Hermitcraft 6: Episode 98 - POULTRY MAN RISES

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Scar has been demised. Pause at 2:31 and look at his skin

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
I thought they didn't need me anymore I thought I could leave and the server will continue to flourish continue to survive I was wrong my time away has proved the de server can't be without a hero without me since my departure a ghost like fish has lurked in the background plotting scheming who knows what they have planned crime and the server continues to rise and the authorities are doing nothing about it and worst of all worst of all I have been usurped reports have reached me that a new vigilante is surfaced on the army graph server someone of equal strength and power to myself Duck woman there can only be one bird based hero on this server this leads me to conclude that duck woman is nothing more than a feathered Menace her quack based powers will bring deserver to my own frustration and that's something I cannot allow poultry man must return I must return [Music] [Music] that's right everyone poultry man has officially returned I think it's time and because it's time I have upgraded and updated the poultry cave check it out this place was getting seriously neglected for a long time so much so that there was cobwebs everywhere but we've tidied it up we've built some stuff and we've given it all a little bit of an update and this is awesome I've also moved it from outside of this egg all the way over here so if we take a look there's actually quite a few people online and I think it's time the poultry man made an official return and here's the beautiful thing everyone oh man it feels good it feels good it feels good to be back in the mask here's the thing mumbo-jumbo is actually streaming right now and that means we're gonna get a good reaction and that means I know exactly where he is so that's goin let's go and find him shall we oh wait I totally need to stock up on some eggs yeah I think that's probably enough eggs alright let's get out of here now while we're on our way to mumbo jumbo I've got to announce something really really cool I have updated my merch store I've got poetry man t-shirts on the merch store after months and months of people asking for some t-shirts and we've also got some Sahara merch as well which is awesome so look at this we've got some Sahara t-shirts people have been asking for this so much that they actually made their own designs at one point so it's getting a bit nuts really so there's a link to the merch store in the description down below and if you do decide to pick up a t-shirt just so you know it definitely supports me well me not poetry man it supports me mumbo is at his witch farm which means arms I get lost in here every time where's the exit this has something to do with it I'm sure you know what I'm gonna hold the totem of undying just in case cuz we're not wearing particularly good Armour we're wearing leather armor as poultry man so becoming the chicken is extremely dangerous during the game of demise look at that mmm that's some heavy damage mumbo has no idea what's gonna hit him let's see if we can sneak in he's clearly doing something here I don't know what he's doing I can see his stream so I know where he is I don't know what he's up to but see if we can sneak in okay there he is over there let's get ourselves in the air without him noticing lots of chickens he's probably got some machine that doesn't what love doesn't need lots of chickens in it what's he making I don't think he's actually noticed me yet no he see me he's definitely seen me it's been too long it's been too long it turns out that mumbo actually didn't see me at all until seconds before he finished his dream look that is it that's all on the live stream today I'm chilling I'm done so that's pretty well anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed at this live stream it's been a lot of fun it's been coaching on out as a man with the chicken head yep I definitely wasted my time hanger scared him away the power of poetry I'm just gonna clear these just in case I think he's making an iron farm well let's see whoa do you see that on the tab list Kevin and Skaar have demised that's not good that's not good at all if Jevon if Kevin and Skaar are demised that means there's five people on the dead team that's that's not in our favor on the other hand that's a lot less competition well I've got all these eggs so maybe we can go and find the others it'd be a shame to waste them wait what's this free potions for members of the breath over death sweet is that does that mean alive people or is that a specific team I'm guessing a certain alive but I'll take I'll take some I'll take something especially a fire resistance potion holy moly we're gonna spy on the dead team to see what they're up to of course greens not doing this it's it's poetry man so it's it's it's all good it's all good now the place that the dead like to hang out is probably the graveyard that's what I've been seeing I'm not sure exactly where it is though to hermit Halloween district that this is it so this is where I might expect the dead to be hanging out who spooky man the fact that this is season six second Halloween is absolutely crazy this was started last year and obviously Halloween has already come and gone but it's just so perfect for the dead team to hang out in let's see let's see if there's a scar or a Jeff in here since they're both dead chill run run run run dive he went oh look at that missed how awesome is that fog okay wait let's focus focus focus we have to find Scott all right where is he there he is there he is and that creeper looks like you might go for him wait have the dead been making graveyards for themselves oh no he's right he's definitely running from that creeper isn't it this is I don't even have to do anything I we don't even have to do anything we could just sit here and watch the dead haha this is probably the most at the table we're gonna get oh wait I think you see me Oh bail bail bail no I'm not gonna save you oh wait I survived I suppose I am the hero of this server incoming get out of here this is the only way I know how to fight this is how I expected this to go hmmm anything XD damage here are safe the citizen who I have never met good day day we truly are the hero that no one asked for it doesn't look like the dead have actually got any sort of base here by the looks of things I was really expecting the dead to have I don't know some kind of mansion it looks like this is just their graves wait they aren't all dead are they or is this from before Oh Oh are they waiting until they die and then they put their heads there you know this grave is gonna be full of chickens and no one's gonna understand why my job here is done but you didn't do anything exactly okay I think that is definitely enough of being poultry man for today but poultry man is officially back and how he's going to interact with the hermit's during demise I'm not sure if green dies does poultry man die hmm that's a question as you guys saw from my introduction today a mysterious character has appeared on the Hermit craft server and I'm not sure who it is now duck woman was last seen at stresses base now I don't think duck woman can necessarily be stressed I mean it doesn't have to be like who's poultry man no one knows who poultry man is so who knows who duck woman is the identity of duck woman is not known I wonder where duck woman is there's someone there but I want to get too close because then they'll see me you see that oh wait that's just stress huh that's not duck woman that's just that's just stress monster doing her thing yeah there's there's no duck woman here hmm we'll have to keep we'll have to keep looking and we'll have to keep an eye out for this person if you think you know who the identity of duck woman is please let me know in the comments down below so yeah let's go ahead and pop poultry man back in the cave I think our good deeds and hero schedule is complete for this episode at least another another poultry saves the day let's put this back no one knows no one knows but what do you think of this place look how awesome this is this is such a better this is such an upgrade on what used to be here however we must return to doing green things now seeing as the dead team are getting bigger and stronger we really have to get our bunker at least somewhat defended right now it's just a shell wait a minute oh wait there's free potions here as well well will can observe I'm pretty sure observers would be able to detect that I should have checked if this was hooked up to anything thankfully it was a genuine present because that could have been the end of us okay so I think this has definitely been a gift from someone but look at this look at that why is someone marked is that marking us for death all right if any of the other shops got this no okay so someone's put some sort of skull and crossbones above Sahara what on that's really ominous that's really quite scary I don't know what this means though I hope I hope someone hasn't trapped Sahara oh man don't I shouldn't really be giving anyone ideas because trapping Sahara yeah that's bound to get someone no I think there's nothing in particular wrong here I don't know that's really weird anyway let's head down into the bunker and see what we can do next oh no no no no this is the second time I've done this I need my key card I have to remember key card if I forget the key card I die who say let's take a look at this place what we've got is a pretty good start to our bunker our demise bunker that's gonna keep us safe and what we've got also is a link up to mumbos bunker now surprisingly mumbo has actually survived I would have thought he would be one of the first to go but he's not so what we should do is kind of link these up a little bit better than they are cuz mumbos of mumbos made the most the longest tunnel in the game so far it's horrible it's really horrible and I don't I don't plan on using it it'd just be I mean that's that's a pretty good way of making sure that I'm not going to his bunker make the longest most boring tunnel that has ever been made in hermit so yeah as long as we link this up I don't see any issues with that although we could probably make it a bit more secret than we have but what are we gonna do in here that's the question we've got this bunker we've kind of protected it with the entrance trap what do we do here well I was actually thinking what if we made a bunker within a bunker one that only we know about so let's try and work with that shall we what we could do is make another entrance here hidden with pistons and another key card that goes here I mean this is going to be crazy because the thing is most people will know that there's a bunker here what they won't know is my real bunker is actually in here now this is actually gonna take quite a while to unearth so we'll probably have to do this in a time-lapse in the next episode but I think this is a working concept we could do so the plan would be we dig out this area we use this as our official bunker with all the useful things in it and then this is just a bunker full of traps there's nothing here except traps and deaths so if the dead team come after us we have a safe place and a defense mechanism I think that that's perfect and look at this thing the hourglass is still going whoever's doing this is paying a lot of attention to detail because every time I look at this there's a few blocks difference is actually kind of creeping me out what is scar up to with this thing it's actually really worrying me wait that doesn't have anything to do with this does it this random banner I hope not so on an unrelated note and this this is really weird so I'm actually going to find an area that's actually a little away from the island because what I plan on doing is a charity livestream on Sunday the 17th of November so apologies to those of you watching in the future I'm pretty sure the livestream will be up for you to watch the future but basically I'm participating in a livestream that aims to tackle climate change and I plan on doing this using hermit craft or playing on the hermit craft server now this doesn't really where on earth am I this is not where I wanted to be heading in the right direction climate change is a massive issue and in this live stream I want to kind of show how we can tackle this but oh here it is here it is in this live stream I plan on talking about issues related to climate change and how we can fight it and hopefully raise some money for the charity called love tropics so what I plan on doing and this is why I'm kind of mentioning it in this video is I want to use this village as a bit of an example in the live stream and we're gonna transform it but it doesn't really have anything to do with our current hermit craft journey so to speak so this is a bit of a Side Story that's basically going to exist just for two days but this is a perfect spot and this is where this is all going to happen should probably try and remember where this is it took me ages to find this place so if you're interested in that and it's not already gone past the 17th of November please check out the live stream it will be happening 3:00 p.m. GMT and again apologies to those of you in the future because it's already happened and after this video you can go and see that live stream if you want Oh finally okay I can make it back it's the Christmas district I don't know if this got finished this is so weird because season six has gone on for so long now that we've gone full circle just like the Halloween district this place will suddenly become used again and it feels really strange to be back here especially as oh my goodness especially as we did like the Christmas presents and stuff there was like yeah over here there's a sentence like are we gonna use this again are we gonna do presents are we gonna do a Secret Santa if we do a Secret Santa I've got a little prize mm-hmm that will be really fun oh man so I'm guessing that this would be awesome to come back to oh my there's many cuz like crazy guitar memories memories but actual memories that happened a year ago that's really strange anyway I want to head back to Sahara because I want to start wrapping up this video for you today I'm afraid it is a little bit shorter than usual I have been absolutely swamped so busy in real life I found it really difficult to find time to record too much videos but one of the big things about this video that I wanted to tell you was about the Sahara much you can officially shot at Sahara my favorite design of a t-shirt is this one where you've got the shop at Sahara and it's a full flow diagram of how Sahara works and you can wear that without it screaming minecraft too much or you could go for our Sahara logo ones as well we've got genuine architects slash Sahara merch and it's really really cool and I'm very very happy with how that's worked out so if you're interested in that the link is down below but what's really special about these t-shirts and it kind of ties in to this livestream that I was talking about this is a an eco friendly company that I'm working with called tea mill and basically what they do is when your t-shirt has come to the end of its life where you stop wearing it it has a code on it and you can scan that code and send it back to them and get five pounds off your next order so this means that they will recycle that t-shirt once it's finished it doesn't end up in a landfill it doesn't get burned it gets the materials getting reused into new t-shirts and products helping reduce some of the impact of fast fashion so that's why I'm very very excited to release this new merch store with you today and I really hope you will take a look at it because we've got some cool design and there will be some more in the future in the very near future so that's it for me everyone thank you very very much for watching and I do hope you enjoyed my little poultry man intro good boy
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,137,339
Rating: 4.9545631 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, poultry man, hermitcraft, season 6, episode 98
Id: SfWBipyTNcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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