Which Daemon/Traitor Primarch Is The Most Powerful? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal to say that all primarks were equal is to say that cyanide is a solid dietary supplement it's just not although they all excel in different areas and with the right setup could all defeat each other it wasn't this neck and neck race sanguineous Horus the lion kill him in and a few more were a tear Above the Rest however with many Trader primarks becoming demons and gaining power not just from the emperor but also now their Patron chaos God the power tier list has somewhat shifted just because Magnus may have been the most powerful traitor Primark prior to the heresy doesn't mean his demon form would still be able to clap anger on for example so it does beg an interesting question which Trader Primark all of whom now appear to be demons has become the most powerful of them all after all Horus is very dead and he was the only one that could be measured as clearly Above the Rest before we get started I've made it one of my goals to help change the Warhammer nerd 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Gremlin so to get the buff bundle as well as any and all manscape products for 20 off and free international shipping then use my link below she is the manscape for sponsoring this video today I'll go over the lore of the trader primarks measuring their strengths weaknesses and Feats to determine which one is currently the most powerful knee tie setting also there are only 12 hours left to pick up the magical singlet before it is gone forever link is in description below now let's get into it [Music] foreign from the currently alive traitors we have full grown petarabo logo mortarion Magnus and angron some may argue also a megon but some people also shove light bulbs up their [ __ ] for sexual stimulation so those people can [ __ ] off of those mortarian Magnus and angron have officially re-entered the setting with spicy Laura new models however we can still gauge the power of petarabo fulgrim and logar from some of their Feats during the end of the heresy and the bits and Bobs in between let's First Look at Full groom this snaky little [ __ ] was one of the only traders that actually provided consent to becoming a demon bit ironic a he went through a pretty convoluted and dramatic ritual to fuel this Ascension and he did get pretty [ __ ] powerful he became more or less unkillable gained increased strength speed and also gained very potent psychic abilities providing some examples now when Rylan or detonated a virus bomb on fullgram's balls it didn't feel great but fulgrim wasn't actually banished by the world ending super weapon he actually reformed on isfun where the bomb had gone off instead of in the war the physical damage took from this was minor however the damage to his pride kept him out of the setting for quite a while when he [ __ ] with rogal rogel [ __ ] him up good cut him multiple times cut his hand off and impaled him with his sword fulgrim literally just said ouchy and instantly healed before telling Dawn that he literally cannot die even before he was a demon fulgrim's regeneration and durability was leaks above his brothers only Vulcan had him beat and Vulcan was quite literally unkillable so it's no surprise that he is even hardier as a demon Primark when he jeweled gillymen after the heresy Bobby G didn't stand a chance and had his throat slit causing his 10 000 year coma so fulgrim is definitely a beast but also has a shitload of weaknesses most of them stem from his aloof uncaring attitude towards everything he doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything anymore so he doesn't really try he's content to just jerk off on his pleasure Planet fulgrim's psycha Powers allow him to crush aircraft mid-flight and even rapidly mutate and kill a warhound Titan exploding it from the inside out his psychopowers are very direct like a hammer as opposed to a knife so it's not so much sorcery as it is just power now onto potarabo perty hard carried the Traders during the siege of Terror without him they barely would have even broken the first line of defense it could be argued that the Trader's biggest mistake was not giving perty a slap on the ass for a job well done as perty quit The Siege at its peak because he was sick of all these Darrow Brothers he also beat angron in a battle as well but does this carry over to his new demon Prince form herty has really taken a step back from the Galaxy's Affairs he more or less just hangs out on his own personal Demon World playing video games and hurling slows at anyone who is able to kill him he has wandered around here and there creating a super virus that mutated numerous and pure worlds Machinery into bio-organic monsters hell of a virus he also provided Abaddon with weapons to Aid in one of his black Crusades and even face off against mortarion and the death guard once although he was winning the initial battle against the smelly moth brother the death guards Aura and attritional Gifts wore down the iron Warriors and rusted their armor eventually forcing them to withdraw but not before perty blow up the entire planet he's a bit of a sore loser like that his demon form is a bit strange he's basically a Mecca armored giant juggernaut with his skin-looking power necrotic fueling theories that he isn't actually a demon at all but hasn't turned himself within a custom Dreadnought to keep himself alive and prevent the wound fullgram did to him from claiming his life that is just the theory though current law often states that he is a demon but that info comes more from unreliable narrators rather than established fact overall he seems more than capable of inventing all kinds of Horrors and weapons but probably can't hit as hard as many of his other brothers now onto logger I'm not going to waste too much time here in mortality logo was a [ __ ] Primark easily the weakest in combat even after he got a buff from chaos he was still at the bottom his psycho Powers were weak compared to Magnus mortarion and even fulgrim you would think that his Ascension to demon Prince of undivided would have changed that especially since he knew the most about chaos out of all his brothers so you'd think he'll be able to unlock the most power well the only time we've seen him in action in his demon form is when he confronted corvus korax and the two jeweled however just like what happened when the two previously met on isvan corvus kicked the [ __ ] out of logar and made him run away sure corvus was now more powerful after embracing his inner warp house and becoming this demon bird beast but that doesn't take away from the fact that lorga is a weak little [ __ ] who is currently hiding from the Raven Lord the next demon boy is mortarion Morty's a pretty solid Commander which might sound weird considering the death God's Vibe and appearance but they do remain quite cohesive as such Morty is able to launch some of the more devastating invasions of real space with himself being a beast of a warrior his death guard resilience has been dialed up to 11 making him immune to most damage and attacks he can also fly which is never a good thing to go up against and his man Reaper can literally clear battlefields like a farmer siding through wheat when he went up against the newly revived gillymen Morty was just straight up better overpowering the boy in blue and injecting him with AIDS Ragu quite literally killing the Primark of the ultramarines it took the direct intervention of the emperor to save him then come blast Morty back to nogal's realm You could argue that since Morty is currently a moth in a [ __ ] jar in nurgle's mansion as punishment for losing the plague Wars he is weak as [ __ ] but I'd rather compare him at his Peak Morty's probably the best jack of all trades traitor solid psychopowers solid combat prowess solid durability and solid command skills now onto Magnus you would think that Magnus would be the most powerful judoism scene psychic ability but his track record is pretty [ __ ] and there's actually an in-law reason for that when Magnus teleported to Terror pissed off his dad got his spine broken by Lehman and was then viciously teleported into the warp it wasn't very good for his health his very essence shattered into fragments with Ironman and friends having to go around and collect enough to prevent their father from dying however his Noble Shard one of his largest was used to create Janus the first gray Knight whilst numerous other shots were destroyed or even destroyed themselves to avoid being absorbed into a demon Magnus as such Magnus is not whole Andy's power is diminished this is why his various invasions of Fenris have all failed this is also why he struggled to beat a space Wolf in melee combat why beyond the fell hand and was able to [ __ ] him up pretty good why Logan grimnar was able to mince his scrotum with an ax and why gilliamman was able to hold his own in a fight even breaking magnus's jaw with a fat uppercut sure these weren't clean-cut fights giliman got some sisters of Silence to help him during his but it goes to show that Magnus just isn't as high tier as he should be on paper at least there is a good reason for it and not just shit's writing and finally angron angron is a beast in combat there is no debate here it was said that only two Trader primarks ever had a chance of killing sanguineous one was Horus the other was angron angron did actually get a shot at it doing a pretty good job but not good enough as sanguine's triumphed and sent anger on screaming back to hell this isn't a disc to anger on those sanguinis is off his chops during The Siege angron was able to take like a million shots at once getting atomized in the process he then reformed moments later he would go on to kill Space Marines by the Dozen with every strike survived getting cut like Sashimi by sangrinius and was an all-round Menace in recent law he's even stronger since nurgle's weakening after the plague Wars corn has arisen as the new superpower of chaos with anger on getting Mega juice as a result angron reforms in the warp extremely quickly after each banishing and was able to destroy azino astronomicon on Imperial nihilus despite the legendary effort by the Imperial Defenders angron's defeats were rarely ever the other person smacking him harder than he smacked them usually they would exploit his weakness of being a [ __ ] [ __ ] in saying that though old man lion was able to throw down with angron and then bludgeon his face in with his shield banishing him so it's clear that he isn't quite the top G it also shows that his durability isn't as good as mortarians or fulgrims relying more on his quick formation in the warp rather than being unbeatable on the battlefield so with all Trader primarks analyzed who is currently the most powerful well straight up it's not lawgar I don't need to get into why it's also not Magnus andron would rip Magnus limp from Lim while shaking off his attacks hurts a rubber was beaten by mortarion and has been quite inactive in the setting it's hard to tell if that means he isn't as strong as his brothers but we just don't really know and what we have seen isn't super impressive that leaves more Tyrion fullgram and angron fulgrim is a beast seemingly unkillable even by demon standards and was able to beat gillymen however mortarion was as well and that was against the stronger G-Man Rogue was able to humiliate Pilgrim in a jewel with fulgrim also relying on a squad of thousand Sons to stop Rylan or's virus bomb explosion instead of doing it himself from that I would say that Morty is greater than fulgrim and I can't imagine angron having much drama sodomizing The Phoenician this leaves us with Morty and angron this is a tough one these are two traded primarks that actually give [ __ ] a go Morty is more durable and has psychic powers angron hits harder but is more straightforward and Mindless they can also both fly however angron is also mostly immune to psychic attacks due to corn giving him a back rub so that definitely limits Morty's ability to wear him down with plagues or sorcery it's a real tough one but I'll have to give it to angron the fact that he can only be put down for a few weeks at a time is devastating to face against and whilst the lion might be old he's still the lion one of the greatest of the primarks so him beating angron isn't an insult to the angry boy angron fighting his way through an entire Imperial world's defenses one of the most defended in all of nihilus almost single-handedly is one of the most insane Feats of power in the entire setting something that none of his brothers could manage so there you go sometimes being the biggest angriest demon is all you need angron is here and he's here to [ __ ] if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the magical singlet only 12 hours before it's gone for good hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more demonic content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 341,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: lngjf9Ulfl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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