Hermitcraft 6 :: I've Been Dragon Bro'd

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of Hermit crafts and b-dubs has been busy busy on the diorite castle and it's really coming along oh it's looking a gorgeous I'm really happy with it gon load it in all the way beauty oh yeah it is coming along but some of you may be asking B Tubbs did you kill a dragon how do you have a dragon on your head are you still alive and demise is there something under the skin I'm still alive under de menthe in demise but that trickster green he came over and paid us a little bit of a visit take a look Oh okay Wow oh hello what is this green still alive as far as I know what is this thing though what is in here oh no no back off it okay do as I do do as you do Oh put armor off okay okay okay okay armor off okay wait now what look in this okay okay hey hey what put on me Oh a dragon head oh I like that look at me everybody look at this I look amazing rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah I am a dragon bro now oh yes I love it I will absolutely love this this is a dream come true what a dream come true oh yes okay do as I do now put I put the clothes back on now like he did do I still do as he do my work here is done what a blessing I got a dragon I've never killed a dragon that was amazing don't fly in my city though you're not supposed to fly in here wait a second this has got cursive binding on it I can't I can't take it off on it I I was actually thinking maybe this would make for a perfect gargoyle for the castle but now it's it's stuck on my head but that's okay I'm part of the dragon boy crew now that's exciting oh I wonder what it entails ooh that's fun okay curse you find me papi that's okay he tricked me he totally tricked me he made me he may meet where it is the curse of I bound it's bound to me curse of binding dragon bro headbutt part of a group you know it's fun to be part of a family of friends I got to do something I got to do the resource pack to get rid of that totem of undying because the game of demise is really really starting to crank up people are dropping like flies if you're not aware of what demise is all of us Hermits paid fifty diamonds to enter the game of demise as soon as you demise or die in game then you are on the demised team and your goal is to demise the other alive players the last alive person standing wins and what do they win you may ask all of the diamonds 50 diamonds per player that is a lot of diamonds enough to keep us rolling for life so I want to win that and being part of a team I mean we've got idea with Zuma and Corrales Suzu my hook and us up with stuff and then now part of the green and it's Cal they've both Dragon Bros that's exciting so we're both part of that I'm very pumped and now I more the more people you have watching your back the better but I've been building last episode we left off if you missed it we built this this gatehouse area since then I've kind of been building things out I've got a little wall there with a little tower and then another wall leading into this area now this area here is going to be where whenever I have guests over or something will have them over and we'll we'll eat together we'll eat together up there maybe if the whole server wants to get together and have a nice meal together we'll have it up in that room but there's this tower here that will eventually lead into an entrance in there so I think it's looking looking very nice as I said last episode oh here we can get up in there there we go as I said last episode this is very much I'm very inspired by Duke on read through this thing and I'm still using a lot of his ideas and stuff as reference throughout this project but I'm starting to kind of learn and get the idea of why things work and I'm getting on my way there's green hey oh hey oh dragon bro but I'm starting to get the idea of how things are are working as far as this bill is concerned it's starting to get some of my own ideas this who is working out really fun so yeah this is gonna be a nice big area here once we get the interior worked out and then we'll have a little bit of a balcony going around here and a lot of other stuff but something as you can see no interiors are being done by old b-dubs I'm not doing many interiors at all and I really it's more fun to build the building you know the interiors are like the last thing you want to do look in here nothing but I want to do this this is something fun that I think we could do together if we build this up let's build this up a little bit and let's get something fun in here okay this is the gate this is our drawbridge gate at the front entrance that we just walked through a second ago and I've got some cool ideas for some stuff that we can do in here I want to make like some mechanics something that is something that could work as functional they look like hey boy huh careful aha a functional drawbridge these pieces actually work for the drawbridge I think that could be really cool we'll put some barrels like I think actually if I stand here yeah yeah so these barrels sometimes look like they're kind of like around like spinny things which i think is pretty cool well put this up here and this up here and then we're gonna hit it with two grindstones boom like that and that looks like a pulley system which i think is really really cool and then we're gonna hit a couple of buttons and that helps add to that kind of rounded effect like it's on a spool spinning I think that's pretty cool and then boom we're gonna put a OH can I get in here please we're gonna put that there and this here uh this here like this so that almost looks well I lost one it almost looks like gears right but then boom let's do something real fancy with some rails a little rail trick okay we're gonna knock that out and that out you don't want to see me build on camera a lot and here we go you were having some fun now boom and boom and then we knock that rail out uh-huh and then give me some of those pieces of wood back where is it there it is and then we can just close that back up so that looks like a nice little thing there so basically this is the idea and then actually I'm gonna go in here and get two cobblestone walls boo boo yes and boom and boom and that's it I mean we'll put the other thing on the other side boom like that but that looks like when you come in here this looks like this is a real functional thing for the gate to make it I mean obviously it doesn't actually work that would be the ideal situation right if we got something that actually worked but it's better than nothing right I think it'd look good I gotta get find that other wood pieces in here somewhere but I think if I go in there I might die so we'll just hold off on that for now but I think that looks kind of nice I've got a lot more interior to do today this is gonna connect up to this Tower lots of stuff but that's not super interesting this is one of the most fun interesting parts I'm gonna get to work on some of that other stuff make this stuff actually serve some real purpose change of plans and thank goodness because I don't want to do interior stuff change of plans it looks like we may be hooking up with green to potentially go recruit another dragon bro to the team Oh baby hello with your mouth oh this is this is nice you guys I mean you guys probably used to sit there never comes to meetings yeah we need we actually gonna we're gonna need a dragon meeting room so what I did was I put the dragon head on b-dubs here and just said you're a dragon bro now but he doesn't actually know what that means and also I kind of don't know what that may have no idea what it means other than that it sounds cool yeah I think our mission statement is anyone that's alive we should try and make a dragon bro oh I like that idea that's nice yeah yeah mmm okay so I said this last time that our mission was to make Mambo a dragon bro but he actually wasn't afk until today press tab you'll see a mumbo jumbo with a gray name yes hmm after we show B dubs rad dragon bunker then we're gonna go and see if we can find mumbo I think we're gonna need to give B dubs and some wings here like it maybe it's the ceremony dragons have wings we can't have a dragon walking along the forum it isn't isn't the definition of a dragon that they have wings otherwise they're like a worm but you understand I see to get dragon if you can't fly yeah what yeah I read without without the pirate hat yeah or a pirate without the the stump leg or a hook Plex I have this reflex whenever I grab wings I grab diamond boots and and you Ted that's not that's a Rory think we can't do that are you no no are you a dragon yes are you not triads about Diamond foods right let's go to the bunker and then let's give him some it's and wings I could have oh yay okay this is exciting it's hard to walk through here with this big mask on uhh all right so be Tubbs yawn we're gonna go down together okay otherwise you're gonna die oh okay it's a full agree and immediately when he jumps down which way which way are you going the water or the other guy you made it okay all right oh this is nice don't come down here without a keycard just a bit of public safety information okay okay I won't I won't here's a key card okay okay that's perfect thank you okay okay so come over here I've actually made a dragon head but yeah from here it looks great but when you get like down the bottom here you can't you can't tell what it is it also admire the dragon bros yeah this is great let's give B dubs his dragon wings an end to the mouth beat up okay yes dragon breath yes I will bow I will bow for falling boots available all right let's go yeah yeah this isn't a new thing I promise we do this every day something we made up right now okay oh I totally forgot the dispenser oops I have a dispenser no I have the dragon head this is where we Dragon Bruce off yeah you got the dragon I mean wouldn't you know that there would be a dispenser around here somewhere that's a good point I feel like there's dispensers everywhere oh he's not here oh he's not oh this is a safe place Bob wait wait he built a new farm recently but that iron farm didn't he he shouldn't in theory he should be here he sometimes AF caves around here maybe his fault I don't actually know where his normal afk spot is because none of this is actually safe mumbos base is just not safe at all oh here's one over here by his villager breeder and he's not here he's not here oh oh good where's his demise bunker that's the one I want to check next I'd actually know where it is I know how to get there from the bunker oh we just loaded her in front of me okay hello 907 minus 475 start shifting though start shifting right yeah we gotta beat stealthy dragons are stealthy oh there it is there it is oh my goodness I couldn't hold it in there it is I knew his around here somewhere yes might be quite be stealthy is he even hit is he even here maybe we should talk a little quieter just in case now wait hold on before we go I mean I did just big up being a big brave dragon but it mumbos base will mumbos demise bunker is actually protected by stuff yeah okay we'll be careful then okay well theoretically he shouldn't he shouldn't be attacking us anyway I heard that was lava okay okay I know I know thank God thank God I wasn't that's a lot of arrows Oh oh man we're trapped what what stopped here by the ladders okay Dimond do I have to sign there just I'll be brave I'm a brave dragon I can do it go ahead I thought he was gonna die look what one dragon star okay thank you I can't breathe I'm I'm lightheaded I mean who built an arm farm with 4000 iron per hour without they've King at it come on now that gotta be why he's safe gang we've got we must have missed in at some point I found it I found it I found it there's a combination it's combination luck there's a combination oh do you know the combination hey no lucky for you I am a combination master all you have to do is stick your ear real close okay take your ear real close and I watch it watch it stand back though stand back I can't be you know bothered alright III don't know what sumit opens the door and there we go and in two seconds just wait you hear that okay that didn't work actually I haven't done this in a couple you think you just gotta think like mumbo-jumbo what would he do for a combination lock one one one uh-huh one uh-huh I heard something this this is the probe weak passwords that's the problem yeah if your password is one two three four you are you are susceptible he made this so easy right I think we should let beat ups do the honors okay yeah all right yeah I'll put the mumbo Drago and I head on in the dispenser for you okay and then you just go to activate it mumbo-jumbo we bless you with the head of the Dragon Heitmann the head well so we got Mambo we got him recruited to the dragon boy team and that was fairly easy - it's pretty simple but now back to the castle back to our fortress of security and solitude where we will prevent those crazy demised people from coming to get us and defend ourselves but I need a place to eat right so down here I think this may have changed from the last time we just saw it but down here is going to be kind of this will be like an area for staff to come through so this will be an entrance to the kitchen all this will be cleared out down here right and then this walkway this will be a walkway here to lead to the kitchen as well and then there will be a little house for employees slash villagers and stuff but then up here this will be for the eating the dining room the big dining room where we can have all hey oh hey yo X um where we hopefully will have all the hermit's over one day to reminisce and discuss of nice beautiful view out of this window here it's a good creeper in my diamond pool get out of there stinky but yeah I need to get all this done you have to go back and forth it's so fun doing the exterior stuff but I got to do the interior too now but they get to get in here is going to be a little weird for me this is where my house is gonna be right here it's gonna be this red thing here boom that's where I'm gonna sleep and stay and spend most of my time with a beautiful view over the village and then I'll have an access way to come over and enter the feasting area here but for guests guests will get in over this way so hah damage okay they'll come in through here and instead of going through the kitchen do the employees room the go here to this tower and they'll go up this is also an access to the kitchen with it they can bring food up you know and boom you're in and this is where the guests will come in doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it'll work I just gotta explain this stuff cuz this is gonna be like a maze it's gonna be very confusing hey hey red hey stupid dragon face you got a big hole in your roof oh yeah I was gonna fix that I was planning on fixing that but it just with some other things um did I hear a footstep is somebody near me that was scary I've been busy with other things I'm very very busy right now why aren't you you should be at the Redstone shop sure I'll just sit over there and twiddle my thumb's and watch the stalks of cheery computers go through the roof okay well maybe if you get over there we'll start making some sales you know the whole place is getting stocked slowly but surely so go over there and sell make some business for us there is nothing to sell you have literally only made those copper ators from your less stupid little video and that's it that red is a grouchy guy he is a grouch but he got to love him he's trying to tart out thank you for wanting to help I should I should have thanked him but eh oh well anyway I'm gonna get work on this interior it's gonna be a difficult one but it's gonna be a great one that's really coming along we're getting there starting to get some semblance of a real room it doesn't look like a huge hole anymore I love this this is a little trick I've been using but there's a torch hidden under there and then the kitchen will be below but this is blocking that so that adds some nice hidden lighting something I hate is torches for no reason or for no reason if you have just torches strewn about all over the place it's kind of just bothers me even if you do that with the little item frame thing I've just never loved that design and that look but this is kind of nice I kind of like this is you know it's still a little bit on the dark side in certain places especially in the middle let's see what our light level is 10 right in the middle so that's not bad that's pretty good but we'll even have some chandeliers one two and three coming down that'll help add some more light I've got a nice fireplace here for everybody but I want to design this table out with you guys so we're gonna have one two three and four tables down in the main floor and then a table up here with three seats for me and others my my right hand and my left hand people man or girl but here we go I mean maybe it's just a dragon Bros you know well I have to add in a fourth seat for Mambo but anyway here we go so let's do this here's some stuff let's design this so this is the ends of the table these are the legs coming down and I chose to have the legs on the outside just to give it a little bit more of a sturdy look now if we go boom and boom and boom that looks like unfortunately you can see through there but that looks like a tablecloth kind of draped over the top but to sell that effect even more we're gonna go like this boom boom and boom and that kind of gives that nice kind of tablecloth feel as much as we can do in Minecraft right but then I'm using sandstone I think sandstone will make for the best seat it looks like a nicer cushion so that'll work unfortunately I mean I'd love if they would do wool slabs but what's the reason for them to do that I don't know this person just uses this beam as the back of their the back of their seat and then I think we're going to each table go like this and hit them with a little bit of decoration like so boom and boom and then plates will just go like this four plates right now there's the pressure plate trick where you put a little pressure plate on top of there and then still hide a food item in there but you know what that looks like a nice plate to me I like that I think that works so that's gonna be kind of our table design across the way we're gonna have that going on on all four spots here I'm also going to kind of design up the floor plum probably put a little nice rug up here with some decoration and then get this area and we're also going to have a balcony going across the top so from the outside there is a tower right here that goes up and that's our stair tower that he'll so skip from floor to floor and eventually I'd like to knock out please tell me this is the spot it's not oh okay I'm gonna have to rework this because this is gonna be too high then yeah we're in the roof we need to be a little bit lower here we're in the we're up at the top of the castle here so that's a little bit too high ooh look at this nice view up here I love this this is awesome holy smokes this is so cool I think this is gonna be great we got to get some windows in there this is gonna be a great eventually but I got to work out the stair to get it to land at the right spot I'm just gonna have to wiggle it around a little bit but we'll have access to this balcony up there you know just kind of a nice decorative look you'll see what I mean once I get it done another day in the books and it's crazy how these two look at this the demise game one day after another more people keep dropping like flies and it's getting more and more nerve-racking it's feeling more and more like the walls are closing in around me I'm scared to go anywhere if I leave this village I leave everything I leave everything here yeah it's just too nerve-wracking this is my safe space this is my space where everything I know that I cannot be harmed this beautiful road safe totally safe I hope actually I'm actually terrified to go down there I may be not safe but my castle surely is safe oh she's a beaut guys I've been building a Minecraft for years years and years and years and never have I built something that looks like this like I said I'm going through a learning process right now but this is giving me such hope diorite wow what a block and it is confirmed that we will be having a hermit craft dinner here one day I will be hosting hermitcraft members in the castle for a nice feast oh it's gonna be wonderful but I have to get I mean the castles not even close to done I have to really get to work but here we go this is a little bit there's a little bit backwards this is where the guests come in the guests come in next to right next to me you know my lord seat this is my big grand seat and all the oldest you know these heathens are gonna be walking by up on my high spot that shouldn't be and then what I have to come through over here I I thought this was a bad layout by me bad job I'm gonna come out of my building here and go around into this on this Sidewinder with all the stinky people out here now I don't know about all that I don't know if that's laid out very well but guys here it is it's looking good oh I gotta get that I'm gonna do so our you know our colors as you can see our colors here have been cyan and white throughout and that's to represent my short it my shirt and white car Alice's shirt is cyan kind of colored so I've just kept kept with that theme right and so that's kind of how we've done the tablecloths and stuff but I want to do diamond and iron armor because that kind of looks cyan and white I think that look really good but you guys saw some of this as we kind of worked out and decorate it off this table I just decorated the rest of the tables got a little floor design in got this part all decorated and the attic space we covered up all of those roof shingles up on top all of that granite we don't want that showing we want it to feel very warm and cozy in here we've got some beautiful chandeliers in place iron you know iron bars I think it works it's it's I really through this build I'm trying to use things that I would not normally use use blocks that I would not normally use but let's go up let's keep going up the tower we go up buddy up Andy up Andy up and one more level and what that's door this is a little bit of a confusing way to get in and out but now you're up in this balcony area up here and I think this looks super nice all of the lighting is concealed underneath and behind these trapdoors and I think it looks so nice we're the only torches are for the chandeliers which I think they do work out very nice for chandeliers could really do with some decoration here and I think I'm going to but I think it's really coming along it's really looking nice and then of course we go up here to the top level of the tower we can see way out off into the distance whoo ooh I love it when you build something that actually has some real functionality I mean do you listen listen if I ever see cup fan coming up into my city watch his shot watch his range boom I mean that thing went miles that thing went literal miles you can't even see it anymore I can I can snap out anybody from up here and they st. even a top level it's so nice it's so so nice so I'm really loving our fortress is really coming along not only is it going to protect us and keep us safe but it's beautiful I think it's really coming along beautifully all this cobblestone it's all gonna be turn to die right at some point I just got to get that read put that thing back up there goodness sakes how long will it take you not as long as it takes you to stock our store yeah okay fine but I've already got big plans for next episode but between that time I'm gonna be doing a ton of interior decorating we can't have this looking like this it's gotta be nice we've got to have stuff in here we've got to have a little bed thing here we got to have some chairs and stuff in here we got to decorate this whole place out and I've got some really good ideas I'm already I mean the guys stay tuned and stay keep your eyes peeled because the next episode episode 12 is gonna be coming very very soon thank you guys all so much for watching I love you to death and we'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 364,086
Rating: 4.9736514 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermit craft 6, hermitcraft 6
Id: SSpwkqM0DFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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