The Revolutionary War: Animated Battle Map

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April 19th 1775 400 British regulars approached the small village of Lexington Massachusetts 80 men of the local militia meet them on the town Green stand your ground their commander shouts don't fire unless fired upon but if they mean to have a war let it begin here how did it come to this why are these American subjects facing down their King George the third and his empire the rallying cry is no taxation without representation for ten years the American colonists have protested the taxes levied by the British crown the protests are sometimes eloquent and sometimes violent no matter the method the Americans have no voice in the British government most colonists are not yet ready to break away yet they are determined to defend their rights to assembly free speech trial by jury taxation by their own representatives and to bear arms the controversy explodes on that April morning two British companies form a line of battle on the Lexington green a British officer orders the militia to disperse most of the men begin to scatter but a few stubbornly stand their ground a moment later a shot rings out who fired that first shot heard round the world may never be known the British then unleash a full volley into the militia when the smoke clears eight Americans lay dead and another nine are wounded in search of a rumored stockpile of American weapons the British advance to Concord word of the movement spreads among the American patriots at Concord the British find only remnants of the Patriot stockpile the real weapons are in the hands of the militia 300 Americans attacked the British column near the Concord River the British withdraw the Americans pursue and it devolves into a running battle more militiamen sometimes called Minutemen arrive using country paths to ambush the exhausted foes British soldiers are killed or wounded and continuously most run out of ammunition some consider surrendering the British limped back into Boston having lost nearly 300 men almost miraculously the American Patriots win their first battle but the revolution has only just begun within weeks Boston is surrounded by an army of New England militia as news of the first victory spreads other Americans take action in May a group of men who call themselves the Green Mountain Boys seize Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York in June the British attack in American position near Boston arise known to the locals as Bunker Hill as the Redcoat battle lines approach an American commander tells his men not to fire until you see the whites of their eyes the British are slaughtered although the British capture the hill American morale rises as British morale plummets despite these early successes American leaders know that they will need more than an enthusiastic militia to win the conflict the Continental Congress in session in Philadelphia creates the Continental Army and appoints George Washington a member of the Virginia delegation to lead it Washington rushes to join the army at Cambridge Massachusetts telling Congress that he will need heavy artillery to drive the British out of Boston in January he orders Thomas Paine's pamphlet common sense which advocates independence from Great Britain to be read aloud to his soldiers in order to strengthen their resolve for the cause Washington is aided by 25 year old Henry Knox who spends the winter removing cannons from Fort Ticonderoga and bringing them to Boston despite having to sled across frozen rivers and scale snowy mountains Knox doesn't lose a single gun by March of 1776 the American artillery is in place unwilling to suffer a bombardment or risk another attack the British evacuate the city Washington watches as the fleet sails away he knows the enemy will soon return in even greater numbers the question is where the Patriots face enormous challenges the British Empire wields incredible power to win the revolution the Americans will need foreign support in early 1776 France begins to secretly send weapons to the colonists but before the French will do more the Americans need to demonstrate their determination on July 4th 1776 congressional delegates signed the Declaration of Independence signaling to France that the United States of America is committed to victory and capable of achieving it the war for independence has officially begun Washington moves the Continental Army from Boston to New York anticipating a British attack by the end of June 19,000 Patriots have joined him and then the British return 130 ships carrying more than 20,000 soldiers sail into New York Harbor one amazed American exclaims that all of London is afloat August 22nd the British land on Long Island sweeping aside the American defenders at the Battle of Brooklyn Washington skillfully retreats across Manhattan to Harlem Heights in September the British land on lower Manhattan and capture the city then dislodged the Americans from the defense's on Harlem Heights Washington retreats again part of the army withdraws north to White Plains while another occupies a strong position astride the Hudson at forts Washington and Lee William Howe the British commander defeats Washington and the Battle of White Plains on October 28th in November he decides to remove the threat to his rear at ports Washington and Lee the Battle of Fort Washington is a disaster 3,000 Americans are overwhelmed and captured by the British assault four days later the British crossed the Hudson and captured Fort Lee Washington's army is reduced to but a few thousand men with morale low an enlistment set to expire he retreats across New Jersey into Pennsylvania all that is stopping the British is the Delaware River and the coming winter convinced the rebels are all but defeated the British spread out in numerous outposts throughout New Jersey Washington must rekindle his Army's confidence he tells his men that if you will consent to stay only one month longer you will render that service to the cause of Liberty and to your country which you probably never can do under any other circumstances Thomas Paine writes a second pamphlet the American crisis which circulates around campfires and steals the resolve of the Patriots on Christmas night 1776 wash makes good on his promise he moves his forces across the ice choked Delaware River it is a desperate and dangerous maneuver but it works his men gather on the opposite bank in Washington launches a surprise attack on Trenton New Jersey Battle of training is a stirring American victory million one thousand Hessians are captured along with six candidates and enough supplies to outfit several American brigades seven days later Washington presses his advantage out maneuvering the main British Army and striking the garrison at Princeton he wins another victory and captures nearly two hundred British regulars with his army rejuvenated Washington marches to Morristown and settles him for the rest of the winter there is almost constant skirmishing between Patriots and British foraging parties forcing the New York City british-controlled garrison to rely on supplies brought by sea in the spring of 1777 the British devised a plan to isolate New England from the other American colonies three columns are ordered to converge on Albany in New York one column is stopped at Fort Stanwix one disregards the plan and instead moves toward Philadelphia defeating an American force at the Battle of Brandywine and capturing the American capital Washington attempts to recapture the city but is defeated at the Battle of Germantown afterward he moves his army to Valley Forge for the winner the 3rd British column meets heavy resistance from partisan fighters giving the Americans time to assemble a large force near Saratoga the fighting at Saratoga rages from September to October victory sways in the balance finally the Americans surround the British Army and forced them to surrender the Continental Army suffers through a brutal winter at Valley Forge but holds together discipline actually improves due to the training regimen implemented by Baron von Steuben a European officer who lenses expertise to the cause it is one of the war's greatest displays of American determination in the wake of the American victory at Saratoga France signs an alliance with the United States and declares war on Britain threatened by the French fleet the British abandon Philadelphia Washington pursues them across New Jersey On June 28 Washington attacks a British rear guard and non month New Jersey although the battle is inconclusive the winter training at Valley Forge has paid off the Continentals had stood firm against British regulars who continued their movement to New York throughout 1778 Washington maintains pressure on New York City the countryside between the armies becomes a no-man's land of spies foraging parties and skirmishes unable to make headway in the Northeast British strategists shift their focus to the southern colonies where a guerilla war had raged since 1775 they are banking on the support of southern loyalists in December the British established a foothold by capturing Savannah Georgia months later French troops during the Americans in an attempt to recapture Savannah but the Allies suffer severe losses and are unable to retake the city the southern offensive continues into 1780 on may 12th a British Army captures Charleston South Carolina along with more than 5,000 American soldiers nearly the entire American force in the South American reinforcements rushed to the Carolinas but they fare little better in August another American army is crushed at the Battle of Camden the countryside will be still engulfed in a vicious partisan war who neighbors take up arms against each other when British troops and Royalists burn homes and farms in their search for Patriots they hardly know revolutionary resolve of the southern people in October a force of more than 1,000 British loyalists is annihilated at the Battle of Kings Mountain Washington sends more men to the south where they unite with Patriot militia fighters Daniel Morgan leads the Americans to a major victory at Cowpens the years of campaigning forced him to retire Nathaniel Greene takes over in a grueling campaign in early 1781 he grinds down the British forces during a series of strategic retreats toward the Dan River Greene is able to keep one step ahead of the British it crosses on February 14th and the British without boats are unable to pursue the race is over after a brief rest Greene now reinforced reek Ross's the dam on March 15th at Guilford Courthouse Greene finally faces the British fighting them to a bloody standstill after Guilford Cornwallis withdraws his battered and exhausted army toward Wilmington soon after he marches north to Virginia hoping to stop the flow of men and supplies into the southern colonies with Cornwallis gone Green swiftly re-enters the Carolinas at Utah Springs though a draw green inflicts enough casualties to compel a British withdraw to Charleston where green pens them for the rest of the war warded in the north and in the south British strategists now try to attack the center Cornwallis marches into Virginia and chases a continental force before marching his weary army to Yorktown in July 1781 where he expects reinforcements by sea on September 5th the British and French fleets battle each other on the Virginia capes the French are victorious and Cornwallis is cut off a combined American in French force marches south and lays siege to the British on September 26th on October 14th American and French units storm two British read us the Cornwallis realizes he that there will be no reinforcements no escape he surrenders more than 8,000 soldiers about one-fourth of all British troops in the United States are taken prisoner news of Yorktown reaches London in late November 1781 in February 1782 the British Parliament adopts a resolution against further prosecution of offensive warfare on the continent of North America the final treaty of peace is signed in September 1783 after eight years of war the longest war ever fought in North America the United States when their independence the American Revolution began the most important experiment the world has ever witnessed can people govern themselves can they treat each other as equals can Liberty produce power so far through many rigorous tests America has answered yes you you
Channel: American Battlefield Trust
Views: 1,017,172
Rating: 4.8993192 out of 5
Keywords: American Battlefield Trust, Civil War Trust, Continental Army, British Army, War for American Independence, Revolutionary War explained, Revolutionary War preservation, General George Washington, American Revolution explained, Revolutionary War troop movements
Id: 0JLvRJzvOic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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