Every Other Type Of Helldivers 2 Players

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there are many many types of Hell divers 2 players and previously I thought I had found them all if you did miss it you could check out the video I have right here of all the types of Hell divers 2 players I just want to thank you guys so much for supporting the channel and watching that video apparently there was so many other types of Hell divers 2 players that I unfortunately missed I figured why not do a part two and include even more players if you do find yourself on this list go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section down below and if you also somehow don't find yourself on this list or the previous one let me know first up we have the stealth diver oh my God look at this bug Nest I got got to be super careful here hey bro what the hell you doing what does it look like I'm doing I'm sneaking up on this bug Nest yeah I can see you doing that but why because I don't want to get seen or heard okay dude what's the worst that can happen straight from the Metal Gear boot camp the stealth diver does not want to be seen or heard usually running the Scout armor and diligence this hell diver spends most of their time on their stomach and hiding inside bushes their ultimate goal in this game is to sneak behind an automaton and take them out with a melee attack without alerting anyone else the stealth diver Longs for Arrowhead to put in a takedown button in this game you will usually find the stealth diver exclusively finding the automatons because stealth against bugs is usually never an option when 40 Chargers and Hunters are running right at you trust me they've tried it the stealth diver is a loyal companion however time is not on their side taking close to 20 minutes just to take down one bat fabricator base the Pelican will extract without them but stealthily spreading democracy is what they live for up next we have the daddy diver all right just got about an hour to game here at what's that no I'll I'll be right up I'm in the middle of something yeah I know I'll take care of it bile tight right there that's oh my okay F the daddy diver is someone that has kids but still finds the time to get on Hell divers although their attention is spread in too many directions they're just looking to get in that one good match before their next distraction you will usually find the daddy diver on super late at night where their energy levels are nearing zero if you have a daddy diver on your team prepare for them to randomly go AFK and fully expect to hear everything that's happened in their lives right through their headset speaking of headsets up next we have the terrible mic diver there's so many of them too where are you come on guys can't you hear me I told you I was going over there to pick up like a 40 jelly beans what what's wrong you you can't possibly understand any of the words that I'm saying right now that's kind of crazy wait what dude what are you saying what do you mean what I'm saying it's pretty obvious I said I'm going to take this and go like this now this one is pretty straightforward the terrible mic diver has a terrible mic and for whatever reason they will always try to communicate with you they don't use the in-game emotes they don't use the Ping system they don't even type what they want to say into their keyboard instead they will use that dollar store microphone that their cat has already chewed nine times and attempt to tell you that a biotin is about to throw up on you from behind you can get a decent mic for only about $20 and it's really confusing because hell divers itself starts at $40 but somehow this concept eludes them the terrible mic diver will never have a better mic ever up next is the roleplay diver oh hey look it's one of those role players hey role player know how many hell divers it takes to screwing in a light bulb in mevin Creek um no how many it doesn't matter man you weren't there you weren't [ __ ] there now the roleplay diver can come in a few different flavors sometimes you can find the roleplay diver just screaming sweet Liberty my arm or yelling out for democracy as they hold that 500 kg bomb in hand and jump right at of bileti the other type of roleplay diver is the one you will find on the battlefields of malevolent Creek they are quickly the ones to be in Discord and on Reddit screaming at people to help them on the bot front and anytime there is a major order they will be the first ones to log in and fulfill their obligation sometimes the roleplay diver can lean too far into the realm of cringe but more often than not they are just having fun and I love encountering a roleplay diver up next is the stim junkie diver you guys know that feeling you get when you take a stem and just shoot it in the side of your neck oh it is just pure Bliss this Sim junkie diver will play with medic armor just so they can have more or stims anytime they take the slightest amount of damage they will shoot one of these bad boys right into their neck hole they will even take damage on purpose just so they can stem up and jump from a really high height and survive the stem junkies addiction is so powerful that they will also share their stems with their comrades perhaps to infect them and spread the love of stemming or maybe they just love the sound of the stem being entered into the bloodstream of every hell diver not only will the stem junkie always call down resupplies and take all of them but they will run across the map and go into every single point of interest and try to pick up a box of Sims the stem junkie is essentially chaotic neutral and for the most part you could take them or leave them moving on we have the hell divers one diver this veteran has seen everything just in a different perspective they have fought Hive Lords they have survived the war against the illuminate and more importantly they have watched their own turrets obliterate them and their friends too many times than they can count and if you find this hell ders one veteran that has played on the Playstation 3 or 4 whatever you do do not ask them how they got that platinum trophy because getting all four hell divers together on a specific Tuesday and driving a vehicle is just pure Insanity moving on we have the completionist diver thank God the Pelicans here we only had 30 seconds come on let's go oh man there's one bug hole we miss it's okay I I got some time I'll get dude what are you doing you the super samples come on sweet liberty no it's okay we have time I'll be right back now the completionist diver is pretty obvious this is someone that wants to get every single point of interest on the map they want to close or blow up every single bot fabricator base they need to do every satellite and they need to stop every single broadcast the biggest enemy they face is not a charger it is not the Hulk it is the 40 minutes that's allotted in every single Mission regardless if you have all the samples including the super samples and there's 30 seconds left and you are running to the Pelican with your team the completionist will find that one thing all the way across the net and tell you that there's still time my tip to you is to let the completionist go and do their own thing if you find them on your team and need to be reinforced throw them as far away from you as possible moving on is the Mart diver oh yeah exactly what we thought listen No One shoot there's a whole bot Patrol over there it's okay boys you guys go I got it now the mortar diver may have a low IQ but they absolutely meanwell this is someone that will hold off the enemy until The Bitter End and let their fellow hell divers Escape even if you don't need them to seriously all three of us will be sitting on the Pelican begging the dude just to get inside while this man stands 2 feet from the hatch of the Pelican shooting at everything screaming just go I'll hold them off you will also find that the Martyr diver will also shoot shoot at enemy patrols that you ping out and when a bug breach or 10 bot drops come in they will also scream don't worry I got this you guys run the Martyr diver is essentially a lawful good meaning they have to kill everything on site no matter how bad it gets but just do yourself a favor and let them fight everything else while you and your team run in the opposite direction moving on is the super credit farmer diver oh my God there's 10 Chargers I'm just down to my pistol bro come on please help me I would but I already found the super credit so good luck now this diver is a very special breef for whatever reason they are borderline almost a Traer they will go into public missions and literally just run to the points of interest that they know have the super credits and once they find these super credits they just immediately quit the mission because they have learned that once you pick up these super credits they are instantly account Bell so even if you don't extract you still get the super credits unfortunately this knowledge makes them the ultimate traitor even if you are playing on Hell dive and you're relying on this person they will disappear once they have their super credits up next is the come at me bro diver damn that is a lot of Bot yep but it's a good thing we could not fight them in completely J come at me bro come at me bro similar to the Martyr diver this person literally cannot help themselves if they see an enemy the fight has to begin even if they do not have the right equipment you will find a come at me bro diver usually from from levels 1 to 15 they think that just because they unlock certain strategems means they could take on everything and no matter how many times a charger will obliterate them or a bile Titan will puke on them the come at me bro diver knows one thing and that is to come at me bro I don't recommend bringing this type of diver on anything past difficulty for up next is the masochist diver I just don't get it this game is so hard I'm playing on Hell dive solo and I have the stable gun I mean what am I doing wrong the masochist diver is someone that tends to play play solo and also play on Hell dive difficulty they do find themselves getting wrecked over and over possibly because they don't have the skill to play on Hell dive or possibly because they're bringing the absolute wrong equipment however this masacus diver will constantly be dying but yell at the game for whatever reason saying how it's unfair and balanced that on the hardest difficulty available so far they keep dying while playing alone and if by chance this masochist diver is found in a public Lobby they will pull so much aggro at once while also not blowing up Fabricators or closing bug holes the biggest thing that keeps the masochist diver from turning into a toxic diver is that Underneath It All they're still a good person and they love spreading managed democracy if you find yourself a masochist diver or you tend to be one just know that we raise our glass to you but from afar moving on is the hacker diver man this game is so cool I'm finally level five I have the Liberator Mark 15 and I'm just excited keep earning things my own way hey Cadet you want to know how to get this in the game oh not really I'm just having some fun with M fine suit yourself loser I'm going to go have some tons of fun in my new police car the hacker diver finds themselves in a category of chaotic this is the type of diver that goes into the files and finds unreleased assets and is able to spawn them into the game or they're just straight up a cheater I'm talking infinite strategems infinite he and never having to reload unfortunately this person will ruin most of your games so much so that you can extract with 500 plus samples and ruin any s of normal progress you would like to have in your game unfortunately the hacker diver also exposes things too early like the battl mechs or other vehicles and is throwing a real monkey wrench into the invisible road map that hell divers has unfortunately there is no stopping this hacker diver and if you do come across one you would find it best to immediately leave that Lobby stay away from the hacker diver our penultimate entry is the landmine diver guys I know you begged me not to from last mission but trust me this time I know how to use the landmines there's no way they're going to kill us I put it all at the extraction bro you have got to be kidding me seriously stop being just a whim get on the ship it's going to cover us nice and easy I had the super samples no responds left and now the landmine diver is a weird breed there's someone that for whatever reason brings landmines in every every single Mission even against automatons yes you will however find them mostly fighting bugs they will throw the landmines in the middle of a gigantic Bug Hole hoping to get as many kills as possible because seeing 60 dead bugs as a little kill counter feels awesome unfortunately though this mine diver will also try to cover the extraction with landmines thinking that the enemies will hit them before their fellow hell divers you can guarantee that this hell diver has the most amount of Team kills as anyone Poss possible our final entry on this list is the objective diver nah it won't be that long 5 minutes quick Adventure in and out now unlike the completionist the objective diver just wants to land as close to objectives as possible completing them as fast as possible they will ignore all other optional events they are just there to complete the mission even if they don't extract they don't care about medals anymore they don't care about super credits and heck they don't even want to listen to that illegal broadcast there will still be a solid 30 plus minutes in this Mission and this hell diver will bold face run to the extraction and call it in while the rest of you are doing other things and yes they will board that Pelican without you and bold face leave you there they don't care that they beat the mission with one star because it's done they've completed their objective and there we have it my friends this is your part two of every type of Hell divers 2 player let me know if there are any more that I have missed and if I have leave it in the comment section down below I hope you found yourself on this list or the previous one and if you haven't watched the previous one go do so now thank you so much for stopping by and watching this video if you are new to downloadable content why not subscribe it's free click the big red subscribe button down below and join up I will greatly appreciate it but other than that I'm Drifter from downloadable content and I will see you next [Music] time
Channel: Downloadable Content
Views: 41,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IBIRbBPxx7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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