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eric was this deliberate is this some mind games going on so i was wearing a different color hoodie and then i saw you wearing the yellow hoodie and i had to i just had to match for the color scheming and the color meaning i wanted to grow facial hair but i only had like a few minutes after i saw your face so i tried but uh didn't grow quickly enough i wanted to grow facial hair did i miss a memo by the way because everyone's wearing like yellow i missed the memo too but apparently i was lucky okay i'll be right back oh boy does socarro own anything yellow oh he does have some yellow hands oh that is yellow i don't think i've ever seen hakara wear is just like full yellow yeah no i've never seen that's not my color it's not your color but thank you thank you for blending in okay someone in my chat just said can we start playing it's past their bedtime sounds good good luck good luck good luck eric good luck good luck bye yeah i don't think i've done a match like this before where there's commentators that i'm part of a call with but i'm also commentating so hopefully it's just a good viewing experience for for everyone i encourage people to switch between the streams watch levy's commentary watch anna and hikara's commentary um you'll kind of hear you'll hear multiple different perspectives oh he sent me a challenge oh he sent me a challenge okay my bad i thought he was just going to start a game what's the format alexa set a timer for 45 minutes 45 minutes starting now okay i think we're good i'm just gonna make obs really small so i can't really see levy and now we're going to whoa are we going to stafford we might first game a staffordshire okay okay so he's playing the bowden kizzaritsky he's gonna play knight c3 i saw he played this recently the best moves to take but this is a funny move so i can transpose into a center fork trick so it takes i play d5 oh this is a move too um i think i know the best approach is to take and play f6 so i think i'll do that um i haven't looked at this specifically in a long time take down team hikaru thank you merci i was in the mute alerts um that'll be the the final words so now i'm fully focused i might even take out my headphones too okay um let's focus here so bishop i mean there's bishop c5 and um in g6 but i'm not sure if i can get away with that so quickly and d6 immediately looks to be the safest and the combination i have to wear my headphones to hear the move sounds weird not hearing anything um so d6 uh the ideal setup is queen e7 g6 bishop g7 bishop e6 etc he's probably going to throw like f4 at me yeah that's one of the things you have to deal with when you play this line pretty sure queen e7 f5 queen g7 there's also a trap if takes takes i'll be threatening queen c5 winning the bishop so this is a difficult idea to find if you haven't seen this line before but this is a kind of the last thing i remember i'm not sure if i studied this specific position that i've studied related lines probably bishop d7 i mean light's going to try and build up like long-term compensation has more activity my setup's a bit awkward but like i'm really solid here keep everything defended might end up casting queenside um it's very important to keep the time advantage too i know levi is very very strong in the time scramble situations so i imagine he's gonna like be super aggressive like push the pawns and um probably what i want to do is focus on some center play like after castling i think it's okay casting bishop d5 it's risky though i might play bishop e7 first and maybe castle kingside just staying flexible so b5 i do have the option of that never mind i'm not a g5 because now there's no queen h5 check i can't castle king side there's a bishop on c4 i think this is okay like b5 knight a5 bishop d5 i kind of just chill so maybe g4 here not sure how much that accomplishes i should have kept my bishop back i play king b8 take a moment here of this idea bishop e8 doesn't look so right let's start with this maybe g3 i'm trying to create some distraction on g3 h3 that's getting weird it's getting really weird this will be a fun first game um rook e8 or maybe bishop affects roca f8 yeah it's awkward i'm gonna do weird things a5 is probably coming i'm getting a little bit squeezed actually not super pleasant okay so i want to play d5 if queenside is a bit in shambles here it's still i mean it's still really weird um because i'm i'm gonna get the center it's just my king lack of safety queen c4 is probably a good move can i run king d7 there's also a6 i promise bishop e3 is coming man this is not good okay not the happiest move there might be this move but i just gotta try and survive so now i'm attacking the bishop if bishop here king yeah i'll be threatening d5 it's still alive i'm trying to employ the cockroach strategy where you just keep surviving even though it looks like you're getting smooshed wow okay this is terrifying i'm taking is bad what do i do here this is really bad i feel so claustrophobic stop hurting me i have no time to wow that was a good game by him and okay rematch i'll play knight f3 let's try and play um a little bit more solid he plays b6 let's play london or let's play um what do we call this queen's indian queen's indian london hybrid it's actually kind of an interesting line yeah knight fd2 is weird but um the idea is to preserve knight c3 okay so that was the first game um i mean he played well he's in good form actually i like the opening there but um okay can't uh can't live in the past just have to focus on the future um i'm liking the opening in this game because he's clearly out of his prep um there's some lines i'm prepared in um i mean the most natural moves and i hear he's being a bit uh exotic knight c6 i assume he wants to play this in this i'll probably just develop um yeah playing bishop g3 of e5 i i can push i'll probably at some point include e4 i give g6i i just want to discourage f5 at pleasant position by h4 here and one of the plans in this position is to go for the eventual uh pawn break on c5 yeah ensuring if a4 i play b4 and now preparing b4 cycling on g6 probably is no good um he does want to play f5 next move what i might do is actually put my nylon e4 idea being here and then here oh but then [Music] it gets weird i'm along f4 i think that line's okay like here here f4 i take on g6 it should be fine i'm just trying to make my knight happier up a minute on the clock too so this is the type of game i just want to keep keep the position rolling knight e6 looks attractive he wants to play bishop c8 that's interesting so 96 bishop c8 g7 no good f3 at some point um i could trade too queenie two is a move i have a cool idea actually i'm gonna play queen e2 so the point is after uh takes takes takes bishop h4 queen h6f3 traps tonight did someone gift a massive amount of subs holy holy holy i have alerts still on tribe castle that's a ton of subs it's not ending either thanks for thanks for that i appreciate the generosity um wait this is my calculation here i do have to still stay focused oh f3 there's knight takes e3 that's a miscalculation um i just lost a pawn and g5 might be coming f4 is interesting actually f4 looks so anti-positional but i'm i'm securing the square it's actually it's kind of nerve-wracking when i know hikaru is like watching my play and probably judging judging moves like this but at least i have some purpose a castle yeah my king needs safety so i'm down the pawn but it's not too bad because i have the dark square control so i can't i'll address alerts later um i again appreciate the support um if i take i'm taking is bad to play this move yeah how am i down on time i was up a minute earlier uh there's probably massive problems in this position with takes in queen d4 [Music] but then maybe i survive this bishop f42 oh let's take it looks really really ugly but at least i have rook d1 and his bishop is um i always have to look on the right side this bishop's kind of a a sad piece but my whole king side is really sad he's so active and this this position's in levy's wheelhouse too he loves like having initiative being aggressive but we're gonna try and employ the cockroach strategy hear this move have a small time advantage there is some prospect if i can trade the lights for bishop for the knight it would be obstacle bishops so that's kind of what i'm going for to play this move sadly a4 was scary oh no okay this is maybe survivable he's gonna take with f pawn and play g3 f5 here debating i'll play rook b2 i want to play this and attack the pawn maybe i can't play that am i just losing oh no i'm just losing there's no moves to stop bishop d3 any stale matrix no i'm losing good game actually i'll let him i'll play it out for the beginners who don't understand okay good game levy okay um rough start but it's it's a gambit i guess to lose a few games to maybe give him a false sense of confidence play b5 here funny move okay how much time is left 25 minutes left so again not the end of the world um i'm gonna try and stay focused mount some kind of comeback yeah so if knight bd7 there's knight c6 i'll probably play c5 here realizing he could potentially take on d5 c5 takes on d5 we trade oh there is a funny move actually so if he takes takes takes i have knight b6 otherwise my rook would be i'd lose material but knight b6 would defend the rook and attack the bishop and bishop moves back out of knight d5 okay so at least i saw some tactic there uh hopefully i'm not missing any like strong follow-up but the yeah if pawn takes takes there's no b7 because my bishop defends and now i have knight d5 he has knight f4 um so it's still kind of messy but i am temporarily up a piece which is nice also up on time so probably knight c6 it's weird the bishop is shish kebabbing my pieces but things are defended or are they there's a funny line here 94. which i might end up doing man it's so hard to calculate knight d4 queen d592 we trade i think it's okay i get like two pieces for a rook in the end so the point is i take on e2 with check i win the night i lose a rook we trade queens and in the end i have bishop and knight for rook and two pawns but this pawn would be weak and i have an attack on the the work on f1 i also have knight g3 and bishop f1 in the end i think okay that's a good sign so probably roxy8 rook b8 york b8 time is about level i mean i'm up a piece i have good activity and pieces are actually really nicely like centralized and the only concern is my knights are our targets but they're also weapons yeah i like the rook on b8 anytime maybe i can simplify um there's knight b3 here actually takes uh takes on d3 and if queen takes i have knight b4 knight c2 if pawn takes i just take on c5 i'm up a clean piece a lot of shish kebab going on this game so probably knight dc2 preventing rook d1 forking the rooks i'm already up a piece i'm about to oh that's a tricky move it's not so simple i think rook c8 is a move to play rook c rook d1 rook takes c5 it kind of complicates things but i think it just simplifies just making sure yeah everything's defended here and both queens are hanging but if we trade queens then we probably end up trading rooks this rook still attacked queen has very few squares queen b3 i take and hit the queen queen e4 i mean i could take the rook but yeah i don't want to complicate things more than i need to queen e8 it's rook d5 no d5 we trade it is weird queen eight not the move i wanted to play offer trade oh no take some bishop d6 then rook uh cc8 oh that moved first so rook c8 okay it's gonna be a fight so i have two minors for rook and two pawns b2 is tender knights are weird but they defend each other rook e8 is a potential move it takes on b2 [Music] i don't think i want to do that yet play g6 trying defendings good position now i think oh no gotta go for it right now no no [Music] oh no my my time oh that was so sad oh i feel so broken man that should have been an easy win too okay um let's stay calm let's stay calm i mean kudos to him for being fast and tricky with a rook that's so sad okay i have to treat every loss as a gambit i got yeah i got forked and then i got too complacent at least we have okay we have another opening i'm comfy with so it's so important like in these situations that you don't you don't tilt you stay focused you forget the past suppress the past i think he plays this as white so he's trying to figure out like what to do is black that's a move i just want to be solid just stop the bleeding some idea knight g310 to h5 is kind of interesting this is going to be a long match too um because we're starting out with slower games but then we get into the quicker games so [Music] we'll probably play at least like 20 games total this could be the or no we're gonna have one more game after this there's 13 minutes left and this game can go max seven minutes okay probably this move i do not h5 there's also some idea knight f5 which is a bit fancier um takes takes and then not sure how to evaluate that castling okay so let's just put the knight here i might end up playing e5 at some point i take the bishop maybe a4 a4 b4 let's be solid i should have probably taken the bishop actually just not to give him the option of bishop h8 oh but no i could play d5 leave the tension too go for this idea yeah i think i want to take the bishop just so when the position opens up later i'll have the bishop hair and now the other knight's coming into the the holes in box position up so much time let's try and keep the pace and there's g4 ideas we trade so i might end up taking or playing that if i first a few approaches d5 is also a move yeah i think i i wanna go in first so king h2 is actually interesting to prepare g3 so if d5 g3 drops a knight oh no it doesn't because not h5 but g3 is still an idea just to chase away the knight f3 is interesting f3 e3 queen d3 rookie eight maybe queen e2 first hitting um hitting this pawn and this pawn maybe preparing f3 and actually this pawn is valuable because if i can take on b5 i'll have c4 okay so he wants to play rook e8 this is okay though i'll have f3 so a3 i play b3 trying to play quick and solid maybe i'll just move back let's move prophylaxis i want to play c4 soon um yeah c4 could trade rooks don't like it too long time to want to blunder d5 d5 is kind of cool just opening up the bishop f6 how to do this maybe queen g4 first now i have six and i play bishop c3 and probably take and take as knights are completely restricted oh we trade e3 hangs eventually and king here here doesn't work because g4 with a fork if knight g7 then g4 expecting e4 and then i probably take or okay i take anyway go for h4 now i just don't want a mouse slip like that um i'll escape i just blundered but uh okay we're gonna hide oh play this move plenty of time okay we have time yeah we have time for one more game i think in this section okay it's playing b3 i'll play this line again so um let's play i'll play knight g7 and just e6 and i'll play reverse toy hey my first win let's celebrate i'm not getting adopted um that's some accomplishment right it's important to i guess set the bar low at first and then gradually set the bar higher and higher now the goal is to win another game um there's no need to actually maybe there is some need takes play this some idea queen b8 eventually so i'm just preventing the knight from coming in okay i don't think lovey usually plays these structures but i mean this is very solid for for both sides i kind of want to play b5 here i was thinking bishop here but then we just trade bishop d3 yeah one plan is to expand and then have the queen rook and maybe even other work on the queen side very positional game just going for going for kind of the small battles rather than the vicious attack another idea is rookie at e5 but i don't think i want to bust open the center too soon that's a respectable move oh there's a funny line so this move bishop d3 then i take and if takes i uh take and then win the bishop um so the one of the calculations is oh actually even better just to take first and then take here i think and then win a clean pawn if here then there's queen trap so the other calculation was takes and then takes i think just trades i mean there's takes in the takes on h7 [Music] yeah let's take here first so yeah the queen is useful because now the the pawns pinned wait what does that work that might work actually my queen get trapped wait no i have queen a3 23 c5 or queen b2 c5 i think i i have to play it and then c5 worst case scenario i win the pawn um e5 is interesting yeah so i could go back and maybe slightly better there i would like to find a way to hold on to the piece um which might involve making things really messy it might not even work too yeah rook b1 probably better off saving time okay queen b8 so i'll be up upon i'll have a weak backwards c6 pawn but um there's some chances i'll get to play c5 i think he's considering this move okay down a little bit of time but position is now pretty easier to play i could play c5 right away actually the problem is queen a3 hey queen e3 is tricky i play e5 too [Music] i shouldn't be taking time here i might just uh double up and chill it's kind of passive but it's solid again c5 there's queen a3 okay so now the pawn is pinned along the rink oh alexa quiet um there's might be a here it looks really passive i want to bring the other knight back so i can play c5 yeah c5 now there's still queen a3 but then queen b6 because i have uh i have so many defenders four defenders can dig with rook or knight probably night [Music] it's actually trickier than i originally thought maybe queen f8 has a safer option queen b6 rook b2 queen a6 maybe it's okay i can maybe develop it's very tricky position it's hard to internalize everything but things are defended for now queen a6 is probably a move i want to play i also want to make loot for my king at some point let's play 97 can i just take that takes take six okay time is the biggest concern okay i'm gonna get the knight to c4 and then things will be comfy i lost the pawn da my pawn please take it add that crankmate there uh knight c3 rook c3 no my queen no ah ah such a nice game too i'll go for the mating attack okay i resigned ah okay i feel like i've i had good positions um and especially the last game but i guess it wasn't meant to be oh such a nice position it's just too slow um yeah i was too hesitant in time trouble too just had to play quicker moves unfortunately i can't easily break through here oh levi sent a challenge okay um okay let's start i'm gonna mute alerts again and wait what's the format alexa set alarm for 25 minutes 25 minutes starting now oh alexa cancel the alarm your alarm is not set oh alexa cancel the timer 25 minute timer cancelled alexa timer for 30 minutes 30 minutes okay okay so this segment is 30 minutes um got confused there for a moment so i'm playing e3 this is actually a move i prepared a long time ago um for an opponent that didn't go into it the point is to play the early bishop b5 c4 etc and if black plays e6 and the bishop gets disconnected and i'll have a lot of pressure on the queen side yeah so if a6 i take queen a495 this is um old preparation which i'm fond of uh probably just knight c3 here imagine he'll play 97 yeah maybe still queen a4 could end up trading a bit actually the the both bishops can take double my pawns and then we'll have two bishops first two nights oh he's letting me take here now let's take here first okay so time is so important um because we're playing three minutes and it is hard to adjust i assume i'll take oh it doesn't take you see five just to return yeah that's a move it's actually kind of an annoying move i have a3 it's going to be really weird pawn structure or maybe okay maybe it's not too weird i don't mind this g1 might end up stacking h2 bishop there's a b2 it's kind of weird but um on the castle queen side have to take actually play rook [Music] now um not pleased with the position maybe it takes an f4 now this might be uncomfortable f5 is interesting a good move probably should take first turning into bullet now i don't care about c3 let's go okay i saw that coming too wow let's go oh what a game okay let's go i got him got him okay um i just realized we don't see levy's expression uh let's go give me one moment here i have to put studio mode and play e6 here i'll just take a moment no there we go okay um i think we're good what do i play here play bishop d6 i remember actually preparing this uh specifically for levy where he plays some like queen c2 and then i think it's e5 immediately some like shanklin wesley sew game i'm not sure though maybe it's 97 first i think i wait for rook g1 or g4 and then i play e5 i'm forgetting my prep though [Music] let's just hope this is right so g5 uh d4 i think and it's been so long since i've looked at this i don't think this is my prep but looks interesting i'll probably take with knight steal some idea e4 do this move idea to bring the bishop to a safe place okay try and stay focused yeah he wants to attack me um bishop b4 is interesting this bishop is better than this bishop i might uh might eventually go further the a pawn push okay so he's stacking upon to open some lines i guess there's uh takes in queen [Music] queen f5 g6 we sacks i think it's okay so linus takes takes queen f5 g6 takes takes takes and queen g7 oh he can just take here though oops um so it might be hard to defend things i might uh might play rook t8 instead oh there's a funny line so rook d8 if we trade and he takes i play queen here king b1 rook d2 and it's winning because he has no except we have perpetual he sacks and plays queen g5 because at some point i play queen f8 i guess we're not going into that because um as rook is staying on i have g6 so we might just get some equal end game trade i have to figure out what to do here in this move so rig h1 there's always g6 we might end up trading first initiative is more important than material b5 coming let's go okay oh i was winning the queen okay let's go meet you down okay so i actually i prepared a little bit of this beforehand just to transpose into london i prepared like the his main london line um so we're finally getting on london the e3 here oh he's playing it'll be tricky i'll leave the bishop here i know komski's been playing this um a little bit ooh so if i take i'm taking is actually a a reasonable way of playing it just leads to a pleasant structure even though he doubles my pawns gets the bishop here um oh i guess he has a choice there yeah [Music] okay i'm kind of on my own now actually um this may have been a bad opening for me bishop e2 i'll play bishop b5 maybe queen e2 oh he doesn't have the bishop hair got confused there yeah this position resembles like a reverse queen's gambit accepted if knight b takes maybe c6 but maybe not but maybe okay preventing e5 at some point i'll probably play a3 g3 i'm just trying to build my formation trying to get the ideal setup so a3 rook d1 knight d4 um yeah i can't really stop e5 but there's squirts to work with i mean b5 square time is reasonable go for maybe trading off one pair of knights or maybe not in this move now rooks belong on slightly different ranks um i move back threatening b4 now yeah this is a way more positional strategic game it could be a long end game grind solid position probably each for maybe h5 at some point cure pressure the pawn queen g6 there's a funny line oh maybe maybe it's not so funny let's play this i gotta move quicker so knight will come on to b4 this pawn's weak i might be winning a pawn actually yeah i'm winning a pawn here's some counter play attack the knight there's some small threat i don't think it's so bad though because king g2 rook f3 rook t2 he wins back a couple pawns uh free rook okay that was nice yeah he didn't uh didn't find the right line there um okay let's go hey come back time um at some point i might play cecilia if he plays more e4 oh we have a scotch what does he play here is he take or bishop c4 i don't know what he plays he can play sin would be funny okay so this is prep i might play e5 here oh we're going into yeah this is my main danish prep so the point after knight c3 to take and play queen c4 yeah this is kind of surprising because he usually doesn't play this sort of thing bishop e2 i think i i win a pawn maybe even two pawns i'm winning two pawns actually it's still tricky because white will have the wait what so it's playable but we'll have the bishop hair there's a funny variation where i castle fork i don't think it's wait what why didn't he take back oh he wants to play queen b7 but i have bishop b4 i'm gonna be up at peace oh he's trying to make things weird um let me move bishop e1 [Music] so bishop b4a3 trying to navigate through the chaos here um not sure what to do after e3 and it's good for black every line i'm just of material yeah so probably now queen f6 a3 and then [Music] like bishop bishop a5 this looks okay bishop a5 defending c7 so after he takes rook b8 queen a6 bishop b6 bishop b5 97 so i have enough defenders i'll have time to castle that should be okay and but by okay i mean completely winning but never know can't get too relaxed and if he doesn't take i play bishop b6 and it's it's very solid g4 g5 incoming so there's nine minutes left of the this portion g5 queen f5 probably just castle here go for this move um i have three and f3 seals a deal there's actually a weird line when he wins off seven i don't think it matters though because i take and i'm not getting mated it's almost tricky um queen just queen b5 it looks kind of risky like back ring my queen attacked but bishop's pinned i'm just meeting probably or winning on time or both well that's why you always got to stay focused like be be blunder checking especially if you have enough time okay that was nice so probably time for two more games here i've been liking another three because we potentially got london or um oh if he repeats the same line i might deviate but he usually mixes it up oh he's playing g6 um so with this i remember studying this actually um i'm going to use a similar idea to one of the previous games of queen b1 and then b4 it's unusual but at least it's a plan and sometimes the issue with the structure is like black completes development then it's not clear oh maybe it is clear what black wants to do um so one of the points of b4 is to drive the knight away so it's harder for black to play e5 i'm also yeah again the same theme of alignment with the undefended bishop so he closes things down um yeah i might might start with this and see where the night goes maybe this idea general the bishop's not good against the structure but one of the points is to eventually play e4 so again more strategic game also we're tied i shouldn't focus on the score though should just focus on the position at hand e5 might come no e5 is covered i have three three attackers there's only two supporters i mean 95 is always a consideration like the two kind of moves to make progress are eventually e4 or knight e5 f4 very typical when you have the structure i'm just going to play a nothing move because rook creates a nothing move so i can do nothing too but this is like just long term i'm going to play four eventually probably rookie one yeah 95 and then decide how to move the pawns and that's seven is very tempting here probably not called four but maybe called for we trade i have time i don't want to make things too weird i probably just move here this knight's complete out of play okay queen before queen e7 i mean maybe now um now e4 okay making progress there is a square on b3 but d1 the knight's not doing much looks pretty basically a decoration nice ornament okay so i want to play queen b7 maybe knight c6 knight g4 and a lot of fun moves here let's start with knight c6 yeah this is more than just a decoration this is a weapon of bishop e5 almost dropping the queen oh there's a funny line look at this line queen f5 97 with a fork discovery fossil okay i've kind of feel good game so far threatening bishop d6 actually if takes i'd probably take with pawn because then rook to e8 is hard to stop king g7 rook d8 never mind okay so now this this move pressuring both pawns we can see two i take on c4 or take on f8 and take on e6 looks more solid return oh let's not plunder a rook play this [Music] move okay plenty of time okay that was a really feel good game okay first time having the lead in the match there's one minute left of the segment so this will be the final game of 3-0 is he going to play at london too oh he plays a dumb toy i shared this on stream the other day i prepared this a year ago for ben feingold um h4 is a funny move so the point is just to do things on the queen side um that's playable that's actually maybe the best way to justify this line take first okay we're going to get some weird position um yeah it's annoying i couldn't play e6 so have to chase the bishop back and then e6 oh he's being feisty i might have to take knight takes we trade alexa stop it um and takes not i shouldn't take so much time here let's just do it and hope for the best like we trade a lot knight d2 f5 i mean if i win a pawn and we trade queens it's not a bad thing i lose casting rights you might be considering taking bishop b5 but it should be okay oh there's queens like oh there's that move too okay i might be getting punished here to move back yeah this is actually turning really bad king seven maybe bong cloud okay at least i'm playing like hikaru what um i do here a6 and then cry i mean b5 expand preventing knight c4 maybe rook g8 because i want to play this or maybe this works just better on g8 i have nothing developed except my king um 97 i've got to move faster oh i'd allow knight c6 but then king f6 will develop the king king will get some exercise okay i still might want to play g5 at some point uh maybe this move i just want to trade everything and be up a pawn wow okay so g5 take some rook takes king g7 f5 is some some setup oh let's not blunder play this first i'm scared i don't know what a5 is but it's a move legal moves are good sometimes i'm getting forks ah yeah i got flagged good game well played wow we're tied how are we tied okay well it comes down to the bullet portion wow only game okay alexa set a timer for 30 minutes 30 minutes starting now okay turning off alerts and good luck and i'm going to repeat the same opening okay we're going to play mainline this time 97 is a bit strange oh no [Music] might be able to get away with this it's not pleasant ah that was a crazy time scramble okay i'm just a bit slower um okay that's not a bad game though tried to fight i play queen d6 this time i was already bad position maybe b5 b5 is interesting knight's kind of stuck this move this move this move i don't know wait what no oh this might be rough never give up i need to resign okay i resign okay okay not the end of the world uh i'll play e4 okay french yeah this is not the greatest french exchange because i forgot all my prep but it's something it's actually really ugly though yeah i'm alive i hung a knight or he hung a knife but i didn't take it no that was such a bad move oh no ah he knew what to do oh he knew my trap oh uh i trapped shakaro with that once it was fun okay okay let's play f6 it was actually a funny line yeah i'm acting like a carl again [Music] it feels wrong but it kind of feels fun i mean there's king takes what would recaro do uh am i losing oh i think i'm alive kind of i'm up at peace it's not that bad i don't think okay king got some exercise uh i don't know what my plan is though develop weirdly oh no oh what a weird game that was such a sad game i tried to play like hikaru it didn't work okay let's play um play knives three again i prepared this actually i think yeah i played hikaru in this line recently so knight b1 is still um i mean it was a prepared idea i might have to go back though okay like we need three this is just not working it's not working for me okay we'll get this position only down the pawn now two pawns wow that was mate that was meat oh i thought it was almost coming back too okay only five down and levy's actually really strong in 1-0 okay playing a london against a london um oh this is just reverse queen's gambit accepted in pleasant position but it's not always enough should consider bishop e4 ideas queen b7 ideas king side's a bit naked up a lot of time though okay let's not get adopted in the bullet let's go no adoption for you i feel like the soup guy from seinfeld don't make me queen h8 with sneaky mate let's go okay i feel so accomplished can i retire now play e4 again oh let's play an ortho shop okay he's scared of the ortho schnapp um okay this is gonna be very close maneuvering game tricky yeah i just have to play quick in the opening so i don't get low on time later easier said than done c5 d6 is a an interesting plan good move i'm worse i lost a bishop he's a long time no my queen ooh it's a fork no my knight stop hurting me oh okay um ac5 can't remember the theory here some weird theory play natural moves oops i was a mouse slip but okay i didn't mean to pre-move that some d5 is weak this is kind of terrifying that was a terrible move somehow i'm surviving though nice puzzle rush i'm gonna win on time oh i went on time how'd that happen i don't know how that happened but i wanted time let's go so there's 13 minutes left i need a streak starting now guy hung upon he doesn't take it some lag probably want to play a5 he beats me to it so bring the knight to b3 again up on time calvin d6 hopefully or b6 what is this no ah i got mated okay 11 minutes let's play stafford ah okay we're going into this um supposed to take i forget he tricked me he may have tricked me i have to play like a karo again bong cloud time oh no my queen that's so sad why do i keep playing like hikaru like usually when he develops his king he wins it's not fair okay um i'm down on time i have an active rook i'm losing my active rook but i have the bishop here i'm losing my bishop pair too it's so sad everything's pinned i resign okay that's a really bad game that was good game on his part though um play this line wow tricky and there's so much lag but i can't make excuses i'm just getting out played so many of these games um let's play play this move okay let's positional sack um [Music] okay let's go for the push g5 queen c7 it's interesting each six ideas never mind okay so e6 is a target close to equal time add this move to tricky move no i wasn't expecting queen of eight ah i have a good position too enough time there's no reason to pre-move queen h6 okay we move on i don't know if it's mathematically possible to come back but you never know except you might know oh he's playing um [Music] very aggressively look at this move yeah this should be fine for black i think king will go to h8 bishop to e6 don't make me i don't think i'm getting mated things are defended time advantage bishop defended each one oh are you serious life's not fair okay i really don't like these time scrambles oh it's meeting wow how am i meeting he got opposition which is not the best strategy when you're on the back rank okay that's funny unexpected help mate uh let's play one of these yeah there's no time to come back unfortunately but we'll try and finish strong oh no just as i say that i have to play queen g1 i'm still alive though wait what a fascinating move okay we'll simplify i don't think he's going to take the rook it's not his style nope never mind okay let's win this game let's go okay i won the game i can still farm him for raiding actually these last few games please just go for a stafford okay no stafford play let's move yeah we're going into some main line i'll play d4 very ugly position for white no offense to levy's position so i want to play this move take some knight b3 two minutes left almost mother mating queen a1 first i want to play d3 i always play f6 i should not have played f6 d3 oh no draw okay draw that was a weird game i'll play knight three again okay we're we're playing in the style of magna sakaru is this can i sac mate my kings why is my king on e3 uh takes a check what is this position it's all about controlling the center sometimes with your king don't hurt me don't hurt me you know you want to but you don't want to okay my king's getting a lot of exercise alexa stop it alexa make me feel better about myself singing can help lift the spirits wait i don't like to sing my best to cheer you up can you alexa sing a copyright free song copyright free by fantastic no not the song copy oh no i'm getting mated oh no alexa quiet oh okay good game at least i got no never mind levi played well good job to levy um yeah he completely overpowered me in the bullet even though i did win some games i stayed over 2700 alexa stop hurting me is eric here i'm i think i'm here you i joined the audio you guys can hear me right hey eric hey levy good games and you overpowered me in the the bullets had too many games where we were at least where i developed my king too early i honestly it was it it was it was all a blur i was getting very frustrated in the bullet games i was just like i don't know what happened it's like uh but it's like the story of all of our matches they're like what lopsided one way and then like we we make it even um it's like very streaky yeah yeah some of those i guess uh the early games i i liked my openings but you were getting better at me and the time scrambles and then um but they were they were fun games like i always enjoy playing you eric question sure why do you always play one move against me is it because you know i'm gonna self-destruct well this today i mix things up more than i usually do but what what are you referring to like you played knight f3 every game in blitz i was like begging like waiting for e4 d4 c4 but well i kept playing it because you kept changing yeah changing your response so originally if you kept playing the same thing i was going to mix things up but you you were the one mixing things up and um i was waiting for you to play f5 but you never did i know i know you were waiting for me to play a fight yeah i had some fun dutch lines for perry are you gonna play d3 or e4 i was gonna play d so knight f3 f5 d3 i saw you play knight c6 and then i was going to play d4 which is like the top engine move oh yeah yeah yeah yeah don't tell them that eric come on oh i guess i mean he's telling the secrets well i mean it's it's his prerogative he wants to i guess all right no no no no people are going to know um exactly what the best moves are right how did you kind of i was curious i mean at the start for you eric obviously it was a very rough start in the first three games that that cell mate in the middle kind of sort of changed the tone i was just wondering if like you felt more confident after that or what exactly was going through your mind at that point in time yeah i mean honestly even after the first few games i think i was down like 3-0 or 4-1 i wasn't feeling so bad about my play like i was getting reasonable positions in the opening and then um i guess one of my biggest weaknesses is converting good positions or just letting like a good advantage slip and some of it is i think is due to time management um i think this is where hikaru you really excel like when you get a good position you just keep playing quickly you keep the tempo which unfortunately i wasn't able to do in some of these earlier games i mean you just gotta master the tempo that's that's all it's about i've heard that's kind of the secret to getting good really quickly but these matches are always fun i don't know about you eric but like when people ask me if we analyze the games of these matches i maybe will go and review an opening line but basically not at all well i'm really looking forward to like going back listening to your thoughts and hikaru and anna's commentary um i can't remember last time actually so the last time hicaro commentated on my games i think maybe was a little bit during like the speedchest championship matches but then before that um hikaru you actually commentated over the board game i played about 10 years ago i don't don't know if you remember there's no way that i'm gonna remember that right off um i i was trying to find the the lewis it was a st louis jr closed in 2010 oh wow and you you made a guest appearance for a few rounds i think you were commentating with jen jahadi um i was back when it was streamed on like before the days of twitch i was literally no recollection of that at all okay it was one of like the highlights of my life because yeah i used to illustrated players and i was playing ray rotson in the first round and i drew him and then you interviewed me after the game so but you have no proof that i don't have perfect memory because i literally have no recollection of that whatsoever wow not in the game what were you doing in 2010 it doesn't then i think i played the chess olympia that year wow what a memory eric that's amazing well i remember it specifically because hikaru like during the during the commentary said in 10 years from now eric will look back on this and say it's like such a cool experience um and that's why i was i thought about the other day i was trying to find the vod but it's it's not on youtube and i'll have to wow yeah it's probably somewhere in the st louis they have it right yeah i literally have no recollection you guys know the prize by the way hikaru he kind of decided there was a prize for this match uh sadly the chat did spoil that yes i was not aware there was a prize yeah uh yeah i was gonna say the winner is gonna get like a basket of lemons or lemon-based products so i'm gonna have to go find something for for uh for levy on the lemons that sounds um you know uh yeah actually i don't know how i don't know do we can i tell you i'm gonna tell you that guys something gross uh alex my friend alex uh he likes to eat lemons he puts sugar on lemons and he likes to eat them that's not gross i like that too as a kid i used to eat that slices of lemon with sugar on it is really good it's healthy and also it's like a candy with sugar it's high in vitamin c yeah some people are into like sour things yeah it's not gross no you're right you're right it's um it's interesting uh it's def it's definitely let's put it this way it's one of these things where like if your friend does it you're like well that's disgusting like because he's you know he's your friend so you want to but anna that's no that's great um that's awesome you're keeping a good vitamin count you know staying healthy i actually i did go through a phase where i just ate lemons um because there's called there's these things called miracle berries they're like these exotic berries grown i think in south america and you'll you'll have like they're in tablet form you take one and it changes your taste buds so it makes anything sour taste really sweet so after you have a miracle berry you eat a lemon and it tastes like like candy and uh you can get them online like they're they're pretty cheap they make fun gifts so wow never heard of this wow it's uh yeah maybe something to add to the gift basket of lemons does that does that i mean not not to join in on the party but like or or ruin it for lefty but i too have also eaten lemons not with salt but i like i love salt we're sorry sorry sugar okay okay yes lemon salt relates to something uh quite different shall we say
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 190,051
Rating: 4.9635496 out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2021, gothamchess, gotham chess, levy rozman, rosen trap, gmhikaru, hikaru nakamura, Anna Rudolf
Id: OKiInGuF_G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 36sec (7536 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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