Hermitcraft 6: Episode 96 - THEY GOT DEMISED!

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft it is time for demise dares I've got Ren dog here who has registered some interest because he has absolutely no diamonds he's actually waiting for me there I've made a couple of alterations I've made it -65 why in the void I did a bit more research and you can actually get that far without taking damage but soon after that you do I've made the tube a little bit taller and I've extended this a couple of blocks other than that everything else is the same and the diamonds are still ready to be won but look what what are they doing it seriously seriously right next to it when we're trying to do demise des they don't even do they see me oh that's creepy oh that's really creepy they they're absolutely following it's like the eyes are the painting they're following me yeah I see you you see those guys red yes but I think they're just the audience right just if they if they're not gonna hurt us I don't think we should hurt them this is really weird they're just not moving at all yeah this is definitely load my chances of getting through this alive okay so you want to make some diamonds yeah I'm pretty poor right now man you're paying for Sahara membership demise was pretty expensive and logs aren't really selling well yeah you can get some diamonds back my friend by putting it all on the line so do you know about what do you need me to explain a little bit umm I've literally just got here I know that there is death involved though so I'm supposed possible to do without dying right basically I'm gonna hit this button and out will shoot a bit of paper that will give you a dare and then I will say I dare you to hmm and then if you do it okay we pop problems oh they decided that they wanted a fight I will not be the best to die so you're not getting any help from me good luck waiting okay so the infestation has been cleared and you're gonna dare me to do stuff and I could die if I do it it's not helping you could die yes that's kind of the point but I have faith in you and that's why there's lots of diamonds on the line every day you can mean fifty diamonds whoa whoa okay well now we're cooking with gas muddied alright now we're talking I mean look put diamonds in front of me I'll probably do anything so yeah your first day I think so yes all right cat what is the totem catch the totem catch the totem right let's set this one up so basically I'm gonna make a tower okay folding you should stop make my way up to the top it doesn't matter if you take your stuff off or not because you'll be able to collect it so when you reach the top I'm going to ask you to throw the totem on to the ground towards me okay right and I'm going to count one two jump you're then half you have to jump and catch the totem before you hit the ground right the totem if you catch it will save you if you don't put it in the right slot or you don't catch it splat goes the red dog okay um when you pick up an item in Minecraft does it go straight into a hot bar okay good luck you gotta throw the totem towards me and then yeah I will count one I'll count throw one two jump okay have you tested this yes I did it myself all right okay okay all of these myself to prove that I'm not trying to scam anyone okay so I've got to say this are you ready Ren yeah I dare you to jump off the scaffolding and throw the totem are you ready for it no but fifty diamonds throw one to jump huh no no no no no how you needed a like scaffolding what the heck no you need a little extra oh man yeah baby collected yep before I hit the ground yep mm-hmm so about those 50 diamonds yeah yeah you did it I mean next time I gotta remember that you need a light shirt for this this is meant to be a flying challenge but all right 50 diamonds took to their end ugh sweet oh man you've got you've got the option okay and you can do it over there if you want oh we can you can just walk away with your diamonds oh okay well do I get to know what the Bears are first more okay you press the button and that's it yeah okay um back your demise diamonds that's right I need to make back my my Sahara now diamonds so risk it for the biscuit baby let's do it okay exit the aquarium oh okay say you know use any tools in this one you're not allowed any helmet or armor on this one so pop that chest over here the goal of this one you've got to jump in the aquarium and you've got to work your way out you've got to punch your way out of the top if you get out the top without dry you win okay just to just to check you have tested this rise did it yeah it was okay great I'm not the greatest swimmer so this should be interesting all right say the words Red Dog I dare you to escape the aquarium okay go I take the dare let's go baby come on come on no okay what's going on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm across thanks for watching everybody gran feeling dead has never felt so bad dude this is this is awful everyone's gonna know when you press tab you can see that you're all grayed out yeah I was supposed to be under my Zabaleen I spent like three days making myself under my support okay well at least I made 50 diamonds I feel you know what actually I feel like something needs to be done about this Korean okay I've to bury myself right now succeed under thanks for the 50 diamonds dude Yeah right no no hard feelings yeah revenge is not in the game it's just a part of the game yeah I hope you die I hope you die I mean that was amazing okay so I've had two other people that have been interested in demise des but here's the thing everyone that dies in this little minigame they're gonna be after me so I I don't want too many people so I might only do one more I think I could handle two people after me but three that's a no-go so let's move rend his little face over to the brand-new dead team there we go red you are the first to go but don't worry because you won't be the last now that someone is on the dead team I'm sure Ren will be going after everyone else that's still alive but I think he's gonna focus on the person that deaded him although I would argue personally I would argue that Ren deaded himself because this is actually the easiest one to get out of because all you got to do even if he went in here and just crouched I can get back all of my bubbles and then even if I was punching my way out I could do it like the aquarium one was such an easy one but he just somehow overshot I didn't expect for a second but that's how that would go down but I think we can definitely call this the beginning of the demise so I'll replenish all of these dispensers and the next person that actually messaged me was stress monster and if we all know stress which we do I have a feeling that she might panic a little bit on all of these and it'll be really funny to see if she makes it through this has been diamonds well-spent in my opinion so while we wait for stress let's head on back to the bunker and do a little bit of work there so let's hop down into here I've still got a very big blank slate to work with and I'll be honest I'm still not entirely sure what to do but what I'm thinking is a modern style cave that is also a bunker so that's gonna that's a little bit confusing but you know the poetry man cave not that I know of the portrait man cave looks like it's it's like a big cave like a modern James Bond thing that's basically what I'm thinking I'm gonna go for so in order to do that we need to take a look at this space and try and picture what the end result will be and for that I need to lay down some foundations so the cave shape will have to be irregular because we kind of want it to look kind of natural working underground is is actually not a lot of fun I've got to admit it's not a lot of fun especially when you've got to build up the top there but if we make some kind of cave shape here we can have some underground waterfalls we can have a building and then that gives us plenty to work with in terms of hiding stuff and traps so let's kick this off with a bit of a time-lapse shall we building underground always means that you're restricted by space so it's probably gonna be a couple times that I'm gonna have to expand the area but I'm pretty happy with the size that it is now and I want to make this feel like a proper cave bunker so I started by making the walls out of stone and cobble but then I quickly realized I don't really know what I want to make on the other side so it kind of started some and then I ran out of concrete but I think this looks pretty cool I think this is actually going pretty well but I'm going to slow down a little bit one because I've run out of white concrete and I want to make sure that I do a lot of the structure before I finish every part of the cave and two it's actually getting a little bit dangerous now because I haven't lit it up there's there's been a couple of very close calls next to a creeper and I'm too scared to test if a creeper it will actually get through my arm I don't know if I'm creeper proof is what I'm saying and I don't want to find out the hard way either okay so I really really like this entrance that I've made it just it feels perfect it it sort of takes you down into the K setting which I think has actually gone quite well like the mixture of the cobblestone and the stone the way it goes into the walls and sometimes protrudes out that's awesome and I'm pretty sure that's where I want to go but the second half all of that bit there is gonna be a mixture of concrete and glass and yet it's getting this getting dangerous need more light stress monster has messaged me on discord and asked if she can do some demise dares so what we're gonna do is head back to the minigame district and something has appeared in the shopping district it looks like a giant hourglass full of diamond blocks it makes it makes our diamond blocks look pretty pathetic that is massive it looks like it's actually acting like sand like it's falling so there's some sort of countdown with a redstone thing is that way is that cherry that's something to do is that the same logo as this one thing over here oh oh it's closed cherry is closed for refurbishment oh that's totally the cherry I paid to go anybody was closed that is totally the cherry logo so something's going on over there and it's not worth risking your life for a couple of phantoms so let's go over to the mini-game district high stress I did you you want to do some dares for cash money diamonds I I saw this Chester I and I have to say I am very very very very very skin I have no diamonds at all and this yes is very very tempting to me no God is it exit the aquarium ah so this is really simple thing to do is run in and escape the aquarium out the top out the top yeah at the top yeah so you got it Ryan have to okay run in and yeah so that's it so right I'm gonna say the words I dare you and then you're off okay so do it okay I break here okay yeah gonna break the top right ready three two one stress I dare you to exit the aquarium go alright it's Jax oh my god what is this how have you done this wait I'm a program don't go judging me right now I don't know how you did that with the bubbles I told you okay I'm a pro and when diamonds are on the line I can do these it just broke the rules of Minecraft how does that make sense there's bubbles there didn't you just say that you did all of these yeah yeah but I did it properly I didn't break up the rules the rules are mine well you did it okay fine yeah I mean that's that's cool you just let us break physics that's good you take take your 50 diamonds I want my 50 diamonds grants that was so easy do you want to do another dare oh do you know what I've won me 50 I think yeah I think I'm doing love a day oh I thought you were gonna cash out okay you ready no I ain't one of those people yeah go for it okay Z you've got 200 have you gotten a light ray yeah all right grab your lighter yes we got we gotta go somewhere your dare is too much - 65 in the void so you gotta press f3 yeah jump down you gotta you gotta fly and it's up to you how you want to do this you can sink down or you can just fall like this which may is 65 and then you gotta fly back up so f3 will be your friend and I can't actually tell if you reach - 65 but alright well I can obviously see in the in the footage so stress I dare you to jump in the void oh I'm so scared okay oh my god I'm gonna do what you did you hey-oh - 65 - 65 many hearts did you have I have I think it was like aha Oh God oh yeah Nations I nearly died you need are you as surprised as I am right now I had complete faith in you you're you're a hundred diamonds up I'm a hundred diamonds up everyone so are you gonna cash out now or do you want to do another dare oh do you shall I do now there do it sooner you can do even as many days as you like oh I feel like I have to okay so one more day yes yes okay oh I got it I got it what does it say it says fire fly through the tube okay right so this one's a nother flying challenge all you gotta do yeah lie straight through oh no this white tube no ok sees where I'm gonna fail well you committed already oh no I can't I can't fly through tunnels stress that I dare you to fly through the tube no oh this is gonna be embarrassing I'm not even gonna hit the entrance I swear right hang on okay okay oh you've got 150 dot there's only one day left do you want to do you want to do the dare alright catch the tow - oh no right you need your like shirt and nothing else again for this one stress Mariah yeah dare you to catch the totem midair okay three two one throw one two jump oh sorry yeah you've got to change your skin no you should have you should have cashed out yeah you get 150 islands can you tell that I'm like oh my god the diamonds I lose the time yeah you only care about one thing be still you're still a hundred diamonds up cuz it cost you fifty right yeah well you cost you a hug there cost you fifty to be in the game of demise oh we did you're right okay yes so I'm a hundred diamonds are well well done but you've got to change your skin yeah thank you it is kind of Halloween Ian half dead but yeah I get a I got a change here no healings right no never you've made me breech I'm a happy bunny so that when I thought she was gonna clear me out of diamonds no sir stress is now on Team dead it could be I'm gonna have to close this down honestly this this thing is great because I've actually got X here X void who wants to actually do atomized air as well so this could mean that three people okay so after this we're closing down the shop people are making too much money from me do you have any idea how much diamonds I've spent already look that was a full stack it's now under half I am wasting diamonds okay so let's get X and see if he wants to do a dare hello good sir hi got in contact with me saying that you've picked out a date I mean normally it's my job to press the button but you went ahead and did it anyway that's cool that's cool I I was so excited I just I you know I saw these diamonds and I was like whoo I got to get involved in this which dare did you get I got the void jump you know and that gives me a good feeling because void is in my name for this day we need to head over to the end and it's it's basically yeah what it says on the tin should we go aye let's do it all I need to do for this day I'm gonna say the words X jump in the void now you have to actually press f3 and you don't have to hit minus 65 on the y coordinate minus 65 I promise at minus 65 you don't take damage but it's pretty okay to the limit all right yeah well you're not allowed totem of and dying that is oh okay now I'm on edge oh geez okay all right so when I say the word all day to do it and then I'll tell you to go are you ready yeah my heart's pounding a little bit remember is 50 diamonds on the line so X I dare you to jump in the void go oh okay oh you should I come straight down don't die from full damage now oh I saw you taking damage whoa okay dad oh I thought that was easy but that was terrified I was literally terrifying all right to back to the to the demise des area then well done okay so there's your 50 diamonds for doing doing the dare defy you can usually do more than one if you want do you think so I think that was an easy 50 diamonds you know he miniature heart attack though you're actually cashing out I'm catching it out yeah well if you turn around look at the cat alive and dead team two of the house just did the death and they pushed it so I salute you for cashing out because they didn't and they paid the price oh man did they even get any diamonds then yes dress got a hundred and fifty diamonds and Wren got fifty diamonds wow you're rich not rich this is me closing up demised heirs because I'm not wasting any more diamonds on this that's it is closed we're close business people are bleeding me dry here no more demographers well I'm glad I cashed out when I did so is everything for today's episode what an episode two people have demised Ren and stress fell for our demise dares we lost a lot of diamonds hundreds of diamonds and xox like Zoomer also did the device tears and survived and at the same time we have done some pretty good progress to our bunker hidden underneath here but we're gonna need a scout for a bit more help on getting this done I've also heard that mumbo jumbo has started his own bunker he started his own bunker without without us don't worry I see this guy in the background why is he got a pumpkin on someone needs to tell mumbo to come to the meetings well thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I'll see you in the next one good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,065,509
Rating: 4.960041 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, season 6, episode 96, grian hermitcraft
Id: j5JJ3ONlg_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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