Hermitcraft 6: Episode 100 - THE JOURNEY SO FAR.

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I know it's not, but that music at the end has such a finality to it. It makes you think the season is ending.

I only started watching about a month ago, and I cant imagine what the journey has been like for all of you who've been here longer. Having spent the last two years with all of these goofy doofus has had to have been a blast with all of the crazy antics, pranks, builds, and shenanigans. I feel blessed to have started before Episode 100, a and I cant wait to keep watching for another 100 and more.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Tels315 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why is TFC in the thumbnail?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Toshissocool 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is Greta welcome back to another episode of hermit craft today is actually really really special because this is episode 100 of hermit craft the longest series that I've ever created in Minecraft on this channel this season has been going on for over a year nearly two years I remember this time last year it was the civil war so what I thought we would do for the start of this episode is actually go over our journey so far I'm sure there'll be people that remember every single little thing that we've done and there'll be some that maybe came and went and maybe lost the thread so what we're gonna do is of review and travel back in time to where we started which is here and we're gonna go through our journey on hermit craft and hopefully go full circle so where we started was actually right here and when we got here it was an empty ocean of course now it's full of stuff but our humble beginnings started here in the shipwreck that I encompassed in a bottle it's obviously been encroached now but here we are and there's actually still stuff here I occasionally come here when I'm in real desperate need of it all I'm gonna take that and you know as far as starter bases go I think this was actually pretty good one of the things I did I have in here was my to-do list my greens hermit craft bucket list I don't know where all the signs have gone but most of them were actually fulfilled during the course of this series and it kind of feels good and it feels like such a long time ago that I put this list together but if we head down into here this is sort of I ran out of space so I made more more oh my goodness and over here I had some chicken farms I had cow farm they're all gone now but one of the big things that we did at this stage was we made Squidward's house which actually has my conduit in and it got Bumbo fied pretty quickly now the Squidward house was on its own for a little while and then scar came along and made SpongeBob's pineapple under the sea and not a day goes by where someone doesn't mention that Patrick's house is missing and it needs to be built and I've not been ignoring them I've been waiting I have been waiting until episode 100 what we're gonna do is we're going to build Patrick's house right here right now and we're going to complete the trio as a symbol of the great achievement episode 100 so let's let's get this finally out of the way and then the choir can sing and we can rejoice and everyone can stop leaving comments about it I don't know why people became so obsessed with this and every now and again it's still brought up in the comments but I thought I'd finally get this thing finished and it's kind of gotta be in the right order right the Patrick's house then Squidward's then SpongeBob's house at the end and it's pretty simple it's just a terracotta blob on the ground and actually speed time lapsing underneath water looks pretty cool anyway I finally got this thing out of the way please I beg you just just stop with the comments now and it is finished we have done Patrick's house in Minecraft and we've completed the trilogy and that's where we're gonna leave that part of the story I don't really know what impact this has but it's something that people have been asking for such a long time now actually it's quite a good point it's it's when you're up here you can barely see Patrick's house so one of the things that we're gonna need to fill it up with is some sea pickles and that she leads us to the next part of our story because very early on in the series we built our very first shop which was the giant pickle jar and you know for the start of the season this is pretty resource intensive it had a lot of glass a lot of water and all of this yeah I've spent a lot of time in the early days and all of the all of the pickled puns I totally forgot about these this water could be a little cumbersome yep you know I haven't filled this up and no one's even complained yeah there's actually no pickles left I'm just gonna steal these that are on the floor and after the pit crew shop we went and made immediately another shop which was just a place for me to sell stuff it was my cart it was greens you lazy sod traveling market by grindy blocks at a cost why is there a impulse head here and blood buy this redstone but why is that how long has this been here there's absolutely nothing here there's still an unknown head on this one and oh my goodness you remember this wait what the heck why is there a floating green head there how long has that been there this is where we sold guinea pig green services where I could test other people's builds or minigames or whatever man that was a really long time ago will will test anything for six diamonds hello hello maybe this shop wasn't such a good idea why did I put myself in a cage dear oh dear someone's gonna hire me eventually right right right guys okay something something really weird is going on because there's a lot of Hermits heads with a lot of decorative figurative maybe literal blood no there's a Jeff and head no wait are these everyone that's this is must be everyone that's died so far no there's there's etho and just more Steve heads well that's super worrying don't know when that started either way after we built the cart we actually made some pretty decent progress on our base and my base is actually one of the things that I'm most proud of from this season it is enormous especially as I built this so early on in the series without the use of the concrete machine at all I had to mine and grind each one of these blocks out individually it is a enormous build enormous and it went up layer by layer by layer it goes all the way underwater and it has this giant ring around it as well for decoration I think out of all the builds on hermit craft this is one of my absolute favorites it's just I don't know it's just iconic but early on in the season it was just this little bit here and it went up layer by layer and even though I didn't get all of the insides perhaps decorated very much at all it still a really really cool build to fly through and it goes all the way up to build height this is literally as tall as it could get one of the things that we made soon after we started the base was architect male do you remember this there's an actual tube system linking mine and mumbos bases and a beacon changes color if you send a message but we stopped using it yeah probably because no one checks their mail anymore oh man this is so awesome after mumbo and I sell architect mail that lovely little pipe that runs through the ocean there we then went ahead and made poetry man but soon after that we created the mumbo mustache remover machine one of the most sophisticated pieces of technology that exists on the server it hasn't been reset actually in a long time and it hasn't actually been used in a long time either but man this this brings back memories as well it's like a giant mumbo Tron machine it may have only been for one episode but this scale mumbo and I we played golf for a full hour and it was absolutely wonderful cub has made one of the most insane minigames that has ever been made on this server and he made this before the minigame district was even a thing I bet loads of people can't wait to get their hands on the mini-golf minigame once the map is ready to be downloaded I remember when mumbles Gale and I were playing and I was just pretending to be a commentator as I can and here's the Sweden shots it's making a shot yeah we were pretty bad at it pretty soon after that the green head hunt began where I put loads of green heads all over the map and I want to remind you at that stage in the series there was no Sahara all of this was nothing this area was undeveloped for ages I wonder if there's actually any green heads that we can find sometimes they pop up every now and again I haven't seen any in a while though but I think even after a year not every single one has been located and then after the green head hunt of course the biggest event of the entire season took place hermitcraft civil [Music] this is turning out to be quite the tour there's all sorts of buildings that have their own story that have absolutely nothing to do with me like all the different shops car made this guy also made this there's a mumbos filming shop there's concore pand all of their endeavors I won't be able to give a full commentary on absolutely everything like the hrn has its own story this entire map is chock-full of everything that's been going on on a Minecraft world for the last nearly two years and it tells the story just by looking around and nothing says that better than the Civil War and it's about a year ago to the day that that took place I remember many many late nights grinding out this base that everyone looks everyone says it looks like a Brita filter a water filter of some kind and I've got to say a kind of agree kind of agree but after that comparison yeah I think actually looks like a pretty cool base and again so much concrete so many things involved in this and we had a doorbell with a witch on it I think the get your mic is muted what and a Gertrude actually got destroyed in the great entity purge so there was a point in the map where we updated versions and literally everything got deleted and Gertrude Gertrude is one of them you are a kind soul join the G team and the G team there was an invoker that would either kill you or not depending on a random chance there's all the drones around and then here we have team star team star and I think they're still do you remember this all of these guys need a little nudge I think I did it I think come on Oh No what the heck and it's one of the few times that we got absolutely everyone on the server involved in the same event in the same recording and trust me that's not easy to do but after that it left me absolutely broke I didn't have a single diamond to my name and that's when we started to get into the business industry but for that I really needed someone else on the team except me and Mambo we needed a third person now it's amazing to think that if scale wasn't part of the architects until after the Civil War but yeah after the Civil War I got him a handwritten letter sent all the way to Sweden just to invite him to mumbo and eyes little Club and it was pretty cool [Music] after that two things happened and they happen to be right next to each other the first thing that I did was I created Sherlock Green's Tootsie I cover up what I called it actually 2 - 1 G Baker Street that's wonderful and then I think there's even a door I hope no one's oh my goodness I spent ages trying to get that jingle right boom huh that's meant to work there we go here we go boom oh now do you remember this oh that's a really cool ceiling I forgot about that man Sherlock greens place was super cool wait I swear I had a there we go yeah I had a little secret bunker which the paintings have mysteriously changed I've got a little secret room in here I've totally forgotten about this would be an excellent place to hide things because I don't think anyone's gonna come back here well well Sherlock Green was starting to figure out what the jangula was all about which actually just turned out to be a terrible copy of the jingler we started Sahara and we started with the building over here at the back with all the redstone stuff and when we started it was actually it was actually pretty small and then it just got out of control this is one of the most impressive redstone contraptions for the simplest task you would think that making a shop with redstone like this would be easy but counting stock giving the right tickets it's not easy not that I really know cuz I didn't build any of it at the same time doc Wren and I were trying to work out who the jangula was and you know what it seems kind of obvious now but at the time it really wasn't it could have been any one of the hermit's messing with us and then there's a jangula place I think the jacket place is just over here there we go it ended over here with the jangle er cookies I can't remember what we did it's a place an order or something and that's it I think that might be dangerous down there I don't want to find out but they ended up with the jangling cookie here Scott you could just tell scar made this is absolutely beautiful well we solved the mystery of the jangula and then we brought out something that everyone's been telling me to bring back for a long time but I just haven't I haven't its Hermit news Hermione's was actually super fun but I didn't really stick with it I think that's the sort of thing that it only really works once or twice [Music] and this is like a little camera studio here where we told the the news of the day it only really works if there's something really insane going on plus I'm pretty sure that the the recap wouldn't wouldn't have would have been wouldn't have enjoyed that but swiftly after Hermit news happened and just think about that for a second we just went through a whole bunch of stuff the 1.14 update came around and then we needed to go to some hello someone started a demise booby-trap here and it looks like it it worked the 114 update came about and we headed over to a brand new land and actually actually went through in a boat if you remember a flying machine and i broke through the barrier to the 1:14 area second give me a second way that actually works super cool whoa looks like that was an explosion here there's traps being set off left right and center I'm actually kind of scared I need to be more careful and when we broke through the 1:14 area we found ourselves a little village and to be honest with you there's not a lot left there's some of the original buildings here but when we started this was just a Minecraft village huh salmon ghost is gone and the story of hermit crafts been pretty pretty nuts but here we are we had a lot of the original buildings here and one of them was my little Hut you can still see it you can still see the original build I might have improved it slightly but there it is and then it all kicked off if no he didn't he just saw that my I'm making this slightly bigger this this no this is beyond coincidence he saw that the chimney was just above his and then he decided to make a giant antenna I see I see you mumbo-jumbo I know what you're playing at if you remember correctly what happened next was s cow built his house a little bit bigger than mine and I couldn't I couldn't have that mumbo built his a little taller than mine and so I had to make mine a little taller Dennis guy made his a little taller then I made mine a little taller and then all of a sudden out of nowhere scar comes in and he wants to build his house above everyone else's so I build mine a little taller and before you know it a full-scale build off is going on without any preparation and this is the result this is definitely one of the most memorable parts of hermit craft for me just logging on every day and seeing a new thing and each one of us knew we couldn't just go straight up to build height because it's just not it's not there's not how it's done you've got to build it up bit by bit and I'm glad we did and we ended up with a dragon we ended up with a giant wizard plan and a castle and whatever dabbing penguin is call me and then mumbo mumbo surrendered all in one man this is amazing but yet this was actually quite a long time ago the build off it might been you know in the latter half but the village built up the build off dominated the scene and then when it was done week we judged each other's buildings and ended up with the same result yeah I think this is definitely one of the fondest things I'm just I'm enjoying this reminisce this this journey that we've been on for the last couple years has been absolutely amazing but would you believe it even though Sahara had started before the build off it didn't actually open until after the build off so we need to head back to Sahara now we had a song we had fireworks and it was yeah it was actually a bit of a disaster cuz it didn't work and in fact most of the shock didn't work everyone that shopped there actually had a really hard time and it was super embarrassing but look at us now look go [Music] yes well there's no no no pit stop it it's gotta stop that fun oh my goodness [Music] this is better - yes look at us now we've got Sahara we got Sahara now we got a functioning shop we got a big old pile of diamonds look at us it was a massive success but it took a little bit of teasing and there's actually one thing that I've definitely forgotten about our journey so far some of the minigames that I started before the headhunt even started I think very early on we started a game of tag now the tag kind of petered out it's not the kind of game that can go on forever and I think when when ska had it it was probably time to retire it so I don't even know if the tag went anywhere I believe it retired and it's it's currently retired at the golf course enjoying its retirement but there was if we get out of con Corp which absolutely insane I mean this is part journey part servitor look at Kong court man this is all KUB KUB has done a phenomenal job I mean I think we need to stop a little second and just take all this in look at this mm-hmm this is pop farm part factory part billed part corporate greed cup fan look at this amazing build and expensive blocks look at all those bricks and stuff very very awesome place even if it is Concord shakes fist but what we came here to look at was the tag building which is something that was actually really frustrating if he got tagged yet to come here you have to write your name down you to do a little parkour it was a whole thing and I think actually home it's got so annoyed with being tagged that might have been why they were like no I don't I don't want to tag anyone else just because I don't want them to have to do this and there was also our way I'm getting spammed with oh wait the jangle of cookie oh man look at all this no no no okay okay okay right we're leaving cuz I don't want to risk being dead and demise so that was going on in the background but tag eventually went and eventually petered out so that was going on in the background but it eventually you know it has to go and in fact some projects never actually saw the light of day like all of these studios and stuff I think they're still pretty much unused and know if this castle ever had a story behind it some builds you build just like my lava mansion in the mini-game district like I don't think I'm ever going to finish that just because the passion for the project is gone I've got I've got other things that I'd rather make but anyway after we marketed Sahara we actually started a new game because tag wasn't enough apparently for me and we started the hot potato game where we passed it on to many people actually I have no idea if the hot potatoes even doing anything at the moment has it does anyone know where the hot potato is can can anyone confirm where the hot potato is who has it what's it doing and could you theoretically put like you know die in demise in it and then you know game over for you that's that's that's dastardly anyway the hot potato is somewhere and then the minigames district was born so now we have to go back and actually it's actually a really good point because traveling through the nether was pretty much a way of life during the 114 hermit bill days traveling through here you had to do it three or four times an hour an hour it was it was pretty insane but I want to also point out while we're here just how amazing this nether hub is look it's an identical block four block replica of a what will one for one scale of our island with all the portals in the correct place and just I didn't have anything to do this like this was grinded out I think mainly by full symmetry all of this black concrete makes up the sky remember we're in the nether it's very easy to forget how huge this never hub is it may not be the most easy thing to traverse but you can't deny it's pretty impressive so we got to head back if we want to continue our story and we're actually fast catching up with the present on our grand story on hermit craft there's also probably lots of stuff I've forgotten as well but I mean there's just I mean if you want if you wanted a recap of the entire series just just watch the series again at some point around this time I think I lost my diamonds and I think we all know who the culprit was but around this time the mini-game district had begun we started with dig straight down which was incredibly successful by the way and there's even more diamonds in here I'm gonna have to reset this at some point look at that more diamonds oh-oh-oh redstone perfect yeah see oh this is good I like it there's lava at some point in the game No and I totally knew before you went in but we started the mini game district and then they all started popping up we had even had a scout siege of doom which we haven't actually played like I said some projects they never see the light of day but they're still part of the story which is awesome it was around this time that I traveled back in time and I stole my own diamonds it's pretty simple but if all of those are done and I think three turns should do it one two three okay oh did that work let's go out and check well it definitely works we have moved at least they are here so what we're gonna do is we are just going to return these to my ender chest in the future and there's lots of things like the overlap and one of them was area 77 the beginnings of area 77 had begun dock and scar had started building all of this stuff I think it started very small yet just with this little hangar here and then they moved and hid my time machine and in response I became hippy green and we made hippy land over here with our RVs with Ren Bob whatever happened to Ren bob has Ren Bob retired I love I love Ren Bob his vans still here so maybe he's just chillin still look look at this this is this is a problem with me and next season next season I'm not it's too late for me now next season I've got to be better at organizing my stuff look at how much junk there is and wasted shot boxes if I actually bothered to put this in a sorting system I bet I would be one of the richest Hermits there is I just leave junk look at all this iron blocks and stuff I just leave junk everywhere and I bet there's even more over here yeah look at this unacceptable and oh this this was my red barn this was my first proper farm that I made and it is actually pretty cool I might have had a little bit of help and I definitely followed some tutorials look at all this wasted wasted look at this I made farms they all work they all feed into each other this is I mean it's very very inefficient but if I was to do it again I would know what to do better but look at by what look at this it's actually got loads and loads of stuff in it I'm never gonna run out of green dye that's for sure all bone meal I think there's plenty of bone meal actually am i've used a lot of it but there's flowers galore man what that was successful we had the hippy re-education Center look we got some hippy lodges over there we this is so cool so anyway after hippy land we launched the RV into the air with a giant countdown and then we launched the RV outwards and then it crashed into area 77 over there at the same time we planted flowers come on so this is the moment that everyone has been waiting for it is time to rebuild this giant RV right up in the sky this is exactly what everyone's been anticipating complete but I everywhere and the bonemeal because of the biomes didn't actually do that much in the RV hit the cliff and we had completed the distraction I cannot believe for a second that they removed all the flowers honestly this is ridiculous because we spent hours planting them all and they removed the ball it's absolutely ridiculous I what fair play to them Seth I've no idea what's going on here but fair play to them oh no oh I almost died it lights you're broken I've got to be more careful oh no we don't have we don't have a lot of electric going on well area 77 happened or we've I we can't skip the secret tunnel cuz so much time went into this the secret tunnel was of course how we actually made our way in with the infiltration to area 77 the flowers was a decoy there's even a decoy room like Cleo made this for us it was really really awesome I'm really enjoying going through this story by the way and then we had a gigantic tunnel going into Aris m27 absolutely fantastic now it was around this sort of time that we started to advertise suhara now which is where this blimp came from and we've been here fairly recently so I'm not gonna go inside and then idea which is not coffee right at all colors and things and this this popped up which is a brand new shop by Corrales sighs ooh ma and feed herbs we need to be careful or we're gonna break our electrolytes or again his XP knee opens still because we could definitely use this well after Sahara now there's actually not a lot left to the story because it was around this time that we actually started the game of demise uh actually put a potato into her at some point in here my time line might be a bit muddled there's been a long time there's been a lot of things happening it was around this time that the demise game had officially begun and the prize pool and that's pretty much where we are today we then started building the bunker and then we started dragon Bros look at this we got all of these guys still alive somehow and then the dead team over there it's growing wait yeah Cubs died ex Jevon in fact I think this isn't even up-to-date we should make an up-to-date Board of everyone who is dead or alive in the game of demise but that is pretty much the story of green on hermitcraft so far I gotta say even though I've got my dragon head that I can't take off I gotta say thank you seriously thank you everyone it's been um yeah I'm just I'm just really really grateful this has been absolutely amazing it's been what a story what a story so far and the great thing is we're not quite done we are not quite done with our story yet I just thought episode 100 would be such a good time to sort of just remember how far we've come on all of this but if we're truly gonna bring ourselves back up to speed we got to go to the demise bunker speaking of which we recently turned b-dubs into a dragon bro and we kind of need to tell him what's going on so I'm gonna cool Eskow and tell him to meet me at the Sahara meeting room so we can bring him up to speed on things you summoned me here yes it's my turn for a meeting because I remember how the last one when I ended up with with this on my head beautiful mmm I've got something to show you it's actually quite related to the hold on then you can come out now Oh what have you done what have you done dude I gotta say Scout it was easier than you would think I just I told him to look in the dispenser and he did and it was it was literally as simple as that dragon bro now so I thought we could like show him a little bunker and maybe like rename it from architect to like Dragon Bros cuz that's the whole thing now dragon bunks dragon dragon bunker and should we get to be Tubbs in here hello with your mouth let me let me present you with a chair well yeah you go you're in chess starting to oh this is this is nice you got the person who used to sit there it never comes to meetings yeah right right okay look at least nicer than his chair yeah actually he's so good yeah actually we need we are chicken we're gonna need a dragon meeting room so what I did was I put the dragon head on b-dubs here and just said you're a dragon bro now but he doesn't actually know what that means and oh also I kind of don't know what that means I have no idea what it means other than that it sounds cool yes dragon Bros I think our mission statement is anyone that's alive we should try and make a dragon bro oh that's nice yes yeah okay so I said this last time that our mission was to make mumbo a dragon bro but he actually wasn't afk until today press tab you'll see a mumbo jumbo with a green oh yes mmm after we show be nubs rad dragon bunker then we're gonna go and see if we can find mumbo this is what we do v-dubs we plot we execute we dragon bros I love that's a great motto yeah we're gonna need I think we're gonna need to give bdub some some wings here like it maybe it's the ceremony dragons have wings we can't have a dragon walking along the forum it isn't isn't the definition of a dragon that they have wings otherwise they're like a worm why be a dragon if you can't fly yeah like why yes like a pirate without without the pirate hat yeah or a pyre without the the stump leg or a hook you know there's reflex I have this reflex whenever I grab wings I grab diamond boots and and you Ted that's not are you are you no no are you a dragon or are you not no one cares about diving fees right let's go to the bunker and then let's give him some wings it's hard to walk through here with this big mask on yeah alright so be Tubbs and we're gonna go down together okay otherwise you're gonna die okay full agree and immediately when he jumps down yeah you ready wait which way are you going the water or the other guy you made it okay okay all right man this is don't come down here without a keycard just a bit of public safety information okay yeah okay I won't I won't here's the key card by the way okay okay so come over here I've actually made a dragon head but yeah from here it looks great but when you get like a lot in here you can't you can't tell what it is it also admire from you're totally you've totally sold on this dragon the dragon Rose yeah this is great oh I can fit I can fit like a red stone entrance here dude that's what I was aiming off hold on this is a really good place let's let's let's give must've beat up his dragon wings go enter the mouth beat ups and become a bro yeah yeah all right let's go get me always do this by the way yeah this isn't a new thing we promise we do this every day every second like this isn't just something we made up right now I'm guessing that mumbo is that his witch farm which is which which is where we - he would be before so let's go and check there yep which means going into the nether which is extremely dangerous at the moment there's traps everywhere I go first very careful I'll go first good no I'll go first no no a bit of dragons about being brave I have the dragon head I got like this is why we're a team mrs. bernstone stuff yeah I got the redstone stuff you got the you got the dragon that's coming wouldn't you assume that there would be a dispenser around here somewhere uh-huh that's a good point oh he's not here oh he's not oh no this is he's afk space wait wait he built a new farm recently he built that iron farm didn't he oh he shouldn't in theory he should be here now I've done I've done a little bit of mumbo trolling in my days I know some of his favorite a of case balls I mean this is this is target number one but the only other space he would realistically be as his base but yeah maybe his slime farm or something he's and he's got a few farms around its base so he might be there you know how dangerous it is to be traveling to all these places with all these traps about yeah but with dragon fries we're gonna go here we're gonna go there that's very damaged and bro means we have to be foolish we can be brave but but foolish maybe we just go back to Sahara and just kind of relax in there in the base or maybe we don't he sometimes AF cave around here may be his fault I don't actually know where his normal afk spot is because none of this is actually safe mumbos base is just not safe at all oh here's one over here by a villager breeder and he's not here he's not here oh the creeper farm no no it's not here hold on let me take a good look underground this man this man is the man with most of case faults don't worry I know where all of them are III have captured them in my time well we've actually checked most of them that there's a new one but he doesn't really go there maybe in it yeah the creeper farm one has his demise bunker that's the one I want to check next I don t know where it is I know how to get there from the bunker he made a stupidly long tunnel oh there it is there it is oh my goodness I couldn't load it in there it is I knew his around here somewhere yes might be quiet even here is he even here no idear maybe we should talk a little quieter just now hold on before we go I mean I did just big up being a big brave dragon but it Gumbo's base ill mumbos demise bunker is actually protected by stuff yes okay buddy careful then look okay okay alright okay theoretically he shouldn't be shouldn't be attacking us anyway cuz we well I mean he doesn't know that I don't see his name he might not be here he loves life stand watch them here by the ladders okay yes stand there I'll be brave I'm a brave dragon I can do it [Laughter] what one dragon star hey gang thank you I can't breathe I'm like oh oh man I thought it could be for me dog okay oh what a journey panicking know where the dumbest dragons there ever were four of this lava goals let's just take the long way and pie long way I mean the longest way it doesn't get much longer than this I'll be honest with you dudes we're we're in for a not a treat the opposite when tree is what we're in for I hope you guys I had no no it's definitely not trapped I just it feels like one yeah worshipped land alright let's keep looking that was really nice of Mambo to make that tunnel dragon head unless he's just somewhere random we might have missed him I mean who pins an iron farm with 4000 iron per hour without their king at it come on that gotta be why is that okay we've got we must have missed it at some point my last video he must know that we are after him therefore he is switched is afk spot in the perimeter but I think Mambo thinks that way I think you may think that way yes because of massive mustache about to take that away yes right if he's not up up there he must be somewhere around his new iron farm oh he's right here oh how did we use here I didn't even fly around this thing Oh literally right here in this giant iron box yeah okay this is a show-off for how much iron he's earning now or no no I found it I found it I found it there's a combination this combination like there's a combination oh do you not know all of these larvae sounds are making me really panicky dude I don't think anything IIIi don't know where the iron box is last dragon ever if these are if these are indicating what the cold is I could guess that it would be I'm gonna try something oh no that wouldn't work because there are no bait up surveys yes down hit what you bet going the right way and then you weren't I was wearing dragon I see I see dragon had come with the latest GPS mind it no actually I didn't get that version lucky for you I am a combination master all you have to do is stick your ear real close okay stick your ear real case and I watch it watch it stand back though stand back I can't be bothered all right I assume it opens the door and there we go and in two seconds just wait you hear that okay that didn't work exactly that that I haven't done a couple just gonna think like mumbo-jumbo what would he do for a combination of one one one why huh uh-huh I heard something no no no no do we just try every combination one two three four this this is the problem weak passwords that's the problem if your last one is one two three four you are you are susceptible um he made this so easy okay I'll put the mumbo Drago and I head on in the dispenser for you and then you just got to activate it mumbo-jumbo we bless you with the head of the Dragon hey yeah I see custom any bet you know I'm taking 40 meds that's your first donation as a dragon bro mumbo he's gonna be I'm pretty sure Mamba has no idea what dragon bros are I mean we didn't know until we started this thing so he's gonna be so good yeah I wonder I wonder how long it takes for him to notice it how long does it notice how long does it take that he can oscillate I reckon I reckon to that house yeah I mean there are no mirrors in Minecraft so no no he always does his intro face on though so he's gonna notice wait hello everybody this is mumble and welcome back to another episode of the harami craft server it's never so 500-foot yeah I don't know if you would notice that do you think even if unit in Trey's not gonna notice maybe not dragon bro mission accomplished we did it achievement get back back to the bunker wait we should totally close this up back to the bunker hold on one last thing he comes back he opens his door with his redstone yes and the door doesn't fully open Oh classic back to the bell and we got mumbo pretty good I forgot to add the pickles to Patrick's house so we're gonna do that now because it needs to be a little light down here but what an episode it has been episode 100 what an episode it has been a bit of a recap but I think it's kind of important to remember what we've been through to get here so far and it's girls actually told me that he's made some improvements already to the dragon bunker we have got mum but Jude in general what mum bow is still afk it's been like a full 24 hours since we got him and he's still afk unbelievable that man doesn't stop so next episode we're definitely going to have to get our hands on some more we're gonna have to get our hands on some more dragon heads so he told me he's done something here but aha do we just you know be you gotta be careful of any pressure plate these days oh my goodness oh my goodness this is awesome the dragon bro bunker is here and we got space for more this is so cool mumbos here I'm here is girls here and we go he's even already done it enemies of the bros rip rest in peace the demised so there's a team of eight that's a pretty formidable team actually so we've got a we've got to be really really careful here so next episode we're gonna have to get the dragon bros together work out what our what what is our plan I think our plan is to just be bros and to get as many people with dragon heads as possible but since this is episode 100 I do actually want to do something a little special to finish this episode off because it's sick you know it's episode 100 and I think it should be a little longer I think it should be a little emotional so there's actually something I've been wanting to do for a really long time to the base I've always considered my minecraft base my hermit craft base here I've considered it finished I've considered it finished for a really long time which is why I haven't had a lot of building to do other than the Sahara area here I haven't really had a lot to do with it and I'm ignoring the interior of this design just because there's really not much point they would just be doing the interior for the interior sake but there's actually something I would really really like to add to this build just to make it that little bit bigger that little bit more grand and then I think I can be absolutely 100% sure that it's finished and what I want to do is just a little addition similar to these but one two three four around the outside of it and then we'll call this base 100% finished on episode 100 of hermit craft [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,230,256
Rating: 4.9703584 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, episode 100, world tour
Id: kDixo54QbLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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