Helldivers 2 you have been kicked from the game

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you have been kicked from the game this is increasingly becoming more common in Hell divers too and it is super unfortunate but the CEO speaks out on this and it's super cool so let's take a look at a couple examples look at this right so look at the level group of the pi cuz I think this is what most of it is based off you could see there that I was the second highest level in this group now I've dropped into literally a ton of terminates I've joined this Mission late you know I'm I'm there's only 6 minutes left on the mission I'm trying to call in my support strategy G you know I'm I'm not in a great situation I need my rail gun down I want to get my uh I think I threw an air strike over there maybe that's what resulted in me getting kicked let's see but I don't think it is cuz that didn't kill anyone and like yeah I die to a bios spewer okay I'm dead right right there's also one if you look at the objectives there's one Hive left to destroy on this blitz Mission and I'm thinking okay whatever it's fine it's all great I've just died it's of no fault of my own and then this happens and I'm like what oh well that's obviously quite funny I thought that was quite funny to be fair see I was about to type in the chat LOL but then I was kicked from the game and I was like right okay why I don't know um we're waiting in the queue it's all it's all great now what I want you guys to focus on here is the levels again of the players so look at these guys right I'm the lowest level here so I'm only 28 at this point uh there's level 44 star Marshall level 36 I come out the Pod it's going to put me straight into the loadout screen okay this is fine let's get into it there's death Captain um while the mission's starting actually I think I run to the pods I think I don't I don't think I actually make it to the pods and it forces me into the pods I may as well have just stood there at the cryo tube I'm sure it doesn't yeah something weird happened I don't know where that guy came from anyway yeah the mission didn't even start so I didn't even get it to to the loadout screen I just throw out the group now I presume this is because I was the lowest level so they kicked me but again I don't know but I was just kicked and it's like this happens to you over and over again you're gonna get super frustrated with the game you're just like okay well what the hell I'm kicked again so let's take a look at what the CEO say so Johan is back and he's on Twitter and he actually quote retweets this I've been removed from matches due to using a single strategy or particular weapon the host doesn't like people will kick for the tiniest reason on the upside those matchups have been few and far between but frequent enough to be notable and that's the key thing here they are notable in fact they're noticeable because I was playing the game happily I like must have played like over a 100 games I hadn't been kicked and then suddenly oh what's this I've been kicked at first you think oh you've lost connection to the game or the host is left or something like that but no actually you've been kicked and and you start asking yourself why you know I don't think I've ever been kicked for my performance which this user is saying you know obviously if you air strike your team or something ridiculous over and over again that might make people quite angry um you know or you're team killing or whatever but then in that case you could maybe argue there is a legitimate case I'm talking about blatant team killing though you know like running up to people and killing them with like primary weapon or whatever dying in strategems is just part of the game you know there will there will be accidental deaths so just get used to that ladies and gentlemen um but I think the key takeaway here is it is becoming more noticeable right um and this is what the CEO says this is so shitty also very hard to solve we have some ideas but no conclusion you know what let's try this hive mind do you have a design suggestion for how to improve this experience now I'll just throw some of my random sort of um ideas out here because this is a difficult one right this is sort of like the intersection between almost a ranked mode and an unranked mode it's like what is a stupidly fun mode and what's a mode where everyone is serious now I don't think there should ever be that division in Hell divers cuz that's what the game is it's both fun and serious at the same time I think maybe there could be some sort of system where you flag a group and say you know or or or maybe you select a que to go into and it would be like Q q a is a more serious Q QB is just a hell divers Q fair enough but then does that sort of promote to the community hey if you're not in the the group which is serious you're in the stupid group then then you can just start doing ridiculous team kills and whatever you know and then does it become even more of a problem so it's a really hard one to solve this is like I said I don't think having a ranked and an unranked Q is the way to go I think that ruin the game um you know there are other things where maybe there could be you know you you get less of a reward if people are kicked from a game you know but then there will be times where legitimately you would want to kick someone from a game so again this is a super hard thing and I don't really have the answers for this um but let's take a look at some of the reaction so the CEO comes back after a thread of a ton of uh responses by the community and says thank you for everyone thank you everyone for your suggestions I will ask the team to look at this thread and draw inspiration this is a pretty cool thing the entire Community coming together to discuss a hard to- solve problem even though vote kick is the easiest it is some downsides and there is always a better solution this user clay says this is incredibly top tier communication with us fans thank you for all of the work we appreciate it and he says thank you and thanks for all the support and suggestions and you know I'm going to throw a name out here and a name we've not heard for a long time it's Jeff Kaplan you know from OverWatch Fame now he was almost like the pioneer of developer comms where he was like very open with the community but there was a couple of things that Jeff did where he always did it within official Blizzard platforms it was always on the blizzard forums or it was on YouTube you know on their official Channel it wasn't what we're seeing here from the arrowhead CEO which is a lot more you know a lot broader this is and it feels a lot more real like he the way he's speaking feels like it's not PR washed or anything it's just like yeah this is what I think yeah let's have a look at this and it's it's so refreshing to see in this age of games that I just turned into platforms to rinse the player base of Maximum money which you know is just unfortunate state of AAA gaming these days palpator over on X says this the kicking from game is egregious I have been kicked three times now right at the end of a match right when the drop ship is coming in I was probably one of the better players I got nothing for doing all of that can you Institute a group vote to kick so there's not one of option you know if someone gets a vote kick against them then everyone has to sort of vote for that and then they get removed what I'll say though about vote kicks with my uh many years and gaming is generally when a vote kick is issued people just vote Yes just just because they just do that so yeah and generally people always pick the top option on a poll on the internet so if the vote kit comes up and it says press one for yes press two for no most people just press one anyway it's the same on X if people put polls up whatever the top result is uh usually gets the most vote unless it's a stupid thing anyway this other user comes in and says yeah I'm doing my part limiting to not dying hang on sorry let me read that again yeah I'm I'm doing my part limiting to not dying assist in and all that this is the main point though that I wanted to get into here I get kicked out rather annoying heck times on randomly with pre 20s and I'm 40 plus I don't know they felt intimidated or what but also kicked and this highlights it doesn't it cuz there's a ton of reasons why people get kicked it isn't just uh you're a bad player or we don't like your strategems or we don't like your support strategems or we don't like what you're doing in the game or you're not doing the objectives or we just don't like your color of your armor or we just don't like the cape you've got equipped or we just don't like you get where I'm going with this it can just be anything or as as this user says uhoh we're only 20s that's a level 40 let's get rid of him what surely you want them on your team they have more experience right anyway no let's kick them odd so there's a reason for kicking and there's a lot of stupid reasons for kicking it's a very complex issue to solve why don't you guys let me know in the comments below if you've been kicked if you have you know let me know why or why you think you've been kicked and um any Poss possible solutions for it okay so the CEO has also been active over on Reddit as well so there's a bunch of replies we're going to go over here this one's quite funny so this user says the bigger issue for me is the charger skating those things are slipping and sliding everywhere makes it tough to hit the legs which it does right and then there's a picture with them on skates CEO responds with LOL yeah we need to fix that or make models for the skates it just give them skates for April Falls that'll be hilarious that's coming up around the corner in fact I can't wait to see what they do for April Falls I'm sure they'll do so stupid surely they will okay rocket Devastator is probably the most hated enemy the automatons have got because they just blow you away when you least expect it uh this user say is I just don't like that their very deadly attacks can one hit KO players and are not telegraphed well at all a little teabag pose is practically not noticeable at longer distances teabag pose when mixed with other Bots and or their body is half obscured by terrain they should glow red for a couple of seconds before firing just like the cannon turrets so that players can react or dive or hide quickly same goes for the Hulk Rockets CEO responds with nah laser sites for RPGs don't make sense which yeah they don't why would they have lasers glowing and all of that stuff I think though what the US is trying to say is as they're about to fire the Rockets it's like they they flash basically it's like they're alert like oh I'm going to fire a rocket um but then he respond responds to the op and says yeah cuz the op was actually talking about predictive firing and the fact that the uh Devastators they they they've basically got a wall hack they know where you are at all times um and he says this the predicted firing after they lose vision is maybe too good so we might see a Nerf Devastators in which if they lose line of sight to you then they won't just think oh yeah we still know where you are cuz we got War Haack and we'll just fire through there but then again they're Bots right surely they'd be able to compute where you would go so who knows now this one is a really interesting one so this is a Reddit post in which the video I won't show you guys the video but basically I'll quickly describe it it's just a guy running from a ton of bile Titans going like what the hell this post patch hell dive difficulty is some nonsense right now for a starts hell dive it's going to be hard but look at the response and this is something that I've been saying for a while just take the recoil as rifle look at this he says are you trying to solo it which you might be and it also you know you've got to remember sometimes people do this kind of thing just to you know make a Reddit post you know what I mean it's like oh look how hard the game is or anyway you can kind of see Anyway by the number of players in the bottom corner of the video I'll put a link in the video description below if you want to check it out anyway a team of four with dual real recoiler sorry and assisted reload and other heavy hitting strats is the way to do it and you need to delete them before they become too many coordination with teammates is Paramount also you can kite and destroy their bios sacks until you reach the kill Target remove their ability to spew so this I don't think this is something people really understand I mean I only recently picked upon this myself but if you destroy the sacks underneath the biot Titan it won't use its ranged attack anymore so you can in theory easily run away from them and just kite them around they're less dangerous obviously they'll still instantly kill you if they get near you and they stand on you um but they're they're way less deadly now the thing about The Recoil this rifle I mean it's straight up what the game director is saying here if you've got two recall rifles and you've got two other users and they're doing assisted reload you're going to fire the rocket stupidly fast and blow these bile Titans away dead quick the thing is I would say though it is quite hard to do that because unless you're in a group where you know all other players and you can say okay let's work together and you know you're going to take the ammo backpack I'm going to take the recall this rifle cuz the stupid thing about this is you can't assisted reload the person when they've got the ammo on their back and they've got the rifle equipped like you have to have the ammo on a different player so that means that they don't have their backpack and I think a lot of players especially in pugs they want their own backpack but still you don't even need assisted reload you can just take these out anyway with your recoiless rifle I've been using this really effectively against charges and against bile Titans you just it's easy to hit them yeah the reload time's quite long and yeah you don't have a ton of ammunition but it's easy to fire two recallers rockets straight into the face of bile Titan and it's definitely easy to fire two into a a charger to take them out so there are ways of doing it but yeah I think a lot of these clips that are floating around like you see them on Tik Tok as well that people are doing things to get themselves into situations which are just you know if they were actually playing the game and trying to kill the enemies it wouldn't necessarily happen I'm not saying that it doesn't happen cuz it does you know things like the eradication missions um you do generally on the higher difficulties just end up kiting mobs around but we know they're going to look at changeing the heavy armor on the enemies and some of the enemies as well and their spawn rates to make it a bit less like you just running after you know well running away I should say uh the charges and and the heavy armored enemies instead you want to turn around and fight them so there you go ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed the video if you did and thank you for watching do like the video for more content and like I said let me know about this you've been kicked from the game because this could spiral out out of control and hopefully they get this sort of under control soon because it must it's not happened to me yet but it must be so frustrating if you've played through like 40-minute Mission maybe you get to extraction and then you just get kicked from the game that is trolling of the worst kind and that really needs to be cracked down upon all right guys I'll catch you on the next video see you soon extraction complete begin democracy prevails once more
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 63,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: uwUrCOY_-4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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