HELLDIVERS 2 With Strangers Is Not What I Expected

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man I can't believe we're actually going to become hell divers sorry did you say hell divers hell di training is the toughest test in the Galaxy but I can tell that doesn't scare you in all my years I've never witnessed such acrobatic Perfection impeccable use a grenade to close up that bug hole no no okay bye guys bye guys what a catapult of an arm this should be easy I've never seen such Flawless terminal activation you've Advanced the cause of democracy farther than any soldier I've ever seen just put time here now there's a hell dier I'll step back over I really did not think I would be as into this game as I am right now I actually dreamt about being in a Hell pod last night hearing the hell divers 2 theme tune over the intercom to psych me up before I was landing on a planet to keep some peace and spread that democracy so yeah I'm mentally and emotionally invested it would seem to say the least hell divers 2 is a game that is blowing up over the past week but if you don't know what it's about quite simply you play a soldier better known as a hell diver who is trying to spread democracy across the Galaxy during an Intergalactic war with terid and automatons and those are the two initial factions in Hell divers 2 that are sweeping through the planets in the galaxy the game server cap keeps getting met and they keep having to increase it because the demand for the game is so much more than what the developers expected and it's understandable because the all-time peak of concurrent players in Hell divers 1 was 7,000 and that's over a period of 9 years and in just a week hell divers 2 has already surpassed half a million concurrent players now whether that's from Steam alone or it's crossplatform because of course it's on PC and Playstation I'm not totally sure but I do know that Sony just announced you do not need ps+ in order to play this online I'm having a great time but like many others I've been playing it alone not solo but simply queuing with any hell diver who would have me and if I'm being honest I expected queuing with strangers to be no please please a rather challenging experience but when I finally got to play with others I realized how wrong I was and that all the Great Moments and memories I had when I was growing up playing games on my Xbox just teaming up with randoms and making it work they all flooded back and this game in my opinion has made time travel possible having now played with hell divers from all around the globe I can easily say that Not only was it worth it but I want to do it more and more and more so we're looking for SOS beacons here which is a player in need of help I love this system because if you're alone on a planet and you need help you can throw down one of these SOS strategy which is like a little ball that shoots a beacon of light up into the atmosphere it'll make you available for matchmaking with people who are looking to Hell pour out a cup of that Liberty strategy are used for all types of functions including weapons air support and more but you'll see how they work as we get into it but before we do that you might be wondering well de why can't I just play completely by myself well I have and from experience oh my why am I here am my oh am I out of ammo I'm out of ammo yeah let's just stop here and reload that's great it's not worth the heartache buddy up with strangers and trust me you're going to have an experience that you will love like for Liberty subscribe for super Earth but enough chat let's go help some hell divers [Music] what a sequence this gives me hell jumper Vibes I'm not going to lie which is not a bad thing more of that go now all right and Sh look at that green moon remember this okay seems pretty pretty quiet over here looks like we find a satellite of some sort okay so the little combo on the left there upload data you just hold control on PC I think it's different on Playstation you can use the strategy combo to upload the data from these back to the ship look at that dude just look at that that that is gorgeous loving that this guy going to that's pretty good I dig it back back back back it's not that big back that's fine it was that big and it wasn't fine right oh we got big boys coming in reloading big bug's coming in hot I think the ones I hit the most so far are the ones that like they flank you the flankers definitely not a fan of the flankers those guys there last reloading stri no no no no why got guys up here oh okay in the jungle actually this is get fire kind of scary looking just cuz they kind of come out of just the folage and they're right in front of you all of a sudden oo must be this guy we grab these lach codes nice okay so what I'm realizing is I think you just need a bit of a you know team that's going to stick together you don't necessarily need to be communicating with each other all that much I don't think I think that will be the key though I think you will need to communicate more as time goes on and that'll be like the make or break between what teams survive and what ones don't like in most games really but it is pretty easy to communicate with each other see where you are see where people are going and they've done that really well without having to use a microphone but on the flip side I like to speak to people so I'm hoping somebody's going to respond to me at some point so if you want to check your ammo just hold r or whatever the reload button is and it's going to show that little popup that you saw there I had one bullet so I was able to tell that if I took a next shot I'd be screwed you can have it all on screen if you want as well but I kind of like talking woo yeah I like talking the H elements away where I can is that ammo do I burn myself I do it for democracy it's okay it's fine scream it out scream it out that's what I do [Applause] reload going for it oh [Music] God move out of the way point me to the enemy I'm back in an oral point me to oh my God could that be closer whoa do M okay all right I think I lost my machine gun call down support it is what it is [Music] oh oh God that laugh says everything I need to know all right so we have the launch code and our buddy here is going to enter them Flawless first time Al so this is the launch code we got to LIF these unlock the hatch so our nuke can get up come on super I think it's dead terminal okay I have a lot to learn calling down fortification freom March is thanks to you you may proceed to extraction off it ghost boom Oh my God a oh that's awesome I was kind of expecting to be completely knocked back like this calling in an it's merely a neck drop me another okay it's time to get out of here call you back get back demon oh no what what the hell was that oh my God and then we got a safe artillery that'll do nicely there oh wait artillery okay artillery is not what I thought it was I thought it was uh like a gun like an artillery gun no no that would that would be that would be an artillery gun oral stke just in case you know just just spread the love a bit don't get squashed oh my God initiated extraction complete one beginning a victory was never in doubt it was never in doubt so I've up the anti and we're going for challenging difficulty now we've managed to get another group who had an SOS Beacon and oh wow I think I need to upgrade the budget for the pods on my ship because 2D pods just not sustainable welcome aboard hell diver than we can never have too many Heroes fighting is there a hero behind me this guy's right to go okay didn't even get a salute was no time I respect it all right let's do this launch initiated so as far as I know we're heading to this planet Meridia to clear out all of the alien nests that are full of eggs standard procedure right hell drivers do this every day big old bug nests and uh I'm hoping challenging is going to be a step above maybe a bit more intense a bit faster but we'll see see how quickly it ramps up okay it's ramped up let's go the only good bug is a hey don't you hit me and I'm dead so if you see in the top left hand corner it says 19 that's how many reinforcements you can call in immediately after you run out of those you start to see a timer of about 90 seconds I think or maybe 2 minutes oh my God please oh yeah I forgot the terminat hit whenever you give useful tips so much so they will murder you oh someone else has died as well okay this is just absolute Insanity can I squash one of these bugs I think I squash the bug democracy has landed it's landed baby so I've got like a auto shotgun and I'm regretting my decision actually the auto shotgun might be the thing for this I'm not sure these things follow you so quickly the hunters got to watch your back running out of ammo dead killed by my teammate yeah so challenging immediately is far more fun but also I'm awful at it all right let's spread some democracy are you serious just to put in perspective how it's going three hell divers three hell Parts landing at once yeah yeah I'm stand up here I'm calling in reinforce whoever's immediately died as well so we've went from 20 reinforce down to 10 let me get a machine I think this is the longest that more than one of us has been alive give me that yeah okay it's party time I can't even see what's happening right now let's get these gone freaking time oh God don't do that I can hear the chaos but I can't see them okay that's gone oh no orbital strike requ run run run run no no no no can't shoot him in the face the charger is just pure armor he's got a soft back that's about I don't know enough about him yet no I'm okay just fell in a giant shrimp Austin no I want saood whatever's causing these spores we need to get rid of it it cannot be like this it's so it's so dense out of St oh I'm out of stems and they're coming and team me it died just spray and spray you like to taste of Freedom how many bullets I have left no time to check let's get him back in calling in reinforcements just hope that the charger doesn't see me that has no bullets in it absolutely not not today pal you know I'm warming into the shotgun a we bit oh no please no no no don't don't rotate don't charge oh coming in hot oh please tell me I didn't just kill him my own teammate well you know that's not good let's let's bring another one though please two Chargers oh sweet yes run yes run run run run run cubed run three oh why are we here calling in oral stri I just wanted to be don't dive on the requesting your support exactly reloading I'm just playing the game with this guy you're not going to get me oh God you might though oh my God don't run through the beam oh sweet Liberty my L that was a near Miss oh not the hunters enough your tendrils get back enough of your Tom fery one other thing to note is that usually if you reload a MAG and there's still bullets in it you lose the whole mag whereas with like the shotgun you're loading it shell by shell so if you're instinctively a reloader shotgun is going to be fine but otherwise you're probably going to want to start having some reload discipline something I definitely don't have but I'm I'm working on it refor have launched at this point we decided we were going to make a push for the main objective and we had a guy already there that we were trying to get the hold back until we were there and can make an orbital strike guys get out of there orbital strike coming in oral strike going to die you're good there we go all right get ready to run get ready to run all right all right running running where did he put it behind us run run run run run he running running not making the same mistake I made earlier should I keep running oh feels good feels good the radius on that thing is insane that is mad all right let's clear out some of these eggs eggs and bugs get some nice oh I actually love the M9 sight like the detail and the guns is great don't worry I'm not advocating for a first person only version of Hell divers not every game I play needs to become a first person game they've done a lot of work on it though it does look good ooh give me these stems yes pleas I'll take one oh here we go ah that grenade launcher what a beast what an absolute monster of a gun want toose B it yeah I'll help him he's probably going to do the M work here like oh my goodness so good reloading and am my pathetic one yeah Hey listen my final hit that's what made it happen he gets it oh it's party time let's call in some mines yeah yeah yeah what the hell is that what I'm not walking in front of that that thing's insane I want that oh singed myself it's fine reload oh here we got more just when they emerge out of the smoke and you think you're you're done and then a full new wave of them comes in the r and the shotguns pretty goodly get we Amo Dum down oh w got more I hait these humpers see when these guys are chasing you look at this guy he's like side strifing he's such a creep get out of here oh sweet Liberty my leg Gman just took my samples you just ran over to my body took the samples and he said my bad Gman needs to watch his back cuz Liberty loing it comes from all angles especially from behind I signed evil I'm not going to kill G man but if he dies he dies if he dies he dies not by my hand obviously I would never p a grudge wonder which one he is okay he's D1 sorry he took my sample I won't forget it oh yeah classic GMA acquiring samples typical G man I'm over it I'm over it I'm not over it oh this looks like a big nest nice he was away let's get some orbital oh one two three and the Char gone all the way through it and straight up to me that's fine yeah yeah yeah do that don't do that me Goose guy don't die please is this the end where is my camera gone oh yeah let's look at my corpse let's remember what I did nothing let's check the limbs left arm gone right leg gone body gone right arm gone right leg gone okay still got my head though hell dive it in right into the center of everything oh my Lord oh yeah I could have went a bit further away where's the F that these guys are just going dying I think don't stab on those God we can't call anybody in oh God Chargers oh no we can't call I can't call anyone in the cool Down's still on a minute I've got to survive for a minute well we're off for a run I guess we're running I don't think we're doing the objective for the next 60 seconds let's call in a machine gun don't think so get back ah receive the message oh my Lord action dive oh oh wow okay we didn't hit the mine this time I have an affinity for divid on the in Sandry mines let's throw him over there get him in but keep him out of [Music] danger it's the best we can hope for okay gon let's get out of here just fall by just run far away yeah calling down fortification come on let's go back up back up no watch those watch those that's fine it's a charger it's charger it's totally fine just dance around it dance it thren grenade in here let's get these nests going oh yep don't throw a grenade in then run in the direction of your own grenade that's we super Earth T from the top don't die out of ammo G man please his trigger discipline's good you can't I can't knock it I'm out of everything G man we got to go he's holding them off for me I was wrong about G G man you're the real deal g man's coming he's brought a surprise oh great oh wow so many Hunters we're getting one more in that's us up to three looking good and G Man's dead we're back to two I got fny dantam let's go let's get out of here just keep running away he's gone he doesn't need my instructions yeah yeah yeah Precision strike run run run I'm running you don't need to tell me I've been running for 3 minutes straight that is so close this isn't even the same guy from earlier who told me the backup I'm still forgetting how big those orbital strikes are hey no jumping and I'm out of ammo but that doesn't matter get rinsed I'm over here over here come to me come me yeah yeah coming now sending in an eagle an eagle [Music] oh the bird that goes I genuinely cannot imagine what this is like on higher difficulties I I'm just not good at it yet really not but I love this chaos ah please Hunter it's just insane need to figure out the mechanics of these Chargers though yes happily if I can just survive high am I alive right now shove it in your neck okay keep going keep going the re and everything oh he's cheers me why is he so good at the pivot don't you do it oh it's my oh cripes well I don't think I've ever said cripes so I don't know why I said that this game's turning my brain the so everyone's dead and it's just dropped me back in on my own with 2 minutes before I can reinforce what can go wrong after managing to survive for another 2 minutes I called in reinforcements from FY dantam and we made plans to head straight towards the main objective which was Destroy all of the eggs in the bug hiive and much to my surprise I got to play with a new weapon let's give us a go oh the sign of it oh it's melting them I love this so much makes me think of the last cannon from 40K apparently on colder planets as well it takes longer for this to overheat I'm not down today never die that's right they definitely die by the way they die a lot oh my goodness I think we're about to see an example of them dying a lot my legs wrecked I got so many Hunters on me fny help me he's probably got his own thing going on not today oh I guess y today oh my common sample no Rion accomplished though he just has to get out now so skipping ahead effectively what happened was everyone died again everyone died I just watched them all die I couldn't do a thing about it and now the Destroyer has left orbit so we can't even bring the back in there's no way to reinforce now we've over we've used every available reinforcement strategy and every cool down as well and the timer run out so we've got nothing we can't call in orbital strikes we literally have to survive until the extraction ship gets here so I just got to oh my Lord no don't you dare dive dive in stem dive in stem enough take some democracy oh I got the charger as well I got the hunters I got the Chargers H I don't know where to go I don't know where safe I need to be on site for the the extraction there's so many Hunters I just got to clear them I have nothing else to clear them except this gun no please don't you do it there's the extraction oh oh if they could speak I know our hero would not have us mourn their loss but rejoice in their Victory you know something we actually did all right there because we completed the mission we all died but that's the hell diver way we gave our lives for the cause for super Earth for Duty for liberty for democracy if you guys enjoyed this let me know and if you watch this far you're the real deal okay High casualty miss the existence of low casualty mission
Channel: DEEF
Views: 552,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 review, helldivers, helldivers 2 xbox, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 pc vs ps5, helldivers 2 pc
Id: mohhTIBK8B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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