Hermitcraft 6: Episode 4 - PROJECTS & PRANKS.

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Did he happen to say whatโ€™s going to be built at his base? I kinda skipped through the video a bit looking for the tag part and the Spongebob prank.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/adamaarts ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 03 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft we are on episode 4 now and things are starting to get a little bit crazy as you can see I'm on mumbos Island and I'm just trying to make sure that nothing goes wrong just doing a little bit of gardening today and I just wanted to stop I just wanted to stop by and do a little bit of gardening not not make a mess as you know every episode I like to come and visit mumbos vase and see what's going on normally there's not a lot going on so I just say hello and that's about it as far as far as it goes but I've actually decided to come up with an idea an idea that you guys have been asking for hoping for and one that I would like to do myself and that's the idea of joining forces with mumbo now as you guys know I am the new guy I'm the new guy on the block go away thank you I'm the new guy on the block here and the only person I really know is mumbo that know particularly well and I want to get to know everybody else well as well but I am sort of gravitated towards mumbo because I actually do know him and we've done videos in the past and we've met and we even filmed my cats together that's a pretty weird list of things to say about your friends yeah we filmed my cats so I thought we would propose a joined forces idea but I don't want to just go up to mumbo and say yo let's join forces because that seems a bit odd so I kind of want to create a conference room where I pitch the idea now loads of people already have little groups that they sort of record with and I want to make one of my own apparently there's the NH oh there is howdy there he is he's afk as usual ow I don't think I was supposed to be in here maybe that was anti green technology going on to rim mumbos base not sure what he's up to looks like he's smelting glass oh my goodness I've been doing this manually why don't I do these things why don't I make these machines this would be so quick I really need I need to learn from you this is exactly why I want to propose the joint effort of build stone okay I want to propose the offer of build stone which is a group that's fun that is really fun I need one of those so I want to propose the idea of build stone a group of people that are builders and read stoners and we work together to get the job done whatever that job may be and because mumbo and I live so close together I was thinking we could tie our bases together in some way work together on projects also work on messing with each other as well as everybody else I want to create a conference room somewhere in between our bases and then I'll bring Mambo in and ask him I'll propose it with a whole logo and everything we're going to design the whole thing but there's actually something that I need to do and let's make my base I am outgrowing my base faster than I can build so what I need to do is start my futuristic build and I now have all of the resources I need to get started to complete the project no way I don't have nearly enough of what I need but I have a pretty good amount of resources and I've got yet I've basically got chests full of the stuff that I'm going to be needing but dies the glass the terracotta I need to go shopping for a star I need to go and get my hands on some shelter boxes and apparent what how have I got the tag how have I got the tag how did I get tagged I haven't seen anybody and I it's bad it's bad form it's bad form to tag someone afk unless it wasn't the slime machine was it I'm I'm confused let's go back and inspect mumbos machine because I have a feeling I have a sneaky feeling actually let's go a long way shall we I have it what is that what is that I am getting distract there's too many things going on I have mysteriously got the tag I have a feeling mumbles machine tagged me oh he knew I'd go in his base I'm gonna go and expect that but first I've just seen that somebody has built Spongebob Squarepants his house right next to my conduit unbelievable unbelievable oh my goodness this is a pretty good replication I must admit who lives in a pineapple under the sea let's have a look what is this as a book is this meant for me hey neighbor oh hey neighbor crcr i don't know that means hey neighbor I was admiring the Squidward conduit build and realized how lonely good old Squidward was without his neighbor so I fixed that now all we need is a rock house for Patrick and the family is together that's so true it's Gary oh that's oh that's genius and there's an awesome yeah it's good Gary I don't know if you guys have ever watched SpongeBob SquarePants but this is awesome this is Rick all and there there he is there he is the man himself SpongeBob SquarePants it's rather it's a bit it's a bit scary I'm actually gonna put the book in here there we go pop that there oh my goodness I don't know what I'm gonna use this for but I'm definitely keeping this I only really will get rid of pranks if they don't fit what I'm doing but since I built Squidward's house he even built it in this in the right location that is exactly where spongebob house is supposed to go now I meant to make the Patrick's house right here but there's a bit of a problem with the whole landscaping so I have to raise this up a bit to be able to fit that on and we're gonna have to do it because we can't have one well - without the third but we need to go and find out if mumbo-jumbo actually tagged us with this machine that's ridiculous so another thought if I've been tagged again I started this game and it's only been through two people before ending back with me how ridiculous is that what a genius way to tag someone with a machine he he'd knew he's a genius he knew I would go for it and he knew I wouldn't I wouldn't destroy anything Oh sneaky so this is the little entrance that I have to mumbos face because okay so this is the little like rickety staircase I've made up to the other side of his spawner that I said hello to him in another episode let's ask him straight up he's facing the other way afk as normal how do I get his attention come on right here I have nothing oh wait I could try throwing stuff at him you responsible for this look at this in my head was this you missus you know he's a genius you knew would get me you knew it would get me Oh unbelievable thanks a lot mumbo now I've got to come up with another genius way of tagging somebody you come on unbelievable he's gone back a of cage I can't tag him now I have to tag somebody else and I can't tag anybody in my own video so now I just have to sit here with the tag I had forgotten that Mambo had it I thought you have gotten somebody else by now so this is probably a good place to build the conference room that I was I was thinking of so I could build one right here and make a fairly decent-sized path all the way back to my base so I'm probably gonna have to do that off-camera but this is a pretty good place to make it now obviously this is just a temporary room I'm not actually going to be using this for anything other than the conference with with mumbo-jumbo leo over there man he he played me like a fiddle he played me like a fiddle I thought there was something suspicious about that that slime ball that slime block it was there was something off about the whole situation I've even been down there thought all this looks hard and left and then I came back and I got tagged by it all right we're back at the base so Mambo was responsible for tagging me although I was semi responsible for tagging myself and all I was doing was visiting I think build stone may be the best thing that hermit craft will ever see if Mambo decides to join forces into a little group with me and who knows other people may join over time as well but it has to be people that we trust that's the main thing Trust is everything so there's also something I wanted to do before we go shopping and before we start actually making progress on the real base because look at this look how many furnaces look how many chests I've got I really need to get to the point where I have a proper storage system I need well not to just have random builds outside my house I need to really get started but I wanted to try and make a list of everything that I want to do this season so it is number one is feature every hermit on the server at least once number two is start a shop and in brackets make a profit which I don't know if that's possible I might be very late to the game but we'll see what happens number three is a fairly simple one that I imagine I will do its make a proper redstone storage system number four is take mumbos mustache away I sang a pretty funny afk song when my voice was really rough and it went something along the lines of mambo mambo mambo away of k i'm gonna take that booze away you get the idea that there's actually remixes coming out of that very song so go and see those if you're interested I'm not sure how I'm gonna do this yet but trust me we're gonna figure out a way and number 5 creates a bass in every area so those are kind of my five bucket list things that I really want to do of course I will add to it I may even take stuff away if I decide that I don't want to do it much like a real-life bucket list so I thought I would do that so let's actually head over to the shops shall we where we can go and purchase a few things that we desperately desperately need you know I didn't really plan for bikini bottom to happen right outside my base I figured that this would happen in aqua town but it's actually kind of funny how these things work out in the end so I'm mainly thinking that my base is gonna end up over there but the terrain really doesn't work with me but I kind of have to stick to my area because I've got so many neighbors and I definitely don't want to tread on any toes so I've been gathering lots of stone as well so I can make my own island which may take a very very long time fortunately we're right next to the shopping district which is just around the corner and I know there's a shocker box shop but I'm not sure what else here we are time to do a bit of shopping looks like there's quite a lot of stuff going on is that ad round up there let's take a look at what we have I'm looking for the shulker box place Boosh is boutique what's what's it oh this is a leaf salesman one diamond per stack Pass seems really expensive to me considering it doesn't take lots to get the get leaves really it can take a few seconds that seems a little bit expensive let's go and have a look in here what's this this is con court presents sad choral shop sad choral no oh that's horrible I understand now this place just sells dead coral plants oh that's awful in comparison to Cubs shop here which sells a live coral I've actually already purchased a bunch of stuff from here and look at this look how beautiful this coral shop is and he's obviously turned quite a profit and then look at it from the outside this is really cool mumbo sticky shops and mumbos already made a shop I'm guessing selling slime balls nice one diamond per stack that seems pretty reasonable I'll pick up a stack of slime balls pythons shulk a box shop yes oh no he was sold out for a second there undyed eight diamonds each or two for 15 hmm let's do two for 15 shall we - shocker boxes perfect now that we've got what we came for we had to look around some of the shops there let's head on back oh this is a pretty nice modern house cubs starts a house that's a really good starter house I've got to say well done cub is he is he killed the end drag i need help i need help to kill the Ender Dragon who is the most qualified hermit to help me kill the Ender Dragon that's what I need to know so that I can get my hands on an Electra so that I can fly around and be majestic and all that jazz so if you guys know who the person is to ask to help kill the Ender Dragon with let me know because that's definitely on the list not on my bucket list because I could go without ever fighting the ender dragon but it's definitely on my to-do list home sweet home in green means spongebob squarepants land I don't know what this is anymore this whatever it is we're doing here it's not futuristic but don't worry we will be getting to that everybody has to make a starter house and it doesn't really matter that it's not in theme right now and this is never gonna go don't get me wrong this is never gonna just disappear it's always gonna be here this is our this is our roots this is our starting town so it's always going to stay here but you're right we do need to build more futuristic stuff so I've already got a shelter box that was gifted to me full of Terra Cotta so I need to fill one up with glass because we're gonna have to transport a lot of stuff so might as well just start taking everything we're going to need because this project is going to take hundreds of hours I think hundreds of hours which is why I haven't started until now because I've just been grinding all of these resources are ones that I can't farm I've just got to know that needs to stay now needs to stay in my inventory I need I need to grind for them Terra Cotta I just mined it in the Mesa buyer all the glass sand I had to get that so it's been a very long process right we've got a pretty decent amount of things now I'm fairly sure that we can we can do a lot of things with what we've got here we will have to get more I mean I can't fit all of this stuff in but we've got a lot of it so let's place a few sea lanterns just to kind of mark out where we're going and then we need to make a platform all the way up to the top I'm a little bit scared to start this you know I'm a little bit scared to start this whole project to be honest with you it's a massive undertaking and I definitely don't want to start something that I can't finish that's one of my biggest concerns right now so we're gonna start off with a very basic cobble stone platform but first let's just get set up we've got a lot to do here the fact that I've already run out of cobblestone making this rather large platform is kind of a testament to how little resources I really have that's it's a little bit worrying I have got plenty of valuables don't get me wrong I'm doing alright on the diamond front I'm doing very well on the iron front but as for everything else this isn't gonna cut it this isn't gonna cut it at all so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start this project slowly and smartly we're not gonna rush into things we will actually do a little bit of planning and we'll get this platform made but before it's getting pretty late and I really want to propose this whole build stone thing to mumbo so let's quickly go and make this conference room so so that we can propose this to him all right we're back at mumbos base I really need to make a better system to get up to here but we need to make the proposal room no I'm not gonna marry mumbo but we're going to propose build stone to him so the first thing that we have to do is well not only clear this out which I'm steadily doing but we need to come up with a design for a logo because you can't just start a club and not have a logo that's just bad business practice so we've really got to come up with something I don't know really really us so this is probably enough space I've got some obsidian which will work perfectly well for the eyes or maybe I could make a coal block but I don't think I have enough for four and I have some redstone blocks which I brought with me I wasn't actually going to do this logo but this sort of came to me as I was making this hole so let's make hmmm we need a two-block Center there's an easy mustache easy mumbo stash and then one to one to build stone it looks really weird that looks really strange I'm not entirely sure what that is but that is build stone in a nutshell you know what that really doesn't look very good that really doesn't look very good at all but I just had an even better idea I could make this like a fan thing if mumbo says yes I could propose that we do a fan competition to design our logo so that could be really cool that could be a cool way for you guys to participate you could tweet tweet it ass on Twitter and we could kind of run a little competition for the build stone logo either way I need to quick quickly create this conference room and I actually want to hide it from mumbo so I was actually going to do a big reveal so give me a second and let's get this set up as quickly as possible okay I think everything is set up of course it looks a bit drab in here in my opinion so now pretty much all there is left is to wait for mumbo service stop being afk he's clearly got back on but he's gone afk again unbelievable unbelievable I am ready to give my mumbo the dista business deal of the century I've put on my suit because I've got to take things seriously okay if I'm gonna do things I don't do half-measures it's all or nothing okay so let's see if we can get his attention mumble he's that he's that can I get him can I get him on discord for like two minutes hello hello hello mumbo hang on you're looking very official oh yeah I've put some I've put on a new suit because hold on let me come over to you I'm a bit confused by your is this is this just an addition that you've made to my base I've got the business deal of a century I'm not your average door-to-door salesman I I'm the sort of salesman that lives in your house and gives you the best deal possible doorman I have to say okay so I got two questions well not really question first of all how dare you I I bet I just got rid of this thing that was I'd say I mean you know what's is that I kind of set this up I was like I wonder if this will catch anything and then I came back to my computer I was literally just about to leave the studio and I saw that the cobblestone had been pulled back by the slime block and I was like no and over obviously because you know I've got super surveillance since you came along I was recording my afk session and I managed to catch you you must have also caught me getting stuck because I couldn't open this door and I got iced i drowning but that was that might be another moment he got on your how does this work where was the tag now the tag was just in this little dropper down here so just it just went straight into your inventory of course it did of course it did I mean technically I mean you can't get me back because surely this is the same episode so I'm safe yeah no I can't no you're right I can't get you anyway and I have to wait until next episode to get someone else yeah oh of course it you can't just retag someone yeah of course I gotta go the next the next question I have was did you hear my afk song that I sang you and you were standing there yeah yeah I've actually heard I've heard I've heard a remix of it as well there's multiple remixes being worked on I mean I think that might be a thing that has now become a thing so now the pressures on for me to come up with more songs I I'm not a singer and I hate that you you've got a threatened - worried about them no no it's not a thing it's not a thing anyway follow me follow me follow me - follow me to my office yeah let's go away from the sound of all the zombies and the chit I've got like the noisiest this is that is not an official entrance that is that is the official entrance hello welcome Matt this is the this is the reception area and if you just come downstairs we'll carry on with the meeting shall we take a seat there yep right I mean these are quite big but yep that's it we're big men we're big strong men we need strong chairs okay so here's my business proposal this is the big the big thing so yeah I'm new to hermitcraft and it's pretty safe to say you're probably my closest friend as we've done a few videos before you've even been to my house we recorded cats that sort of thing you know the standard things that friends do right yeah yeah and there are already some pre-established sort of groups on the server already operating and doing their thing the NH o and cubben skaar are doing their thing and there are already little groups forming and i feel like i want to propose to you a new group called build stone what do you think me and you build stone red stone building teaming an old stone built okay I mean we can change the name if you want no I like it I like the way you say it do you have to say like this build stone exactly it has to be said like that every time build stone with a build stone group okay yeah I mean that sounds interesting yeah that sounds like something I'd be interested in for sure and I don't want to get ahead of myself but I've gone and run the statistics I've talked with my analysis and my marketing team which is me and I've come up with a logo the build stone build stones gravel this is why I need you this is this is what I need you let me just take care of this building I did the building you do the red stoning and I'm not gonna lie this is probably the worst logo ever it was a bit of a it's built stone I like it I mean it looks does it come with the torches needed some light okay ignore this got it well no I like and I especially like to reveal so I think you know we Timur liked the idea we we have like we need like three mission statements it's to farm to prank and to be extra cool like we need some like we need some goals like we need to I don't know we just team up I feel like we are stronger together than apart I can make big things and then you can make it useful oh I see I get yet that makes yeah I mean that sounds like something that I'd be okay oh yeah for sure 100% oh do you have anything in mind to start off with just out of interest I got as far as this proposal I didn't want to get ahead of myself just in case he said yeah you know what I mean oh yeah yeah you don't want to invest too much time I mean you'd already I I can't I can't imagine how many hours that took you to build this I mean a little why it took me a little while so don't turn me dude so the other thing is I'm not too set on the logo or the name so what I've been sort of saying in my episode is why don't we open it up a little bit to the audience and they can submit some designs for a logo and even a name and if there's something that sort of resonates with both of us we could like take it and then you know say look at this minecrafter one two three four five six seven eight nine came up with this there's a really young user name but what do you think about that build stone one two three four five six seven eight nine this is a new name no I like the idea 100% so I guess yeah we'll have to ask people to submit things like that on in the comments and down on Twitter and things yeah I think best ways to tweet us a picture with a name and if you like the name build stone by all means use that and yeah I think that I think that was the proposal so far well I mean oh yeah I definitely sounds I'm I'm a hundred percent I'm for it I'm I can't wait to get started whatever project whatever whatever this group is about we'll figure it out on the way exactly it's already got a few bad signs going on because I've run out of cobblestone and I haven't even managed to make the entire platform I've used easily twenty odd plus stacks of it and it's still not quite big enough the problem is I'm not quite sure how big this actually needs to be I'm just guesstimating at the moment and I'm trying to work out the best location for it to be because I kind of want a good amount of distance between that between that Island which is getting pretty close now I'm pretty sure that belongs to mumbo and I want a bit of distance between my bottle and bikini bottom there as well so I'm just I'm trying to work it out but I've already run out of cobblestone and if I'm running out of cobblestone that doesn't bode well for the pitiful amount of resources I've got there either way I think that's probably where we're gonna leave the progress for this base for this episode because it is gonna be a long project it's not gonna be done in a matter of days it's going to take a really really long time but I've been thinking about this in my time while recording this and I think I need to get a bit more creative with how I'm going to tag someone so I actually need a bit of equipment that I don't have and that is an Electra I'm gonna swoop down and tags a now Jevon on the server has kindly offered to sell me one now I would go and kill the dragon myself but I'm not quite there yet I just need an Electra so that I can do it we will kill the dragon eventually but from now we're just gonna buy our way to one so we're gonna head over to Jevons base pick up this Electra and he's charging me 20 diamonds for it and I don't know if that's a good price or a bad price 20 diamonds is a lot so you know that I'm not buying this lightly the next question of course is who is going to be my next target I feel like it's a really smart thing to send the tag to the other side of the map wait a second what is going on here okay so in our first episode we passed this boat and it was just starting to be made oh it's like a little action sequence oh that's so cool I love armor stands there so need right let's head over to his base is this his base it must be Sebastian ah Oh finally I should really learn coordinates a bit better so there's Jevon hello hello is he hey FK why is everybody afk I'm gonna have to sing an afk song for Jevon now Jeff and Jeff and Jeff in afk won't you come and sell your a light ray today oh he's here hello so I'm gonna I'm gonna give you an offer I'm not sure if you want to take it or not I've got two alive shirts right so for 20 diamonds I'll offer you either one this one is already enchanted but it's used as mending and breaking on it now what does mending do exactly you can repair it with XP okay so I'd say you go to a spawner and you just kind of kill the mobs make sure you put it like in your armor slot or your shield slot I can to repair it or I can give you a blank one and you can enchant it yourself I'm offering it to you because I've got a night raid pass and I can easily get a problem so either way I'm perfectly fine you can repair this with flight five minutes at a grinder so uh I'll take I'll take the mending one I'll take them in all right perfect yeah so I felt like 20 diamonds was kind of a good price because on season four of her craft we had a shop and everybody sold their allied shows for 20 diamonds so I felt like that was a fair number yep and perfect I I haven't I don't actually know if that's a good price at all I could be totally gonna see if I said 60 diamonds and I would have any like yep I'm I'm not exactly hurting for diamonds so 20 is perfectly fine with me and so excellent well the reason the reason that I have asked for this alight rare it's because you know this game that started on the server Oh Tagg because it's still the same episode that I got tagged so I'm not allowed to tag anybody but I'm preparing next episode I'm gonna swoop in on an Electra and I'm gonna tag somebody so that's why I'm thinking ahead and I'm grabbing myself in Electra so that I can swoop down and catch someone out but it's kind of circling around the futuristic area so I'm gonna fly to the other side of the island and swoop down and tag somebody and it's gonna be brilliant you should like stalk your prey exactly where you like duck in and shift in behind blocks and kind of just like watch them for a while and which is why I need to get my hands now on a bunch of fireworks so that I can do I would totally give you fireworks but gunpowder is like a premium right now it is a premium right now I don't think there's any I think I have like three pieces there yeah there's no as far as I'm aware there's no farms going on for general mob drops so anyway thank you very much you have fueled this game further awesome and no problem man have a good one what a nice man I wouldn't be a won't be tagging him well for one he knows my plans and he's been part part of it he's an accomplice now so I'm not gonna be tagging Jevon and I will probably get this all mended he told me that I have to simply I just simply have to get some XP while I'm holding it and then it will magically be repaired which is cool I haven't actually used the Electra in a survival Minecraft world probably ever so whoa this is gonna be good fun this is gonna be really good fun I'm actually gonna fly to my base hopefully from up here hmm okay here we go oh I thought you just you just double tapping okay how do you fly why is it not flying oh do I have to press control maybe no oh okay I did it oh wow so let's do a little run a jump there we go and we're flying can we make it all the way to the base oh this is excellent I don't really want to be that person that just flies everywhere cuz it's super convenient this elite sure I think is just going to be used for the purpose of tag for the time being excellent I do actually need to get my hands on the rulebook because I feel like I'm going to have to drop that as well since I'm going to be tagging somebody new but anyway that's it for today's episode thank you very much for watching just to sort of recap what we've done in this episode scar has built a pineapple under the sea over there which was brilliant and we have started a group called build stone or maybe not depending on you guys the logo is not confirmed so if you guys have any better suggestions please tweet them at me and mumbo jumbo and we will have a little look and decide we have started the platform as we have enough resources to get started and we have got an Electra where we are going to tag somewhere else oh yeah and mumbo tag me how dare he thank you very much for watching everybody I hope you enjoyed this episode and goo [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,237,469
Rating: 4.9523349 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, tag, mumbo, mumbo grian, 1.13 minecraft, hermitcraft, prank, hermitcraft grian, mumbo afk, hermit craft, aquatic update, underwater house, episode 4
Id: ArxIbTnQL8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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