Hermitcraft 6: Episode 99 - DRAGON BROS

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I wonder what will happen next episode

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Blehtheslime 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is Greta welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft although you might not recognize where I am because we're in a very very strange forest we did a live stream recently raising money for charity and everyone who donated over a certain amount got a tree whether it was a custom tree a small tree a big tree and as you can see it was incredibly successful in two hours a scale and I raised over thirty nine thousand dollars for this charity and fortunately I actually time-lapsed the whole thing so take a look at this all of these will be in the map forever and each tree has someone's name on it the charity is love tropics in conjunction with cool earth and the money raised will be going to help a village in Papua New Guinea this is directly to protect the environment from climate change and the impact of deforestation it's so so cool thank you anyone and everyone who supported and donated at the live stream and hopefully we can do more things like this in the future because this forest is absolutely insane and a huge thank you to the guys on love tropics who sat for hours even after the livestream had finished planting and naming every single one of these trees so after many hours of planting and building trees and labeling them all we're gonna have to leave this area but it is a monument to what we can do to save the planet and there's a tree with a thumbs up there's all sorts of weird and wonderful trees I in an emerald block poultry man I don't who who that is anyway let's head back to the main island where we're gonna continue with our hermit craft journey the timer is still ticking on this hourglass and I've actually found out what this is about some of you guys said in the comments this is the countdown to when cherry which is scars shop over here it's the countdown to when it reopens because as you can see here it's closed for refurbishment which means no one could get their hands on the redstone stuff they need you know maybe Sahara here should capitalize on that with cherry out of business for a while we could definitely oh wait we totally already stock a load of redstone stuff nevermind don't even know my own stock but one thing that we're missing is gravel but we haven't actually sold out of things recently I guess the shopping district is a little bit stale at the moment but what we really need to do is get our hands on a bunch of gravel and sand because pretty much every single project I'm going to be working on is made out of concrete it seems to be a never-ending cycle so time for me solo to go and grab some gravel and some sand and a little time lapse for you let's go I mean it's not really exciting as it is literally just me mining some sand and equally mining some gravel but there's something incredibly satisfying about the time-lapse like this I don't know what it is so we got our hands on the sand and the gravel and now it's scales message me saying he wants to meet up but he hasn't exactly told me why so let's go meet up with this cow in the architect room and see what he wants why am I here is go what do we need to meet you dude I know I'm upgrading my chair as well you think you think you're better than me with your lion blocks and your more expensive blocks yours is clearly still taller no the reason if somebody here today is because I have built the very first anti-death contraption in our bunker because people are dying man so many people have yeah Heidi quite a few I think hey cub is died its cub dead as well oh my goodness yeah and all I know REM dog stress dog exhume avoid Cub fan and got too many too many of our friends Marian to rodeo for Lib how do we know this hasn't been trapped I've already been down here today that is a good point there is there is a botany yeah I mean I've almost went into before the eyes I think it's so scary hold on every time I use that door I'm scared you made it made it here yes so down here what I've done is on the left is I've made an architect for you man acumen machine yes and the idea is that first of all I've been pretty close dying sometimes we're both wearing this gold stuff yeah I've had a few close calls like really really close calls because of that I did some research and it turns out that blast protection and and every other protection you can multiply by stacking them on each on each items if you have it on your chest plate or your trousers on your on your boots at a time when I have an hour blast protection actually I got a little bit on my helmet and then nothing yeah well if you would have four pieces let's say with glass protection you take like one hoard of damage we're from a TNT blast it's absolutely insane dop I'll go in first yep there we go have you got TNT I got the dragon brains now oh yes [Laughter] yeah it's a long process you see the bottom bob has the same border as the rest of this floor but it's actually a dispenser that had a dragon what about white in the helmet go on me first or did you remove it no the helmet was the limit or now the helmet should be in your inventory how did it go how did the dragon get on me first rather than the helmet because I timed it with picton oh well done well done thank you thank you so if there's nothing to do with glass damage then no no I'm putting my gold on the back on I've lost so much protection now we got more dragon heads but what what are you thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking we could make a little dragon bro club and get more than more than one of us I mean this is two out of three architects right yep we're missing we're missing not dead so he could join he could join the Dragon Bruce okay long come on dude this or dude that's the playset let's set this up to to get mumbo shall we I think I've got a good idea we've come over to mumbos which farm I know he's got like a factory going on here at this point like it's insane looks incredible so well I think we could do we're not really gonna just capture him cuz he's always wearing his helmet right always yeah that's the problem so get that off we've been we've been discussing awhile and we think the way to get him is to wait until Mambo goes afk up there because he does do that with all of this factory stuff going on we've just got to bide our time wave him to go afk all the way up here because he takes all of his gear off so that he's safe I don't know who's done this with the TNT button thing this is like this is the most tempting thing I've ever seen in my life I really want to press it dude but he takes on all of his weapons and armor and stuff and puts it in here so all we got to do is wait for him to go afk and simply dispense the dragon head on him yeah but a big bat at him that that should be that should be fully doable as well he's a dragon bro do you know what it's go yeah he won't even notice he comes back in the morning with this morning voices like yeah good morning Bonet have came for the past 12 hour I got kicked after 11 hours and 30 minutes so it's not being very successful but let's see what we got you know what the best thing is though we could take his mustache away and he wouldn't even know everyone will become a dragon bro yeah if your life that is this is genius dude I love this I love our new little alliance dragon Bros honestly I can't really believe that I fell for this but I think we're kind of onto something here the whole dragon thing anyone that's alive I feel like we could get them I actually found another dragon head just sitting here on my wall so now I've got two and here's the best thing that I've found so far if you put one in your offhand and one in your other hand it looks like you're wearing dragon glass [Laughter] this is the stupidest thing I think I've ever done in hermitcraft but what we're gonna do is we're gonna get cursive binding on these we're gonna rename them and we're going to try and convert as many people to the dragon bro team as we can but I'm gonna need some help for that but I can do this for now quite easily drag a bro mumbo Drago nice so we know who this one's for but to really isn't going to cut it we're gonna need to get a lot more of these dragon heads if we're gonna convert everyone into the dragon bro team it's no longer a live team anymore this is this is dragon territory so these are all of the sand and gravel boxes that I have collected and it's quite a lot of them I spent a good amount of time on this and this was pretty much just so we could get the concrete machine all filled up and also I've noticed I take a lot more damage because I haven't got my gold helmet anymore I'm really really squishy like I have actually you for the first time ended up consuming a totem of undying which is not great so what I need to do is put this in here man in here so give me a second this is gonna take a long time to put together I'm the only one that actually keeps this thing stocked up but we actually we actually need quite a lot of concrete for the next build because I'm going all in on this dragon bro thing we're gonna turn the demise panca that we've made into a dragon bro cave so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna craft up all the blocks that I need in order to make a dragon bro cave which basically means the black concrete the magenta maybe a bit of pink as well and then grave for the horns we're gonna make a giant dragon head within our bunker there we go finally all of this is now loaded up and while it was going I was also making concrete at the same time and it wasn't particularly efficient but I have got myself a load of black concrete a load of magenta and a little bit of light grey as well I think that's pretty much everything I need in order to make this dragon throw head so now we're going to go back to the bunker and we can start making this thing so in the bunker I've already got some pillars here so the dragon head really doesn't kind of suit this side but is relatively untouched so what I can do is probably just put a big old dragon head in here so let's do a quick old time-lapse of me trying to make a dragon head and I don't know the best way to do this really let's take let's take that and I'll use this as my basis so that I can get it kinda pixel perfect all right let's do this what I didn't realize when I was building this and you can see me like going back and getting references is how enormous this would end up being and I don't think that I prepared for this quite enough I made a few mistakes and then all of a sudden ran out of concrete be right back and we're back we got enough concrete now working with the really dark color was almost impossible you could not see exactly where you're placing the block but eventually through trial and error got there in the end it looks quite cool yeah the big issue with the big dragon that I made it's it's actually pretty accurate but that's kind of the problem because from this angle you can't see at all it just it just looks like a giant nose look look if you're down here it's yeah it's pretty pretty much identical this is like never talked to me or my son ever again yeah so that's pretty much the issue I have so it doesn't look as good as it perhaps could do however from up here it actually looks pretty decent look that's the dragon I was actually going for so if I was smart what I would should have really done is just make this top half and sink the rest into the ground just so you got the dragon schnoz and then you've got the eyes above ground so you can see well what it is exactly because at the moment all you see is just just just a dragon schnoz like that and you can't really tell however I was wondering you know what am I going to do with this space is I don't want to leave this empty and so the whole dragon bros thing no that that's kind of cool this is gonna end up being excellent and the more people we get into the dragon bro team i imagine the more that this will get built up although there is a big problem with these mobs they're really quite annoying now that that's out the way I don't really know what to do however we will be needing more dragon heads as there are plenty of people alive but not enough dragon heads to go around now how do we get dragon heads well we can either farm them from the end wait I think that's the only way to find them right kidding killing the ender dragon doesn't do anything my head's too big for this corridor yeah I think I have to go to the end and get them off of the ships there however I'm pretty sure it's been raided pretty heavily so I might need to wait for the end to be redone and then we can collect the dragon heads to add more people to the dragon bro squad unfortunately mumbo hasn't been on but there's plenty of people that are still around so what we could do is just take a quick look have a look around there's plenty of people that aren't dead the only person that's dead on the online right now is Excise you me we'd but we got fall stop and be double-o all of which have no gray skin on so they're they're alive so we're gonna do that ones already that one is already taken so what we're gonna do we're gonna get ourselves a dispenser we're gonna get ourselves a dragon head and we're gonna go and we're gonna go find someone now I'm not entirely sure how easy this is gonna be but nobody knows that we're after them with the dragon heads so as soon as we see someone that's just not wearing a helmet which is very very unlikely maybe we'll be able to trick them as well it's gonna be a bit quite simple to do I imagine people tend to do what they're told so yeah let's try this out so let's go and see if we can trick B double Oh first while we've got the element of surprise I'm pretty sure we can get B dubs all he needs to do is not be suspecting anything and B dubs still lives over in hermit fill the rest of us have moved back but he's still living there now B dubs should be living just beyond area 70 what on earth bad Doc's wearing a helmet that I don't know what that was I hope I didn't spoil anything all right where is he where is the target I feel like B dubs he doesn't know me so well Oh what would I write castle cut this girl's gonna lose his mind this guy's gonna lose his mind there is B Tubbs okay cool cool cool right so this is what I'm gonna do beat ups doesn't really know me okay he doesn't he doesn't know my antics he doesn't know what I'm up to so I feel like it's super easy for him to be fooled by me at least for now until this is done as soon as as soon as I've done this he's probably gonna learn his lesson so let's set this up really quickly all I'm gonna do is set up a dispenser like this I'm gonna pop the the dragon bro head on this and I'm going to boom that's what we got to do that's it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna try and get his attention we're gonna get him to come and inspect and I'll gonna tell him I'm gonna tell him to look down that hole right here he goes here we go here we go he must he must be so confused utterly utterly bamboozled do as I do it's important all right so I gotta take off my stuff I've taken off I've taken it off I can't take off but I can't take off the Dragon helmet come on come on beat ups do as I do do as I do do as I do do as I do come on come on b-dubs you can figure it out dippers you do come on come on beat us it's not that hard look look look no come on he's come on you you're smart come on figure it out figure it out tear his ID come on look yes yes perfect perfect now yes yes Oh and now what a dream come true my work here here is done my work here is done but you didn't do anything exactly oh my goodness I cannot believe that that works I utterly I cannot believe that that works that means that probably means as long as the other Hermits don't catch wind of my of my deadly schemes that the hey we can get other people into the dragon bro squad oh my goodness that was I can't believe it I can't believe he fell for the look in this dispenser oh my goodness right so we're gonna have to bring b-dubs in on our little like bunker and stuff it's gonna be fun I shouldn't have done that I need to be holding one of these at all times huh right we're gonna need some more dragon heads but I haven't been to the end in a while I'm not even sure I'm equipped to go in the end to be honest the dragon bro squad is shaping up super nicely so I'm gonna talk to B dubs off-camera and I'm going to explain to him what just happened and what it means so that we can bring him in on in on our little secret here and we can be dragon Bros but that is all I have time for today but I want to say a huge huge thank you to everyone that actually genuinely shocked at Sahara and bought a Sahara tisha I've got one myself and I absolutely love it so I'm gonna do a quick plug for my new t-shirts in the description there is a link there to my t-shirt store look at these look at these t-shirts the Sahara logo is looking epic and coming up next week we're going to have a limited edition Sahara t-shirt with a little mustache on the cactus so more information on that but please please please check out the store it is officially up and running people have been absolutely loving the merchandise so I want to say another huge thank you to everyone that checked it out but I will see you in the next episode which happens to be number 100 hello number 100 so we're probably gonna do something a little bit different with the first half of the video it might be like a little bit of a retrospective and it should be really really cool but I'm gonna try and make number 100 particularly special if I can because I've never had a series get to a hundred episodes before thank you very much for watching and good dragon bros
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,787,955
Rating: 4.9634905 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, episode 99, grian hermitcraft, dragon bros
Id: uOp04Feg6BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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