Hermitcraft 6: Episode 26 - GRIAN, ISKALL AND MUMBO GOLF!

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Making up rules during golf with friends is the most golf thing you can do in golf

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is gray now welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft today it's very special episode because we are going to be playing some golf with the boys and the boys are a scowl and mumbo-jumbo if you're going golfing you've got to dress for the occasion everyone knows that I can't go in you just your red shirt and your grey trousers like everyone else does you know you got a you got to make it special which is why I've got my Scottish golf outfit on this is a traditional wear for Scotland golfers I love it I don't think many people wear them now but it's all goodness me all right let's go golfing right we're gonna go meet the boys in town let's head on over and see if we can find them hello you're right we ready clearly we are all ready for golf let's go are you going to play tennis you do look like a tennis player it's either that like someone dressed me up this morning okay I woke up in these coats it's either and I figured it's either tennis yeah Bjorn Borg or you're going to Boy Scouts inside boys kind could also be I've got a beer dude mystery man Scouts top British fashion mumbo and I are in our Scottish kilts ready for some dolphin hey you've even got the little hair right now let me question you this why am i wearing shorts another killer because I think you're wearing a Swedish outfit this is not hot we going calm this would be bad I've even got a green card in golf I let you guys know and shorts are not permitted I look like that stupid idiot it comes from a plane it's like oh yes I got two British friends over in Britain and we're gonna go and play some golf today it's gonna be so fun and then I fly over and I speak like this and I'm like hello friends and you guys go like oh my god she is not wearing like okay he's not gonna get into any course we need to stand beneath you because you know how it is with kilts we can't be standing too high up the ladder [Laughter] does anyone know where they go of course is by the way oh no idea no clue no yeah no neither get that awful start it's a sat-nav yeah it's something like that does anyone know what Cup made it I'm should we check the nether hub they might have signs there that's failing that we need to ask for directions we've got in all the gear but as per usual we have no idea yeah I feel like we are totally lost yeah I think I think we got to go towards at least Cubs base I think we're just roaming around I reckon it's probably on this side of the map so I think it's a good place to start if not we're gonna have to ask experts and directions yeah yeah well I'm glad you know we're Cubs bases because oh no I don't worried then I think it's on this side of the the I know it's on this side right because these oh oh oh on Corp Country Club yes yes every time I use one of these boats on this thing I just think of Tokyo Drift like dude dude lighten around I'm all over the show oh I almost got past you then I don't think you can pass me no you're a bit too wide oh all right so I guess we're here I think the real reason that it's cows in a different outfit to us is because he's our caddy lethal by the way yes yes do we have a bed members of the comm Corp Country Club are part of an elite group of wealthy oh and very good-looking even more oh the of cancun carp this is getting more and more difficult to say by the way represent the best of the best of the best so this here's all the equipment we need apparently all right I'll take the pink one at the end driver iron wedge all right so we got different we got different bats bats Korean it's club club sorry sorry forgot we went playing tennis okay so yes we've we've got ball markers what kind of what kind of took a bullet for us go you guys there are 42 hole there are 42 pages to the rule book you are joking I'm not joking guys do you want to I'm just gonna put this out there because this book is 42 pages long yeah do you want to wing it shall we wing it I mean I feel like we should skim read it all right hits ball to Hull move on to it yeah right yeah happiness golf how hard can it be FF boots feather falling boots I assume really I don't have those it's alright I'll just fly down I guess I've got an Electra you need you need an enderpearl in your offhand and then a driver a club in your other one in your main hand hold on and then hold hold right click to charge your Trident then release right click to send the Trident and propel yourself into the air quickly after releasing right click again to launch the enderpearl every time you throw a tusk using Q and enderpearl counts as one shot ok the objective of this sport is to take the least amount of shots to reach the hole like are we the ball here I think we're the ball this is really fancy so we gotta go over yonder alright lads I'm going for it no wait wait for it later lads oh I'm in did you just wait twice what no oh so you throw the rib tight and then throw the end apart all right I'm gonna stand still I mean the stand still and then I'll wait for you guys to get get in here you hold right click and then as soon as you don't you so you hold right click I just hit ender pearl yeah how do i click immediately after you've hit the the Trident then you release an ender pearl okay lads I think it's fair to say we're not doing too good so you used to know dude yeah I keep accidentally hitting ender pearls I'm actually way worse off than where I was yeah I was gonna say I swear I swear I could only see his countless should we just call it that we've that we've done one more leads here because we're learning the system should we do should we do a do-over do-over let's go again all right lads I'm gonna I'm gonna suggest something Matt here let's read the rules yeah all right all right I'm gonna play some elevator music while I read this [Music] you all right are we good to go I think rules okay do you know what we're doing kind of maybe I know what we're doing we have to look back at the book for the different block types yeah apparently if you landed the block type you land on determines what you're allowed to do next that's what you need to remember and then we can we can identify it as we go green you go first no I reckon all three of us should go at the same time mad lads together right come on or any yet right and remember the in the in the in the rule book is says that you should be able to travel 220 blocks from this okay I know yet all right green screen okay ready oh I didn't even get a scale actually then we fired an ender pearl right so that's not brain I actually did really well I'm near the hole really yeah hang on no I did it right I did how do you meant to do it well did you read the rulebook mumbo I didn't try my best to but Wow okay that works this was my first shot oh good yeah that was a good shot to be back look at greenzo this was my first shot how did you land on top of that thing dude what no I made this okay what you made it I want to be able to see what you guys are up to because I'm okay okay fair enough okay Oh [Laughter] [Music] go on then I'm waiting oh my goodness okay Mambo you could take you take the first first I want you only watch what you're doing Hey okay so the hole is right I'm gonna hit greens pillar number 300 well off remember you're getting better remember I think you're getting to a different what hole over here I think you're on a different course oh wait hello mom oh yeah I think I have to go from the floor now shot number two lads okay yeah yeah all right all right I got this didn't go nearly as far as I thought I don't know where mom boys he's probably Oh mom be that was so slick that was nice hey hey hey hey hey I'm here okay all right you've left a dude but I'm gonna tank for your you and the might whatever it is right okay and oh throw in for in there we go number five and six that got accountants come on no you need to learn on the iron but that's stupid and a real golf course the whole is know where the pool is it's Cal I hit the pole as well why hit a pole as well whatever whatever okay seven shots whatever job all right this is my fourth [Laughter] right alright guys that was so pathetic I missed that as well hell is five well according to golf rules the order of which we are a teeing off here is mr. Mambo goes first all at the same time oh my goodness oh no lads and the Pearl entered orbit yes does anyone know where I am right boys here we go oh I see you guys that was a good messing around now green if you get this in somehow like if you get then I will give you 32 diamonds if you hit the pole yeah definitely you still the furthest away leave me alone hey you can't go from a tree oh my word that was actually quite a good shot if it wasn't illegal I was pretty decent I'm going for it I'm I don't care okay I'm thinking all right I'll get me them I'm having this shot for four shots and okay I'm on yeah you're on fourth bubble you're next oh so do you have to land on on that like from from this angle I can't land on their thing yeah that's your problem not for no reason you're trying to feel it out come you're welcome please come up with a plan is that to have you just got a birdie that's - I got a birdie I did the same I've never seen someone balance on the edge of the block quite that much before you bombers you have green on six is skull on two stupid wait this final silence please that's illegal no that's that's gold for you they're super rude they're like shining yeah okay here we go it's an interesting technique the a scale has employed and it has not paid off in the slightest yeah hold on let the enderpearl and there we go we're right oh oh that was terrible all right I'm going I'm gonna you know what that's such a good shot that might not be bad that's such a good shot no that's not that's not the end of this awful okay let's write that got account no that does not count that does not count he's stuck on the end rod ledge yeah look at me this is actually quite a tricky shot for me here it's very far up I think all for me no wait three no three three one two three nice bogie all right here he goes oh I'm out laughs it's Jeff I need to see you just fall down slowly I see in a minute guys hmm oh my goodness oh my word did you see how far that enderpearl went green Territorian well can you see where I am look how much further I went you where are you no I don't even see look I'm up on this tree no I say oh wow okay okay so I'm next then cuz my shot was worse can we just stop for a second and like noted that this must have taken KUB hours yeah yes yeah it would have taken a very long time but he is the grinder of her me craft let's let's be real which direction am I going up this direction where I'm at here I'm just gonna guess I'm just guessing completely that was a good guess there is literally no reasonable way in which I shall make okay oh you close down here it's a shot five Oh close ah okay well I've done three shots but I landed in water so I have to Oh mumbo can you throw it from there oh five six six okay so I I have done two shots but I've landed in the water so I think I'm on three I'm only allowed to use the wet yeah I think I think I'm gonna go for a crazy tactic oh no that wasn't a crazy tactic I didn't mean to do that but that was perfect what does the rule say about the flags yeah well if you land on the flag I say if you land on the flag you get you get you get it I think one on it yeah yeah yes I think it probably really landed in do I get that the yeah that's I like how we're just making up the rules as we go along I think I'm doing shot number 5 but with penalty so yeah shot number six not this hold on can i it's painful okay double bogey triple bogey bogey yes seriously pick your nose all right I'll say all right greens going first and in typical fashion he is overshooting massively you hold your tongue this is good don't you charge that me silence cool guys don't look at explosions you know that's definitely landed in the water yeah I'm deep okay right anywhere that's not easy overshot he's overshot oh my word I was so close I'm two blocks away no I'm not even joking I could have got a beacon okay here on this go go no no the wedge is bad that's why I got nine shots last time yeah yeah that's good he looks right up Mike mines my kilt yeah I did a little bit close for comfort I've no idea how many shots you've taken green buds oh oh pretty good alright so that was wait for I went one two three four but I get pedal time I was in the water my furthest or you throw this mumble I mean we can do some Pythagoras or I could just throw my under Pope okay see if I can do the same oh it's a good throw it's a solid throw two three guys nicely done guys yeah so we both twofers yeah two little birds in what direction though is it I don't see that but the heck is just like that goodbye oh I see the fairway I've not done badly guys that's okay that's gonna be good wait where's he going oh that's not an easy shot that is a tricky one I don't even know where the hole is I'm guessing it's up there on that yeah I can I think I can yes there's a left up here yeah it's up here right green if you connect to this stuff how did you do that it's a mess it's a real mess really yeah and there's no channels so much stuff in my inventory as well why were you bringing that much stuff with you man I have no idea how I died and no man you did have a lot of diamonds on you didn't he yeah why yeah like 64 plus 40 I told you I I discovered it when we were in the shop and I was like wow what's Maven Tori full of diamonds all right go on back from the ready back from the dead again the return all right here we go oh yeah okay so you guys don't have to get my item some I'm good there's this ridiculous though so you don't pull health again you die you were you're you can't fall you Rick do you realize how high up you're falling from man no you're falling from like a hundred blocks you can't say there's something wrong you launch yourself into the sky and then fall onto the floor I'm saying the game is badly designed there should be slime blocks or queen blocks there okay I can understand the hole in one throw twice now there's gonna be some kind of penalty for dying why I think I I think wait mumbo how did he get back that quickly yeah he's a freakin nature frickin idea how did you get that back that fast number if we were waiting for you I'm just gonna put out there we'd been waiting ten minutes I'm going to this is just bad game decided I'm gonna dig this out and put water here okay so you gonna just you're gonna you're gonna change the golf course to you'll know look not change it fix it because if you throw come on there is those queeth blocks in the wrong place we that number he's losing so he's changing the jaws around my needs because I'm the one that keeps dying because I Wow Wow look how high he goes green all right I don't why you guys know he expects to survive it's ridiculous isn't it I didn't invite his cow because he was good at golf no no he expects to survive that yeah I know it's so ridiculous nice everything is good if I jump it off the Empire States building being like oh I brought my umbrella I've got some Crocs on I'm gonna go for it guys yes that might be an overshoot is it on top of that mount that I still don't see the flag nice football back actually I am very close can I just can I just finish my oh no don't come and watch cool I got for you you've got a different you gonna rip tied up and then purl in yeah yeah that's the plan alright well it's kind of quite student the precious definitely feels like his own would use just standing there no no though I'm cheering yeah move out the way clean shots you can do it oh I hit a tree wait that was close but you can break the canopy and throw throw your probe from there oh yeah yeah underneath so no yeah you can do this I'll give you that okay I'll give you that yeah yeah oh there you go oh oh yeah the wind blew the wind blew the wind blew me yeah alright my number 33 I think that was my third shot as well nice I think out you should have had two shots of the start you died Oh bad design I'm ending it in the book and after that it can't be change Green 3 Mambo 3 is culturally good ok next next ok this one is a par 3 and there is the hole over there wait this is a crazy landscape by the way mega wait is that over there can I see it yeah yeah to the left I see it North is off its off over there it's all wrong yeah it's over there right here right where I'm standing is to flag yeah over here somewhere just fire it in that general direction and hope for the best there's a good shot out that looked good and I need to add yourself up dude oh I've ever shot a little bit I don't say you're gonna do it like this I was just gonna free I was gonna free ball it yeah well I have a stupid tree in front of me and you're killed up my face how do you like this well was not good well I've done too alright it's my turn then yes now the 7th hole is it for the free putter I was gonna say cuz that's quite bad a little bit of a challenge to it it's a difficult shot here in the rough and the moustached man makes his way to make his second shot and he's gone outcomes oh my God Jesus Wow next to the hole now some have been calling some have been calling him the golfer of our generation can i dunk it yeah go ahead well that was almost embarrassing all right so three points to me or three three show me if I if I just end up L the top of the flag no didn't quite [Music] Oh cupboards I'm done it myself it we have to go with to go straight through there I can tell yards yeah yeah we have to go through the mountain this is the mountain right here over the mountain I am going over later nerds oh no wait wait a second I'll see you in a bit okay right yeah there's just a bit embarrassing to be honest with you I can't believe you call us a nerd where are you I don't know I'm on top of the mountain guys guys this is just bit friendly go through the mountain yeah we understood that without I mean can you imagine thinking then that was a good plan oh yeah can you see me yeah you could do a handy pal yeah all right you reckon yeah alright because you're so far up what try and try and hand pearl over the top of that once is kind of in the way ah no I shouldn't have done that guys I should not have done that oh good here right over the edge of this mountain okay we're pretty cool sis you or throw again green oh dude I really got one ender pearl left oh no I've got eleven left here comes green with his third shot and he's gonna go for the I don't know where you just gone okay I'm back my turn oh yeah that was pretty good that was very close decent that's reckon I can make this with they're just a where are you shop oh my goodness yeah alright oh wow Oh give that's it I thought yeah I saw the ender pearl and on the plate yeah we see that's it right okay that's four four maybe yeah is this Monday second yeah - mom buddy's gonna steal the win my third why actually winning I feel like I can't be winning yeah you're like standing on the air floating okay last night oh man dude okay just so everyone knows cub told us this would take about 25 minutes and we've been going for about two hours yeah yeah two hours yeah this feels a lot like real golf oh my god this isn't a six hundred block one look at this okay again hub place every single one of these blocks by hand that's so yeah it's crazy like in like a positive ways in like that's ridiculous not like Cub you nutcase see some kind of cub yeah yeah I'm kind of saying cub you nut case where even are we okay so we gotta go back here it's this way the flag must be this way hey can we can we can we scope of this one out I feel like this one needs a scoping yeah yeah I'm gonna go for a little fire around sure oh I just oh my goodness someone flew over me there's lava on the way here by the way that's literally zero fun because I will not be able to stop laughing for a full week but if I could give you that too you mumble I'd be happy right good idea yep I only got 11 ender pearls on me at this point in time which I know there are more is that a good one is that a good one oh oh no wait I'm on the green you're not on the green or on the fairway sorry the Feherty I don't know the terms I'm an affair I have two very different things I'm on the green bit okay all right I think I might start this off with a wedge really ready you want the driving noise I barely made it but I'm in the water ah let's go where's Mambo I'm on my way he's taking the mick out of me but he hasn't even teed off one direction characters they could have been bad news all right I'm taking my yeah a second Chopra far away and that was I think that was a decent shot yeah I was about to say that looked pretty good to me it's Kelly's gather let's go hello where did he go I can see the flag can you see the flag from there yep Oh mumbo not again you're in the sound oh that's a penalty I'm in the water where do I even need to go from here oh thank you pretty good you need to go that way so my landing yeah this is where I am yeah there you go but slightly more really left yeah yeah but it's my shot my shot first I'm farthest away wedge for us again though mom yeah such a funny noise the hole is because I can't even see the hole and here we see the throne made completely of course he's going this is the kind of shot that we expect from our moustached friend where do even God oh my word I'm at the bottom of the ocean yep it's another penalty you better keep track of your shot Steve oh dude yeah well I'm um Paul I'm auntie wait how are you and four you've got surely got two penalties oh yeah no I'm five then I'm on five now as well okay I'm doing agree and I guess you were further ahead than me right yeah secret secret golf pro and here we see the Sweden shorts making his fifth attempt it's a good try oh that was a cracking short you got and he's made it across the walls away with Clearview to the end this is the kind of we've come to expect from the [Laughter] silence for the good I'm so close Yeah right good job that was that was painful to watch man oh but he's made up for it with a cracking throat I think I'm gonna I believe them go on mumbo some say that his facial hair allows him to yes like no wait wait wait wait wait I need to retain that because I drew my end of only hit you yeah no this this end the further I just threw it crashed into you know I sorry come in sweet vengeance you're taking them Academy I'm just gonna let that happen I thought you had it I just heard that oh man I'm gonna take my shot okay yeah I can to see if I jump for serious oh that doesn't count you're not quite on the edge you're on the block okay so that was four for me believe it or not that's in fall that's a baby yeah that was for genuinely four yeah well you can pick up that stuff and then so I'm on like eight or nine I think nine nine so ten yeah I think I'm on eight or seven I heard you were on well you've died and yet this time you died and destroyed part of the course so I was now I being tears with Gamble's off my face your keyboard the Swedish see now I feel now I feel segregated here I mean to golf dude yeah with surrounded green we're surrounded by icebergs and this do thin shorts I mean seriously like come on now call a Viking country for a reason Oh at the end is this the end yeah yeah there's just at the end put your score here include name score and rule type where we using oh the additional rules you can add in is this all my stuff we did normal rules I guess yeah but we also had a few additional ones that was a lot like genuine golf where it took two hours and we yeah yeah I feel like that was yeah very similar to real golf experiences that I've had but any we sucked we had some really good shots though by the way let me finish okay oh yeah ya know is it number eight or is it number number I had it was number 11 definitely not right yeah I'm gonna throw it god no oh that's sorry about that no no no no no I'm gonna be 12 and no no let me said 10 I think it was 10 wasn't it was it 10 is 10 no definitely not 10 he would land in the water three times he said the max was nine yeah but but then both me and mumble had a lot so no we're gonna I'm gonna count this together elevator music please okay dude dude we're counting with Swedish men how is he good in mathematicians no very much what do we do as sum of numbers just a really time off okay I feel like this is a good times or three times table grim oh yeah I'm just three six nine now that 21 I've seriously right let's move on to the Falls and four [Laughter] he enables with what yeah we're the were the worst people to be San extreme like a maths class that's be sure okay okay I'm gonna add it together now can we can we get some guesses because we're just gonna go whoever had the least amount of shots right we're not gonna care about poor or anything okay yeah I guess that I eat courts I'm thinking maybe one yeah I think it's Co probably one okay I don't know yeah I've added up oh you're still go one purse I know one person didn't win so let me just let me just let me just just just just clarify you're adding nine numbers together and it's taking you what half an hour yeah cause you guys keep doing annoying stuff like gang up bullying you grill all right here's the fun of you Mike Monday - cool okay up until the last hole his skull was heavily in the lead mumble was dead last remain dead last for nine holes mom bonus Cal came in on 42 shots was green took the victory on 39 killed it nicely done guys how do we catch everyone else cub got 33 of course he built 33 I think that's an example yeah oh yeah that is the example my bad above it okay so it's only cub that's actually played yeah and if and you know you what oh yeah no no okay also had to try did it yes change yeah and he's designed it yeah so you add at least 25 points to that I'm adding your mumble for you because okay there we go remember that I played on really really hard rules all right well we can leave that be clubs and stuff now yeah I'll bat our rackets that's a lot of tried election point view yo you gotta admit like getting try this is really tough so yeah I'm mad wedge wait no that's my tried mine will be called wedge iron subscribe in my current in my country of Sweden it is custom to wear shorts at the golf course and to honor the winner with some bling bling Wow here is for the winner 20 diamonds for me and you just gave me so ivory gifted ivory gifted my mind thank you that was a lot of fun yeah yeah oh yeah yeah I've used up all of mine well I think I think we're done here I think I think we can successfully leave this place we have a succession and never come back I think I'm gonna be here every night practicing and then we're gonna go another round and I'm not gonna be wearing shorts next time okay all right okay yeah cuz they are awful never wear them again and without a gentleman I think it is time to end okay see you boys later you
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,907,529
Rating: 4.9421535 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, hermitcraft, hermit, grian hermit, ps4, xbox, pe, pocket edition, minecraft hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, mumbo, minecraft golf, trident golf
Id: p6Qmig17r0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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