The Octarius War EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal one of the most classic Sci-fi tropes is having an alien species that Zerg rushes all the other factions creating similar situations with humans with big guns shooting a shitload of oncoming swarm-like creatures that are generally insectoid in some way but what if you take two Zerg Rush factions give them near Limitless armies and then get them to go the Leroy Jenkins at each other non-stop what would happen the octarius war would happen baby were the tunids and Orcs squared up in a near-constant and extremely bloody war both factions able to replenish their numbers just as fast as they were dying not to mention some of the other factions got involved here as well thus we were given the highest kill permanent war in the entirety of Warhammer 40K before we get started one year ago I reviewed a wahama 40K mobile game called tacticus it was fun and enjoyable but I thought I would move on from it after some time well one year onwards and I pretty much have played every single day I'm in the sixth highest ranked Guild in the planet and I have beaten every single campaign mission including the legendary ones tacticus has consumed my soul so I'm bringing you guys down with me as tacticus has partnered up with me for their one year anniversary event the gameplay and strategy is actually really in-depth and solid different Heroes have different abilities and passives which require you to play a certain way some Heroes ability synergize well with others creating unique powerful team compositions the onslaught mode pits Your Heroes against the tide of tyranids Arena allows you to challenge other players main lineup guild raid has you fighting bosses alongside your guild whilst there are 10 entirely different campaigns to play through tacticus has grown a lot since launch adding in a ton of quality of life updates as well as the Elder Tau spatials Dark Angels and thousand Sun factions totaling 58 unique Heroes that you can play as now is the best time to download tacticus for free and start playing as their one year anniversary event is absolutely hemorrhaging high value rewards and loot so click my link below to sell your soul to the cows Gods ah I mean play a really fun 40K game she's the tacticus for sponsoring this video today we'll go over the octarius war discussing how it started how absolutely glorious the Carnage was the key moments and end result also the artwork for this thumbnail was commissioned by Me by my very talented artist Alex he does a lot of artwork for this channel as he is a legend high-res version will be posted to my patreon for free oh let's get into it towards the end of the 41st Millennium the Orcs had built a sizable Empire within the octarius sector this was actually one of their biggest Empires and was comparable to ultramite in scale from here they mustered great Wars that caused the massive pain in the bowls for the Imperium the biggest strength of the octarius empire was that it had a distinct ruler the overfiend of octarius who was able to coordinate his vast armies and fleets hence why he was so deadly in the meantime High Fleet Leviathan the tyranny's largest High Fleet continued to bend Imperial worlds over and do them doggy getting desperate the radical inquisite equipment the man who had exterminatus numerous and pure worlds purely to deny them biomass for the needs devised the plan if he could direct Leviathan or at least a chunk of it into the octarius Empire then theoretically he could kill two birds with one stone with the help of some Death Watch he captured some Gene Steelers put them on a space Hulk and launched the space Hulk towards octarius with the idea that the gene still is psycho signal with lower Leviathan the gene sealers were successful in infecting many Orcs on numerous worlds within octarius causing an orc counter-attack to wipe most them out however the seed had been planted and a large Splinter of Leviathan was on the way to octarius the first world to fill the wrath of Leviathan was called a rock it was heavily garrisoned however the Orcs don't have much in the way of advanced warning of oncoming enemies as you know who the [ __ ] would want to invade an orc world so when the skies darkened with millions of spores the Yorks are a bit confused within moments millions of nits had landed and charged at the Orcs the Orcs didn't hesitate roaring a mighty War before engaging in battle within seconds thousands had died as chitinous swarms of needs clash with the green tide of the Orcs squiggs fought rippers boys fought gaunts knobs fought Warriors as War bosses fought Hive tyrants there was even squiggoth's fighting biotitans pure violent chaos even on the microscopic level Orcs spores fought against tyranid microorganisms [ __ ] was [ __ ] however with the element of surprise a larger Army and being slightly more suited to the all-out Carnage The tyrannids won the battle and massacred the Orcs claiming the world is fuel what became apparent during the brief war in Iraq was that due to the obscene amount of corpses on both sides the tunics had a shitload of biomass to draw from and could almost infinitely replenish their numbers so as long as they weren't getting pushed back if they were getting pushed back then the corpses would become inaccessible to them for the Orcs due to how intense the fighting was it made them all extremely fertile shedding a fuckload of sports everywhere which once again took advantage of all the corpses as wet humid things are perfect for orc growth I mean Orcs can literally reproduce in sand so imagine how much faster would be in a literal ocean of dead bodies the Orcs would either need to use incendiary weapons in mass or constantly push the nids back to deny the biomass the nids just simply need to keep fighting and either holding the line or pushing it as all the elite veteran Orcs would die and their weapons and equipment are destroyed after all a nid is born as a living weapon but an orc needs a shooter and a stabber to be at his best the point I'm making is that the nids had the advantage despite that though they were almost wiped out in their entirety in the next battle the tyranids approached gorilla however the Orcs were ready this time the high fleet was ambushed in Space by a shitload of orc ships Minefield and girth every single nid bioship was wiped out except for one which made a Mad Dash to the planet and Unleashed thousands of midst of the surface before it too was destroyed on paper the nids were beaten and their Fleet crushed however the hive mine was cunning and used its small army to attack orc patrols then after building up enough biomass that needs to begun engaging in larger and larger battles before retreating then returning at night to salvage the bodies on both sides meaning despite their losses they would always make a profit this continued until the nizz had built up a force in the millions however the orc War Boss was a tough cookie and as long as he lived the nids couldn't win so they sent lichtish to try kill him but he was able to survive each attack eventually the hive mind was like [ __ ] me fine and lured the warbus into a trap in which then he was pounced on by a group of lichters tearing him to shreds with their War Boss dead the Orcs fell into disarray easy pickings for the nids who went on to consume the entire world replenishing their biomass enough to rebuild their Fleet and continue their invasion of octarius their next Target was the world of octarus itself once again Carnage ensued so many Orcs were shooting at the sky as the tyranid spores rained down that it was literally raining chunks of tyranid Flesh that had been blown apart the hidden Gene still has emerged to attack the orc flank while swarms of gargo was descended to engage the orc air units this is where the war stalemated in the most violent sense possible there was no ceasefire it was stalemated because the Orcs and nids killed each other yet replenished at nearly the same rate with so much biomass being collected the nids were able to bring the war to various other worlds in the octarius sector whilst Orcs from all around the Galaxy felt the call of the war and arrived as well creating obscene Wars on dozens of Worlds not every world in the octarius sector was an orc World there were numerous material worlds as well inquisite equipment had [ __ ] up intending to kill two birds with one stone he had instead given both Birds a huge steroid injection straight to the scrotum the Orcs of Victorious were bigger and stronger than ever before whilst the needs were evolving due to all the biomass while also learning many many new Tactics the War was so intense that other parties started to get involved a cornite warband arrived and joined in on the slaughter as the pure melee of it was glorious the Elder of Sam Hunt began attacking everyone as a part of some convoluted [ __ ] scheme the war would then spill out out of just the awkwards with dozens of Imperial worlds getting invaded by Orcs nids chaos Gene Steelers and sometimes all at the same time the most successful Imperial worlds were the ones that allowed the invading enemies to kill each other before then mopping up the winner kind of like inquisite equipment strategy but a lot more thought out and controllable not just let's throw Leviathan at the alt and see what happens many Space Marine chapters were pulled into help whilst the Imperium itself decided to create a fortified Cordon of Worlds to try quarantine the octarius sector any world in The Cordon was considered to be Expendable overall should have gone pretty horrifically for the Imperium even Death Watch operations usually a complete stomp due to how hard the Death Watch get wanked off in the law often ended in Failure one such example was when an Inquisitor and her forces were able to capture an orc device that supposedly disrupted tunic synapse creatures they wanted to test out the device so they went to what they thought was a pretty low-key world with only a few nids and Orcs on it Well turns out it wasn't that low-key and everybody the inquisitors the Death Watch even the Elder that they had teamed up with died for nothing I really feel like the octarius wall with some GW Riders who had been sick of all the Space Marine wank so they just wanted the needs an Orcs to wreck absolute tits it wasn't all loss and death to the Imperium though hellbrecht and his black Templars were able to get some Limelight saving a key in pure World whilst the quarantine Cordon held strong they also launched a number of special missions and somewhat successful but the point I'm trying to make is that the Imperium was a side quest a guest star to get their cheeks clapped the true war between the nids and Orcs in octarius Rage died on the Orcs would get the upper hand when Gaskell arrived after he had recently left Armageddon his army and girth was enough to drive back the nids as he himself took out a tyranid Morlock one of their super organisms however just like any ADHD kid gazcal soon got bored and left taking his army with him once again creating the opening the needs needed the final war within the octarius war had begun as the swarmlord itself gathered its forces to launch its final invasion of the octarius system the Orcs were having the absolute time of their lives it was almost comical their war against the nids like a big arcade game despite this the swarmod was way too cunning outclassing the orc War bosses on each of the different worlds within the octarius system achieving Victory after Victory as the Orcs were pushed back to the world of octaria it is here that the overfiend matey stand the final truly epic battle played out with the swarmlord knowing that it needed to kill the overfiend at all costs it used a fleet's worth of biomass to get to the overfiend sacrificing Elite turned forms like they were gaunts but eventually the overfiend and swarm Lord came face to face and engaged in a jewel the overfiend was a beast and had actually previously killed the swarmlord but learning from its own death the newly reformed swarmlord outclassed the overfiend and whittled him down before overcoming him feasting on his brain octaria was lost with the overfiend's death all cohesion was shattered and infighting began six War bosses declared themselves the new overfiend and whilst orc forces still exist in the octari sector in great number the tunics had broken their back gutted their Capital worlds and were the official Victors of the octarius war Leviathan had never been stronger it had gained a shitload of biomass new DNA and tactics it's more of a mop-up job now however with many Orcs who were jacked up on being Veterans of the octarius war retreating from the needs and entering Imperial space alongside the fact that the nids are now free to properly turn their attention to the Imperium [ __ ] is looking bad the main reason why the nids of the current big bads are the setting in 10th edition is because they won the octarius war so good work inquisite equipment you giant [ __ ] [ __ ] after all wedding these new Spicy bioforms have come from I didn't see a known Emissary before the octarius war in all fairness recruitment he got the idea after seeing an awkward invaded by the nids which more or less wiped out both sides and there has been many occasions of that occurring time and time again after all the nids were almost wiped out on their second orc World which would have taken out a splinter Fleet of Leviathan and an entire awkward not a bad result overall but sometimes [ __ ] happens in this instance the Orcs getting jacked up and attacking Imperial space whilst the nids are now powerful enough to wipe out the Imperium was just how the cookie crumbled if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be well there's not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live-action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more violent content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 440,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: -4XMCIdIk2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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