Can You Survive The Apocalypse?

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our super freezing winter is almost here but that's okay and we'll bam here it is great oh no never oh god the nuclear fallout has arrived lovely the entire map has now gone uh effectively green but dear god surviving the apocalypse it's actually bloody difficult can you survive the apocalypse ever since i was a wee british lad i dreamed of surviving in post-apocalyptic wastelands of course it wasn't exactly a difficult thing to dream about given that i had visited skegness once or twice and oh god skegness today however i'll be seeing if it's possible to survive in the hardest possible end of the world scenario that i can get my hands on so watch as i attempt to use all of my britishness to survive the apocalypse i get the feeling that most of my solutions to issues like starvation of radiation will simply be a very strong stiff upper lip now today i am working with paradox to lead a band of unpaid interns sorry i mean valiant survivors our job is simple it's to see if british people can survive the apocalypse despite their no longer being any tea and biscuits so we're naturally playing surviving the aftermath this game was just released into version 1.0 after a nice long stint in early access to iron out all of the bugs and exploits although i'm sure we might find something perfectly balanced indeed in here so make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now it's time for us to begin a new game the scenario is pretty simple basically all of the nations of the world broke down there was a whole bunch of wars amongst the remaining factions and where some of the few remaining human survivors living in this post-apocalyptic wasteland now when it comes to creating the game you can basically set the difficulty yourself you can make it so that there's basically no catastrophes the environment is nice your nail can get hit by a meteorite or you can make it so the apocalypse never ends there will be meteors raining down from the sky endlessly the radiation will be exploding and also the plague will be continuously ravaging us just how i like it at the same time the environment do we want lovely fertile soil for agriculture or alternatively a barren wasteland of horridness well that's exactly what we're going to have a lovely horrific land where most of it is irradiated and when it comes to survivors are we going to have survivors no we will have basically no survivors lovely and when it comes to our ideology most of our focus will be on health and safety the reasoning is simple we kind of need a strong focus on health and safety if we're even going to survive the ongoing apocalypse so i'm going to pick some nice early game specialists who are going to help us survive and then i'm going to throw ourselves into the game and i'll probably fast forward through most of the early setup phase so that we can get right to the focus of our apocalyptic nightmare i'll be back in a few moments a few moments later now it's day 20 and we've been surviving for quite a while but as i mentioned we're playing on the hardest map on what is the hardest difficulty meaning that instead of most of my map being lovely fertile terrain where i can grow crops and farms no most of my map is made up of these purple craters of death that emit so much pollution that the local buildings have to get scrubbed continuously we get on average about two cases of radiation poisoning per day and that's out of a colony of just 24 people water we get from this slightly irradiated looking swamp food we also get from this slightly radiated looking swamp and we're slowly growing out the range of our lovely encampment there's just a few minor issues mostly the issues being just that at any moment we might get invaded and murdered because we don't have any weapons heck we don't even really have any tools but we do have one thing going our way and that's science ladies and gentlemen because if we take a look at the world map i've annexed this region over to the right i've built a research outpost and this gives us 25 signs every 12 hours this is fantastic because that 25 science every 12 hours goes to researching our future what are we researching at the moment well it's handicraft ladies and gentlemen we're researching this for one very important reason not because we want to make tools and clothes no it's because we want to unlock how to trade that way we can sell plentiful quantities of fish and make plentiful quantities of money at the same time i'm trying to be lined my way to hazmat engineering so that we can actually start trying to clean up some of the nightmare waste that is affecting most of our map i mean there is just pollution basically everywhere and every once in a while a storm will fire and ninety percent of the population gets hit by a wave of deadly pollution now meanwhile on the world map we're doing a little bit of scavenging for health kits we're also doing a little bit of combat with some raiders down here but our main aim is to try and actually expand our borders and encounter other societies the reasoning is very simple if we can encounter the other factions in the world we can trade with them and we can make money from them and that is of course the most important thing in the universe so i'll get back to you in a little bit as soon as we've started exploring our little world right welcome you catch us a little bit later and uh we've actually made a decent bit of progress one of our lovely key survivors here beth jesus she's uh she's a glorious scientist she generates us incredible quantities of money but at the moment we just have a picking for berries and uh it's not exactly using her gigabrain for good use but it's okay one day she will research us the entire world and up uh congress has become infected yep this is a highly common occurrence it happens pretty much three times a day there is nothing we can do to stop it because while the entire world is coming to an end everyone is either mutated or in the process of mutating and i think we've actually just won our combat actually let's go see how we did yep we absolutely smashed it good job oh and that's given us some research opportunities uh when it comes to happiness in the colony we're doing okay uh most people are upset because oh god nuclear fallout was struck you can't make this game up like legitimately this is probably about the third disaster i've had in the last 20 days imagine living in a place where every five days you get hit by over nuclear fallout the plague a drought freezing winter meaning you can no longer gain food it's ridiculous okay right we need to get our medical tents up and running because everyone's gonna start getting radiation sickness although people are also getting the plague uh two people are just infected with the plague but now everyone is also going to get hit by effectively the nuclear apocalypse lovely and we don't even have any iodine tablets lying around to cure it lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely oh my god just look at how terrible these infected people are they're literally just glowing green why would you even walk past someone who is glowing green that's not a good sign oh god oh no never oh god the nuclear fallout has arrived lovely the entire map has now gone uh effectively green this is not a good sign everyone's contamination level now would just start basically climbing and there's nothing we can do oh my goodness just look at how terrible the world now is this is uh legitimately the worst i'm losing hair oh no oh god oh dear god colony snow has mutated well noah has now developed brand new kinds of evolution so um he is no longer noah he's now gigan noah again the fact that he is completely mutated oh and the water well is contaminated oh dear oh dear dick that's not a good sign we need that for drinking the issue is all of the buildings get contaminated very easily because they're sat next to pollution deposits okay well eight colonists are now radiated i think it might be a good idea for me to actually build a second medical tent given the fact that we're currently being swept by infinite radiation poisoning and two colonists are now mutated but hey looks like we actually survived the uh the radiation apocalypse it's all over okay if that's the case cancel the construction there we don't need it anymore there we go get those resources back who cares that sex colonists are still irradiated they'll get sorted out oh and some survivors want to join our colony they're at the gate what have they got uh free children that are carrying corn and cabbages um no we don't just need random children children can hardly work all they do with is their basic laborers they pick stuff up they move stuff who needs more of those i mean while poor nadia here is in a fight that is going to last two days and 11 hours um that's fine she's fighting over an entire area by herself good for her oh no a colonist has died george died of radiation sickness just as we've reached a milestone of having 25 colonists well uh rest in peace george is dead his body is lying there on the ground glowing i guess i'm meant to tidy that up okay apparently it causes radiation so i'll just slot it in next to all of the other radiation we have lying around but hey with all of this science lying around we can actually make some huge progress we're gonna start researching uh leadership and then we'll start researching secure storage and then also the reinforced gate and finally we should be able to research hazmat engineering lovely stuff now this is scientific progress we're actually able to upgrade our campsite into a colony center now this is a lovely and jazzy it's a vast improvement over the previous one it's no longer a bunch of tents it's actually a nice large wooden metal tent oh very cool you know i realized we could actually do exploring even more of our map so i'm going gonna put down another guard tower all the way out here maybe we can get some fishing going up on this coastline if we're nice and lucky and actually also looks like we could do of decontaminating this fishing pier you know given the fact that it's actually starting to glow purple oh someone's at the gate a child's plea for help ah the child is a desperate plea they want one of our medicine in return for a single seed and you know what child uh i want the seed it's just a sunflower though do i really need just a random sunflower seed i'm gonna has to guess that sunflower seed sells for more than just random medicine so um yes thank you for seeds um we actually have another specialist that wants to join our colony and for only 700 silver this is actually a solid shot so we'll pick them up uh because what we can do is we immediately basically recruit them and then we can convert them into being a settler and now that they're a settler we can send them out to basically occupy a nice bit of territory for us and i know what i need to do i need to build a scavenger actually no i don't need the scavengers i need more science science is the only way we're going to survive so i'm going to build another science outpost right here next to this observatory wa-bam so bam that's two research outposts now for us meaning we get 100 signs every 24 hours which is going to massively help us just blitz our way through the tech tree all right i've got some fantastic news we've discovered a glorious waste dump which means we can now after a little bit of energy generation we can build an environmental station that will allow us to actually start cleansing most of our lands although for that we're gonna need concrete and uh we do not have concrete in fact we need a lot of concrete so we might as well cancel that until we actually work out how concrete grows is it on trees it best be on trees all right fantastic now that we have a supply of concrete coming in i've decided to actually build our gigantic environmental station as well as also our basic means of generating electricity oh fantastic we've met another lovely society in there called trinity which i'm gonna guess means that they're okay yes they seem a little bit crazy but that's fine they have a population of a hundred and two they're very secretive and suspicious society wary of travelers lovely okay they have some lovely trade offers which is very jazzy so we can actually trade with them a few things mostly they have clothes and we could really do with clothes basic clothing costs five silver which is lovely how much does fish sell for fish sells for two which is quite good but naturally we're gonna want to get ourselves some basic clothing so we're gonna buy about 20 bits of clothing we desperately kind of need it and there we go that should also improve our reputation which i imagine is going to make trade cheaper in the future oh so i actually have some terrible apocalypse jokes for example i once met a talking horse who kept telling me about the apocalypse he told me the end is nigh oh god it's the worst oh and we've got a winter storm happening lovely who doesn't love a winter storm luckily i've upgraded my fishing hut so it can actually work in the winter which is exactly what we want and i know some of you might absolutely hate the apocalypse strokes but just remember it's not the end of the world ladies and gentlemen after all i make apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow oh god our super freezing winter is almost here but that's okay and we'll bam here it is great oh darren what's this an unwanted visitor oh no one of the colonists is infected again great lovely theo is infected fantastic you know i would say this is bad because in a normal game colonists don't get infected that much however they get infected all the bloody time here so uh yeah it's completely normal it's nothing to worry about or when the trade caravan has arrived lovely which means i can once again trade with them and this time can i sell them some stuff you guys sell chickens now chickens could be good and you do have a special deal on clothing so you know what i will actually buy all of your clothing we might as well just all 32 of it bam that's mine and in turn i can sell you just a little bit of fuel so i can get some money back and we're bam perfect wait what the specialist was killed what well uh we just lost our greatest fighting survivor because um a bloody gigantic sand worm is attacked and can we please get the other one away out yes we can okay there was um nothing we could do there there are sand worms hidden in the ground and they are they're a nightmare to kill uh we cannot save them uh brad brad the baron is now dead rest in peace he was a good boy if not the bestest of boys and um now he is the deadest of boys uh big rip lovely survivors of the gate we could actually deal with some uh they're just four children oh and they come with a scavenger perfect we need a new lovely boy so that'll do right lovely scavenger boy you're going out into the world map my friend new specialist and lovely the winter storm has passed we actually survived that which is absolutely fantastic and i think it's time for us to build an aqua farm now this bad boy should generate us incredible quantities of fish yep look at that stupidly high efficiency 100 oh yes now that's what i call fish all right bam i'll put it in oh my goodness thank goodness there's survivors of the gate we were literally running out of anyone to move goods about and we need more people to fish because fish production is at an all-time high so uh honestly i don't care they haven't got much they've apparently got milk that's pretty much useless but hey candy bars are good so uh we'll take you welcome uh one of you is actually it seems a few of you are actually just incredibly violent and evil well um that's a problem it might have something to do with the whole starvation scenario but uh otherwise everything should be fine okay for the last about five minutes i've just been getting hit by colonists died colonists died colonists died over and over again uh it's not a good sign uh people are dying very quickly now and partly due to infections partly due to the fact the water well is still contaminated uh and just general death and not happiness but that's okay i think we should still be able to survive this at least a little bit oh and great there's a heatwave oh dear god right this will probably kill us yep and the college just died ecologist strep died immediately oh everyone is just ill or dying of malnutrition or ill and dying of malnutrition a little bit of both and you know what we could do some food so let's get a gigantic large field underway bam there you go huge perfect deficiency let's just get it built oh someone's at the gate lovely uh it's a child okay oh she offers us seeds in return for medicine oh lovely let's get a cabbage seed fantastic thank you that's glorious lovely this should hopefully solve the malnutrition issue and oh god it's a heat wave time oh we do not have enough water for this oh dear god we do not have enough water uh let's get the water well going in other good news we're about to clean up this pollution pile which is nice yep that's good or at least we would if someone actually was doing that bloody job okay we've a few things we can grow we can grow corn we can grow cabbages and i guess we have to go for cabbages they have high resilience apparently not as much as a potato but cabbages it's imperfect not that we're able to actually do any of this farming because there's a bloody heat wave going on oh dear god i'm fantastic we just got 600 signs for free oh my goodness that was so much science we got so much science just for free okay that is ridiculous lovely uh with 1 200 science lying around we can kind of do whatever we like in terms of technology uh it's just you know we might be dead before we can actually use any of the technology so i guess we probably want to queue some research to get ourselves some improved wells so we can actually get some water but dear god surviving the apocalypse it's actually bloody difficult oh dear it's day 50 and uh we got some angry people at the gate uh once again i have nothing for you uh we have to attack them but luckily we have an upgraded gate now with our really cool banner on it so um that was actually a very easy victory for us absolute walk in the park really so glorious stuff now we have also managed to upgrade our relationship with the trinity faction here to the point where we're basically vaguely friendly this is a fantastic situation to be in oh and also the decontamination situation is going really well we're down to just one pollution pile over here left there's only four pollution actually inside of it which is great and what do we do with all of our pollution well we just store it here and then what i've actually been doing is selling it to people because that's right we can actually sell pollution to people for money what are we going to plant here well we've been planting cabbages and let's be honest cabbages are amazing so my humble yet of course all knowing opinion we're gonna grow even more cabbages alright well with all of my lovely warriors here i think it is only naturally time that i go and avenge the lovely death of the baron by murdering some sand worms hopefully i can kill these sand worms and logically all of my best fighters should be able to kill them i mean they are equipped with guns so blake come on how difficult can it be we've got two automatic rifles for goodness sake we should be able to kill a large worm i mean they are a little bit spooky the way they just hide under the ground but uh here we go ladies and gentlemen it's worm killing time okay good first shot oh dear god they do a bit of damage okay i think we can do it oh dear god there's some damage being taken though god just please kill the worm all right you're down to less than half health so i want you to pull back hey there we go that's one worm dead right retreat retreat thank goodness okay we killed one of the worms now we just want to heal up a bit and then we'll go out hunting for the rest of the worms but dear god those things are insane they can do so much damage that is ridiculous that is completely unfair then again i guess we are surviving in the apocalypse all right now i think our trade caravans have arrived which means we can actually initiate another trade deal we've almost maxed out in friendship with these people but hey in fact i think we can max out by giving them just a little bit of fuel so there we go we'll sell them 200 worth of fuel i guess we can just buy some lovely prime meat from them actually we just don't need it we just don't need it at all let us instead sell them our pollution lovely tasty pollution and there we go now we're making a very hefty profit so we're bam now we have maximum friendship enabled oh my goodness you want to sell me science points don't you 323 science points oh yes i don't mind if i do yes i don't have money for it but with a couple of assault rifles and a whole bunch of hunting rifles anything is possible that's going to massively increase our friendship up to maximum there we go i think it's probably time we try and murder that final sand worm now so i'm going to get everyone grouped up together and then we're going to go and mince that final sandworm right let's get it killed oh dear god it's almost good one might call this right you retreat retreat there we go the sand worms are dead oh my goodness right fantastic dear god okay well i think ladies and gentlemen what have i learned from surviving the apocalypse on the hardest difficulty well you can survive the aftermath it is entirely possible however you are just going to be bombarded by unstoppable and killable monsters unless you game the entire trade system to become immediate buddies and friends with all of the other factions these people they love me they would do anything for me we've even actually improved the wasteland we live in if you look at this look at all of the amazing pollution we've cleared up the map is beautiful we can even now drill water out of the soil that's how powerful we have become they have it ladies and gentlemen this has been definitive proof that at least some british people could survive the apocalypse however if the british people were ever to find the source of tea in the post-apocalyptic wastelands well now that's when they wouldn't just survive they would thrive and they would conquer the entire wastelands in a glorious fashion oh dear oh dear anyway ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed today's video make sure to give it a like and why not hop on down to the comment section and decide whether you could probably survive this incredible apocalypse whereby on average you're getting radiation poisoning twice a year and the plague three times a year as always a massive thank you to paradox for actually sponsoring today's video that was very very generous of them thank you for all of the money it is 100 going to t as well as also i suppose paying my editors oh dear also thank you to the lovely patrons who make all of these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 877,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, can you survive, can you survive the apocalypse, survive the apocalypse, apocalypse, can you survive the end of the world, can you survive apocalypse, end of the world, the spiffing brit, zombie apocalypse, spiffing brit, video game exploit, exploit, montage, game exploit, british humor, surviving the aftermath, surviving the aftermath gameplay, surviving the apocalypse, perfectly balanced game, money exploit, british, funny, surviving the aftermath game, gameplay
Id: Ztz-S5I6sL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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