Sub Battle with Ludwig, the Chess Giant Himself

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okay amazing uh how did you  get your uh your team hyped up   yeah i gave them a little pep talk i told them  that if they don't win this they're dead to   me they better find another channel quick  miss kiff might be live that's all they got   okay sounds good um yo one thing for you uh you  gotta get your cursor off the i think that's you   in the spreadsheet um they're not on the u-1200  oh oh i see yeah oh you can see when i do that   yeah yeah your cursor and one more thing one  more thing so there's streams so ludwig obviously   since it's three team um like there's gonna be  moments where people on your team don't play   so you have to follow a game of one of our subs  we'll tell you what to uh what to type in yeah so   we're ready to go the first game is going  to be between cloud main and name power so   i think that's actually me versus icaru um so  in in life chess you can type forward slash   follow whoever you want to follow i'm gonna  follow my guy okay um and then when the games   begin it'll just pop up if not on the screen  then at the top right so so right so type   forward slash follow a space and then type name  power or cloud main and a game should pop up yeah um name power's profile picture is ludwig is it  wait is this your guy and his profile pictures me   what the hell it is me it is it is you yeah it's  not even a flattering picture of me it's like   a pretty bad picture of me that i took one time  it's a joke what about that picture where you're   asking people to drink fireball out of your chest  hole what that was that was a sponsored post levy   look i needed to farm impressions and it worked it  worked it does man i gotta tell you i click on all   of them they're really yeah yeah guys if you don't  know now you know ludwig on twitter so name power   this is your best ranked right so you go best  ranked to worst ranked right for the drama because   they're going to be more mistakes as the players  get weaker and there are eight players total   so this is this is a 1700 rated player for both  of you correct now name power's your guy hikaru   so like why has he got the ludwig thing on are  you are you nervous that he's a double agent   not not really i mean he's got the flare so next  to his name at the bottom you'll see he's got he's   got this uh picture of me with the glasses  this emote so he's got the flare of me so i   think he's just a fan of both of our channels  i don't think it's double agent what did i do   i clicked on the flare and  it brought up a page i see   is are you admiring your picture i  think you should bring up the profile   i try to i think i have the most hacked chess  account on when i was in the first pog   champs i i think my accounts weren't from when i  was a kid and so i was hacked almost every single   game and then the chess moderation team had to  constantly get my account back for me until they   finally just changed all the information including  the profile picture and i have no control over it   i don't even know the password i couldn't  log in if i wanted uh-huh okay yeah yeah no   but it i would say though that's one thing that i  really like is that the devs who deal with chess   like they're they're very on top of these sorts  of things like i've never really seen that kind of   hands-on approach with any other games yeah yeah  no it's it's honestly nice it's i appreciate it   so so ludwig just about oh there's a  tactic here one second is there a tactic   yes how you feeling levy let's see  he he he'll he'll be fine he'll just   find the right move here yeah he'll find the  right move lovey why do you sound so nervous what's the history between you two and chess  battles it's it's really good it's it's it's good   one person wins a lot more than the other one and  usually there's a meltdown at the end person is   it's not the guy with the glasses   it's gotten better in the past few weeks but  there was a period of time where my guys would   get out to a one or two game lead oh and  oh and no less man didn't take the queen   what just happened he didn't take the  queen oh like a move ago queen takes queen   oh yeah there's just a queen yeah he gave  up a rook instead oh oh shucks okay uh well   this is good for you cloud main is your guy  levy cloud main is white this is bad for you   it's going the other way no my bad my bad no  this is terrible for you my bad hey little   rusty little rusty yeah it's okay so where  are you even though they play every day yeah so normally the way this goes is my subs get  out to a good lead you know one or two games and   then hikaru's bottom four or five boards with  90 of the time i don't know what it is about my   guys they get nervous i see yeah so you usually  lose this uh do you guys put money on it what do   you guys do usually put some subs put some subs  on it yeah you guys want to put some subs on it   sure why not you decide sure i will let levy  decide the number because i think he might be   out to a losing start so he might not be  so excited to put large amounts of money   uh i'm i'm good with whatever honestly  you guys want to put like a hundred   i'm happy to donate to the church of ludwig  if you guys want to do five what about 50 how   does that work by the way just the winner gets  the donation right so the winner gets all yeah   okay so what 25 per person third 50 25.50 pick a  number what do you want to do i'm down to grip it   and rip it on a classy classy 26. okay cool just  a classy 26 subs 52 match the number of states   wait did somebody say that recently  they're 52 was that xqc or someone i know   but we're uh we're off to a good start  here um so all games are three o's yes   that's stressful yep all right uh yeah ludwig you  gotta you gotta follow your guy i think he's next   he is sanguine phoenix it looks like yeah  i don't know if my guy's gonna get to play   again i really hope he doesn't but all right  team hikaru takes a one-nothing lead all right   miiverse ludwig here we go it's your first ever  sub-battle game oh i'm fighting so we fight all   of each other it's around robin for every round  yeah all right all right so we're rooting for for   sanguine phoenix is it sanguine or sanguine  i don't know i don't know you're following   his game though right you got him yeah yeah i  know i'm watching i'm watching this is our guy this guy's playing levy's opening no no that's not  my opening you've done videos on the london love   it that's what you're known for you're famous for  this london setup with the bishops on f4 and d3 e2   oh i thought you meant with black because i was  gonna say with black actually i i also like the   setup except with the pawn on f5 early but yeah  not yeah but this is this is good you know this is   classy this is classy damn they're moving so fast   this is what cutie did right deserve  her setup for white oh lovey oh levy   claude made's a double agent bro i swear i mean this man just literally put  his horse where it could get taken   hey a knight on the rim is grim unless  you're cloud man that's what he says yep oh lobby let's go let's go find 26 subs that's not  a problem i will happily donate that too i haven't   yet come on give your team a shot you have one guy  down still seven more levy i gotta say much more   chance to be played the last three team sub battle  we did it was like six six two my team had two and   we went on to win so uh then again at that point  we were we were guided by a guy named weed anus uh   who is not participating right now so i'm looking  through my names to see the real hitters and i   feel like we monty mole is gonna be the one that  i'm looking forward to a perfect 777 rating yup   but you never know man he could lose  two and then you'll be disappointed like he will be my weed anus yeah that guy  really carried last time then we had   another guy go like three and or two and i  don't even know it was it was good though man are these are there chess names also  their twitch names or no it's linked right   it's linked yeah because people are  totally different on both right right right that's correct like weed anus is not weed  aimless on twitch man he was like something   totally normal do you think he's normal it's weird  that it would be less normal on yeah   that's the site you would assume that you have  more of a normal username yep but what can you do how you feeling about the game lovie you  know good down a piece down 40 seconds uh   those are bad things you mentioned though i don't  know as like a new chess player you mentioned bad   things that i wouldn't want so i don't know i feel  good here oh he thinks sarcastic he doesn't feel   good at all yeah i just feel like maybe getting  a little stopped instead but but i i feel like   things will happen i think we still have potential  no t-mogul moves baby all the way all the way   you know sanguine phoenix has played on both  of our teams cecaro and now he's on team ludwig   has he yeah i don't recall it wow  it doesn't matter as long as he wins   wins every time okay my guy's gonna get his  rook trapped and probably the next few moves yeah the main thing ludwig is since it's three  minutes where there's no time added if you get   way behind like 30 or 40 seconds you're probably  gonna lose on the clock yeah yeah 3o is brutal uh i i don't have fond memories of my 3-0 games  well you do have the first one against xqc true   that was a good one was the was the tiebreaker  three oh i thought it was three like two or three   oh it's three oh yeah i was a straight three i'm  pretty sure they throw these guys into the fire   they did they did it was brutal all right take  the file a good move oh why is it so bad can   you just trade yeah but then the night was hanging  tonight was free for the king the king could take   the night after the rooks came off but it's  okay because my guy didn't see it which is he sounds so you sound so disheartened already   you know you guys gonna watch the vod his favorite  streamer it's gonna be like that you know the   the meme of the xqc the people yeah crying  yeah the people he's gonna be looking at   it after watching levy videos all night super  excited and then just see levy laughing at him   i mean he just lost all his pieces let's  be fair let's he did lose all of his pieces   brutal all right now i watch i get to watch  your guys subs play so we're one out 1l   yeah you've won one i've won one so now we play  the important and now i'm playing against you   yeah i'm power all right now we'll  see if he's really a double agent   we're flipping the board here yeah this is it name  power look you got my profile picture come on man   one time for the one baby throwing for content  you know how we do we're uh we're trying to   console the guy in my chat we said uh we still  love you just a little bit less that's so sweet   of you guys you guys are so nice yeah look the  thing i know about sanguine is he loves trading which is a great thing to do with 3-0 yeah  generally that's true yeah what what was that move   it doesn't matter i'm not going to doubt any sub  that's not mine so i think queen david was genius   look at this guy retreating yeah but even material  okay correct something something my guy didn't do   so great but i'm looking forward to who's next  on my team driftman destroy this pawn island will he oh wow he sees it destroy it i saw it too  so i'm just saying if he didn't see it sanguine's   cut because now if you take the bishop you lose  the queen so black won a pawn out of this exchange   wow yes sir yes sir oh i didn't actually  see that i didn't i just counted i thought   it was different numbers no no well it  was it was a good move it's just white   didn't have to lose the queen but  white is behind so it was very good   yeah that's what i meant look at mr  phoenix he's playing well very well oh yeah sanguine scary  situation what are you gonna do oh scary that was a that was an interesting  move rook f4 move the pawn up one right he could do that that was a move yeah  yeah for black not for white yeah yeah   c5 i was thinking oh man oh no no no you just  take it take it free baby it's a free night hey   he he doesn't know that he doesn't how does  he not know that he's a 1700 rated player yes sir yes we get in there this is very  impressive ludwig that you're seeing this   tactic with the queen very impressive that's  the only one that i like a lot is the uh   is the it's like it's like the pin the pin  is what we call it yeah the discovered uh-huh yeah white is uh come on he's letting  it tick that's a creative move uh-huh definitely creative i don't know about  good but see what happens force it down mid there's a there's a couple of ways for black to  finish it off here so so lightweight one one thing   we we sometimes let moves hang in the air like  we say nothing just to see what the players do um   oh because they might hear yeah but like  we can give vague abstract commentary like   that run it run it like you said run it down  mid was actually brilliant that was like perfect   yeah wow yeah damn i can't believe you took 40  for that come on sanguine what the hell man yeah   that's true the time time could play a role still  200 rated player and i figured that [ __ ] out   you're not 200 you're like what eleven hundred  at least two fifty and three oh i'm like oh yeah   that okay that's fair yeah yeah yeah three is  pretty low boys i don't wanna bring it up okay   it's like your rating subtracted by hans's  rating hikaru what's that uh it's probably   like 400 or something yeah that's where we're  at that's where we're at okay okay if you   combine the powers then if you removed hans  from you that's right that's still a really   good chess player but it's me oh oh wow  that was a sick find that was so quick too yeah so one guy has a lot of pieces here and the  other guy does not oh man i love the marshmallows   i love the march you can just march to mate  beautiful yup yup don't worry about getting the   pawns get yourself in a weird situation beautiful  too old for me yup you're leading dang this chess   thing's easy this man this man is coming out  of retirement subs just roll up and get it done all right all right so now we are following  who goes next propaganda dolph yeah it's it's   a zero by the way so it's pr zero and  then pagando man that thing's too hard all right let's go gotham yeah if you lose this  one levy you're in really bad shape do you guys   have cheers because we actually have a cheer  over here no no no we don't we don't it's uh   ah you know what your chat might  say it in the next couple minutes   i just it's not something that we like  to say a lot because it feels like it   ruins the value of it i guess i would say  okay but you know it's it's really cool okay well that was terribly vague but uh i  i support it yeah so one two three four okay   got it yeah yeah yeah yeah that's  right it's just hard to say out loud what is this call that's white's doing because  that just seems like uh it's an english opening   ah it seems very choked up it seems like  something box box would love yes actually   he doesn't play it exactly like this but he does  put that bishop um on the diagonal the light   square bishop and castle the king so you aren't  wrong about that this is very much in his style i'm just trying to desperately ping someone  if weed anus is alive why do you need him   uh he'll he'll he'll bring us to the promised  land uh-huh uh-huh oh you're trying to get we   what was reading this rating he was like 750.  but he was a super grandmaster in a 750s body   right right yeah he saved you last time he saved  you last time yeah that was what the uh the   comeback happened i like i like this by black  look at this getting that bishop out of there   okay now let's develop our pieces and move  our king beautiful so again propagandolf   is hikaru's player and drip man is his levees  correct yeah oh by the way ludwig sorry we have   a very important question that we have to ask you  about from earlier because there was a big debate   um between levy and i um and it relates to food so  what are your thoughts on olives olives i cannot   believe this so so just for anyone who didn't know  from my channel can you explain what the question   was the core of it yeah so basically i i earlier  when we were doing our commentary i decided i was   going to order some food and we ended up talking  about just food and olives and mushrooms and all   kinds of things and i love olives and levy hates  olives and i just assumed everybody loves olives   so i was very surprised that we did a poll and i  think it was like 52 40 48 or something saying nay   like people don't like olives and then on twitter  i think it's about 50 50. i am shocked by the   results of the poll because the poll is just like  are olives like like are they like a food that   are edible and enjoyable in some situations like  it's so vague it's not just like are you eating   olives every day it's like are olives at any point  enjoyable i love olives i think olives are great   very few foods that hit that like uh what's  like the acidic note perhaps with like the   sourness of olives uh yeah they're great i  mean like i'm not eating olives raw out the jar   right well yeah but but you just you like  that like a salad it's great now i will say   if they have a seed in them i'm out uh-huh agreed  agreed yes same with grapes same with grapes yeah   grapes okay i just i i'm look i'm an american  levy oh thank god oh thank god oh thank god oh thank god oh my oh yeah i'm i'm also uh  an american you know um damn wow we're doing   a poll on my stream right now and i'm  shocked it is it's like vehement knows   you guys are outing yourself as children chat 59  knows it's just because our viewer base too young   here oh i was literally yeah i was just about to  say that i was like they might be yes someone on   my twitter was like i used to hate olives but  then i turned six years old yeah i think it's   six might be yeah i think uh i think it's like  one of those foods that the older you get like   the more you realize it's utility it has a very  unique utility that very few foods can capture   that is true yeah also yeah all of all of wha what  are some things that come from olives toppenaud yeah that's true i love yeah i do i actually  really do like top notch i mean like there's   also obviously olive oil of course that's pretty  generic a lot of hummus has like olive [ __ ] in   it true yeah yeah i've never really thought about  this olives on pizza i think what the problem is   when you ask the question people just imagine  chewing an olive raw and whole in their mouth   and it might just be overwhelming to their mind  oh maybe but i also feel like people get um   uh people also just get like no olives like  something but like like levi you get a digiorno   right you're getting digiorno you're you're eating  good tonight so you got your you got your bordeaux   and your digiorno and it has it's uh it's the  special one so it's got like the pepperoni the   meats the green peppers and it has olives you're  not mad about that no i i can't like eat olives   if it's like in stuff i just i'm yeah i think  honestly yeah you know we got ludwig's inside   here and i think it's good because i imagine just  eating raw olives yeah i feel like if you scatter   olives throughout my food i'm not gonna mind so  much exactly it is it's a powerful it's a powerful   fruit it's a fruit right uh powerful i don't think  it's a fruit i don't yeah it's a seed it's a fruit the guy wins levy don't have an aneurysm levy just  went through four stages of anaphylactic shock i   bro so so to be clear you freaked out because you  could have taken with the bishop and they didn't   see that yeah yeah yeah but i think i think yeah  the clock is good oh my god gotham's on the board   the bishop could have taken this queen man how  are these guys rated fifteen hundred let me get   this rating what i guess three l that's what i'm  ignoring it's three gotham's on the board baby   two one one on the board  after a a a mild panic attack   right now dried paint's my guy right  yep oh he's soaked he's got the ducky oh dripping oh man these guys are playing a  very what is knight takes d4 by black that is   not a move okay someone dm's me and  says i hated olives lost my taste buds   due to chemo got new taste buds and then  still hated olives your opinion is wrong   you don't gotta do this to me you don't gotta  bring in your chemo to make my opinion seem wrong   i think that's a good point though that your  taste buds do reset for like even if you do   like fasting for like a month they reset my uh my  uncle and aunt did this and then they just hated   coffee again they were daily drinkers and they  hated it again because their taste buds renewed   wow wait if you fast you can reset your taste buds   yeah you can reset your taste buds  yeah have you fasted i've never done   it i've had a lot of people my family do  it but they're much more hippie than i am i i can't i mean i can go 12 16 hours but i i  can't fast for like three days or something yeah   no it has to be like a like a like a full week  fast i think wow okay huh so so that's how that's   how you break the caffeine addiction basically  yeah okay yeah i'll have to try it sometime then   but you also mean you also mean fasting like like  just liquid maybe just water for a few days right   like what yeah the way they did it is they went to  some retreat and i think it was four days and then   they went on hikes and then they like weaned off  food and then they only drank water and had like   some like basically [ __ ] kombucha or [ __ ]  like that oh yes yes uh yeah yes yeah because   people people in my chat are saying ramadan but i  think you got to remember that like ramadan is up   until sunset right so yeah they still eat every  day this is a daily fasting thing right yeah i   mean it's still impressive it is hard it's  brutal i had a friend growing up who uh who   always had like some issues with diet and his  weight and i remember one summer it was like   peak summer when it was ramadan so it was really  hot every day he was waking up in the morning and   getting in his nutrients and going to the gym  and i think that summer he lost like 60 pounds   or something so combined with ramadan and the  daily fasting he really took it to heart but   listen man i'm a jew we got yom kippur  once a year i don't even adhere to that so   logic was watching and he said this is cool oh  nice you should you should get logic in a sub   battle mm-hmm no shot i got like 10 of his songs  in my playlist so shout out to logic and my guy   makes a mistake do you have any of my songs in  your playlist yeah total of course which one then   google it um i got so i follow your playlist  yeah yeah i'd imagine so but i'm talking about   a song i've made which i've done a few  of them nah man you're not on spotify so   that is true he's got me there i'm not on  spotify did you just look me up on spotify   i know i'm drinking my man come on  of course of course of course of   course of course of course of course of  course could it be you could it be you what you have music like seriously or you uh  look i did not rap put it on youtube in cop   uh i believe hold up i'll just pull up the number  i'm not trying to brag here uh 630 000 views for   nothing you know i wasn't i wasn't for fun is that  your most viewed or you've got my most viewed song   yeah it's my most feed song for sure okay let's  check it out my most viewed art for sure you've   got like an award-winning artist in the chat  but i feel like well you know logic's great hey   he's great i just think my potential hasn't been  explored you know what i mean right since logic's   retired at this point obviously his potential  has been explored so we don't know where i can   go that's the thing about me my ceiling is high my  floor is obviously low at this point that's fair   that's that's pretty inspirational i like that  you know i feel like ludwig would be crazy in a   rap battle i would hate to i feel like he would i  can see i can see him spin some bars english major okay my guy is converting this guy is  solid for now for now and a lot of time   look oh our guy's getting toasted chat come on  dried paint if this man okay good man good man   let's lock that in there nice move is is the title  of your song you got a box in me is that really   a title or oh my god that is one of my well let's  not look at that any car that's one of the most   popular songs okay i'd really recommend ignoring  that was actually my earlier phase on my first lp okay whatever it's called i got my my next goal have you uh have you voice  acted no never i was uh i was there's there's a   lot of um voice cartoon channels on youtube the  ones that like animate storytelling and i have   like millions of views yeah they're so popular uh  the most popular is um is it casually explained is   it that guy oh okay sure i see what you're saying  yeah they um we got like made here my man let's   go let's finish this okay wait why do you bring  this up you mean like things like kurzer gets   in casually explained no i'm saying like a few  of those guys they uh they wanted to play chess   i think one of them in particular is going to make  like a chess boom voice over video at some point   so we might get some voice acting gigs that's cool  we could get loadwig in there because he was the   he's he's the biggest chess streamer why are you  saying it was such disdain it should be such an   easy phrase to whip out it you know it just it  hurts a little bit but i i respect it you know dried paint oh shucks we're already deep  in it okay yeah yeah man they just go go go   yeah we got these things down to a to a  science you know we have like the process   by sign up and discord it's it's awesome we we  just show up and we talk about the games or not   so lovey after all your whining you guy  went 2-0 and you're now tied for first yeah   ludwig i'm i'm preparing to be a jewish  parent always disappointed and never happy   so uh i think that's just called  a parent i think most parents um too proud of me yeah son did become really  they're just like yeah they were too proud of   me but i mean i i think to like you didn't  appear on an hbo show it became the world   yeah but i think the thing is is like when you  get really good at something they're either two   rats either they're like you like do anything you  want you're golden or they think you're just like   the worst person ever and so my parents just  thought it was golden they thought it was like   a golden golden child in a way yeah yeah i mean i  was pretty terrible as a kid but they they kind of   looked the other way imagine that can't imagine  why i can't imagine you were terrible as a kid   no i was i was awful as a kid because like  to get really good at some because to get   really good at something you could be like way  too competitive you'd be really insane like   you just have to be like messed up a  little bit and that was also terrible   yeah because i mean it's just like to get really  good you have to like you have to like not accept   like whatever you're doing you have to always  think you can be better so so like because of   that like i mean i just like so competitive i just  like i just really did not accept like not being   the best i couldn't handle losing like you just  you have to be a little bit messed up in the head   yeah i was the opposite i was  terrible at everything but a great kid   right of course because yeah if you're like  normal and nice like that you don't have that   crazy insane competitive like lunatic  attitude so that makes a lot of sense well i hikara you know the story of me  getting booed out of chess camp right   no i don't actually really oh cool well you  you're gonna hear it now some of that week   so so i went to um i was very stubborn as a kid  i didn't have a one-on-one coach instead i went   to like group classes and summer camp and one  of the one of the summer camps was taught by   the former world number three ludwig  uh he's written a lot of books arturius   and um one summer the guy goes yo it's either  me or this kid and it was me i got booted the leader of the camp yeah the guy supposed to  be training you literally put an ultimatum on   his existence in the camp or yours correct  how did you manage that how old were you   i was like ten nine how old was this guy like 50.  how did you piss off a 50 year old man that much   i was talented man i was uh yeah i think is he  still alive yeah yeah yeah in fact it's really   funny i i we were like next to each other at a  tournament like maybe four years ago and i was   like does he remember me because i feel like i  should apologize even though it's been 10 years   yeah so do you think he was a bit prissy or did  you like fully deserve it so i think it was it was   a few things um i was obviously really headstrong  uh and annoying but uh i think i was the highest   like rated at the camp so i was bored a lot and so  i think what i was doing is i would give answers   to other kids and i'd like interject and i try  to like teach other kids and i would just be   yeah so he couldn't shut me up ever and i see  so it was deserved totally probably yeah sure so   yeah wow the board genius oh nice move by black  good move sacked the rook for the two horsies   we're gonna be all tied up  at two i think very nice   giant paint's got this you got this dried paint  come on baby keep thinking keep using the clock   and it's pretty funny because so my little brother  my little brother wanted to play today um but i   think he'll play in the next sub-battle uh he's  we have a very big age gap you guys have younger   siblings no no i'm the youngest so my brother  and i are 11 years apart so it's like an entire   generational like wave a bit and so uh he has a  lot of leeway i didn't have as a kid like getting   like he doesn't have to get perfect grades  for example my mom has chilled out as a   parent a little bit so he doesn't realize how  lucky he is but that happens to all parents   is that they get like really stressed and nervous  and want to do it right because they don't know   how to do it on the first and then by the second  they're like ah [ __ ] it probably works out   i remember we were looking at our baby pictures  one time and the album from my sister had like   every milestone a kid can have like walking  talking eating all this and then mine was like   it was like the first one it was like coming  back from the hospital and then everything else   was blank because she just got like she's just  bored of it she already did it once oh my god wow dried paint kind of uh didn't get it done for  you ludwig yeah he did not get it done but it's   all right on the back of sanguine phoenix we are  still at two points so it's it's a three-way tie   you love to see oh no i have  poo poo pee pee on my team oh you guys are ruined you guys are ruined  i got i don't know what my guy's name is did   he misspell like tool is he supposed to or is a  character isn't that like lord of the rings or not   took like took i took it oh or that yeah  but he also has isn't this the guy from   the gorillas the the the band or like the the  animation band thing that's his profile picture okay i don't know all right nothing okay no  clue by the way eastern european matchup so   these guys stayed up until like midnight uh-huh  to uh to play these games we got we got russia   versus poland so hopefully there's no bad  blood there should be a lot of bad blood i guess ludwig probably most of your audience it's  it's north american right mostly yeah i checked   uh actually yesterday and i'm about like 60 now  70 percent n a okay actually not even including   canada actually so seventy percent like you know  oh wow okay okay wow yes i feel like our audience   is because the chess is more like international  it's like probably much lower there's so many   europeans who actually wait around and want to  play in these sub battles my only eu frogs are   english-speaking countries um so it's like  uk yeah yeah uk i also have some oz but it's   just yeah that's it so the largest non-english  speaking country is just germany and that's like   i think on youtube it's like five percent maybe  well i mean you're like german aren't you or   i'm not at all my name's german i i don't know  if that's why and they've just been scamazzed   but yeah that is the largest for some reason right  right exactly yeah okay one thing i just wanted to   verbally announce in case this person is here um  so you're you're you're a guy ludwig uh mr mr um   yeah guacamole lover 27 on twitch he's got to  get into the live chest because right now we   don't see a sign of life and if he signed up in  flag i think he he deserves a bit of a smack so   poo poo pee pee what's his name on on twitch  uh guacamolelover27 sounds like a fake name   it's just like selling guacamole that's another  thing that's really good yeah guac is on point   look at these pawn chains by the way  these these waterfall pawn chains   guacamole lover i'm getting on right  now he said all right he's in he's in   good man we know your name on twitch now so if  you don't win it's a ban all right if you go 0-2   it's a ban if you go 1-1 it's nothing if you  go 2-0 it's a vip wow for how long indefinite never give him a real time levy never give him  real time that's that's what i always do but i've   just started doing like couple days i'll just you  know um some it's it's rare but sometimes someone   will call me out in a mistake i made and then  i'll like look through it and they're completely   right what i played was terrible and what they  suggested was good and i'll just vip them um   where i have them prove that they're better than  me in the game that they're telling me how to play   right oh so like you play them yeah no like if i  beat pogo stuck in x amount of time they need to   beat it faster for them to have talked any trash  and if they haven't then they just get banned   okay make sense got it yes you could do that  and you would win a lot right that's yeah   a lot of uh yeah a lot of bands  incoming if i do something like that   well you don't really get back seated right so  yeah i mean i guess i'm lucky from that stamp i   guess you don't get back seated but people just  play along with you more so it feels like right   right yeah he missed that rook and now the rook  is oh it's not no it is most certainly not trapped okay remember you have a bishop there oh that was the worst best move ever that was oh he  didn't see it we didn't see what bishop h7 king h7   no i know i know but i i don't know  if he missed bishop h7 entirely or oh that's what i'm saying like i'm not oh okay okay oh this is tricky okay players are playing  very well all things considered here why didn't you take the night ages ago  he should have okay usually that that's   what's funny is usually when you do like  commentary like even even in pogchamps   you're generally right with what you say like  if there's something that looks pretty obvious   generally you're actually right it is just there  and they for some reason don't see it unlike you just get lud to play on one  of my teams i'll hit him up that was not so good no it was not hikaru no  it was not thank thank you i didn't oh and   i think i think i even know what's going to happen  or maybe not i thought he was going to play rook   f6 yeah probably he stopped him oh good move might  be too little too late but good move let's go six   seconds up on the passive but like actually here's  a question ludwig because in chess is definitely   true but i don't know if it's true in other  games it's like in chess when people watch they   generally see much more than if they're playing  yeah is that the same with other games or not   i think yeah i think that's the same with  almost all games i think you tunnel vision   when you're playing anything oh my god what  am i doing but but but will my guy take the   last pawn because if he doesn't he loses  on time true true oh my god what's he doing   come on come on five seconds come on let's go  he's gonna think he's gonna take it oh he won   oh my god why don't you just take that too  yeah he's missing wait what what's going on   it's gonna be a draw i think what a game get  your premiums get your premiums out oh wow   yeah you got to take the last pawn there yeah  i think when you're watching there's also no   element of like stress or pressure which makes  it a lot easier too like for them in that spot   being watched by 20 000 people or whatever it is  yeah that's true probably stressful as opposed to   me who's not even involved in it and just kind  of laughing at them right all right there he   is go baby let's go baby for the vip burning  10 seconds this is the ludwig patent special   we love burning the clock yeah you got  to move popo you got to move people   yeah good i i don't know okay there we go he's  moved there we go there we go he gave you 15   seconds levy i want you to remember that oh my  god is going to give it right back don't worry it's already back to 10. yeah the time is  time is getting back yeah i mean it's um   yeah okay it's good it's good  it's time is a social construct   right yes i assume the worst rank we  go the more aggressive they get right is that fair he carl i would say in general  yes that should that should be true yeah okay i i think yeah they're much more aggressive  the the worse they are i think definitely true because like that still feels  too normal doesn't it kind of yeah these guys are actually playing  very professionally yeah i feel like   they're playing better than i feel like this  looks like a real game mm-hmm yeah definitely   you're tuned like people who  know what they're doing oh why did that move suck oh because  you can just take the rook yeah   but but but but they don't know that yeah  they don't see that i think they will though   i don't think you should test  it oh they they dodged yeah yeah wow yikes yeah it's a crazy game yeah oh it's no longer a  game oh it is no longer a game incoming bad suit what uh ludwig wouldn't you  offer him for half out of two   uh one out of two is nothing what about half   one draw like a draw yeah oh i didn't consider  draws we'll have to we'll have to play them by   ear a draw and a win would be probably like maybe  a gifted sub okay your channel or somewhere else   no it's my channel yeah right but he's gonna  he's gonna get one draw and one loss probably probably oh you think he's gonna lose to uh the  other guy because he lost it took yeah i think so   but anything can happen in this game yeah yeah  of course i mean why could win well probably   not really i believe it is it is possible  there are ways that you can lose this game   well now now probably not though dude why you  got to put my guy up against a russian okay   you know he's just a nice canadian boy but he  doesn't need this what if he's russian in canada   like a like a canadian russian  yeah like evgeny berev or something   yes levy because obviously ludwig  is going to know who that is   i know but maybe he does of course you  have jenny come on i know you have guenney at least quick at least you lost quick there  let's let's go team you love to see it sometimes   wow you gotta put up put in one  and a half geez that's crazy   follow okay there it is yeah there's  one more game still in this this round all right we really need this  win we really need this win well let me get this doing well we're behind  yeah levi is doing well after all his complaints   mm-hmm it worked no wonder my grandma does it so  much oh what is that oh that's no good yeah he   just he just gave the the english pawn wait what  did you do what did he do he he gave up one pawn   that the bishop just took the pawn oh he carved  her yeah he just he just he just threw it away someone in my chat said idiot he missed a fork  tell him niv i don't think there was actually   a fork in this game i don't either and that was  his first message ever in my chat ever oh nice   nice oh you do that too you check the chat history  that's so fun yeah absolutely i haven't you ever   do on band forms dude okay so i have like  i have like 20 and yesterday um thrashed my   money he bought it uh brought it to my attention  so i looked through them and some of them were   really compelling one guy wrote like a really  nice essay and then i looked at his history and   it was just racist stuff and i was like man i was  this close yeah like the way they write is like   they think you can't see the logs sometimes right  like a lot of the time i'll get i don't even know   what i did or it wasn't that bad or like you know  and then you look and it's just so egregious yep   up until recently like i would mod my own chat  actually i like you know it's bad when you   recognize a username for all of the things that  they write and that's at that point yeah i usually   i usually make my decision but yeah uh okay five  head play here you go bishop to h3 for black   no never mind it's dumb oh well the idea is  right but you need one more piece to support it   like a queen or something well white gave played  the english and then lost his english pawn on c4   which was peculiar but pawn is not so  significant at this level yeah not yet one thing we got to remember is that a lot  of these guys get their blitz rating from   all their like slower bullets games they'll  play five minute with five second bonus or   it used to be 10 minutes but now that's rapid so  it's true yeah three minutes is very different so   black is really good here because of this  night so this knight is like this is an   outpost where it is none of the pawns  can attack the knight they're all over   yeah and if you can get that queen off too that's  a great move gentlemen i will be right back   you're your guy's cruising he  really doesn't want to get that ban   he's trying harder yeah he is working i  guess i did put a lot of pressure on him wow wow and now he has two two extra pawns   do you think he's right to take with the queen  yes absolutely because since he has two extra   pawns he's plus two so what what he did he just  says these two pawns on these dark squares in   the center it's just two extra pawns so now he  just needs to push them down the board if he can   oh but he's down on time the time is a problem  he's down 20 well i guess now it's 10 seconds you guys mind if i eat you're eating again lovey   wow yeah man i got spicy tofu  mushrooms green peppers rice   you know what it is are you vegetarian or vegan  no i don't know no but i had a you know i let   the chef decide what we eat for the day and then  i eat it and i'm happy yeah no complaints here are you vegan no i was for six weeks   and then what happened the opposite he should  have went he could have just not pushed but but   yeah i pushed the pawns in the wrong order  kind of he wanted put together guests over   and they got canes and then they left it in my  fridge and then they left my house and i and i   hate leftovers i really do it bothers me so i ate  the leftovers and then i was not vegan anymore did you enjoy it did you feel better like  physically yeah i think i got too lazy with   meals though because like for a quick  meal there are only so many go-to's   like peanut butter jelly is like it's  vegan right it's not like a great meal   but i know it's vegan so that's why i  would eat it which i don't think is like   i think it's like being lazy with the exercise  right i did keto for a bit i felt great when   i was doing keto but it was way too much work  keto's such a meme bro oh no i feel great it's   a meme yeah i feel like keto is a meme everyone's  like i'm on keto they're just like they're eating   steak and bacon and they're like this is a healthy  lifestyle oh no no no no yeah i didn't do that but   no i am i ate a lot of vegetables i think honestly  in general it's just you put a term on it but in   reality it's just you eat in moderation you don't  need a lot of like fatty crap and that's but um   a lot of sugar a lot of carbs but yeah vegan  is like bacon for four meals a day yeah that's   yeah ketosis i get a lot of  keto ads on instagram and i   i wonder why because what you've  been looking up lavia obviously   i think it's because what it's because i say the  word keto into my phone look keto keto keto keto well i know that's definitely true so i had that  happen recently when i was talking to someone   and they started getting ads for something  they literally had only discussed with me   in like a chat like 30 minutes earlier  started getting all these ads it's been   said that it's not true but i have also  seen evidence of my own accord i think the   most striking thing is that we all think it's  true but we're all so laissez-faire about it   that's true yeah we we don't really care you guys  have alexa i do uh no yeah i don't anti-alexa   i'm also anti-alexa good job  guacamole lover 27 you are not banned okay i'm following dreamy songs  he's playing against stephan   look ludwig you get your own russian oh  wait no this is hicarus guy i'm sorry   i got j sammy which is wait why does my guy  have your flare lovey why does he have that wand   he also um i don't know hicaro i feel like they  love us equally but he also gave a rook away on   move five so oh no yes this this is true didn't  this guy play last time for me dreamy songs   yeah and i feel like stephan has played for  me so i don't know what's going on anymore   everyone's flipping sides yeah like right now  though is with hikaru and then dreamy is with   uh levy right he played the legendary e6b6 setup  but why did white go g3 and then bishop to g   to not g2 like he put his bishop in the  middle but everyone's a double agent yep yeah well okay but the the thing i always cheer for in these   things is not for a team to run  away with it like you always want   it to be competitive when it always somehow does  happen that it's competitive but i mean because   it's it's it's twitch lobby as we know everything  is scripted on twitch yep for example when i do   giveaways somebody will win it that's written  like 800 messages and they're like a you know   eight-month sub and then a guy will win it who's  only ever written six messages and they're all   free stuff because he only enters the giveaways  he never writes anything else great totally rigged what happens if you win is it still rigged if i win it's not rigged wow this is this is terrible my my guys  are really throwing for content today   stephan where is he from russia russia  yes my russian guys have gone they're   owen owen two right now so it's not good has  russia fallen off in the chess world a bit   um yeah i mean i i would say it's still overall  on average they have the most most the majority of   like the really strong players are from russia but  the absolute best players are not russian anymore   how many top ten do they have probably like do  they have two maybe they have like two yeah they   don't have but hikar i think they have the most  players over 2700 right they're probably the most   players in like the top 50 in the world so they  still beat n a no actually they don't play well   as a team russians are not good team players  so when they have the world competitions they   haven't won in like the last 10 years or  something that's crazy because i feel like   how do teams work i feel like it's you just play  no yeah yeah wow so so it's like you have um   you have uh one so let me just follow him as  well you have teams of like four players and   you have the top guy play the top guy and each  team second guy plays second guy third guy plays   third guy and so forth they're always the top team  they're always the best team uh by the rankings   but they almost never never win i see this is  just a good old american j sammy seven seven seven   look at that profile picture at the ball game was  that maybe his mom or his girl adam can't tell   uh huh right classes great rating probably seen  the video on youtube about great great biggest   chess player of all time good old jay i think it  looks like a i don't think it looks like a banner   of any baseball team i think it might be watching  car racing if it's what a read yeah based off just   the white and the black in the background yeah  i just feel like it's like a banner or like yeah   something like very american like horse  racing and betting on it are you in a baseball   i i don't like to admit it but yeah i've been a  yankees fan my whole life so that makes sense if   you're from new york i think baseball is a very  boring game it it definitely is being there alive   is great but being watching it on tv is not even  live is so light terrible no i like the experience   why you don't like to just sit out in the open  and you know so long and there's so much down time   well yeah you you know the yankees have  the biggest payroll so they get all the   exciting guys who hit home runs having said  that i think i'm like one in seven at yankee   games like we never win when i show up no but i  i would also say like levy the thing is now like   when i went to the new yankee stadium that  they built it's like terrible it's just you   don't even go there for like the baseball  fields like you just go there to be there   it's like when i went to the old yankee stadium it  was a lot of fun it just has that old school feel   and it's great jay is winning by the way you  can still do it i know but he had a free rook   this is actually a better move you really  why is that uh because he might be able to   get the rook for free and not give up that  night the pawn was attacking the knight aggressive come on jay you see it you see it baby  no like like ludwig i would agree i would say that   baseball is a lot like wow he saw the move i  would say that uh baseball is a lot like chess   like the the classical the ranked chess because  it's like in baseball you go for like it's like   a three hour game and even in playoffs there's  like they're like a couple critical moments and   you know one half inning somewhere usually unless  it's a blow and so that's all the drama and then   like the other like six or seven innings there's  just like nothing going on whatsoever yeah so   you go for three hours there's like 10 minutes  of action yeah yeah having said that i agree   yankee stadium is built like a little league  park we're on right and left field they have   i think the shortest distance to hit a home  run in the major leagues so it's a lot of home   runs at yankee stadium when they're hitting  when they're not then yeah it's not very fun   at least you haven't made the mistake of going  to the marlin stadium in miami because they have   like a swimming pool there it's like it's like you  don't even go there for baseball you just go there   to like see the like the the swimming pool in the  outfield or like the uh something whatever they   have some got a bunch of gimmicks yeah i think  televised sports are just actually really good   and like live sports are not necessarily that much  greater of an experience unless it's like a moment   that you were there for i would agree i think the  only sport that i think that that's true for me   is hockey that's the only sport that i think  like when i've seen playoff hockey live it's   much better than on tv that's the only sport  i can think of where i would say that's what   everyone just said in chat right now is hockey as  well mm-hmm basketball is really fun as well but   by playing basketball they're too many  these score too much so again it comes   down to like the end of the game most  of the time the last like five minutes okay i feel like games that are total like washes  like this are difficult to uh stay focused on so   you guys uh what's for what sports do you follow  was it not baseball football and basketball   yeah who's your team in basketball the celtics  wait you're from boston i'm from new hampshire   oh right right of course yeah anything new england  were you bummed about the brady the brady move   uh originally but i actually kind of like  it because now i i watch the bucs games   and i cheer for brady so it's like i got two  teams and they don't really play each other   because they're like they're like they could play  like they could feasibly the super bowl could be   the bucks and the patriots which would be i'd  be i'd be down for that right i mean it's never   going to happen but it could happen wait that  could happen doesn't cam newton have coven but it's a mild case levy look  they're doing everything they can   he'll be great okay i actually think the nfl might  get cancelled didn't baseball get canceled for a   little bit then like miami get a bunch of covet  cases or what happened i actually don't know   what's going on at the start of the year they did  yeah but but i didn't understand i thought it was   a regular season now somehow they're in like  the playoffs so i've i'm confused by that too   i think it was a shortened season but but the nba  did it best ufc has done it really well too but   ufc bought an island so the nba went so hard yeah  they're doing amazing i saw this uh video on how   they do their like just food yeah you saw that the  business insider yeah yeah that's it's crazy yeah   they have uh they make like 4 000 meals a week  or something completely not saturday a day a week ludwig's about to take the lead i think or no he's  actually going to be half point out my my team   is really not um getting it done today i have to  admit they're doing very very badly you're gonna   go to this round uh it's not over yet no no it's  not you guys have to play now right yeah we have   to play but yeah it's not looking good four and a  half four and two and a half my team's better win   better win this game or else what's his name  step on you're getting banned if you don't win   this game or if you don't get on score get  on the scoreboard man get on the scoreboard   let's go jay for america  this is the cold war [ __ ] i'm not even sure how i was supposed to respond  to that i mean you know he's got a gorilla   and i am reagan right now who am i  god i'm so scared no but the cold war   no come on i mean you know actually ludwig  it's like you're jfk and i'm like uh cruise   shop that's that's that's the right comparison  i see i see what wasn't already dead by the time   reagan and gorbachev were like yeah yeah kind of  i was i was tearing down the wall that's why i   was saying like it was all over you know right  yeah i do get told that with this facial hair   i have resemblance to trotsky and there's like  people have made memes of it in my discord   apparently i look i have a striking resemblance  to trotsky so you know too many russians for me   you know why i know this because did you ever  did you guys ever watch epic rap battles of   history yeah yeah actually i was thinking about  that literally today when you said that i'd be   a good rapper i thought to myself i'd be about as  good as the people on epic rap battles of history   yeah so there was the the one with um putin and  the russian guys i forgot who was the starting   to but it turned into like every russian  leader appearing in it it was legendary   those are so good man they were so good  i feel like i don't know if they hold up you think they do do they still do them  oh my god yeah i think they do them queen of each is back in the game yeah just hung  everything uh oh no what happened i was looking   at epic rap battles of history they still do  them and they actually still get a lot of views   thanos versus oppenheimer oh nah man the guy who  invented the nuke versus thanos she's a character   from marvel that's cool yeah that's that's a good  one you guys remember annoying orange dude is that   still a thing no way is that a thing hikaro you  you yeah too much i mean you spend too much time   being you know the best in the world and you know  we we we didn't really yeah yeah no this is this   is all pretty foreign to me oh it is a thing it is  a thing yeah it's still a thing almost okay like   four times a week wow that's great so basically  was a dropped it it was like a face they put on an   orange and they made little episodes where  he would bother everybody else in the kitchen   like the apple and okay wasabi yeah it's good  times man youtube was a simple place back then   it was it was a worse place though can i ask you  guys a question are you guys getting an influx   of nsfw bots on your videos uh i occasionally get  them yeah like it's like the the bot that tags a   random spot on your video and we'll just say good  i wait for you or you know when it's got like the   profile picture i get like five a video it's  insane i don't know who's doing it i've definitely   been seeing them and i don't really get the  point of them i don't get what they're going for yeah um i think they catch some people but  yeah i don't know sorry we're uh we're uh   we're we're reminiscing we're not doing  well here i'll tell you what this is gonna   be a one one one again i think right yeah  yeah it looks like it should be should be   and this will be the halfway through  then and then we get to the exciting   games yup the ratings drop into the three digits  that's when you know it's going to be content can he can he finish it in style  all right that's a great move having a moment of silence here well you know  if white finds a way to delay the game somehow   then time can play a role yeah like what was  rookie six that was unnecessary but okay he's fine   it's still okay you just gotta play a couple of  moves just like three good moves and it's over   that's not the first that's not  the right first one bring it back jay the speed doubling his time  locked up the left side we love it   step on is not thought to  bring out never mind okay wow oh raising 30 seconds yeah i don't feel good  about this though you don't think so not right   off no i love that move no it's a yeah white has  to co the problem is white has to like continue   yeah i mean with no reason yeah 26 seconds is  too much time i think should be too much time   stefan's russian he'll know  he'll know how to win this oh   the russians in their end  games mm-hmm oh it's curtains curtains oh jay no oh jay what are you doing no bad fortunately or oh i stuck  too soon wait a second wait a second   oh my god this you know how  to do a ladder checkmate oh my god oh my god yes sir there it is jay we take those yes yes i can't believe like you would have thought  that he would have paused for a second   and just tailmate sammy does it again oh my god i can't i can't believe he did it  because he should have he should have realized   because that there was no move when he had to  delay to push the pawn yeah yeah oh goodness yo take your premium membership and go  drill like a hundred checkmates right now   just just go card revoked oh my god
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 830,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hikaru and levy sub battle, hikaru sub battle, hikaru and gotham sub battle, hikaru, chess, hikaru nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, nakamura, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, hikaru commentates, bromance, gm hikaru, hikaru vs gotham, hikaru and levy, hikaru vs levy, hikaru gothamchess, gmhikaru sub battle, hikaru reacts, ludwig chess tournament, ludwig chess rant, ludwig chess commentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 50sec (4070 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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