Helldivers 2 NEW Warbond Weapons and Armor! Democratic Detonation!

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hello everybody and welcome to the channel there is a new war bond coming to Hell divers 2 and it looks sick in fact it looks quite explosive now in this video I've got all of the details about what these new weapons are we're kind of going to speculate on how they will play we can see footage here from the trailer that has just dropped and the whole idea of this war bond is just about explosions the name of it is absolutely incredible I mean also this this BR looks crazy it looks like it's fell straight out of Destiny and this Eruptor I mean this seems to be doing quite a bit of damage there I know they're only little bugs but it does seem quite good and yeah you can also there's a crossbow an exploding crossbow because why not because if you want to live those Johnny Rambo dreams then you can with an exploding crossbow and also this grenade which just looks it looks crazy like what is that thrown into the back of that charger as the hell Diver watches the charger actually die now that's a thermite grenade but don't worry cuz I've got all of this info and we're going to break all of this down so let's do it the name of the war bond is the Democratic detonation premium War Pond what a fantastic name any Liberty loving hell divers out there you're going to love this it's going to be beautiful Noble Patriots of super Earth the time for stealth is over a new hell divers 2 Premium war bond has been deployed to all fighting units on front lines across the Galaxy on April the 11th code named Democratic detonation of course the wording is a bit weird there this isn't out just yet it's coming out on April the 11th so yeah it isn't in the game just yet so don't log thinking I can play it now you can't we got to wait until April the 11th this is a nice screenshot here this is the Eruptor um a great screenshot there with what looks to be some sort of I mean that looks like a barrage going off in the background there but that's the Eruptor weapon but what really interests me here is look at the hell diver look at the armor look at those grenades on the chest because yes new armor is coming and you kind of seen that flashing at the top of the video as we went through the trailer but yeah this weapon looks pretty good and it looks like it does quite a bit of damage as well we are get a battle rifle the br14 adjudicator rifle this delivers righteous judgment to your enemies with accuracy this armor penetrating assault rifle is best used against smaller groups and I've got to say look at this nice screenshot of the weapon and you cannot tell me that that has just not fell straight out of destiny that is a destiny weapon right anyway I love BRS this could be really really strong in fact this could probably be uh one of those uh maybe the defining weapon of this war bond much like the sickle is of the uh previous war bond this could be just really really good I mean it's armor penetrating as well I'd imagine it's probably it's probably medium armor penetrating maybe it's light armor penetrating who knows cuz it seems to have quite a big magazine but yeah this is just going to be one I think which is going to be pretty good at taking out basically every single enemy apart from Heavies and Elites but yeah honestly and also that armor that armor looks really good that gas mask and that kind of like World War I style helmet and then that the thermite grenade looked like a stick grenade from World War I and World War I like a German grenade I mean what it just looks amazing the r36 erupt a rifle keep your distance this bolt action jet what this B action rifle fires jet assisted shells that explode shrapnel in all directions upon impact all directions even your face now that sounds crazy I mean the Eruptor it looked powerful in the footage we've seen but I mean yeah firing it into these sort of small HP groups of little bugs and watching it explode and blow them away yeah that's going to be pretty ridiculous but firing shrapnel all over the battlefield it's probably not a good idea in di is it especially not for your allies but I don't know this seems like a cool weapon but it seems like a bit of a niche weapon cuz I bet you the br will just be probably a straight up better weapon no messing the cb9 exploding crossbow so yeah if you want to live that Johnny Rambo I was going to say the philosophy of Johnny Rambo it's not that philosophy is it it's the fantasy that's the I'm looking for but yeah exploding crossbow bolts yeah you can do that now so Kaboom even enjoy powerful exploding bolts that dish out Max damage upon direct impact impact gravity must be accounted for when aiming now I'm not too sure whether this is going to be a super powerful weapon it might be you never know but I mean just running around in a futuristic Battlefield against hellish Terminator 2 style robots and Starship Trooper style bugs and just destroying them with an exploding crossbow sign me up for that I'll give that a go and this is a look at the CR crossbow again in a bit more detail a highr screenshot but the thing that's really getting me here is the armor this armor looks sick I mean that looks like a a welding mask that looks amazing also the hell diver logo on the the shoulder pad looks great as well I I don't know also I wouldn't stand there if I was that hell diver cuz that ICBM looks like it's about to launch and that's going to be a bad time for that hell diver there's secondary weapons and there is a utility booster in this war bond so the g123 thermite grenade this little beauty can stick surfaces before burning up to a toasty 2000° and what is cool about this is we've seen this being thrown at a charger in the trailer and it's stuck to the back of the charger and it's burning the charger away so it begs the question is this going to be some absolutely Elite grenade which will well destroy Elite enemies can you throw this onto a tank and it will just burn through it and destroy it will it destroy hulks well I mean the questions are endless here what is this going to be able to do this is one that I really want to test cuz I reckon this could be mega mega strong the gp31 grenade pistol now this is also another one I think could be really good so it does what it says on the label a pistol that fires grenades don't forget to reload between shots though so yeah you've got to reload in between shots but this could be great for blowing up factories blowing up bu holes and I'm starting to think here the antimaterial rifle really strong but if you take that you generally relying on your grenades or your strategems to blow off any kind of objective bug holes factories and stuff like that but actually if you can just take a pist that fires grenades I mean that sort of maybe that cures that problem and really Buffs that build so I don't know I reckon this could be really strong as well so honestly on the face of it I'm seeing a really good grenade really good primary weapon in the BR and a really good secondary weapon so far in this which just looks crazy this again is a look at the grenade pistol a nice close-up sort of high res look at it again the armor looks really nice there that's the armor with the grenades uh on the chest as well I think I prefer the the armor that looks like the uh the World War I World War II gas Mas styl that looks crazy but yeah I think this pistol is going to be really good this is the booster so it's the expert extraction pilot booster need to get out of a jam fast this booster lowers the time it takes for the extraction shuttle to reach the extraction Beacon home in time for dinner now again this could be a really strong booster on those missions where you have to wait like three plus minutes for the extraction this could really reduce the time again we don't know by how much but I mean this is going to take some testing it could be a really really good booster and then we've got look at some of the armor closeup again this looks really good honestly this looks great I'm going to unlock this armor and never take it off it looks amazing look at that it looks so good it it looks you know what it looks like Fallout New Vegas um the splash art for Fallout New Vegas doesn't it it looks great man the c27 ground breaker so talking about armor this is the medium armor variant the ground is just another obstacle that hasn't yet been cleared uh sergeant major I think that means Janet Jones excavation corpse founder or at least sgm I'll go with there's also this c07 demolition specialist this is light armor I think this is the one with the grenades on the front originally worn by Luna terraformers this suit can withstand rapid changes in pressure heat and personal velocity and then we get the fs55 Devastator armor which I think or I hope is the gas mask armor domestic versions of this armor allow Colonial Farmers to safely plant crops and mines side by side while staying in one piece and you will notice here guys there is medium there is light or rather I should say there's light medium and heavy armor in this war bond so the devs are listening because the last one didn't have that that is cool and then finally to sum all of this up of course always accessorize your choice of armor with brand new capes harbinger of true equality Eagle's Fury or Freedom's tapestry fre estry as you mix and match your lethal load out of Liberation Democratic detonation is rolling out destroys Acquisitions panel on April the 11th let's drag our malevolent enemies into the burning flames of Hell soldiers fire in the hole so there you go guys I think this is actually going to be a pretty strong war bond just just based off that information I mean yeah I think there's a lot of really strong stuff in this probably going to be the best war bond so far in terms of uh just equipment in the war bond now remember it is a premium war bond so you will have to use super credits to unlock this but obviously if you've been playing the game a lot you will just have loads of super credits and you should be able to unlock this and then of course you will need medals to buy the individual items on each page of the war bond all right then thank you for watching the video guys I hope you enjoyed that if you did then let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below and what do you think could be the strongest weapon in this new war bond do let me know all right guys thanks for watching and I'll catch you on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: prnl8Q9Ep18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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