What Will Happen When Guilliman and The Lion Meet? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl with the Imperium getting suck tapped on The Daily the only real way to keep them in the game is by bringing back loyalist primarks without gilliamman's return the emperor would be properly dead and the Imperium shattered without the Lion's return I wouldn't be able to make fresh content about him that people love to click on you can see the importance of their return here but with both brothers returned what will happen when they actually meet will it be hugs and gags will it be civil war because the Lion's hairline has receded it's a hotly debated question but after reading the new line book as well as the books regarding the time the brothers spent together during the Horus heresy I've got a pretty good idea about how it will all go down before we get started we all have some bad habits some of those might even be killing us so I've partnered up with fume to give you guys an alternative fume is a diffuser device that you suck on and inhale flavored air it's not 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screen to get 10 off the fume Journey pack here's the fume for sponsoring this video today we will go over what will happen when gilliman and the lion meet as well as how they would actually meet after all I'm pretty sure they're on other sides of the Galaxy right now dealing with some pretty serious stuff uh let's get into it to understand how the meeting would go down we first got to understand Who gillymen and the lion are what their goals are what their relationship is like and how they have changed gillymen is all about common sense teamwork thinking ahead preparing for every situation and outcome the lion especially the younger version of the lion lacked a few of these he was very secretive a straight-up liar and did some pretty dumb [ __ ] because he thought he knew best and he hated people questioning him he lied to giliman about Conrad curse being on his ship which nearly resulted in absolute Calamity he gave pitarabo overpowered Siege guns that he had just busted his balls taking from Horus because he was too dumb to realize that other primarks especially [ __ ] ones like perty could have also Fallen he punched the head off one of his most loyal and Powerful Sons because he disagreed with the Lion's orders he abandoned caliban and allowed it to fall to corruption by randomly banishing some of his best worries for no apparent reason which in turn then ended up with him being in a 10 000 year coma the man made mistakes but the new line has changed he realizes the that he was a stupid [ __ ] that could have avoided a lot of problems if he just took the time to think and reflect if he controlled his temper instead of lashing out if he listened to others I mean he still gets shitty when people talk back to him or don't want to gargle his balls but he controls it now and doesn't let his emotions or impulses control him he is embarrassed with how damaging his secrecy was vowing to be more open and honest literally the first thing he did when he returned to the setting was say the line is back [ __ ] and he's here to [ __ ] not quite a direct one-to-one translation but you get my point he's also a lot more forgiving allowing any and all Fallen Dark Angels to return to him and be redeemed as long as they are free from chaotic corruption he is still very much the lion and he still gets pissy at the same things and still holds many of the same opinions but now he also has critical thinking now he knows that he can be a [ __ ] sometimes so he works to control it as a part of his Redemption for previous failures all he now wants to do is protect mankind not rule or use it he wants to be its Guardian giliman on the other hand hasn't had a as dramatica character Arc because fundamentally he was pretty solid to begin with he was logical compassionate loyal and brave he didn't allow his temper to control him and he controlled his impulses sure he has changed but the changes haven't really been for the better he has gotten weary depressed and a bit more desperate just as the black Legion is pushed back Ultramar gets attacked by mortarion just as mortarion is defeated the silent King returns and starts [ __ ] [ __ ] up just as the silent King is kind of contained Leviathan attacks the Galaxy from every angle and starts consuming Imperial worlds close to Terror dude cannot catch a [ __ ] break to make matters worse the Imperium he is trying so hard to protect is a superstitious hateful place the opposite of what the Imperium was trying to protect was intended to be despite this giliman is tenacious his depression is nothing compared to his will so he fights on and he fights hard he misses his brothers mostly sanguineous because you know it's [ __ ] sangrinius and he would be overjoyed to get any of them back even the lion before we discuss how they would meet let's look at their relationship before the Lion's coma giliman felt a bit insecure around the lion it was clear that the lion had a bit more gravatar and was looked up to more it also didn't help that the line was slightly taller than G-Man he held a lot of respect for the line but he didn't particularly like him the two nearly came to blows on multiple occasions and often disagree during Imperium secundus after all gilliman was the one that snapped the lion sword over his knee in return the lion didn't really like giliman when he arrived at mccrack during the heresy he was prepared to launch a full-scale Invasion if he believed that giliman was taking advantage of the heresy to declare himself the new ruler of the Imperium however despite the disagreements the two learned to respect each other deeply the lion saw Gilman's logic behind Imperium secundus and agreed with it whilst giliman declared the line as the Lord protector so there was respect but despite that no they never really liked each other that much even old man lion said some pretty nasty [ __ ] about gilimin when he heard that the Lord of Ultramar had divided the legions including the Dark Angels into smaller chapters this is mature to a Zen lion not Brash Young Lion so you can see that they aren't exactly BFFs however they did end on good terms when they last saw each other so how would the two legends of myth meet well it kind of depends they were actually very close to each other at one point when giliman came to bowl to save the blood angels and gave them primarist reinforcements he was actually quite close to where the lion woke up and started creating his own protectorate in Imperium nilas the site of the Imperium where the astronomicon no longer shines we know this since the first non-dark Angel Space Marines that the lion meets after waking up where the blood angels led by Dante the chapter Master of the blood angels Dante had literally just hung out with gillym in a few years prior however I am pretty sure that giliman has returned to Imperium Sanctus in order to combat the growing necron threat as well as the new tyrionid threat so it does make their meeting a bit challenging for the lion he just banished angron but the Red Man only stays down for a short period of time while the lion then continues to grow his protectorate and defend Imperium nihilus gilliman is busy as [ __ ] dealing with the necrons and tyrionids with the needs been set up as the big bads for 10th edition after kauser's recent string of Victories however not all hope is lost the line can do hectic logic-defying teleportation now allowing himself to Forest walk across massive distances across space bypassing a lot of cringe [ __ ] like warp storms and demons here's a lot more mobile and available at the moment with Imperium nihilus having Dante to take care of it as well so I anticipate that giliman is going to go up against the [ __ ] off huge tyranid Force which may or may not include the new rumored tuning in super organism as well as the swarmlord and the norn emissarian and all other kinds of unfun [ __ ] gilliman will be losing with his Escape cut off things will be looking Grim he faces down a two-minute Onslaught charging in his position himself surrounded by his final Warriors as they're prepared to give their life for a Last Stand as he accepts his fate he receives a signal at first one then many to a shock and surprised the lion strides forth out of seemingly nowhere at the host of thousands of Dark Angels both Unforgiven and redeemed at a similar time the sky will light up with the mega Cannons of the rock as it tears into the tyranid high Fleet literally picture the scene from Avengers end game where Captain America is about to get stomped on but then all the portals and [ __ ] appear then Avengers Assemble and then they charge it'd be like that there isn't time for Words the two brothers look at each other in amazement before looking at The unrushing Horde they are still outnumbered 100 to one but it doesn't matter two loyal primarks have taken the field together for the first time in 10 000 years they meet the charge head-on glimming in the line at the spear tip the dark angel terminated divisions lay down an obscene blanket of fire faltering the tune in charge before it gets smashed aside the swarmood is torn apart by the blade work of both primarks working together the non-emissary leaps at The Lion King to Taste the Blood of a Primark only to find itself limbless and disemboweled within seconds in all its billions of years of consumption and destruction the hive mind has never encountered something that would swing a sword that fast and accurate as it lays squirming giliman finishes off the Beast with his blade through its skull in mere moments the tunings have lost its greatest champion and its greatest synapse creature orbitable fire Rains Down targeting more synapse creatures as The Rock tears apart bow ships like they are nothing [ __ ] it while we're at it Logan grimner and his Spaceballs arrived adding their Fury to the fire and giving us a long overdue space wolf and lion meeting the tunics are crushed with the tunic super organism if it even exists being taken down after a hectic 2V1 boss fight against the loyal primarks as the battle wraps up giliman faces the lion Overjoyed but worried Gilman had placed himself as the lord of the Imperium and master of everything something that the line previously would have killed him for giliman begins to explain to apologize for the state of the Imperium to discuss the necessary of him taking control how he is beginning to hand off his authority to others and that he doesn't want to be Emperor he Rambles until the lion who had remained quiet and motionless during it removes his helmet gilliman Falls silent shocked by how much his brother has aged the lion says it is okay rebute it is okay the line steps forward and class skillman's shoulder guard I am proud of you brother you need not bear this burden alone any longer you wield our father's sword and it burns with his power his approval I trust you rebute in that moment the Decades of fighting Mankind's Wars alone raging against the dying light and the constant depression finally caught up with him Gilman's facade of confidence and unwavering dedication melted away rebute giliman lord of the Imperium forced to his niece before the lion and says thank you brother I have been alone for so long the two would then unite their strength share their knowledge and fight the Galaxy's wars together giving mankind a chance in this dark [ __ ] up Galaxy so no there would be no Civil War no fight no brother Vs brother the line is Way Beyond that foolishness and just wishes to protect mankind gilliman also wields the empress sword the empress stamp of approval just like how the emperor's Shield is the lion's stamp he would see the weariness in giliman a weariness he himself feels he would know that Gillian is just doing his best plus the fact that the lion has spoken in depth with Dante a dude who met giliman and knows what is going on which means the line would actually be quite well informed about the state of the Galaxy and giliman's plans and motives so he would know that this isn't just some power hungry G-Man taking advantage of the situation I predict that together G-Man and the lion will be able to turn the tide beating back the silent King stopping Leviathan and reconnecting Sanctus to nihilus it'll basically put the Imperium back in a good position to deal with the next big threat probably from another Trader primark's return or the consequences of kaus's arcs of omen Victory or even something else maybe from the Orcs however I would love it for Gaskell to be the one to take on angron and keep him busy while gillyman and the lion sought out the necrons and tyrionids but overall the meeting would be a positive and quite wholesome Affair after all the Imperium can't afford a civil war between the line in giliman it would end the setting a lot faster than Abaddon or a bunch of hungry spacebugs of death if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we've just uploaded some new very high quality sexy Warhammer artworks for only one dollar hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more reuniting content join the Discord form memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 240,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: NwOYAfPjh3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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