What Was Each Legion's Relationship with Their Primarch Like? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal you might be looking at this video title and thinking I know this one they all love their daddy primarks and sure for the simpletons of you out there that would be accurate enough for most cases however if we peel back the layers the complexity of how each space brand views their own Primark becomes apparent some primarks see their Space Marines as little brothers instead of suns Some Space Marines see their primarks as respected leaders instead of fathers others want to get on their knees and use your imagination for that one some Legions actually despise their Primark it's not a one-size-fits-all or sunshine and rainbows and that is something worth discussing before we get started I am a huge advocate of hygiene and taking care of yourself partly due to my rampant ego but mostly for wholesome self-love reasons so I have once again partnered with geology for this video to bring skin care body washes hair washers and deodorants to your doorstep with a massive 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go over each of the legion's relationship with their Primark to determine what was actually going on off the battlefield the relationship will be a general Vibe as opposed to what you know one or two named characters thought I obviously won't include the opinion of the loyalist elements that were murdered by the trader primarks as obviously would be pretty [ __ ] negative let's get into it thank you kicking us off with the Dark Angels and the lion after all nothing gets me harder than a bit of chronological ordering the Lion's Primark Aura was much more intense than that of his brothers not only his own Dark Angels but also other Legion space Rings were awed by his presence and struggled to look him in the eyes in saying that though the line didn't want to be this Godlike being that his Space Marines jerked off to he referred to them as little brothers instead of sons and acted like their respected Commander rather than their daddy they wanted to Revere him but he just wanted respect and for his orders to be obeyed without delay as evident by him punching off his chaplain's head when his chaplain refused these orders You could argue that he wasn't actually that respected by his Legion as evident by caliban and Luther's Fallen Dark Angels turning on him however most of those Marines never actually met the lion and caliban had spent decades having its resentment exploited by chaos even then most Fallen have been eager to flock to the Lion's Banner since the Lions return the second primark's relationship with these studies can be summed up in one sentence I have no [ __ ] clue full groom didn't have the restraint and humility of the lion pre-heresy he Sons adored him as an icon they would get giddy with excitement in his presence and even receiving his attention for a mere moment would make their day it was their Obsession to please daddy that allowed them to overlook their Legions fall into depravity as that fall appeared to be the will of fulgrim post heresy this goes to a whole nother level they see him as a God and he welcomes their worship when he speaks they all stare and listen intently they hang on every word they were so devoted to him that when they believed he was possessed by a demon they literally ambushed him and begun trying to torture the alleged demon out of him because the thought of their Lord's body being used as a demon puppet was abhorrent to them in recent times fulgrim has been sucking his own tits on his pleasure planet for thousands of years away from his Legion only recently stirring from his auto fellatio so it's no surprise that the empress children now have hectic daddy issues and have splintered into dozens of War bands Puerto rabo inspires his men but I wouldn't call their relationship healthy he is extremely harsh on them beating some of them to death or disability in fits of anger he has cultivated a culture of mistrust and unhealthy rivalry with iron Warriors and warsmiths always seeking to outdo each other to get his approval a chief example of this was when one more Smith felt robbed that he wasn't promoted to petaraba's Inner Circle instead perty chose a rank and file Warrior that impressed him to instead take the spot in his Trident so during a battle that slighted warsmith ordered his artillery to fire upon an iron Warrior strong point in the hopes of killing a member of the Trident and opening up a spot for him that bombardment killed thousands of iron Warriors that didn't really need to die perturabo's Iron Will has kept the iron Warriors cohesive end together but they definitely do not love or adore their Gene father the white scars greatly respect the Khan but they do not blindly adore him or even really understand him on the flip side the Khan loves his sons and nourishes their creativity and artistic Pursuits raising them above the Savage impression that they give off this sounds whose and it is but his son's lack of understanding about their father almost proved fatal for the entire Legion when the heresy broke out many white scars liked the idea of being independent from the Imperium and leaning more into their Savage nomadic Vibe when jagada was exploring the remains of Prospero those white scars that wanted to break from the emperor led a mutiny thinking that if they took control of the fleet Jack and I would have no choice but to join Horus this was nearly half the white scars doing this when jagadai got back aboard he shut that [ __ ] down quickly with many of the mutineers killing themselves out of Shame jagada was not one to express his inner thoughts or feelings a tactic he used to avoid his enemies learning of potential weaknesses and sometimes this extended to his own Legion as well Lehman Russ had an easy going and close relationship with these Space Wolves they clearly loved and respected him but they were not in constant awe around him or felt as if they had to suck him off or chase his approval he was their liege but also their companion and even friend they drank together fought together and if their dicks worked they would [ __ ] together weather the Wolves often got frustrated with Russ such as when he got all depresso espresso about the heresy and isolated himself away from them or when he threw the spear the emperor gave them away and his Legion spent days tracking it down and bringing it back they didn't justify all of his shitty actions and spin it into something good like some of the other Legions would do they were like oh yeah this [ __ ] [ __ ] having his [ __ ] little temper tantrums it was very brotherly and camaraderie rather than Father and Son in my opinion a mutually respected relationship of warrior and Commander is healthier and stronger than a full-on simp Fest between a space ring with daddy issues and a Primark with daddy issues rogaldon's relationship with these Space Marines is more interesting than it seems they followed the father-son style with him calling his Warriors sons and them calling him father they are extremely devoted to him and his command knowing that they serve their lord Dawn gives them extremely high levels of willpower and fortitude as shown when the Imperial fists were the only Marines who maintain their sanity when Fabius was turning Marines from each Legion into a Nations however this can go both ways when Alexis Pollocks was beating perturubo during the Battle of fowl he threw away everything and suffered immense casualties instead of winning what could have been one of the most important battles of the heresy all because he received a last-minute distorted order from dawn to return to Terror in another case when sigismund told Dawn that he allowed his actions to be influenced by a Divine prophet in direct violation of the Imperial truth Dawn raged at him with sigism being knocked back by the force of Dawn's rage and disappointment this is sigismund a veteran of a hundred Wars with thousands of kills under his belt reduced to a child under Dawn's disgust and disappointment it was very clear that Dawn was their lord the Imperial fist his soldiers there was no room for debate or much in the way of bantar it was an intense effective yet very formal relationship the night Lords of the eighth Legion and yeah that was a shitty relationship Conrad cursed hated and despised most of his Legion as they were recruited from gangs and crime families the very things he tried to destroy they had holy sadism and cruelty without any of his conviction or sense of justice he only really liked a small handful of true night Lords like Talos or savitar his Legion cared for their Primark but they didn't really respect him they saw his sanity drain away with savitar openly calling him out for being a [ __ ] for his really [ __ ] tactical prowess and his constant need to lead them to defeat against the Dark Angels by the time Conrad met his end many of the night Lords had abandoned their Primark and the legion to form their own War bands many others felt their loyalty to savitar over Conrad when Conrad finally died those that stayed with him were devastated however when they reflect on their Primark they think of him as a broken insane creature not as a beloved Mentor or father sanguinis is a glorious Hawk boy and his sons know it only a few primarks could Inspire absolute loyalty and devotion within their Legion sanguinis was Chief amongst them his humility willingness to take advice easy going demeanor with his sons and Leadership abilities made him beloved by his Legion not just as a Godlike figure but also as a grounded father that they could speak with sanguinis in turn loved his sons more than anything else he literally nearly traded his soul and loyalty to chaos because he thought it might save them from their Gene flaws although this relationship sounds similar to the one that fulgrim originally had with his Legion it's a lot less toxic sangunis doesn't see himself as this Godlike being worthy of the devotion he connects with them on a personal level and treats them as equals Nasir amid the original flesh Terror felt comfortable enough to tell sanguinous to his face that Horus was a traitorous piece of [ __ ] same goodies did end up [ __ ] slapping him but the point remains overall a very strong bond but not in a weird incesty way Ferris Manor shared a similar relationship to his iron hands to that of Puerto rabo and his iron Warriors Ferris was Stern and easy to piss off he was hard on his men and pushed them however he wasn't a bitter [ __ ] like perty was he was able to share genuine camaraderie and Brotherhood with his sons especially his first Captain Gabriel Santa this healthier approach to command meant that his iron Warriors weren't [ __ ] murdering each other to climb the ladder his Legion was devastated upon his death however they use it to harden their resolve and become even more unbreakable and dedicated as ever whereas the hypothetical death of petarabo would have likely caused a breakup within the iron Warriors Legion as each warsmith took their own forces away on their own agendas the 11th legion's Primark molested his son saw his records have been expunged the world eaters had a pretty sad relationship with angron angron despised everyone including his own Legion he never got over the deaths of his original Gladiator Army and never really accepted the world eaters as a worthy replacement even going as far to decimate his Legion or even start butchering them himself no single person has killed more World eaters than angron in return his sons want to love him but they just can't they don't feel that Primark aura or connection or impressiveness with angron yet they feel it with other primarks like logar angron is petty and petulant just an all-round [ __ ] to everyone the the world it has allowed themselves to be mutilated by the butcher's Nails as they believed it would bring them closer to their Primark it didn't at this point they don't even follow him out of loyalty anymore they are just so blood crazed that the only thing they know is that wherever angron goes the fighting will be legendary on the flip side we have gillymen and his ultramarines you would think that the ultramarines would want to wank their dad 24 7 but that just isn't the case they don't see him as their Messiah or God King more so as a heavily respected and wise leader giliman is impressive but he isn't this walking Avatar of divine power like sangrinius or laga or Magnus his sons don't struggle to speak to him or look at him this is by Gilman's design he doesn't want to be praised as a deity he wants to be able to speak freely with his Warriors and take their insights he wants them to challenge his thinking and be his devil's advocate he even jokes with them here and there often unnerving them as they didn't realize he had a capacity for having a laugh when his Legion thought he had died during the war for calf they didn't wail or cry they took the news with grim Expressions but pushed on and fulfilled their duty diliman is easily one of the most human of all the primarks his respectful relationship with his sons reflects that the death guard's relationship with mortarion was bizarre when he took control of the Legion he broke down their dusk greater Origins and rebuilt them in his own image he also wasn't a particularly pleasant person to be around and his sons were unnerved and uneasy whenever he gave them his attention in saying that though they were mostly loyal to him and looked up to him as their father and he did care for them as evident by him selling his salt to nurgle to save himself and his sons from an agonizing death however his relationship with them remained cold with typhus his second in command ditching him as soon as he could and basically taking half the legion with him in saying that the death guard remained one of the most cohesive trade Allegiance still around thanks to Morty's leadership so he has to be doing something right Magnus and His Thousand Sons shared a close father-son Bond Magnus loved them above all else going to Great Lengths to try stop the flesh change he even rejected the emperor's offer of a new Legion to replace the defunct thousand Sons his sons in turn respected and loved him however there were some issues with the relationship Magnus was incredibly arrogant and thought he always knew better than his sons thus he ignored the warnings given to him by arrowman and other legionnaires these mistakes by Magnus completely [ __ ] the Legion in the ass so when Magnus wanted to suicide himself and his Legion to atone his Space Marines told him to get [ __ ] and disobeyed his orders instead choosing to fight the Space Wolves the Thousand Sons would soon break off into war bands with Ironman himself going against Magnus in his attempts to cure the legion's flesh change instead of working with Magnus on it whilst there was a lot of mutual love the mutual respect crumbled Judah magnus's mistakes which caused the Primark and Legion to split apart and go behind each other's backs Horus was incredibly charismatic and his Legion loved him in return he loved his sons however it became more obvious that his affection towards them was just manipulation the more he felt to chaos when he fell on Daven from the chaos knife his sons were so distraught and panicked that when they arrived back on their ship carrying their dying Primark they plowed through a crowd of civilians killing and maiming many this wasn't just avadon being a dick garveyor Loken was amongst the legionnaires pushing punching and crushing their way through the crowd in desperation to get horse to the Apothecary as Horus fell more and more his legion's love of him also dissipated he was a meat suit for chaos and even abadon his first Captain begun to despise what he had become Avalon literally killed the clone of Horus that Fabius made the black Legion does not remember Horus fonly he was the Primark that led them to damnation and ruin avadon literally disbanded the sons of Horus and formed the black Legion in order to destroy horace's Legacy the relationship of Primark and space Marina was once considered to be the greatest out of all the legions ended up falling to become even more broken than angron's relationship with his sons on the flip side of that laga and his sons were very close he inspired obscene amounts of loyalty in his men he was their prophet and demigod they did anything and everything for him in turn he love them greatly taking on corvus Core ice in a doomed one-sided Jewel to try to stop the ravenlord from butchering them however as chaos took hold and he saw many of his sons go down the wrong path he'd begun to get cold towards them he sent Erebus and caught pharaon to kauth in the hopes that they would die and when Erebus killed agual tal logo's favorite son he told Khan about it in the hopes that Khan would go kill Erebus since the end of the heresy logger has been isolated from his Legion for ten thousand years clearly he doesn't give much of a [ __ ] about them anymore or at least not as much as the old genuine devotion he felt towards them before everything literally went to hell the wordbearers are still devoted towards Lugar however with core fair and controlling one half an Arab is controlling the other their loyalties and feelings are a bit of a mess the most wholesome relationship on this list is between Vulcan and his friendly salamanders however it wasn't clingy and weird Vulcan knelt before his Legion when they met telling them that he was their father not their King and to only kneel to him when he earned their respect not to show fealty he care every Sons like none other and was completely devastated and enraged when the is Fun Drop site Massacre occurred the new Extinction of his Legion really [ __ ] him up mentally on the flip side when his Legion thought he was dead they were also mentally unwell they did not cope with it well like the iron hands did despite that the relationship was still healthy respectful and wholesome but he was their daddy not their lord or Captain corvus korax had a pretty interesting relationship with his Raven guard they respected him and gladly gave their lives in service to him but they did not reveal him or see him as this infallible demigod whenever you read about corvus interacting with these Warriors it's quite casual and relaxed they aren't in constant awe of him or get tingly when he looks at them maybe it's a result of him growing up under their care and leading his people into freedom in a guerrilla war that resulted in their current relationship or it might just be the cold withdrawn Vibe corvus gives rather than the blazing sun that is sanguineous or Magnus his bond with his sons isn't weaker than those primarks it's just more low-key however the Raven God had just as dedicated and loyal to kovis as any other Legion to their own Primark this relationship is similar to that of how far is omegon with their Alpha Legion as our fares is small of stature often hides his Primark Aura and is often impersonated by his own legionnaires he isn't seen as this legendary figure to follow headfirst into battle he is more like the first amongst equals that doesn't diminish the alpha legion's loyalty to him though when he declared for Horus most of the alpha Legion were like okay sure he never gave his sons a reason and they just trusted his judgment when the alpha Legion Primark speak with their studies it's quite casual with the primarks never dominating their warriors with their presence or words more so it's like mutually respectful colleagues anything to help with their more low-key Legion tactics is what they're after most of the time our virus and Omegle to wear plain Space Marine battle plate only occasionally bringing out the hectic scale male Greco armor with that badass Xeno spear despite this casual relationship any Alpha Legionnaire would willingly die for their Primark and carry out their orders in that question it's no coincidence that the primarks that thought themselves above and better than their Space Marines often ended up being the ones to go traitor the ego can be an easy thing to corrupt if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel the patreon is the place to be where only one dollar per month gives you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai and ten dollars gives you access to a bunch of live-action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more relationship content during the Discord for memes and I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 396,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: G9cCd02sa5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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