What is your "frick this, I'm out!" moment?

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what is your frick this i'm out moment i was poached by a company which seemed like a leader in the field it was a good opportunity and they brought me on to build out a specific offering at their agency even at my old agency we had done some competitor research that basically said these guys were the best of the best so when i got the offer it was a no-brainer but then i get there and it turns out the department i'm in is complete garbage the rest of the company seemed pretty good doing interesting stuff but leadership didn't care about our department much and the people leading it weren't really invested and so it was basically a bunch of junior employees just doing whatever they thought was right i didn't really have a direct way of influencing that since i was like a support piece to the main department i'd work on their projects for a particular purpose but didn't have any authority over their projects as a whole still i figured once i was there a while i could push for some changes and try taking on more of a leadership role anyway i'm there almost a year and i get invited to speak at an industry conference i had spoken at some conferences before and so that's not unusual the speaking engagements were on my resume when i applied and i had assumed they were seen as positives by the company when hiring me however they tell me i'm not allowed to go they have a policy that speaking engagements are reserved for vps and above so i ask them about making an exception that it's a good opportunity for the agency to be represented at the conference they won't budge i say i can pay my own way they still don't budge i say i can just go as myself then and i won't mention the agency i have my own small company where i do similar work basically as a freelancer with a small team of people so i could have been claiborne from clayburn llc instead but they say it doesn't matter that i'd still be seen as a representative of the company and they can't approve it the conference was in las vegas and i had never been so i wanted to go and decided i'd just go anyway they're like well we said you can't and i said yeah but i'm going we'd have to let you go then okay so i guess i was fired i went to las vegas and made a little vacation of it and it was one of my favorite presentations i've done it was about the psychology techniques behind social media networks and vegas was a nice place to visit i got to see pen and teller and i lost about 300 gambling montgomery al two years ago driving down south with my girlfriend 3am gas stop while she's asleep walk into prepay as i walk out see a huddle of crack [ __ ] taking hits and handing their money to their pimp who's dressed in the whole era pimp suit feathered hat and cane and all they all frick for just 20 bones my man i've never been back to alabama similar to an unkindness of ravens or a murder of crows a group of crack [ __ ] is called a resentment you saw a resentment of crack [ __ ] taking hits and handing money to their pimp you two sucks frick ubono i was transporting an lvad patient to a doctor's appointment she had some depression issues she stops getting ready says you know what i think i am done she unplugs her lvad and starts yelling at everybody in the room for those unaware lvad is an electrical pump device for end stage heart failure now when you unplug them there is a 15 minute battery on the actual unit when that fails it could be minutes or the patient might not go at all luckily for me i was the least qualified in the room of nurses and a doc so i just quietly left i designed these things for a living and this comment freaks me the freak out was married for 14 years to and not nice to me man we had two children he basically ignored one day our four-year-old daughter crawled into his lap for a hug he threw her on the floor less than six months later money saved belongings packed and i was out of there with the kids even though he told me i wouldn't be able to make it without him never looked back good for you when my college professor required us to sign up for a class at a different college and pay full price to get credit for his class i said frick this and dropped out that sounds horrendously illegal i worked at a dog daycare for 80 years which was also my first job ever and poured every bit of my heart and soul into working there well not in the beginning because i was young and wild lol but for the last five or so years i got a much better work ethic and took it seriously i started at six dollars and seventy five cents and worked my way up to ten dollars after many years the work was exhausting and emotionally draining the way the managers ran things there would often be dog fights so they would put a huge group of young dogs together and the person watching that yard would be so stressed the whole time trying to keep track of 15 crazies i had been there the longest and the dogs listened to me pretty well so i would often get put in the most stressful yards i noticed a trend when i was allowed to make the play groups it was always peaceful because i knew how to group dogs based on age temperament play style etc but when anyone else did it one or more yards would always be complete chaos the manager never listened to my suggestions for grouping dogs even though i was out there with them for six plus hours a day and she was out there for maybe an hour a day that among other things i would often come in hours early and stay late to help out with cleaning and other things working conditions were rough we were forced to stay outside in freezing temps and rain and blazing sun despite there being indoor play areas to use it was a hassle to get dogs in and out so managers dragged their feet on letting them play inside full stop some days there felt like literal heck management treated me and my co-workers poorly but i loved the dogs so i stuck with it it wasn't a coincidence that i developed a more severe depression than ever before in my last few years there all of this incessant rambling just to get to my breaking point which looking back was pretty stupid but i was so fed up with how tough that job was and how little recognition i received or good pay for that matter that i couldn't take it anymore i had to call out due to being sick and when i came back the next day my co-worker gave me crap for leaving them hanging like that which really peed me off because she was one of the shittiest most unreliable people on our team the manager was on her side there were so many days where i had to struggle due to understaffing or call outs and countless times where i came in on days off to fill in for someone the fact that they couldn't treat me with a shred of decency after being out for one day was infuriating so i literally said frick you i'm out bye turned around clocked out and left that place never to return never regret my decision despite how sad it was to leave all of my dog pals behind i'm sure they forgot about me soon enough the night a guy i dated for years ran through the front door of our apartment sideways yelling honey i know you don't approve of hard drugs but i just smoked crack and it was awesome honey i know you don't approve of hard drugs but i just smoked crack and it was awesome this sounds like the opening line of a stand-up routine you got a belly laugh out of me i was on a job interview for a dog daycare boarding kennel it was very old-fashioned and had been there for 50-plus years for those who don't know old-school dog training is basically just abusing the dog into obedience anyway the dude interviewing me was asking me how i would call over a dog that was across the yard get their attention i forget what my response was but he said he throws a kong at them at first i thought he meant like threw it near them or against the fence to get their attention but no he meant he actually pelted the dogs with the kong for those who don't know kongs are heavy dog toys made from thick rubber that really hurt if dropped or thrown at you from even a short distance i was horrified needless to say i didn't accept the job there went to a borderline abandoned mall in my town and started exploring one of the abandoned restorant got inside walked into the back where it was dark noticed the words get out written in bread on the wall turned around and walked straight out this was at one of my friend's birthday party which he held at the last thing open at the mall a really cool arcade place but since the rest of them all was abandoned we all ran around and did stupid things and to make it better we were all eating from a massive tub of sour gummy worms that my friend had found and opened in a dumpster so honestly the fact that we chose to walk out while high on sugar was probably a miracle i had something similar as a teen we were exploring a barn just outside our village that as far as we knew had been abandoned for a couple of decades we went inside and saw if i catch you here you're dead written on the wall we probably weren't the first ones to venture into this man's living place and he was most likely sick of it nevertheless a really scary experience for a 14 year old not me but a co-worker i worked at baskin-robbins and we had an awful manager owner who treated us like complete crap one day a woman came into our store and ordered a one scoop sundae cost 5.99 at the time only after we had made her the sunday and rang her up did she present us with a coupon for one dollar off any sunday but it had expired in 1991 this took place in 2015 or 2016 when my co-worker apologized and said we couldn't take the coupon she flipped out and started cursing at us claiming that it was illegal for us to not take her coupon because coupons never legally expire we ask her to calm down as there are kids in the store and she demands we call our owner so we do and being the absolute prick that he is he tells us that we're costing him business by upsetting a customer and that he's going to take the price of the sunday off my co-workers paycheck and that he's going to get an official right up for being rude to a customer after hearing this my co-worker left the phone hanging from the wall took off his apron and calmly flipped the lady off as he walked out of the store i had to work a busy summer night alone and ended up staying two hours late to close everything and clean the store the whole night i wished i had the courage to do something like that i've never seen or heard from him again but he will forever be a legend in my mind a couple of months ago i was at oak point park in dallas texas late evening and i thought i heard a kitty mewing in the woods so i went into the woods to find it just in case it was someone's pet i got pretty close to where the sound was originating from and it stopped i waited a couple of minutes and didn't hear anything and then i took a pee and was about to head back while i was draining the lizard i got a really horrible feeling and i noticed out of my peripheral vision some figure watching me from about 20 feet away in a clearing of dead fallen trees i turned towards him and in the dim light i noticed he was at least half naked and very distributed he then meowed at me and i took off still pee the opposite direction i'm laughing picturing someone running walpy terrified haha my friends and i were down in miami for spring break one year and we wandered into a sort of crappy part of town and were walking around after getting hammered and we came across an old homeless african-american dude named linwood who was messing with the chain on his bike because it got messed up we started chatting with him and he's clearly a bit on the odd side but also really cool and we agree to follow him to a local bar for some fun so we get to the bar and it's one of those little places that somehow crammed eight or ten pool tables in so it's just everyone or laying pool and slamming beers linwood kind of sucks at pool at first and we start messing around playing for money with random guys only like five bucks for the next beer etc lin would bet a guy and loses but has no money so when he loses to this guy i offered to pay the five bucks for him and he was grateful but then lin would but then lin would but then lin would but then lin would but then lynn would but then linwood but then lin and i am thinking what the frick but i'm hammered turns out linwood is good at paul like really good at pool and he's a hustler he smashed this guy and split the 100 with me and then told us to follow him because he had to buy some weed so we leave the bar and follow him down this shady butt dark road and up these stairs into an apartment and everybody there is just staring at us because they knew we weren't from around there lin would buy some weed and then we go out back and he asks us if we want to get some women and we say sure he tells us to hang on and he goes back up into the apartment and comes back down with three of the biggest ugliest women i've ever seen and says they'll blow all three of you for that fifty dollars you got and that is where crap got too weird and i told lynn wood our adventure was over and we needed to get back to our hotel lol you went like four or five steps further in that scenario than i ever would when my emotionally abusive ex started threatening physical violence against our less than a year old child for things like crying or touching stuff few years back i had a job interview agreed on for a specific time but when i showed up it became clear that the company had scheduled multiple interviews with multiple applicants at the same exact time that wouldn't have been a problem itself but there was only two interviewers who both spoke to people one at a time so by my estimate i could have been forced to wait over an hour for my interview there was no specific queue even though i had agreed on a specific time with the recruiter so i left pretty much instantly because if the company doesn't care that they're wasting the applicant's time like this then i was afraid what kind of employer they would turn out to be nearly 18 years ago on new year's eve my friends and i were all tripping on shrooms when one suddenly had the great idea to call up a friend of his that he knew i liked and invite her over she said sure if she could bring her friend i believe not knowing we were tripping and i was already thinking about snapping out considering i was pretty damned high and didn't want to make an idiot of myself in front of her so we took a walk about to meet her halfway which ended up being right in front of a police station bad enough then as we got closer we realized it wasn't her but her underage 15 year old sister wtf fuwu and 14 year old friend who my buddy was actually talking to on the phone without realizing nope i kept walking right to the train station and went home on the plus side i did end up getting together with the girl i liked and we've been married 15 years her sister still insists my friend knew it was actually her on the phone and honestly it wouldn't surprise me dude was a perv a couple years ago i was working as a stock boy in a grocery store they fricked up my schedule and put me working while i had class even after submitting my schedule three times after not coming into work they suspended me and said that i would have to talk to my boss i said frick it and left never went back to work there high school 2006 i was one of the first people in my very small group of friends to get a license and a car of my own one day my buddy tom asks if i can drive him a short ways out of town to hang out with my girlfriend some other friends tom was a freaking weird dude gangly deeply pale perpetually moist greasy haired and he had this infected patch of ingrown hair coming out the side of his face that he refused to get treated he was also kind of a creep but more on that later we drive out after school and it's clear that tom has very little idea where he's going after bombing up and down a few dirt roads in the woods he declares that this run-down ramshackle house with missing shingles and trash strewn around the yard is the place we're looking for in an impressive piece of forethought i back the car in and leave the doors unlocked we knock on the door and it's opened by a girl who doesn't look a day over 13. she appears to be alone in the house and she is not happy to see tom turns out tom has been creeping on this girl online they've never met before and she had explicitly told him to stay the frick away apparently he conjectured more or less where she lived and made a lucky guess while we were driving around yep tom wrote me into driving him to go try to frick the 13 year old he was stalking in my culture we consider this a dong move anyone who lives in redneck country can guess what happened next a rusted pickup truck with no exhaust comes bouncing down the road and three or four gigantic cornft hooja boys hop out i'm already backing away and they move in between us they're clearly focused on the impending beat down of tom so i make a break for it and get the car fired up tom is still protesting his innocence insisting that they are together and they love each other blah blah utterly failing to comprehend the butt beating that was about to occur these boys are literally cracking their knuckles i scream his name and finally get his attention i look right at him and declare get in the freaking car or i will leave you here he scurries into the car and the boys let us tear out of their unimpeded it was an awkward ride back to his house tom and i were not friends after that incident as tense as it was at the time in retrospect the boys treated us with extreme leniency given that from their perspective these two dudes from town had driven out there to frick a 13 year old while she was alone in her house i wish i had been savvy enough to recognize bulls when i heard it and not put myself in that situation in the first place freaking tom yeah tom wrote me into driving him to go try to frick the 13 year old he was stalking in my culture we consider this a dong move in bird culture this is considered to be accessory to statutory violation at best worked at a fast food restaurant as a teenager it was a locally owned small business not franchise the owners were also the chef and manager they were first generation immigrants from korea they barely spoke any english and did a lot of stuff that up wasn't exactly up to washer guidelines we had a health inspection once while i was there and that was when i realized they actually knew they were violating health and safety code because they had me spend all day cleaning the day before that some of the stuff that i saw while i was there throwing chicken by leaving it on a cutting board on top of an open trash can all day long leafy greens in the fridge under or chicken no shelf between them mind you we're talking a tub of greens with a half zipped gallon ziplock full of chicken just sitting on top of the lettuce reusing single-use gloves each employee was allowed one glove per day they actually did use a probe thermometer to check meat temps but they never cleaned the probe after just wiped it off at the end of the day on their apron all dishes were done by hand but the water heater was so small that by the time we were halfway through the dishes we'd have no hot water left meaning half the dishes wound up improperly cleaned the last straw for me was when i caught a bad cold and they first accused me of lying insisting i was actually hungover i told them i'd never even been drunk which was true i was a straight edge teenager i spent my free time watching anime and playing video games and again they said i was lying but angrily gave me the day off as long as i promised to be in the next day when i came in next they told me that from then on there would be no sick days i had to come in no matter how sick i was i said and i quote number frick that that's illegal in fact frick you you're going to get someone killed the way you run this place i'm done i quit goodbye as i walked out the door i heard them yelling something about two weeks notice but i wasn't going back to listen to it my ex-wife she was a drunk and a way of training to be a flight attendant spent ridiculous amounts of money on getting wasted as often as possible one night we're on the phone argument ensues because she's drunk and she says i'm tired of you you don't do crap for me so i hung up called atmt cancelled her cell phone called state farm and cancelled the insurance on her car took all her crap out of my house and stuffed it in her car called her parents to come get her car and told them i was done the guy who never did crap for her except pay for literally everything actually stopped doing crap in the end like three months later she got fired for failing to show up to work because well she was drunk story conclusion after being fired she called me admitted the problem and we had a nice long talk but it was the end for me we both happily moved on and from what i understand she got control of her drinking eventually and is doing well good on you you were unappreciated and hopefully taught her a very valuable lesson i worked at a factory for a month and not only was i absolutely miserable the work was hard and we couldn't sit for our eight hour shift and we were only allowed a 15-minute lunch no breaks sometimes i had to come in at four rather than six to catch up on our orders i hopped out of there and i got a way better job as a ride operator at a local amusement park this happened years ago while working at a safeway in the produce department i worked from 1 30 p.m to 10 p.m three days a week after 4 pm i was alone in the department and as it got later in the evening i would spend my time helping the night manager with his duties because everything in my area was handled i would help check when needed stock other departments and clean the warehouse all while keeping my department perfect i asked the store manager for more hours after about two months of doing this extra work and she told me if you worked harder i would consider it so i turned around clocked out and never came back was managing a popular fast food joint and when i was about to receive my quarterly performance bonus usually about five dollars k we received word from hq that bonuses were going to be based on performance compared to the year prior well a few months before i transferred to that store a new strip mall opened across the street that had about five restaurants in itc including two direct competitors even with that in mind and the new store sheen having worn off we were still only down about five percent but because we were still technically down we didn't receive our bonuses i started job hunting that monday interviewed wednesday hired friday for a match much better job in a field i actually liked didn't make any drama about it but they had to scramble to find a new qualified person for my position when you have people working odd schedules 60 hours a week don't screw with their bonuses for reasons beyond their control on short notice if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 42,497
Rating: 4.8773947 out of 5
Keywords: frick this i am out, i am out, getting out, quitting my job, quitting job, quit, i quit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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