Helldivers 2 with strangers get you moments like this..

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I'm glad I got to spend this time with you even though it was short oh no brother hell divers 2 it's all the rage right now and so it seemed like a good time to exploit the hype and make a video about it my only problem is uh none of my friends actually have the game so instead I just joined random lobbies and and maybe find a new friend what's up boys what's going not too much not too much just hear I heard you guys needed backup than H yeah I hear the call for help I I arrive thanks brother are you got it all right's move I got the terminal the angle is weird here you try it I uh I'm stuck I'm stuck man don't leave me here man your sacrifice won't be forgotten no no no what sacrifice now we're both stuck start tell me what it is we're going to have to start tell me what it is tell to me tell holding I can't see I can't see it I can't see with the Press it's uh down down right up left left I'm glad I got to spend this time with you even though it was short oh no brother overall I mean our performance is pretty good I'd say is that was that you what or is that a cat oh was me oh TR call me [ __ ] um you said it not me for being the first group I joined we actually working well together and flying through the mission Dam right and we only had one thing left to do get to where you could get the people out find where you can uh get I'm I'm working on it right now I'm hacking into the main frame okay good job okay yep down down left left right right down left okay I'm in boys I'm in nope nope there's another firewall I got to get through okay firewall breached boys last last line of defense and we're in uh we did it or you guys did well okay beautiful we finished all the missions and all we had left to do was leave but everyone died except for one guy so it was up to oh no we got the OB active so let's just blame the game mechanics well it's been a pleasure boys I got to get out of here oh see Di a friendly Embrace after I left that crew I had no luck joining anything like no one was talking it was actually kind of depressing what's up boys what's up boysit synchronized what's up boys hey what's up oh I know this game doesn't really rely on having a mic but there's something special about when everyone's just talk and communica and busting each other's balls so that's what I went on the hunt for that that special connection how are you guys doing living the dream working and by working I mean playing El was getting paid for it you're getting paid for it yeah cuz I work from home but I'm not doing any work cuz hold is more important right I respect that actually for democracy remember so you don't have to like get uh any paperwork in or nothing n [ __ ] that [ __ ] me no I've been joining lobby after Lobby this I know how you feel I missed the old 360 days where before parties where everybody would talk [ __ ] in the lobbies right yeah exactly back back when people just say the say the hard RS and say the N word for no reason whatever I guess I guess I don't miss that necessarily but everything else oh yeah obviously that Miss what's your guys's biggest regrets in life oh not buying Bitcoin I mean yeah that mine's uh I wish I was able to tell my grandfather I loved him can you guys feel it what are we feeling that connection we are building I feel like I've known you guys for years everyone back off I'm going to dive and it's going to look badass any second now oh [ __ ] I was too early damn it I missed it oh that's nice oh did we both die from that I think so set off this nuke it's set off let's run run run run run run ready woo everyone get ready to get in the ship get in get in get in go go go go preparing to depart Miss in seconds oh God extraction complete oh my God I died it's been an honor playing with you fellas I youate thank you thank you go enjoy the rest of your day and don't worry about work I'm sure work that you know can wait it was going to be hard to top that last crew so this next one right away I wanted to establish a connection and let them know that I was cool let's get the hell out of this piece of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying [ __ ] this piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] place exactly it's just like a big load of JZ where the hell is that that extract I don't know woo we all did it we all did our fair share yeah know when it was just me and Ryan um it was not going awful terrible right we all did our our things individually and together it worked out I mean honestly I don't see much of a difference between us and like the guys who stormed D-Day many sacrifices were made today obviously I wish I was able to tell my grandfather about what I'm doing I'm sure he'd be proud you guys ever play phasmophobia uh a couple times I was in there playing with some stranger and he told me his exact address and like all the landmarks around his house why did he do that he said he's from New York I'm like oh you're from New York and he's like yeah one two three or he's like 159 Hill Crest Drive there's a pool out back there's a gravel driveway there's an oak tree in the front and uh he's like you you want me to say it again you can write it down Jesus Christ and as I I already had written it down so he didn't have to repeat it I check it every time it updates on Google Maps I'm just curious what's going on over there the host left that game like pretty quickly actually without really saying goodbye but I don't care that doesn't really matter I was on to finding the next one what's up fellow uh Democrats what is it hello we're just about to finish all right well then I joined at the right time that was a close one huh holy [ __ ] that was intense oh my God what the hell is that thing great work everyone we all did our part amazing work husk you were definitely MVP I appreciate someone recognized it the the last guys I with was with they just left um are you guys going to do that too I do have to hop off so I will be leaving okay well that hurts a little bit I got to feed my cat I'm not convinced that guy even has a cat but either way it was time to move on and look for the next crew what's up boys hey guys yo what's up boys what's up Tyrone I kept joining lobby after Lobby for like 20 minutes until I finally found a player that was talking and I saw this [ __ ] in Canada where they were like handing out like uh [ __ ] like cocaine and heroin and [ __ ] the homeless people if you read the Constitution actually doesn't say any you have to pay your taxes it's like this homeless guy standing outside like the Walgreens and I went inside and I gave him like some [ __ ] food that I bought and he was like he asked for some other [ __ ] he was like I don't like it addicts they just [ __ ] they love ice cream dude seen these videos like old people who s the [ __ ] slot machines and just like piss [ __ ] themselves right say keep H keep H that slot man I want you to go onto any any street with a [ __ ] crackhead on it and be like hey you don't have any more money you're not going to swell crack today guess they're going to [ __ ] Save You Hell No F it's great I'm go smoke some okay well have fun with that get out of here you stupid insect I'm so sorry bro it's all right I forgive you just don't make it happen again watch out there's a bug on you oh I'm sorry you you stepped on my uh no it's no problem it was getting late and I was having fun fun but I just kept having this feeling that maybe there was two dudes maybe two Mexican dudes in a lobby waiting for a third so I decided I'd try and join one more yo yo yo yo what's going on boys give me a hug hey man hey yeah what's going on not much uh I'm just waiting a little for my friend here he he's getting something to eat oh that's fine what's he what's he eating uh he is here yeah uh he's heting I think chocolate milk something like that I don't know I think he's preparing that I I don't know yeah right now we are doing stream missions if that's okay for you oh I'm down with whatever I'm just happy to find some people to play with okay this was off to a good start and while we waited for his friend to make that chocolate milk we we did a little bit of small talk uh what's the worst thing you ever spent money on like that you regret uh mod Warfare 3 that would be okay that's easy hey yo what's up hey what's going on has the chocolate milk okay ready yeah Chuy milk delicious I always join randoms that's true I was very used to the Modern Warfare lobbies where everybody was [ __ ] talking and everything and I and now it's like yeah now it's like super silenc and nothing right yeah I mean I kind of missed the [ __ ] talking actually I don't know if you know about this but they are let's say boy sh boy shat band everyone that was saying like the N word on or something like that that was Warfare yeah yeah that was pretty awful yeah damn that's probably like half half of the player base no I mean it's like 90% yeah that's probably 90% of it these guys were much better than me and they were patient and they really helped me learn the game well I accidentally blew myself up re don't worry hey you can take my shield right there take it take it y thank you just run run out of here yeah there is too many of them uh you have here a awesome thank you know how to use it um I'll figure it outad okay when we weren't busy colonizing and slaughtering bugs we actually got some time to get to know one another who are you from the USA I am I am e East Coast how could you tell I don't know was just asking just I really don't catch uh the accents so I need to ask no you're good my accent doesn't even fit East Coast some call a speech impediment I call it an accent I mean you sound pretty normal oh yeah I didn't no I'll take it some people uh say I sound like a functional heroin addict and I don't really know what that means but I get that along what that's what they say a functional heroine addict that's yeah that's what I've heard a few times but you guys don't think so no you sound pretty normal all right I'll take that all you guys both from Mexico yeah yeah yeah I am we are nice with with internet access I I assume there was internet access there cuz we live in a desert yeah no houses just just a PC a man doesn't need anymore than a it's a PC powered by a donkey a donkey around those guys are probably the most wholesome group that I joined all night and and it really reminds me of why I just love joining random lobbies and even though sometimes people won't talk or or they call you a slay and then DM you a satellite image of your house eventually you'll find a group that makes it all worth it and me and these guys actually ended up playing for hours until probably got to hop off after that one no problem it's been a lot of fun thanks for letting me play with you guys and you know good luck without me we' handle it don't worry I believe in you guys and even though we're complete strangers and lived in different countries we're still able to have fun together and it inspired me to go out in the real world and talk to More Strangers So I responded to this guy's post on Craigslist about looking for a friend and I'm excited to meet him tomorrow
Channel: Husk
Views: 173,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zZjyCHd9uzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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