How did the Emperor Create the Primarchs? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal primarks they are the sugar to warhammer 40k's cake each one known and beloved by thousands of people across the globe every moment of their lives studied by legions of neckbeards who would give their left nut to have sanguidius like one of their tweets as such we all know their origins right the biggie wanked off into a tube and voila 20 demigods with the power to bring the galaxy itself to its knees well that's actually not entirely accurate like i'm sure their creation did involve the emperor's semen in some capacity but there's a lot more to it than that what if i told you that each primary soul was extremely old maybe even older than the emperor himself what if i told you that each primark was the result of extreme bioscience mixed in with literal warp gods sounds pretty spicy right before we do get started though this is the last time i'll ever mention it because it's the last time i'll ever need to mention it one thousand one thousand subscribers is all that stands between us and the arch enemy this has been a long war but the time for makgura is upon us so grab your balls grab your cat and smash that juicy red button out of all the channels i've conquered none will be as satisfying as arch and trust me what i have planned for the takeover will be truly entertaining today we will go over the multiple convoluted ingredients that went into the creation of the primarks paying special attention to why they were so special as well as the fact that the big e probably kidnapped warp gods in order to create his sons let's get into it before we get into the how let's get into the why the primarks were created after all they seem to have done a lot more harm than good and the imperium has survived and at times thrived in the 10 000 years since most of them vanished well originally the prime marks weren't a part of the emperor's plan when he was laying down the foundations for the imperium during the unification wars he had a bunch of guys and gals helping him out like him they were immortal perpetuals with varying degrees of power and a lot of wisdom they were supposed to be his commanders and warlords during the great crusade but when they figured out he was planning to bend the galaxy over and fill it with his sparkling holy seed pretty much all of them abandoned him one by one see they were wise enough to realize that he was a ruthless tyrant but they didn't have the foresight to see that the galaxy needed a ruthless tyrant if it was to survive the horrors of warhammer 40k by the end of the unification wars only erda whose perpetual powers were second only to the big e and malcador who's an absolute bro and understood the necessity for the emperor's plan stayed by his side however the three of them were not enough to conquer the galaxy hence the biggie begun the primark project and as a consequence of that also begun the astartes project as these studies required primark dna to exist the biggie needed these super commanders as opposed to just using space rings or guardsmen to win the galaxy as it has been heavily hinted that the great crusade was under time pressure the galaxy had to be dominated very quickly if the biggie's plan was to succeed on top of that there were numerous extremely powerful xeno empires which were only beaten due to the brilliance of the primarks if there were no primarks then it's likely the rangdan may have even beaten the imperium there's a few theories on what created the time pressure for the great crusade perhaps the emperor foresaw the arrival of the tyranids and the awakening of the necrons but he wasn't sure when that would occur or maybe he knew that with the ever-increasing psychic awakening of humanity chaos would eventually become a huge pain in the [ __ ] arse regardless the race against time was so full on that the biggie mind raped lorger and his legion because they were taking over planets too slowly whilst he let anger on sodomize world after world because he was doing it at a pretty solid pace alright we got the why who gives a [ __ ] about the when so let's do the how early law stated that the biggie wanked into a tube and then wanked off the chaos gods and voila 20 extremely racially diverse demigod babies were born and then they were yeaked across the galaxy but recent law has shaken it up firstly the introduction of urda as the primax mother see the biggie was a smart little cookie but he couldn't have made these studies or the primox without help from his friends so using erda's brilliance combined with both their dna he was able to make the primarks but they were missing something the special source see the biggie was the most powerful of the perpetuals due to his fuck-off hectic psychopowers his understanding of the warp and wizardry completely shat on everyone else's so i have a cheeky little theory erdo was the one that heated the baby primarks across the galaxy that is fact current law says she did that after realizing the emperor wanted to use them her children as pawns in his game of galactic chess but like surely she already knew that what else was he gonna use him for [ __ ] farming what you're just gonna get your 10 feet tall sons to hang out and play video games all day hence current law makes urda look like a [ __ ] idiot but here's why i believe she isn't when the prime marks were being made the biggie entered the warp and one by one captured bargained with or enticed 20 powerful warp gods into entering the bodies of each primark this does sound a bit far-fetched but not when you look at recent blood angels law recent blood angels law has revealed that there are two angels fighting in the warp one dark and one light the destiny of those angels is directly tied in with the blood angels with mephitz than being the avatar of darkness whilst the sanguino is the avatar of light those angels have been around long before the primax even existed so was it just a coincidence that sanguinius looks like an angel had both dark and light in him and upon his death his sons then got soul bound to two warp angels of course it isn't you [ __ ] [ __ ] those two angels were taken by the biggie and shoved into the body of sanguinius upon syngwinnis's death they were released back into the warp where they continue to fight with the release of the dark angel the blood angels gain the black rage the emperor didn't engineer the red thirst and black rage into the blood angels for a laugh it's there because of the volatility of the gods that were within sanguinius do you think the biggie wanted conrad to be this [ __ ] [ __ ] emo batman no the god that was forced into conrad's primark body was obviously a twisted one this would also explain why the biggie allowed urda to throw the babies into the warp they all landed on the worlds that they were supposed to land on the worlds that would help unlock their god powers and make them the primarks that they were destined to be if the biggie had forced them all to remain on terror and grow up as military leaders their power and potential would have been heavily stunted it wasn't the chaos gods who decided where each baby primark would land nor was it urdas or the emperors it was the gods within the bayme primarks themselves to back this theory up even further when primarks are killed they release a huge burst of light as the shock wave of their death is felt within all their space marine suns now you could say that that is due to them being loaded with psychic power but in the eisenhorn book malleus when various alpha plus cycas are killed alpha plus being just the most [ __ ] disgustingly overpowered psyche as there are they die like normal men no big light show or dramatic exit yet when ferris and alfarias two primarks with the zero psycho powers died they lit up like [ __ ] christmas trees this would have been their god souls leaving their now dead bodies to add to that even further malcolm basically says that given enough time they could have revived ferris despite his body being completely destroyed that is because all they needed to do was use hectic biomancy to create him a new body then use some hectic warp sorcery to grab ferris's god from the warp and put it back in his new body this is also why horus getting completely obliterated soul and all was a huge deal the emperor had to literally kill the god within horus the body of a primark even without the god soul is still a formidable thing the clone of horus that abaddon killed was still a fierce warrior and was massacring space marines easily yet abaddon was able to end its life without too much drama from what i recall there was also no big burst of light when the clone died that's because it didn't have the god within it as the god had been destroyed the famous primark aura the primark's ability to tap into and shape destiny and the primark's true power comes from the god within them when angran got the butcher's nails it created a disconnect between his body and his god soul this is why he has a really weak primark aura and why so many of his sons hated him after all when the traders revealed their cards the world eaters had the most amount of astartes that remained loyal to the emperor despite the fact that they had the butcher's nails so what happened to the god souls within the traitor primarks were they corrupted are they even still there i would say no and i'll explain my reasoning with evidence in a second my belief is that the traitor primarks had their god souls removed during their ascension to demon hood and then were filled up with a ton of warp juice to replace the hull giving them loads of power and depriving them of what made them truly special this is why that despite ten thousand years of the imperium not having loyalist primarks it has been able to repel various chaos invasions led by traitor primarks they traded their special source for a shitload of cheaper source my evidence for this is the perfect clone of fulgrim fabius bile has cloned various primarks the horus clone ferrous clones as well as fulgrim clones however each clone just wasn't quite right they weren't a true primark eventually a fulgrim clone was created that was perfect it was a primark and it had its primark aura fabius wasn't sure why this one worked when all the others didn't because he knows [ __ ] all about the warp like in a galaxy full of literal demons fabius was an atheist somehow i would say that this fulgrim clone became a true primark as the god soul of fulgrim had been discarded back into the warp when he became a demon hence it found this fulgrim clone and re-entered it making the fulgrim clone the true fulgrim like as the fulgrim clone grew older he actually remembered his past life as forgrim up until his ascension as that was when the god so was discarded it's just the shame he's now an exhibit interesin's big ass museum clone grim vs demon grim would be a hell of a showdown now i do want to iterate that this hasn't been outright declared but the evidence is overwhelming when the emperor entered the warp to gain the power he needed to create the primarks was it raw power he gained or was it the essence of 20 warp gods that he took considering he didn't get a big power boost until later on i would argue for the ladder the two warp angels is the biggest bit of evidence for me though like that basically confirms this as a hundred percent canon if you ask me this also explains why the emperor didn't just make 20 gillymans or roguls despite that being the best outcome for the imperium the emperor actually had little influence on how the primark's personalities and power would manifest all he could do was provide the warp gods with vessels capable of holding them the implications of this very supported theory are huge all primarks theoretically can be returned now other than horus now in practice this is hard because it took two god tie perpetuals a lot of science and a lot of war power from a non-skeletal emperor to achieve this but that's probably for the best i'm all for primarks returning to the setting but it should be done slowly and meaningfully the setting is ready for the lion to wake up it would shake things up and it would help justify mankind's continued existence despite the great rift opening the return of the silent king and the ever-increasing tides of the tyranids if you enjoyed the video you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be really one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of hentai including pieces that contain the essence of a warp guard hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more canon content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 318,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primarch, Abyssal, Crusade, Exterminatus, Gene
Id: vBWvvJVbBIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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