Hearts of Iron 4 | Germany | Part 1 | The German Reich

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Ok, so speedrun benchmark for winning the game: April 13, 1936

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dichtbringer 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

This series has a whole lot of crazy things going on

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pderuiter 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

That's pretty cool, It's probably like 5% chance that the Allies say "Nope" to Germany like that. I could have happened so I'm fine with it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/NotAzakanAtAll 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody I am Benjamin Magnus and today we're going to be playing hearts of iron for finally it's been a very long time coming I'm extremely excited to have my hands on the game and we're going to be starting our first playthrough as the German Reich has a few political modifiers here General Staff we get division organization of 5% and planning speed of 25% and we are bitter losers so we're not going to drift away from fascism because we're bitter over the defeat in World War one I'm going to be playing on regular which gives me no bonus and no debuff and we're going to have it on Ironman mode so there's no save scrubbing and before we start up here I just want to let you guys know that I do have the NATO symbols on if we take them off all the division markers defaults to just regular like a little infantryman helmet little little truck little tank but I do prefer the Nano symbols it's just a holdover from hearts of iron 3 I think I do tend to like those a little bit better so we're going to stick with those first things first research have for research slots here and I found that going with your industrial stuff early on is usually pretty good production production efficiency cap is going to give us 5% a percent extra production efficiency maximum you can actually see that in our factories here right now the production efficiencies cap is only 50% but that will go up with time to do and we're going to do construction construction speed 10% we're going to do oil plants a synthetic refinery level 2 it's going to be very important for us because we start out low on oil and rubber and what is the other thing I like to grab ah electronic mechanical engineering which gives us research time two percent or need to assign our civilian factories I generally like to you it very first thing I like to do is spend my civilian factories to build more civilian factories but I think what I'll actually start with is maybe like to synthetic plants because we do need those pretty badly five and two all right now let's do it like this let's let's stack it up why can't oh I can't be I can't yet because I haven't researched that second type so let's just leave one on there and then we'll do civilian factories over towards this side I'm not going to build my my military factories over this way just yet because I don't have any anti-aircraft guns over here I don't think nope I only have a couple anti-aircraft guns in Brandenburg in East Prussia over here so military factories I'm going to assign these guys some tasks I'm going to tell them to infinity build the type to a submarines those the only ones we have available right now I'm going to put a couple extra factor well let's do two extra one extra four extra I want to make sure my Air Force is modern and up-to-date tanks yes artillery yes equipment yes that leaves us with four four more factories I don't think there's anything in particular I need but we built some we can start building heavy tanks if we really wanted to those are those are beasts though also need some I mean should we I mean we're Germany why not let's just let's put like two factories on it though and let's get them yeah let's put them above the ships but below the planes so they'll be worked but rolling right now we're only building eight per year that's pretty bad but we'll fix that we'll fix that it's actually gonna give me a little notification here that I'm not actually using those should we I don't know if it seems like a terrible not not let's keep it on there we like heavy or Germany or Germany we like heavy tanks I love heavy tanks and we still have so let's do three let's add another one there and another one there that should be 40 yep all of our factories are in use actually there we go I found fighters to be very very important very important we need a national focus I'm going to start with the Rhineland here which is going to allow us to occupy this demilitarized zone we are not building any divisions at the moment and I think what going to do is maybe plop on like see what this says SS division it doesn't actually there's nothing you know in the game that makes it an SS division it's just a motorized infantry division it's just the SS is just there for flavor I think because I mean it's just motorized infantry support artillery engineers and a recon company that's it there's nothing there's not it's not like in black ice or anything like that where there was something there was specific each cues that give it extra suppression or something so why don't we why don't we bring up no not to not like that we're going to go add unit plop them in right here to more motorized infantry divisions let's hop in to more Panzer divisions as well right here and then let's do a ton more infantry let's go let's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 2 time let's do 10 that's 11 I think 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 perfect I'm going to do one run of those one run of those but we'll keep this well why don't we do let's say 5 run that's 50 more infantry divisions that'll keep us going for a good long while and let's put them in Hanover good that works for me all right no template so this is this is just telling us we're building heavy tanks but we're not actually using them in our armed forces just yet what we're going to do is grab a couple divisions here assign an army we're going to give them let's give Paulus control and we're going to assign them to the French frontier they're going to head on over that way they will not enter the the demilitarized zone until reoccupation of the Rhineland completes and we are low on oil rubber and chromium which is unfortunate we're gonna have to do some trading so oil let's go with Romania first but in my experience Romania generally defaults and is not able to provide that much oil so why don't we go with 24 how many did we actually need well that gets us almost there we need 14 rubber I'm going to buy that from the Netherlands and we need chromium so then in Turkey France Yugoslavia you buy it from Yugoslavia it's right there we're Sweden yeah let's just get it from Sweden there we go that'll take care of our shortages for the most part I mean a little bit of oil is there but not a big deal that is going to use up some of our factories here so we're not going to be building at our you know optimal rate but we'll we'll get some we'll get some civilian factories later we'll actually get some from the left side of the focus tree here industrial effort one and two gives you more civilian factories to work with and what we're going to do is we're going to go bounce from the Rhineland over to Reich's Autobahn and then west wall industrial effort and industrial ever - all right cool now what we're going to do is I think assign some of these guys to garrison the frontier with Poland so create another army right here well ten divisions why don't we give this one to a field marshal because they're probably going to end up with a lot of men over here so fun clewd but often pronouncing that right I feel like I am but I might not be and I'm going to leave the Panzer divisions in the motorized divisions right here by themselves because they might end up forming the backbone of the Condor Legion that we send off to Spain and I do plan on sending them to Spain it's actually pretty cool when you do that because you do get to control them when they're over there I don't know how many you can send over though I don't think it's very much let's see what's going on over here oh you know I want to improve relations with some people but I think I'm going to wait I don't want to spend the political power to do that just yet until we have a little bit more coming ah when I complete the reoccupation of the Rhineland I'm actually going to get a boon of political power I think I'd like 120 or something and only in each focus only takes 70 days I think just over two months so let's actually look at our production real quick here we go still getting used to the interface a little bit and what we're going to want to do is either assign some heavy tanks to our Panzer divisions mmm oh you know I need that experience let's let's take this von Kluge this is Gunther von Kluge and let's let's have him exercise so these guys are going to actually that might not be the best idea in the world they're already at regular level which means they're not going to you can't exercise them past regular I don't think I don't think they'll gain any experience from that but why don't we take a look at pollicis army they're all good too so right now exercising would get us a little bit of experience but that's about it we can leave it on for now it's going to use a little bit of equipment but it'll get us experience we need and you're going to use experience if you guys don't know yet you use experience to modify your divisions so like you can go over here like the want a little Panzer Division and say I want to add on heavy tanks at the cost of five experience which is not that much but I don't have any right now so actually let's take a look at this yeah really low on equipment for everybody really low on equipment so we're definitely going to need to get this all this up when we're down on by ten oil now is Romania defaulting I thought I was yeah they can't Eva I was going to ask for 32 knocked it down to 24 they can't even supply that so I am I'm heartily down on oil right now um let's get some more from Venezuela they are fascist so I'll be good for that and they are supplying it correctly France and Britain mobilize Oh Oh France declares war on the Reich gets event Germany refuses ultimatum the Communist supporters start a civil war wow I've never had this happen before this is like my fourth or fifth time going through the beginning stages here I have never never had them holy crap I've never seen that happen before France declares war on their German Reich gets event Germany refuses ultimatum so the bringer pride refused to accept the remilitarization of the Rhineland calling it an unforgivable breach the Treaty of Versailles they're mobilizing force against us have issued an ultimatum that our forces back down at once in the Rhineland remain demilitarized or our nations are at war so what what does that mean for me here ha I wonder how much because this is going to skip all the way down to war with France I wonder how much of this is is it going to bypass I guess we'll see in a second because I'm not going to back down read a militarisation on the right in a dark direct violation of the treaty oversight German troops have crossed the Rhine and entered the Rhineland territory closed close to the French border calling this an unforgivable breach of the treaty whoop it son paused end of the Great War both France and Britain mobilized their forces preparation from armed incursion in Germany or as once again broken out in Europe Germany will prevail ah the French commune declared war on France there's a message from France changes their diplomatic status to declare war well that was interesting hmmm alright now we're going to do this start I'm glad I didn't have his armies exercising but what we're going to need to do is who Gunther von Kluge you're going to need to stop exercising and redeploy to Frankfurt I have noticed something I think is a bug in the game no matter what even if it says strategic deployment is off right here your units will strategically redeploy I don't know why I'm going to add the Panzer and SS division straight into Paulus's army and have them assign them to the border region here so we're all that are automatically going to spread out we're at war Italian war in Ethiopia the French German war in the French Civil War so this is the French civil war right here those must have been French who is this the French communists broke away from France interesting all right this is new this is this is very new this is very interesting didn't expect it did not expect this at all so I was not at all prepared I I said never seen this happen so what we're going to do is I'm going to transfer all of my forces over to other area I'm going to move all these planes into western Germany here who do we got over here we've got tackle bombers a close air support remove those over right good all right now hopefully that we can reoccupy this area before unfulfilled import oil from Romania still low modify government ok let's add on duty to roof Hess here he's going to give us more political power to work with we are or with France but nobody else this is the French German war allies not in war United Kingdom Canada Australia New Zealand South Africa okay that's good nobody else joined it and we have air wings that don't have missions ok you can just stay there for now I'm not too worried about this yet the French were not I was not prepared the French were not prepared south africa joined that's okay Canada's joined but not England that makes it easy to raid the hell out of the French coast I think New Zealand joined Australia has joined send volunteer who Japan wants to send us some divisions to help yes right so summer you get in there let's do this let's merge these fleets together and then what I'm going to do is split off all the submarines how many do I have 15 submarines oof we're gonna give them a sub commander Wolfpack our alternates then it's I don't I don't know I'm terrible at German all right we're going to put them on convoy rating and we're gonna give send them to the Bay of Biscay the English Channel oh my bed just click there you I want to select you so it was the Bay of Biscay the English Channel and how about do you think they would be sending ships up this way or how about here what the Western Approaches so I'm at war with France so this is going to be good for me I don't think the French are going to be able to stop my submarines I don't think I want to be sending out surface Raiders just yet they're pretty weak I haven't built any battle cruisers or anything I don't have much to work with now these guys are so I think they're strategically no they're just walking interesting guess I was wrong there all right so at least the border is solid let's see where are all of our planes naval bombers I don't necessarily want you doing anything and what I like to do early on here is merge some of these together so that they're larger and you can see like I just merged some obsolete Hinkle's with both some modern Hinkle's with some obsolete donor 23s there and we got some close air support here what I'm going to do is take these fighters and I'm going to tell them to just intercept anybody that goes up into the Northwest German territory let's actually close these up this is western Germany right we've got fighters transports tactical bombers I'm going to put the fighters in the tactical bombers here if the British come out or the French try to attack they're going to be signed to close air support these guys are going to be signed to air intercept as well and we are going to do the same thing here air intercept and there we go good alright so the air forces are out and about this has been a very interesting turn of events didn't see it coming so the planes are out and about now French are sitting on the border the French communists are right there I mean the border is undefended for the most part what it was what I'm seeing maybe they're distracted can we get we can't get the Italians in can we they don't like us enough but we can have a non-aggression pact with them Wow ah so didn't see this coming I mean we can try let's let's at least set them a offensive plan whoof see I don't want them to go too far but I do want to take as much land as they possibly can these guys we are going to alright let's do this let's set these guys a front line like over here oh no that was wrong delete that all right this is I'm a little out of my my element here because I did not expect this we're going to set these guys up right here and we're going to give them a offensive line let's have them let's have these guys try to push a little further down like like this and then what we'll do is we'll go back to the original to Paulus's army here let's edit this let's drag this to two like this like that okay that's that's all I want that okay no divisions are assigned to this okay so we'll just sign some divisions to that there we go holy God where do we stand deployment wise over here uniting you okay the United Kingdom just joined in the United Kingdom did join in oh no oh they immediately some destroyers immediately found our submarines hopefully all their capital ships are coming into the fight - faction oh oh ho ho Oh Italy oh this this got cranked and real fast didn't it alright let's I can't see Nancy Lee what Italy's got yet but Italy is going to join in on this we're okay these guys are coming we get our battle plans set up or I mean this is it this is a sovereign state right it's fighting an offensive war I can't invite them to both to the faction oh they're continents because they're communists um they're they're useful though all right so what's happening over here submarines are getting plaster well it doesn't look like anything's happening no no no I they dying am I losing them are they falling out damn it I don't actually want them to attack it looks like they're all dead now it says 15 still where'd the submarines go Oh nobody died doesn't look like all right all right all right all right all right this is this is hoppin already the Italians are marching in I'm waiting for the battle plans these ones are almost done these guys are there but they were there waiting out organization but it's going good wow wow wow wow wow all right we're starting we're starting to raid the rate the rates are starting to take effect oh my god how many extra wings with no missions who the tactical bombers here okay tactical bombers why don't we assign first for now why don't we just do this close air support tactical bombers let's move you down here so that you're closer to the front with France because I'm going to need you over there oh this is going to start poppin off pretty soon the enemy is stronger but I think I'll do is I launched this one first let's get this up max 19% well that's not good max of 19% is not good promise tomorrow the Japanese had two Japanese divisions have arrived and how the Italian is doing they're attacking the Italians do have their battle plans and they're lined up pretty well with mine actually let's actually alter this bet I don't want to alter the battle it's already set up and raring to go I don't want to alter it anymore what I think I'll do is launch this one and then once we've reached the flank we can launch this one and see what happens because there's basically nobody here right now and we are entrenched 10% is all we got it's going on the Bay of Biscay we're attacking a convoy of three ships and those guys are going to die so let's why don't we try this we're going to take these guys and we're going to assign them to northern France well these fighters don't have range tactical close air support yeah that's actually what I want them to do we're going to assign these guys take all of them and assign them to France close air support everybody's going on a close air support air superiority transports let's take you off we're all my fighters they all up here there's 160 fighters can we not assign them to northern oh they are are they already sing well they're too far away so let's let's move them to vertibird and then well I think we could just do is this yep that works southern France everybody's us assigned to northern France right now and we are going to let we're going to start getting this going we can modify the government again we're going to take another or where is it silent workhorse political power gain we're gonna take more political power well this is very interesting this is extremely interesting the Italians are not prepared I was not prepared nobody was prepared I don't know where all their divisions are their Navy is all import it might still all be down here Ethiopia still exists Wow ah this is very interesting why don't we launch this attack I mean this episode is basically almost over but why don't we launch the attack and see what happens I don't think the French national unity is very high it's 20 percent so France would fall easily why don't we do let's launch it we're going to activate this plan and hopefully it'll it'll go well we're going to wait to to the to breach the lines here then we'll go around over not doing very well on these attacks but we should have or support land planes we should have air superiority we do we're starting to take French land already just blast it through there I don't know where the French armies are we're actually losing that with eight divisions defending one French division 152 Wow River crossing for minus 100 percent and 10 percent terrain minus 30 percent so we're basically not doing anything to the forts there let's get this guy in and see if we can't help it out all right we got to start we got to start doing something ourselves all right let's I mean these French divisions are going to sit here and get in our way aren't they let's grab the fast guys got to get going I say whoa I don't I don't like that the AI just dog piles on like that with absolutely nothing with it no no chance I mean we don't need a lot we just take a division go like this that's probably a fort yeah attack of one that's pretty bad this other where are these not you you and you break off this attack is not getting you anywhere and just start going towards VPS because we might be able to get a 20% unity taking their capital might do the damn trick who's going to get there first they have anybody in there all they do okay I'll cancel that and my organization super low why is this organized is it for moving or maybe the attacks were just bad that actually made things worse can we take secondary VPS and get this let's see what happens so this was worth well let's pause this and look at current wars French Civil War French German war whereas 23 going 23% favor of the defenders Frances 47% towards capitulation we controlled if it controls 90% of victory points and workers relate it 80% are less okay so we might be able to VP rush them three there ten there yeah let's just VP rush them and see what happens might be able to do it let's let's just do this real fast because the episodes almost over de Leon alright let's see what this war looks like now France is 72% it controls 85% of victory points and will could ship okay so we need five more percent let's take a look around see what we can come up with five or doors 20 so why don't we do this I really I won't really want to see if we can get France to capitulate in the goddamn first episode so let's see if we can BP rush them and see what happens I mean this is very very extremely unlikely to have happened military factories fighters we're gonna we're gonna VP rush they're their cities and see what happens because we're not going to beat them in the field our armies are just not that good this was five all right so you're there you do tore up now you detoured to La Rochelle France capitulates ah oh my god alright so um France defeated by Germany April 13th 1936 Oh son of a did I never see that coming oh my god that's a great first episode France is out of the war all right everybody we're going to leave this episode right here and pick it up tomorrow if you have enjoyed it just drop me a like leave me those comments right down below and if you are interested in more Benjamin Magnus plays hearts of iron for just subscribe to this channel and I will see you next time you
Channel: Benjamin Magnus Games
Views: 1,350,923
Rating: 4.9081359 out of 5
Keywords: paradox interactive, grand strategy, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron (video game), tutorial, heart of iron iv, strategy, multiplayer, hearts of iron 4, world war ii, wwii, world war 2, paradox interactive (video game developer), new player's, new player, newbie, ww2, paradox, game, paradox development studio (video game developer), games, official, gameplay, preview, nazi germany (country), england, benjamin, benjamin magnus, benjamin magnus games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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