarti form afterwards lugard did get a bit cocky with them though thinking they could take on corvus corax a mistake which resulted in almost every original gal warback getting massacred whilst logger himself created [ __ ] kicked in since then new Galva back had been created however these are all parodies of The Originals their leader argotar was also murdered by Erebus out of jealousy and duty to chaos so that just puts another nail in their coffin if you had never heard of the salamander's pie guard Elite then don't worry neither had I but they're very [ __ ] cool and they have a few unique aspects they were hand chosen by Vulcan as the more warlike and vicious salamanders comparable to volcanoes on the brink of eruption they were considered to be above all others in rank and stature overriding the authority of even captains the most unique thing about them however was the fact that they were all Terran born those taken from Nocturne vulcan's home planet were ineligible they weren't just honor guards nor were they just powerful assault units they were designed as individual leaders of companies and chapters embodiments of the warlike nature of the salamanders needless to say they weren't very cuddly for a salamander which makes them very cuddly for a world eater but you get what I mean the Raven God had their Shadow Warriors who acted only as honor guards for corvus corax in order to protect corvus without always giving away his position the shadow wardens were the stealthiest of studies in The Raven guard after all if they weren't then they would basically just be their biggest liability ever acting as a beacon to where corvus was most of them were killed during the dropside massacre with the survivors eventually forming The Black Guard a second founding chapter as with most honor guards on this list as soon as the Primark dies or vanishes they will generally disband pretty quick and finally the alpha legion's lanaian that's probably not how you say it but we'll just roll with it the linnaein weren't particularly special acting like the alpha Legion version of the Justin however this did make them unique within the alpha Legion as they ignored all the usual subdivision sabotage tactics and instead were used when all that was required was overwhelming death when the nut just needed to be cracked open our virus would often describe himself as one of the lanerian whenever he wanted to get some Frontline action in if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then get the cosplay calendar all of which is now 2023 and remember the first 200 to be bought of the A3 and A4 calendars will be signed so click the link below now hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more Elite content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 589,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: X8907erCBmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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