Hermitcraft 6: Episode 108 - WHAT???

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every day on the hermit craft server something new weird and wonderful pops up and today is no exception because this wonderful machine made by mumbo-jumbo has just popped up and I have no idea what it is to anyone that has run into issues with their skin this machine is for you it will undone Belen II player who walks into it important do not use this skin unjam blur if your skin is not jumbled I mean I don't know about you but that sounds a bit like an invitation hold on we will give it a go so what happens if you use it when you're not jug board Oh blimey oh wow what's it done heck it's given me a beard pretty sure it took these off what on earth I'm not sure I understand what's going on here hold on let me let me let me let me let me get my camera count on let's have a look at what this is doing okay hold on hold on let me just move my head a little bit is the back of knotch agreein oh I love this oh I love this so much hold on is it there's a stress monster up there let's go let's go let's go show her okay we are we a Hunchback of Notre agreein let's put on our Electra oh my goodness what does that look like okay this is gonna be good she's gonna be so confused that she figured out what's going on what's with your head I see no problem I see no problems here sorry to be the bearer of bad news you don't like my head [Music] okay we need to let's go back into the skin and jungler ow and let's do this one more time back to green again what's it done what's it done this time let's have a look oh well this is normal that's hold on let me get this the realest of our hands there we go perfect perfect wait that's my head not my feet oh this is weird look at my hand it's all red okay yeah let's go back let's try this one more time shall we to get rid of our upside-down this going back to color anything Oh whoo you know I think we should stay like this for a while see if you if you tilt your head just the right angle you can see it oh this is an abomination but abomination is there anything on how to get back when you press the button stand within the lamps yeah yeah multicolored mist or green marking the process is complete before you leave reset the machine by pressing the button again make sure you stay outside of labs otherwise I honestly I don't know what will happen oh and by the way this cost 20 it's cuz 20 diamonds oh no oh no I just wasted 60 diamonds on this I think we're gonna we gotta go do we gonna go to choice dress this one thing went wrong something went wrong stress help help help if you talk just at the right time when the when the when the arm goes up it's like help me I've wasted you know I I don't want to waste more diamonds on this I think I might have to stay like this for a while what a waste of 60 diamonds I should have this is this is me well over I don't read the book I don't read the book that's the issue I have I don't read books all the way through and then I end up having to pay a fortune I'm not paying another 20 diamonds to get back to normal her forever ever ever forever friend it looks like I'm shaking my head you know what later on today mumbo and I and if you others are going to be playing a little bit of this game which I spoke about briefly before and it's time it's actually ready to play and I'm hoping we can play later so I'm gonna show mumbo what his machine is done what he's done to me but also while we're here no one is buying this stupid building so we need to make it even cheaper for sale 20 diamonds please buy come on 20 diamonds 20 diamonds for all this work someone please please one earth have you done mate what have I done what have you done it said don't do this if your skin is normal and I was like yeah I'm totally gonna do this yeah and then this happened it looks like I got it looks like I got run over the problem that I have is your arm moving as it looks like it's like you're kind of kind of talking it's not it's not it's not a good situation mate I mean I am actually kind of envious though I feel like I now have the most unexcited skin I went from really hating having a disgusting horrible skin to now being jealous of how much of a mess your skin is because I was pressing the button that having a great time and then I realized I didn't actually read the whole book and it shot you charged 20 diamonds this is a money-making scheme I'm great I'm gonna check back in at the last minute because it's Cowell was the only person that had a jumbled up skin so I was like well I'll take 20 I take 20 of this gal okay yeah not thinking that anyone else is actually going to leave yeah I'm actually I'm quids in [Laughter] well I mean yeah you've made you've made a meal of it but we're gonna have to pause now because we're gonna be playing some boom box with tango so yeah yeah right I mean yeah I just it's gonna be so distracting imagine order blown up just imagine let's come around the corner go back a tiny bit more when it's just the eyes people oh dear okay well I never thought making this machine but I thought this would end the silliness but it seems fantastic absolutely fantastic that's the Hermit quaff right I guess anyway yes should we do some exploding of people yeah let's get this place gentlemen ladies ready to blow each other up I believe so I think so some boom box to keep it real quick it's a game about blowing up your friends is red team versus blue team you're gonna in the floor there's gonna these little crates you picking up TNT and drop it on the floor and blow up the opponent in the in the outside areas there's special power-ups in the walls that are like armor and potions and stuff like that and the idea is that you have to infiltrate the enemy base going through the a little obsidian area blow up a wall get a flag and bring it back to your base and drop it in the crate down there and get a point and that'll light up one of these lights here first one to three wins capture flags blow stuff up example two flags blow things up are you ready squad do we have any tactical like plans for things that they should do I mean I spent most of the time just looking at myself everything I took you try this yet tilt your head to the side it genuinely looks like I'm squashed I mean it is you know a city I didn't quite understand what you meant i tilted my minecraft head to the side I realize now rotate whenever I'm looking at you I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna rotate my video so that you actually look like you are standing on the whole world shifts for greeing ready 3 Oh give me what I need the toilet no okay wait do we go the same way or do we split up do we split up no that's a bad move isn't it spinning ups always back I know Karen mm okay I've got nothing in that barrel all right I'm in the middle okay good I think I got I've got I've got 14 PT I would just thought I'd see what that was did you not see my technical abilities now I just did some serious maneuvers man oh man oh no this is bad news this is bad news for me because I fight my own to protection is in the middle i got t/od I'm going for it are you well I'm sneaking into their base lead you and I'm sneaking into their base I'm probably so huge yeah that's a big one I'm gonna take this I break I break the the couple's young right yeah what green they might be in our base - we totally didn't think about defense chief or this really yeah possibly Kimberly I'm coming in coming in halt please - they're totally in our baby Oh No hope you got FCAT there you go one way in one way out I got it well I bring my I almost blew myself up did I get Irina's you get the plague yes I got the flag I got it back I got a flag guys making the return place that right next to ah I'll go for it I'm gonna play it back oh no I have to pay in the back have you gone have you captured one we go one we go in with one one no way one point up hey deal he's that he's that he's that my own stupidity I didn't understand them I couldn't was in our base and she's just trying to blow me up I've got no TNT you are trapped I think I think they know man they know I'm invisible so you guys scored a point right yeah we got to play think so yes yes yes yes I'm gonna take green green teams base I'm going to capture their flag someone else's flag oh all right replenish well good well yeah you haven't we have to fill up our smoker actually Oh what are we put in there again tango hey take that take that take that potion you go invisible as well I wicked come on okay you can have a backup go in go in quickly quickly quickly quickly Mambo go back there take the slow one on both my legs like take that invisibility potion around the corner and then we can both sneak with the the final two together how you can take a flag I could take a [ __ ] right have you not been invisible at all yet no it's just camp in us have you got have you taken the potion number yeah I can see you have grab and creep grab that flag grab that flag and then head head out with me oh yeah oh okay okay so my somewhere but I've got one heart left you go you got a place it in the pacing of the barrel no nope shake up shake up shake up sit hey I've got so little health even the smallest little tap is gonna put me over the edge cubbies cubbies taking up a flag it's two to two next number if you get in with this flag I'm gonna block it I can block come in quickly okay okay okay and what do I just throw it in where are you I'm coming oh no no I think I just let come out I just let come out he's here oh my goodness yes stressful game I have the sweatiest armpits what's the prize my skin has only just returned back to normal dude there is no way I'm right element we are here for the championship game team green and team Mambo cha cha would Exuma so I'm hello to the new big Zoomer didn't even improve yep wait wait a bit harsh I should have clarified but new role you can only have one flag out per team at a time okay so no no to be flattered okay okay all right ready I'm you guys ready I'm ready one defense one offense one defeated offense in the offense with a cheesy cheese I will be defense okay whoever gets TNT first defense I think the fence is priority yeah that's that's a good way to do it yeah all right guys let them right god I feel so professional in this one three I don't have any all right you go offense n collect them on the way okay yes good move do you reckon go through the middle yeah I don't think they'll be expecting it so hard when they're moving yes so I'm doing a terrible am i defending oh we've just remembered yeah I'm offense on I yeah maybe offense I'm a fan right stop it I'll know that Zoomer in Zephyr timing in there is actually afk like just off to one side and I keep seeing an actual name tagging on my own zoom is the baby careful all right get out of there well I'm in my car I'm in an ad I'm in their HQ though okay good good good good good cuz this isn't going well for me really they through the wall yep I can't do anything about this I'm pretty sure I've discovered work I think I'm gonna get zeph but I've run out TT really I've run out of TNT yeah I was I was trying to defend that they know Kiefer V at bay where's curve I need to go for curb because he's got the flat he's not cubbies Exuma I'm sorry Zoomer what do you mean where is he who's this comfort that you keep talking I've lost the game kills you back they got anything on the points number you need to return with the flag I know but now cup knows who I am one down I'm I'm sneaking it behind cup fan really he's still alive somehow I just I'm a little hell where are they I have an enderpearl I can't use know if we're both stuck in here what are you doing okay okay okay okay because we can only have one flag at a time we've really flawed ourselves here well if you get through I can be waiting too with another one right yeah I can also I can also hide and stop them I just I'm guessing so what I can see is user names I see you I do I just got it I'm to the point yeah I gotta collect another one good to collect what my I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready to collect the other one we need to try and replenish our wool if we can oh you guys got a point nice yeah hey right there keep bug hey I'm scouring the outside and get one of those items that would be huge right oh that would be big I thought would be big said half knows I'm here oh great how's that ass wait is that up in there is that - I think on a second point how do they do that I made it out joy Miriam is on fire okay I need to just I'm making it red for it I'm gonna go same with you I would defend you if you go to collect another one we fixed we need to exchange things quicker you get you go straight for their flag cuz by the time you get there I'll have put this one in cool we got two boys of death I'm so pleased to death Oh that could've that could be it they only need one more oh you guys have a few points - yeah we have two points oh my gosh oh my goodness we wanna we're on a showdown - Murray's behind me hold on I have an idea - do I wonder if anyone all my goodness I have got some serious I got potion of swiftness I've got I've got potion of invisibility and I've got one for you as well dude I've got two for you swiftness and invisibility it's great I like green because I've got the stun for you I've got the staff that's just made it out I didn't even block it okay so I've got he's right there said eff has almighty team they've got the flag and I can't stop them mum by pleased I've got potion of swiftness they're gonna capture the flag I can't even a single oh I've got a booty straight past everyone I'm trying to catch you so I can give you this version of swiftness I think who has the fly you must be ZF I think it's a son I don't have any tea did they score it it was it was Exuma Seema had eczema how did they trade it apparently oh that is since me no Exuma that sneaky sneaky exumai seem that did you do a little switcheroo we switch double switcheroo he's switched it to Exuma who isn't even Exuma what do you mean it's a mega switch GG guys yeah well my guys well gentlemen laughs and azuma great games great game congratulations congratulations you win members copper or something but I got nothing for you here you guys get this torch [Applause] my first birthday all over that was a lot of fun boombox has definitely been one of the more complicated minigames I hope you enjoyed it as please let me know in the comments if you did we should probably play a little bit more of this in fact I think one of the episodes that I'd like to do is kind of go through and play all of the minigames the mini game extravaganza because the the district has actually buy ice why would I buy ice I I think that there's wow it's just exciting it's basically a theme park now and I don't think I've made the most of it so maybe we could get together a small group of people and do like a tournament a kind of thing anyway that is it for today's episode but before we say goodbye but I need to sort something out and that's that's my skin and there's like I mean look that's my ridiculous I need to go back to my base really quick because I'm not paying mumbo anymore diamonds to mess up my skin but I think I know a way to fix this okay so in order to get back to normal we're gonna have to essentially completely squish ourselves and to do that we make a little squishing device there we go simple as that and that in theory because I'm this way hold on let me let me take some cuz I'm this way that [ __ ] squash me back to the way that I was before so it's as simple as that I hit the lever and it should squash me back to where I was essentially saving 20 diamonds because I'm a bit of a mess you see I am a bit of a mess so let's do this so we hop in here and all we do is three - what and didn't work hey we're back to normal brilliant okay what happens if you squish yourself even more well either way that is enough for today's video I shall see you in the next one thank you very much for watching and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,952,339
Rating: 4.9494128 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, hermitcraft, episode 108, grian hermitcraft, season 6, hermit grian
Id: K_ne00kjjKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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