Hermitcraft 6: Episode 36 - SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS

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The tea and toast with Iskall was one of the most enjoyable things I've watched in ages (saw it earlier today on Iskall's channel).

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BlueCyann 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

This episode confirmed- Grian IS Poultry Man! Proof! Time stamp- 3:36 Poultry Man takes off his mask and Grians head is revealed

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dinkinator-3000 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

I know this is all in good fun, but I can't help but be a little saddened that Grian convinced Cleo to add that lava trap. It's contradictory to the "Murder is bad" room, and ruins the tone of the prank.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Aster134 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is getting more confusing all the time...

  1. We still don't know who gave Iskall the diorite initially
  2. We don't know who changed the sign on the pirate ship
👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/-GalaxyFarFarAway- 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

He didn't put the 'NAUGHTY' paper back in the dispenser.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kyoutube 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Was it my tv glitching or was there a single frame or something when grian was with zombie on her ship?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dunga_ 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is Paul Chu man and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft and now today I need to head straight over to my pet chicken that I adopted Sally because you actually have to look after you've got to put a bit of effort in you've got to like clean it out and stuff so that's where we're heading straight away to take care of that before we crack on with some other errands that we need to do today it looks like there's a couple of boxes around here now whoa looks like all of them are taken up oh this is awesome okay so all the chickens have been adopted and my one is in here Sally liberated by poultry man and there there she is I don't know where all the other chickens have gone it turns out that I messed up last time I was here and I put a couple of slabs here and here and she got out but fortunately stress has brought her back so I just need to do a little bit of cleaning up it looks still looks really nice here actually oh there is this Sally's got one friend okay so I need to whoa I didn't bring any shocker boxes and I didn't bring any quarts you know if I'm gonna do this I really should think ahead I've messed up okay I'll be back in a second with the things that I actually need in fact why don't I go ahead and just put this sand straight it in to Green's shop here to try and sell it immediately that will help him out a massive amount okay for everything that I need and Sally has aged one cycle that means she's now one years old I can now put in the stack of nether quartz that I need to feed her and I can take out all of this from the litter tray so at the moment it's cost me forty diamonds and I have had that many stacks of sand so that's still over a diamond per stack of sand but if Sally here survives for just two or three more years then I'll get my money's worth if Sally here survives eight years I'll have made a proper profit on this whole thing and it would be worth making this this little thing oh wait I totally thought that was Sally this is Sally so it doesn't seem to move very much yeah okay nope no mind you're okay alright let's head back now that we've taken care of Sally there's something else that we need to do look at this this is sad of course we're gonna make some donations of course we are we wouldn't leave someone out to dry poetry man's got your back you Scout don't you worry I'm a true hero on this server and I will supply you with eggs ho ho the tables have turned and now to head over to the festive district where things are getting built this was empty last time I was here I mean last time Green told me about it now where is the Secret Santa this must be it welcome to the Secret Santa place names in here Secret Santa guide you know I should probably read this okay so let's put one in for me there we are and I might put one in for my buddy green as well okay so in we go one for green and but what I must have renamed the same bit of paper so I kind of got some levels there we go right green and poetry man there we go and I guess we will both have to draw our names in the next episode to see who we get and also we can take an optional naughty or nice which is gonna be interesting because if I get someone that's been naughty they're getting a whole bunch of coal I can tell you that and that is a hero's dazed oh how I was gonna say that's a hero's job done I need to put feather falling on these or something cuz these are deadly now last episode some crazy stuff was going down and I got pranked by Wren and Doc right I got pranked really good they kept they got me really good as super funny however it turns out that the book here wasn't written by them okay so I was very wrong in assuming that it was meant for me which makes sense right because this the the prank wasn't even at my base you thought if they were gonna prank me they would have at least done it here so it turns out then maybe they did do it but didn't record it but someone wrote a book and led me there and change the sign at Cleo's base so instead of just guessing if it was clear because I saw so many comments saying it's Cleo Cleo changed it I'm just gonna go and ask her straight up whether she was behind this or not I think that's probably the best way maybe she's at her base somewhere let's see if I can get her to come over here wherever she is right here why Cleo thanks for joining me so you're welcome I think you know what I'm going to ask don't you I think I actually do know what you're going to ask because I would blame me from that as well I've had lots of comments you've been accused in the comments in my last episode someone wrote me a book in my base that said to come here now I actually miss this sign completely I went straight over here and I went and spanned the key and fell for it right okay it wasn't until afterwards that I saw this anything well this proves that it was whoever did this it was meant for me but we now know that doc and all haha we now know that doc and Ren were the ones that made this right yes an impulse and impulse I did you not know it was impulse no I - yeah that that makes sense because of the scale of this thing and this is definitely a three-man job I was given this book that led me here but why would they put the prank in your base if it was many for me which in hindsight was really stupid of me so are you saying that you didn't change the sign you do not change the site if I was going to change a sign I would do it on camera and I admit to it because it's hilarious well I've been keeping an eye out and I haven't seen anyone else take credit for this no I mean I want to clear my name I'm not being funny though be you could be lying to me right now I don't trust anyone anymore no I'm not I could be I could very well be lying to you but I'm not you just you either have to trust me or you don't I have done a little prank in the meantime though against Rennes and DA against impulse you must know that I've already done something - yes I have heard rumors I've seen what you've done which is great by the way so that kind of badly covers all the bases then it that that covers all three yeah I dragged tango along and he helped me prank the stock exchange and I've got Joe and Jeff on my side that's that death do i I think yeah yeah oh yeah I heard uh-oh there your death okay so right let me get it straight let me just get the story straight cuz this I'm not gonna lie I'm not following all of the the chess pieces that are in play right now I was dragged into this because false used the prank item with me and then I've been ii-i've been like an unwilling participant in all this and then I've been bamboozled using this thing and now I'm but I can't let things slide I could have just like let it go but I didn't I mean you're welcome to come and see what we've done to impulse just - yeah no that's a good idea can I can I see what you've done yeah absolutely come along oh I need to detract it but that's fine yes so this is the prank right this is it yeah this is this is the hall of atonement for impulse and of course we want to divest him of his possessions because it's funnier that way do you want to take this apart so you can show me what you've done I don't want to trigger anything in here yeah no problem is it safe to go in it's safe to go in now oh it's dark oh my goodness okay welcome to the attempted murder whom murder is wrong okay well I don't want to show too much of this because I obviously obviously want to see what impulses get do but if you've put him on so I want to see I'm not gonna feel the signs but if you look back here if you look back here yeah there are defenses and we're gonna have cursive binding items apply to his taking the cursor pointing out ah so that's why you need him to part with this stuff I gonna all right so I won't spoil any more because we want to see exactly how impulse is going to react to all this so I'm not gonna spoil any more of that than I already did but I understand now you're sending him on a story a story of words - yes those words specifically John's words there's always like it's more entertaining than my I am I'm very intrigued to see how this goes do you think he's gonna feel bad is that the whole point to it emotion yeah let's send him on a guilt trip but also it's just to make him paranoid so like when is the death kind of poker it's gonna occur here no here no me if I touch this bottom is think something good you don't even but you don't even get him in the end I get him in this soul which is the main place no but Cleo you don't understand it's not enough he killed me okay what I'm saying is I know a Joe might not do this but I will all I know all I'm saying is we get a bucket of lava and we put it here and he won't be able to get out if he really does take off all his items before he goes in he'll be safe and he will be free of all the curse of binding stuff but if he doesn't take if he does take all his stuff he's gonna lose all of his diamond gear he has to trust you when he goes in what do you think I mean I mean I'm not gonna tell the other two either it's so easy as well like you just put one lava here because he'll go straight up that water elevator and it will be done you're a genius at this well done let's go grab actually I've actually got a bucket here I just need to find some lava so is everything now done everything is now in place it's all set are you okay with this I am impulse will 100% die he 100% i Joe will not be okay with this but you know what Joe doesn't know doesn't hurt him yes right there that's why we need to not tell Joe about this at all but he's not he's still culpable because he did this I've just I've just taken his linguistic prank and just made it so crude we get both best of both worlds now Frank and they all sometime well I I feel like I'm getting getting even as well but you've got a really nice ghost ship now which is awesome but I know I think that's mine now they totally would have got you if someone didn't like lure me in which I still suspect I'm not I don't know who it is I'm kind of waiting for some videos to come out to see if anyone takes credit for it they haven't left a note they haven't left a sign it's not appeared in any video so I think we might be waiting a while so we don't know anyway let's let's get out of here before impulse comes online [Laughter] thank you Cleo there is so much going on now so just by chance I didn't see that impulse had done it map now that I think about it there was a mob that had impulse on it but I because I didn't get the head from the the zombie that it that dropped I've got rent and docks head in here like I've got a little like chest of evidence here like I got the treasure room key I got docks head I got wrens head and a book and quill that was you know I got all of our stuff but I didn't pick up impulses head so I didn't even think to get him so cleo knew that i'd already got the read and docks so she went after impulse which says to me that she's potentially an ally and probably wasn't responsible hemming out so if cleo did indeed put the book there why would she then go and prank impulse because she would have just tried to totally push it off me would it be possible to invite such a noble gentleman to a cover yeah of course okay it's gone now wants to invite me for a cup of tea apparently which is very unlike Isco so i'm or immediately suspicious I am so paranoid of everyone now I have no idea what's going on okay well let's go meet up okay here I am at a scales base and as usual there's mobs everywhere hello Graham hello what are you wearing hello sir oh nothing special I figured if we have an occasion like this I better put on my best clothes and unshaven and days and all like what is this not nothing at all okay so I figured such a such a noble gentleman as yourself but I just want to invite you for a little bit of an English tradition afternoon tea afternoons yes yes afternoon tea exactly it sounds much better when you say it afternoon tea yes absolutely so right over here I've actually prepared for us oh my goodness meeting shall we say why have you got everyone's head here yeah this is a long story but there there is a lot of shenanigans going on at the moment and a man needs to know his allegiance so I'm just keeping track you got a man from the entire server yeah I'm gonna make sure I know where things are going down dude my basics so cool it looks like a crosshair we're like a target it looks really cool I'm gonna lie mumbles like a sorry I'm getting distracted anyway so you've got a tea and toast yeah so I figured I invite you for a scale have you ever had afternoon tea before I I in Sweden we we are we know because you don't you serve scones and jam not toast and tea okay well excuse my ignorance for the for the tea and toast but you know did you put a teabag in this dude it looks it looks incredibly like water I've learned from English experience that English people usually like it a little bit light side so there may not be too much of the tea baguette in there that was definitely you know what's interesting with tea and toast though what because because I've learned as I grew up that this is this is an English thing the tea and toast tea and toast how would you abbreviate tea and toast cream tea tea TNT empty TNT there you go now see here is my now we're touching on and on an issue that I was wondering where this was going but I had to get your attention and you know there is no better way of getting in an English person's attention than with some tea and there is some TNT especially this English there you go there you go now we're talking so you asked about the allegiance of heads and things and you asked about the map now I want you to come over here down were my basis and take a close look at at the Sandy Village that you have rebuilt yeah there's a big like pimples on and a big white square right next exactly right so I'll be honest I mapped this entire thing out today and I did I was so like caught up in mapping it out that I didn't pay attention to the fact that my castle it's completely vanished into place with a king oh is that what is that what it is oh oh it's a Minecraft cake oh my goodness okay wait so that because there's so many things going on now who did that so I checked it out and it turns out the full symmetry yeah she pranked me we're just fair enough that's why she's upside down okay but you pranked her she I pranked her so it's kind of fair enough she's still you know she's just evil okay I mean I mean only good fun but then there was a sign from mr. Wrenn dog as well which makes no sense to me like we're Bros man yeah but you know Cleo changed the sign you know how that went down Cleo changed the sign from your prank from ischial to Wren so Cleo did that and then Wren got together with impulse and Doc to prank Cleo this is all really complicated I am it is that's why I did this room for myself so I could try and like stay on top of this thing but what but by the things you're saying like doc would be would be with red hair Renasant I'm I mean this is so confusing Falls and bran seems to mind an alliance to make a giant cake which you know at first sight looking at the map was like that's kind of interesting but let's let's get up there let's let me take okay you know when you invited me for tea I was like what is going on here so I was not into this at all like what is this and then you made me say tea and tea and then I was like see I invite you for tea and tea you know no scones and jam wait and you want me to blow this up yeah you see this is made out of die right and to be honest with you like even if my castle is still here I want to show you something come down here first before you make conclusions okay this is this is insane dude so I was like okay it's my castle inside here look at this this is solid oh oh my goodness no it's not just a shell it's a full-on solid is your castle completely gone no I think I think I hit the wall off the couch yeah look at this this way oh my goodness dude I know you're not enough there not enough there okay well I can't say that you don't deserve this and I actually saw the chicken earlier and all the poop was gone they've clearly reused the poop that you always use the same Bob wait a minute the chicken in a green costume did poop fancy poop because there was white concrete powder in it okay so they've just used the diorite they've just used the diorite wait what do these signs say the red velvet cake in a demon costume by Renan you see this is the next thing cuz I made like an art piece out of mine and they've done this Hitler but okay so yeah I I really really cannot like stand this and then I just saw it was funny because I check this out and you log on to the server and I'm like hey likes TNT say okay I was right you want me to get rid of this for you I'm thinking but you know if I get rid of this I can't guarantee the safety of your castle I would say the castle is tainted forever they've put too much bird poop on top of it why do you never want to touch why do you hate do I write so much it's just a blog it's bird poop dude look at it yeah I mean it's better now but but you played with the old textures okay yeah but still it's like is it is it worth blowing up this entire thing just because you hate die alright let me ask you the question like this is that okay would you stare into bird poop in real life and say it's just bird poop man whatever okay but would I look into bird poop and say this is so ugly I need to blow it up with explosives no no I wouldn't yeah I would I totally I think that's fair I think that's that's Commons wait are you telling me that you you are all people you wouldn't want to blow this up no no no what I'm saying is I wouldn't blow up bird poop with TNT it's it's totally unnecessary okay but yet but this thing yeah Oh totally I totally blow up this cake 100% but about payment it's a service oh yeah exactly so now we go back to the to the little to the little meeting it's my to my I put on fancy coats for you and and I've made you tea and toast are you saying that's not enough wait you owe me to do this for free it's not for free really I'm not a suit guy I really hate this suit I'm spin pain you know that seat looks a little bit like diorite it has its similarity never wear it again never wear it again I hated that white suits your hair let's not talk about the hair it's something that occurs to men when they get older okay okay alright okay I've made up my mind so I will blow this up for you pro bono you don't know charge but you owe me okay you owe me you owe me one I don't know who I can trust anymore and I need some I need some friends in this whole thing because I don't know who I can trust like you I don't have a wall of people but I don't know what's going on much anymore I kind of know some events but I don't know everything okay so I'll blow this up here but you owe me fair enough yeah okay I owe you that's scary to accept by the way also I totally would have done that for free as well so I'll go grab some tea are you ready for this I've got my tea and tea always ready okay impulse tea and toast this is and you're great at this like you're not gonna damage like my village and stuff for you there's no guarantees there's no guarantees refunds or otherwise terms and conditions see it's it's you get what you get and that's it as you can see there's some complicated redstone here we do this professionally around here okay this is not a mickey mouse operation all right it's all ready to go okay now say goodbye to the berdiana social I is that no kidding this is gonna be good dog oh that was generous gonna get that go back go back do you see the problem is I was trying to be conservative that none of that anymore nope we're gonna put down every bit of TNT that I have yeah it's going get up glorious that was a beautiful fairy yeah that's more like it dude okay wait come here look it look into my eyes look into my eyes look it's my eyes your hustle was gone before I blew it up yeah don't blame the demolition man blaming the pranksters that's like three stacks of tea and tea in there I'm telling you diary yeah like it's even three stacks of teens he can get rid of all this well that was a good job well done but you know this is a bit of a this is a bit of a masterpiece I think when it comes down to it so I think we need to rename this piece it's not exactly a this isn't exactly an artsy name but it's true I wouldn't eat this cake if I were you buying Korean what a mess what an absolute mess but I think I need to go back to my base and start working on some stuff because this is absolutely insane there's just so much going on now so to try and keep up today maybe I should make like a big wall of trying to keep up to date I know that doc and Ren an impulse are out to get me or at least I think they are Clio is possibly an ally because she didn't actually want to lead me into her prank but she did prank impulse because I pranked doc and Ren man this is so confusing maybe we need to make some sort of big conspiracy wall thing but it looks like s cow could be a friend and all this since he now owes me and he came to me to get that destroyed looks like Cleo could be a friend and well of course tango is a friend because he helped me do the heist in the first place this looks like things could get really out of hand well maybe they already have and I have not realized it yet but that doesn't mean that we can't keep working on our base there's still lots to do here the general consensus from my last video was to put some greenery in the base because is it does actually look futuristic however there was actually quite a lot of people that said no even though the majority said yes there was quite a lot the said no so I thought this section up here in particular it doesn't actually have anything in it and it's not actually a great size to put anything in it either so what if this was like my relaxing room where I made some real greenery like an Avery in here I could get some parrots in here some like a fish pond or something I could make this really calming in here and this could be my like relaxation room it's just an idea that way I could have the greenery without making it look weird on the rest of them I used the Rockets unfortunately that is all we have time for in today's episode hopefully we'll get a bit more actual work done and stop getting distracted by this silly war going on and it is actually time to draw the center I know earlier I said we'd do it in the next episode but it's actually been a day or two so I can actually draw it out now I yeah I drew myself great thanks guys let's try again but let's try again okay nope yeah I've messed it up all right so I have a scowl and has escaped in naughty or nice he's been a naughty this girl's been a North man brilliant okay so that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching we have interrupted Cleo's prank a little bit I think we've improved it a little bit so we've actually got even with impulse who actually went and killed me we still don't know who led me into that trap we also went and helped iskele clear up his trap and I've drawn my Secret Santa as well things are getting extraordinarily out of hand and difficult to follow but it's been really really fun so far and I can't wait to see where this all goes anyway thank you very much for watching and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,819,784
Rating: 4.9565482 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, hermitcraft 6, xbox, ps4, pe, pocket edition, grian hermitcraft
Id: Qdpg_rPfO2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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