Project Zomboid 41 IWBUMS 28 Days Later Challenge | Sprinting Zombies, Eerie Country, and Mods Ep 3

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hey guys welcome back to Project Zomboid you'll notice right away I'm putting some ads on the beginning of the videos not really something I want to do or is my aim so I'm just doing it on a couple of the videos we'll see how it works right now I got to keep the lights on though in life right now and I'm at a stage where I'm kind of between jobs so I gotta see how much how much skin the YouTube work for me but I know a lot of you guys had been keeping up with this and I did say it's one of my ambitions to put this to use you know I really like to do this in the long term and if the sustainability of the channel depends on it it's definitely something that I think we can take so I appreciate anybody you know not using adblock or just letting the ads roll for 15 seconds at the beginning of the videos and I'll try to update you on time as this goes but try not to mind the ads and I appreciate it for you guys keeping up with that anyway before I say anything else too I also just want to make sure I say thank you to my new friend Paige who made me the awesome new ambiguous amphibian logo which it looks way way better than the old one which was just something that I had hand drawn back when I had first started the channel so everybody please be sure to say thank you to Paige a linker Instagram below I asked her what pages she wanted me to but her other work is really really cool I thought it was all hand-drawn but it's done in Photoshop so really cool digital work and if you ever need any artistic stuff hey maybe she could help I don't know but hey it's a win-win you guys get content I keep the lights on and hey we're getting cooler stuff for the channel and there's a lot of new stuff interesting good stuff on the way there is very good stuff on the way and that's the reason why I'm doing this because I want to do this for a long time anyway let's go look back at our characters so Steven Nelson if you ever forget your last name like I did you can check your keyring and I forgot that my last name was Nelson but it is also I am NOT going back to one of the old houses because as you guys had said I forgot to turn off the stove in one of the houses I was like did I did I leave something on I'm not going back I'm guessing that the entire house is burned down and I'm yeah I'm not going back there like there's wells and stuff there's a good number of wells on this map but I think that a tax put in a good amount of that stuff so I'll be all right I also had a candy feast so now I weigh 61 kilograms so I'm getting heavier and heavier as time goes on which you may be wondering why I'm trying to gain weight you know it I don't like it really slows me down unless if I get way above the average weight it won't slow me down but if you get too light it can make you weaker in fact right now I mean I do have on the underweight Moodle which should go I wish that went away as time goes on but it reminds you what you starved with for your moodle's makes you a little bit weaker and if you go too low in weight you do start taking damage that's how the hunger system in this game works if I mean I'd recommend just creating a character to try to you know starve to death once just to experience how it happens because a lot of people get desperate for food when they don't really need food right away you can go about I'd say like 48 hours before you start getting hunger pangs and when you get hunger pangs you do actually take damage from them even though that you're still a pretty high weight so you can die even in like a higher weight range if you just don't eat likewise if you just get emaciated even if you're still eating but you're eating like an apple a day for a year you will start taking damage once you get down to 35 kilograms so I mean there's a whole deep nutrition system too and I'm probably leaving a lot out because there are like calories macronutrients and other things like that but not really beyond that am I an expert in it that's about the extent of what I know and that's pretty much enough to get by it's free trade points at the beginning that I've started using life and living TV a little bit more as some of you guys have recommended but I realized that a lot of the comments I read are from experts but to a lot of people playing the game I probably seem somewhat expert because I just know we're [ __ ] done because I've just I do not by any means consider myself an expert I know enough [ __ ] so I'll try to throw that stuff in as we go anyway Erie County is pretty empty Inman what the Oh actually you know what yeah there's a map äj-- okay Erie County is kind of like a long winding map as I remember I don't uh I don't like to look to get into a habit of looking at the maps that I'm playing on only because it makes me it makes me to like goal-oriented in that way and I want to make sure that I'm just focused on exploring because Erie County is a place worth exploring except I I know that I know some of the map I can't help it we've had a lot of nails there was like a like in the House Museum there was there was a whole display of nails on the ground remember you just live in it gosh that one has a garage time some of these doors that question right railroad tracks because it brought up with me actually my friend Max had brought up with me what if somebody made a daisy map for a project zomboid and I like this map because you know as they say all roads lead to Rome well following railroad tracks or anything like that is surely gonna lead you somewhere and you know civilized and I'm trying to get to civilization because Erie County is as I recall mostly rural this actually looks like a decent place I could stay here for a day or so I might be able to catch some of life and living TV I haven't really been keeping up with time but I think can't be too late and it might even be morning I don't know what time it is I want to make sure I catch some of this black and white TV ah turbo not really what I wanted Oh jaunty music all right here we go cooking show I think I'm just gonna wait here probably as long as I'm in range of it I'll get some and I'm just gonna wait for this to play out as one of you guys had mentioned before if you don't speed up time while you're watching a cooking show you actually gain more cooking experience and 37.5 cooking experience for like one second of watching a show is too good oh actually you know what I'm getting with three times multiplier because I'm I read the book so even though that I haven't cooked anything at all yet I'm already gonna be at like level two cooking it's gonna be a really good way to get past the first couple skills see I've won speed up time anyway I'm gonna wait here for a little bit and then once the cooking show's over we'll catch up all right ironically the cooking show lasted about three seconds so I got the end of it but I did well enough you know I had always underestimated life and living because it's a great name for a channel in this but I had underestimated it because I didn't think that you could do too much with it but you actually get experience really really quickly so don't underestimate that like I did don't be arrogant like me right all we're finding is construction equipment still thinking priorities are just move around get a sense of my surroundings I'd like to know where the main city is because there is a main city on this map that I didn't spawn at but the main city sure does have a lot and I'm expecting that if there are any survivors which it's pretty unlikely that I'll find any but if I do find any I bet they'll be in that city yeah there we go map egde I know that one thing that a tox is said I just corresponding with him for you know through comments you might be watching right now but he said that there's a big expansion underway for this map are another big project that he's working on so I'm really excited to see what that is I'll definitely be playing in the future all right I think I'm just gonna follow down these railroad tracks see where they lead me all right we're starting to see more zombies now see the purpose of fighting these so I think I'm gonna just try to gain some sneaking skill by going around since they're distracted by the corpse I should be alright I'm gonna want to keep my sight lines out though it said that sprinting while crouching actually uses up more energy now like they updated it and I guess it makes sense because if you're trying to keep your body crouched over like that while you're sneaking it's kind of you know more laborious but how is our sneaking doing anyway I mean this is a good number of them what you can do is to just kind of wander around there I think this is actually upping my nimble can't remember not sure there used to be a whole thing for that mobile sneaking also used to be done by right-clicking - now there's a whole new system alright but I'm thinking that these larger hoards are actually a good sign I'm not gonna bother with any of them because I don't want to fight him I can't really even afford to and I'm pretty out of breath but I think I'm just gonna dart along here see if I can get some more sneaking XP alright I found a corpse with a duffel bag in a field he had a West Point map kind of useless to me right actually I don't remember where or if this map even connects to the main map hazmat suit zombie but at least I now have enough to pack a bag and loot is really the only thing that I can do much with right now so I think we'll just keep following these see if we find anything all right there's a [ __ ] ton over here I can't like I can't stay on the train tracks too much longer because I think that they'll start to notice me but this is a good sign and seeing civilization here is actually really good it looks like there should have been a sort of elevation there but unfortunately there's no elevated train track piece and the tile set so I guess that that can't happen would be really nice if they added that somehow but I don't know if it's gonna happen alright so get a map edge and we got a lot more civilization here I think if we go this way we're gonna find the train station and I know that's like one of the most scenic points on the map so I think I'm gonna go there but it's probably gonna be really populated so I got to be careful as I move sounds oh it sounds like someone's trying to sell me something over here [ __ ] okay I got a sprint I got to get away I got to get away from these ones this is where level eight fitness is gonna come in Andy all right jump the fence I made it okay and oh [ __ ] I didn't expect that we'd get to the graveyard at this point oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I fell remember I have no backups if I am dead [ __ ] did they remember me they do remember me surprisingly none in the graveyard though according to Max Brooks at [ __ ] Nara tell oh [ __ ] according to Max Brooks a graveyard is actually one of the safest places in the zombie apocalypse all right great we made one a crawler I have not seen sprinter crawlers but I think they're like normal crawlers nobody behind me and kill kill kill [ __ ] I think he just gave up nope I'm just thumping the ground now okay wish there was a quick way to like just move up I'm nowhere near the head hitbox but all right always best move I get kind of nervous there but always it's the best move to get behind it crawl this is a reason why I actually like the short term memory because if I if I had to fight three right there I've been [ __ ] but I mean look at how much higher the numbers are now like back home where I cleared out a lot it's not so bad and I should really focus on clearing out one area that I can just have as a safe zone because in my last playthrough like my house was safe but the rest of the map was incredibly perilous by the time I was done all right let's see if she got anything noticing like slightly better loot on zombie spawns so I mean may as well take up on that mausoleum could be a good place to live strangely enough gloves up head padded jacket I think we're still in July but rain boots out yeah rain boots I'll grab him but I did say and I stand by it I think that um [ __ ] what was it gonna say I think that going with sneakers is gonna be better only for sprint speed who cares if they who cares if I have scratched defense I just don't want them to catch up with me at all oh that's kind of nice it's like nothing else like that in the base game that I give me give me ideas [ __ ] that's a lot all right now is really the time to get up that sneak skill I mean we're gonna be around a lot more I wish I had done a little bit more before but when life gives you lemons I was thinking that we'd find a car by now or well before now but this rural county is kind of getting to me now but I mean when we do find when we have the gas to gas it up so that's that's enough right it's actually pretty safe over here so I think I'm just gonna do a little bit of exploring around okay I snuck past the zombies in the graveyard there was a few more back there and I took some pills just to help my stamina region sorry vitamins not pills doesn't make any sense I don't have any food though and I'm starting to get hungry again I thought I would have enough to gain weight and we yeah it does still show us gaining weight but we want to keep eating food as best we can we are getting to a better area of civilization though where we'll be able to find more stuff still though I'm not I don't want to chant [ __ ] that's death right there like just to put into perspective if you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we're down to two you drop your hat I'm gonna stab your face you're almost dead but your friend is coming after me don't kill me please I'm getting upset I'm getting upset I'm getting upset okay I'm won I won I won I win I win I always win I'm like Voldemort okay great well let's see we got shoes I got a hoodie bloody we got sneakers let's replace these you know maybe not my color but they're in better condition pimp in purple shoes and these jeans are actually probably in better can say that do I never want to be wrong actually my jeans are in fantastic condition I haven't fought too many how many have I even killed 40 actually kind of impressive for this I mean when you think about it if you fought 40 together that's a no contest you're dead but all right I'm thinking uh I gotta rest but then let's keep going north I can just rest in the mausoleums because they're both locked and I don't want to waste all the strength bashing down the door so I think I'm just gonna sit down in the woods and rest for a little while who cares if I get a bit wet I'll be fine okay well I came up cross an open field I was trying to get back to the train tracks but it looks really overpopulated here I'm thinking it must be getting close to a train station but I'm just gonna dart back this way because probably safest to go to and there's more over there [ __ ] all right I'm probably just gonna go through the woods and then come back out once I find him but yeah I mean it's kind of turning into a stealth base playthrough I didn't make I used to make short films of these and I was trying to make a stealth character but I think I gave it up pretty pretty quickly in but that's pretty much what this is turning into it has to be a stealth playthrough with this alright let's see if we can find that train stations [ __ ] there's more over there yeah what I just said I found one alone I'm gonna try a stealth kill and didn't work it's actually pretty stupid because I should have knocked him down first I think knocking them down then doing that it's the best way to do it but I did manage to get his hat off all right I see a road there and I see the train tracks leading there so I'm guessing that the train station is somewhere around that intersection if it is at all but civilizations got to be a little further up here so I'm thinking I'm just gonna try to keep playing it stealthy because there's gonna be even more zombies but there's gonna be more shelter more loot I wish I had come prepared with a little bit more food but I was thinking a bit much about fattening myself up in retrospect I probably should have saved some of it and then waited till I found more loads in civilization but no going back now all right well the rains have cleared and I'd like to go to that intersection but it looks like there's too many dead around it so I think I'm probably just gonna end up following another road I'm getting hungry and hungrier and hungrier but I should be alright till the night you know I might just want to get one quick look if I could get like a quick bite at that train station without costing me my life that'd be great another thing to consider here though is that the rains have cleared so even though that that you know seems nicer it gets rid of some of my cover so I can't use it to enhance my stealth but try to get that next point soon and is there gonna be anything or is just gonna be a crossing with nothing I guess what I'd read that it's just an intersection with nothing i aggro some and then I'm running that'll be worse taking on one wouldn't be so bad this one I could take [ __ ] this right there's nothing over here only only hordes I'm out of here I'm going back I'm going back to the city following the road it's probably gonna take me to the main city and that's my goal for this anyway so I'll head this way we'll head west and hopefully the city will come up before too long because if if I'm running along this road for a long time I might have to go over to foraging in fact that wouldn't be such a bad idea maybe once I hit the next patch of woods I'll do some of that alright we came to a bridge haven't spotted any zombies along I mean it's fortunate they were by the map edge and that there weren't too many in civilized areas but I think I'm just gonna try to cross this and I'm guessing that there's gonna be some civilization over here unfortunately I can't really seem to forage from any of the trees I guess there's just not big enough patches of woods around here for me to do it so we haven't been able to find any berries or anything in the trees to eat so we'll end up going in there pretty hungry I might even be a little bit weaker by the time that I get to the city only because I've been traveling all day but fortunately no zombies in sight so I don't need to utilize that crouched run nor is it really gaining me any you know sneaking experience if there's no zombies nearby you aren't getting any experience for crouching as far as I know so I think I'm just gonna keep heading around see if I can find this city alright and I came to another map so I'm a little bit [ __ ] right here I'm gonna have to do some looking around because I thought these roads would lead me somewhere but it turns out there's a lot more in the southern half of the map that I thought so I think I'm just gonna backtrack back there even if it causes a little bit more hunger I got to find something to please to appease my appetite well I am now completely lost I even checked a map I have no I I couldn't even find where I was on the map which is kind of refreshing because I haven't played this game in a long enough time to get or even I haven't played enough maps in this to get lost but I'm thinking this stream is probably a good place to start it's too bad that you can't cross streams unless if you build a bridge I mean I could do that I I could go up to the crossing ahead but I'm gonna try to figure out where I am exactly and then just get back to it alright I found my way back to civilization on a road I mean oh you are here too well that's actually a good sign I haven't seen any of you in a while so hopefully one of you has food on to you really food is my main concern I could start getting hunger pangs and taking damage but I'm also getting really tired and a little bit out of breath but that's gonna get worse because I'm so tired and there's really nowhere to sleep around here there's no furniture I could I mean I can't really cut down anything in that yeah I'm not I'm also strangely I'm not getting any option to forage in the woods so I can't forage in these woods and I'm a little bit [ __ ] I'm just gonna stay on the other side of the of the road didn't hopefully I'm gonna see some sort of weigh station or something like that but I'm kind of sprint panicking back to civilization in any way I can now I mean even just finding that old place I was last night would be enough I'll be hungry but I won't you know I'll find I'll find something on the ground to eat all right I made it right back to where I started at the graveyard fortunately now we know that everything North is not worth exploring that like there's just nothing up there just a whole lot of nothing I could still try West I don't think I tried bad at all and I don't think that I left any food at that house so I'm gonna make a quick detour to the west and then if that doesn't work out I'll come back here but now there are starting I mean they are roaming to areas that have been areas that I thought I cleared out so I'm gonna need to be more careful as I keep going along here okay one of them two three of them three of them are onto me [ __ ] I'm her into the woods because I can't afford to take on any of the ones out here three is three is a battle hopefully more of them just lose sight of me and lose memory and can't find me but I'm starting to get like moderate exertion and I'm thinking of trying to clear out a building too so I'm gonna need to preserve as much as possible so I can't really afford to fight any more than one maybe two right here hopefully is food on him no food on him damn okay take more pills that's gonna curb the exertion what would really be great right now would be to find some coffee Coffee would undo that hunger and the drowsiness but I don't think I'm gonna find it I'll try to lower a few of the mania into these woods because one by one they're not that tough but if I take on two I'm scared if I took on three I might die I mean even at two but I did find a church over here and I saw a few more cars so that's a chance it's a chance at a huge boon if I could make it happen car would be a major asset and this even though that it would attract a lot haven't got to here I just wanted to make sure there's no more around these trees if there's one more around that tree I could be boned a [ __ ] that didn't knock her over okay got to get one get her back down get her back down get this [ __ ] whoo that's bad that's bad hollows hit see I wish that that worked I wish that that worked better okay there we go one and I think I won this one make sure there's no more around me a quick head turn would be a really like if you could alt or I mean in dayz and other games like that it's alt I think or it used to be numpad but if you could use some quick control there just [ __ ] look at that that's like an anthill waiting to go off they'll be really nice control it would be really nice all right I'm gonna try to get into that church there's got to be like a rector's living area or something like that in there okay one guy [ __ ] he lost his hat no I forget to check those other two corpses even just finding food on one of them if I could rest in the woods to get back my strength would be more than welcome but I think I can go without a growing that big group to moderate exhaustion is setting it I couldn't even find the corpses and I'm like at this point I think I just have a better shot at finding something at the church so I'm gonna really really I keep getting freaked out by the fact that they're just continuously hopping over the fence but I think if I go into the church from this side without any of them seeing because their sight is so bad I'll probably be four I could probably even sleep there if I wanted to I mean I'll need to be really careful closed curtains and things like that but I might have to do it only because you can't make it for too long awake because then exhaustion just starts to set in doubly much so like you don't you may not fall asleep involuntarily in this game like as you do in the Sims if you just haven't slept in a while but you're pretty much dead if you don't get enough sleep even and even without sprinters they can chase you they can catch up to you even when you're just walking and I mean you know what those settings set up as they are not really something I want to experiment with we get a notebook over here I'm hoping that there will be like a rector's area with a fridge in the back okay this is sort of like what I was looking for that we could at least get some water you can't just live off of water now you need something sleeping to at least I'll take with me I might not need right now but in good time there we go okay bath towel probably not worth carrying on me cuz you just dry off over time otherwise it would check trash cans check everything rubber a rubber duck I could wield a rubber duck in my hand ten out of ten but until then one out of ten oh this is exactly what I was looking for okay like I'm well not exactly a morgue okay this is more of like [ __ ] are they onto me in this building I heard some serious [ __ ] happen nope might be best to turn off the lights though oh this is the outside area but it looks like that's the priest's home right there fortunately i got this one and hopefully there's none right behind me on that trashcan like weird narrow passageways like this that you've never seen like good weird not bad weird but narrow passageways that you never see in the rest of the game oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you know what I'm gonna let her in this door with me she's gonna chase me over here come on I just got it I want to close the door there we go okay now I've got two left outside and I should be okay let's not first down that door though god I feel like this is like three times more intense than any of the other playthroughs only because there are all sprinters what I'm thinking is that that's either go to a garage or what I'm really oh wait that's a fridge yes this is exactly what I was looking for oh great okay fresh milk just like mom used to give me from her tits all right let's uh let's reassess the situation all right we have food we have a kitchen at our disposal we have cherries we have fresh cherries for Christ's sake and we have a lot more food we have dog food but we still are gonna need to sleep because the further we go in here the worse it's gonna get I've still I've still got the Hunger Moodle I must have been really really hungry and we're out of milk - I might just make myself some real mac and cheese and some real dry ramen or some real ramen noodles but I off to wait till I wake up I'm just gonna use the non perishables right now or it's something that's not gonna take a long time because I have to get to bed I don't want to be sleeping for too long cuz there's a [ __ ] ton over here I just got to find somewhere I can cover up the windows and then get to bed this would actually be a decent spot nope but no bid in here I could I could move a chair in here actually that's probably the place I trust sleeping the most even though that there's no back exit it it it looks kind of safe in there I'm gonna grab one of these chairs hopefully turn off these lights too now I can't do that all right just grabbing a chair and go to bed you know I hadn't thought of it till right now but a survival item to carry around in this game might be a chair like I mean think about if I had been able to sleep back in those woods in a chair I would have been fine but instead I had to wait till I came here so I think I mean if you get a bag it might just be worth it to just carry a chair with you everywhere like I don't I don't know what else is I guess a tent makes more sense now that I think of it yeah a tent would make more sense but if you can't find things for a tent which are somewhat rare you could find a chair which is not rare [ __ ] somehow one got in the kitchen without me opening it that makes me really scared cuz what if they had spawned in my bedroom I think he spawned in there he couldn't have opened the window closed it and then yeah so this zombie literally just spawned in here so that's proof that more are spawning and the world is getting even more dangerous as time goes on we are hungry and we can have breakfast I'm just gonna take this I think I have a sauce pan with me as well too yes I do okay we can put that into our main in fraternity we can actually do some good home cooking like we just saw on TV where is it you see soup we could take the soup and no we we can't we cannot to it oh maybe if I put it in the bowl I think that the bowl would work instead all right we do have a bowl in here I'm gonna grab one of those put the soup in the bowl somehow and they figure that up I need a pot and I don't have a pot I'm just gonna grab all the cooking implements from in here though so much for carrying the chair I just think there's more valuable stuff in here so I think I'm just gonna take the food with me I'm gonna continue just subsisting off of not that great food can't really put my cooking skills to the test right now but soon I will be able to use those soon in time when you when you're working with more raw ingredients are better off it's just that I don't have too many cooking implements with me right now I have only the saucepan really what do you think about it drink this soup and now we're actually at a decent spot with her stomach all right can I do yeah I can't alright so we'll save that for another time and we'll just look for other cooking implements so I do have a lot more food with me now and I'm much better off for it okay before I go I'm also picking up just a few first aid items I'm getting a little bit close to my carrying capacity but her character is really really strong too so he's got an increased carrying capacity so you could pretty much you know carry the house son is back whatever that means and I'm gonna take antidepressants I'll take pretty much everything I need I've got one suture needle already but I didn't expect that a morgue would have everything that you need for like first day then it could just be a Lucky spawn but we've had enough bad luck so far anyway that it makes it worth it I'll grab those beta-blockers too if we do manage to find any guns I'd like to experiment with that not that I'm mmm actually it's probably suicide to shoot off a gun in this in this mode with sprinters I thought it was like you're doing a lot of kiting in the main game but if you do it in this one you're dead okay couple more things I grab the vitamins always take as many vitamins as you can antibiotics is a little bit rare so I'll take it but I think we're running out of bag space now so I think I'm just gonna move on out of here painkillers too are good grab those and all the bandages that we can find all the vitamins yeah extra beta blockers more bandage [ __ ] I'm just gonna take all this okay that's odd I guess there's like a garage and a wall there all right um at this point I'm just gonna use the church as like a place to come back to possibly but we'll try to get to the end of today and see where that takes us all right I got to in front of the church hopefully the other ones don't see me that for some reason to take me in an ordinate our time to knock them down if any of the other ones I'm lucky that there weren't any other ones that came up though I was surprised [ __ ] helicopter event [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus okay I want to check this one car only because if this works it's a lifesaver [ __ ] nothing [ __ ] I might I might be dead right now I might be dead I did not expect this helicopter event right now [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] yeah we got a run do we got a run right now they're all headed straight for this location [ __ ] damn [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man nothing this bad has ever happened in this game the helicopter is literally following me leading hundreds of sprinters to my location thank God that our characters fit cuz otherwise it'd be dead already thank God that we have level 2 sprinting I'm just gonna keep on running because usually if I can get them it is following me still it is still following me I got a break sight lines I don't want to turn around because I think it's gonna help them out a lot but I do want to break sight lines in it [ __ ] all right you know what only a couple came for me I still don't trust this I gotta take some vitamins I'm gonna keep on running and I'll get back to you when I feel slightly more safe okay you know what more came but it turns out that I'm actually right nearby a town in the direction that I was headed away from the church I think that there's more rural areas over here which generally speaking means I'm a lot safer I think they got really confused though and they went off in the direction of the helicopter it sounds like it's headed off to the west so we did make it through that but that was pretty freakin scary there for a second fortunately that car also didn't have a car I was thinking I was gonna have to forfeit the car probably would have taken too long to gas it up anyway though so all's well and hey it even forced me to run in the direction more civilization it looks like it's just more churches out here though but it looks like that I I mean the last Church is okay but it got swarmed from the helicopter so this place might be it might be an even better place to live I think that the helicopter event happens once though I completely forgot that it was gonna happen at all all right um let's break into this place see if we can find anything damn I mean talk about interior jacquard damn metalworking for beginners a farming for beginners - you know I'm gonna miss those strawberries I can't believe I left those strawberries back there there's not nine-millimeter mags I don't have any oh no I do have on some mods but hey lucky to find a nine-millimeter magazine spawning regardless I think I'm just gonna turn on the TV see if I can get any more experience with the cooking device options Paula Stevie nobody cared about life and living this is if I tune it [ __ ] helicopter coming back again man I was just about to watch my stories it was just about to watch the stories watch them all come flooding in from all sides I'm gonna go to church and pray instead I got the window open to the TV on but they probably won't even be able to hear that for some reason they're not all coming in here so I'm just gonna go back inside maybe I'll go upstairs see if they start to make a run for it here I think I've got a hammer on me so I could build a sheet rope out I think so and they're just talking about golf right now I'm just gonna turn this off I'd rather live than have one point of skill in cooking [ __ ] [ __ ] they are coming here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] open window Open Sesame do I even have a sheet do I even have a sheet rub on me I gotta I gotta think fast cuz they could all be banging on this door in a second if I don't play this right remove curtains okay all right thinking we're thinking right we're thinking right and I do not interesting interesting very interesting okay I think that they're yep they are [ __ ] coming now well I mean wouldn't have been smarter to just stay in the house I gotta I gotta throw some of this [ __ ] on the ground though I gotta make a quick decision ha ha ha ha ha let me just eat some of the food that I have on me yep they're still coming they eat the mac and cheese furiously all right the mac and cheese is done ok great so now I've actually got a better one of the reasons why I did that no I did not realize it at the moment [ __ ] man I just had vitamins too only one with a sombrero is left I guess it's a Sun Hat it's a Sun Hat do you really want to stay standing this is not like that game at block parties where people play gladiator you know that like where they try to knock each other down no there's a life-or-death lady alright enough of them forgot about me [ __ ] that was great that you like my life flashed before my eyes about three times there I'm gonna just have a sit down one thing that's good about furiously eating mac and cheese before you're about to get killed though is that if you have a high inventory capacity you will get too full to bursting and then it'll raise your inventory capacity which doesn't really make sense to me but it it is in the game so I'm gonna use it right I think I'll try to get to the end of the day maybe take back this house I think this place would be worth taking back because there just weren't that many here I'm gonna see if I could call and just get one of those three to come to me yeah that's how to radius just keep calling if I could get one of those three hopefully not the leader all right okay I'm in sight lines of this one I'll just run by blah blah blah I'm over here okay great I got one Feroze skills I don't know your glasses fell off Velma okay let's just call out the last two I think I can handle two now you know I'm not gonna test it let's just take one I mean that might not look like good sight but that actually does work like that in the main like without any of the senses altered because you got to pay attention to which direction they're actually facing when they hey I was pushing you got to pay attention to which direction they're facing cuz it may affect whether or not they detect you like that's not only like the sight system in this game is one of the most striking things and it's not only there for players it's also there for zombies so use it alright baggy jeans these are at least in good condition okay I think I'm just gonna head back there try to take the place back I'm not gonna try to take that place back I'd rather go down the road and live take my chances somewhere else than try to take place back from 20 of those things that's way too many all right well we seem to have found oh damn I didn't know that this is here this is my favorite part of the map I can't believe that I found it this is a taxes recreation of the Night of the Living Dead at least I think that's what this is the recreation of the Night of the Living Dead house is where it all started house on a hill and it's got pretty cool architecture on these oh wow damn what is I don't know what that is but I definitely want to check out the inside of this house because this is something of historic importance that sounds like there's some zombies in here we will find bin holy [ __ ] this is this is the reason why I love his Maps because he he does create stuff that's like true to zombie genre and there should be a basement down here if I'm not mistaken is closet there might be a basement maybe you didn't put a basement maybe I'm lying but there's definitely an upstairs and there might be zombies up there cuz I am hearing yes somebody's hitting a door in here I mean this this is definitely gonna be my face oh [ __ ] there is it downstairs holy [ __ ] it's right there it's not that door that they're banging on right there's a big upstairs here though and I'm guessing that it's one of them from here not seeing these doors it's got a lot of rooms though like the original movie nope nothing in here there's a TV - that's good I don't even know what [ __ ] really oh [ __ ] damn dude that's it's like a death sentence trap trapped [ __ ] I broke my foot holy [ __ ] that's awesome oh my god I'm gonna I mean I'm in the right place for it this house has everything that I need to survive but if I get an event that leads a bunch here I'm literally gonna be holed up with night a living dead I can't believe I fell for that holy [ __ ] alright well you know what there's a friggin hole in the floor over there man right when I was aa glowing the whole map I was like oh this is the greatest don't seem to even be able to open up that door honestly I've never had that happen [ __ ] I gotta take care of this I'm gonna see if I can kill the one zombie that's in here and then make this house a home because I'm gonna be stuck in here for a day or two at least it does take a while to heal these things so I've got the mortar and pestle I've need I forget you gotta make a I think it's a splint I'm not sure if you can do anything for your foot though I don't need a boot from the doctor I have to figure this out but yeah here's the spot where they kept the zombie girl no I'm lamenting it oh [ __ ] there's graves in the back too damn like poltergeist okay I'm in a lot of pain I might actually [ __ ] I might die from I can't die from this I can't die from this I've got to take painkillers I hadn't even thought for a second that I could die from this happening painkillers painkillers painkillers painkillers take pills okay here we go I'm gonna take painkillers I'm gonna do whatever the [ __ ] I can for it I'm gonna disinfect it and then I gotta treat this thing right away fast all right if I want to treat this thing I'm gonna be just splint so I'm gonna need you there a plank tree branch or sturdy stick and some rip sheets so it shouldn't be too hard to find and I've got enough to keep myself fed and happy in this house for a long time but I'm gonna need to go out to those trees to cut something down I'll be honest right now I'm I'm [ __ ] scared because this might lead the whole thing to end and only because I have an unidentified zombie somewhere that I cannot find for the life of me but I'm gonna see if I can find that one kill it because it's making a lot of noise and bringing more over here though I see only two I should be okay from that all right let's see if we can find I'm gonna hobble over and see if I can find it [ __ ] dude this is [ __ ] tense hey they might be in that graveyard in the back there honestly that might be where the only one is okay so let's just quickly go through what we do and don't know there is a zombie in here somewhere cannot find it for the life of me I think it might be outside downstairs in the graveyard either like as a joke or just like like constantly making noise down there or something like that but I think I'm just best off going to sleep after I find a tree and make a splint for my foot I'm just gonna try to stay here for a week usually it takes about a week for this thing to heal and then yeah we'll go from there but pretty climactic end I've never actually had this happen before so kind of Awesome kind of awesome really yeah they're definitely on the other side of this wall okay so as long as I don't deconstruct this all I think that they're out there and that like Hollow between the house and the outside so I'm just gonna turn off the lights forget that this place exists I don't know if there's any other way to get down there but I presume if they haven't found their way out now that I'm pretty much safe from them I'm just gonna be anxious from hearing all of the you know gnawing and gnashing of teeth outside and I'm gonna see this I don't think that I could cut down trees with a hand axe oh no actually I'm wrong about that you can I'm gonna cut down a tree I'm gonna take a log and I'm gonna make a splint so that I actually can start healing from this I I dare not go over to that [ __ ] it's too far all right we're gonna take the RIP sheets and we're gonna take a plank and now we're gonna make a splint and there's gonna put that on our foot it's gonna help us a little bit not much I think it'll slight yeah AIDS recovery from broken bones reduces time taken to heal I don't know if this is actually gonna make me any faster I'm not 100% sure about that but let's just find out I guess I got to take off the bandage first okay and then we're gonna splint it and we got painkillers and we've got enough stuff to keep ourselves in peace now yeah it doesn't make me any faster so I'm effectively on crutches for I think it's a week so I'm gonna have to live here fortunately I made it to a great spot on the map but that spot on the map also got me killed so hey we you know what we got daytime television we got everything we need I get my recliner and I think I'm just gonna turn this on turn over to life and living so it's gonna be a pretty quiet uneventful week I think all right here's to a week of watching TV thanks for watching and as always I will see you guys in the next video let me know if you have any tips on broken bones and all the stuff that I said at the beginning of the video please be sure to give Paige to check out she's got really really cool art I want to see it alright thanks guys
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 310,658
Rating: 4.9258232 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, 28 days later challenge, project zomboid 28 days later, project zomboid sprinting zombies, project zomboid sprinters, project zomboid runners, project zomboid build 37 28 days later, project zomboid challenges, project zomboid fast zombies, sprinting zombies, running zombies, project zomboid game, zomboid 28 days later, 28 days later challenge project zomboid, project zomboid different, project zomboid scenarios, 28 days later game, project zomboid build 41
Id: LHqFMmxX-yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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