Hoi4 Guide What Land Doctrine Should You Use?

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video so today as you saw in the title this is going to be a land doctrine guide video now the reason i decided to make this obviously a lot of you guys have been asking about land doctrines i received this question pretty often uh what is the best land doctrine honestly i have people tell me that i use the wrong land doctrine when i'm making videos so i thought for today i would at least make another short video i'm gonna try and keep this probably five ten minutes in length more likely 10 to 15 if i'm being honest with myself but it's exactly how it sounds i'm going to be breaking down what each land doctrine essentially is useful for what sort of playstyle it suits best what sort of equipment you're going to need to really utilize that land doctrine itself and then obviously some just general information that goes along with it so anyways without further ado let's get right into the video okay so first things first to actually go into our land doctrines we need to hit research obviously and then it's just this tab right here so land doctrines basic principle is that the land doctrine is going to dictate what sort of things you can actually do with your army so as a rule of thumb i have basically established what i believe to be how each one works so my mobile warfare doctrine this one is best suited for obviously a blitzkrieg country blitzkrieg is essentially utilizing mechanized forces armored forces in your army and using them in a way that will allow you to punch through the enemy pull off encirclements as well just simply break through their lines very rapidly it focuses purely on breaking down the enemy as quickly as possible if you can't do that then the bliss creek focus just does not work so this is the first one that we're gonna focus on and i'm gonna talk about two of the countries that i think are best suited for this as well as the sub-branches and i'm gonna do that for every single one here so don't worry we're gonna get through all that so mobile warfare doctrine when you start the list uh mobile warfare doctrine is probably one of the most generous in my opinion at least simply because when you start in mobile warfare right at the start it gives you 20 breakthrough division speed is increased by 10 percent as well what's really important here when you look at your global stats you can see that your planning speed is 50 faster as well you don't lose as much organization when you're moving so the reason these are so huge is because when you get your planning speed done faster in hearts of iron four the way that works is planning speed or planning itself gives you a bonus on top of your stats so uh when you go into combat if you have a higher planning bonus than the enemy typically that is it's going to work in your favor so by getting your planning done faster you can continue executing on your attacks you can actually stop your attacks let your units build up that planning once again in their organization and they will always finish it faster because they have the faster planning speed than the enemy so that works really well if you've already broken their lines and it allows you to continuously push them back faster and faster as you work down the list obviously you get some extra organization which is again great because organization allows your units to stay in combat longer as well it means that when they're defending [Music] essentially the way this works is they can sort of stay in combat longer because of organization it depends on the stats itself and there's a lot that goes into that but as a general rule of thumb when your units are moving around they're rapidly transporting all over the place high organization benefits your units because they don't actually run out of it as quickly so that's really important for staying in combat for a long time but also as you're continuously pushing the enemy back that just benefits you and then you get elastic defense which just again increases speed for armor reinforcement rate which allows you to get into combat faster and then some organization now when you look at the sub branch here you have blitzkrieg and mobile infantry typically i will never go mobile infantry and i don't personally think you should either it's a rather useless focus just because with motorized they're typically not going to be good enough considering they use quite a bit of oil compared to light tanks for example light tanks will have higher stats and use barely more oil they will actually receive better bonuses from the blitzkrieg branch and overall they just provide better benefits for your armies so for that reason i think mobile infantry is the absolute worst branch you can pick same thing with deferred desperate defense it gives you five percent recruitable population and then it just reduces your damage to garrisons so if you were to go down this branch you basically skip everything that's good about this land doctrine well the right side is what you really want this focuses on tanks gives them tons of organization you get to modern blitzkrieg which again increases planning speed organization and recovery rate so you're faster than anyone else in the entire game with that planning speed and then when you get to the modern blitzkrieg route on the right hand side you get more organization and then again at the end more breakthrough in organizations so what this really focuses on is allowing your units to have the highest organization to outmaneuver your opponents as quickly as possible while still maintaining organization which means their fighting strength is going to be a lot higher than the enemies if you've already broken their lines because when you break a line in hearts of iron 4 that enemy has lost their organization so if you can move faster than they can recover their organization you'll eventually have what happens it's called overrun when you overrun an enemy it just destroys the unit completely it's because they didn't actually get their organization up fast enough and you've just completely decimated them so that's why having really high org in combination with increased division speeds and having really high planning bonuses helps and then when it comes to the tanks just the breakthrough allows you to punch through the enemy as quickly as possible while still having really high organizations so this is by far the best land doctrine when it comes to tank units as for infantry if you're a very large infantry country this is not good at least in my opinion i don't think you should be using something that's primarily infantry focused now space marines are a different subject space marines utilize tanks and infantry i don't want to get too in depth here but because of that you kind of get the most beth you hit the best of both worlds and as a result it can be incredibly lethal that way so that's mobile warfare doctrine in a nutshell i'm sure many of you already know that so the next three here they're a little bit more interesting so uh let's get right into those okay so moving on to the next one here we got superior firepower doctrine so what is this good for well superior firepower doctrine at least in my opinion as it kind of seems here is really good for artillery units as well just a alternative to mobile warfare it's really suited for infantry and i'm going to show you why here when you start the doctrine you get 10 soft attack to all frontline battalions you get 10 organization for your infantry and then you get another 10 defense for infantry motorized and mechanized which is your armored cars your motorized and whatnot so it's really good that way right off the start it provides some of the best bonuses uh outside of maybe grand battle plan this is probably one of the best out of the list here now as you move down integrated support and dispersed the preferred method is usually integrated but there's a serious question you have to ask yourself and most importantly the question you have to ask yourself essentially is do you care about an extra 20 organization or do you care about an extra 10 soft attack for line artillery so if you're wondering what line artillery is you can just hover over it and you can read it right there from the list anything with artillery anti-air anti-tank anything like that is line artillery so it'll raise the soft attack by 10 the alternative is if you go the opposite route you get 25 soft attack for support companies which in combination with the two of these you get 50 total plus 20 org so the reason why it's so useful for a lot of people is because you make your support companies really really good by raising the soft attack values that come from that but you get an added 20 organization so the question i always ask myself is if my unit already has enough organization something like maybe 40 or 50 in it do i care about another 20 organization or do i instead care about getting that extra 10 soft attack because in these scenarios what's usually going to happen is your soft attack from artillery if you're going traditional units something like a 14 4 which is 14 our infantry and 4 artillery that's going to be more effective than something like this this will raise my stats considerably higher than this ever would because the support companies just simply aren't ever going to match a pure infantry line but if i'm not utilizing artillery extensively integrated support is the best option for yourself hands down hands down the absolute best and the greatest thing is these support companies apply to any template that you use so tanks infantry motorized templates they will all apply to that and raise the values whereas this only applies to artillery so if you're not using artillery go with integrated if you're using artillery extensively go with dispersed i think that's the best way of utilizing that when you get down here obviously you only have one option so it's just breakthrough which is great i think shock and awe is the best one to actually pick and i'm gonna break that down really quick army attack 10 that's a really really good one but it only applies to your tank units so it makes your infantry units themselves less susceptible to attacks from motorized mechanized and anything with armor essentially but as you move down this really doesn't do as much for you and i'm going to show you why tanks are number variants soft attack 10 and 10 for hard you get 2 reinforcement rate which not that important by the end of the game and you can just get that from something like a signal company and then frontline battalions five org twenty percent air superiority so the twenty percent air superiority is really good but you gotta get to the very last of your doctrine to actually get there in that case you're probably already gonna have air doctrine completed so it would have done more for you that way now when you look at shock and awe though you get five percent soft attack for infantry and motorized on top of the artillery so in essence you're probably gonna have some artillery and infantry together so you're gonna get almost 10 soft attack out of that although it's not really how it works recon one percent and then two percent reinforcement rate so you've already matched this and actually surpassed it because you have higher reconnaissance next up you get armored cars no one really cares about that or at least i don't but the really important thing your infantry gets 10 org and .05 recovery rate which benefits them plus your tanks get another two org and the same recovery rate that means this one or sorry this one right here already worse than this line and the very last one you get another five percent for all frontline battalions on top of another five percent soft attack heart attack which applies to artillery and infantry once again so to summarize you're already at fifty fifteen percent increased soft attack on your infantry plus another 15 or 10 percent onto your artillery plus you get the heart attack from of it you get higher organization and recovery rates you get reconnaissance out of it so shocking is hands down the best route to pick unless you really care about just getting some extra air superiority or you need your units to have an increased heart attack which i don't really understand you needing that you could honestly just create tank units and you'd be a lot better if that was the case so uh that's basically how superior firepower is overall it's one of my favorite doctrines when i'm using something like a smaller country or a major power that's smaller in size so something like italy this can really beef up your units um so it's a really good pick there but i like this for a lot of miners if i'm going aggressive because mobile warfare doctrine we're not going to have tanks grand battle plan is just better suited for waiting and holding a line but if you want to be truly aggressive this is one of the better ones that i think suits miners so definitely a really good pick so let's get into the last two doctrines now okay so grand battle plan doctrine i know i didn't mention at the start of the video but this is sort of a beginner guide and at the end of the day this is always my opinion if you have a different opinion feel free to share it but at the end of the day these are just things that i believe personally work best for each land doctrine so don't shoot the messenger if you uh feel offended at all but one thing i'm going to say right now so we've already gone over mobile warfare doctrine this is obviously very mobile very fast and aggressive superior firepower it's like the step down cousin not quite as aggressive because you don't have tanks but it makes your infantry army very aggressive overall especially when you're using artillery that's what it's really suited for obviously it's kind of in the name throwing shells not men at the enemy so it's focused on artillery then you get grand battle plan doctrine so this is a very defensive focused doctrine but it still has very good bonuses that come out of it so from the very get-go you get entrenchment speed 25 which is what it is it's not anything crazy but the big thing here is entrenchment plus 10. that's really important because when you want to be on the defense when your units are entrenched that's what's really going to help you win battles if you're not entrenched and you're facing a superior enemy you're probably going to lose because entrenchment is basically just for lines that's how you can think about it it means that you're really dug into that territory once you have your entrenchment broken though that's where it starts to break down so the next few focuses really help you with that because you get 10 max planning boost which just helps make your planning bonus much higher than the enemies you get defense and organization which again as i was explaining at the start of the video that increased organization will help you out so that increased organization again is going to allow you to stay in battle for longer but as well when your units need to move around they're not going to lose all of it because they have such a high amount of it defense obviously his defense just raises it by ten percent and then your army breakthrough you get 10 on that and then five percent soft attack so it just raises your attack values a little bit as well but the first three focuses are purely focused on defense and that's what they'll do they'll help you really dig your troops in and this is great for when you're playing a really small country and you want to aid your allies so let's let's say for example you're the british raj and you're playing as the allies and you're facing germany and you want to at least send a few units over and help them out you don't have a lot of manpower you don't have a big industry so you need to be a defensive focused ally that's what this is great for because it'll allow you to utilize the smaller amount of equipment and manpower that you have in your divisions better if you have something like this you're not going to have it as high of an entrenchment value and your attack values are going to do nothing for you because again you're focused on defense so they would do nothing for you in comparison to this then when you move down you get two branches so you have infiltration i'm just going to go through the list and kind of summarize what they do and what i think works out best so assault here you get motorized infantry organization and that stuff it's not the greatest but it does still help you then when you go to assault concentration again you're getting higher planning and that's just going to help you again with your bonus so you can overwhelm your enemy then again infantry more organization as you move down you get another 10 breakthrough which applies to your entire army which is great the last one here or second last one you get max planning 10 and then the very last one more organization so like i was saying before really high organization will just allow your units to survive for longer and as you push the enemy back using your planning bonuses you'll maintain your organization which helps you but the trade-off is that you don't get high attack values because you're not really bumping up your soft attack value you're not bumping up heart attack you're only raising organization and planning so that's the big trade-off there whereas if you look at offensive infantry offensive and infiltration you get 10 breakthrough in org on your leg infantry you get some recovery rate here which helps you get your units ready for battle faster you reduce supply consumption by 10 which is huge 10 less infantry equipment is just gonna save your ass in a long time especially if you're a small country that allows you to go on offensives for longer while still utilizing the other bonuses uh night assault tactics this actually can be somewhat helpful because knight attacks apply major debuffs so although no one's ever really gonna time their attacks based on the time of the day just because the game normally is running at a high speed um this can be actually very useful although you wouldn't really ever catch it and then from the last two you get organization and reconnaissance and reinforcements so overall i still think assault is the better branch out of the two infiltration not quite so much the supply consumption you can get from a logistics company for example and just upgrade that and if you're using the organization bonuses your organization will be the highest out of any army and that's just how this doctrine is meant it raises your organization to an insane level packs a huge punch because you're going to have crazy defense and entrenchment and that just allows your units to survive forever basically so that's what makes this doctrine so good it's that your organization is going to be so high that the enemy's really going to struggle to ever break you down because until your organization is zero you're not gonna break the line that's the biggest thing you're backing up really high entrenchment with really high organization and planning bonuses that are gonna overwhelm your enemy and make sure that they're gonna have to spend an insane amount of manpower and equipment trying to beat you so that's basically how it works it's really just a defensive focus but it can become very good as you get into the later stages with just how much organization and planning bonuses you have so you can just continuously attack your units that way so very good overall but again it's more of a defensive focus whereas these first two are very aggressive in nature so now we're gonna move on to the last one and that is mass assault doctrine okay so now we're going to get into the very last one and that is the mass assault doctrine so this is probably one of the most overlooked land doctrines especially by new players i think it's pretty misunderstood especially because the first three that you get out of it are just pure trash they suck and that's the truth this is not a good land doctrine when you're only using the first three it's horrible but it gets pretty darn good as you get into these later branches and that's why i really want to focus on this although i'm going to try and do it as quickly as possible we're almost to 20 minutes so i'm gonna go fast a little bit but first things first reinforcement rate two percent minimum training level -10 completely useless because you can get a signal company in your division templates and you'll already have the reinforcement rate that you want as well the minimum training level of minus 10 that's helpful in the long run when you want to train divisions very quickly but if you're already utilizing all your equipment as best as possible and you've already deployed all your units properly that's not going to matter out of supply and supply grace again that really doesn't matter much outside of trying to allow your units to just survive in pockets if they're encircled that can help you but overall it's not going to make a huge difference it's not a big game changer because the supply grace is only 48 days or 48 hours so not major and then like infantry 5 org and 5 entrenchment grand battle plan beats that hands down so that's why it's not great but when you get into these later branches that's where things get really spicy and actually pretty darn good so mass mobilization we're gonna focus on that one first because it's the smaller of the two what's this good for so mass mobilization is really really good when you're playing a smaller country and why do i say that well for a very start for the start you have people's army here which reduces division attrition 10 as well as it increases the damage to garrisons in our states occupied by the enemy so 10 that means that anytime an enemy takes your territory they're going to receive more damage to the infrastructure and the factories in that state they're going to have to spend more time repairing them it also means they're going to have less manpower because more enemies are going to be killed as a result as well they're going to have less equipment because they're having to use more of it fighting the resistance levels as well with the attrition reduction your units are going to be better suited for fighting in low infrastructure areas so it means you're going to use less equipment less manpower your damage is going to be higher your defense is going to be higher so as a result from the very get-go your units become much more effective infantry offensive reinforcement rate five percent infantry recovery rate point three not that great but again it just allows your units to get into combat very quickly as well as recover from combat very quickly so as you start to get more units in the field they'll be constantly attacking because they just are ready for combat much quicker than anyone else large front offensive 10 org flat rate which is fine uh that just bumps up organization which is all right but not great then you get the infantry combat width this is the interesting one because you get five percent recruitment so for a smaller country having that extra five percent population can be huge because you can field way more divisions by reducing the infantry combat width you can essentially create divisions that have more men in them more artillery while still utilizing something like a 20 combat width and then again you get 15 reinforcement rate for i think 20 so far um so your units are just constantly getting into battle very very quickly they're going to recover very quickly so their organization is high and you're going to have lots of manpower and then the last one again more recovery rate you increase the resistance growth speed in our states so that way more damage is done to the enemy and then again you reduce the out-of-supply effects so this one's really good for small countries because it means that the enemy is going to have to essentially pay a heavier price when they attack you as well it can be useful for larger countries because let's say you're france for example this just means that the germans as they're pushing you back assuming it's a very historical game and they are in fact pushing you back they will pay a much higher price for the land that they take from you now you might be wondering what about deep battle so deep battle is definitely more of an aggressive focus and very good overall so right from the get-go minus 10 supply consumption means that you have way more equipment available for the units that you're fielding and you can just keep them supplied for a lot longer organization this one sucks we can skip that it's only two so very minor effects but the next one here reinforcement rate and higher planning again that means that your bonuses from the planning are going to be much more noticeable as well your units can get into combat a lot faster with an increased reinforcement rate along with the one up here and if you have signal companies this one can actually allow you to skip a signal company because you're going to get so much reinforcement rate from the land doctrine itself you can actually use a different support company say mechanics for example and you still get the benefits of that reinforcement rate next one here infantry combat width and again another 10 supply consumption reduction you're down 20 you combine that with something like a logistics company you're at 30 percent that's huge absolutely huge you'll just be able to field insane amounts of divisions or you can field smaller division numbers but you can constantly attack with them because you're using way less equipment the biggest thing that's going to hinder you in that case is simply manpower you're more likely in that case to run out of manpower before your equipment which is just insane but that's what makes it so good as you get down here breakthrough and organization which is great for offensives then again you get more organization recovery rate on these units tanks specifically and motorized mechanized and then the last one you get organization loss when moving minus 25 and more reinforcement rates so to sum it up what makes mass assault really good is that if you take mass mobe you can field more divisions while dealing out a ton of damage to the enemy as they take your territory meaning they're going to spend way more time repairing as well as also losing more equipment and manpower from that effect on the left-hand side you can constantly attack your enemy just consistently forever basically because you're going to have such low supply consumption you're going to have really high reinforcement rates you're going to have really high recovery rates meaning your units are ready for combat faster they're in combat faster they're using less equipment the equipment they're using less means you can feel more divisions the only thing that will hinder you in that case is your manpower so it's a double-edged sword if you go down the right side probably better for a small country if you're going on the left much better for a large country and you can just constantly attack so that basically summarizes what they all do i'm just gonna do a quick little recap here and we're gonna end the video okay so just to do a quick recap here before we finish off the video and hopefully give the final verdict on what everything is best suited for so first off the start here we have mobile warfare doctrine which is best suited for a highly aggressive country but a country that utilizes tanks if you're not using tanks don't go mobile warfare as there are doctrines that are better suited for what you're doing that's the gist of it if you're using tanks this is the best route always stick with blitzkrieg and skip the desperate desperate defense along with mobile infantry and you'll actually do quite well for yourself now superior firepower it's also a aggressive land doctrine but not as quite as mobile warfare because this one isn't suited for tanks specifically although you do get some bonuses for that as well what it's best suited for is artillery and countries that are focused on aggression but at the same time they don't want to give up defense and at the same time they're not focused on tanks so something like line artillery very good you can make your support companies very beefy and help yourself out that way you get pretty decent soft attack values the whole way down and then you get reconnaissance as well so very good for aggressive countries but ones that can't utilize tanks so maybe something like let's say for example hungry they could use this if you're going an austria-hungary route italy can use this because they typically don't have oil nor do they have a large industry so if you're trying to support the germans that can be a very good route especially if you're not worried about the manpower that you're going to use grand battle plan doctrine very defensive focused it focuses purely on overwhelming your enemy with a really high organization factor as well as your planning bonuses which again just allow you to out maneuver or at least outplan your enemies and better utilize the bonus that way but again very defensive focused not quite meant for aggression um but very good for allied countries or smaller nations that just want to focus on helping their allies defend areas this can be very good if you're a puppet or if you're a very small country and a faction this can be really really really good for yourself so um definitely recommend this for smaller countries but at the same time superior firepower can still be your cup of tea if you want to do a little bit more in the game and still be a bit aggressive mass assault doctrine this is kind of a jack of all trades in a sense but it goes both ways on one hand with deep battle you can definitely pull off large armies with it and really utilize the bonuses that come from it because again you're not going to use as much supply and you just have insane reinforcement rates so you can constantly get back into battle very quickly and mass mobilization which is better suited for a smaller country but a country that wants to deal a lot of damage to their enemy as their states are being taken so even some majors can utilize this for example italy because you have such a small land mass it can be very easy to capitulate if the allies do good naval invasions so because of that if you do mass mobilization you can just do a lot of damage or you can even pick something like the soviets this can be very good because the more damage you're doing to the germans it slows them down so because of that it works both ways but it is one of the focuses that i think not a lot of people use just because you have to get through three of the absolute worst land doctrines that you'll ever complete um but after that it gets great so that basically summarizes everything that i wanted to present in this video i didn't really go into organization and all those mechanics too deeply just because i have template videos out already on that stuff and i plan to make some more videos on this in the future but hopefully it clarified some things made it a little bit easier to understand what each land doctrine is doing and what you should be using each land doctrine for when it comes to your template design as well a little bit what countries you want to use but at the end of the day as i always say this is a grand strategy game you gotta try everything out see what works best see what you like using because that's how you're gonna have fun at the end of the day anyways again i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you have any comments questions concerns things that i can improve upon just leave a comment down below or you can join the discord server using the link in the description anyways i'm gonna be signing off for tonight i hope you guys have a good one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 22,965
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv land doctrines, hearts of iron 4 land doctrines, hoi4 beginner guide, hoi4 germany, hoi4 france, hoi4 uk, hoi4 italy, hoi4 ussr, hoi4 guide, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 together for victory, hoi4 death or dishonour, hoi4 waking the tiger, hoi4 japan, hoi4 usa, hoi4 tips, hoi4 strategy, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 blitzkrieg, hoi4 achievements, hearts of iron, scumpydog, hoi4 mp, hoi4 singleplayer, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 navy
Id: feMxJMhPcMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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