Hermitcraft 6: Episode 137 - They got me...

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so as you guys know recently I got a new microphone and generally it sounds absolutely lovely but because I'm a totally useless human being for the start of this video I didn't set it up properly so for the first minute I would suggest protecting your eardrums guys I've been reading through your comments okay I've been I read through your comments and your tweets and things I knew it what happened what how did I made my afk bunker it has it has they blocked on my door what earth the absolute barbarians honestly how am I meant to make homograft episodes looking like this I look ridiculous my face bone even fits in that way oh alright I'm never doing that again okay Oh have a goodness sake right let's that's nice you know I'm breaking my own door well absolute nightmare and I also have my microphone setup wrong this is just a terrible start that episode now listen all right again this is partially my fault I might I might not have had the strongest combination on my combination knock one two three four I thought someone would actually try it though someone would actually try to enter combinations into my combination lock why would I assume that I just assumed that they would see this combination lock here and go well it's not worth the effort okay there's seven thousand or something possible combinations of this I'm not gonna bother no of course green comes along and Toby seeing one two three four whoo there's only ah there's only two people in the world that would make a combination lock with the passcode one two three four and it's me and gray and I should have seen it coming so I guess I guess now I'm stuck with this this is my life now this is me big head McGee I am perplexed I I'm perplexed I'm gonna pick up my red stone shocker box I'm gonna clear out this area we are gonna have to step up the security we are I'm going to increase the security of this place so now no one will ever be able to get in okay and I'm gonna say that confidently I guess the good news is though I have been afk for quite a considerable length of time and well iron ions happened oh my word oh we're overflowing that's probably causing problems time to leave hastily and nobody tell exam avoid you guys have been asked me to get one I always sent the true-true winners and demise don't actually carry these things but now I mean it does doesn't look pretty cool it does seem like a smart move you know what else seems like a smart move actually finding out what this dragon road stuff is all about why do I have a massive head on my head why did they break into my bunker to put a head on my head it seems to oft I mean that's basically it definitely is daft I mean look at me I bet even fit in the screen this is awful so let's have a chat with the other ridiculous-looking human beings and try and work out what on earth is going on here alright I have some questions okay do we start wait hold on no I've started but what are you doing alright let's try that again then I have some questions guys okay what's all this guy what is all this your base no no I don't understand how anyone could build a bumpy road hey if you had a problem with it okay you could have said it when I built it about a year and a half ago I can't believe you bringing this up now this means that for this entire season you've been thinking that you've been storing that up in your head and you've only just brought it to me because it was profit it was profit from the cielab knows you're gonna have to explain to me what that is all about because I can't open notice that my head has quadrupled in size and I have I've received a Hollywood lip job so somebody needs to explain what this is all about honestly I'm gonna get the full of an Instagram now so I got mustard I'm glad that you've done it do you also realized you also realize that if we would thank you mustache away oh yeah that's a nightmare as well all right okay don't get ideas okay I just need to know what is going on because I came a ok I can't believe that you guys broke into my bunker I know my password security wasn't exactly fantastic but I'm still three foreman though the audacity the audacity to come over to my bunker and start jamming codes in that you know that I would program okay dude if we didn't have to jam I did think there's only two people in the world who would do their code is one two three four and it's probably me and Korean we just have a deal same so that's a really unfortunate thing okay so I'm I'm I'm a bit upset that you managed to break in okay I can't believe that I'm now stuck with this it's all about you are a dragon bro a scouser dragon bro I'm a dragon bro b-dubs is a dragon bro and basically what we do is we bro yeah bro dude we bro as long as you do something that's like dragon bro okay okay let's pray with me bro what about this would this be bro I throw this on the floor not pick out no that's no name that ain't that ain't right bro this is this is more bro table spread this is bro oh that was dragon bro no I mean that was totally dragon bro that's that's bro that's really broke right there I mean he still lost me I mean I I feel like I'm gonna be doing unintentional bro things for a while so if I do do something bro you can tell me that it's bro maybe for a little bit because I don't know if I'll be able to like yourself professor bro moment I'm lost I'm too British for this stuff you know you'll get it it's fine okay basically everything you do is either bro or not bro we as dragon bros keep our brazen line all right we just bro bro okay no idea but you ain't a real dragon bro until you've brode someone else Yeah right you see we've all brought someone I brought green it's not me and then we both together bro no wait you brought BtoB does your own yeah aww so you actually ever bro anyone oh no you cuz you procreated all right okay so I'm you haven't brought anyone well I've only been a bro for like three minutes so I think that's that still there's still plenty of brawl time okay so this dragon bro you stuff I still I still don't fully understand but it sounds like I have to make it new dragon bros and become a good dragon bro so we'll do that later on for now I really really want to work on is increasing the security of my bunker because as much as I'm still friends with those guys okay and you know I am actually quite happy to be at this strange cult type that it feels like a cult okay I know they say it's not coke but it feels like a cult as much as I'm happy to be hit hits I am still could've no they were able to get into my bunker so easily so I'm gonna step up the security and things and I'm going to do it by building a super fancy combination lock this is actually this is gonna be really really cool I've come up with a good idea for how I'm going to make one all we need is a lot of black concrete and we need a lot of sandstone I would say okay we've got tons of black concrete so that's very handy do you have any sense don't know I don't know if we do all right apparently we have literally bucket loads I don't remember ever gathering up any sandstone but I also don't remember ever using sandstone so I guess I guess it's just it's yes two years worth of sandstone and I mean it's crazy to think that we've been on this homograft world for so long it's not quite two years is probably more like a year and a half but still so here is my idea for the combination lock what we're going to have is it's kind of going to be like a color combination lock but it's going to be a monochrome combination lock and you have to create a pattern making use of the colors seems really smart I've laid out all of the pistons or at least that is the piston feed tape there and then we've got the bottom Pistons in place it's six blocks across so that's all good the only thing that I have to do now is work out how exactly I'm actually going to wire these things up so that they don't interact with one another because obviously yeah each one has to be separate when I hit the button on this one it can only activate this one it can't affect any of the other ones which is far far easier said than done I can promise you that but I would say I have done it fairly successfully now it's a bit of a string so I obviously it makes use of a ton of observers and things but you can see there everything is firing in sequence that double fire isn't actually a big deal even though it looks like it should be a big deal that is it so that will cycle all of our blocks around and then we will have yet a fully functioning piston feed tape and I've just thought we need a little bit more room because we need to be able to take a comparator output from this thing because without said comparator output or redstone output the system's not even going to know if you've got the right combination but I've made space for that and now we have we have everything lined up for all of the various different modules so now is time to start filling them in and putting the combination in which I realize is gonna be a little bit more tricky because this is an or gate as opposed to being a NAND gate and now I've fallen on the floor gate nothing that's not even really a joke it doesn't make any sense but still I think I've managed to work out a solution to the problem that we were having and it actually means that the combination lock thing is actually going to be on the inside which is really quite neat this is actually a neat little circuit right here now there is one thing that I didn't think of so now I'm out here gathering up some spruce wood to fix it I'm not going to explain what needs thing I'm just gonna tell you that and leave you all very confused oh yeah I'm also in need of some birch wood as well okay I think might feel sorted and with that the code is now all in place I can't actually show you because then well I'd be broken into again wouldn't I that we totally pointless but it is it is now all done and it is now all functional I just have to build up a little structure around this thing I gotta say scrambling this code is very entertaining Lee fun and it does all seem to still be working by the way and nothing seems to be breaking so I can just do this all day long I mean I would consider that the code very scrambled except my doing that I totally broke the system I don't know how I did it well look okay how about this while I fix up this part of the system and actually try and get it back working and then recode my entire combination hog you guys can enjoy watching me doing my first task as a dragon bro I feel really really lucky with this entrance previously because I check out the entrance right and the button so I went through my entire bunker and then I've actually done something quite smart so what do I have to hang here cuz otherwise I will die we got the architect bunker key we put that in wait for the building and then you dragon boy let's go both go dragon bro if you don't do that there is a it's a sure death it's a fool that sure yes alright so if you die now if I die now that would be sad I didn't hear the ding oh it is the scariest thing but yeah it's finisher death thing that should at least be like can you confirm if death is sure or not and then you have to say it's made for their demise no no no I know I know yeah I know I know but still I still feel like it needs like a confirm I made this by the way green have you seen this I have I have been inside this is this is dragon dragon bro meeting room dragon bro headquarters what there's piston door action going on yep Wow just say 2x2 2012 for who is this room bro yes you're damn right it is good stuff right okay so this is the squad this is the squad this is standing on your own head is that bro that's bro okay that's very bro right debrief time we're gonna go after false I actually have a little plan oh come on so let me take you through it cuz we're actually gonna need this is actually gonna take a little bit of like finesse on our part and really work together as dragon bros we've got by the boatloads finesse this is what we're gonna have to do this is gonna be a little bit complicated so we're gonna put outside the front of her base a big old sign with a pumpkin on it and we're gonna have a load of red herring signs so this is gonna be like a blah blah blah blah blah blah on the signs yeah at the cinema and you want there's a movie you really want to watch yeah and then someone tall sits in front of you yeah just leave that one out to see it's just inside your mouth it's very uncomfortable nice focus focus that ain't broke that ain't broke yeah break right so I'm what we're gonna do is I'm gonna have a dispenser this girl's gonna have the dragon head you know and mumbo is gonna have the lever because he's the one that's got got to dispense yes dragon and I've got the redstone skills I think yeah so what we're gonna do is we're going to create this it's gonna have loads of like just words on it so false we'll be reading it she'll be like looking looking looking looking this time we sneak up behind her mmm the signs will tell her to put the pumpkin on her head - like reveal a secret message or something it's total nonsense but the way she should take off her helmet for that split second to put on the pumpkin that's when we sneak up behind her put the dispenser down put the dragon head in and activate it that's why we need all three of us so it's that's split second okay you do realize I press together shift with my thumb dude like seriously nope wrong move actually that that's the anti bro move the old underhand thumb switch I just realized that our name tags is inside our head yeah yeah it's pretty cool that's bright that's pretty bro yeah does that make sense so we kind of do you want to do a little practice run just to make sure that this works all right I'm gonna pretend to be folks Yeah right and when we countdown do we say 3 2 1 bro yeah three two one bro yeah obviously that goes that same sorry okay and then we performed the dragon head chant which is humming know what this is what now this is dragon bros this is dragon bros oh yeah doing that the Hunter Hayes yes that sounded like a cult that ain't bro dude leave the room that ain't bro is there an option to leave the room I felt this is Kirsten I mean Rose you can leave this room when you can take that dragon head off of your head yes you're in it for life dude right now that's bro so that's no you're in it for life slogan boom we've confirmed that this definitely is a cult no matter what those are - who are saying I think we've got some tests sort of worked out has time to try out on false I don't know how to do is let's set it up and then see what happens okay I'm just I need to write a load of rubbish on signs I mean all right I'm a professional no I'm gonna have to stop just making noise over the top of you so that I'm also definitely gonna get I've had I've had copyright issues in the past okay and I've ironed them how and how you were coming in okay with that Pelly copyrighted melody I get point taken okay I'll shut up and honestly you know if one a Chapel decided to come in and remove that audio from my video it'll be a blessing please copyright claim he's gonna be stuck in my head I'm gonna be in bed tonight yeah you know I hate to say it mate you're acting as if this is some kind of original idea where whereas if I could think of the least original theme visit to the course listen to the course can they bro no they can because they're not dragon Bros but they what here we come with the dragon Bros now we wait now we wait there might be up to bait her in somehow is did anyone bring did anyone bring snacks no I didn't bring some no no what's this ability Porsche gonna do grab absolutely sweet Fanny helps but it will be entertaining and it does make us look a little bit more professional it means it means that at least our and our usernames won't be visible look no no no no don't take yours don't dude you come the lead role you've gone the least invisible thing ever and I can see inside you literally just shorts oh I'm getting get in position well is let's hope that she comes by within the next eight minutes eight minutes can anyone see the signs cuz I can't I can't just about see the sign okay because if we you know you wall hacking cuz like you're looking in time 5/8 f5 date I mean f5 I see wait who's there what's that she's reading this come on bull are we moving shadow I'm moving to crouch and we need to crouch hang on hang on why are you saying should you stop arguing I'm running I'm running she moved okay what successful a film like that was successful I'm not really sure I still don't really know what this is it still definitely feels like a cult doesn't it I'm sure it's real nice of you but I do know one thing that has been successful my combination lock my combination lock is now all done the code has been set up I've scrambled it okay so now my afk bunker is fully impenetrable because the combination I've used okay it's so much better it's so much better than the combination that I used for my number combination lock you still have to enter the number combination lock but you also have to get the other combination right so it's is double double security I'm gonna be fine in here I'm just gonna be chilling anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed this homograft episode and I will catch you in the next one see ya I still can't believe they broke in I start but the absolute audacity to break into my unmanageable AFK bunker maybe I should stop calling things unbreakable and unpalatable and things like that that might that might not be helping my case cuz that almost issues a challenge but I am fairly certain that this is unpin it so having a word I don't know if that's a word anymore
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,166,896
Rating: 4.9677892 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: n8YYYA-oWx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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