Norsca has had no love in 6 years...

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norska is definitely one of my favorite Total War Warhammer factions and the only chaos aligned faction that I'm really into I love a nice aggressive Rush faction with strong infantry they've got some of my favorite units in the game in Berserkers and skin wolves so norska has always had a special place in my beard and every time a DLC cycle comes around a new DLC comes out I'm always hopeful that something will arrive for norska maybe not a full-on half a DLC for them they're not the faction that needs it most that's maybe vampire counts or dwarfs but maybe just a regiment of renown or a legendary hero but alas with the shadows of change DLC just around the corner still no sign of anything for norca and it's a little bit more annoying because zinc is getting two Legendary Heroes with this DLC they're getting the DLC one which is the blue scribes and then the free LC which is echoed hellbrass and you know the last time norska got a new unit to the roster me neither that's right it's been that long I'm pretty sure the last time was when they were released literally because their regiments of renown came with it that was August 2017 six years ago to this month nothing new for norska in that time now you could make the argument that well norska's roster is actually pretty decent for what it is and it's held up pretty well it's a good roster with lots of variety of different units that covers a lot of the bases anti-infantry anti-large anti-air but of all the 24 factions in this game norska is the only one with a below average amount of Lords only three since released most factions have five or more same thing with Heroes norska only has three most factions have five or more and all of the other Warhammer One races are fleshed out britonia greenskins dwarfs Empire vampire counts they've all got these higher numbers of Lords and heroes wood elves as well so why is norska been so Left Behind not even a simple legendary hero or even maybe a new generic Lord and it's not as if they don't have any material to pull from here's a bunch of cool sounding Lords that I'm just gonna read off from the Wiki volgar The Butcher he went to Camry to raid some tomb King's tombs with his tribe that would be a cool School campaign right something different from the icy mountains of norska or gamma rotwittner he went to Carrick cadrin to fight some dwarfs he had a fight with gottrek I think that could be cool or maybe lost Ericsson the first norskin boy to go to lustria a completely different climate than you're typically used to as norska and then there's just some of the stuff from the really old army books or maybe some of this is unofficial I'm not entirely sure but the king of the frost Jones how about a frost giant Lord or maybe yora and Bjorn this sounds like a cool Duo Lord a shield maiden and a shape-shifting wear bear and then there's all the possibilities for new units like Huskers heavy Elite infantry capable of Shield walls that would be cool Shield maidens maybe they could be a faster infantry for norska sturdy but Speedy or maybe some monstrous infantry and half Giants which in theory should be literally half the size of a giant big monstrous infantry or maybe a single entity flying unit in Valkyries or maybe they could be a hero lots of interesting stuff and material to pull from so there could definitely be some really cool stuff added to norska and there might be some hope for this going going by the road map that we had a few months ago the Shadows have changed stuff we've got going on now then at the end of the year we're getting the Thrones of Decay stuff so that's nurgle Empire and dwarfs being sorted out it does say free Legendary Heroes so you never know norska but probably not I imagine though if norska is going to get any kind of love in any point of this road map it's gonna be in this final one which is still to be revealed it's obviously going to be slanesh as the first faction and then I'm gonna guess two more Legacy races which I would say vampire counts and norska would be my guesses but I guess we'll have to wait and see even if we get just a couple more Lords and heroes I'd be happy with that for a while the Army rotter like I said it's pretty good already it would be nice to have some more cool units to play with though the campaign could use a bit of a rework could do something more exciting with it the monster hunts is cool but they're doing so many interesting things with campaign mechanics now I'm sure they could come up with something a little more exciting for norska and the norska campaign has got better in Warhammer 3 and Warhammer 2 mortal Empires it was pretty bad people complained about it a lot so they fixed it up a bit for Warhammer 3 but now it's kind of gone too far the other way it's kind of too easy because you make so much money from ports so yeah it would be nice if the norska campaign's got more of a proper overhaul and who knows if this is ca's choice to not really give norska any love or maybe it's Games Workshop who knows but here's to norska having a bright future one day one day
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 14,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, norsca
Id: dLykg70Syuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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