After 50 Hours of Helldivers 2, I'M ADDICTED..

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right we are doing hell dive difficulty on our first run of the day uh with Jack Frags and uh Tommy uh We've also got sea who was here with us last time uh Jack has never done anything above difficulty six I think so um yeah it's going to be interesting to see how this goes um yeah I I've picked the full meta by the way I've gone I've I've made sure to go full meta don't you worry about that so I've gone Rover I've gone rail gun uh I've gone guard dog right hold on it's already begun we've already got cluster bombs where's my where's my guard up that took a while uh We've also got double call in times because it's um it's hell diive and it had one of those as a modifier and we had no choice so yeah it's a baptism by fire yeah Jack's never done held over before so it's going to be really interesting to see uh what he thinks of it right where is he what oh it's a Javin what the hell that is sick it instantly that was did one shot someone got him with an oral I need to put it on um much putting it on unsafe okay oh Jack I'll call I'll I'll call you in a rail gun as well later all right's got another ball Titan here let me see what let me see if the spear one bangs him here we go yeah let's have a look where is it it's not going to one shot it surely can't I can't there oh my god there a lot of damage Dage all right let me see I'm going to actually I'm not going to orbit all I'm I'm might 500 kg though that's going to be double calling time ready look let's see if this gets him that's going to get him that's going to oh my God I wasn't expecting I've never seen it hit him before actually went in his mouth like I genely watched him swallow dude I've never seen it hit them before oh we're getting Las out here watch out by artillery oh God yeah it's coming in I hate that stuff big boys watch out wait I don't have ammo no we need to get I put laser down I mean that was that was excellent let me let me see if I can take out the uh the bigin the oh my God the artill strikes are ruinous another big guy another ball Titan yep I didn't mean to do that spear going on him spear does one shot charges allegedly oh my God we just need to clear holes though keep moving just keep moving yeah we got wait where should we go I'll come towards you guys so I can't see on the map where the nest are we just have Sean's marked where he thinks one is though okay I like that oh I see so the map is completely covered there's some over here chasing me but it's okay um the laser is beaming everyone and it's got sha that's done I think that's it heavy bug n done nice out 12 where are all the big bugs they they're not oh they're artillery us from absolutely miles let's see if I can beam them get on his yeah your stuff's right there I'm taking out the artillery bugs should I get oh my God they take four shots now in I'm taking shots of the B TI here he's actually he's actually not aggroed right now yeah well that's what I mean like maybe life you know okay yeah we'll let him live his life then let him live his life look at him yeah look he's a he's a he's a beautiful beast and he's going to oh now he's coming towards us no he's all right actually we might just leave him there get your ammo here guys surely we want to steer away from the extract but there might be ones near the extra we can just do it and get out of there you know we we hell dive is not about like farming good stuff you just have to get in and get the bloody hell out of here like careful yeah yeah I mean it's it's actually way easier to see on this without the spores my God H there's a bug breach I can see I don't see any Nest though over there I know yeah we've got to find some I'm going to Cluster bomb this little apparently you can one shot the B if he hit the face oh I've tried but Nest here yeah I'm getting the nest I should be able to get it I'm going to go and one and two damn it it hit them nice I've only got two there I need help with the other ones I got it I got it samples here as well yeah I missed it I need more nades Oh no I got it I got it I got it one more one more one more I cover cover hang on Jack I'm going to there you I am dead to a b spe a b just came up just be me going out I did not see it this guy yeah give it a go give it to go come on come on come on no I got to be further away he's dead he's dead nice okay I think Sean guned it en two more Nest yeah yeah y oh we're doing really good for hell dive to be honest where I need help getting my stuff back guys oh [ __ ] I don't know if we're going to be able to do that well I need where is it okay let's let's try oh jack [ __ ] on the right yeah I need a little I might be able to just go get it hold on I hate those artery guys okay I'm going to just run in there and get it just wanging bullets in there yeah it's fine it's fine I'm just oh my God I'm I'm going to flew myself out I think you good St yeah I'm okay yeah yeah no no no I'm on the floor I'm on the floor I'm on the floor I'm on the floor there where's the flubs the fls are gone what you mean you can use the flubs to get out of the a bad situation oh the yeah the ground the ground I call them pickled onions yeah the pickled onions yeah well thank you guys we got it thank you oh never mind I did not get my rail gun good don't know why I didn't pick that up but never mind I'm being on ammo again all right we're leaving itav over here oh there's a SP get yeah shoot sh you can shoot from from long far away with normal gun going in got it nice [ __ ] watch out for the spewing watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out artillery coming in oh that was close that thing almost killed me oh my God charger charger charger charer oh [ __ ] you know the thing with the legs with the charges yeah you can you can lame them can't you if you rail gun the legs off oh my God this is insane I I I I I might need some help over here coming oh my God oh my God there on guys that actually was perfect that was amazing oh my God thank they blew that up keep running Tom keep running keep running oh no uh I might need to drop I need to drop some ordinance here too close this we need to drop some ordinance I got it I got it I got it Jack you can close the two stalker holes that will do it so go towards where the stalkers came from if you can oh my God why am I I can't move the Pod it's really annoying you got grenades um a couple oh I've got your spear here Tommy do you need it I'm coming I'm coming okay I'm leaving on I'm just going to guard it for you a little bit watch out for the the spewing charger over that direction I need I need ammo already seconds I got the crusher charger whatever careful the nest the Sean's on it Sean's on it okay let's go toward Sean yep yep yep can a bit of damage I'm going to Cluster bom behind us just don't go back that way okay yes this is the stalker Nest yeah uh stalker here one on me oh my God it went me but it's coming for me again there's one here as well I I got it I think I got it so cool clear this nest and we can go I need a grenade I've got one I've got one I've got one running over there's two there's two and then here yeah got him got him got him nice let's get out here yeah I'm moving do we have ammo can we call it in uh call in yeah call in ammo here first actually hang on um I'm doing it here doing it here doing it here keep moving keep moving need needo yep I'm going to Cluster toward artillery coming in watch out oh that's close um I'm taking one you guys take some more I'll take one I'll take one there's more here there's more guys take your resupply take your resupply okay charer charger took one I don't have a rail gun for this trying spear him but I've got to be far away from him no no assass on me Jack assass on me behind you it's dead dead I think that was the last one from the nest kind in hit yeah move I think we're good we're good we're just moving around yeah maybe put some ordinance behind us already leaving he's gone man we need to sweep round and go back yeah just put some ordinance to our left and we should be get the strats in let's use sacrifice yeah Sean sha is the magnet uh I've still got a little bit longer on my five oh another Nest here you guys got nades oh well we don't need to clear these but I mean I mean we don't have to because there's no none here right now i' got four watch out that's right I managed to get quite a few clothes I'm not going to get them all I don't think let's just leave it over here the all right I got four there I I got four clothes there's another two there's another two and one of them's over there Tommy you good two minutes we got to go we got to go we got to go oh no no oh [ __ ] I'm dead oh we need to find the oh we would we need to just go yeah oh I see sea wants us to come back to him yeah no that's where the extraction is right I sorry I forgot that this is only a 10-minute Mission let's just go back to where we came sorry I'm lost I don't think I can climb out here maybe I can a yeah yeah Jack Jack come all the way left sorry I I made the mistake that was my bad we just need to head back towards sha head back towards sha we're going to have to take out these B Titans I thought I thought this was a longer Mission I didn't realize this was 10 no no keep keep moving left Jack we need to just run through the middle run through the middle you can outrun the B but hold on save some stamina Jack I don't think I can for God's sake yeah sorry that's that's on me I didn't realize we we should definitely have been following Sean um I'm going to try and help you with those B Titans with another laser yeah Tommy's being harassed by them right now yeah I think yeah just fine I'm leading away there's only three Jack there's only three B Titans oh yeah I I didn't see them there's only there's only three that's all right no I want to Target this just save some Stam save some Stam one just disappeared in front of me yeah Sor that's that's coming in in yeah yes I can see one two three B yeah only three this is the the extraction is going to be mental by the way so let's get have you got any um I oh how do that hit me man [ __ ] off slow here yeah because the AOE on the B Titan slow is actually enormous um I'm going to try I'm going to try on 500 KD oh my God bomb on it yeah it should land I might get a double kill one one dead one dead there's one on me guys coming in from the north your Northeast oh yeah I see it I see it and the strategems are gone we have no strategems now no strategems I just put some damage on it Tom maybe that help can't move I can't move I'm I'm slowed we got two TI down we only got one left there's a charger here as well I need to reload my spear I'm not getting a chance I need Sean to take out that leg the front leg on the charger just going to hide here hope it's fine who what did I just get hit by yeah the B TI might not make it here in 55 seconds we might be all right oh I I need um has anyone got any Sims I think he will start oh uh Sean's dead oh we can't call him back in good I have a here have three SS that's sorry s all don't worry heal me if I get low but I'll be all right for now I'm going to steal uh his rail gun ra gun yeah Fin's leaving artillery bugs coming in firing they're firing us watch out it's right it's right it's right one one behind you got him right 27 27 seconds is actually quite long justay just kind of bring them around town you know theer Dominator but it's not very good against clearing oh no guys pull back pull back if if it's too crazy don't don't stand in them cuzz they'll just mince you pull back to me if you need to oh I went the wrong way oh no no no no guys guys pull back to me pull back to me pull back to me I can't move I'm slowed no just stay on this side Jack come to this side come to this side no Jack Jack come on it's coming no okay we're going to have to we're going to have to go last second Tommy I think um drag them around a little bit come around going see if we can Juke them a little this way this way this way this way running in running in running in running in running in I can't I can't run in it's okay okay I'm in I'm in I'm in made it do a little do a little jig around the sides got no left just run around the side keep diving keep diving look all right I I will take responsibility for that cuz I thought we had to carry on doing missions and we ran way further than we needed to there a bug on the side you see that yeah also I'm really zoomed in here oh come to space with us what the hell dude that that was on me there's no way I was getting on that no that's that's on me and I'm sorry the spear is too Buggy Man like you target stuff and it just it just doesn't work like I don't know I'm trying but the I put I put my hand up that was definitely my fault I should I should have realized the uh the mission we were doing uh cuz we could have easily got out with our stratums there that's my bad out still good how much XP for that then I mean 125 you get two you get the bonus oh wow yeah that's pretty sick 7,000 7,000 wreck and you get eight medals and you get 1500 XP you don't get you don't get much samples for doing these missions it hard to extract that was my fault you get a lot of XP that was my fault and I take full responsibility this is the one really you want to get level 20 though Jack as fast as possible you can have the rail gun there sh and The Shield yeah rail gun is topnotch yay I'm very good at baiting yeah super GG's right my bad my bad we still did all right we didn't we didn't die completely yeah we could have called in about 2 minutes earlier which would meant we would have had more strategems to use so that's on me yeah um right I think that load out was actually pretty good though although um uh right resor ship yeah it's fine wait what do you mean resent ship we're already here yeah oh I see you're just yeah he's still loading it's just I was uh dossing yeah you upgrade the ship modules this gun is terrible jar five d a is awful yeah yeah break i' I saw I saw sa using the last one the the the sonic suit or something that's like explosive I've used that I used that on Playstation when I had my guns unlocked for me that is actually quite good however you shoot that Point Blank Range against the bugs you will instantly die cuz it just kills you in one shot yeah I've heard the auto shoty I think still very good yeah I use the auto shoty cuz it's meta it's just it's just too good all right you ready next H dive let's go this is my what that what but what right I mean I guess is mine right okay okay we only got two that's good let's start at the bottom what's the most addicting thing about hell divers um a lot of getting the perfect strategem hit should be fine should we go in the area that's not cloudy I don't know why is that a trap this the the map thing isn't cloudy though it's just the map okay so let's let's just start here three Nest three nests here though okay let's start here then on just to the left of it just to the left of it yeah you waiting for where's Sean don't know he'll get Dragged In I think either way I think yeah he's in now have we done a hell dive on automat on though uh yes but I died instantly is that good Sean's here I'm just trying to explain that what time watch time doesn't do anything exclamation my watch time well I don't see a problem I'm going to try the spear again but I don't know it's it's lacking like a lock speed for me are the are the cluster strikes going where we putting them it isn't being affected by the not being affected clearing like a big horde of enemies and Rover did help me a lot as well so I'm going to keep that yeah I'm taking the big stuff taking the big stuff there's master chief on the end there you love the EXP stuff so we can actually have cuz I can actually well the next mission I think I'll be able to buy a different hell pod optimization and then we can have three you know you ready with start yeah oh sorry I forget that I have to exit and ready up that's my bad yeah vehicles have have long been hinted but there's mechs in Hell divers one so I think the mechs are coming wait they've hinted Vehicles yeah Mech you know like 2142 one like like buy like mech suit suits suits I feel like that's in no brain Vehicles you mean like jeeps and tanks and stuff I mean I the thing is the maps are much bigger than hellers one and you could do I imagine like a hover tank or something I don't know that would be which armor do I prefer I prefer the light armor I always use light armor right now cuz I have so much stamina and stamina helps keep me alive I don't know right rail gun again and God dog I'm going to send in a is that a breach uh yeah it's a breach uh we got to get a hard drive I'm going to umill any okay that didn't work three two I should be able to get a few of these here nice I got 11 beautiful right oh the Rover almost killed me can here someone dropped in yeah watch watch your back Tom watch your back oh what the hang on hang on hang on I've got a rail gun for these guys in a second give me a [ __ ] hang on let me put it on safe there a ball as well myar hang on I'm trying not to yeah one of them is dead oh it went down the hill man I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead yeah I got my my spear fell down the hill so I couldn't go get it we do have a safe artillery here as well yeah we need to get that but let's just uh let's get me in thing there's a spawn mushroom right next to you there as well I need to go get my my uh oh why can't I move this pot sometimes it's crazy it's really annoying I'm shooting this it's gone nice um putting the SE in yeah the SE well we got to clear all the enemies first I'm just going to put the missiles in the right place is there any mini nukes they're here that was so annoying that my spear just rolled down the hill so I couldn't get it ow that's that's part of fun whoa that spittle is coming through the wall um this guy's under the floor going to say dude uh charger yeah a [ __ ] beam man it's just do him in just shooting the charger in the face there so much B artillery how you like I got the charger dead oh yeah you do have to stay still I didn't realize you can't move at all I didn't know that that was pretty close oh my god look how is it not why is it not targeting then doesn't make any sense like um there must be one more there there's a mini nuke here I got it yeah yeah yeah yeah that's good there I've got another one here it's not a one bang do we need any more or I dropped it I just need that one but Char is in the way I got it hang on is this smoke yeah I need the where's the mini nuke uh I thought the yellow one was no no no this smoke but it's fine we'll just we'll just finish it we'll just finish it that's done uh big boy um do you need to press a button on it yeah I think you have to just engage it I'm got to get the signal strength Jesus Christ man okay you get done it I'm dealing with the crusher right next to you jack wow was too close Okay dead dead dead press on me guys I can't do much about at the moment uh should we try and break off to the South and then just start pulling back cuz we've got this the artillery now yeah let's go let's go towards that data pod over and then towards the objective I like that I like that oh combat zone here combat zone where I am you're going to push into it probably nice I'm going to uh Sean is Sean you need Sean's going to get hit by this 5 kg there's a charger on our left I just don't get it seems so inaccurate okay I got the B I got the B I thought was going to die do we do we care I mean we can do it for a sec it's all right right protect Tommy um just focus the the charger here down there bom down there bomb bomb it's fine it's quite far it's quite far wide too close is just so in like annoying I don't don't know nice Crush almost dead dead did we get the oh we've got about 5 seconds left uh I might the objective eag yeah I'm just sending an eagle in over there uning democracy uh see if we can do it someone calling supplies I'll do it now if you want I'll do it now someone called them in already I don't know where they tell people if you do that well SE might have done it yeah somewhere I Didn't Do It supplies making sure that thing where's the I've got one of the artilleries is there any more ammo here there must be like some random ammo no think B artillery is coming in um oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell where where where oh they hang on artillery I got one of them oh my God uh anything else uploading yeah it's doing it it's doing it is there any ammo no still too minutes on that so where's the there must be some random ammo around here got no ammo for my rail gun got it hard drive all got it oh my God someone's cannons just shot me transport SSD to Communications relay oh my God I got to take it across the whole map oh yeah yeah yeah this is where a vehicle would coming handy yeah just leave let's go H bikes or something like that yeah it' be cool Destiny sparrows but like if you get hit it probably like wangs you off course or like throws you into the air I think see look no damage there's a grenade launcher on the floor here that's pretty good any ammo down here there must be PR surely samples oh here you go ammo got it nice I'm out of s as well um I can do I can I oh no you don't need healing that's I'm good I'm good there's a little uh try and kill the little small thing you see them shoot the little tiny bugs first cuz they're the one that call the breaches so you just got to smash them before they call people in there's ammo and [ __ ] down here I think yeah nice trying to get over this Sean's got the nice samples kill that Jack kill that he's alive uh we got B Titan that doesn't seem to be Agro right now which is nice goodbye I the hard drive Char here oh [ __ ] I'm going to shoot these right I got the spew oh over him again no the hard drive Jack I've got it I've got it the spear went over him got no ammo for my spear now one more shot no he's not he's not now he's now he's down is he yeah he he's D he's I'm going to call a Reay down here come back up Jack oh no um bile Titan there as well whoa what the hell was that was that the CF that was the mini nuk I'm just taking one yeah take one take one show on there uh cluster bomb behind us and just go yeah oh there's a breach there right on the uh maybe if we we can avoid these ones on the right if we just go a bit left get I've got the uh rail Cannon strike I need to use that more SP spear somewhere around there's a b time behind you oh is that can you see the mushroom anywhere is that the mushroom I think I can see it right here right here can anyone shoot that with mean's going to be low I got him B Titan down right Spore thing down you'll be able to see now nice is this my main job yes hell diving is my main job dude I was employed over a week ago now by hovers ah what was that oh by artillery [ __ ] nasty little [ __ ] still got the SSD yeah yeah I got it yeah we're almost there yeah yeah we're almost there such an opportunity for a tie in with an SSD company here make sure you select the SSD missions and hingston yeah WD black transporting whoa he's got whoa him yeah I shot him I shot him when he blew up um purple plant here oh it's got rare samples and Sh on it yeah that's where the mushroom was oh it's around the bottom of the sport VI there's like samples then okay there's little chaps here watch out it's it's I think it's the orange ones that call the breaches though problem son uh I'm just going to wait for this guy to spew ow ow ow where's the box where is it um it should be a little post box it's on you should be on you no is it I see the power thing wait we come to the wrong place oh no we're here we're here here wa here here where is the post box I don't see it how am I so wait it wasn't putting it in back there was it oh God do you want me to take it I don't think it is I think it's here I think it might be you know but it said to come over here it literally said to come over here it's here is it oh maybe it's over there look where there it's over on the map it's gray out it's okay we go there after we can go okay okay cool cool cool I think TR out know that's never weird UI that maybe yeah oh we should have we should have done it in this order but yeah it's fine ow uh this is Hell dive difficult difficulty by the way for those asking that's the gray thing on the map it's a bit confusing for it to be gray and not like you know I mean there's a lot of these um um are we done here oh no we still need to reactivate hang on move back and try and I I just died to an explosive no I'm out I don't know why I just died uh call you on him yeah yeah I I'll try call me yeah call me on him yeah yeah I'll try and see him him slow him down slow him down slow him down I'm coming back in I'll get the B you see him I got his leg my game no that's the first oh God it should uh change host though right yeah it's a dedicated server dedicated server nice I'll rejoin I'll rejoin why did my thing just blow up well first that's the first crash I've had oh come on that very shocking it was such a it was such a way it's the way that the damage seems to hit you even after you died or after you're out the way yeah I need another revive easy we can Colossus of Steel I've noticed that you don't use grenades much no I usually try and save them for the I'm going back I try and save them for the what's it called couldn't handle my insane assets Alli Destroyer coordinates received I'm going have to to drop back on my spear though you know or maybe it'll give me I'm just going to start running this cuz I've I've got free uh yeah I'm trying not shoot myself off the map though you know I'm coming back I'm coming back what did I bring again was that actually quicker I don't know if it was all right I am going solo here so I'm going solo I'm going solo what' you say yeah I mean you guys have already done the power generator wait it says oh I've dropped the it's the great I've dropped it oh God damn it yeah you can't change weapon I think I did I bloody dropped it don't forget to take breaks that's if you want to be remembered as a coward it says wow thankfully this is all satire um I'm on just if you want it that's fine I'm coming did I drop it when I hit the I mean I've got fresh cool down if I explode myself it drops it okay what happen What happens if the SSD drops off the map what happens what it's not no no no if I if it does drop off the map my super are you going to try and I'm going to try and um we've all got to go over there that's yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just that it's clear right now so I'm just kind of like it feels like a good time you know you only get one missile per resupply under the spear you know that's pretty rough it can one bang the tit if you hit him in the face but it's kind of hard to do that yeah have to get the right exact well he has to be walking towards you oh it respawns if it falls off the map it respawns where it's started that's good to know pretty quiet now look time for time for looting we got the super samples that's good tell you what it's the common samples I need though let's jump Jack don't know why like where are all the bugs we've won Jack don't ask you know don't ask don't tell we' killed them all uh well there's quite a few waiting on this s SSD delivery I'm going to try and sneak them oh I can't climb up there I guess I've got a spear but uh think we've all got one Auto Cannon spear be very quiet I'm going to clust the bomb I'm going to clust the bomb this oh too close move back sorry Jack you know what you were so okay I've got you got you refor I wanted to be far further I thought that would go further request approv reinforcements on the way yeah the little orange bugs that you stop oh the Rover gave it away right where is it I see it ow reach [ __ ] where's that breach uh I need help oh see I give him the spear then you see that how's he not dead doesn't one bang the charges but you got the armor oh God don't like that man finish the animation come on oh come on kind of a lot better ridiculous get having a nice yeah I'm having a great time support this actually should be pretty good actually 25 kills give SEC of a cheeky abuse for this game already cuz I've reconnected it's giving me all of my lasers back and I already used to Freedom never so you could drop and reconnect and get all of your Refreshments on your orbitals if you're being a bloody you know um I've left the SSD in a horrible place and we're going to have to deal with that strike coming in strike coming in move back move back move back okay move back jump jump boy I'm okay right um laser clearing them a bit hang on I'm going to I'm going to Cluster strike again don't run forward right that's cleared a bit what was that what was that uh Sean just died where did he die cuz he's got all the nice stuff just here and I'm always there reforce I don't have any uh what's it called Health left uh you got done by's thing I think did he yeah but it was it's you know you got to be careful you know where where do I put this ahid right use the terminal to raise satellite all right I I'll go uh I'll go to the satellite B Titans all right let me give him some spear love in the face a bit close to oh [ __ ] that is a bit close I need to get the angle on as Wells yeah yeah yeah I'm going I'm going I'm going I've got to get the angle right right up here is that right do I didn't do it I'm out of I'm out of eagles Eagle coming in hang on let me let me use the rail one's down shoot him in the side he's got side exposed spear exposed him yeah he's coming I'm shooting him in the side on three two onead for get him um right can anyone tell me how to where where do I need to put it I don't know I really don't know uh well that's good just trying to deal with this Titan deal with him okay okayo I got him I got him I got him I got him oh breach inside this perimeter [ __ ] oh [ __ ] um really bad rocket pod's coming in Tom watch out watch out all right jack I'm going to drop a rail gun on you a ra gun ja uhoh uhoh coming in yeah I need a different thing other than the cluster strike I need someone to tell me when this is in aligned as well uh bit of a problem oh um I didn't want to reload this so I mean bit of urgency maybe whoa I put a Reay down by the way and I don't know where I know no I didn't okay I've got the I've got the artillery ones I'm literally got no ammo for the rail gun now okay ammo I'm going to drop ammo at the top near you okay I need I still need someone to direct me where the uh satellite is it should be free right now I can go check it myself I don't know you can't you can't you just have to like aim it yeah hold on uh I've got a B time coming in on me though and I've got no Sims right Tommy hang on let me see avoid drowning but so right now it's facing that way I need to face it I need to face it West I should be able to get it right how's that got me like I should be able to face it the right way I think I know for [ __ ] sake man what just happened uh I'm going to throw you on top of the B Titan re oh we're getting oh someone's reinforc you there why did I not get re resupply that's so annoying okay here we go are you joking ah this thing's rubbish look at that he's like a walking husk and he's still not dead what the [ __ ] F that there's another one coming yeah I'll try and get him sh needs reinforcing which way is it call reinforce I said it was here I no ammo so it's a bit of a problem at the moment that right I don't know which way to go I thought it was here I got no ammo I just can't do anything I I don't know what I don't know what to do with the uh maybe right Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy tell me yeah it's align it's align it's Aline it's okay cool cool cool yeah well it's not you need to upload doing it's doing it it's doing it is it it says still manually re okay cool cool cool it was taking Ages come up I couldn't tell I couldn't tell that it was working bomb in the middle on him yeah yeah yeah uh hang on I might be able to I'm going to 500 Kg on the one by Titan there oh no it's going to miss might have hit him a little but not much Christ um any ammo anywhere there was some but I'm guessing yeah it's been cobbled um my missiles I mean surely we should start heading back to use the terminal terminal yeah I do I do I do you doing yeah about two B Titans near me can strike coming no it's not it's okay it's okay that's a long um what nice yeah we got that that right extraction extraction we're not we're not going to make it if we don't do it quick okay we'll go we go we'll go let's go let's go um I Des need Sims I'll s you if you need to oh wait we've lost some on super samples we can't leave them oh no well I'm going to get them I'm right here I don't know where they are oh yeah you can see them you can see them oh they're in they dropped in the water is it over yeah oh no it's not the suborns actually it's just some normies but it's quite a lot yeah they're in the they're in the they've fallen into the drowning water I'm crashed again what the hell what the [ __ ] what's going on today I've never crashed on this game before and now I'm just crashing the [ __ ] um what I just get that's annoying yeah I had played this for seven hours yesterday no crashes now it's just crashing after to restart steam or something that wasn't wise of me I didn't have steems but maybe me coming back in will give me Ste I might uh I might have lost my samples there guys yeah I don't wait wait well yeah I know I know are they were they like the really rare ones today too no issues before yeah I've had no issues crashing so far I crashed I actually crashed yesterday no I didn't crash I told crash yesterday and I crashed um like after the game after I'd finished the game they sometimes sometimes he does the animation for picking up you guys already ran might be abandoning the spear soon think no I actually need I need my other gun like it oh whatever I have to literally just run with no ammo I picked up it picked up my shotgun not my nothing to do with that it's just unlucky I'm in danger yeah same all right Tommy's back back we lost I had the super samples though guys so we do have to I want to go back for them I'm going back them all right I I'll just go back for them well all the way back I get him I get him if I don't I don't all right so I'll just trying to avoid enemies wi and flanking you can come with me Jack yeah I'll come with you all right might be a bit dangerous but you know going to try and not to alert all the enemies so sha and yeah I know the whole thing with people not being able to join the matchmaking is pretty crazy it's just that the game obviously had no idea they were going to have 400k players but at the same time that's not that's not on the person who bought the game is it like they're rightfully upset watch him watch him AC you got to shoot the little orange ones before they call anyone no are you guys both going back all right yeah yeah we might as well do a body system if you guys can clear the extraction well do I I'll start calling in once you guys are almost there yeah oh that was good that was lovely NAD yeah I'll wait until you're about halfway back we hav't got much um resistance at the moment okay ammo I need that I call it when you halfway about yeah yeah I like that nice little stem I probably need some more really [ __ ] annoying though I don't know what's going on I'll restart my PC if it crashes again don't think it'll help though I think it's just random might be this planet yeah okay so there is actually I'm not going to do anything I'm just going to kind of let these bugs just Meander around here they are here they are are they the pink ones yes ah got them I might actually should I blow them up more in front of going to reload my spear so we got oh there's one more he's calling oh he called him as well look how fast that is oh yeah [ __ ] I might be able to support you from here hold on we're going to go around this side got him yeah that's not going to work FL strike on our right watch out oh wow we've actually got six Super samples to be fair it's probably worth across there I don't think so hold on I'm going to strike those watch out Rockets oh [ __ ] off are you serious I got killed you need to reinforce me we've got nine reinforcements you can keep refor but you're going to have to be quick now there's a lot there's a lot right we're going to I wanted to get him back I'm going to leave sea here we got lucky with the breach like oh there's a b Tom as well yeah I can spare him or only got one mag left he's going to he's going to kill me you're okay all right I've called on top of the top the hill here okay okay is it reload yeah he bugs yeah oh Jack help me I've got no ammo okay let's just let's just Juke them get our stuff around the here and just keep going you get it back no it's just around the corner I mean I'm being stomped after okay I got it I got it I got it I got it okay are you guys uh oh he just stomped me [ __ ] off call me back on back we just need to kill with the B Titan that's all call reinforce I'm I'm heading back I tried to get stamina back yeah we need to go B okay I've landed on my stuff I think yeah I got one B left and then I'm empty completely I can pick it up [ __ ] hell that's so annoying a the nah I've been slowed piss off F little [ __ ] hold on send all right jack head towards me head towards me if you can requesting support right guys guys it's clear this way calling in reinforcements right just keep I'm put you back on your throw your air strikes and lasers out so I can [ __ ] get this hold on hold on hold on just I don't want to kill you either that's the problem can you get it se's still waiting on the thing I think he's getting beaten off here reloading in right get that was pretty close that was pretty close but it was good that worked pretty damn well I'm going to try and get this B time with a 500 uh resupply on Jack resupply on Jack cuz it Doesn't fast enough resupply here resupply here Tomy you [ __ ] die oh they messed me up hard all right we can call ow call it in Sean call it in Sean you got I got I got them I got them Sean call it in Sean needs to survive on his own up there as see anything drop's not working the drops are working fine I think if if they're not working you just need to follow there's a bunker here greed that's what I've heard no [Music] greed I can't throw that there got the charger yeah I'm trying to like throw throw a spear in but just the lock time is so long B going to Shan where where where oh I see is he going around or is he yeah he's going to go around right oh you got we got laser we got a laser on him yeah but it's I got him nice so what I can gather the issue with drops is that the steam like cash they're not following no no steam run out of keys so they're going to have to wait no they need to subcribe with Twi friend oh they might have to yeah but um yeah basically just wait and then steam will refresh the pool of codes probably later on today and then you'll be able to get your code why does that what is that I'm going help coming in I'm out of Sam we're going to need to drop some stuff here oh my God absolutely beat off I'm coming I'm coming I made it [ __ ] got any turrets or anything you put on this hill um not right now I will be able to okay back a little bit this might hit you Tommy come back to me come back to me yeah yeah God yeah [Music] sorry careful he's here see if you can land him jack no this this close I'm afraid I think you got him I think you got him just went through probably hit him though clear Landing Zone got him got him got him he's dead he's he dead he's dead um charger though charger focusing his face focusing his face get him from this range got Himes there getting sh back ho [ __ ] where's this pelic land for [ __ ] sake we have to clear we have to clear out oh no guys I'm dead pelic kill me no no no the Pelican [ __ ] kill me man got reinforces yeah I chucked it I ched it dude that was so unfair I got hit inside the Rock and then oh my God all right I'm coming in I mean how are we supposed to get this I'm in did you get the samp I'm in I'm in I'm in go go go you have to get in move I can't move you've got the sample you've got the samples youve got the samples you've got the samples youve got the samples Jack please Jack please oh my God Jesus Christ I got got I got launched inside the Rock and then got thrown out of the Rock and killed hey we all got out oh my God I grabbed the S container and just got in yeah I'm abandoning the spear it's not worth it it's just not it's not uh useful enough right it's time to time for Sean to go to bed and sub me in thank you Sean you're actually an absolute Legend he's very good Sean carried us for a lot of that I'll be honest uh Danny wack thank you for the gifted sub Bronson thank you for the 4 months and Camo thank you very much for the tier one as well you go back to that website and eventually it'll it'll become dogged when it what have the YouTube on I have 50 plus hours but I use the rail gun in the wrong way on the YouTube uh I think that looked pretty effective in my eyes new there's a newer one we can we can always just change it um I think that was the I think I killed like maybe 15 charges with it what do you mean hell dive at the seam oh yeah your thing in oh is it this side yeah yeah me weird people are weird they literally see you complete mission that just didn't do that right up yet but I'll do in a bit you know uh 57 kills me that's because I rejoined though yeah yeah yeah it's the reset yeah yeah yeah to me the other day rain of Destruction by I'm not really using sent so maybe I shouldn't get this I don't know if it means it info Flex uh let's get that I got the flexible reinforcement budget oh that's good have you got the UAV you might need to pass lead to me or something I don't someone know what's my helmet careful U my hel my helmet is from I bought it from the store when I had enough I bought it from here got access to Hell Dives this is the thing I don't know how it works go across the hell dive a difficulty do you have a no you see you don't have access to it now here's the thing guys I think you're right the leg is good but the head is a bigger Target yeah but I don't know if that works yeah try and just go back return to your own ship yeah a little bit of a seam okay I can see a head from more angles uh yeah the jar Dominator I don't like it I'm not a fan of it at all I mean back to the auto shotgun it is re re REM re go back to your own ships go to the menu just leave to own ship um return to ship alone I see if this I don't know if this op's going to save I don't know how it works oh I don't think it does now it resets well it's weird cuz when I we did the same thing where I left out I can't use them though did we lose the off or did we I don't have enough commment I wish I could convert my rare samples into common samples because I never find we we find more rare than common is there a way is it because it's my ship yeah I think so actually yeah uh yeah like um the only thing I can buy is these and I'm not look I can only spend 20 at once so it's a bit of a problem Mikey uh let me see if it's I've still got the remainder of the operation then sometimes it does yeah we might have to start another hell dive operation oh no I think I got it yeah still got it okay did it actually complete it though uh no it didn't complete the second one just the first one we did so do we really want to redo that one again I don't know well I mean maybe redo it after this first one after the next one cuz we have another one to do right yeah I'll happily redo it on once we've done the other one yeah we need to to I don't know why that's not counted that as save but okay weird is it I also didn't get any XP for that ah the Expendable empty tank that's I want get anything for that uh yeah yeah yeah we I did when I came out Shield generator relay what's what what is something that I should have that's actually good the EMS m strike I know that's good that's rough um anything else Laser cannon uh right Shield generator I might use that yeah got 16 medals orbital smoke EMS gas what about orbital EMS is that any good uh Eagle smoke oh Eagle 110 rocket pods I think I'll use those as well are you joined join me sorry sorry I'm just buying some things I will join youy now Master Quinto just said after all these years we still don't know how the terminates Traverse systems they actually know how they they go through space well they just sort of float I know you've got to play the lower ranks but what I'm saying that's not as fun to it I think so yeah yeah we can try and do that one do do that one again faster Alli Destroyer engaging oral uh in seticon they the 35 months as well see this one though yeah that spear can piss off I saw I saw that on your back I thought why has he got that well because it says people said you can one bang the top a Titans with it which you definitely can but you be the right angle the right time it's just really awkward to use three shots shot with it as well so we you doing a different one yeah then we're going to go back to the other one yeah we're going to have to try and fast hey Legend Dy thank you right um oh God down well you got to do both though don't we want to start here we want to start top right we want to start top oh I guess we can get the we can get this yeah yeah yeah yeah NE where's Mr Jackie I'm going to get an empada oh watch out watch out watch out go here on the bottom right cuz there's your you you put yourself on a base there okay here what about here that's there there's a base that I'm circling what about here what about here what about here what about I've just saw I've just seen someone run at super speed across my screen well they're getting into the head hell though they scuttled across oh this game's very fun my like to see what they add like well this is this is what I mean about this game this this almost could feels like to me I was saying it to Tommy yesterday this almost feels like another like Battlefield or like a hunt Showdown where you come back for each update because you're like oh let's see what they've got new this time and oh I can just play with anyone and you can get eggs in and it's whatever yeah and it's not so insanely sweaty that you can actually have fun it's like I think they allow fun in this game which is quite insane weird it's where in this day AG I'm surprised there's not spmm in it you're obsessed that oh yeah yeah absolutely the RO we all here yeah go bottom right go bottom right cuz that's a base you fit yourself on there yeah where we are where wellit bit closer bit closer to the I got the flexible reinfor yeah I bought the UAV Recon booster I mean whatever then we can all have different I'm saying we maybe we should drop a little bit closer to that s one I don't know all right we're done it's fine allow it's fine I'm going to do 500 kg uh I'm going to do that and then what do I want as my Orit laser so good or maybe Canon strike I'm going to take the laser is very good but I'll try the is is 110 rocket pods better or cluster bomb we're hell diving chat you're deciding is cluster bomb better or rocket pods and I'm going to give you 15 seconds to decide because Jack's still picking anyway cluster or rocket pods cluster rocket pods you think cluster is better rocket pods for harder rocket pods more people have said Rockets so far we're we're at 50/50 now I'm going to try the rocket pods just because I haven't tried them before there we go ready up oh but now everyone's saying [Music] cluster everyone was saying Rockets to start but now everyone said CL cluster I'm trying it for the first time guys all right maybe probably proba we should have have done that on Hell dive but here we are what are the uh what are the effects in this world um just general hell are we going north or south let's stuff oh this is the it's the same map again isn't it oh no it's slightly different planet the same Planet yeah it's similar uh we need to head north first right that's what we said uh yeah let's go oh there's charger right here what the hell oh yeah I forgot to get my stuff in well I'll got his tits off in a second down a support weapon ow what the hell someone saw a different charger variant they put it on the Discord really it was I got to Triceratops oh wow okay love charges here let's try these rocket where's the well there doers The Nest Ain far away wait where's the is it that one's not there huh where'd it go did it even do it I didn't even see anything hang on need to uh put it on unsafe he's munching me off like a young Jimmy Cocker [Music] ow no I'm going to try and up all right uh well we're being pushed out toward the uh sea um well let's go let's go they got Beach take the beach yeah go let's go Beach towards north oh that is a class that a cluster you go charges man it's the little baby stalkers as well they really hurt they they got like a leap attack oh yeah I I do enjoy en this game Char yeah drop my pods on the Titans yeah I will do I don't know where they went when I threw them last he's dead come on not there's another one okay's dead he's dead oh good I can see the dendi the distend over there yeah got him yeah and that's the wrong way to use it is it I don't I don't really understand we're getting three shot kills on the on the charges seems pretty nice to me but hey your pills take three months Shield backpack is meta okay this is the I I don't know is it I quite like the Rover because it just kills all the small bugs maybe it's I think The Shield's better for the I would use the shields better against timat thing North but then this one is actually please yeah what do you do here exactly me reload didn't give me Anya you a two shots to leg and then oh my God he's just beat you off so fast you in uh B Titan let me try the rocket pods on this oh yeah I'm going to try and Rocket him hold on I somewhere around there I mean it hit him but it didn't don't know if it did anything stalk Nest located another charge on you yep uh there's also an assassins over here I'm pretty sure that's where Tommy is are you going for the nest on me yeah reloading I should have I should have tit hopefully Freedom never eliminated is he dead no hang on left supp oh he's already dead cuz someone away from ah uh Tommy you good yeah yeah did you get the nest oh nice yeah nice rocket pod that Jack lovely right so the size it pro came down then what you got ammo Jack you need it uh no I respawned so I'm good okay okay stalkers right yeah yeah we got it there the Pod dat I'll go and do that how about a of Li Soft Cell get see that's a that's a good time to use the uh the grenade there oh seef artillery here as well so ja you want to start loading this okay it's nice beam I'm on fire but I'm don't taking what out of ammo oh we have to use the probe interface where's that yeah it's it's the thing that's dropped in the middle near you yeah oh do I have to like go up to it okay yeah I'll do it bug breach somewhere bug breach not oh God that was not worth it reloading my Rover's got 21 kills that's ridiculous okay whoa he's aiming two supplies there start Dro him but I mean good luck gain them um I'm being I'm being pushed by two two young Chargers yeah help you Jack it's much more safe over here I'm dead I got why is this say I'm eliminated by Tommy doesn't even make sense no he tried not being dead yeah I did try you can just drop them and pick them up like this yeah I got three in already I need a I need a young re uh respawn yeah well it's going to be hot well I'll go on the B then re no no he it got 25 in a row because I oh come on no it's why does it not let me control it sometimes is that is that like a a global thing why does it do that nice you got it we just fire the artillery into his ass there yeah you could yeah if you leave it I could I could 500 kg it if you want yeah do it hang on I need uh I need you guys to move out the way yeah I mean he's kind of I don't know he doesn't know where to he wants to go though that's the problem he stamp he's trampled you immediately going you back towards your stuff um trying to ra get him I mean I've hit him so many times with a rail gun it just doesn't seem to give a [ __ ] oh no another one impossible no there's another one yeah yeah yeah the Rover does so much work dude oh my God they a democracy it's not dead he Lov it he loved it no he loved it no now he's dead there's another one all right I'm going a 500 kg bom you guys are all behind me I don't have 5 kg bomb whoopsies whoops whoopsie oh god um I've been I mean I'm being it's fine I guess can I can move I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck it's not letting me move okay cool yeah yeah really nice oh [ __ ] that's ja move back oh god oh no that's hit that monster oh goodbye everyone move run run run run run keep running keep running son it's fine it's all fine but rare sample is there is there see SP I steer onto him I see if I can shoot this guy in the face was right through his head yeah I think you got to go on his leg it's weird I got his face I shot his face off film face off it face off are we still not activate the size scan oh my God it's still not done the two crushes wait where's the rare samples you someone said get Jack I'm trying oh you're just saying rare samples they're not the super rare samples I'm not worried about that oh some supplies someone samples here and then there's a yeah there was some samples in my backpack reloading the ra gun sadly exploded into my face so I have to call it in a bit I've got three minutes on mine yeah that's the risky run you know someone's like oh yeah they got muscle memory well I'm pretty sure muscle memory works if it's going into a straight line we're going to go back down south now look somehow they can see me without any eyes Buck breach not Buck breach all right we'll go uh yeah we'll just go straight South then there a few little loot things on the way where's the desend I saw it uh you yeah it's here here location by that tall rock is that where the no what that one you watch you ready yeah oh that rock yes okay we got two B Titans on us there guys so um one okay three there's six here right three yeah okay go there's a Cher right there never mind that oh he sliding [ __ ] there's two B Titans guys some of this got anything big throw down behind us I might be able to get the B on ra rail cannon that guy in the side of the head he likes it he that what you said coming down behind us I don't know what it is reload you another exp oh [ __ ] not Buck bre again [ __ ] out it's his mental no resupply guys get the res if you need to yeah yeah I've just called it in it's here oh somebody just exploded it no you was a charger heally got okay did you guys get supplies from that I already got one I only got one oh did it blow up the resupply oh you ain't getting that no but the res things are on the floor it's just under that Big B that's fine then again yeah it's a stasis the last one that was a good one that was a good flu he's just chasing Jack he hates him there's one more that's just stasis now I we don't I another another one where's the other one all right I'll I'll try hang on up the hill from the other one got him I'll I'll go for the laser on him oh yeah this sof the belly oh who did that no no no no no no no no did not work an assassin literally attacked me as I landed on the floor uh I need a res okay dude what is the timing throw you in him yeah by the way the the charger rail gun trick I actually think takes the same amount of time it just uses less rail gun I got the B oh well there's another one on me let me tell you oh wow I've dropped the the um stalker just immediately killed me there must be another stalker then oh there is yeah Christ they're on me where did you die I don't know I need to find the supplies I'll get them I've dropped you near a big boy though uh just on the ground now uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is pain this is pain this is pain need the r Jack we don't we need to find that stalker a there's another one oh Christ oh some Sims what the hell oh a [ __ ] no the charger just mined him I have this my Las off but is it on safe already it's on un safe reinforcing got him I can't do the reinforce got him got him got him there so many little it's the big ones I'm scared about I don't know man like the we're heading in the wrong direction guys need to come this way did you samples back yeah we need to head back this way guys what the hell oh you little oh you little bastard we need to find the St ass get yeah I will oh I'm going to die again no there's too many on me there's like I've got like you got laser got you got your laser wait where's Jack he's over there oh god what the why did that just happen why did I why did that blow up I don't even know where that um two Crushers two of The Warriors and loads of the little mini stalkers we we need the head refor where youru is we need to all be together and just kill what's alive cuz there's too much for like one or two people to handleing on me your samples here your backpack's here we're all together we're heading that way yeah yeah we're going to we're going to meet up with you it's fine it's fine there's a bit more ammo here as well rail gun's over here by these enemies never mind I can give you a new one you want you want one yeah just just don't bother trying to go back towards okay good good good this is all lovely now back we're back on bit we're back in Hell ey of business yeah when the update hits is there an update today is there well it's it's th every second Thursday th new war bond we actually want to avoid this Nest Jack Don't Go Near it St Nest was no it should be if I think it's over like here somewhere like that direction that's definitely a sample but I can't pick it up oh there we go I think it's in to our Northwest the St Nest I'm pretty sure unless it's here I'm pretty sure this is just a giant Nest here know you got your auto Canon Jack this is stalk Nest no this is a normal Nest yeah that's a normal Nest I don't want to even go in there 50 seconds I can call it again um is that a spawner is that a nest yeah yeah yeah but do you want to mess with it I don't like it well you can do whatever you want with it there a lot okay it's big it's bigger than that Chris it's large why did that not Target the that's that's really dumb that should have targeted him that's just stupid I don't agree with that yeah this is a big nest here I don't think we want to go with this three hits to the head and I can do it from range I think that's pretty good how is he alive uh well this is the objective though so we kind of have to go here what's this crashed creature oh if you've got the auto Cannon you can close that Nest over there something's clearly happened here where's the is there no ammo noan B Titan yeah where oh yeah oh he shootting in its weak spot B Be reloading down I'm trying doesn't seem to do as much damage maybe just shooting at the head dead can you cancel the uh rail gun shot by switching weapon uh no it seem it seems to just fire oh that's a lot of enemies data is being scanned guys seismic data is [ __ ] [ __ ] up I'm so rubbish at them I can't do much save there's a warrior few time shot sh lot but he's out on my l s that was close bre there's a breach behind us WR oh oh good that's looking nasty there I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I've got it it's under control reloading oh this is not under control breach here though it's not under control it's not under control it's not under control I'm being absolutely beaten off what the Rocks just fell the sky I need resupplies yes Hill you got to the hill going to try and do this hold on just cover me cover meal oh my god oh oh I'm running I'm running where's the where's the resupply lovely cover where's the resupply it's up the hill right up the hill uh I got go do the objective resupply guys where is it where's the resupply us all I don't know if they took I haven't touched it I didn't take I don't even know where it is it was called in up the hill you got two charges coming to you Tom run I'm going to throw it up towards you I've got to get the objective in here though all right it's there all right I'm using rocket pods as well oh nice rocket pods well missed they hit the Dead one just go through all these corpses to get to the objective all this for all I need am good job low on ammo as well now here yeah did you take it the other side must yeah we've got we I've ful got that oh no I've got nothing on my back now I'm I'm now full on ammo but I've got nothing on my back all right so the objective is now Northwest I'm dud uh we could try and just skir the edge a bit maybe damn it dude oh got his Shi got his side offo get out of there not those guys they're dead this charger loves it right one let's Jack oh um bug breach bug breach right here I can't get this sample it's so annoying there we go there's loads of in this hole and grenades and [ __ ] like that what the [ __ ] is it is invisible face off yeah I wish I had the cluster strike guys I'll be honest I shouldn't have listened to between us I know everyone says us the get yeah I mean I don't know what don't move I come here just going to try and clear the one try get is there anything here that we actually needo there's loads of ammo here that was there oh I need that oh yes I'll take that yeah ammo and grenades ammo and grenades ammo and grenades and Sims oh my God so much ammo if you guys need ammo come here ammo and S where we are there's also One More Sample in this thing somewhere but I can't oh here it is stop climbing you B there you go I don't like the X Jack by the way thank you for the tier one La War thank you for the tier one too yeah if you can the Double R beam is very uh new mag more ammo in here guys uh I don't know if there's any more more Sims and stuff actually wait do I have unlimited rail strikes dude have I I've been why are we not defending against timat cuz we wanted to do hell dive difficulty and that meant bugs that's just AUP big cloud of smoke I can't see [ __ ] in there well it's just mashing it up is it Mash mash it up uh I'm heading back towards the objective take out that Crusher right there look samples from that thing strike oh nice oral there a Spore spear in that area somewhere it looks a bit I'm in the game but I'm not controlling Tom's mouse or anything like that yeah no he is yeah mind no don't you don't you do um opposite controls so one of you controls the mouse and keyboard for both characters yeah so you do the mice and Bong does the keyboards charer oh it's not right it's not right oh my god I've just been beating around you've been beat up and around yeah for Freedom got the samples I got the bug this nice uh there is a St somewhere by the way I just don't know where it is H just ignore that and just hope that everything's going to be fine let's get we got some turrets we can put on this hill that' be good I have no put one down yeah I got one just killed a that's excellent put it up high there oh shitr all right it's dying that one's dying oh that's lovely that isn't it sample oh a fish sample oh hello uh o it's quite it's quite oh oh a Spore thing shoot it with your pistol lovely yeah it's weird that you can do that from so far away with your pistol um anything else oh mil million enemies that's how what I think they need to balance the shotgun so it's not so good or bring the other weapons up to match the shotgun cuz you can literally range things with a shotgun as well it's it's basically doing assault rifle and a shotgun all in one you know what I mean back you guys umec te drills coming down and then I'm going to use resupply resupplying up here where we are I need help with this charge in the objective guys where oh I see Robo Robos what that strategy but it's yeah yeah but sometimes quite quite hard to hit oh I've smashed his side he's dead now he's very much at large now he's dead oh all right I'm going to do the objective the drill please out of am wait where where did all of where did all of the spies go he got destroyed some of them I've got one I've got one got one down here and one more yeah yeah I've got it back if you need I don't see another one I may have stolen both of them give some to b b bong give it give some to guys I stole both cuz I wasn't sure if we going to see them just come out from underneath me like yeah yeah they do that oh [ __ ] the objective reach on the objective oh Jesus oh jeez Jesus getting his back off his back carer stunt he's back off he's getting his back off yeah probably do the [ __ ] objective back's exposed activate drill yes obviously obiously obviously these wankers oh ow that would have broken my back this is they don't like the drilling they hate drilling up they're anti organization just stop drill I've got nothing from above I mean how we going to that uh oh god oh hello I mean doesn't everyone anyone have any missiles left I do but I'm up here he wants me he wants me got turrets down up there maybe uh nope 25 seconds sliding I'm I'm going to go down to Tom and St Jack get off get get out of there Jack I got him I mean the rail gun is just built different Fring we love fracking and and fracking I've got three that's three big boys on me run run run run runp run run run run run rocket pods hey a I'm going to die he just charged it like it's [ __ ] you wow yeah I'm also very much in in in dire danger of need of danger safety am I all right I don't know not hit like an upgrade that makes the Pod be good guys I've got a bit of a I've got a bit of a bug problem Buy I've got now you see the problem is I don't have any AOE um stratums but they're all on me right now so we've done it guys can we we leave can I please ow ow just well it's uh it's extracting time everyone I might need I just ran into some more location I I mean a lot of no are you serious oh I need to be dropped thrown over where I died no one's near I'm sure you on you I think where you yeah hold on hold on I've got two Crushers in the B me yeah you guys are no no no no please don't throw me into the no no no no no let's just get together cuz we're kind of split you say about box here uh I got kicked into the uh ban I mean I'm never getting my stuff back until we clear this entire hord so can you throw me can you throw me towards the B tit that was fighting you the one on the the one on no not that one not that one the other one one where your gear was where your GE yeah that's good that's good what can I do here requ I mean we're never going to we can't get him I got his leg I could that's the only thing I could get oh my God uh I uh you I've got nothing for what for what for what I think this might be it i' I've got nothing AOE and I'm in a bit of a bother holy [ __ ] my I can maybe get I can get the ball Titan off you guys I can get I can get the ball Tian off you guys if I have three seconds of Spare Time Jesus right this should get the ball time Jack yeah I lit got no it's right it's right it's right it's right it should should it should get him it hit him it killed him it killed him but now there's another bug breach it's not that we need to just lead them away leave them yeah yeah I know maybe well if we you might have to leave your stuff then because no I'm not leaving mine I mean I'm never leaving that I've got 28 samples down there that's crazy where the hell is my gear here okay I found my gear them I'm leading them Southwest all right I'm leading them Southwest somebody get me this is insane I can't move yeah this is pretty mad I'm going to lead round and try and get my stuff back oh Jack got one there Jack see I don't want to go that that's good I've let them round the house I'm swimming no no stop leading a few rounds yeah oh yeah just a couple I got dropped into deep water that's I'm leading them away because I have no choice I literally can't go going that's fine that's fine um ow what why did I just take damage that a that's decn I've got two charges on me at least I mean I can start what the hell this is so many I've got two charges on me now as well I've got three on me at least I've got three on me I've got three on me oh there's a nest here you get the sample Stu yeah I've got him but I mean you know what cost where bongs have gone oh yeah they're somewhere I'll find them they're North they north of there's another I'm running into another charger this is this is surely not optimal Jack we need to tr make some sort of stand here found something uh I need a s that was my laser that damaged me oh okay his ass is off can you s me hold them guys you need to hit well I mean I know I don't know what situation you're in thank you we're going to resupply jack and just get that stuff okay they've stopped following let's just get this resupply stuff yeah I'm being pinned down by little stalkers yeah I don't know if you're going to be able to get that stuff on but you know I'll try get your two get those get those two resupplies found something then we l all right I'm heading towards my stuff yeah me and Jack have led a lot of them away I think you know need ra oh [ __ ] I get to these it's better that we just don't look behind us you know we don't look it can't hurt us Jack I got I got I got the important supplies I'll go towards STS yeah ah I'm dead there was no way I mean I got my well yeah yeah yeah I mean it was my fault for backing myself into a corner there my bad that's one common that's fine you up here with us okay okay yeah I I'll try and get to you guys no no I I I need to bring AOE I need to bring more AOE strategems that was my fault the cluster bomb was definitely it is this where I'm is this where I died no not really oh why have you brought me here of am though oh my God we deal with this B Titan together maybe well I need to go and get my stuff I guess I can drop it in again did I only lose one common sample did you say yeah yeah yeah sorry I don't even need my stuff really there was four R [ __ ] mean it's fine I've got loads of i' literally got let's just let's just focus this B time in game uh B time just spawn literally instantly in front of us we careful Tom I mean I'm trying to be careful might be in danger here um who did the Dead one down wait what that's not where I put that um should I start calling in it guys guys should I start calling in the extract yeah yeah we're going to have to do it yeah cuz it's the only time that it's actually not insanely crazy right now shot my Sentry Canon yeah but at least it distracted him Char what's weird is I don't actually need rare samples I need common I only had one so this guy's got to die extraction extractions coming in two minutes Titan he's got to be low I'm not in safe modeo we got to kill him man I don't it's not dead I just don't understand it's going to stom you hang on Jack I'm going to I'm shooting it on the extracts I got it I got the B [ __ ] okay no seems ineffectual against to honest you f overcharge on directly to its [ __ ] head it'll die I did that plenty then there was more than that being artillery stries on the extraction remember if we move away we get screwed three charges the B tit on me that's all right frd spot mhm how what was that so many here what the hell yeah B time's on the extract right out there's two of them St P [ __ ] hell are you joking to run around just going have to run around I'm going to see if I can or strike him oh that's not what I aim for we need to just can we lead them away a little bit from the extraction we got 30 seconds um I might throw you on one jack hold on got Jack coming down okay the you little bastard oh there's just no way like there's just so it's right long hit one one's dead I'm done I'm going to lose all my samples that's so annoying I you just can't extract stuff on this there's just too many like I'm stuck in it another B time and assassins um there's assassins here now there's assassins here now oh oh God get up have I got your I got your samples I'm not I'm not I've got still got mine sh Landing can I get up here no I just want to get in I think once you're in you're Invincible a little bit right yeah I'm in yeah I'm in hang on now I'm coming get too risky we got the six um we got the six Mega rare samples that extraction is insane like to do the full NFL run through about 50 bugs there just dodging left and right and juking them yeah that we also were right next to the stalker Nest as well and they started coming in oh know we did it dived we did indeed hell dive just one more hell dive to go on that one yeah but it's the same one we just did it's the same Mission we did before yeah but we can just try and just do the trying well well I suppose we're all trying to do them fast but bloody yeah maybe we should be taking we should mix up our load outs a bit cuz well that's the problem though it's like rail gun is just the oh so all rail guns I don't know that good against the B Titans to be honest oh dude no it is i' I you can solo them I mean I've hit him 10 times fully charged to the go and it just wasn't going down whereas the spear does one bang them it is possible to one bang with a spear so I'm thinking maybe I should bring the spear oh lovely XP that right I'm now I'm now full on rare samples and I have I can't I don't want to spend them because it's I can only spend it on stalker uh sentries samples well that seemed easy well I mean this is the thing hell dive on bugs is doable hell dive on automatons now that's now that's a challenge F AR you jack level 30 Tommy with 4 that was mad jums trying to see what else might be good I mean maybe The Recoil would be better actually have you know the um the throwaway anti-tank Rockets they're apparently pretty good yeah but if I'm going to get that I'd rather just get the recoil and just um I just keep going I don't know the spear try the spear again um morar sentries for like extracting ends up being pretty good well but then then well yeah E8 what's an eat Expendable anti-tank maybe I'll try the recist then I always thought the Expendable anti tank was the one well the good thing about them is you can just grab them use them and then is it quite isn't it quite a CO a slow cool down as well I mean not not like a local down sorry so you can use them pretty consistently yeah I mean yeah I've got I need common samples though cuz I just can't buy anything without yeah I I neither can I I can't buy anything I can now what do you guys reckon I should get now helmet support weapon stratum cool down reduced we'll try it up we'll mix it up should I do this one do something about this like these fcking B boys you know get that one so this is the last SP of the operation we have already done this one but that's fine anti-tank rocket is busting yeah people say anti-tank Rocket's sick recoiler sucks well the eats are uh recoil doesn't suck at don't but Okay but well they're just saying the ant tank throw away rank tank might be better that's all want to go down here yep I can take it SS what well the yeah Expendable L tank is is pretty pretty good well no um and then I can give you my rail gun Jack yeah yeah that's a good idea yeah you still want a rail gun because with the summon it in you use them and then you just pick your other gun back up right yeah yeah cluster and then we're going to need more you know I've got the laser that I think I actually think this could be the best the best load out you never run out of rail shots um the cluster you get four charges I which I think is actually overpowered um Rover is op against bugs and then rail gun is the best gun in the game so you can't really go wrong in my opinion A hoorde or something Jack do you have the last booster by the way do you which one do you have do you have any of the boosters uh I've got the yeah Jack's got the heart one or the space optimization okay yeah use the space one I think there you go sweet actually I think what I'll do is I'll wait for a ra go and call down off one of you yeah but that's thing the shield The Shield backpack I reckon is better for automatons but the Rover I think is better for bugs hell speed thank you for the 71 and Bryce shano thank you for the 21s as well thank you I want to be able to clear like big groups of enemies cuz we're just getting sh I've got I've got clusters I've got clusters I'm taking I'm going to take clusters in the air strike and I'm going to not bring a rail gun I'm going to get one off one of you guys when it's on cool down if that's all right yeah yeah we can do that we can do that bong's got one as well yeah so me and Jack going a8s you guys got the rail guns once you're both off your cool down I've got ammo pack as well you can give uh me and Jack rail guns just make sure you keep an eye on that cool down cuz we're going to need them straight after three I think it's like three four minutes and difference between the laser and MG Rover um the laser just does more damage that's what I find I just find it does more damage sometimes sometimes you'll look down and you'll have 20 kills and you've not shot anything because it's just killed 20 of the small bugs on its own I don't know why maybe the machine I don't know I think the laser is better against atim as well I don't really understand it why am I sergeant again I was definitely a super citizen I'm I'm a chief I was a chief space Chief Prim I want BOS who bosen BOS no the BOS you know the the lead deck hand so yeah the Le the low deck um set the CF off yeah let's not waste the shots on though cuz I feel like sometimes we're a bit bra with it you's good is this a mini nuke yeah mini nuke yes yes yes yes yes what's this oh no explosive there a green uh B boys and B is going to be uh this is a lovely drop we should drop one this more often anym is this a mini nuke no smoke is this a mini nuke naal someone's forgotten their um yeah yeah yeah ow ow what the hell man that was crazy everyone everyone good more in the good pretty good all right th it cluster in front going put that in yeah yeah just S I made sure it was done this is done touch the machine I cannot see a thing it's just B isn't it B oh there you go oh my I used one there's another one here coming down clear the oh for I want that alarm alarm alarm clear the area I'm trying I think he's coming fine oh my God you need some help yeah yeah got him you know what I mean yeah all right now run ja run run run run run this way Run This Way run this way I've got another one B beautiful that I'm getting Beam by my own bloody Rover own beam don't a waste on that guy wonder how long those on the ATS is oh I can see a four as well yeah right here on the on the got him got him got him I tell you what the at is good against him trying to get that SP I don't like the way that oh nice job nice job ni hey hey hey sorry you sound like the thinging who SS I predict a riot I predict a riot yeah they only 1 minute 20 cool down on the at I'm going to set this up as well good yeah set that let's go the the drunk drunk version I'm down yeah the artillery got me grenade launch actually why is this not work oh protect Tommy R during upload right we've already set it off I'm doing the upload I'm doing the [Music] upload [ __ ] owie owie oh another bad actually ready shot him in the face shot him in the face no he's not but that was pretty good wasn't it another one another one put laser I've got mine I've got mine he's being Las okay I'll leave it then I'll leave it don't waste him we're on the edge of the combat zone here by the way how's that rail gun it's still another 4 minutes how's that rail gun cooking 8 minutes 33 I'd love to get one of these combat zone combat zone combat zone don't get [Music] run dude come on what he's dead dead he dead oh that's the comat no I used it I got it used it uh let's let's go to the Northwest and then cut in to the right we should just fall over oh okay cool yeah that was that was good I just got hit by an ice are re uh what's that uh re support uh yeah this way this way come to me come to me uh Tommy you're in you're in grave dang trying to cover Tom no how am I alive oh dear doesn't seem possible okay I'm going to get to the do you want me to Chuck you on your stuff hold on Chuck it I'll Chu you on your stuff I no Amo again I'm running over wait did you just you oh you reinforc okay I was going to get closer can I get ammo please Adam yeah wait should I reinforce up here hold on I'm going to I'm going to resupply on the next objective okay there you go see I seem to be wanging around a lot wangling here I'll go get my other e all the maps proced generated by the way I don't think so three rail gun shots to kill that um uh Big Boy The Crusher yeah but I already I already tagged him in theat so I don't know like how much that's I don't know whether they just have a global Health like value or I think they have both or if like you break his chest armor but then if you start hit him in the head it's completely separate health I I think if you destroy their legs all their head it instantly kills them anyway there's a nest there's a nest it's almost like they have overall health and then separate Health modifiers for their head and legs that's what I was thinking yeah you know what I mean right you know what let's just [ __ ] there is that is that a is that a bug breach no is it I've got the hard drive right now where do we take it we take it to the top one Jack North Northwest Northwest all right let's go yeah let's go this way [ __ ] Diamond lots of bugs here yeah oh yeah I'm going to can I use this to Wang myself over there three two one incoming oh yeah and another one and another one reloading I mean that works that does work really well actually this charger though about this charger hang where are you fuing thing oh I can't do the things very fast I'm rubbish at them oh yeah there's a charger I'll be H us 5 minutes on the ra gun where's my other one did you grab it how's he not dead man [ __ ] I agree with leg matter when they're close but when they're far I think head met is better oh was that right behind me J he just in ah yeah yeah is that your stuff right in front of me hold on yeah throw on please there you go falling in reinforcements oh okay he did that to me as well um I just saw a warrior that's got GRE careful B I've just on you yeah Warriors um I think I'm inside one I'm actually inside one I'm actually up him I mean what the [ __ ] I spawned inside him there I need another res okay yes yeah get the artillery in [ __ ] it what are we doing oh we we've just dropped it there yeah I get you well the ssd's there but we can't a [ __ ] it's going to blow up small problem uh should I grab oh I'm going to grab your samples I'm going to grab the SSD I've got it somebody pick up that grenade launcher because that's really good against the the can you call in No 5 minutes 4 minutes now there's a here Titan I need uh help I'll use the grenade launcher I'm going to go I'm going to go far Northwest and run around this rock in fact I'm just going to make my way there now downtown downtown or yeah yeah walking fast as well you got the ready Jack yeah coming then we'll both take one and then have I unlocked the stamina perk well it's they're right next to him okay I'm going I'm going to going to put some more behind the auto Cannon get him Auto Cannon get him Auto Cannon am I leaving you behind or am I staying and waiting one of these okay we good good all is calm all is calm okay that's not good but Point taking it cuz I can't I'm going I'm I'm going for the uh I'm going for the touchdown whilst the defense is yeah that's fine whilst the defense is [Music] dwindling some samples on floor can I throw a strategy while small small boys here oh not but breach hey Joby won thank you for the five gifted by the way and part Welsh with the raid thank you very much part Welsh part of the spaniel crew and a lovely 15 months as well Joby won thank you if you got gifted a sub from Joy make sure to thank him in the chat don't don't um oh I remember this I remember this now yeah I remember this now right I'm going to try and Dodge everyone to my best of the best of my ability right guys I've dropped it off easy well played there sir requesting a support but I will need a little support I think oh yeah there's a big b board over there just a little little bit I wish that I wasn't covered in file and other wait how do I how do I reactivate the power generator oh I think I know how you just teleported ja going to make sure to actually just oh [ __ ] um what have I got I've got two rail guns so I'm going to rail gun this one in the face good and then I'm going to go with a big old boil Titan problem coming over to you you and Jack okay he big throw out tank towards you what run [ __ ] me what you how do I how do I reactivate the power guys I've actually not done this before on requal stri the hell just hit him in the [ __ ] head like launch back oh no maybe not oh no maybe not okay I'm not going to Res you because I'll be too far away from your stuff me on me on him us on him how do I do it the power on this oh we need to go to the power you guys head to the power station this done this is done this injective is done like is it uh collect encrypted no no no we have to do the power station first before we can do the other thing so you guys need to do the power station otherwise it won't work no W brother you said yes uh pisanic thank you for the 26 months thank you thank you for the 91 oh my goodness I had like a first person bug then with the revolver it l like us playing FPS but like not it wasn't but it kind no it wasn't like it wasn't the um ads model it was like it was just the camera was pushed so close to me I look I look great like I almost ran through just ran into a hole [ __ ] hell okay well we need them uh happy gav thank you for the two months dude got 30 seconds on my Jack be a big boy ammo here how much ammo have I got [ __ ] here oh my God can someone can someone help me just Flink this oh [ __ ] hell bomb I got an idea I am dead H yeah that's not ideal over here you [ __ ] last reload oh I see it already went off okay well how many shots does this need thank you ah and I've revealed a small army in front of me reinforce anyway it's fine okay I'll do it I'll do I'll do it ever slightly overheated my I just saw the [Music] okay [Music] are you being launched into orbit what's happened oh is that the rare the rare knob what yeah there was a rare nod I saw it on my giant spinning Adventure that's good that's one then that's one way to find them what the [ __ ] going on oh really you guys just kind of you can just hang around there for a bit me and Jack will do this objective I oh killed by Tommy raage I mean I just put down but I mean I didn't think you were going to run forward I was trying to pick up my ra gun I just dropped so it's it's yours fine after why not why wouldn't you blow each other off I'm dead so I'll try and see if you can um get this B Tian Jack yeah I know I know I'm going to reinforce you on the B reload um I do need desperately some ammo though are you not dead I mean it's just impossible that you're not dead I mean it's just impossible I got a okay no way the cor just killed me oh no I need again oh wait no I can't wait no no cuz it'll reinforce both of you so reinforce reinfor let's just get the objective done man all right I'm done with this [ __ ] I'm going to die okay you just took the B then nice oh there's a big boy there though beautiful that was good set that the be man I mean what [ __ ] he just charged to relo I need to go get Amo yeah that beam's doing nothing to that charger like it's just insane killed two of them he just ran towards me oh they destroyed the ammo it's oh my God it's like it's just endless war I don't know what's going on in my body like oh God I need I'm reinforced didn't work it's just looking at my body I wish I had spawned over here yeah it's not good over there I can't get any of my [ __ ] back I just I can't I put my guard dog down I got my cluster bomb ready to go but okay dude we're dealing with artillery we can use if we need to yeah we're not using enough of this [ __ ] I don't think to clear them out you know plus of them just got such a wide a though so easy just to [ __ ] your teammates with it engaging terminal where uh I I think I'm all right over here it's not great over that water's quite deep there's another sample somewhere around there but I don't [ __ ] know where it is yeah [ __ ] it go towards found the most important samples so well I saw I saw the testy on when I went on my adventure yeah but you were flying across the M could be anywhere I got the terminal I'm just uh I'm just having a little bit of fun you know beaming luckily there's not that many enemies around here they must to be all on them engaging terminal I see that I can see the testy okay um guys guys start heading start heading towards the other thing start heading towards the other thing cuz we're about to do this one okay ja there's more ammo here by the way more ammo here more ammo here and Sims as well you can get them that being said it's the commons we need the most you have to do the lower difficulties to get the commons that's face oh no no well maybe we'll do a lower level um robot go through sweep the sea clean and get every single like sample on the run but not on Hell dive no no I mean on like difficulty five or something you see the test uh yeah I think I think no power is that there I think you have the yeah is that good lovely right yeah yeah we're done we're done start start heading over this GL over here just getting some samples here look hope that bug breaches on Star and J oh not bug breach not bug breach noal uh did anyone see the um the super knob super knob yeah the super sample knob yeah we got it we're going to you've already got it okay cool we're going to go and then just go straight the EXs we got seven common but you split them just in case mhm share the load I go left around the tester you go right tickle it's yeah you reach that way I'll reach around this way and then that's three you get the other three great I'm out just helping from afar Bridge be us over there yeah we can leave them we can leave them just leave them in the dust Jack why it's like they're attacking themselves yeah they're attacking us it's actually perfect that they're over there they're attacking the B Titan what the [ __ ] maybe they maybe they got angry Civil War yeah bug breach Civil War there's a b thing down to our right there's another thing up here B I'm tempted to go and get it there's another question mark down to the left I think moving is possibly the best idea we can do right now I'm going to throw so many air strikes it's the extract so you guys just clearing extra right now we're head say let's say that's what we're doing yeah sure yeah that's fine I mean that's fine we got this that's quite oh yeah they they're on me I nearby I don't think so anag we sample careful that's that's everything here I think yeah no it's not it was just a common sample I found and then oh here's one over here yeah oh um you're going to have to go up to the satellite Jack or I can go up satellite and you can just tell me which way to go satellite big yeah can you auto can from here uh I've got ra gun I don't think you can do that I'll go to yeah okay ra gun doesn't gun doesn't sa it it needs to be explosive yeah the Rover is crazy honestly this thing it does kill teammates though I will say not get up from this way yeah we need to run basically Jack you just need to put it in the opposite direction it's currently facing and it'll be in range above is there no way to climb up Jack no I've not done this before sorry I don't know yeah just there's a little way like here I think Jack you have to run to here across that River though uh oh is there River there I can get it a bit closer coming behind you Tom if you want to get it down I'll I'll bring you to the area yeah get to here Jack I'll try to keep the charger down and this is the way up oh this is a mistake uh any more I think there's a BT yeah there is there's BT chasing me's go nice oh my [ __ ] beam killed me man it just head shot me call you back in head me oh that is nonsense man we've got two B Titans here just call it I'll try and get the samples and get out that's all I want I couldn't get him oh um you guys you guys are going to have the res near us right um I think the rail gun's got random time to what it explodes cuz I definitely held it longer than that before it's just I'm here s if you're ready yeah yeah you just need to the complete opposite way it's currently facing and that should be good I mean I got my samples but [ __ ] me you how is he caught up me that fast he hoed me that far and then I've caught you instantly I'm going try reforce you but I mean I can't move [ __ ] move is that it yeah it should be hold on um bit more bit more left left left can't move y keep going keep going keep going going that's good that's good that's good uploading we'll be heading over soon well you just the plant's not we we need about 30 seconds and then you guys need to oh you're already extract you're good well I'm trying to yeah you're fine you you guys are good I think you want defitely good you want a rail gun yeah going try and hit one of the The Crushers ra gun over here do you want a guard dog as well this is insane yeah come on yeah yeah it's insane all right well this is the hardest difficulty I'm deadly refor at the point I've got your you want you want him over here yes just [ __ ] do it quick okay doing it calling in reinforcements engaging terminal let's go lead them on a merry way oh you well have you set off the you can set off the extract if you can get to it Tomy cuz we're our way back but if you can't get to it then no he's got two V Titans on him oh there's a ball Titan on us guys that's behind us so let's just keep running and hope yeah yeah no no you won't deagro but he'll just take a long time to get here I think that's good quickly move yo Horatio hell poop thank you very much for the tier one happy gav and thank you guys chick whatever Panda chicken was it was he like St like something Panda Pand Express Panda Express yeah I absolutely love it I haven't had that for years well yeah isn't it noodles and CH that kind basically it's it's illegal to say you like it but it is nice why is it illegal to say you like it because because it's obviously the most westernized Chinese food you could ever imagine it tasty it's really tasty should I have done that I mean we she P opposite side of the map no no no we're not no we're not at all we'll make it there it's actually better that we're further away and AG gring over here but if Tommy gets too overwhelmed then it'll be then it's a problem I mean I'm he's already overwhelmed he's already overwhelmed what could what could go wrong when I left him there was two B Titans a couple of Crushers and loads of bile spewers the good thing yeah we we've got a cohort behind us so that should be I'm you've got this Tommy I believe I believe I'm dead [ __ ] but I'm dead there point the things you actually killed the crush just as he diing ah damn [ __ ] run run towards the you can run just directly towards the satellite Underneath It Jack I've got it I've got it I've got it nice call me in just to the left there right in front of you right in front of you I'm dead I'm dead by calling in that's my bad nice it's not just stand in front of the BS in you need to ro me as well res me towards a ball if there's one close or a Crusher why is it I'm right here what the [ __ ] res me towards uh something you want killed I thought you guys in Jack's in as well again no no no cuz you're not I'll get at the top I'm going for a b TI hit the B Tian directly got him [ __ ] outut I'm underneath no no no I'm underneath the Titan I'm underneath the Titan I can't move got CR as soon as I landed um um oh uh no reinforcements guys good luck um right Tommy you're the only one left and that's it you're going to have to you have to get back to the shuttle as well it's going to cancel how can I do that I mean I can't even move like I'm dead I mean what what kind of man do oh no what can I do well you could run away for a minute and try and get us back we've done it before no no just run away away like way away and then we do the we do the full reset over we do the full reset over 6 minutes just make just make sure that you don't run into a stalker Nest Tommy too close too close I don't mean to throw that one I went throw the air and it just through the cluster bomb well we still got Mission completed and that's the most important part never mind L dive extraction impossible what's that like against aaton on Hell di when you try I mean that's I can imagine it's quite I think it'll be absolutely fine yeah look we did we got 14 medals so I mean I got stuck under the ball which was not very fair I think now would be an amazing time to bring up how useful jetpack it's just way bigger than you think it is yeah he'd love that I think he'd love to hear about how good the uh jet pack is I didn't get any exp for that it's not attributing it why it it's because of the servers give it you at some point it'll it'll attribute it yeah so I'm going to get these impact nades people saying these are good against robots I got to shoot Lads so if you want to get someone else in got good all good GG Jack good are you playing night and ler no not today morning if we can get a few men together yeah I might join you Tom might be a FR yeah yeah we'll do that then see see you in a [Music] bit the water brother's dog with the GPI um should we should we do um should we do robots um but in uh sui seed Mission we see we can get some sort of mem in yeah well I mean you can get sha in we get Tomo in maybe Tom might Jo yeah let's uh should we try and sum I can ask him I might go back to my my how do I unlock the impact grenades where are they light armor they're on page five ah yeah I'll give those a go not tried though trying to see what other got quite a few medals actually oh wow that looks sick limb health is the is the breaker spray and prey any good or is it just a skin it's just the worst breaker oh what about what about the Slugger stand breaker is good I think the Punisher is better than the breaker I need to spend 400 more medals to get the Slugger slug 850 to get towards the light of Eternal Liberty Cape spend 974 oh come on I want to actually use the Slugger that seems good basically a marksman rifle shotgun but the normal Punisher it's not like it's like a buck shot it has massive range on it the Punisher is good though I think the SG 2025 increased reinforcement oh increases number uh explosive resist armor that's true actually because I also wear the shield when I go to um yeah I'm going to change my load out for the robots I think for sure I want for robots people say they're pretty good on robots I want this green cape anything else worth buying UAV recom is is that l no no l terrible bad right let's see uh uh don't want any of these I'm just going to save forever see if matimo wants a taste yeah give him give him a little tickle not Sean beak capes a little time um anything else that's useful air airb strike might be good against Ro Bots haven't played a game with mat for so long mat is he already on or is he just is he just Meandering around um playing de Rock Galactic Survivor I've got on the steam deck good steam deck game that isn't it yeah it's just funny they did the opposite didn't they Deep Rock Galactic went from first top down I run for quick w a second anything else yeah we're on anything else chat if someone said incendiary mines but I don't know that you think that would be good the alternative lmg yeah I've not seen it stalwart there just no point the game peaked at 400k players on Steam yeah I know if you don't run smokes yeah I know I'll I'll I'll tell you what I'll unlock smokes just in case but we're not doing hell dive against the smokes uh the ultimate on you know I don't think that's the plan um character emo there we go that's a new helmet look at that bong's helmet looks very medieval orbital laser is the best thing yeah I keep forgetting to use my rail gun orbital gun I forget about it shiny and rigid or rided the galactic War Waits for No One are you ready hell diver and we're not doing it hell dier no way we'll go we'll do um we'll do SOI Mission or to smoke is trash Eagle smoke better all right I'll buy that one then do you need a powerful PC for this game uh honestly this game doesn't need to run crazy well well it just needs to like like run at like 40 to 60 FPS probably at a low end system so um not necessarily no but if you're struggling to get 40 60 top I'll him in already had team Speak oh no matimo hello Gamers yo man G he's out here gaming my favorite gamer my favorite morning my favorite morning gamer yeah this this is early isn't it this is an early an early start very very early but I watch your in the morning when I get out with with the your morning my my evening yeah yeah yeah I got you so yeah I'm watching I'm watching away you don't watch me Tommy play war zone no you're not on when I'm up at 800 a.m. or 7 a.m. just no never yeah you don't like warza get up we watched Winnie's watching bloody hay doggy I'm watching a bit of atimo lovely lovely she always looks over my phone and goes what's that man doing he's just playing games what's that man doing your voice thinks he got says he's got a funny voice oh I'm Charmed uh do I do I how do I get into your guys' group invite Squad PR o once you're in your ship and say if you like I don't see any of you on oh what the Brokenness of the game is it because we're on EU servers and there it's nothing I don't I doubt that matter yeah I doubt that matter oh I see an accept nice surely not a robot Sur not a robot hell dive surely not not hell dive we're we do impossible eight I've never done an eight on robot well we can try an eight we can try an eight apparently we need to take smokes and shields everyone needs Shields Shield 100% that that energy Shield will significantly you might also have luck with mortars yeah oh no fire band mortars just ridiculous well you just need to make sure that nothing gets near you and then because they're all most of it range us they're so team Killy I just get team K what else is good against robots that not the breaker shotgun cuz this is obviously clearly the best gun in the game is there anything else that's even worth using slightly that's my question officer apart from maybe the not maybe just the Punisher the normal Punisher at least you get 16 rounds maybe I could just do the normal shotgun bit more damage oh the ballistic shield oh you're tempting me what if I did that and the shield I wish you could use it as a what's it called it is annoying that you can't you have to call it in the shield I'm going to try the shield it's going to be silly but just I'm going to go I'm going to try the SMG and shield combo okay I did try that against the robots the other day and uh would you like my review I don't want to know okay yeah sadly the ballistic shield it's got a bug it it drops all the time like when you're like switching weapons it just Chucks it on the floor and I haven't figured they they've nerfed the defense missions how many how many of the campaigns have you actually won I've got three of eight then well but the thing is you can't win it's just a global thing so no it's it's a personal thing isn't it no no no no everyone on the game so we go pump action and I'll go energy Shield okay the red Bar's bit further than the blue bar but basically every time you win a defend campaign on one of those planets it'll contribute towards the blue bar and if you after the timely lapses they haven't like fully filled the red bar I think you just automatically that's a defense see okay okay can't someone else do it you can do whatever you like well if we're going to do one of these defense missions I don't think it's worth doing them on the harder things right unless unless you want do an eight don't do the think we should do a defense mission on eight and all bring mors is that what you think wait wait no no no no no no not the defense you don't you don't wait no no you don't mean the one yeah but you don't you don't mean the one where you have to get the civilians that's impossible no they've oh yeah that one's miserable apparently they've changed it oh they've see that's what I want to see so if we all get even with Mor on that one we'll die but we can try okay we're believing chat here but I mean on Impossible the pump is trash gog all right you with that one comment you've twisted we just do a normal one right I mean what what's wrong it's just death right yeah yeah hell dive no no eight eight or maybe seven about seven let's do yeah yeah do a 6 seven as a start and this one's easy look rainstorms dense fog eradicate automaton forces is fine it's this one that's the problem isn't it and that's the one you want to do right now just see if we can do so let's ruin ourselves right now you do the other two and then you don't do that one it was all for not really wasn't it right so we actually going to try and use the strategies that people have been suggesting for weeks it's Morts isn't it well Morts and it's it's so good to see man okay by the way we're doing we're doing the mission that um we're doing the mission where you uh you have to defend the civilians there's a big map but so you have to land go and start spamming the buttons and then just hope for the best right yeah yeah uh comment in from YouTube who's the yank well it's friend M the right I'm going to use I'm going to use my I'm using my EMS mortar that way it's not going to kill you I'm going to use I'm going to use a shield as well where's the shield that's I'm bringing I'm using Shield generator pack we have to put the motors up high though where they're not going to get instantly killed by [ __ ] right yeah just put them behind a wall or or something that will not get shot cuz they'll just keep attacking anything and then should I get smoke as well yeah whatever I take smokes to cover the for good isn't it and then rail gun I guess I mean that's that really yeah if you just cover than men in smoke that's good isn't it you got yeah lovely that I got that one should use recoil to use to beat off the thing rather than the mini map thing bong because we don't need the mini map thing for this okay you also might want to take fine well I've got I haven't got any I like this this Bo I can't put anything else on okay that's fine it's fine it's all fine I am prepared to die I'm sure this is go this will go very very fine and normal remember to get as many out in the first 5 Seconds as you can we basically don't go for your strategems let's do the the people straight away okay but where are they where where they live oh it's 50 uh here 50 I'm going to go get one there you go and now now you now do your strats right they're already coming in it's already too late we're dead oh God what was that I'm going to try and just guard what the hell they actually are already in yeah oh yeah hang on I'm trying to get my mot on top of this building okay both my Motors are up and firing I'm going I'm going to press this button down here wherever this one is yeah now do what do whatever you want right let let more men out let more men out I didn't give a [ __ ] wa who took who took my rail gun I didn't take it someone's taking my R AR they oh no it's there to look around for another this is crazy okay I'm going to smoke I'm going to smoke now hold on being evacuated as we speak I'm going to smoke ow I've just been killed by Mort strike I got killed by Mort strike dud yeah yeah I need to smoke them I need to smoke them uh they're going to get beam down they're going to get beam down already that was good I didn't hit him and now he's going to beat me off they're fine they're not as hang on humans are good are they they're feeling good they're feeling I don't know if they are right the smokes are down smokes are down smokes are down I have just been it's the mo it's definitely the mo oh Tank's dead well done oh my God one of my is dead hang on smoking them again let them out let them out let the man out let the man out they're out wow you can absolutely murder the dread the ra gun yeah yeah you can one shot them in the head my who did that okay uh my Mor are down one minute on them yeah one minute that Tank's a bit that Tank's bit insane in game is he is he crashed out of team no can you not hear me oh oh I must I must have just going well y this is going well tank on me out yeah there's aank down there that's fine I I can no longer get to the um it's fine yeah it's all fine 12 out of 50 we got this I'm dead maybe this is so it's still dumb like by way uh right do we uh fall back to our original strategy of running around and yes dying a lot I don't have a a jetpack this time so I can't be as fast but I can definitely run around quick right bring them to the edge drag them away from the the center the Ed is fine I'm bringing more I need a reinforce by the way throw me near the middle oh yeah I died twice already yeah yeah okay there's a rail at the top here I don't know if oh no SP next to a tank well someone wants that yeah I'm coming for it I died so I'm going back for it uh two SES in oh my God uhoh down the nasty men are here the nasty men two tanks two tanks whoa stealing someone's ra gun screw you oh heal heal and and then he just dies like if if if I hear the healing sound I am still alive in my opinion all right I'm dead again this is great all right I'm going to go release some men I mean tank it won't don't leave me alone I'm going for it oh there's two tanks here oh [ __ ] lead him away what are we supposed to do here oh there what why are you not throwing it I'm just like standing in front of him call me down on him me down on him if you can all right oh two of them there's two of them so uh good luck yeah I'll be all right it's NY one there's one on me on the West Side wow okay cool cool right I'm I'm getting some people out now they're in the Smoke they're probably going to get oh they're going to get gunned down they're going to be okay there's a tank inside the Dead tank they're getting Gunn down reloading tank still after me him dead I get the dread then yeah he's dead oh good fine is it and we've not got a single uh I'm calling resupply on the helipad what was that this is uh not possible as I suspected it's still not possible there's just too much coming in at once how can can we drag them away then just do the drag away Strat that's the only way all right um yeah so we're all going to we kind of all have to go right yeah yeah yeah all together let's just get let's go together look at the map I mean it's it's outrageous I mean have any no I'm ruined AR I where do we go which way go northeast Northeast noree now the ship shooting it doesn't work properly really cuz by the time you kill one it falls to the floor and then they all just come out of it anyway follow let's follow uh we need to actually lure them out though oh okay yeah I got rocketed okay okay so let's uh let's begin them out bring the luring and then start like there a tank over there yeah well I can't do anything about it I want I want you to I've got nothing for it m or that's not going to do well but it's we see how it goes don't even have my rail gun so GG have we dragged them far enough tryes no no no we need to drag them all the way out okay okay okay come on probably call those in then that's my bad that's right they're good to just start thinning the people sof soften them up for more to come in later you yeah why not yeah yeah yeah throwing oh I got a tank down with one impact okay that's pretty strong nice what's not there all right so we're going to do the the old so as the strategy one goes in and sneaks Yeah well yeah if we can he's destroying the MS little [ __ ] there is a lot of the one here I just they didn't really like they didn't really get attracted out though that much that's the thing oh my spine I'm on the I'm on the hill there's some here oh [ __ ] oh good good oh my God there's a ton here yeah oh they just did a bot drop this is good this is good they are all heading over by the way they are all heading over very slowly but they're heading over they've also just dropped they just dropped they're about to drop something on us yeah that's good that's good is it I mean this is we we've done this for the fourth time now and I think we've learned six minutes though so I mean you've got to go now really go yeah I'm just making sure they're all out of the base first yes and I know now it's time for the chat to queue up their thing of like oh there's a really easy way of doing this basically what you do is use the records rockets on the drop ships and that shoots them down before they arrive every time we've done this I've suggested we do that but we always just want to mem around and just do it you know me just wouldn't me basically you're going to be the the back back yeah I'm back raging basically we've done this about four times and every time we never do it the way people tell us to do it and it Go and it goes horribly wrong so that's good well they're not I mean they're kind of coming I don't look at the map there are a lot around us though starts sneaking back in right now there's none at the base right now but that that that could change well just what just just keep making noise up here yeah if we yeah if we set up Morts here and then draw them towards us I think we have to go back down the hill a bit cuz they oh drop here yeah seems like they're kind of moving back yeah that big chunky boy going back side that's a tank that's a tank that's a tank they're dropping on us they are dropping on us is it looking over there um it's looking okay at the moment very mid you only got four minutes to press as many buttons yeah yeah it's fine it's fine but look at them go look at them go look at them shining there is a chance there is a chance I'm I've got a couple coming back this way briser r on my body r on my body what no oh he's all up on my body it's stormy isn't it still doing okay still doing okay just keep dragging them away keep dragging them away don't do not you need to reinforce you need to reinforce you need to reinforce otherwise I'm going to have the reinforcement and then then we come back here no don't worry we're got it but also yeah don't go too far towards the base again how many science men have we got um a few they've not come back towards me yet I mean this just looks like War over there have you seen it two H bruisers we got anything rail gun him this is good this is actually maybe okay got your body this is may be okay not really though I mean I can't even do any damage I've got my rail gun's gone yeah mine's gone how many science Bo we got a few I got about 20 already okay just keep doing it keep doing it there's a drop on me R run run there's a chance there's a chance get extracting out of this is also going to be very hard we don't need to extract though we just need to complete the mission yeah ow I'm out of STS I'm I'm D CL low oh no now I'm in trouble now I'm in trouble hold on what's Happening they are overwhelming us a little bit hold on might be able to get a few those Hulk bruises are just following you guys um super you want me to come back start or what do you think no I'm just going to try and beam them hold on I'm just going to try to do alone in the back I got them on they're following me right now well there's one on me as well you though this is I I mean they're starting to they're starting to come back but we're okay for now reloading yeah they're sign they're sign to Kill Them All I'm going to come back to you then start maybe hang on I don't know man we might need more than one person to press the buttons C I'm getting them I'm getting them that's massive turbo Cannon okay no not interested what how are you taking two rail guns he still you're still uh I'm okay I'm okay I'm actually okay oh you got two minutes press got yeah yeah it's okay it's okay is it okay please turrets come on good good good might be okay maybe there's a chance there's a very small chance we do this I think call me near you and I'll help with the buttons we got to try now CU otherwise no I can I can do the button it's literally I just need to take up let me let me kill call me in we got to now otherwise we're one minute for you hang on oh no no no it's okay hang on well one Rel we got we've got to come back to the place now anyway all got to come back otherwise we're not going Tob please no hang on hang on sorry sorry sorry I'm just trying to take out got five on we we can't get back in and help you oh dude we're so close we're so close do the reinforce on please I'm doing the reinforce reinforce please land on something I'm dead land on something and press the buttons I put the smoke down hopefully that does something 40 uh yeah we're not going to do it in time you got to be quick got to be quick um res me again as well by the way res me again and we can beat them off maybe if we just do it really fast now we can maybe do it there's a chance I got you coming in come on we can do this there's a chance I'm going back over to the you landed me no I thought I landed on an no M I'm sorry dude I didn't I didn't see anyone under there it's hilarious I was trying to like force myself all the way to the oh my God the butons yeah I'm pressing the button pressing the buttons don't let them kill him don't let him kill him that was oh my smoke that's the the only time I've ever done that a gigantic hole in the ground okay dude literally we can do this we can actually do this look at look at them go back to go I mean there's 13s I mean will it work even if they're right now oh no dude we were so close we were so close C look they're not even running up the ramp yeah they're slowly walking that's so have actually done it you know what if you called us when I said I did about 10 seconds later I was currently fighting a dreadn by the way to the time it was 45 seconds I was like oh well I mean I no I literally I was fighting a t a dreadnut and then it killed me and I smoked them and I res you as I was about to die I basically had to choose between them killing them I mean I can't believe but Matt didn't have a marker on his head and so I thought I thought there was straty works but we should have we should have uh come back to you much sooner when we died I think if back to be about 3 minute Mark we' have been all right cuz You' D no I will say though why are the why were the men just standing on the ramp just waiting around to walk in they were just like think the was just being yeah the M enough there you still need something to deal with the big [ __ ] like the T and the maybe the m is worth it [Music] but SMG is not bad against the robots run into the sea and skip the ship I mean it's an option do the robots gain on their red but I mean I don't know where they are now so I think we should just s go into the sea yeah where are all the enemies I wish it was like this the whole time might been right that's what I mean we should have called in earlier cuz once you've actually taken the enemies away they don't reinforce that fast oh my God I Sham in the head oh you can just shoot the head little heads off a lot of fake drop scenes will say uh well we do have the drops it's just they've run out of codes right yeah but you can still get the drop on Twitch it's just that when you go to glory for super I didn't know how long I had left to throw that I could have just ran away from it but I thought it' be more fun if I ran up and pushed it back but they will get more all right so we don't own glory for super so it's not like running some kind of SC yeah yeah guys wait for me wait for me I'm coming we might as well just restart this operation though we could give it another go if you think maybe it's worth just uh well can you redo it even if you fail it if you fail it no just start another operation no no no no it's fine let's just we know roughly what to do we just need to do it earlier is there a specific reward for this well it's just the campaign mission isn't it so we we've actually damaged the defend campaign here oh wow and you get think can you do it on like difficulty one and it still counts cuz then yeah but it's less less um affecting I mean we're on seven there we could try it on a lower difficulty costly I didn't have the right sa do I like the breaker more than the defender SMG yeah the breaker just all round does way more more damage outut like if I fight a group of robots and I want to beat them off um I can probably beat off maybe two or three robots with one mag whereas with the SMG I could only beat off like one like one of the medium ones you know and you want to beat off as many robots as you can with one hand as you as you can to be honest and so I think the the breaker does that the best what do you want to do then do you want to try that again but on a different we're just carry on the operation no we can't carry on it's failed oh the full out well full oh you can do the other one let's just let's just not do let's just not do another one of those cuz I know we it's fine because what happens is uh yeah look no I failed it doesn't even let me continue it it just makes you start a new one oh no actually uh no no no just yeah it's cooked well but I wonder if we tried one on hard it might be okay but but that's what they say people say it's bugged even on hard that it's still really hard it's just really ridiculously difficult they've just made they've made it I've read the Discord post they've made it that way on purpose apparently oh it's just you know outrageously difficult but it's not even like fun difficult though really is it well because you have to well as people say some people like they they say recoiless recoil on the engines I mean you want to do The Recoil Strat I'm down for it but it's so dependent on hitting those bot drops you if you miss a bot drop you all take a recoil and you all have just constantly hit the bot drops and before they've dropped them off crucially but I'm down to give it a go yeah it sounds like you want to do it to me I just want to see if we can actually do some of this like let's give it another go yeah apparently you're not supposed to kill teammates with when you come back in as well that someone just told me that yeah yeah yeah that's a that's a good stal just a tip is it yeah well it's a really good tip that is there no there's no AA Sentry really is there no so we we're saying mortars we're saying mortars I'm not even sure the Morts are even that worth it I don't EMS Mort is pretty good yeah the EMS right EMS mortar normal M recoil rifle that has a backpack by the way so oh do I not have one oh do I not I don't I need I need you go buy it a the mot was the motor that good I don't know I I mean maybe wait what if we all what if we all when get um sentes and then just ran around and then left them there wait that's didn't we just try that no I didn't anyway anyway I don't have I like all like like like Gatling gun Sentry and they don't do enough though they just get I don't have I don't have recoil annoyingly we go back and buy it yeah yeah let me let me let me go yeah yeah all right let me do I'll go by it The Recoil does have a backpack though so you have to constantly reload it yeah that's fine oh that means we can't use Shield you have to yeah but you have to call them out and say I'm going to get this one or whatever and hit yeah I'll mark it I'll mark it I'll mark it and and which one's the engine is it at the back or at the bottom any other four engine pods NE four Eng com there's four hover thing like on the front two on one on the front corner I can't afford it never mind right well I can help someone load one how do you not because I've spent I've spent loads of stuff or I could be the one that goes around and just has maybe you just have two recoil then and two people carry their back what's it called yeah yeah I mean and then I'll take a rail gun yeah so people don't have the shield then yeah right go again yeah but the people who the people the one with the recoil can have the shield the person without with the backpack is like but if the person that that has the recallers just has the backpack then no right you need to team reload for this to work otherwise it's not going to work so two people take recoil two people then then you have a buddy with the person who's got the recoil you take their back p and reload for them that's what I'm saying I take three sentes then three sentries in a ra gun's going to reload mine so which one of you can take can you take the recoiler SP that one is it no no that's a8s I don't have it I don't have it for God's sake go and buy it I don't have it and I don't have enough money it's 6K it's 6K 6 does m have it I have recoil yeah so we've got two Rec I don't know why you just spend you just leave the requisition it only goes up to 50K don't need this [ __ ] you wait wait until like stuff like this we're like okay what do we need right Gatling or uh what about here what about what about what about what all right's going to reload my I take hmz in placement as well or no I guess not no it's [ __ ] it's not worth it you need an orbital rail Cannon strike there's something to deal with the [ __ ] or the laser something to deal with the robots and the dreadnots fast that's all right well the 500 kg or the orbital laser Orit orbital rail Canon orbital rail Cannon yet those cuz otherwise we just can't I'm going to take the I'll take the m to EMS as well yeah yeah there you go there we go there we go right so you're going to reload my recoil uh bong's going to reload Matt's one you want you want a fire I can re I can reload for you no it's fine don't mind we need stand on opposite sides of the base and then just call out the [ __ ] things as they land right yes you didn't put a thing on start the Vitality thing oh it's fine sure I didn't realize I was I didn't realize what I was doing I'm an idiot this cut scene never gets old I love it we're going to have to call in this recorders straight away like literally straight away right make sure you try and hide your try and hide your Ms right I'm um yeah um B um but Justice is your cause uh Freedom requires press the men as well if you can right I'm going to you got the rec cuz it's two is it definitely two people that always have there is M oh no not on you I'm sorry backpack oh God where are you right where are you where are you I'm standing right next to I've got the backpack go there there there mark Mar Mark Mark Mark it's it's already dropped them it's already too late backp back there okay me okay I'm helping you helping you nice there we go go there to the left markk marks marked marked marked Mark I'll just make the backpack it's okay just tank um we're already out of ammo look how many I've destroyed we go that that worked pretty damn well I will say another one another one another onead another one I mean more have we run out of ammo already I've already put ammo down try and get it yeah amm's coming down here what do you mean every was like yeah yeah easy easy okay okay there you go I'm ready I'm ready ready right go recil us there it's already dead that one's already run straight past a whole More Humans just keep throwing humans at them I don't see where he is I can't see him he's in this let's let's rele humans release the humans remember to resupply your Morts in a second I put my more down Now's the Time you let them out Telly yeah I'll let them out I'll let them out right you ready leave these two I'm ready I'm ready go no no no no go go go I can't aim it's not [ __ ] working okay no get this one nice beautiful another one just gone through the floor yeah I didn't get them in time yeah they behind us behind turn turn okay okay okay but he's dropped him you see there there there there check check check I have no ammo 30 seconds get the ammo get the am get the ammo get the ammo go go oh Flames close close there's a g us Jesus Christ we've got we've got n oh my God just The Recoil just shot me off um okay they're overtaking us again um I've still got 40 seconds minutes more use again don't get again go but I feel like I've been doing most of the bot drop where's the other BYO what's the other recoil this team doing I'm I mean I'm not able to shoot it fast enough before it can even like yeah I agree it's [ __ ] crazy it's just it doesn't work yeah but people are like it's easy is it I mean cuz you have to actually hit it as it comes in yeah yeah well we got a few of them we got few of them I mean there's just no way men but you know what I mean we're not do we're well we're not doing well I think it's the uh yeah but there just so right now it's the runaround tactic again then no I mean we did worse than if we just let them out and then run around I don't think the problem is this map is no we literally have less we had 15 we had 13 last time oh yeah so requesting down that's just full of enemies yeah well Havey Devastator [ __ ] you say it's got the shield oh nice I like the shield but I mean it's sadly oh there's a d there a Hulkbuster sorry oh God oh God I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead who I mean there's just no way how you supposed to deal with this guys is there a repr this wasn't in the manual oh where was the someone called on a drop for a supplies uh I don't think so maybe there's one we got one here I'm going one behind bong here okay falling apart no it's not it's falling upart if anything need a I need a Reco a reload on my uh recoil another Tank's coming Sor I'm right I have no the back of the head explosive round shoot that [ __ ] but drop I'm trying where are you I'm being shot I'm almost dead okay there two tanks now now now now now I'm try the tanks it's fine it's already gone it's already dropped his payload yeah but it falls on them oh no this um this is so now we this is significantly easier it's time for the backup strategy right just run away we we head this way I mean we have literally no time to do Island Luke Skywalker lives on I mean [ __ ] tiny look at it I'm expecting to see a PG champ maybe that'll work let's go down to the beach and lure them down here yeah I like that thank you I kind of have to like show them that we're down here though yeah you have you have to shoot at them you have to shoot at them shoot at them to bring them over wankers oh we we managed to get one in one got in one just ran in like a absolute Legend i a shield then reloading let's just get them over here oh they're calling in by the the the water right now that's good is it well I'm just letting you know they're flanking all right well I mean yeah that's uh I like that I'm going to do the run around now you guys you can do that yeah we this hero Mission oh yeah they're all coming here yeah that's good so if I leg it out away from you guys and you guys just back to back so this just doesn't work um I need you to he doesn't read chat you need to smoke we don't have smoke right now obviously thing not work great but we don't have that right now it's just not possible yeah but also when you bring them down the husk Falls that's a very useful thing for something we don't have right now we know right and also we tried smoke last round as many as if you just Ed that Weaponry on them instead when I don't know I can't say for sure I wouldn't like to estimate uh are they coming this way yet there's a dread l in the base here which is nice let me shoot at them and and they'll bring him over there you go yep yep yep they' just dropped a yeah they have it's maybe it's cuz I'm too close hang on I'll bring them out here though I'll get I'm going to shoot them they'll come to me they come to me Tommy okay I'm I'm dragging them over here yeah they're all coming to me come on come on everyone oh God come on life super Earth come on everyone come on bring them to the beach come on everyone take me to the beach oh no oh trying get oh I'm dead though how did I kill myself shooting the thing in the back what have a taste of democracy okay build these are robots presumably well yeah that's how that's how it starts oh yeah we're both dead by the way so okay needs to reinforce away from the base H sorry that was my bad that was myad uh I had no healing and I knew I was going to die so I had to do it real quick you got a few in good yeah I know but I need you guys I need I have no healing so you're going to have to run over and just give me a touch you're going to have to run over and touch me up actually I I can't I can't actually move and then we're going to run Northwest we're going to run Northwest keep bringing them around stab them keep bringing them around tell me how we doing not great my friend oh my you see it keep keep bringing them around keep bringing them around this way he want die got the base I got a lot I've got a few more in I've got a few more okay no you did you did well that's that's good that's very good right there you go yeah bring these guys over here yeah come on remember I'm not trying to kill them I'm just trying to we're not trying to kill them we're just trying to distract them I think if we kill them we'll respawn keeping you have to kind of kill them otherwise they kill you yeah yeah yeah I get that all right keep coming this way a there's so many here I sted all those bong we're fine yeah keep keep bringing them this way guys come on I got some heavy remember I've got no healing so I'm just do we have a resupply we do have a resupply I'm going to throw it forward so I can actually Le live [ __ ] how you doing Tommy you got 22 out 50 that's not bad it's not bad got [ __ ] I got a lot of men let me let me see if I can drag some more over let me see if I can get some more off you no they they they've got me locked S I can't do anything hold on hold on hold on if I shoot at them you go and hide that's it they're all in the base now they're all they yeah we can drag them away again we can they know we can drag them away again maybe yeah yeah yeah so drag them away then drag them away then okay drag them away drag them away all they have just stay with bong and Matt cuz I think if you have more than two people it spawns drops on you Jesus requ Jesus Christ oh Jesus Christ down oh Jesus Christ robot to Jesus come in the keep keep bringing them over keep bringing them over I'm going to do a massive wide what just don't go through that Gully stay I know I'm going to keep I'm going to keep bringing them back I've only got four minutes think there's enough buttons I can press to do it they're not going for the Morts yet which is nice that is there someone firing at me through here oh okay oh yeah the must H oh de oh de killed by Mia killed by Morts payb killed by mors this is what he wanted all along 253 oh I've got 39 kills though 42 kills that's not bad wait how the hell do you check kills it just is in like in a row oh damn yeah that's from the that's from the what's it called from the mo i get go up that Gully a bit just show them that you're there yeah I'm going to ow there oneing my bum I didn't see him uh um landing on our heads landing on our heads landing on our heads this is good maybe maybe they're no it's good they're Landing here I I for one welcome our robot over oh my God this is this is it this is it this is good this is what we want refor too many Rockets there's rocket soldiers in the base just guarding the we could save some time here and just die it's yeah just die it's not possible it's not fun this missions just aren't fun are they we can do a normal I want to do a normal operation you know if they didn't keep swarming in after you wipe them out instantaneously cuz that's what it feels like no there's just no you can't actually even set up a field of fire or anything it's just they just nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop and then you just it's going to reinforce us all though should just reinforce back into the Bas yeah there some more running around everyone land on a button you think there's a chance we can do it there's three there's three maybe that's the Strat go and all die reinforce back to the base go out to the edges go and die I've got this one yeah I've got I got two I got two I got two I'm try to put some Shield generators down yeah I mean oh they found them oh yeah they found them I'm I'm going just going to stay next to this button there's another one under you there's a button near you underneath oh they're being flamed they're being cooked oh some humans have been sent from there already uh here we go yeah got one I mean there's no way now they're already here not not to be the bear of bad news but they're definitely we're doing it we're doing it it's working this is exactly what we this is deja vu there a big boy uh hang on call I like that some are getting through are they well we have 1 minute and 26 oh men that didn't even hit me run with these men hang on maybe the m strike can I actually like to try this against the bugs rather than the robots no no cuz they don't have a bug one this is the this is like a unique one that's what I mean I'd like to do it against bugs oh I see you you want them to change it cuz I think well cuz the bugs don't have like Drop ships so obviously there have bug breaches but bu breach you can't do it I've pressed those so many times there's another where's the other button are you on the other button yeah I've already done it I've already done it so we've got all three buttons going right yeah and there's a tank camping the door and yeah they're just being beamed down there's no way look look how many but drops like yeah good Lu guys I'm going stun the tank 30 seconds go he can do it I believe in you he made it he's made it they're making it they're they're getting in they just made it so that's what I mean so so maybe maybe if you do this Strat from the start it'll work I mean there's not really a strat it's just the Str is we took all the enemies out of the yeah it's just press the button and hope they go through isn't it there's really no other Str to it I mean we tried the recorder strategy and ran out of ammo within literally 30 seconds and it was like almost it was it looked like it was glitching out too where it was just sending in more ships as soon as you dropped them like it like they started glitching in the air everyone die please I can't be us waiting for the ship yeah chop me up all right and then Matt you're the last one find an interesting way to and yourself I just want to do a normal Robo campaign you know well I say normal do do a do a S but just not this just not this Mission just avoid this Mission and you're good any anything but this Mission Z will there be a nightingale stream later I think so yeah we've actually helped the robots twice now I've seen plenty of groups finish this come on fight no no you haven't no you can't you know what's funny probably yeah yeah yeah we could do it on two or three I've done it on four or five we've did it on six once the first time we did it yeah we did actually do it on six as well no no but if I remember correctly it was 30 instead of 50 that's how I how we managed to do it it's not fun like the game is really fun and that's just an experience that I don't think is very fun in the game I just don't think it's very good don't tell I really like this Planet though so we do let's do a rank eight I've never done a rank eight on a rank eight robots but not that mission we'll be good H just a normal Mission you know yeah normal Mission not not the all this [ __ ] strategy code scrambled AA defenses that's going to be just before night that's going to be just before night time that one these are all nighttime we don't like night well you can I mean you can go night you want the AL you like this planet though it's really funer this planet of every last resource you want to do hell well no just just impossible uh okay just a simple impossible B in time increased by 100% I don't think that's that bad as long as you're not as long as it's just the oh man nasty stratum slots reduced by one is that's so you only get three that's pretty bad right yeah but I I could I can manage it nah I can't I've got to for all right we'll do whatever you want this one isn't it that one doesn't have a defense yeah what's that one what's the effects uh it's hell Straten call in time is 100 increased by 100% cool down increased by 50% yeah baby impossible and stamina drain as well yeah is that matimo yeah right one second guys by the way thank you to all the people who followed already don't need mots though we can just uh F jump successful we can take what was that noise Mission coordinates mared you can get your ballistic shield if you want St try uh there we go like here or somewhere like there's lots of nests here maybe like here is fine do we go here and then down and then yeah yeah over here is fine I'm not going to go in that bit cuz that's literally right in them nice to watch stream this game I forgot what it looks like since I can never get in what about oh dear [ __ ] I've got a white chocolate TX in my coat pocket oh nice nice nice nice where's Mr St St this will be good this will be a good campaign I think i' got a good feeling about this map uh not good for effects though yeah dense storm intense heat strategen calling stratum uh 50% yeah it's going to be something all right I want the V has anyone got has anyone else got the Vitality enhancement because that's yes yes yes I do I do I do hold on I do I was just being slow last round um slow brain SL right I'm getting Shield as well full met why are you running what how you running oh I'm going to take the rail gon The Shield gen the rail Cannon Shar and then probably the eagle air strikes what's good yeah I'm probably my approved robo load out should I do a rail gun I'm going to do rail gun rail gun orbital and then I thought you were going to take your little Shield I am taking the little Shield ballistic back I mean yeah I am Oh I thought you were going to do the ballistic shield no I'm taking the person Shield's good Electro Shield's really good yeah 500 kg seems good I mean I've got two basically heavy things and then the rail gun I'll just do the small guys with I like this this looks no you've got two of the same thing there how have you done that mini map thing look both you and M bong and M I've got the I don't I've got the hell oh yeah you do what the hell it I've undone mine which On's M got for you Radar Radar so you need first one this looks good I like this use the revolver it's not very good it takes too long to reload if they revolver had a fast reload I'd use it but it's really slow bot killing missions on Impossible Oh you mean the uh like the automaton defense yeah the automat and defense missions are really easy because you start on top of a hill and then they they 50 of them and then you just instantly leave and they can't get up they kind of just stumble around and die welcome oh that's a base right next to us I've never done D at night I really like this map though it's really fun am I about to not like this map oh yeah oh yeah ow Morts as well oh my God Tak so long get your rail guns and your uh we uh should we ow kill explosion okay this is a fun start is it oh yeah I didn't want to hit that I didn't there be a base on us um the map honestly don't recommend looking at it it's a bit big quite l let's just get some cover D this one shots the Walkers as well so op rail guns just feel different put an auto turret down right next to us different lovely stuff oh big dreadn in the middle there ow did you not get your Shield backpack no it's on the floor over there oh we're currently jammed by the way yeah I know there's a AA I can see it it's firing over there it's this base it's an AA base I've got tank can't bring our Eagles in which kind of sucks I got a tank a big tanky there guys oh you got him nice striking another tank if that was I need help with this tank if down tank down tank down someone guys guys guys the tank is facing me the tank is facing me right here can you shoot in the back maybe if you got a rocket a rocket of any kind just give it a second Lov no that didn't they didn't hit it on come and get your stuff hang on that didn't work wait I ran I jumped over the tank and it killed me the Dead one oh that's annoying yeah I reinforced you near that tank to maybe don't Vault over it cuz I died ra guns up here if you are we going to destroy this trans base or what are we doing yeah we got to get the a at this base cuz look a is stopping us getting gun here somebody's yeah I think that's mine coming for it nice job you got one down you can actually destroy the they've got a cool on the back yep got him dead okay you can get now yeah yeah 5G yeah do we want to destroy that radio broker ow a the calling time is nasty yeah it's pretty rough oh a rare sample there for the mines around the edges oh that was oh need ammo guys so we call some ammo in yeah you can do whatever you like do what you [ __ ] want do I need to destroy this what's this is this oh illegal illegal illegal illegally there's another spawner over here how do I destroy this go towards mat's uh 15 15 seconds on Colin guys how do I destroy I just shoot it's long it's like 20 seconds can I destroy it you got call yeah yeah eag Eagle oh contact there by the way don't know if you throw me down on it oh not on the mine but you know Matt should have some here um guys there's actually quite a clear path up to the first objective to get the fuel let's go to mat get some ammo and [ __ ] you don't want to get the fuel I need reinforcing I've just reinforced you on there oh right oh it's because it takes [ __ ] there's another I'm going to put another Eagle Strike in on this extra bot thing over here M where's that ammo M uh amm's on me lovely okay uh should I go and try and do this Fel a little bit are you guys right I wouldn't run away yet let's just stick together again I mean we're kind of together but bong is quite far there so many supplies Here We need oh [ __ ] need people to get these supplies we don't want to waste them coming requ okay good job good job a killed by explosion I think I landed on one of those contact mines [ __ ] um I'm going to reload and then for some reason these guys do not give a single shite that I exist yeah we we've still got stuff on us we need help with all right get get the ammo about that thing B I know you're back on actually there's a robot right in front of me let's just leave let's just get out of here let's go back towards St cuz we is there drad in there let's uh let's get towards Dodd cuz we can't we can't spanel just one yep I'm just I'm I'm actually doing all right yeah but we're not ah I'm doing fine I'm doing actually there's a lot of uh rocket Devastators here um I they rockets at once I didn't even see there's only enemies there's no enemies I need ammo they're sure taking their time delivering this payload yeah they take a sweet little bit of uh oh we've got another AA base over there it's not too bad to deal with what's uh are you logged into We need oh God you're jeweling he's jeweling he's jeweling he's jeweling he's got Julies help me kill the senel here gun bastard I haven't got my gun cuz I died is being Fu I need 2 a 2 B and 1 B yeah basically all of the ones yes chef I just want to hear your chef chef all right one more one more we got more yeah yeah yeah yeah they're all on uh tank on the hill I'll get i'll him hang on oh my God Christ what are you doing orbital strike why aren't you aiming at FL wound it has to be right on it right no I've seen them way go way further than that that's rubbish gun is just too okay well that's a waste of my massive that's done we do need to go south now we need to go back the way we came need to go back the way we came well we need to kill this tank then to get through and there's a dread oh and a dread yeah and he's got the cohort of Got 5 minutes on my uh B yeah call 500 on that nice nice what's the time on that one though get get get get m still again it didn't get him I got him I got him I got him you got him you're good how is he survived ow ow what the but he just actually beat me for like whatever 90% of my health is gone in in an instant I'll get you st Tank's looking at me Tank's looking at me I got him I got got he just pack on stuff first up thank you n the auto the auto shotgun seems to just be fully meta so let's now look at the map South and back basically back where we came and down to over the hill away look out for the old uh ball sack as well yeah I need that not the ball sack but the uh the samples oh Jesus there's a new alien in the game he just [ __ ] flips out sometimes dog it it's like what tell never used to do that just randomly at least it would be if a door went off for all dogs are dog ability we on the call in more um it's fine I quite like this new area cuz it's different to all the ultimat on other places yeah I really like it this is my favorite map the yeah it's nice oh but drop but no uh I can 500 kg but it might hit you no no no strike going in air strike going INRI tank tank hopefully is going to hit him please please right 500 kg I'm on the tank and all of them that should be pretty good right in three two one canel I think they're already dead [ __ ] yeah it's fine how do you cancel th me just s just throw it throw it somewhere else no cuz it's theit can I can't I'm pressing once switch my gun just press triangle and switch oh I dive to the floor sometimes away no he's still holding it switch weapon no I'm pressing one to switch he won't switch wheel I don't know not sure Swit on controller problem just car reload lot lot of contact mines in this area St Kobe I have a for this thing have you got one yeah I'm trying oh that was nice that was beautiful beautiful that was beautiful got him [ __ ] you robot the hell die TW didn't I right oh last coming sh oh coming coming what oh yes I need Amo again oh s mate they look exactly like they from 40K yeah oh I I don't know Warhammer very well I dropped something no you need to get yourself into it if you Henry Henry will oh he'll he'll change everything no they're they're literally the Sentinels from the impire me I okay literally one for one copy them but need supplies got him I mean the atss are quite similar as well uh well we should call in the SP AR they like the Droid atss remember those atss you look at an imperial Sentinel from [ __ ] 4K you be like oh okay it's actually got guy riding on the back like that as well like it's why are the cat blowing indoors hair dryers and stuff is it do we need the resupply might as well because we should have it off cool down as much as possible yeah uh or on cool down so you can actually is that just tank just vibing right here yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on M hold on M I'm holding I'm holding throwing grenade got it okay Dam one grenade two grenades two grenades two grenades and that mean that stealth right there idiot robot idiot idiot stupid stupid tank do know what it's doing I mean they are robots that you know theya movement ah B drop IM if the the AI overlords of the future use the people that played this game the most against the Bots they probably first targets uh there's a lot of rocket in there send sending in an eagle are you yeah why not it's air strike should do it should do watch out for that rocket Deo I don't know about 20 is about 20 bot drops here yeah and another another and another and another I got to ra for that tank Striders behind careful yeah yeah yeah yeah stries oh nice ooh what is going on ooh ah this is quite painful actually I think I'm about to get beaten off by about three large robots here us have to [Music] pay down oh [ __ ] that was a big one oh [ __ ] not run across my field of fire then you naughty boy just wanted to feel alive thank you boy there thank you there feel alive so I I any ammo down oh I see him now oh yeah dead do you need a g b uh B um yeah uh one second I can call my in I need guys are dead yep well at least I get my grenades back that's the only bonus sort of [ __ ] stuff here samples on the ground yeah Shield generator by the way is uh very strong yeah because it blocks rockets and [ __ ] and it was just laser stuff it might be if you have one call it in I I grab it oh I'll get you one I'll get you one if you want anyone else want to show I would love one thank you done it I done it I done it I done it okay you want a rail gun as well you know you got to I might get a new rail gun I'm calling a rail gun too if anyone wants yeah I'm getting rail gun too well but don't waste need to use them nah it's fine oh okay we're not going to die come on what kind of talk is that I'm literally using it just to get my ammo back what a waste that was way longer than I wanted to yeah little s's something there oh um ifsr on worst thing that you could ever have that's an ifsr on you think we could think we can beat it away before it does nothing well we need to do this objective first so let's just can someone cover me I'm getting m a re coming here guys let's just load what's the load out break a shotgun what else you need anything else I can pull this leer in a second yeah the fact that that blocks like a rocket it's insane it's so good yeah it's kind of B it also blocks you know the suicide Troopers that jump on you and explode it one death from that seen them today h sometimes you see them sometimes you don't sometimes maybe good sometimes may be good sometime maybe [ __ ] do that dog I that dog I that dog see correction is that video where it's a bear yeah yeah yeah done it it's a toddler pointing at a bear saying can I pet that down I pet that dog can I pet that dog no can I pet that dog no can I pet that dog love it just a [ __ ] bear but the thing is is the parents the parents should be like look like a cute little dog but the parents were literally like no no you can't bet that dog and then she's going to learn to find a bear in the wild and stroke it black bears are fine it's the you know brown bear is not so much any bear any bear isn't fine brown bear [ __ ] run White Bear you if it's black fight back if it's brown lie down if it's white say good night there you go there's your there's your be r uh are there 20 drops that just descended upon me I'm on the other side of you I don't like that are we going to go for sauron's dirty eye uh have I just been Beam by s's dirty eye certainly felt like it oh my God the amount of holy what I've been beamed two shot and dead I need I need a I need a quick revive please maybe in the direction that I died I don't know where you died cheuck you over there all right have a shield thing on what happened then well s just calls bot drops constantly I don't even know what just happened [ __ ] it's the big turbo cannon in the distance look yeah is it is that what just one shot me or two shot oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you need to get a flank on it this is quite dangerous this is already dead oh I don't know if this is going to be livable it's never God see them drop out the distance like that is so cool oh nice Auto Cannon over here this is good thank you I have S seen me what's going on there Rockets from every direction in every orifice ra G them I died call back in I I don't have a Shield Pack like so that's it like you basically just noodle until you've got your Shield again oh did someone get S on is he dead someone got s on uh may have been my AO Cannon can it fire from that far I don't know he's gone oh no no no there's another s on there s on two yeah literally s your autoc Canon's dead I really like that auto Canon Sentry it's the only Sentry I likeon I really like it too I can't wait to get the upgrade so it tracks faster sa's looking at me he sees all my inner demons um can we deal with can you guys deal with him cuz there's he's sending he just sends drop after the bot drop after B deal with so we have to take him out so you just have to throw a bomb on him I have no idea I'm going to throw a bomb on him uh you might want to get out of there oh God he I'm so sorry the [ __ ] just someone called me in okay that done get that get that getting stamped on I wanted this on the weekend now Shield I could have called you in there oh my oh it's over here I'll just reload in front of you then I didn't run over there destroy can I shoot a rail gun in the top mine's down south you go here's yours get get your shield and uh uh anyone got any nades for these uh I unfortunately not God damn it we have resupply hold on oh oh oh oh oh call that sucker in is there another I ofon yeah there's there's there's saon too electric Baloo that's the the trifactor yeah no it's just a turbo turret we have to go get him no there is Sauron to Sauron 2 Sauron is still at large there's only one we've killed one Sauron so technically that's oh God I need a reinforce near you guys not near bong please oh dead [ __ ] yeah we can't go over there B it's in front of that [ __ ] turret oh I don't know how I survive that please to reinforce base than go oh my God hang on why is this three there reinforces are dwindling guys just saying the sun's coming out though so it's all SP spins and dogouts reloading no you can't oh for goodness sake what was that I'm dead what happened just dead well bullets penetrated his body and then he died he fell over I need a res on that ni okay need to kill the um the bot factories that are in here yeah wait re yeah yeah that's fine that's good uh there's a tank landing on you don't know if you that's fine and that's fine can strike anyone uh not yet I have a real Canon strike call it in no nice nice Eagle where's my rail did someone take my rail gun I think it just went after yeah I just grabbed it side cuz it's fine 20 minutes guys hang on it's full ammo you use it well yeah cuz I I'll drop it I'll drop it it's fine it's fine whatever all right then the very eye of we need need keep going north keep let's keep seinging north yeah you got your ra gun back b or not no that's F then isn't it my by tur let's go oh yeah it's been guarded by John fashion with the turbo laser I can see him I'm going to go flank the turbo laser you can get your stuff back B all right okay okay I'm now right start up here yeah I can get it we can shoot with the ra gun now sh reload it once come on he's turning be Ling for my stuff he's turning no he's about to beam [ __ ] that Matt watch out watch out at the top of this dude no I see I see I don't think he can see me though I'm going up I'm going up I should be able to get an Ang good look at me would he got him all right get got got coming right North we go north we Sue North keep your eyes out for the sack too there is another s down here you're right so how did you deal with that um you just blow it up blow him off yeah blow him up and off well then we just drop an air strike on him or a 500 kg or something whatever you feel requisition slips let's let's 500 kg what we can yo Stephanie M thank you for the six months by the way glad you like the game he's turning he's turning [ __ ] you you have to actually manually look like hide when he turns around it's pretty [ __ ] cool though he's looking he's looking wait wait wait for his Gaz looks elsewhere how do you I can retrieve the launch codes I'm pretty sure you just grab him can you just hit him can you ra you do you do still need to head yeah I'm pretty sure you blow him up just blow him off I'll try didn't work I'm going to throw Big B big big bom in there get ni and deep no idea what anyone got a little 500 kg little sneaky run on M uhhuh his eye has been diverted no my game crashed right you can reconnect yeah I know that's the first well first crash I've had mid game I had another one yesterday that detected Tower you [ __ ] out that's right going in bong bong no okay there's a t to protect me oh yes the most protective thing sand s technically technically yeah they make sandbags you know um there's one more bot Factory over there we need to yeah I don't like that i' just rather we just left in be you know start wait wait for Mr St where did you die you got one grenade M on the objective I've got six I'm on my way I was on the objective yeah a got one boy there's a lot I'm I came here to party oh there's three bot FY things there hang on if I can just sneak up with an air strike maybe just maybe I'm receiving data in I'm going to try eag a this base it's got so many men in it it's got more men than you've ever dreamed being stuck in I don't really fun work just imagine imagine I dream I'm Solo in oh that looks beautiful careful that M just the top Ridge just exploding that's so sick but where will I land oh no oh no Mr fr what happened to Mr froo uh the base has not been taken out though I Destro three of the oh my God wait tank in tank that's quite a lot okay I'm putting I'm putting everything in everything's going in everything's going in eag yeah everything just keep throwing scared Mr doggo I by the way there is n here so don't don't um I can't change gun I've lost my shotgun somehow how has this happened you did you hold the weapon but idea maybe never done it before though Kobe uh ow that tank is still he survived all of that he's at large oh I pressed I pressed G instead of V okay next to each other yeah that's my that's on me I pressed G and then I was like right I need to he myself G guys my shotgun is gone it's gone oh God what supp is coming down that tank is right there yeah if he if you can make him turn a bit more I can hit his turning he's looking right at uh start right now throwing greny oh [ __ ] let ignore him got him I I was I was actually expecting it to blow me off uh the the tank there so this uh uh this little uh this little problem light mine you're going to let it shine well I'm going to need to die like I I it's literally just lost my you need to find a gun wait where my body is there might be a special gun I don't understand how is it just gone like because you can if you on keyboard if you hold X you can drop the gun you're holding but okay so then let's say I did that on the controller I've looked around the map and it's not on the map floor anywhere yeah I don't think proba me show up on the map no they don't then I've just lost it then well my my Mine Mine Mine mine's on the floor pistol as well Tommy just come to me what you just selected the drop all your weap do it I think it's just a bug I think I'll just have to die I have a gun I have a gun on the floor literally on me come and get it I'm going to come I'm coming I've got a breaker what gun is it break break it's the classic I mean I think I've actually got one I just can't get accessed I went a bit walk in there I found the launch codes over uh there you go it's basically the breaker is right there who should play hell bomb chicken no I don't think so well where we throw a hell bomb and and the last one to leave gets the prize but the one that dies has anyone seen the dendi H wait the sack yeah there's a sack somewhere I unfortunately have not seen it yeah it doesn't matter i' I've got I picked up your break I can't switch to the gun it won't let me yeah I'm broke I just have to die I'm going to die here and then you can call me back whil it's crashed oh my game I've crashed I wow no interesting is it time based because I'm still in it's just a horrible I think it's bad based is what it is yeah it's it's based is it is that all the kids say now no no they do say that don't they they do they do say it's Bas but I don't think in that context we' really we put lots of oil on the on the meat it's in the oven oh it's going to be good it's going to be good it's could to be good I'm dead it was good but I was dead so hang on can we join St then you should be able to we've uh We've almost run out of reinforcements I well we've got five last time oh I love the way it just killed by the way Matt was running fine and he wasn't being killed and it took a reinforcement to bring Matt back oh good yeah that's good that en cuz I'm definitely not in game um hang on hang on so you called M and he's just an AI or he's just standing there just running he B then he was running there and then he just disappeared and then it took a reinforcement right sound love to hear that love to hear it don't I B join Squad I'll have to join in a second join squad on [Music] start let's go let's go GL for super Earth indeed uh I don't like where I'm dropping here what's going on oh it's hell yeah all right all right I see okay I'm going to save those Ro callings where was my stuff that I li Li freedom forever no Stu here son yeah it's here I've got my stuff Wang Wang Wang Wang touch your w a based opinion could mean it's quite Saucy yeah yeah we're based that oh I don't have my shotgun either is this a bug it must be a bug it's something I don't have I've only got my secondary there's rail guns and samples and [ __ ] and liberat challenge I've only got my secondary uh we just have to accept that's good is it I have it I have my gun on my where did it go I'm in this way it's telling it it's fine no no cuz I used it I think it's the last objective so we just do it and it should be based where did it go guys yeah we're going to launch the Miss oh I see I picked up my stuff off my body and then it's got rid of my shotgun it's pretty based we're not going to find the dendo in the dark though are we um yeah shooting the Fabricators with the aut Canon you have to literally get it directly like parallel so it hits it guess I'm a ra Now doesn't work I guess I'm [ __ ] grenades anyway like yeah you can also use the autocon to take out the um the nests for the uh the terminats whatever they're called fire the nucle yeah once's done that we can do it there you go yeah you can do it you have to just start the process you can't do it without pressing the terminal first you can do it at any point cuz I think stage four is like are they going to CR it in reloading raising missile the missile is erecting lovely Lely Auto Cannon ah there's a missile just hit you in the face yeah as I came out my shield luckily would have been funny sh yo thank you for the 12 months by the way thank you you want a rail gun I want a shotgun to be honest you need a rail gun M or are you okay I'm good I'm good you see me spinning I'm going to call and resupply so we have them uh beforehand they're being placed right in front of it this is lovely there's no robots uh we just get to launch the N nice s It's Kind hard cuz whoa who shot out the lights [ __ ] Splinter Cell over here my God it's Jason matimo I really want to ride that big rocket was it me we're going on then H nothing stopping you really guys you know you can dive in this hole right here there's a hole right you over lose all your stuff and you can't get yeah yeah yeah literally not attacking us which is pretty cool Wicked I don't understand why the the turrets have a yellow ammo thing on the base of them but you can't reload them with like a backpack or anything maybe maybe that was a a thought for us they're like just too annoying I think they're going to add it in the future I think you'll be able to get an upgrade or a backpack that lets you like slot in another ammo thing you can see that chat yeah why would you have that yeah there's a ammo thing on the back the same yellow icon as the supply things so if you have the supply pack there'll be an option to refuel turret ammo but then you need to actually know how many I need a little counter on it right 999,000 followers on Twitch huh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah are you guys gaming oh yeah you like this I do I was in C before this I can tell I actually I I had a friend in cir yeah it was they could they could they balance on an auto Cannon whil rot on a cannon now oh look how cool that looks at night as well I love that oh my God what do I rate the game out of 10 uh like a 9 three all right I think we should uh I think it's let down by its server issues and that's literally it it's not going to be I think we've kind of cleared this way of the sack though yeah it's kind of hard to see a sack at night you you can see anyone the time you going to see it the most night I don't know pretty day that's when they mostly come out they mostly come out at night mostly a minor place of interest game of the game of the year material I think so especially if they sort out the uh like literally the only thing letting it down is um is matchmaking issues really yeah where is the sack the very few bu well if you're looking for a sack going to the South probably that's going to be the way isn't it I mean I we only have one reinforc by the way so I know okay I'm going to not explore too much then yeah just the are the objectives repetitive I thought they would be but honestly with the amount of with how different the maps are and the planets it's not felt like that um extraction in 4 minutes four minutes I don't have a primary weapon remember so that's good good odds for St stoden you okay really know yeah I really think you should come back right now I got some super creds there you know lots of contact [Music] mes [Music] accidentally and then remember we can use this this 68 how did I get 68 with an air strike there nice little on maybe maybe it's counting something else I mean it's definitely not true but you're gaming it said 68 that's just not possible there some on the actual extract just standing there now we want to leave I hate working for the AI overlords I think I think they maybe they've all spawned on you Tommy cuzz I can get it hold on gentlemen there's a tank yeah is it on you is it looking at you is it looking at me is it looking at me is it looking at me I can't tell if it's looking at me no I don't think it's oh yeah we also got 20 Striders coming in too yeah yeah oh yeah 500 kg bomb 5 K bomb on the map get out of there [ __ ] how long on the show 2 minutes 20 [Music] beam they're calling air strike right of me yeah oh I might die here I'm going to focus The Dread I'm going to focus the Drey Drey down Drey down uh we still have 2 minutes left which is actually terrifying I wanted to get good orbital laser well we don't get another 4 minutes so that's that's all we can get whoa I'm lucky lucky I was behind cover I didn't realize that was a 500 kg well I think it also may have been a hell bomb but I could be wrong oh yeah that's what it was yeah oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Mr fro you ready you ready let them come forward a bit Matt let them come forward a bit oh okay now and 321 beautiful beautiful beautiful may have got a slight Mission I I I like your mission so I'll wait I went to find the testy it was unsuccessful but I got a few medals and [ __ ] like that something there is an entire horde coming behind me I I a cohort I they're okay they're there it's fine I actually got loads of ammo I'm all right don't even need a primary the testy yeah the testy I mean where is everyone it just fine didn't find the T oh you look for the the knob yeah I was looking up there that's where they're coming from I have nothing else oh [ __ ] um okay I still got him um I can only hit fire my rail gun the game sounds like it's it's working perfectly Stu run run run uh on me on me on me on me on me on on on on I got sh his face calling in an orbital yeah that do that deal that what a be um help help there seems to be a lot of men oh these are the Helman I that's good um I need we need help we need help we need help oh my God this is mental um shutle Landing shutle Landing shut land we to get in just get in just get in don't even don't mess around I'm in I'm going I just di to a rocket Raider just give my yeah just leave just abandon me oh man no that was wild cuz I was right next to you guys and I had a shield too and I instantly died you have maintained our way just tell my wife I love her I bought the normal Edition beans my wife I didn't get the bundle I just had the normal [Music] edition if you've got the twitch drop and you're trying to get a steam code just wait for a little bit and then try again in a couple of hours because you've got the drop on Twitch but it's the super the glory for super Earth website that needs to be refreshed with codes have they made sure to follow and keep watching well I think yeah cuz that helps and use your Twitch I'm pretty sure they um reinstruct them faster if more people follow I'm afraid we're in the wrong category for that civilized pillow 74% time remaining that doesn't seem right said 70 I think I think it's cuz we came in we buged maybe yeah it's weird but like I said there is actually also a slight cheese on these because you do come back in with full refreshes on your stratum so the laser for example if you wanted to to be a cheeky bastard you could use three lasers reconnect and you'd have three lasers again for the stayed for stayed for the fun we apparently didn't even help at all well it's a difficult I think it's because it's made of cheese yeah foxes they're made of string they F nothing yeah I think people wouldn't feel so sorry for their little car chips I have no idea what's happening or going on hey I got my level 30 nice nice nice nice H what title can we get do we get death Captain would like to see I can do one more if it's a uh like a fast one yeah I'll do I'll do one fast one you want to do a fast one uh fast oh [ __ ] we need to be on my ship though because I started up okay well should we go should we all actually don't know if it's going to work because we actually just switched didn't we yeah yeah it will have reset basically that one just didn't let a look let me a look let me have a l what you want to go back to yours yeah uh well yeah hands are we the baddies okay so if you guys want my load out I'm using did we get then from that one was it so this armor is light armor with the passive fortified and that means I get 50% resistance to explosive damage which is huge recoil reduction when crouching or prone and I have really insane stamina regen compared to everything else and it's just fantastic basically 20% more you want a real Qui guys I mean I'm down for a quickie way I mean should we don't just do H what the 10 minute one what what time is it in Freedom land M uhy coord have you gone to bed yet a am yeah oh you've been to bed and you've woken up yeah I I didn't sleep very well though it's not uncommon for Matt to be up at 5: a.m. on having streamed all night on a rainy night in Stoke mhm wait let's just do eradicate then so this one you just get loads of like what turrets and just I want to finish this campaign though we need we have to summon in some some men some eggs stop until we get the 100K you know and then we General Brash oh you guys already in so what is this Mission just a rat just kill murder [ __ ] yeah just is itat get your Out Boy just know what to say say less Morts Out Boy all right mortars mortars maybe maybe mines for fun yeah sure mines uh are really rare uh samples on this nope oh this is just this is just a defend we can do one more actual Mission if you want after like this is just this takes literally 2 minutes yeah and it's you get quite a lot of XP and stuff for it for the amount of time it try the Expendable antank this one is just like a 3 second one isn't it uh I can't I can't use a who cares yeah these need tuning so that in the higher difficulties it's actually you know like yeah big hold out where actually slowly being forced up the mountain as they you know just become more and more encroach more and more upon your decrees yeah some more objective like well there's lot of objective gameplay but like I don't know like yeah something oh 175 right and then just put your Morts straight down right here which side they coming from I mean I don't know some of those T land on ah wait will they do that oh yeah someone whoever just did that on mine is going to destroy that one yeah yeah one of them's going to get destroyed they're fine they're fine it destroyed it it destroyed it I didn't put them down spendable anti-tank one dead oh tank in the Northwest yeah I don't actually have my Uh I rer that i' brought also Min on him careful there's a Tesla Tower over there that's good mt's doing any kind of work I mean these guys don't even know what to do they're just s they're just sitting down there doing nothing idiot stupid idiots you said basically they're just sitting down there not able to do anything and dying yeah the problem is I have no range that Tower it's just mental I mean these missions are bugged quite literally they don't work they just they're just they're just standing here yeah these ones are bugged the other way around uh small problem I fell down killed by Tommy R I fell down just I was just stood next to you I mean you just you fell over and died I'm in a I'm in a spot flame turret right on us it just says he being killed by people if they're next to you I'm pretty sure uh here is AIT of a problem he's going to destroy AET up here I killed I killed one oh you got there nice got rocketed from below I saw a rocket Soldier firing up and that was it might def off my shield though H maybe yeah a lot down there calling down a [Music] support well we need to get out now um uh yeah we do need to get out where's extraction he's he's blowing up my bloody Rocket Launcher use it just Auto caus an extraction but I don't I don't actually know where it is um oh it's down here in all the red dreadnots stop help heal he got call in guys call a supply drop just in case there we go oh that Tower oh no oh Mr froo put the Tesla Tower right next to the extract well we have to go down this way I destroyed it I destroyed it there's no point okay um I'm going oh no no no no no no no no no guys Matt's down here I'm here I'm here oh beautifully done where's the next Battlefield well what 100 100K followers well there you go and that and that means they're going to get double drops now that's crazy good job guys that's crazy stream completed thank you everyone also make sure to follow mbio and stud I fck them triple drop got enough they didn't need anymore they're big this clearly can't afford to feed himself look at him he's he's a w of a man a w yeah but but next 5 years I want to see like a full Boss Hog belly nice big cowboy hat come on be coming you see that that's just outrageously fast well and on that bombshell me and Matt will depart well I mean you you've got the want find the desend but there no no no I've got I've got to eat you know well Matt's also got to eat I got to take off too yeah all right fine bye guys that was that was a fantastic session I will catch you soon thank you for playing I'm going to go and I'm going to go and sit in taag chat and follow them to get double drops double drops yeah and you can get as many as two drops all right see you guys later bye bye all right well that was a that was a a very fun session um and again I don't feel um what's the word I'm looking at like burn out on the game like I could probably play a little bit more but I think I'm going to do some Nightingale in a bit so I'm going to be playing more games tonight but I would play more I would play more absolutely it's one of those games that like I don't know why I just kind of I will get bored of it don't get me wrong like list listen all right we're 50 hours in I will get bored of it eventually I'm not bored of it yet though I think it's because I've still got stuff to unlock I've still got things to find to like use and just try out like I haven't tried the recoiless um I haven't tried um what else what's some lat I haven't tried the Tesla Tower like there's still stuff that I I I feel like I need to experience you know yeah I know um the people in my title do have drops though red Cipher so if you want to join them um yeah that was great that was good stuff man we had a good day I'm going to leave this ship just so I'm not holding these guys back that was that was a lovely little day um if you want to see more of Hell divers 2 make sure to follow the channel subscribe whatever whatever suits you best um yeah just follow just make sure to follow the channel so that you get notified when we play this again um I've had a great time shout out to tag and matimo for playing with us today and um yeah and Jack Frags as well actually we had Jack Frags playing earlier um yeah I think tomorrow I'm going to be playing Call of Duty I know I know I know you can't contain your excitement um but then on Thursday me Westy tactical Brit and jaff are all going to play um we're all going to play hell divers 2 with Westy jaff and um tactical RIT so there you go yeah no I I I can I can see that it's definitely going to get you know non-re repayable eventually but then you always come back for the updates so there you go anyways guys thank you very very much for watching appreciate the likes appreciate the Subs did I miss anyone here I missed tactical Scottish is 8 months as well thank you very much tactical Scottish um but yeah as I said hopefully back playing this game on Thursday um so yeah thank you guys for watching appreciate your support and uh hope you had a good time I'll see you then right now for team purple um I'm going to go away for I'm going to go away for May
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 331,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, Sniping, Warzone 2, DMZ mode, MW2 DMZ, Warzone DMZ, DMZ Sniper, DMZ Sniping, Dmz gameplay, DMZ livestream, DMZ unlock, Warzone 2 DMZ, DMZ Season 4.5, DMZ new season, DMZ Update, DMZ pvp
Id: wI7jfNjGXOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 36sec (14316 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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