Parents of Missing Children, What Happened?

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serious parents or friends of missing children what happened when i was in kindergarten i used to take the school bus in the afternoon half days and one day i must have fallen asleep on the way home because i remember waking up at night in the back of the bus to a man different from my bus driver telling me everything would be alright he turned out to be the bus manager coming in for work the next day and the bus driver hadn't checked if any kids were left i must have been gone for 15 hours after school let out and i ended up at a skateland in a different city where the buses were kept overnight it gave my mother a huge scare and she was convinced i was kidnapped luckily i wasn't but after that i never took the bus something similar happened in my hometown the bus drivers have to now walk through the bus to check for children and stick an okay sign on the back window not sure if this applies a few days ago on christmas day i was driving home from a christmas function when i spotted a very small two-year-old child running through a deserted parking lot i immediately stopped and yelled at her just before she ran out into a busy highway i don't remember the last time i was that scared i ran up to her looking for any sign of an adult anywhere also we are in iowa where is was 30 degrees fahrenheit this little girl was barefoot and coat less with a steady stream of snot coming out of her nose i walked up to her and she raised her arms and said mommy i stuck her in my car and called 9-1-1 i tried talking to her but she could really only say a few words she was never upset and we just chilled for 30 minutes until police arrived as the cop was taking my information this kid's dad came walking out to the cop car and said is that my freaking daughter i thought she was in her room watching a movie and her mom was off crying about some stupid crap so she didn't know where the frick she was i don't know how she got out my heart just sank i wish i could have just kept her poor baby a girl i taught at summer camp a few years back disappeared last year she came home and just vanished her purse was found on a hiking trail like 30 minutes from her home there's been no details released it's even more sad because she has a baby according to the local news the baby is with her mom for a second i thought you meant the girl took the baby with her and went missing nope the baby is with its grandma got it when i was in hs there was a student who was extremely independent who would go on solo hiking fishing camping trips fairly regularly one year he just never came back from the woods there were search parties in the whole deal never found any sign of him no one knows what happened but it's assumed an animal got him or he drowned or something like that really sad great guy one of my good friends had a little brother who up and disappeared one day he was always a pretty good kid and his brother was one of the smartest people i think i'll ever meet working for exxon now and was the valedictorian of my school anyway i helped my buddy put up missing posters all over town and for two days the family was a wreck until one day someone saw him hanging out behind bess by eating pizza a couple days later he ran away because he got a bad grade on a paper he was 14. everybody is fine now the kid in question ended up going to the same college i did seems to be okay but still a scary thought as to what it could have been jesus that's a wacky overreaction i was once upset at a grade i got in high school on a test so i removed the staple and slowly ate the test this kid needs to learn what performance art is used to hang out with a girl whose family moved to our small town from ukraine and her brother went missing what was sad was there were no search parties or anything just flyers hung up with his picture i'm assuming because he was 19 anyway the flyers stayed up for years getting replaced when ruined six years later a lady walking her dog found a jawbone in the woods it was his what's crazy is i remember when he first went missing everyone saying he probably went out in the woods dug a hole sat in it and got drunk and fell asleep he's fine so maybe that's what happened that's a stoic way of saying he committed suicide a girl who used to sit beside me in music class went missing i remember her mum coming into the class with pictures begging all of us for information on her daughter it was heartbreaking to hear her and despite the encounter happening 23 years ago i remember it very clearly sadly the girl's remains were found a few months later and it was determined she was murdered and it remains an unsolved mystery the other kid i didn't know though i did know his sister who was also in my music class he was at a bush party not far from the center of town he decided to take a shortcut home and was never seen again it was a wooded area but not all that remote the wooded area is between two towns with populations around 20k nothing was ever found and it is like he just walked off the face of the planet there's something wrong with your music class mate there was a little girl that went missing in new zealand ages ago maybe in 2011 or 2012 dunno her mum turned away from her while she was playing to do some laundry and when she turned back around she was gone divers found her a few months later in a sewer pipe she must have fallen in a drain or something freaking horrible in my very middle class very safe and sheltered little suburb a 13 year old girl went missing she used to go to my school and when she went missing everyone freaked out mass texts like if you see a girl with brown hair description her name is name please call number kept going around and everyone was talking about her everyone who ever might have crossed paths with her told their stories it was believed she ran away from home because she had done it before most times she came back within a day or two but this time she had been gone three days another couple of days later a family was walking through a park and they found her hanging from a tree about 30 years ago i was in first grade eating lunch this was back when the milk cartons had missing children pictures on them i grabbed my milk carton and on the side of it was a picture of my friend who i was sitting right next to at the time it turns out during summer break his divorced parents got in an argument and his dad abducted him and tried to take him to mexico he was found and had returned in time to make it to the beginning of school so none of us knew what happened until he showed up on everyone's milk carton about five six years ago my mom's friend and her dog the travelled to china her daughter was 7 8 idk they were in bizarre and just she passed one corner her dog that just disappears for lucky she is crazy lady who can do everything to find her dog there she just starts scream breaks everything and she hit one table to break it her dog that was under that table they will use rope on her dog those mouth to be quite her police were there in time too they're both fine now yay at least i am tried in english this is an old family story and you know how those can be sometimes things are passed along that turn out to be wildly inaccurate but i believe it and the story has always seemed very haunting tragic and horrifying to me a part of my family was in a wagon train going west when their five-year-old daughter rebecca wandered off the wagon train stayed around an extra couple of days but winter was coming and they didn't want to be stuck like for example the donna party so they kept going her parents and siblings stayed behind a few days longer but every day meant they were further and further from the group and eventually they had to give up on rebecca and go catch up to the wagon train without her i always hoped she was found and raised by native americans but the reality is that she probably died in the woods either from an animal drowning or exposure i would believe it i used to work with a lady who grew up on a reservation and she told me they had lots of stories about these things from those times both natives and other children wandering off and losing their lives from the elements she said it was an area that was very woodsy quarry like this didn't happen to a child but rather my father went missing my parents were divorced and so i saw my father just whenever usually about every other weekend he was a pretty crappy dad and an alcoholic and ended up with a lady that brought out the worst of the worst in him when i got older phone calls from him were about once a month and a couple of months had passed by and i hadn't heard from him i saw said lady in a supermarket she was following me and i went right up to her after i noticed she was following me and i asked her if she had seen my dad she told me that she saw him a couple of nights ago i called and i called and i called his phone when i got home but no answer i even called his work they said that he quit and couldn't tell me why my dad had this job for over 20 years so it wasn't really normal for me to hear this we put in a missing person's report and he was declared missing it was the worst feeling in the world because you have no means of reaching the person you're looking for it's one of the most helpless feelings ever and i can't even imagine how it would feel if it had been a child rather than a parent missing it ended up that mai parked his car in a storage unit shut it and killed himself his body was hidden there for 63 days before the police finally found him it was the worst experience of my life probably i don't wish it on anyone in june this year my stepdad took off missing and his body was found a few days later i can't imagine how you coped in those 63 days i still expect him to walk back into my house any day now it just hasn't sunk in not sure it ever will hope you're coping okay when i was in junior higher guy i was friends with disappeared they finally found his body like 15 years later he's had a fricked up life and had gone and killed himself at the quarry near his house this is a bit late and will just end up at the bottom but i will add it anyway when i was in elementary school not sure which grade second maybe we were all sitting in class when a man ran into the classroom grabbed a girl and ran back out he ran all the way from the door to the other side of the classroom so it wasn't a random girl he grabbed the teacher chased him out and we didn't see her again for the rest of the class time but we also had a different teacher the next day i remember we had three different teachers that year but i never found out anything about the man and the little girl i never knew exactly what happened this was in savannah ga back around 1980. i used to work at a big supermarket and one of my colleagues just disappeared only a few weeks after returning from maternity leave she left her house one sunday evening no coat purse or shoes she was missing for a few weeks the police interviewed everyone that worked with her she was eventually found four miles from her house by a workman she had post-natal depression and had jumped off a motorway bridge in an attempt to commit suicide she survived the fall but was injured and unable to walk she wasn't found in time she died under the bridge shielded from the road as she'd landed in a gated work compound the local papers that had covered the story with the blessing of the family then ran a campaign to highlight the issue of postnatal depression my sister's best friend john walked out the front door of his home in northern california and was not seen for 10-15 years turns out he decided to go for a really really long walk he made it to argentina then turned around and walked back somehow since he didn't have any money or it or anything he's now married with a kid a girl i had been friends with for a few years didn't come to school one day in middle school it was really weird for her to not be in school she pretty much never missed a day she loved school and was really good at it she was supposed to meet my other friend at her bus stop that morning it was about a quarter mile walk from her house to that bus stop just never showed up our school did a thing where if you didn't show up for school they would call your parents and tell them you weren't there as i said she would never miss a day of school would never cast class so her parents immediately knew something was up and went to the police it's my understanding that the police started to look for her immediately but they did not have to look much because she showed up at home that afternoon naked from the waist down she had been kidnapped on her way to the bus stop he took her to an abandoned house made her drink something and then she passed out she woke up and he was gone door locked but was able to open the window she made a rope by tying sheets together and scaled the side of the house and walked home the school made an announcement at the end of the day not naming anyone warning us to be on the lookout for any suspicious people and to be careful because of what happened my friend group knew immediately it was her the police got him he was apparently a friend of the family there were child pornography charges tacked on to his other charges i guess they found some of that but i don't know much because i was 11 when this happened she missed like three days of school total and went to counseling through the rest of middle and high school ended up graduating at the top of the class and went to a prestigious school my grandma went missing back in 1977. they found her car at a park where she liked to walk but she was nowhere to be found there's nothing more they found out about it she's just gone my stepfather's brother was kidnapped as a child basically both of them were raised in a religious home for kids who were either troubled and were one step away from juvie or whose parents just couldn't take care of them but didn't want to put them in the foster system my step father and his siblings were sent there by their parents because the older kids were pretty much juvenile delinquents and getting into all sorts of illegal crap and the younger ones were being neglected and cps and the police basically told them that they could either put all of them in this home or they'd be taken away and put into juvenile detention in the foster system so one day my stepfather's brother who was six at a time is out in front of the home playing with the other kids they get called in a head count is done and they notice that he's not there they look for him he doesn't turn up and they call the police from what my stepdad has told me they barely did any investigation at all and his parents didn't really care enough to push for more to be done it was a mystery what happened until years later this couple comes to the home and confesses to the house mother that they kidnapped the child because they couldn't have children of their own and couldn't afford to adopt or they'd raised him as their own but as he'd gotten older he started asking questions about where he came from he'd though that he was legally adopted and they fessed up to him about what they did there were no legal ramifications for the kidnapping at all the parents weren't arrested or anything mainly because they were good parents and no one really wanted to put forth the effort to do anything about the fact that they kidnapped the kid and the house mother helped them get in touch with my step father and his other siblings so they could reconnect the siblings are all close now and still in touch but none of them really had any kind of relationship with their birth parents at all after being sent to the home or later on in life grew up in sarasota fl in the 90s early 2000s best friend calls me one day wants to hang out plans fell through with his friend later that night my cousin gets in trouble for sneaking out late at night she got caught because she was chained smoking at 12 years old on camera behind a car wash my uncle managed cousin gets grounded two days later carly carly brucia goes missing my friend matthew calls me in hysterics she went missing the night be hung out was seen on tape walking through the car wash my uncle managed right past where my cousin had been smoking same time of night one day difference from what i remember they found her body behind the church a ways away i don't know if they found the person who did it i checked out emotionally when they found her i heard she had a good home life my friends that knew her loved her parents loved being at their house i still wonder why she went through that car wash her family lived on a fairly major road at the time i hated passing by their house months after the fact and seeing people putting balloons and stuffed animals and pictures and flower displays and all manner of bulls on their lawn their daughter had been found and no one would let them move on it was more than six months before people slowed down and i was a freshman high school the first time i remember it being empty sarasota isn't a small town carly knew people in at least three different middle schools she was mourned by a lot of people for a long time years ago little girls started to go missing in our country most of them were around the capital city but one of them was next door to a relative of mine many hundreds of miles further away she had phoned my relative let's call her nancy and asked if she wanted to walk to the shops nancy said she didn't feel like it so this little girl went by herself she was never seen again police eventually discovered who was taking the children but during a car chase he killed his female partner who had been helping him and then killed himself they found evidence like personal wear in his house that the children had been there but no one ever saw the little girls again or knew what he had done with them most of them were blonde and around 11 years old i think that the ultimate selfishness of killing himself before the parents could know what he did with their children should save a special place in heck for this monster when i was 11 or 12 i was really good friends with a new girl at school who had aspergers she lived with her sister mom and dad in a condo and i often went over and hung out her mom always seemed very odd to me something struck me very often strange about her but i couldn't put my finger on it i believe she suffered from severe mental illness like bipolar or schizophrenia unmedicated one day my friend didn't come to school and she just never came back a police officer came to our class and i vaguely remembering them questioning me and if anything seemed off about the situation it turns out one morning that my friend her mum and her sister hopped in the van and drove to another province her mom wanted to separate from her dad and just kidnapped the daughters and left it was heartbreaking not knowing where my friend was and as she had more than mild aspergers it felt like her mom was taking advantage of her the next school year my friend showed up on the first day with her dad her dad was able to track them down by summer and bring them back home it was a big relief for our group of friends her dad is an extremely caring and kind man who takes amazing care of her i still see her from time to time and she and her sister are doing very well she is attending makeup art classes at community college her sister is in med school and just bought a house with her fiance i can't imagine the deep pain and frustration her father felt when the three of them disappeared from time to time she would tell me updates about her mom how she was now homeless living in a van and would call her once in a while to say a bunch of nonsense very sad and strange in my city back in 91 this kid michael dunham he went missing from a ball game him and his parents were at his mom was playing in it and his dad was watching this kid literally disappeared just meters from his parents in broad daylight from the park and no one saw thing i remember it was and still is kind of a huge story it was one of canada's biggest manhunts they've identified a couple guys over the years matching his description and done dna testing to determine if they're michael but no luck the kid vanished i'm from venezuela and abductions are nothing out of the ordinary a family that my family is pretty close with they are pretty well off which makes them a target for abductions their son got abducted for two years the kidnappers went back and forth with prices they started off asking something ridiculous like 50 million dollars ended up settling for like 5 million it took around 2 years to get him back and he doesn't like talking about it much but he says that they fed him every day only eggs and there were other people at the house he was being held he assumed it was just other people that got abducted they ended up dropping him off like three miles from a gas station in the middle of bum [ __ ] nowhere he's fine now and they as well as my family moved to the states at 2am on thanksgiving night my friend's boyfriend got very drunken into a huge argument with his family he then proceeded to crash his truck and jump off a dock into a nearby river he took all his clothes off and emptied his pockets before he jumped it has been one month and no one has heard from him and nobody had been found patrick if you are reading this we need you back dang this one hit me hard i'm really sorry that this happened i hope he turns up okay that's so sad to have lost someone close to you on a day that is about being with those very people you guys are in my thoughts pm if you need to talk just after my freshman year of college a buddy of mine went missing from his house in new england but we later found out that he had run away taken a flight to san francisco and become one of the many people who jump from the golden gate bridge each year by the time we knew he was missing he was likely already dead i had visited the city before and have since and my perception of that landmark will never be the same he would be about 22 now miss you bud when i was 12 my next door neighbor disappeared he was a couple of years younger than me but we still played sports together and whatnot i remember walking out to wait on the school bus one morning at about 6 30 and his dad was just sitting in a lawn chair in the street the boy had gone to play somewhere the day before and never came home his dad was just waiting for him to walk up apparently he never came home police found his body in a soybean field about a half mile from his house a 15 year old boy shot him in the head and left him there i've never seen such a devastated man as that father when i moved to a small town in high school a 16 year old kid jay went missing abruptly posters were all over the county for years his parents swore that he had nothing to do with any kind of illegal activity and must have been kidnapped or that he had run away to live in the city teenagers got up a lot and in a small town lots of kids had theories many said they knew the real story of what happened to jay over the course of 10 years i heard the story quite a bit it generally was that jay had burned another teenager during a drug deal and the other kid got revenge by luring him out to the woods and murdering him the name of that teenager was brought up but i always dismissed the whole thing as rumors and gossip and people trying to act like they knew more than they really did for posterity 12 years after his disappearance they found his remains in the woods it turned out the story's rumors that i had heard for years from various other teenagers were accurate a teenage kid whose name was mentioned in all the rumors eventually confessed drug deal gone bad was ripped off wanted to act pretend to be like a real gangster and under the guise of hanging out brought jay to a quarry in the woods and murdered him disposed of the body under the rocks he's in prison now i still don't believe small town rumors but it was mind-blowing how i had gone through most of my young life knowing exactly who killed this kid how and where but had dismissed that information as being bulls i assume the family dismissed it as bulls as well i hope that if another situation like this arises i'll take small town rumors a bit more seriously oddly i am currently living in a house that is directly across the street from jay's family's home all the posters from the telephone poles have been taken down it must be devastating for them because they really didn't want to believe that their son had any connection with drug dealers or illegal activity i got a call from my boss skiscool to come down with my group over the radio as the weather was going to get bad soon and fast i was halfway up the mountain and informed to nearby instructors to do the same they are junior to me and didn't carry radios slowly skiing down really slowly as the wind limited visibility to 3 meters or so 30 minutes earlier we had blue skies as i arrive at the base i drop my group at a local bar restaurant so they can drink i'm moving on to try and catch a last lift up and i get the call over the radio from my boss to come to the office right now we instructors gather a colleague is shivering in the back office red eyes from crying turns out in that short storm halfway up the mountain one of her students a six seven-year-old girl disappeared we searched all night i saw the parents with my boss briefly complete and utter shock with waves of furious anger luckily the local voluntary search and rescue squad of which we're part of are all incredibly fit strong qualified and capable nobody did less than multiple kilometers through hip deep snow throughout the night downwind mostly no moon in the morning a farmer from the next village drove in with a kid full of hot chocolate on his tractor our colleague needed psychological help for weeks and never returned to the job my boss was amazing throughout though he really was the kid was fine and was able to walk that incredible distance due to the low body weight and the fact that at that age they can't undo their bindings so the skis stayed on it's been some time so i don't remember all details also my verbal expression is not the best so please bear that in mind a couple years ago around christmas time my neighbor's eight-year-old son went missing it was the last day of school that year and he had left school alone although a friend saw him earlier that day i think but after that he just vanished to thin air later that night the parents were of course extremely worried and my parents along with other volunteers and police force helped them to try find their son but nothing was found not until a few days later the day before christmas eve when someone was digging stuff with an excavator by a road near their home and found a kid in the snow he had been playing in a snow castle which had collapsed on him and he died for lack of oxygen i didn't see the parents too often after that and we no longer live there but those events must haunt them every christmas i couldn't imagine something like that happened to my own child your verbal expression is excellent in this point don't be so hard on yourself not a missing child story but my sister had almost been abducted when we were younger it was my sixth birthday party in the middle of august we lived at the very end of a cuddy sack with a huge garden in the middle of the lanes all the neighborhood kids were out and we always played hide-and-go-seek in this garden my sister was four at the time and she was hiding behind a bush about five feet away from me when a dark purple cargo van drove up this guy who looked to be about mid-40s swung the driver's door open and went to grab her now my dad's a cop my grandfather's a cop i have three uncles who are cops we grew up here hearing the horror stories and knowing about stranger danger i knew something was wrong right away and little six-year-old me ran up screaming and started beating on him as hard as i could i bit his forearm and he let go and sped off what sickens me the most is the amount of balls this guy had it's not like we weren't unsupervised it was my birthday party there was kids everywhere including all of our parents sitting out in the front lawn watching us with their feet in the kiddie pool i didn't really realize how serious the situation was until i saw my dad and his buddy who rented our basement suite off of us and was also a police officer running down the street with their badges in one hand in their guns in the other trying to track down this van the moms were all freaking out and my sister and i were just way too calm about it i kept saying it's okay mom i handled it and my sister just shrugged like yeah mum calm down but now that i'm 24 and see my young nieces playing outside i get so paranoid they found the van parked in the backyard of this guy's house about four blocks down after searching his house they found tons of child pornography as well as homemade bombs kinda freaky two people the first was a girl named kelsey i didn't really know her well but i saw her in a local musical and she was a friend of a friend she was kidnapped blitz style in a target parking lot she was only missing for a day or two at most before her body was found at the lake i remember it being way too close for comfort because she was kidnapped near where i took dance classes and her body was dumped near where i live her murderer was arrested a day after her body was found from what i remember he didn't know her at all just thought she was an easy mark freaking sad the second was a friend's father he went for a hike to decompress from the stress of thanksgiving last year hours later he didn't come back they found his wallet and his keys in his car but found nothing on the trail they searched the woods for him for a good week but couldn't find anything because of how dense the foliage was then the next day he stumbled on the trail and was found by some joggers he refuses to say anything about what happened but he seems like he's doing okay i think he went off to starve himself to death in the woods but ended up having a change of heart who really knows except for him though there is a story that circulates in my family that my oldest sister was kidnapped as a baby my dad and her mother were divorced and my dad got custody of her full custody out of the goodness of his heart after hearing his ex-wife's impassioned plea to get closer to her daughter he agreed to a visit with him there the story goes that my dad went to use the bathroom and when he got out his ex-wife and my sister were gone he heard the car start in the driveway and ran out just in time to see her speeding off my sister in the back seat police were called but for a short while my dad feared the worst until someone from a hotel downtown called the police because they found an abandoned baby in the hotel room it was my sister and her mother was never seen again one of my son's friends disappeared in the utah wilderness years ago while on a camping trip with boy scouts and was never seen again he had been at the lake swimming and fishing with some of the boys before telling his dad he was going to walk the short distance through some trees back to camp on the trail his dad left the lake and was walking the trail back to the camp a few minutes later when he heard his son's voice calling for him from the opposite side of the lake behind him nowhere in the direction of the camp so his dad ran the rest of the way to the camp confirmed he wasn't there and neither the other scouts or councillors had seen him and immediately reversed back to the lake where he heard his son yelling despite search parties making annual treks to look for him every year since he's never been found red it makes me never want to camp or let my children out of my sight kid in question is my grandfather's friend's teenage daughter she was spoiled as a child because her father really doted on her given as much money as she wanted as a teen to spend on whatever she wanted she got a boyfriend and i suppose she was pretty in love with him because she got some expensive stuff for him jewelry a wallet i don't remember but it cost a lot a while later she went missing they found her body chopped up and her fingertips sliced off to prevent identification turns out her boyfriend ganged up with a bunch of thugs to take her money and kill her this was a rural place in sarawak malaysia so justice never really was served blake a former classmate of mine disappeared about three years ago he was 20 years old in school he and his twin brother were always jokesters but both of them were so nice to everyone they were on a cruise ship around alaska with their family when the family reported him missing they last saw him around midnight one night he might have gone to explore the rest of the ship or go back to his room the ship made one of those scheduled stops but records show that he did not leave the ship and go ashore his family just never saw him again the ship was searched coast guard was brought in to search the waters and i don't think anyone or anything was found no security footage no man overboard alarms our hometown is small he and his family made good impressions on a lot of people so all of us were very upset when we heard the news the worst is not knowing what happened to him [Music] a high school friend of mine went missing in our sophomore year of college he was 20 years old and attending the university of wisconsin-whitewater always an upbeat guy super happy he was walking home from a house party at like one in the morning the sell signal puts him within an eight block radius of his house at a quarter to 2 am they found him naked and dead in the quarry the next day his back was over 0.1 and they ruled the death accidental but there are parts that make it seem like he was murdered there is also a history of students going missing in that area and showing up dead sad sad story r.i.p mark when i was 14 my classmate disappeared for three days the majority of my grade was away in another province for a school trip and we were not told of his disappearance so it wouldn't ruin the trip we were informed when they found his body though apparently he was playing with a friend and they made a rafter paddled out to the middle of a lake his friend fell off and couldn't swim he tried to rescue him and they both drowned it was quite shocking and incredibly sad r.i.p eric my father went missing when i was in high school he just didn't come home one night weds i remember my mom asking me if i'd seen him and then checking the garage the next morning for his car it wasn't there i went to school the next day and ended up calling my mom during lunch period to see if he had come home she said he hadn't and she had called the police the night before since he hadn't been gone for 24 hours they didn't take her seriously she started looking around the house and noticed all of his things were there toothbrush bag clothes she then remembered that he had mentioned that he may go visit one of his friends but couldn't get in touch with the friend another day goes by and my mom starts to flip the frick out it's friday now i remember her pacing around and asking me where he was and if i thought he had left her for another woman it took everything in me to calm her down and comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be fine late friday night she files a missing person's report saturday morning we get a phone call that they found my dad's car in the parking lot of the police station the station she called the night he went missing the car had been sitting in the lot since wednesday and specifically in the receptionist parking spot but still no sign of him our family friend decides to go walk around where they found his car less than 100 ids from the car and the police station he found my dad my dad had shot himself in a park next to the station if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video uh it
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, missing persons, missing children, missing children stories, parents of reddit, missing person stories, missing chil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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