Hermitcraft 6: Episode 1 - I JOINED HERMITCRAFT.

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/milo_hobo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yay! Grian!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DragonFire441 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kairinezz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

A really cool idea for a base. I’m hoping someone ends up going for a water base 100%. And not just buildings underwater, but conduits and stuff to literally live in the water.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scrogger19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will be interesting to see his builds, as he is quite different to the others on the server with his build style. He’s a great addition to the server and I’m sure he will have some great fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DragonFire441 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GreasyTroll4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sooo... One new hermit. One unidentified passenger in the Vexxes spaceship from s5 to s6. I smell a new member for the hermitcraft pranksters. 😊

And yes, telling scar he won't get pranked is obviously a ruse.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sunr4ven πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] can you believe it it's happened after ever since I started YouTube I've been asked to join the hermit craft server and it's finally happened I got an invitation a couple of months ago and I accepted that now means that I am part of to SMPS which is going to be very difficult on the workload side but I am so in over my head I'm excited I'm happy but these guys are the real deal these guys know minecraft yoga you guys are gonna be absolutely astounded by the level of incompetency that I have when it comes to this game part of the reason that I made the Evo server which is exploring the old editions of Minecraft is because that's where I am at home because I sort of started my minecraft life playing the game in those versions and as soon as creative became more prevalent and I got into building I actually dropped survival minecraft altogether meaning my knowledge of anything beyond 1.7 is is non-existent so I'm gonna learn a lot I'm gonna learn a lot about the technical side of things I'm gonna learn a lot about the new blocks I mean things like brewing and chanting all that kind of stuff is a new thing to me so you guys are gonna have to be a bit patient with me when it comes to this sort of stuff so this is sort of the island and I haven't yet explained what's going on in this season of hermit craft and it's pretty exciting we're going to need an awful lot of materials because I've had a little while to plan this I have actually come up with the location that I want to go so first of all what is hermitcraft well it's basically minecraft with friends in in a nutshell we're all going to be playing on the same server however there is a few special things about this series that I'm going to go over but we've actually got to travel to the main island and it's quite a long boat journey so while I sail over there I've made a little infographic to explain exactly how this series works for anyone that's a little bit confused perhaps about what's going to be going on so here we go this is the season 6 hermit craft map and as you can see there's one big island and this is where everything is going to be happening most people will be living on this island fairly close together and other people may be close by so that they don't miss out on the action the idea is that this is the central point of this season and on this island its separated into different segments and if you settle in one of these biomes or in one of these borders you're supposed to build in a different theme meaning that you follow the block palette and try and match the general building style that's going on so that we have very distinct lands throughout the island for example if you settle in the top of the island that is the fantasy realm so you might want to build sort of elven style or something like that there's aqua town where you probably build underwater there's pirate land there's a shopping district futuristic modern metal and industrial now all of these cover most of the building styles that I know the one that I'm least confident in I would say would be futuristic and that's where I'm probably going to settle in the north of the futuristic land in the water so I can try out a style that I'm not particularly strong at but as time goes on we're going to go and explore the other areas and build various different things and it's very exciting as everyone will have different bases and different builds throughout the island and it should be really cool I like this guy I'm not at the base yet I'm not exactly where I want to be but I think I'm on the island it's kind of hard to know where to go but then I just found this I don't know why it's made me so happy it's so funny oh I like you okay we are definitely in the middle of the island I believe this is kind of near Aqua town so the map is kind of hard to follow when you're actually here my sense of direction is not too great but I know that the place that I want to settle is over in the futuristic area I have been sort of dabbling with a few ideas if you guys want to see me settle in another area now is definitely the time to leave a comment not before not after I've already settled and made a load of stuff but I do plan on sort of going around and building different things I am NOT a unlikes highly set on it but because this is the 1.13 update I want to spend a lot of time in the ocean itself and doing a lot of water related building and I think that would be a lot of fun so here is my area now I've already had a conversation with my neighbor because I actually claimed this area ahead of time and someone else had already claimed pretty much exactly the same area and that would be biffer who has made a little cave up there as I can see so this is the edge of the futuristic area that I was going for I've got a few build ideas but I don't want to share them just yet just in case they don't happen now what we need to find is a sunken ship because I've had a really good idea on how to make a starter base in a very very cheap way and no I'm not going to be doing a dirt unfortunately I know that many people would love to have seen me make a dirt hole in my first ever episode of hermit craft but we're not going to we're gonna be doing something a little bit more creative than just a dirt hut but first we need to kind of find this ship and I can't see it anywhere see if we can find ah there it is there it is I knew that there was one around here I just couldn't find it so this is the ship that we are going to be claiming as our own and it's right next to a chasm oh how fantastic so this little canyon here is going to no no no no no there's bubbles in there I don't want to get tracked down we're gonna have to be really clever about this because one little dive down here is all it takes for my bubbles to deplete completely so this is going to be where we call home but before we can do anything we're probably gonna need a bit more sand the great thing about the technique that I'm gonna be doing is that I genuinely don't need any decent tools whatsoever to be able to do it I just is that another ship over there I can kind of see the outline of something but it's kind of far away so we'll leave that for now I need lots of sand because I'm gonna need some glass and I'm gonna need lots of sand itself hopefully that's all we need I can't believe we've only been on the server a few minutes and we're already chock full of stuff now the main thing that I need to find actually is a bunch of turtles because if I can make a turtle helmet that's gonna give me the extra ten seconds I need underwater because it gives you water breathing unfortunately I haven't seen many turtles at all I think they might spawn only in certain parts of the ocean maybe only in warm water and this is cold water you can tell by the color of it one thing that I'm a little bit worried about are the amount of bubbles that there are look at this it's just free fish and if you go across this it's a bit dangerous because those bubbles will drag my boat down so I've got to be careful and make sure I don't afk on those things and I got to take care of these fellows these are gonna interrupt my life as well I don't think he can get me I think I'm pretty safe did they drop they drop you useful stuff I think well he's useless oh dear seems like there's quite a lot of these drowned around at least they can't touch me while I'm here can they actually maybe if I just let him know I literally don't think he can touch me at all so what I'm gonna have to do is go over to the ship where this is I'm gonna have to make a little dirt tower unfortunately because I need a little platform for this to work so we're gonna go straight up this is how this is going to work so I need to make sure I make this the the right size I went afk for a few minutes and I come back and I think I'm surrounded you can't see them but they're definitely there though Barry is I don't think he can get me while I'm out of the water which seems like a bit of a flaw oh my goodness is so many of them okay I can't get them either this might seriously be a problem just as I kill one another one floats to the surface and that's not an exaggeration are they spawning around my ship because if that's the case we might struggle to make this so I think I need to act quickly otherwise these guys are gonna spawn around really fast I haven't actually got a lot of resources now that I think of it so I need to be quick about this but I actually need to make a little trip down there because I need to make sure for this to work it needs to be flat down here needs to be completely flat and that's gonna be much harder than I thought oh no this isn't gonna work is it I have to mix I'm gonna have to make several trips just to get this flat one block at a time this isn't going to be good this is gonna take a long time and I'm probably going to drown this is a little bit tricky to set up but once it's actually done this should work a treat I think I'm gonna have to destroy all of these blocks as well with the fences and stuff I need it completely flat no this is so difficult every step of the way I'm getting mauled by these guys thankfully they're not that smart they're like how the head thing it towards me like it looks like that doesn't it rock out rock out we are the drought right there we go again couple more dives and we'll be completely finished well not completely finished we will be ready to start actually working on this thing now the reason I need it to be completely flat is because we're going to sink some and onto this it should make sense in no time at all maybe one more dive and we'll be good to go so while I've been diving down I've been leaving this to smelt me some glass because that's what we're going to need but first I need to make myself a bigger dirt platform on how this is gonna work out so this is a pretty creative way I think to make an underwater dome but I'm actually gonna have to destroy what I've by bed my bed that's gonna be our circle there so we've got this very very I don't think I've ever made such an ugly platform made out of various different but hey my bed's back I'll have to get that later if for some reason items sink all the way to the bottom and then just float up again it's amazing right so this one is our Center block so if I'm correct and I'm not usually we need to make three blocks now I need to make sure that this dome is gonna work so actually to make it one smaller than the final product okay so as it stands this is the current sphere although because it's so small it won't really look to swear achill so as this fall's the idea is that it will fall exactly in this shape that I've made here and in order to make it more spherical I'm gonna have to take a few liberties so I think probably gonna have to leave it at that it will look a bit better because the glass is going to go on the top of this so this is only the interior space so imagine that this sand is air once it falls down the glass is going to be placed on top of this like so underwater he's drowned man I think that these drowned really are spawning very close to me or do they just spawn in the ocean in general I'm so lucky that they're pretty bad I haven't come across any with a trident yet so I'm not too worried at the moment oh no he's a little imp fella blew it let me get this dirt block and then we can fight okay come on a little further oh ow no no trade it man ah that's bounced off me um okay I might be in trouble here I might oh I might be in serious trouble here there's a trident man coming for me I think a lot of people that are into hermit craft will be like why haven't you got a armor because I want to make a house first make a beeline for the boat make a beeline for the boat I don't think he can get me out those traders really hurt ah no no don't you dare don't you dare this is not good this is not good this is terrifying this is genuinely terrifying I think I should play it safe and maybe sleep for the night I really hope that this guy under here drops the trident because I haven't actually played with the Trident very much let's go wait he's vanished they've gone where is where is he oh he's there oh no no no no oh you monster at least my stuff's gonna come back to the surface now where's the sword all I've gotta get is my sword man that's really gone all over the place maybe I can just take the stone sword and go for them where are they where are they where is he I can't see him he's dead oh this is not fair this is ridiculous okay I actually I see him this time let's go straight for him don't even don't even let him I got him this is actually awful these are no problem these guys are not a problem whatsoever but these these Trident fellas oh my goodness now did he actually drop a trident that I can pick up that's what I want to know is that can I not do anything with that I don't know how it works that looks like I can pick it up but I don't think I can once we get to the bottom of this pillar we can release the sand and then we can actually get on with this episode I can hear one please don't be a Trident fella alright last little bit last little bit all right that's flat flat enough for me to work with anyway and then we can release it hopefully down it goes bit by bit now as it falls it should fall directly into place oh no no no no no no no no you are joking I've never seen such a sad sight in my life what's happened is the sand has fallen on slabs and it's it's broken you can see we're exactly where it was this is a nightmare and now there's another drowned after me somewhere no okay I have finally done it I've gone down and changed everything so it now should just be a case of letting it all drop into place there it goes no disasters oh my goodness this was I've now learned quite a few things I mean I kind of knew that sand broke on slabs but I just didn't realize there was so many down there it looks like everything is correctly falling into place now hopefully there's no drowned down here again cuz they are absolute nightmare okay so we gotta do is take our glass and we build the the sphere around it so we just make our way around placing the glass around the perfect sphere that we made out of sand or it's not actually a perfect sphere what we got to do is fix up the top and leave a hole in the middle that's the main thing leaving a hole in the middle one two three we're one block short okay so I haven't actually tested this but the theory should hold let's I think we should just go for it okay this is everyone we're going for it dive down as fast as we can you know dig down three and then we make that yes oh we made it and then all we got to do is remove the sand from inside this glass dome and we have ourselves a little air bubble this is brilliant now I've shown this on a video before but I've never actually done it in survival myself I just made sure that the actual technique worked and it's actually done pretty well and to be honest with you if it wasn't for all those drowned mobs everywhere I think this would have been a really really quick way to do it so we're gonna do now is remove that and we've done oh this is beautiful this is actually wonderful we're gonna have to delete all that mess up there I need a way out I need a way out that is for sure I need a way out but for the time being we can work with what we've got so underneath here is what we're going to work on next so we're just gonna fill this with sand and start clearing out this shipwreck and then we're gonna have a place to make a base oh this is so cool I so you love this I have definitely made the right decision making an underwater base this is gonna be so cool we've got a lot of work to do now to make this livable the problem is we've got to clear out the water from all of these little nooks and crannies because all of this is like upside-down staircases and you can actually put water in them now I thing is I actually genuinely feel like I'm physically shoveling out water with this bucket it really does feel like it I guess I guess that's kind of realistic in a way but it's taking a very long time hold on I didn't know that this went around chest now obviously because this is whoa whoa this was a gold mine oh my goodness how many iron one two three four five six seven eight eight ingots five emeralds a bottle of enchanting loads of iron nuggets two gold ingots and some lapis that's incredible now why is that got water around it there we go it takes a seriously long time to get anything out of here because the water is so persistent I really need like 10 empty buckets to make any dent in this there we go I think that's it I think that's the entire thing cleared out we don't have a lot of space here that's for sure how do we make this maybe we can make a way in with signs yes they still do block air but only if you don't place them on a full block of wood so we can go in and out of our base now as we please look at that not too shabby I mean it doesn't look like the best thing in the world but you know what I'm pretty happy with it because that's all we need for the time being I know that it is it has a long way to go it has a long way to go and this is only a temporary base but boy I have definitely learned my lesson just make a dirt house just make a dirt house Korean don't do this to yourself do you know how long I kind of don't want to admit how I've spent on this if I'm being honest I don't want to admit it I can't get over how beautiful this is now is there actually anything here that I can use two lies oh my goodness actually it goes that's where that noise was coming from okay so I think there's a little room down here with a with a little drowned in he's right there so we can go ahead and get him and we actually have another extra room that we can empty out this is brilliant there we go oh there is something in the chest we're actually pretty good on space I thought this was gonna be way more cramped in than it was well than it is I thought this was gonna be really really tight it is a little bit tight but we're actually discovering more and more rooms as we go along I got to admit this is a pretty cool first base though as far as as far as dirt houses go this one's pretty cool I was seriously hoping for a full sized one but I'm gonna have to settle for the half size and to be honest with you I'm not too I'm not too upset because well this took a really really long time to sort out like we're talking in excess of an hour and a half just to get to this point here and I'm not sure I can take it anymore so this is pretty cool now we need to go and actually get ourselves some resources as we have a base of operations but there is a buried treasure map which I am struggling to resist the urge if I look at it I can see the treasure map I might go and get that another time so maybe we'll keep that for later it doesn't have to be where we sort of settle indefinitely we can keep it simple for the time being I'm easygoing I'd love to hear what you guys think there's probably one thing that you should know about me is that I'm not like the other Hermits you see I'm a little bit different I don't do things perhaps the most efficiently or the best way my goal here is to have as much fun as possible okay I I do build a lot that's true but I mainly want to have the best time that I possibly can on this server and I don't yet know what that means exactly it could mean very many things so let's try and head down into a cavern let's ditch some of our stuff and head down into a cavern I haven't actually got much food so this is probably a terrible idea but we're gonna go anyway what's that old saying - don't dig straight down I think we can forget about that can we see anything useful so any cave systems don't want to go too far look there's my boat my boat slips a well here it is this is this is the ravine doesn't seem to be much here apart from some sea grass and some magma box which we are going to collect right now though I want to kind of focus on finding some diamonds and this is actually a pretty good place to start because this here on this is why thirteen more commonly known as Diamond level so as long as we sort of start strip mining we should find some stuff to kind of give you an idea of just how far removed I am from being up-to-date on minecraft let alone hermitcraft just minecraft this is the first time I'm using dual wielding that's how like old-school of a player I am and just how long I've been building for I've never properly used dual wielding I mean I could have many times I just I guess I just don't find it that enjoyable I get a bit confused I don't I'm just I'm just a bit rubbish basically now I've not done too badly for myself I have not found a single diamond yet I've got a stack of lapis and a stack of I know exactly to the mark I might add so I need to make myself a few more pickaxes because we need diamonds and the reason we need diamonds is because I don't want to be left behind I don't want to be the new hermie that doesn't know what they're doing I want enchanted stuff because from what I can tell almost every single person gets loads of diamonds has entire diamond gear and has basically built an entire city in their first episode and I don't want it I don't want to get left behind so I've actually done a fair amount today and I'm still not finished there's something that I desperately want to do but I haven't got the things that I need yet I actually need to go to the nether I've done a lot of resource getting look at all this iron I have already spent my diamonds on these pitiful tools I did so much mining but didn't get anywhere so let's take a look at my ship I have actually made this as thin as it can possibly get utilised as much space as I can and this is the result I think I've done pretty well you can tell that this is really really pushing the limits with all of these staircases and slabs and I've even used some trapdoors to try and make it look a bit more homely this is my little area down here and the reason I put a door here is what I don't really want people going down here and - it's not really in the ship theme so this is actually the bottom of the ship as it sits right now and I've just been digging this out because this is where I need to put the nether portal but I need to go and get the obsidian in order to do that I've got my hands on 14 obsidian and that's it we are going to the nether okay we're ready let's go I desperately do not want to lose my levels it's taken me a long time to get to this point and we're here might as well take some mushrooms what I actually came to get my hands on wasn't courts but we will need to strip that out it's actually soul sand I need soul sand in order to do what I'm hoping to do how did I get this soul sent so easily where did this come from no seriously I I didn't mind this it just what's going on here I just came through the nether and there's five soul sound in my in my hand I didn't mine it on earth I guess that's one of life's great mysteries but seriously are you saw it from start to finish didn't have any whenever I've built something in Minecraft I've always taken for granted how hard it is to get quartz or how much of a grind it is to get caught I always use it because it's one of the best white blocks and it's got the slabs and staircases and stuff but I've not really considered enough how much of a pain it is to get I honestly yeah I really should take more care because grinding this one out not not great but hopefully over time if we just visit here every now and again we get what we need in the quartz department I'm gonna be needing a lot of concrete a lot of concrete a lot of quartz a lot of white blocks a lot of dies it's gonna be very very interesting but that's all I actually needed to get from the nether there's something I've desperately want to try wait a second no I've ended up in someone else's base no what's coming on here there's a chicken farmer oh my goodness this is what I'm talking about I'm in way over my head here they've already got a massive chicken farm going on oh the renho I guessing that's Ren doggies part of the hermit's thank goodness I brought a boat with me I'm not entirely sure where I am did that just vanish Oh my boats back in my hand and so we're not actually anywhere near our base right now we need to head this way and I think over to the right what on earth is this who is that what's going on there's already so much stuff happening is someone building a boat it's only episode 1 calm down I just took that is zombie Cleo I just took over a shipwreck and you're ready building a boat I'm I'm in way over my head on this series actually while we're here on the way back we're actually not too far away our base is just over there the sunken ship is just over there now I know that it's not modern that's the main thing it is not modern in the slightest but we are close to Pirate Island which is here this is where good times with scar is building and as you can see he's already started landscaping the entire area so we could just take a little little look around while we're here so lots of cobblestone lots of sandstone I mean doesn't actually take you long to eat your hands on this stuff so this probably didn't take him too long he's actually down there so I wonder what he's actually gone and made it's pretty cool but he's only a few he's only a few hundred blocks away from me like a short boat journey and he would run straight into me I have no idea how you get into his base he doesn't hidden it ready have you oh he's actually living in a cave right now what what was going on there teacher a just round in front of it he was right there looking at us I was just visiting the base and I thought I was really cool and he was just okay look at this good guy green picking up someone's stuff isn't that nice oh yes he ended up when he died he went all the way back to spawn look at that good guy green just put his stuff in a chest for him now that's super out of character for me as everyone knows because this is slightly different from the Evo server if you guys watch my minecraft evolution series you guys know I am a troublemaker a big troublemaker and it's not that I'm not going to cause mayhem I definitely am I just I'm the newcomer here these guys all know each other I don't know them I don't want to come rushing in and just causing an absolute scene we've got to ease them into it I've got to ease them into the mayhem there we go just so that he knows exactly where I stand on these matters here's your stuff from good guy green who won't prank you one day there we go just leave that where it is let's head on back to the base because it's one thing I want to try before we head off and next episode I'm going to be looking at trying desperately to get my hands on a turtle helmet which means getting scoops now the way I do that is I have to look after baby turtles until they become big Turtles and that's not as easy as it sounds or as laborious at any rate so that's gonna take some time but for now we've got ourselves settled we've got a huge amount of stuff I've been mining for hours and we've got ourselves half a shipwreck that one day we're going to turn into a modern futuristic nice and down we go can I save it can you save it if I push it can I save it no bye I think throughout this series we're gonna have a lot of boats down there at some point Oh home sweet home okay so what I wanted to do is no easy task you see what I want to do is have an open entrance of water and that is tough okay really tough because the water physics do not want to work in my favor ever so we're just gonna make something really rough at the moment a proof of concept here so the main thing is we don't want to have too much water in here we just want ace quick entrance and exit so the main thing is that we pop out here we want to create sort of a lip that goes across like this and then that leaves us where actually I might need to create a little bit more if I create a little bit of a thing here because we want this to be air to begin with this will work out and then we take this away oh that's brilliant I think that's I think that is roughly what we want we just want a big wall of water now here's the tricky bit we're gonna have to get rid of this stuff and we want to add in soul sound because soul sand gives off bubbles that go up so I think you might have worked out where this is going if you just give me a second we'll need to do now is fill in the water at this point I could take water from what I thought I could take motor from anywhere that might be a little bug so the idea is all we got to do now is make a quick boat okay it's okay I got my boat this is gonna if this works I'm gonna be so pleased so this is our little entrance we go out what what happened oh we hit the ceiling oh no I didn't think this through I need I'm too far over that's not good okay so we know that it roughly works we're gonna have to try widen this out okay we got a seriously good-looking bubble column going on so in theory we take the boat we take the boat out like so oh this is brilliant look look at that absolutely perfect and you know what we can actually turn that off at some point if we like get ourselves loads of Pistons we can make that be toggleable so we can like have a little underwater Launchpad essentially which is brilliant so I think that's probably where I'm going to have to end my first ever episode of hermit craft now this one has been a little longer than I usually would make my videos and that's because I actually have to go away for four days I've really really enjoyed making this first ever episode I really have maybe it's just the excitement of their new the new version but this is gonna be so much fun I can't wait to see what we do I've got some big plans and I'm not gonna spoil them all now so this really really came at a bad time because I just want to play more and I want to upload a bit more regularly than once a week so unfortunately it will be a little bit of a wait before number two comes out but hopefully I won't be too far behind I bet when I get back everyone will have already basically completed the game it'll all be that the entire island will be colonized and full of buildings left right in the centre which I think will be quite funny anyway thank you very much for watching everyone that's it for me if you did like this please leave a like and leave me a comment telling me what you think do you think I should stay in the futuristic zone do you think I should go somewhere else any info at all is a bridge your idea so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 9,430,515
Rating: 4.9408102 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft, episode 1, 1.13, aquatic update, underwater house, shipwreck, minecraft 1.13, smp, minecraft smp, hermit craft
Id: 7fi_k9Q_NVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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