Hermitcraft 6: Episode 104 - The End is Near...

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I think quite says Christmas like a Santa guest this is probably the best thing I've seen in hermitcraft season six and that's saying something I don't know who's responsible for this dare I say it piece of art and I also don't know how it works why isn't he going you know we could do we could put a resource pack on to make this gas go hohoho how does its work oh ok so there's it's inside a minecart and there's loads of glass there that is amazing well anyway hello welcome back to another episode of her Becraft yes I'm still dead and we are here in the Christmas district because we need to grab ourselves a Secret Santa from Santa's sleigh of course it is Christmas coming up very very soon so sorry to those of you that are watching in the future let's see who we get b-dubs we managed to get B dubs REO B dubs okay so what present are they're going to get so this is by the way this is the present that we have to give them and I hope they haven't been naughty so we got beat up and we have to cover their base in custom paintings oh my goodness this is perfect can I cover it in pictures of my face yeah okay so it's gonna take me a little while to get this resourcepack made because I'm gonna need all sorts of custom art and pictures and paintings and all that stuff and I know just the guy so hopefully are we ready by the end of the episode because it usually takes me a few days and then we'll go to B dubs base and we will plaster these paintings everywhere so it's gonna be really interesting so hopefully we can get that done later so for now let's carry on with the rest of the episode because we've got quite a few things that we need to do not least trying to get demise all wrapped up there are only a few people left in fact why don't we go over to the big demise board and actually check who's alive and who's gone who did that here has done this who is responsible for this unbelievable that the cheek I don't know how up-to-date this is I'm pretty sure it's up to date okay so that seems about right and there we are I'm dead the dead team are outweighing the living and we have Doc mumbo I think that's Joe's face we go b-dubs it's cow still alive so we can't go after this guy we can't go after it mumbo we can't go after b-dubs because of the secret bro pact so that leaves doc and Joe Joe is difficult to get because he doesn't have a base and I guess kind of his whole thing he's a bit of a nomad doc does have a little project and it's over here somewhere but actually while we're here why don't we go and see what happened with Corrales so here we are and yep it's been triggered absolutely destroyed all the pufferfish are of course gone and yeah it definitely killed him the thing is he had already died and mrs. puff got him so not only did mrs. puff get him and I'm out a hundred diamonds haven't actually got many diamonds left but I also didn't even get the kill because Corrales had already died to mumbos trapples something something to do with tangos trap and a collab with mumbo so yeah it worked it definitely worked but it it also kind of didn't work at the same time but Corrales has officially demised so now let's go over to where doc is working and oh my goodness this is absolutely insane seriously this is so whoa look at this from the bottom this looks absolutely so impressive but I see no obvious way to trap this either there's something up here but even this doesn't look super trapper bull I don't really know what this is I think you might have to afk somewhere which we could trap hmm this would definitely be the obvious place to trap doc if we could figure this out it could work I see no easy way to trap this so we might have to wait for doctor get online because I have a small plan on how we can get him but I actually have to wait for him to get on so basically we can't do much until doc or Joe come online and then we can get on with our demise plans so let's head on back to Sahara where we're still trying to get our hands on enough stock we've got loads and loads of stuff to do I can just walk all the way along here Oh finally I'm not exaggerating that took so long to walk here oh man I know I was like jokingly grumbling but the more I went along the more genuine my grumbling got Hey bye bye by the end of it I was just genuinely like oh three minutes of walking just because of that stupid class now that happened because of my new set of armor it's of course I died and none of them have the normal protection they've all got blast protection on because I couldn't be bothered to get all the books for them so yeah I took way more damage than I really needed to but whatever it's not a big deal so let's take a quick look in the stockroom and nothing has really changed but some people have claimed some things there's some there's some slime block and mumbos got this for bone blocks and he's taken the I guess I'll take the dispensers then so yeah sea lanterns that's got to be a scales as well yeah I guess I could take care of dispensers it's just the worst it's just the worst to craft up but the real question is how do I make my chair even bigger I think we can i'd have to sort of break into the wall but the end no one's really putting up much of a fight so like yeah it's got to stay like that for a while right so let's go and craft ourselves up a bunch of expenses for the next part of the stocking of Sahara which means gaggle of string and then this is gonna be one of the most boring things that I ever do on hermitcraft I've done it before so I'm speaking from experience oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm I may not have to craft that many at all I've forgot about all of these redstone boxes that I had from impulse and there's a bunch of dispensers in here okay there's droppers alright maybe there's more droppers than dispensers in here but that I forgot about this that could be good either way let me show you why this is a pain okay it's not the actual dispenser it's the to do with the bows so bows don't stack that's the problem so you basically have to craft these individually one by one and you've got to click each one twice okay we're about to go on a crafting adventure now this is going to be so boring we're gonna do this in a time-lapse style we're gonna we're gonna time-lapse is to just because I spent an hour doing this and I'm gonna put the most crazy music to make this seem more interesting than it is three two one let's go [Music] okay so we have got ourselves some dispensers and buy some this is a lot okay this is really a lot of dispensers and I know it really doesn't look like it that's the main thing but it wasn't well over an hour of clicking so sixty-four times two clicks that's a lot of clicks either way we're putting I've had enough of dispensers for now that is it I'm not I am NOT crafting up any more dispensers this is going over here into the stock oh wow look at the progress that's happened it's scale has been on it we got some sand we got Redstone we got rock rocket we can make so many more Rockets than that that that one there should be all the way up to the end anyway look at the progress I mean this has been there's been a real project to get suhara stocked up again but if we can increase this to max and I should probably actually make more cuz um this is only like half the stock list actually there's there's quite a few more so I'm probably gonna have to make another another board full of items and then this gallon mumble are not gonna be happy about it but it's gonna take us a little while to get everything stocked up but we weren't worried about that for now shall we because as you may have just seen doc went to bed he is online meaning now is my opportunity to execute my final demise plan what we're going to do is we're going to follow doc around potentially for hours potentially for five minutes which is why we can't hang around too long I need to go and get a lot of materials very very quickly particularly some very dastardly materials and I'm hoping that I've got some around here there we go this is what we need lava buckets everywhere this is absolutely perfect now I don't think anyone's done this but what we're going to do is we're going to stalk doc up until he logs out and then we're going to trap the exact location that he logs out on the main issue is I need to get my hands on some obsidian SAP pronto before he logs out he might be streaming let me just check if he's streaming okay I haven't got a single bit of obsidian so I've got a place where I usually go to for obsidian but it's not exactly the the best it's right down here okay we've got to get our hands on like 30 obsidian as quickly as possible before dock logs out docks still online I'm just slowly getting obsidian the last thing I want is to run out of obsidian halfway through making a box okay I think we've definitely got enough now let's head over back to where doc was working on his raid farm and I've got myself a couple of invisibility potions just in case because here's the thing we're gonna have to get quite close there better not be any there not be any more things in the way here seriously annoying cuz it doesn't load fast if you can't even react okay so we are round about the area I don't actually know if Doc's there the first thing is to confirm that doc is actually where I think he is okay so can we see him we're going to have to get closer I think we may need to go full incognito because my name Tigers gonna be the first thing that gives me away let's get rid of that with invisibility potion so the next thing that will give me away is the sound of the rockets and I've learnt the distance quite well so what I'm gonna do is fly really high over the top of the raid farm and guess whereabouts it is there it is there it is if I take my armor off it's just a pair of electric yeah okay so I know roughly where his base is there okay so if I fly over it I can't see him there he is there is he's afk he's okay alright we've confirmed the location of dark m77 so if we land very surreptitiously I think we've got a successful landing right here now if I have nothing in my hand only potion particles are giving me away now I've gotta be careful with my parkour I almost fell oh it is a raid fun there's pillages unless they're just random pillages okay there he is he's up there now we could be here a very very long time he's doing building so I think we could potentially just stay here for a little while but like I said this could be easily a couple of hours of waiting but I'm prepared to do it the problem is I've got I've got five minutes thirty two and I've got another invisibility potion on me so the issue here is not the fact that I'm running out of time the fact is I need to know exactly where he's going to log out and for that I actually need to be really really close otherwise I'm just guessing and then there's nothing he can do he's he has he has no idea so if he logs out and I can't see where on this thing he is I'm in big trouble so in that case he is he he could be looking right at me he has no idea he has got a total of undying but what if I was able I need to get up there so I can see exactly where he logs out okay here we are we've made it we made it we made it out know that sound could have given me away nothing in my hand totally invisible completely invisible where'd he go aha this is perfect that might did he hear that okay so now it's just a waiting game one issue that we have is I've got two minutes 49 of invisibility and I'm gonna have to drink this when it runs out or the game might be given away and do you know the noise that it makes when you drink in potion it's not like glub glub and that's it it's no it's yes he will know if someone is drinking next to him I think we're gonna be here a little while so I could just Crouch here without a potion for a while okay I've got 45 seconds I'm gonna parkour if I fall I die and the jig is up okay okay I'm probably far enough away hear how loud it is what are you drinking my craft now I got a parkour back you dog has no idea oh ha oh she's just relogin I thought I'd missed it I thought I'd missed it okay keep an eye on him man I really think that we could end up being here quite a while I mean I've already been here about 16 minutes I've officially run out of invisibility potion I've got nothing got nothing left fortunately it doesn't look like he's going to look up anytime soon but I have to keep watching otherwise he could just log out at any moment I've got to keep watching although I'm pretty sure he's gonna finish this at least so I think we might be safe for a little while but if I just stay like this as long as he doesn't fly up in the air I think we're gonna be good he's almost finished he's he's almost done which means he might be logging out any second and I've been out of invisibility potion for quite some time in fact I'm actually going to put this back on all this stuff just in case I managed to fall it won't actually kill me this has been the longest stakeout possible okay it's just restocking oh there's a zombie after you [Laughter] but he is gonna end up back there okay okay I need to stop playing with fire and just wait just be patient just be patient just be patient Oh for a good for a second there I thought he was coming up here we've officially been here for about 45 minutes now so I've actually had time you know I've been having a drink of it having Lilly I'm so surprised he hasn't seen me yet but I have been hopping and skipping there's been some pretty close calls over the last 45 minutes I've had to hop around there some major parkour oh did he see me did he did he see me I've got to basically here as skull would say I'm a dodging I'm a weaving come on doc if you've finished it's done what could you possibly want to do more the longer I sit here waiting the more of a bad idea this seems wait where's he going no no no no no no doc where are you going I need to get I need to get closer I need to get closer he's oh wait he's not Kirkup is he he's getting absolutely wrecked The Adventures of someone playing minecraft who doesn't know that they're being watched every everyone has now seen you just get absolutely wrecked by a skeleton get in Pudge him get him get him get him put him he's a guy oh he's probably gonna look up from that he's probably gonna look up we're gonna take that off at least I'm nice and gray he's gonna build it back all the way up time to time to vamoose time to time to vamoose time to vamoose this is gonna be a close call okay I see him it's a hit oh my goodness okay how oh man he logged out right there right there that's one two three four five it's about seven blocks from that torch that's not gonna be easy to remember you're joking come on I forgot to put my stuff back on oh well I'm a load of the server now so it doesn't matter oh my goodness quickly before it's too late this is the worst oh this is the worst stakeout that I've ever seen in my life the timing of that was unbelievable I'm pretty sure I did have my armor on I just I just died instantly let's remember where we were so we were looking down yeah that torch and it was about there this is why we brought lots of this is why we brought lots of things with us okay so it was this torch here and it was about one two three four five six seven roughly he was like doing this he I think he was possibly doing his outro right here so in theory right here but um I'm gonna make like a safety net square to make sure that that's correct oh look it's the cursed portal I don't know how he did this still okay right so this is it we need to get our obsidian ready and then all of our lava buckets and we can set up and get going on this before he logs back on he could be back on any second to do his work here okay so we need to remove this and we need a good safety net okay so we'll put it one block down to be sure and then wall up here this is such a simple trap but it means I I don't think doc saw me he definitely didn't look at me at any point but this is a genius trap it's just actually really difficult to execute mainly because you've just got to wait such a long time so basically he won't have any choice but to perish in here unless he's got one of these wait yeah a fire potion a potion of fire resistance I think he's pretty much done for so I've got my potion of fire resistance on and we're gonna get this all larva DUP thank goodness doc hasn't been online cuz seriously this has taken over 20 minutes so if he was just logging off for like the toilet or something I would be I hope he absolutely ruined here okay I still got my fire resistance on just gonna seal this up except for here and we are going to make sure there's no air pockets cuz he might if he's really really quick he might be able to figure our way out of this I'm not sure how either he's got a fire resistance potion or something but it doesn't seem to me like there's any way out I think if he makes his way out of this he definitely deserves he does he deserves to live on this one and I think it really doesn't matter where you go and because you're in lava you can't swing your pickaxe as much I don't know I can't actually get out of here there we go okay crew right there we go sealing that up now because there's such a small chance that if he's like he might be like in this corner or in this corner here and it might just like spawn him when he logs back in him I just put him here because it thinks the box is also I'm going to put a safety layer of dirt all the way around just to make sure that the game if I've got my location slightly off will default him into the obsidian box now I do feel kind of bad because this that's what happened to me when I died was I lost all of my items now that's really like it's just a mild inconvenience but it's easily like an hour's worth of work to get your stuff back so that gives me a little idea once we've got this up we're gonna we're gonna get something for Doc okay we've got ourselves a safety box and the chances are he's gonna spawn right in there with all that lava Banshee we need to make a quick drop-off back to the island and then back here again so give me one sec and I'll be there here we are no one has taken this it is one of the original did you die boxes volume 1 2 stacks of diamonds this it's not got the best god armor here and but that doesn't matter because doc doc only really needs this stuff here which is the tools this is going to be excellent and then the electra and then you know you know Juana did you die boxes we will rename this - did you demise and then we're gonna leave that on top of the Obsidian box if someone had offered me a did you die box in fact I'm surprised I didn't think of that this did you die box when I lost all my stuff I'm like chockful out I haven't got any more so I'm surprised I didn't think of this but I would have bought this in a second after I died cuz it was a nightmare getting all my stuff back here we go did you demise only 100 diamonds that's how much I need to pay scarback grin I am giving him a discount in all fairness I'm giving him a nice discount on all of these goodies I'm being pretty confident that this is gonna work but I just have a feeling that he was around here even if he was in the Obsidian I'm pretty sure he would glitch into the lava we're gonna have to see I'm not entirely sure okay that is done we have officially done our second demise trap this is dastardly and hopefully we'll make another hundred diamonds okay so the last thing to do is my secret Center which I am very glad to say has been completed by my very good friends rowan Artifex and he has put together a nice resource pack which he tells me is full of green goodies which i don't know what that means so we're about to find out helps if i fly in the right direction there we go so we need to go over to be tubbses castle which I would say is his base at the moment and we have to cover it in custom paintings this is actually very difficult to cover in custom paintings because it's all diagonals and not a lot of flat surfaces I think we just got to go for it anyway first of all let's take a look at what has been made other all right we got a poetry man not all of them are done oh we got a villager grin Korean was here I can we got some graffiti we're gonna have to work we're gonna have to work quite hard to get the exact ones I think what is that is that walking green doesn't is not real he can say he's put some green memes and now that's from the Mambo proof house oh my goodness this is amazing okay so I'm gonna need a lot of sticks and a lot of paintings to get this put together there's probably more as well oh there's more graffiti okay so there's a good sample of what we're going to be doing to be dubs his house so let's get cracking yeah I'm pretty happy with that also Danny why have you done chicken with a was this why is there a chicken with it with a little hi here so weird but that does the trick we've got some graffiti we've got some marks we've got whoever that is we've got village agree in green was here I think that is gonna have to do even though there's about three stacks of paintings on this building you can't really tell there doesn't actually cover that much my favorite one and it's probably the rarest one is this one super weird anyway thank you daddy for making this resource back I've now sent this to B dubs he doesn't really know what it is but we actually need to give him just a little bit of information Merry Christmas you'll never guess who it was so Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa you'll never guess who it was yeah you'll never guess who it was okay so that is pretty much it for today's episode we got a lot done actually we set up our demise trap we have restocked some Sahara stuff with the dispensers but most importantly we have delivered our Secret Santa to be dubs and he's got a well his present was a little bit on the naughty side he's been naughty this year so he has got paintings all over his base thank you very much for watching everyone and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,481,235
Rating: 4.952899 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build
Id: gAunnz0qUoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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