Two Marines Corps Veterans Play Helldiver 2

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yo what's up everybody welcome back to the channel now a lot of y'all might not know this but I used to be in the military mhm it's true your boy Ido used to be in the military and I bet you can never guess what branch I was in uh if you guess the Navy no you're wrong you're kind of close though if you guess the Air Force you're wrong should have went to the Air Force though they they they they get they get better stuff uh but [Music] Army hell no I'm not an army guy I ain't got nothing against Army Personnel we all do our jobs out there but I was never in an army okay I was in the Marines right that's what I was in okay that's me all the way baby even though I only technically went in so I can go to Japan or whatever I really didn't go there to go to combat but unfortunately when you sign up for the Marines you sign up to go to combat I found that out the hard way so I used to be the Marines and a game just came out on Friday that I've played before I played the first one a lot of people have played the first one and if you don't believe I was in the Rings look I got proof you want to see proof here that's me right there yep when I was in Iraq baby that's me I was in the Marines [ __ ] I ain't lying okay I ain't got to steal nobody Baylor okay [ __ ] out of here all right so uh there's a game that came out on Friday I played the game before I played the first one and I'm pretty sure you've seen a lot of people playing it right it's called hell divers but this is part two hurah devil dog hurah okay that's that's what we about to get into we about to get into some freaking hell divers 2 this is probably the most Moto you've ever going to see me be cuz I am not Moto at all with that being said everybody do me a big favor and hit the like button also subscribe to the channel and we're going to get into some [ __ ] hell divers let's do this [ __ ] about to shoot some [ __ ] bugs you know this kind of remind me of Starship Troopers I I'm not going to lie this is exactly what it reminds me of English us why they got this old ass Text to Talk voice up here give me a real chick man what the [ __ ] all right all right here we go hell divers 2 press any button oh how about the game uh uh you know what I don't mind they're going to steal my dad anyway I'm not going to be able to get over that I don't mind they're going to be subtitle size okay this is getting annoying fix chat only turn that [ __ ] off oh by the way my homie my old military buddy my best friend Shirley is going to be joining in a second too going to uh play this game together super Earth that's [ __ ] hilarious super earth that is such an American thing right there it sounds like America just took over Earth and was like you know what we going to name this [ __ ] super Earth it's not earth no more it's super Earth what is this man super Earth our home Prosperity super hi there democracy really our way of life oh hello but Freedom doesn't come free what sweet Liberty what is this oh my God you got to be kidding me bro are happening all over the Galaxy right now you could be next that is is unless you make the most important decision of your life prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free I'm laughing but this is exactly how the Marines got me become part of an Elite Force see exotic new life forms and spread managed democracy throughout the Galaxy become a hero become a legend become a hell diver I feel like if the military more made more commercials like that they would probably get more people to join even though that was so [ __ ] cheesy it was still badass all right let's see what this game's about obviously I'm I'm shooting cockroaches let's go stomping bugs hate them damn things every kid dream I know right like that let's shoot all these cockroaches let's get it good luck out there I'll see you on the front lines okay you're on your own from here recruit you your have to find your way to the training facility okay let's see all right tap the view map okay cool that's where I'm at so I need to go over there okay that let's see do we have a oh we do have a dive okay oh I'm going to have some fun with that okay okaycome instruct you up hell training all right so we're going over here I'm General frash Super's oldest and most grizzled war hero and I'm not easy to impress hell D training is the toughest test in the Galaxy but I can tell that doesn't scare you impressive now enough jet jab the upcoming obstacles will take everything your exceptional physique can muster this is it the real deal get to it Soldier bro you don't know who I am cuz I'm the Legendary Marine [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you talking about why' me do this why me do this hold on let's go n d y crawl through this yeah yeah let's see what what what else we got over here look at this this ain't no obstacle course what y'all call it okay where we going oh wait oh there we go ah ah my years I've never witnessed such acrobatic Perfection that's because I'm a G cuz you're ready for our highly realistic Battlefield simulator okay that's right the real deal see tap to go prone okay going prone here what's going on oh yeah yeah you thought you thought so like I always say the best simulation is a real simulation Now activate the battlefield injury Simulator the battlefield injury simulator what the [ __ ] is that what is this oh my throat oh oh no my throat my throat holy [ __ ] grab that St and pat yourself up oh bro what the [ __ ] yo that's kind of [ __ ] up man hold on give me that all right wait hold on let pass myself up before I bleed out here all right there good is News man [ __ ] you Shar you're about to encounter democracy swor enemy recruit oh really give me a piece man there it is the terminate the scorge of Liberty arm yourself and show that bug the true meaning of freedom I want to but you want Tag's empty what the hell oh you got a physically reload oh let's go now use a grenade to close up that bug hole otherwise they'll just keep coming ah okay hold on hold on are you a grenades thank you okay yeah okay what a catapult okay on to the next section okay okay what's over here up in the sky recruit that there is a Super Destroyer and its all powerful strategems are yours to command use a strateg now to take care of those fcks just make sure you take a few steps back yeah holy [ __ ] okay all right I see eat that nope damn ah the will of democracy good work get that one bye-bye yo that that's bad that's badass I like that okay that mean they're all dead though there ain't nobody else over here yeah we good over here okay so you hold this down to activate that then you switch the weapons over here that cool can you switch and shoot oh you can you can okay okay hold oners fight in squads it's your new squadmate greetings fellow hell diver What a fine s your brother at Arms a battle forged bond that could never be replaced until now what the [ __ ] your real lesson Soldier squadmates can and will perish tragically all the time now use the reinforcement strategy to have another hell diver take their place really wait what's that oh reinforcement strategy okay so these strategen are going to be very important you got to hold it down okay I remember from the first one you do not want to stand on these things they can kill you fellow well done Soldier it takes uncommon resolve to move past the death of your ally with so little pause hold yourself up recruit this is the re it's just you the gun in your hands and 2,000 megatons of explosives in close orbit that's it okay let's do this piece of advice moving around makes it hard to aim for aist accuracy stay still while you shoot I'm I'm going to like this come on out oh no get back in there hey let's let's go dog let's go there oh my God ah H stupid bugs oh wait hold on in theempty uhoh okay hold on I got to I got to pug this hole get in there oh my God about Li feels good okay I got to get used to throwing last reload okay oh she tells you last reload okay okay hold on do I got ammo over here caution what oh what's this hold up recruit it's finally time to call in the big guns use the support weapon strategy to get your sh a real weapon okay what is this machine gun inbound all right that's the stuff now use a resupply strategy to get yourself some more ammo oh resupply okay oh so I'm going to have to oh this is going to be a little complicated man I'm going to get used to this okay load up Soldier because play time's over you've reached your final test this is the real deal okay to it I get any more ammo how do you switch back to this oh got to hold it down okay all right this is a real test this area is in dire need of Liberation from the terminate Scourge activate that terminal okay I've never seen such Flawless terminal activation now somewhere around here is the flag of super Earth find it and plant it where all can see its Democratic Glory right here I guess okay make sure you show it the proper respect oh you got to drop it in the right spot are you serious okay oh you got to hold to salute the flag really I gotta do all this man uh hold on ah ah ah ah uh-uh uh uh back up back up yeah get get the [ __ ] out of here you're ready to turn your cape oh I get a cape let's go see see bro man the Marines they never gave us a [ __ ] Cape probably because it would get in the [ __ ] way but still I would like a cape at the ceremonies man like whenever we went to the ceremonies and we got our Awards and [ __ ] or we ranked up it would be pretty badass for you guys to give us a badass Kate I'm just saying that would that a Kate might make more people join okay now there's a hell diver what the [ __ ] you remind me of a younger me fearless and vulnerable and 7t Tall this is so this is so over the top but it's F hey it feels good though I I'll give it that okay you're finally ready for the realest deal of them all the galactic War Liberty democracy Justice they're in your hands now General brush over and out a sir [Music] they even got the they even got the Starship Trooper intro bro this is a Starship Trooper if I ever SE one without calling it Starship Troopers all right cool all right I'm halfway Frozen but I'm here I guess I can't change my character I don't well I guess it don't matter okay all right now what did she want yeah okay first mission all right I got to go over here and get my first mission on completing training hell di you're in charge of this vessel now the Democracy officer awaits you on the bridge welcome to the galactic War all right cool what is this oh I can't do this yet okay uh let me look around here real quick is there anything to this place it looks like you might be able to expand a little bit or something B diver what what do you want I was a kid I always love doll Heroes Eve the adults would all dress up as bugs and ring our doorbells and we'd have to fire three shots in the air and say no fascism here insects at the end of the night they'd reenact the Battle of Liberty Peak and we'd all get Kake yeah it was a bunch of [ __ ] wasn't it I fail for it too what's this over here Armory oh sh oh Armory you can get a overview okay oh okay so this is like my basic stuff there's my armor can I oh okay so this is just a Bas armor helmet uh I guess I can change it okay you get your cape so I guess you unlock different stuff as you go along huh see character body type oh here we go so I can ah lean democracy for all ah here we go Li I guess I I guess I'll go with that and it could have included a black voice in here I I guess it don't really matter just I find little [ __ ] to [ __ ] about you know what casual salute ah I swear I used to hey having salute in the morning to Colors man hey most people in the Marines or whatever Branch we say he having to do that [ __ ] every morning we just run inside the buildings like I'll go hi just so I don't have to do that [ __ ] I even wouldn't come out my room sometimes if I knew it about to play [ __ ] gets annoying all right change of plans I I don't know where Shirley is so I'll be going at this alone for a little bit oh wait wait what is this ah orbital Precision strike okay let me take this got it launch initi okay this got to be interesting okay hey that's kind of crazy looking though hey hey that [ __ ] is kind of crazy looking though oh here we go all right okay so first thing first ah let's see we got a we got rail gun but I'm going use a machine gun though get over there send support say let's get some let's resupply as well okayo come on here we go oh that's cool they came from there all right let's get some ammo he grab this ammo real quick what oh you here oh back up back up bug okay that it oh mag's empty oh okay o got to be careful I think he's okay that one's dead all right [ __ ] y'all coming from what is that okay Don't Go Near that oh okay oh just slowed me down oh it freezes you oh okay M your where they at there they go hey mhm mag's empty reload that real quick yep mag ow a back up how you no okay what is this okay see anything here hey this is actually pretty fun I might be playing this a lot my God there's so many good games coming out right now bro power world this game it's out of control bro did we got Dragon's Dogma coming out next holy [ __ ] I can just keep o oh let's go let's [ __ ] go I got a real gun bro if I had to come back and get this machine gun I will though okay here we go oh let's see uh let's go back back over here it says I got to extract right okay I can run out of stamina where's my stamina gauge at oh you got to be careful with your stamina okay all right what the [ __ ] oh my God all right there we goest okay shuttle in Bound I don't know where you're coming from oh there they are oh god let's go oh only get one shot though probably should have kept the machine gun there you go there you go there you go Max EMP oh no what the hell what the [ __ ] this broest appr reinfor on the man get the hell up out of here man democracy man yo there wasn't nothing over yo get the [ __ ] out of here man hold on let [ __ ] St up [ __ ] [ __ ] ah back up say hello to democracy man yo he hit a barrel and killed me get the [ __ ] out of here Z get him yeah there he we go let's go oh they they lighting people ass up I'm out [ __ ] extraction complete one beginning as let's go yo hey that was some more [ __ ] bro I didn't even know an explosive Barrel was over there I was like yo what the [ __ ] oh there's Mission time 79% I wasn't even looking at that oh what what did I just get okay okay we got XP for that I got some other stuff too I don't know what it means and I leveled up okay okay okay ah man if this ain't the most marine like game I've ever seen I don't know what is bro all right who R devil dog you look pretty badass man you just got all that [ __ ] where'd you get all of this pre-order ah you pre-ordering [ __ ] let me check your [ __ ] like like there should be other there's other [ __ ] let see super credits got to love those transactions baby why you want to draw closer like try to get close to this [ __ ] hey drop wherever you want to drop bro just don't drop us in no [ __ ] up [ __ ] ini yo it was [ __ ] up doing that tutorial man when they stabbed me in the throat with that needle or in the chest I was like damn bro that's [ __ ] up yeah okay okay it is it is picking you up me oh my God damn it what the hell yeah I didn't not wow wow bro Jesus Christ you pic why did you pick this why did you pick this area everything else this was like the least infested area okay okay we gotta get rid of some of this [ __ ] hold on oh my God there's a big a bug down there thanks a lot Shirley okay oh hold let's get some machine guns out here buddy requesting Advanced Weaponry oh what the [ __ ] hey shut the [ __ ] down okay you m ah [ __ ] oh there's a big one big boy Freedom Forever Jes Jesus Christ bro okay go down here get this this [ __ ] all right all right we got to find out where this [ __ ] um hole is bro I didn't have a second to respond as soon as I came out it was just there yeah like same I was like I just got my [ __ ] ah [ __ ] gross all right give me this that's what happened they're gross where at oh there's a couple right here is this it yeah okay about a nice cup of Li oh okay oh those are the worst I hate those those are the worst back up back up protect me Charley protect me I'm reloading up oh last reload a [ __ ] oh get out of here nice you saw the [ __ ] right I was like yeah yeah what you thought you was going to get me hold on let's close these [ __ ] holes up let's see resupply still on cool down okay never mind make sure you don't make sure your your magazine is completely empty oh oh watch out my bad okay [ __ ] get away from me oh you di yeah he got me with that big ass op acid moment you [ __ ] okay there we go okay yeah I like how they had this this [ __ ] show up last [ __ ] second woo after we killed everything who hey reinforce okay let's get this okay hold on what's a liberator that's just a regular [ __ ] okay hey um calling down Supply let's see oh I need to call you back down yeah ah my bad hold on we going over here yeah it's over here yeah like right right there there a lot over here too no it's probably just crashed airplane nope there's a lot let see we got people coming behind us too or not people but bugs uh-oh behind oh oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] hit me the dude shooting acid oh God God God damn it oh my God that [ __ ] [ __ ] like a one hit kill where are you at you dead I'm dead he hit me with that [ __ ] don't get hit with that [ __ ] A there's so many what the [ __ ] is that oh oh they're coming up oh my God hold on there's some like there's like some weird [ __ ] that weird [ __ ] in environment reinforcing oh this is oh this is objective or the secondary objective oh my God they're come let's see hold on hold on hold on got to get these big mother requesting oral strike watch out okay there we go there we go you got to start up the um let's reload oh up that little terminal oh oh I'm dead oh no I'm still alive bro bro watch out for this little dude back here P the big guns oh God reload reload reload reload reload reload reload reload Rel he's got to kill okay okay okay hold on let me start this oh there's a big guy coming hey [ __ ] there's a big guy coming big guy coming yeah oh package required help help I don't know I'm supposed to doing this wait wait wait oh my God [ __ ] die you son of a [ __ ] okay there we go oh there's little ones oh my God stop with the acid oh don't run don't run meigas so we got where that terminal at uh it's over there there a there's a mini nuke yeah it's like you got to take it take it to the um the uh gun over there okay okay I got you what you got to do with this what you aiming at no no I'm trying to get the signal oh back up bugs there we go there you go oh tunnel oh [ __ ] the one oh my God I'm hurt [ __ ] shoot the ass [Music] yeah oh my God he is after my rear end okay hey hey behind us Jesus Christ hey you got a Grenade throw one you there we go oh behind you oh [ __ ] oh these [ __ ] bugs bro they super aggressive ma empty new mag okay mag empty for super for democracy spreading that [ __ ] everywhere let's go this how we this this way we got to run into some over here I already know it what's that oh you had the salute I'm guessing no you can you just hold uh the left left left what when there's a flag a d-pad oh they ain't doing come on they talk you that in training hey man shut the [ __ ] up bro I it's not ex it's not it wasn't exactly it wasn't exactly the most important thing to me you know ah this is what best friends should do we should run around space yeah I was going and kill bugs together yeah glorify Pest Control hey for super I need I need to get Amber on this [ __ ] I don't know if Amber would play this though yeah this shit's pretty hard if you playing by yourself yeah even just with two people I'm just like bro this kind of crazy we might need like four I want to watch out for that I don't know that going blow up like some [ __ ] up titties where where oh right there H let's let's test yep they explode you on to look out for bugs hold on I hear them I wonder if does this matter they prob doesn't but it probably does who know it it might [ __ ] on where they at I hear him over to the right I hear some to the left as well we got yeah there there's yeah there's a few man maybe we should hey yeah there's some over there let's go let's just go this way try to be sneaky oh they over there tearing [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] maybe it does matter okay there's something right here at this hole there something like right here yeah I see him over there turn up that oh [ __ ] okay okay oh oh wait wait wait wait wait there's one up there where we going dude are they moving in on us oh there's another big guy up here dude there's a few oh bro they coming in they're coming in behind behind us Yep they're coming in let's go hey let's get up out of here or you want to go that way oh that'll do all right yeah fun fun officially over hold on hold on call in an orbital strike orbital strike incoming let's do that instead all right oh I thought I would get the other guy too last reload oh oh no no no no got to stop reloading yeah yeah you got to switch to your other weapon broed P bre oh tagging location West okay oh there's someone beside hey there's someone over here behind you oh there's somebody behind me too oh [ __ ] oh oh my God reload oh my God you good kind of damn you having problems over there huh no it's like a lot of [ __ ] you got it dude it's it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] funny how you got to type in the codes [Music] bro man oh I got to manually raise those oh [ __ ] okay hold on do that again go raise these why would you do that man why would you want to do that menu exactly no hey y'all deserve to lose the war all right let me get up out of here before I die I don't know what's going to happen over here and I don't want it to flip up and crush me oh we got a couple of jumpers okay get this big guy out the way hey he's a big guy walking up here I don't know what he does looks how okay damn he's still not dead he didn't have he don't have a head now some of them still be moving oh I got use a terminal cover me I'm trying how'd you like the taste of Freedom oh [ __ ] are you still alive yeah I'm right behind you no not you I swear I see a guy over here oh yep they down there okay woo reload reload this big gun real quick see I got another mag how many do I have in here oh they don't go oh they don't do Clips the normal way okay hey I'm going to call down a resupply watch out democracy has been well delivered may your extraction be okay all right hold on hold on watch out watch out this watch out watch out watch out don't let that thing land on you yeah I know I know I know I know I know how it works so I have bad hey I have PTSD from the last last one bro well God damn okay now uh now we got to go extract where oh behind hey hey oh oh behind you I was over here trying to Mark the map where's he at where's it at where's it at oh it's over that way oh God oh God Charley hey hey hey hey hey hey don't die bro get up we hey go this way go this way I'm watching behind us dude there's a lot there's a lot yeah we got to take care of some of them cuz uh it takes 2 minutes to M be call in oral hey let's go let's go let's go let's go over strike hey always Target them jump one first available right beside you DAV yeah reload oh that's a big guy oh [ __ ] oh my God that's a cliff hey hey shot I can't get to you new how the [ __ ] are you still alive I'm coming I'm coming just stay alive get the [ __ ] out of here Jesus Christ boy they hey they big on the action I like this [ __ ] hey yeah hey [ __ ] out of here okay all right hold on hold on more little guys oh hey orbital strike on the side of us too Ma reload why do yall keep sp sp these [ __ ] behind there's a lot of us oh oh hey oh God we're about to get [ __ ] up bro I know Ma oh my God bro help me help me please oh my God oh my God leave me alone oh my God I got to keep reloading okay we got to call down a resupply buddy throwing Supply Beacon hold on I'll try to hold them off with my my little gun oh [ __ ] [Applause] I oh my god oh oh my god oh [ __ ] is it oh man oh my God I'm screwed I'm screwed no you're not we got we got reinforcements oh my God there's so many I don't know where the [ __ ] get oh there's ammo and stuff over here though hopefully what is this oh God jump over the fence jump over the fence Charli jump on the face oh my God there's so oh my God there's so many reload oh [ __ ] I can't go that way bro I think it's so [ __ ] they just need to do damage you can't [ __ ] move oh my God start making your way back to the [ __ ] and there's a gold thing over there to your left too reinforcing Charlie I'm trying to help you I'm trying to help you back here but I use water where's it at we going over here resupplies over here oh back up hey resupplies over here yeah oh I'm done for God damn Charley it's them jumping ones get back into the extraction area bro yeah better better set got 42 more seconds woo woo woo come on oh my God okay bro bro some BR get back you're too far you got to go back I'm trying to get back no you're not you got 14 seconds you're going to have to do it all over again Jesus Christ thank you thank you reinfor oh my God the big guy's right over there bro bro let's get out of here get out of here oh my God oh my God that was just one Mission holy [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BushidoXBrown根気Gaming
Views: 283,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Games, Gamer, Games, New Games, Beat Em Up, Playstation, PS5, action games, black youtuber, black gamer, Gaming, Gameplay, LetsPlay, VideoGames, GamingCommunity, GameReview, GamingChannel, PCGaming, ConsoleGaming, IndieGames, GameStreamer, OnlineGaming, Multiplayer, FirstPersonShooter, StrategyGames, SimulationGames, GamingPC, GameWalkthrough, GameHighlights, Two Marines Corps Veterans Play Helldiver 2, Helldivers 2, helldivers
Id: wJgPkGMmF7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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